Smyers, Helen, 1940-1942, 1994
Alumni/Alumni Affairs/Development; Smyers, Helen; Miscellaneous Memorabilia; 1940-1942, 1994; Box 1 [4A-J-2A] Contents: 1. Pamphlet, Miami University Directory, 1940-1941 2. Pamphlet, Miami University’s Schedule of classes, 1940-1941 3. Pamphlet for the Pan-Hellenic Dance, The Pan-Hellenic Association of Miami University, October 26 1940 4. Pamphlet for the Association of Miami Independent’s Annual fall Dance, November 30 1940 5. Book, “The Recensio for 1941,” The Junior Class of Miami University, 1941 (Refer to Green Book in Box) 6. Pamphlet, Miami University Directory, 1941-1942 7. Pamphlet for the ‘Scriptease Ball, March 1 1941 8. Pamphlet for the Miami Chapter of Delta Chi Fraternity’s Pledge Dance, March 8 1941 9. Pamphlet for Miami University’s Interfraternity Ball, Withrow Court, March 15 1941 10. Pamphlet for the Class of 1941’s Senior Ball, Withrow Court, Miami University, April 25 1941 11. Pamphlet for Kappa Kappa Gamma’s Spring Dance, Miami University, April 26 1941 12. Article Giving a Student Counseling Service Summary for Helen Smyers, April 29 1941 13. Pamphlet, Pan-Hellenic Association of Miami University Handbook, May 1941 14. Newspaper Article, Miami University’s Schedule of Classes 1941-1942, The Miami Student, May 13 1941 15. Pamphlet for Delta Beta of Delta Delta Delta’s Spring Formal, May 17 1941 16. Pamphlet for the Miami chapter of Delta Chi’s Spring Formal, McGuffey Auditorium, May 17 1941 17. Pamphlet for the Pan-Hellenic Dance, The Pan-Hellenic Association of Miami University, November 1 1941 18. Pamphlet for the Miami Chapter of Delta Upsilon’s SpookSpree, November 8 1941 19. Pamphlet for Miami University’s Sophomore Hop, Withrow Court, December 5 1941 20. Pamphlet for the Miami Chapter of Delta Upsilon’s Winter formal, December 13 1941 21. Book, “The Recensio 1942,” Miami University, 1942 (Refer to Brown Book in Box) 22. Pamphlet for the United States Military Academy’s Christmas Hops, Cadet Hops, West Pint, New York, 1942-1943 23. Pamphlet for the Class of 1943’s Junior Prom, Withrow court, Miami University, February 20 1942 24. Pamphlet for Delta Chi’s Subway Dance, “Pledge Struggle,” “Ride the Pledge,” March 7 1942 25. Pamphlet for Kappa Kappa Gamma’s “All Out for Defense” Spring Dance, Brant Room, Oxford College, April 25 1942 26. Pamphlet for the Miami Chapter of Delta Upsilon’s Spring Formal, May 16 1942 27. Magazine, “Oxford and Miami U. During World War II 1940-1946, A Remembrance,” by Robert E. White, Jr., The Smith Library of Regional history, 1994 28. Magazine, Miamian, Reunion News, Alumni Weekend, Summer 1994 29. Article Giving Helen Smyers Spencer the Recognition of Distinguished Graduate Class of 1944 from Miami University, June 9 1994 30. Magazine, Miami University Class of 1944 Golden Anniversary Reunion Book, Alumni Weekend, June 9 1994-June 12 1994 31. Letter to Miami University’s Archive Department Detailing Where these Items Came From, January 29 2018 32. Article Showing a Song Telling Miami Women to Do Their War Duties, No Date 33. Drawings Portraying “Handlebar Hank,” Miami University, No Date 34. Miami University “M,” No Date 35. Miami University “M,” No Date 36. Miami University Pennant with “CWEN” Cloth Strip and Miami Pin, No Date 37. Postcard of Miami University’s Hepburn Hall, Graphic Arts Photo Service, Hamilton, Ohio, No Date
- 1940-1942, 1994
- Smyers, Helen, 1922-2017 (Person)
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