Freedom Summer
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; Berea College; Volunteers; Sponsors; Miscellaneous Information, 1964-; Box 1
Box 1
Folder 1: Berea College and the training of the civil rights workers. (one report)
Berea College in Kentucky was originally to host the training of the civil rights workers. We have asked Steve Gowler, Archivist of Berea's Special Collections, to help us understand why the college opted not to allow the use of its campus. In this folder, Mr. Gowler gives us answers from various sources in his collection. (two pages)
Photograph from 1964 students on lawn of Western College during training
Folder 2: Western prepares for the volunteers: May 5, 1964 - June 5, 1964
May 5, 1964 - Memo from President Young to Mr. Keebler concerning a special student conference in June on the Western Campus
May 7, 1964 - Memo from President Herrick Young asking three faculty members to meet with him and Mr. Bruce Young concerning the June 15-30 student conference at Western
May 11, 1964 - Memo from President Young concerning the vacating of a room for all available space was needed for the conference
May 13, 1964 - Memo from President Young stating the conference will now possibly be June 11-29
May 25, 1964 - Memo from President Young confirming the June conference schedule: June 12, 27
June 5, 1964 - President Young's letter to Bruce Hanson asking for more information on the coming conference
Folder 3: Western after the conference: June 26, 1964-July 22, 1964
Photograph of John Doar and volunteer
Thoughts on Civil Rights Orientation (6 copies)
Western Alumnae Bulletin, Alumnae News, Summer 1964 "Thoughts on Civil Rights Orientation"
June 26, 1964 - Letter to Rev. Bruce Hanson from President Young concerning the conference. It includes the damage done to rugs and furniture and replacing missing couch cushions.
Letter to Frank from Herrick B. Young, undated
July 22, 1964 - Phillip F. Myers, Assistant to the President, replies in President Young's absence to an undated letter in the file thanking Western for helping host the conference
Folder 4: Volunteers and Sponsors (partial list)
List (Three pages)
Folder 5: Mississippi Freedom Summer Project - photos (14 copies)
11 pages of copies of photographs taken by George R. Hoxie
Folder 6: Miscellaneous information
Western College Alumnae Association Note from Jean Perry Archivist on Box Contents
Letter to Earl Carter from Jean Perry, November 16, 1987
Freedom Summer 1964, High Street Journal, December 2, 1999
Oxford to Honor 1964 civil-rights martyrs, The Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, June 20, 1994
Copy of E-mail to [email protected], from [email protected], Subject: Books, Tuesday, August 30, 1994; Copy of E-mail to Judy Waldron from Carol M. Hunter, Subject: RE: Freedom Summer Project, Tuesday, October 1, 1996
Western College Alumnae Association Note from Jean Perry Archivist on Elliott Gorn, September 2, 1987
Copy of Mississippi Project sold to Michele Stenehjen, May 1, 1987
Folder 7: Miscellaneous information
Copy of The Stranger is the Enemy, The Washington Post, Sunday, August 16, 1964
Civil Rights Demonstration Orientation Program Being Held at Western College in Nearby Oxford, Journal and Daily News, Tuesday, June 16, 1964
Volunteers are Lauded, Warned,Article
Photograph from Freedom Summer Article (copy)
What wrong with Cities? The Washington Post, Sunday, August 16, 1964
Two Oxfords,The Oxford Press, June 25, 1964
Folder 8: Alumnae correspondence (reaction to the use of the college from the Freedom Summer training)
Letter to Alumnae secretary
Letter to Berenice, October 8 (two copies)
Letter to Mrs. from Mary Louise Charles, July 31, 1964
Thank you note (two copies)
Letter to Madam June 22, 1964 (two copies)
July 2, 1964 Letter from Herrick B. Young
Letter to Mrs. Binder from Mrs. Berenice Stegall, July 7, 1964
Letter to Dr. Young, September 18 (two copies)
Letter to Mrs. Stegall, June 21, 1964
Letter to Mrs. Nichols from Mrs. Berenice Stegall, July 10, 1964 (two copies)
July 14, 1964 Letter (two copies)
Letter to Margaret, June 27, 1964 (two copies)
Letter from Herrick B. Young, July 1, 1964
Letter from Mrs. Berenice Stegall, July 7, 1964
Letter to Alumnae Office
Western College Inter-office communication to Alumnae Office from Phyllis Hoyt, June 29, 64
June 24, 1964 Letter (two copies)
Letter to Berenice, June 30, 1964
Into Jaws of Hate and Fear Ride 200 article (two copies)
Letter to Berenice, June 25, 1964
Letter to Whom it may concern, June 30, 1964 (Two pages)
Letter to Mrs. from Herrick B. Young, July 2, 1964
Letter to Mrs. from Berenice Stegall, July 8, 1964
