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Alumni Alumnae Materials: Carter, Maurice P., Wildhack, William, Smith, Robert R., Bany, John, and Assorted Material, 1800

 Sub-Group — Box: 1; Alumni/Alumni Affairs/Development: Maurice P. Carter Memorabilia; William Wildhack Collection; Robert R. Smith Collection; John Bany Collection Alumni Individuals Assorted Alumni Materials; 1926-2018; Box 1 [4A-L-3C];


Alumni/Alumni Affairs Development: Carter, Maurice P., Wildhack, William, Smith, Robert R., Bany, John, and Assorted Material. (Pha); Memorabilia; 1926-2018; Box 1 [4A-L-3C]

Material: Maurice Pka Carter 1. Miami University Red College Sweater 2. Obituary 3. Picture of Maurice Pka Carter and handwritten from Louise Carter Etzel Note from Cindy Osborne to Jacky Johnson

William Wildhack 1. Letter from Elizabeth Wildhack to Kim Tavares 2. Letter for President John Millett about student health services (1955) 3. Parent's Convocation Program (1953) 4. Letter from James E. Dull, Head Resident, Freshmen advisor to father of William Wildhack (1954) 5. Notice to all Miami Students, increases in student fee charges (1953) 6. Invitation to Mid-Year Commencement Exercises (1956) 7. Letter from Melba Herr and Gracia Harvey, Mother's Day Weekend 8. Grade report and letter from John D. Millett about grades (1956) 9. Booklets, Delta Gamma Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha Annual Dream Girl Formal (1954) 10. Postcard: John Cleves Symmes (1954) 11. ODK Activity card Delta Gamma and Delta Tau Delta; Interfraternity Ball Card (1954) 12. Mothers Day Program Card (1954) 13. 1953 Schedule Freshman Camp Schedule and Athletic Schedule for all Counselors 14. The men of Cleves Symmes Hall present their annual Christmas Formal, Noel Nocturne (1953) 15. The men of Cleves Symmes Hall present their annual Christmas Formal (1954) 16. Booklet, the Interfraternity Council of Miami University proudly presents its annual interfraternity Ball Trojan Fantasy (1954) 17. Booklet EK and TKA Droodle Book 18. Program, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity present the annual Interfraternity Sing (1955) 19. YWCA Freshman camp song sheet 20. Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity revised pledge training program of Delta Gamma Chapter (1954) 21. The Miami Student Fraternity Supplement (1954) 22. Program sound off a Red Cap Revue presented by the class of 1954 (1955) 23. Mother's Day Program (1955) 24. John Cleves Symmes Hall Annual Christmas Dinner (1954) 25. Photograph, Martha Waines, Miami University Commencement (1957) 26. Photograph, Leon Larson (1957) 27. Photograph, Pike House 28. Photograph, Leon Larson and his mother (1957) 29. Souvenir Dance Program Ray Anthony and his Chesterfield Orchestra 30. The Miami University Artists Series presents the Cincinnatti Symphony Orchestra (1955) 31. Program, Fort Ancient Earthworks 32. Program, Class of 1958 Presents the Lively Arts a Red Cap Revue (1954) 33. The Methodist Church, Oxford, Ohio (1953) 34. The Methodist Church, Oxford, Ohio (1955) 35. Freshman camp worship service 36. Miami University Bulletin the Campus Story Told in Pictures (1952) 37. Miami University Bulletin (1953) 38. Miami University Campus Map 39. Miami Alumnus (1953)

Robert R. Smith Collection 1. Newspaper, The Freshmen Seek S-FC Vote (1947) 2. Newsletter, Kappa Quotes (1949) 3. Newspaper clipping, Robert, R. Smith Follows Brother as Miami Editor (1948) 4. Church Program, The Methodist Church (1949) 5. Invitation, Miami University Commencement (1949) 6. Commencement Week Program (1950) 7. Schedule Program, May Day Program Presented by Freshmen Women of Miami University (1950) 8. Cornerstone Ceremony Program, The Addition to the Alpha Chapter House of Beta Theta Pi (1950) 9. Envelope and Letterhead, Recensio Forty Niner, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 10. Newspaper clipping, "Board Lists New Editors of Recensio" 11. Newspaper clipping, "Recensio to Use Student Appeal Next Year" 12. Banknotes

John Bany 1. Handwritten letter addressed to Dear Fellow Miamian (2018) 2. John Bany, Biography 3. Handwritten score of Loev and Honor by John Bany (2013) 4. Article, "Chicago Style Bass" by Clarence Petersen, International Soceity of Bassists, Vol XIII No 2 (197) 5. 2 photographs of John Bany 6. Copy of Chicago Jazz Magazine Summer Jazz Camp Guide, "John Bany Chicago's Jam Session", 2010 Issue 7. Compact Disc, John Bany Originals (2015)

Assorted Material 1. Newsletter, Alpha Phi-Nal (1969) 2. Book of Poetry, 12, at Miami University, by James Reiss (1969) 3. Course Schedule Booklet, the University Requirement at Miami University (1971-1972) 4. Newsletter, Sewer Humor, Plague Magazine, Volume 2, Issue 2 5. Newspaper, The Student Mobilizer, published by Student Mobilization Committee (1971) 6. Newspaper, High Street, Volume One, Number Two (1971) 7. Tee Shirt, Liberate Oxford (1973) 8. Tee Shirt, Strike


  • 1800


Conditions Governing Access

Materials do not circulate and are made available to users in the Miami University Archives.

Conditions Governing Use

Materials do not circulate and may only be used in the archives.

Biographical / Historical

Maurice Pha Carter Date of Birth: April 14, 1926

He attended Miami University in the 1940's and majored in business only to work for NCR for years. Miami was close to hier hometown of Hamilton, Ohio.


1 Boxes

Language of Materials