Letter to Mrs. from Herrick B. Young, July 2, 1964
Folder 9: Alumnae correspondence (reaction to the use of the college from the Freedom Summer training)
Sending Troops Into Mississippi Solves Nothing
Repeat of Reconstruction: As a Minimum of Prudence
Letter from Alumnae Development Committee, June 25 (two copies P.S. July 1, 1964 from Berenice Stegall
Letter to Gentlemen to Western College Alumnae Development Fund (two copies)
Letter to Alumnae Office, June 29, 1964 (two copies)
Letter to Murl, Berenice, and Mary Louise (two copies)
7/6/64 Letter (two copies)
Page Two of Letter from Mary Louise Charles
August 21, 1964 Letter from Mrs. Berenice Stegall (two copies)
Letter undated
July 15, 1964 letter to Mrs. Stegall (two copies)
Letter to President Young (two copies)
Letter to Alumnae Office, June 29, 1964 (two copies)
Letter from Herrick B. Young, July 2, 1964 (two copies)
Letter from Berenice Stegall, July 2, 1964 (two copies)
June 29, 1964 Letter (two copies)
Letter to Miss Hoyt, July 29,1964 (two copies)
June 24, 1964 Letter
Letter to Western College Alumnae Development Fund, July 4, 1964
Letter to Berenice, June 25, 1964 (two copies)
Letter to Berenice
Letter from Berenice Stegall, October 8, 1964
Letter to Western College Bulletin, August 23, 1964 (two copies)
Letter to Mrs. Berenice Stegall, September 2, 1964
Letter to Alumnae Office, June 29, 1964
Folder 10: Fall, 1964, Western Trustees' opinion on the use of the Western campus in the future training of the civil rights workers (copied from the Minutes of the Board of Trustees, Fall 1964)
Statement on the Civil Rights Conference, from the Minutes of the Board of Trustees, Fall 1964
Folder 11: "Mississippi Burning" Trial (U.S. vs. Price et al.), 1967
Biographies of Key Participants in the Mississippi Burning Trial Web page
Judge William Harold Cox Biography
Delmar Dennis Biography
James Jordan Biography
John Proctor Biography
Joseph Sullivan Biography
John Michael Doar Biography
Sam Bowers Biography
Edgar Ray Killen Biography
Wayne Roberts Biography
Sheriff Lawrence Raine Biography
Cecil Price Biography
Michael Schwerner Biography
Andrew Goodman Biography
James Chaney Biography
Folder 12: Mississippi Burning" Trial (U.S. vs. Price et al.), 1967
U.S. vs. Cecil Price et. Al Photograph
Chronology of the trial
The Verdict
"A Trial Account" by Douglas O. Linder
"Bending Toward Justice: John Doar and the Mississippi Burning Trial" by Douglas O. Linder
Folder 13: Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Commemoration, 1989
Gregory to speak at Miami, Columbus Call and Post, March 30, 1989
Article on Dick Gregory, Press Intelligence, Inc. April 1, 1989
Gregory asserts need for change, Pottsville Republican, Pottsville, PA, April 1,People, Jefferson City,MO Post-Tribune, April 2, 1989
Get up, stand up, stand up for your right, April 3, 1989
Gregory Stresses Courage of Mississippi Project The Oxford Press, April 6, 1989
Mississippi Summer vets to reunite in Oxford, The Cincinnati Enquirer, date unknown
Miami should embrace its Freedom Summer heritage, Journal-News, Sunday, November 29, 1998
Folder 14: Articles
Separation Sheet from The Smith Library, Oxford, Ohio, April 19, 1990
Black history at Miami University had key role in movements, The Miami Student, Friday, February 16, 1996
"State Law On Black Schooling..." by Bob White
"Summer of 1964; Rights activists recall Mississippi" by Janette Rodrigues, Dayton Daily News
"FBI used mob to solve Mississippi murders" by Tom Robbins and Jerry Capeci, New York Daily News
"Many voices join to honor '64 struggle" by Hope Smith, Cincinnati Enquirer
"Souther Town Struggles With a Violent legacy" by Andrew Jacobs, New York Times
"80 march, commemorating 3 Rights Murders of '64" By UPI
"Remembering Lives Given, and Taken" by Clyde Haberman, New York Times
"Oxford remembers slain civil rights volunteers" by Linda Wright, Hamilton Journal
Theatre as an Emancipatory Tool: Classroom Drama in Mississippi, by George Chilcoat and Jerry Ligon,
Journal of Curriculum Studies, 1988, Vol. 30, No. 5, pp. 515-543
"The Legacy and Impact of the Freedom Summer Curriculum on the Curriculum Field: Drama in Action" by George W. "Skip" Chilcoat, Brigham Young University and Jerry A. Ligon, National - Louis University, paper presentation at the 5th annual Curriculum and Pedagogy Conference, October 27-30, 2004
Folder 15: Memorial dedicated in April 2000
Mississippi and Freedom Summer, Friday, October 27, 2000 (three pages)
Dedication omission unjust, unfair The Oxford Press
Miami dedicates civil rights memorial, The Middletown Journal, Saturday, April 8, 2000
Fax cover sheet April 6, 2000 and letter dated April 7, 2000 to Miami and Oxford Communities from the Office of Congressman, John Lewis
Fax cover sheet from Tammy Boyd to Karen White, the Office of Congressman John Lewis, April 6, 2000
Remarks from Joe Cox at dedication, Associate Provost, Miami University, April 7, 2000
Fax to Ms. White from Dr. Carolyn Goodman, April 7, 2000
Fax of Dedication Ceremony Program, April 7, 2000 Invitation from President Garland to Freedom Summer Memorial Dedication, April 7, 2000 and invitation card to lectures Wednesday and Thursday, April 5 and 6, 2000
Copy of Nota Ben from The Bulletin, p. 38 undated
Tentative Schedule for Wil Haygood, Donald C. Faber Distinguished Scholar-in-Residence, April 2000
Mississippi Summer Project Memorial Miami University copy of watercolor
Fax of Paperweight Measurement
Copy of photo proofs from the April 7, 2007 dedication ceremony (two pages)
Copy of Appendix D: Mississippi Summer Project Running Summary of Incidents
Friends of the Mississippi Project Listing of Depositors (two pages)
Friends of the Mississippi Summer Project, listing of who deposited and how much
Oxford Community Sponsors of Mississippi Summer Project Volunteers List
List of Addresses of SNCC Conference Participants, (four pages)
List of Congressmen addresses
Page of Notes
List of Addresses, (six pages)
Folder 16: Summer of 1964 Volunteers Memories
Ellen Barnes Journal, a Miami graduate student in Political Science, was doing her master's thesis on nonviolence and had permission to spend the week of June 14-20, 1964 training with the civil rights workers at Western College, Oxford, Ohio. (six copies)
Eleanor Aurthur - Mrs. Aurthur visited the Western College Memorial Archives. She was traveling the same route she took in 1964 to Oxford and Mississippi. She hopes to write a novel about the Freedom Summer.
o Short biographical sketch explaining how she became a volunteer. E-mail to Western Archives from Elinor Aurthur, September 3, 2000
E-mail to Elinor Aurthur from Western Archives, Isaac Bloom, September 5, 2000
List of questions for Elinor Aurthur for Story Circles interview, November 19, 2000
Folder 17: Newspaper/magazine Articles
Oxford to Honor 1964 civil-rights martyrs, The Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, June 20, 1994
Ultimate sacrifice 3 martyrs for civil rights, June 22, 1994 Cleveland Plain Dealer
FBI sent Mafia after KKK, paper says, Cincinnati Enquirer, June 22, 1994
Hopes article continued from page A1, Thursday, February 20, 1997
To the Editor Oxford Press, July 30, 1964
"Miami University Report, Dedication for NAACP/Miami memorial to be.... article
Memorial honors civil rights, by Sarah Pechan
Freedom Summer dispute not for all NAACP members, article by Camilla Hewson Flintermann, Oxford, Ohio
Letters to the editor, Oxford Press, undated
Ultimate sacrifice... monument sought for martyrs of movement, by Randy McNutt, The Cincinnati Enquirer, February 8, 1999 (two copies)
Activists seek memorial for civil rights workers, Chronicle Telegram, Elyria, Oh, February 9, 1999
Activists pursue monument for Mississippi Burning victims, Journal-News, Wednesday, February 10, 1999
Money sought to honor activists, Cleveland Plain Dealer, February 22, 1999 Civil rights workers honored, The Independent, Massillon, Ohio, February Miami to build memorial to activists, The Cincinnati Enquirer, February 26, 1999
Dead activists to get monument, Dayton Daily News, February 26, 1999
Internet printout of Miami to build memorial to slain activists, by Randy McNutt, the Cincinnati Enquirer, February 26, 1999
Internet printout of Monument sought for slain civil rights workers, by Randy McNutt, the Cincinnati Enquirer, February 8, 1999 (three pages)
Memorial: Civil rights heroes, March 1, 1999, The Cincinnati Enquirer; Memorial to civil rights workers planned, The Cincinnati Post, February 26, 1999; Miami honors slain rights workers, article by France Griggs (three copies)
Miami U. plans memorial, Fairborn Daily Herald, February 27, 1999
Memorial to honor civil-rights history, Oxford was hub for training in '64 The Columbus Dispatch, February 27, 1999
Oxford civil rights role worth remembering,Journal-News, February 28, 1999
NAACP/Miami University Memorial to Commemorate Civil Rights Activists, The Columbus Post, March 11, 1999
NAACP, Miami honor slain civil rights workers, The Cincinnati Herald, March 6-12, 1999 (two copies)
Memorial will honor slain civil rights workers, The Cincinnati Post, May 5, 1999
NAACP/Miami Freedom Summer memorial gets go-ahead, Article
Freedom Summer 64 Memorial, from Fall 1999
Groundbreaking for NAACP/Miami Memorial, 7 October 1999
The Miami University Report, vol. 19, no. 12, Groundbreaking for NAACP/Miami memorial, October 14, 1999 (two copies)
Miami to remember slain activists, October 18, 1999 article
Memorial, The Cincinnati Post, October 18, 1999
Miami University to create memorial to 1960s activists, News Messenger, Fremont, Ohio, October 18, 1999;
Miami U to create memorial, Star Beacon Ashtabula, Ohio, October 18, 1999
Miami University to create memorial to 1960s activists, Portsmouth Daily Times, October 18, 1999;
University to create memorial to activists, October 18, 1999 Daily Sentinel, Pomeroy, Ohio
Miami University to create memorial, Wilmington News-Journal, October 18, 1999; Miami U. plan memorial for activists, Times Reporter, New Philadelphia, Ohio, October 18, 1999 (two copies)
Miami University to build memorial, October 18, 1999 article
Civil rights memorial to be built at Miami University, October 20, 1999
Ohio Memorial to honor activists killed in South in 1964, Times-Picayune (New Orleans, LA), October 26, 1999
Memorial to activists going up at Miami, The Cincinnati Post, October 27, 1999
Miami to erect memorial in activists memory, 10/26/99, 10/27/99
Civil rights activists honored, Times Leader, Martins Ferry, Ohio, October 27, 1999
Ohio memorial to honor activists killed in South in 1964, Coshocton Tribune, Coshocton, Ohio, October 27, 1999
Miami breaks ground on memorial to activists, The Cincinnati Enquirer, October 27, 1999
Miami to erect memorial in activists memory, Marysville, Ohio Journal-Tribune, October 27, 1999
Groundbreaking for NAACP/Miami memorial, Article
Folder 18: Newspaper/magazine Articles
Memorial ground-breaking, October 28, 1999 Wapakoneta Daily News
Miami to erect memorial to activists, Fairborn Daily Herald, October 28, 1999
Groundbreaking for NAACP Miami Memorial, The Dayton Weekly News, November 4, 1999
NAACP/Miami memorial groundbreaking, Miami Report, 11/4/99
Groundbreaking for NAACP/Miami Memorial, Daily Post, Cincinnati, Ohio, November 4, 1999
I am Miami, New recruitment effort targets multicultural students, November 11, 1999, Columbus, Ohio Call & Post
New recruitment effort targets multicultural students, Call and Post, Columbus, Ohio, November 4, 1999
Miami Report, 3/9/2000 article
Dedication for NAACP/Miami memorial, Call and Post, Columbus, Ohio, March 30, 2000 (two copies)
Dedication for NAACP/Miami memorial to be April 7, The Miami University Report, March 30, 2000
Article, Crisis, March/April 2000
Civil Rights Memorialized, article
U.S. Rep. Lewis to speak at Miami, Journal-News, Wednesday, April 5, 2000 (two copies)
Headline: Across the USA News from every state, USA Today, April 5, 2000 (two copies)
Miami U to memorialize slain activists, The Middletown Journal, April 5, 20000
Civil Rights memorial to be dedicated Friday, Marion Star, Marion, Ohio, April 5, 2000; School to open civil rights memorial, Lima News, Lima, Ohio, April 5, 2000
Civil rights memorial to be dedicated at Miami U., News Journal, Mansfield, Ohio, April 5, 2000; Civil rights memorial to be dedicated, Chronicle Telegram, Elyria, Ohio, April 5, 2000
Writer discusses travels, The Cincinnati Enquirer, April 6, 2000
Lewis forced to cancel appearance at MU, Journal-News, April 7, 2000 (four copies)
Speaker cancels, ceremony will go on, The Cincinnati Enquirer, April 7, 2000 (four copies)
Miami stones honor activists of rights struggle, Dayton Daily News, April 7, 2000
Memorial honors activists, Journal-News, April 8, 2000 (Three copies)
Missing, murdered, and now remembered, Star Tribune (Minneapolis, MN), April 8, 2000 (two copies)
Memorial dedicated, The Cincinnati Enquirer, April 8, 2000 (Three copies)
Miami dedicates civil rights memorial, The Middletown Journal, April 8, 2000
Memorial dedicated, The Courier, Findlay, Ohio, April 8, 2000
Civil Rights Memorial, San Francisco Chronicle, April 8, 2000; NAACP president says organization used by Miami, The Oxford Press, May 4, 2000 (two copies)
Miami cannot speak for NAACP Branch, The Oxford Press, May 4, 2000 (Two copies)
Editorial: Secrets out about Oxford's role in Freedom Summer The Oxford Press, printout (Two pages)
Memorial recalls Freedom Summer by Kevin M. Kalish for the Oxford Press
A summer to remember, article photograph with caption (four copies) Memorial recalls Freedom Summer, The Oxford Press, April 13, 2000 (two pages)
Donations, Unidentified article fragment
Journey to Mississippi Article
Folder 19: Notes from Freedom Summer Training, 1965-
Copy of Jane Adams, Notes from Freedom Summer Training: Oxford, Ohio June 17-26, 1964 , 2004 (Three copies)
Folder 20: Booklet, Freedom Libraries Mississippi Summer Project 1964 Freedom Summer Libraries of the Mississippi Summer Project by Virginia Steele, Reprinted from Southeastern Librarian, Vol. 15, No. 2, July 1965
Folder 21: Letter sent to John Lewis from James Forman, June 18, 1964
Letter sent to John Lewis from Charles J. Benner, Chairman, National States Rights Party, June 16, 1964
Notes from Freedom Summer Conference
Folder 22 Clevelane CORE
Suggestions for Discussion in Community Organization
How to Raise Money, Pay Your Bill, and Keep From Going Into Debt
A Black Manifesto CORE McKissick Offers Solutions and Programs
McKissick Offers Solutiosn and Programs, July 31, 1967
Fundraising Letter from Floyd B. McKissick
Black Power Defined Attention Don Smith Public Relations Director
Letter from McKissick to Brother Samuel X Muhammad's Mosque, Durham, North Carolina, July 30, 1962
Letter from Samuel X to McKissick, July 2, 1962
Letter from Minister Kenneth X to F. B. McKissick, April 11 1962
Letter from Minister Kenneth X to Floyd McKissick, December 21, 1962
Programs for Black Power by Floyd B. McKissick, no date
Letter from Elijah Muhammad to Floyd B. McKissick, September 2, 1966
Letter from Floyd B. McKissick to Elijah McKissick, March 3, 1967
Congress of Racial Equality Memorandum, to Floyd McKissick From Antoine Perot, Meeting with Vice President's Task Force, October 24, 1967
Handwritten notes "Durden chaired", January 17, 1964
Folder 23
Masterlist Freedom Summer Volunteers
Western College Collection;Freedom Summer Collection; Articles; Papers; Freedom Summer Memorial Correspondence; General Correspondence; Volunteers; Sponsors; Miscellaneous Information, Consent Forms; Transcripts; 1964-; Box 2
Folder 1: Articles, Papers, Correspondence, ca. 1964
Posters, Pickets, and Tickets, The Miami Student, April 28, 1964
If you are arrested in Mississippi, Prepared by the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc.
Thoughts on Civil Rights Orientation, Oxford, Ohio by Phyllis Hoyt
Power of Attorney for Selection of Legal Counsel Page
Folder 2: Freedom Summer Project (2000 Memorial Correspondence)
Letter to the Longaberger Legacy Initiative, Ohio Bicentennial Commission, from Joseph L. Cox, June 30, 1999
Letter to Mr. Joseph L. Cox, III, from Jane C. Campbell, Programs Coordinator, Ohio Bicentennial
Commission, July 20, 1999
Letter to Joseph L. Cox from Andrew L. Verhoff, Ohio Historical Markers Program Coordinator/Historical Agency Consultant, Ohio Historical Society, July 23, 1999
Letter to Joseph L. Cox from Christopher S. Stowe, Historical Markers Specialist, Ohio Historical Society, July 26, 1999
Ohio Historical Marker to be established in Butler County, Attn: Bennie, signed by Joseph L. Cox, July 28, 1999
Fax Cover Sheet to U. S. Representative John Lewis from Karen S. White, December 2, 1999 with letter to Congressman Lewis from James C. Garland, December 2, 1999
Letter to Ms. Lawand Kerns from Karen S. White, February 9, 2000 Fax Cover Sheet to Karen White from LaWand, 3/1/2000, with The Biography of John Lewis (five pages)
Fax Cover Sheet to Ms. Lawand Kerns from Karen S. White, March 2, 2000 with letter to Ms. Lawand Kerns from Karen S. White, March 2, 2000 (two pages) and transaction report
Fax Message from Karen S. White to Ms. Lawand Kerns, March 15, 2000
Letter to Karen from Nancy, March 17, 2000
Letter to Ms. Lawand Kerns from Karen S. White, March 21, 2000
E-mail to Karen from Richard D. Little, August 30, 1999
E-mail to Cecila M. Knight, Burton Kaufman, Vanessa Cummings, and Joseph Cox, from Karen S. White, Subject:
Ground Breaking- Freedom Summer Project, September 22, 1999 E-mail to Karen S. White from Celia M. Knight, Subject: Re: Ground Breaking- Freedom Summer Project, 9/22/99 (two pages)
E-mail to Karen S. White from Joseph L. Cox, Subject: Re: Ground Breaking- Freedom Summer Project, 9/22/99
Letter to Mr. Arthur F. Miller from James C. Garland, October 7, 1999 with two list attachments
Model letter from James Garland, October 11, 1999 with five page list attachment
Letter to Byrkett, Ellison, Fox, Governanti, Johnson, Rhodes, Sessions, Short, and Skillings, from Jim Garland, Re: Freedom Summer 64 Memorial, October 11, 1999
Letter to Ms. Meredith Yankow from James C. Garland, October 11, 1999
Letter to Joseph Cox, Vanessa Cummings, Burton Kaufman, Celia Knight, and Richard Momeyer, from Karen White, Re: Groundbreaking- Freedom Summer 64 Memorial, October 11, 1999
E-mail to Karen S. White from Celia M. Knight, Subject: found him, 12 November 1999
E-mail from Osama Ettouney, November 17, 1999
Folder 3: Freedom Summer Project (2000 Memorial Correspondence)
Letter to Karen from Rev. Elmon W. Prier, November 27, 1999 with attached Man plays key role in memorial, The Middletown Journal, October 28, 1999; The Mission to Mississippi, November 14, 1999
E-mail to Sue Treadway from Karen S. White, January 14, 2000
Letter to Professor Miller from David P. Little, March 4, 2000
Letter to Mr. Wil Haygood, from Karen S. White, March 16, 2000
Wil Haygood/Biographical Sheet
E-mail from Vanessa Cummings, Subject: for your information, 21 March 2000 (three pages)
Model letter from Karen S. White, March 21, 2000 with two attached lists
E-mail from Barbara Heuberger, Subject: Upcoming event, March 23, 2000
E-mail to Barbara Heuberger from Karen S. White, Subject: Re: Upcoming event, March 23, 2000
E-mail to Barbara Heuberger from Karen S. White, Subject: Re: Freedom... film, March 23, 2000
E-mail to Karen White from Demetria Patrick, Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: Freedom Summer Memorial, 25 March 2003
(two pages)
Letter to Ms. White from Dr. Carolyn Goodman, April 7, 2000
Fax Cover Sheet to Karen S. White from Carolyn Goodman, April 5, 2000
Letter to James C. Garland from W. Hardy Eshbaugh, April 8, 2000
E-mail to Joe [Joseph Cox] from Donald Daiker, Subject: Congratulations!, 8 April 2000
Dedication omission unjust, unfair, Oxford Press, April 20, 2000 (two pages)
Letter to Editor from Karen White, April 24, 2000 (two pages, two copies)
Miami cannot speak for NAACP Branch, The Oxford Press, May 4, 2000 (two copies)
NAACP president says organization used by Miami, Oxford Press, May 4, 2000 (two copies)
Letter to President James Garland, from Camilla Hewson Flintermann, May 5, 2000 (two copies)
Freedom Summer dispute not for all NAACP members, by Camilla Hewson Flintermann
Letter to Mr. Wil Haygood from Karen S. White, June 20, 2000
Inter-Office Memorandum to Karen White from Jim Buckley, Subject: Letter of Appreciation, November 16, 2000
Letter to Mr. Miller from Jim Buckley, November 27, 2000
E-mail to Jacky Johnson from Joe Cox, Subject: Re: Freedom Summer Memorial Information, 10/17/06
Folder 4: Articles
Alice Lake, Last Summer in Mississippi, Redbook Magazine, November 1964 (three copies)
Les Bayless, Three who gave their lives: Remembering the martyrs of Mississippi Freedom Summer, 1964,
Peoples Weekly World, 25 May, 1996 (two copies)
Mississippi: the attack on bigotry: An outsider comes to fight, produced by Christopher S. Wren, Look,
September 8, 1964 (two copies)
Folder 5: Excerpts from two books:
Freedom Summer, by Doug McAdam
Walking with the Wind, by John Lewis, 1998
Folder 6: The Mood of Miami: Interpretations Amid the 1960's Civil Rights Movement
In 1993, for her Senior Honors Project, Jane Marie Jordan asked 1965 Miami alumni for memories of their
years at Miami. We have one copy of the parts related to Western and another copy of the complete paper.
Folder 7: Freedom Summer Continues into the 21st Century
In 2000, Phyllis Hoyt, Dean of Western in 1964, published her book Where the Peonies Bloomed: A Memoir of My Years at Western College. At the end of her book, she has her thoughts on the Civil Rights Orientation of 1964. That one part is in this folder.
Freedom Summer 1964: Remembering Oxford's role in the civil rights movement, by Allison Kolodziej, The Miami Student, February 27, 2004
Freedom Summer Scholars Schedule
Freedom Summer 2004: Historic North-South Freedom Caravan sponsored by the Chaney Goodman Schwerner Justice Coalition, June 9-25, 2004, New York to Mississippi, 15 City Freedom Ride
Truth and Reconciliation in Neshoba County, June 17, 2004
Mississippi Burning Website Pages Students follow the path of Freedom Summer, The Oxford Press, Friday, June 18, year unknown
Invitation to 40th anniversary of Freedom Summer 1964; Remembering freedom summer on anniversary, The Oxford Press, Friday, June 18, 2004
Mississippi town honors slain activists 40 years later, Dayton Daily News, Sunday, June 20, 2004
Students retrace Freedom Summer path, The Miami University Report, Vol. 23 No. 38, June 24, 2004
ABC News transcript of Waiting for Justice Documentary on a murder, June 20, 2004 (four copies)
Democratic Debacle, by Joshua Zeitz American Heritage June/July 2004
Contact List on Freedom Summer, 2004
Flyer: Tour Guides for Freedom Summer Conference, 2004
"Speakers Flash Back to MU and the Summer of 1964"
E-mail from P. Anna Johnson, January 14, 2005, Fwd: Articles in the Post (pages 2 to 7)
Email and attached Interview Between Chris Wellin and Roy Torkington
Oxford's Role in Freedom Summer, 1964, The Oxford Press, Friday, June 25, 2010
Folder 8: Various Articles on Freedom Summer from The Miami Student
These articles follow how the students at Miami University were contributing as well as reacting to Freedom Summer.
September 27, 1963 The Great March, The Miami Student
October 15, 1963 Civil Rights Legislation Vote Due, The Miami Student
October 22, 1963 An Outside Agitator, by Tom Tolg, The Miami Student
November 26, 1963 Students Journey to Washington , Return to Support Civil Rights, The Miami Student
January 18, 1964 Xavier Censorship, The Miami Student
February 14, 1964 The Letter Box, The Miami Student
February 14, 1964 Southern Leader [George Wallace] Visits UC, Speaks on Discrimination, The Miami Student
February 25, 1964 On the Right Side: Wallace Speech, [Editorial], The Miami Student
March 13, 1964 Civil Rights Debate Begins In Senate,The Miami Student
April 14, 1964 SNCC Mississippian [ Lawrence Guyot] Outlines Efforts Necessary for State, The Miami Student
April 24, 1964 Editorial Page: Southern Justice The Miami Student
April 28, 1964 We Too Shall Overcome, The Miami Student
Student recalls Endeavors to Register Negro Voters, The Miami Student, Friday, October 4, 1963
May 1, 1964 Our Readers Write, The Miami Student
April 21, 1964- Miamian Sentenced to Prison, Fiend for SNCC Demonstration
Folder 9: News Articles about the 40 year anniversary of Freedom Summer
Freedom Summer reunion and conference Sept. 17-19, The Miami University Report, September 2, 2004
Faces of Freedom Summer at Miami University Art Museum, The Miami University Report, September 2, 2004
U.S. Representative John Lewis to speak, The Miami University Report, September 9, 2004 (four copies)
Racism is alive, shaking hands, Cincinnati Enquirer, September 27, 2004
On a different pathway to the Creator, Middletown Journal, September 27, 2004
Miami theatre production selected for festival, Miami Report, December 16, 2004 (two copies)
Wisconsin Historical Society Has Papers Of Slain Civil Rights Worker, [Unknown publication], [Unknown date]
Minister flees death threats, settles here, [Unknown publication], [Unknown date]
Finding Freedom Summer: Influences that Endure Compass Magazine, 2005, internet printout
Folder 10: Art Miller News Articles
This folder contains news articles that Art Miller collected that deal with Freedom Summer
My Project is Mississippi , Terrible Mississippi, Monroe Morning World, July 5, 1964
Editors Mail, Oxford Press, July 9, 1964
Western Dean Writes Thoughts On Civil Rights Orientation, Oxford Press, July 9, 1964
Letter to the Editor, Oxford Press, July 30, 1964 (two copies)
Gregory criticizes blacks, condemns white racists, The Miami Student, April 4, 1989 (four pages)
Memorial Wednesday of Civil Rights Effort, The Oxford Press, June 15, 1989
Town where 3 activists died schedules day of remembrance, Cincinnati Enquirer, June 21, 1989 (four pages)
NAACP/Miami University Memorial to Commemorate Civil Rights Activists, The Columbus Post, March 11, 1999
Miami to build memorial to activists, The Cincinnati Enquirer, February 26, 1999
Hopes unidentified article continued, February 20, 1997
Civil rights workers honored, The Massillon Independent, February 26, 1999
Miami to build memorial for civil rights workers, Zanesville Times Recorder, February 26, 1999
Miami U. to build memorial for slain civil rights workers, Chronicle Telegraph, Elyria , February 26, 1999
Martyrs: Monument sought for 3, unidentified continued article, undated (one copy)
Memorial to civil rights workers planned, The Cincinnati Post, February 26, 1999
Memorial will honor slain students, Journal News, October 27, 1999
Dedication for NAACP/Miami memorial, Call and Post (Columbus , Ohio), March 30, 2000 Missing, murdered and now remembered, Star Tribune (Minneapolis , MN), April 8, 2000
Miami dedicates civil rights memorial, The Middletown Journal, April 8, 2000
Civil Rights Memorial, San Francisco Chronicle, April 8, 2000
Memorial: Rights activists remembered, Publication [Unknown], Date [Unknown]
Views of our readers, Publication [Unknown], Date [Unknown]
NAACP chapter to honor front-line civil Middletown Journal, Date [Unknown]
Monument sought for martyrs of movement, Cincinnati Enquirer, Date [Unknown]
Miami U. to build civil rights memorial, Cincinnati Enquirer, Date [Unknown]
Mississippi Group to Meet Monday, Publication [Unknown], Date [Unknown]
To the Editor, Publication [Unknown], Date [Unknown] (two pages)
A Worthy Memorial: Oxford, Ohio, project advanced civil rights, The Columbus Dispatch, Date [Unknown]
Folder 11: Transcripts
Freedom Summer Tape 1: Ms. Camilla Hughson-Flinterman, Gwynn Etter-Lewis and Ann-Elizabeth Armstrong
Freedom Summer Tape 2: Ann-Elizabeth Armstrong, Joe Cantrell, and David Griffing
Freedom Summer Transcription- Tape 1: [Joe] Cantrell/ [David] Griffing July 24, 2004
Freedom Summer Transcription- Tape 2: Art Miller, July 21, 2004
Freedom Summer Transcription- Tape 3: Paul Daniels August 5, 2004
Freedom Summer Transcription- Tape 4: David and Louise Griffing August 12, 2004
E-mail to Western Archives from Judy Waldron, Subject: Fwd: [WESTERN] arrest for 1964 civil rights murders, January 7, 2005 (two pages)
Freedom Summer Inventory of Tapes in Box for Transcriptions, 2004
Freedom Summer Transcription Charges, July 6, 2005
Folder 12: Consent Forms
Consent forms for 2004 DVD from Freedom Summer Conference, Oxford, Ohio
Story Circle Release forms for 2004 DVD from Freedom Summer Conference, Oxford, Ohio
Interview Release forms for 2004 DVD from Freedom Summer Conference, Oxford, Ohio
Video Release form for 2004 DVD from Freedom Summer Conference, Oxford, Ohio
Story Circles for Freedom Summer List of Participants, 2004
Technical Advisor's Page, 2004
Mississippi Freedom Summer Interview release form Roland A Duerksen, February 15, 2012
Folder 13: Bourbon at the Border Miami University Theater Production
Bourbon at the Border, Costume Plot Chart
Copy of Bourbon at the Border, stage directions and play book
Folder 14: Nine Copies of Freedom School Poetry
Freedom School Poetry, forward by Langston Hughes, Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, Atlanta ,
Georgia , 1965 (Nine copies)
Folder 15: Deed of Gift signed for 2004-2011 Freedom Summer Conference, Oxford, Ohio
Folder 16: Consent forms for 2009 DVD from Freedom Summer Conference, Oxford, Ohio
Western College Collection; Photographs; Correspondence, Freedom Summer Collection; 1964-; Box 3
Folder 1: Copies of Miller Photos
Andrew Goodman, June 1964 (1943-1964) Photograph
Photo from Crisis (March/April 2000) of Oxford, Ohio NAACP activists with President Garland after
groundbreaking for memorial
Flyer labeled The Worst Horror on Earth
Save Our Land: KKK Join the Klan, For God and Country Flyer
Photos: Andy Goodman and James Forman at Oxford, Ohio, training Session, June 1964 and Bob Moses, architect and guiding spirit of the Freedom Summer project
Photos from an anonymous article, Missing civil rights workers burned station wagon is found and towed away. Andrew Goodman, left, and Mickey Schwerner are missing, Goodman's parents, right, sought help; Photo labeled Rita Schwerner, widow of one of the murdered workers, impressed many of the volunteers with her quiet courage. At Oxford , she told a second group of volunteers that the disappearance of the three workers only made it more important that the project go forward
Folder 2: Miller Letters
Letter from Wendy H. Kisken, to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson, dated October 10, 1964 (2 pages, two copies)
Letter from Dr. Carolyn Goodman to Friends at Miami University , dated January 1999 (four pages)
Letter from Barbara, dated August 1, 1964
Letter from Cephas to Mr. Nelson, dated July 16, 1964
Letter from Barbara Simon, dated July 6, 1964
Letter from Richard K. Parsons, Attorney, to Councilman Arthur F. Miller, dated October 5, 1964
Letters from Cephas to Mr. Nelson, dated July 16, 1964 (4 pages total) Two Letters to Mr. Nelson from
Cephas dated July 16, 1964
Letter from Mrs. Robert E. Strippel to Sirs
Letter from Donald N. Nelson to Senator Edward T. Kennedy, dated January 27, 1965
Letter from Edward M. Kennedy to Mr. Cephas Hughes, February 5, 1965
Letter from Barbara Simon dated July 6, 1964
A Washington Letter from Olin D. Johnston, U.S. Senator, South Carolina , dated 27, 1964 (two pages)
Letter to Mr. Nelson, dated July 10, 1964
Letter to Mr. Nelson from Cephas, dated July 16, 1964 (two pages)
Letter to Whom It May Concern, June 30, 1964 (two pages)
Folder 3: Freedom Summer 40th Anniversary Posters, Flyers, etc.
Letter to Friends and Colleagues from Momeyer, dated September 1, 2004
Voices of Freedom Summer Reunion and Conference in Oxford, Ohio, September 17-19, 2004 Conference Schedule and Program (of Events) (two copies)
Folder 4: Sponsor and Student Volunteer List
Sponsor and Student Volunteer List
Folder 5: Art Miller Copies, copied by Rhonda Smith, July 3, 2004
Carolyn Goodman Curriculum Vita
Mississippi Freedom: South and North [article] by Robbie McCauley
Summer of 64 Memorial by Geoff Cerilli
Thoughts on Civil Rights Orientation, Oxford, Ohio, by Phyllis Hoyt, Dean of Students, dated June 26, 1964
Appeal sponsored by United Church Women of Oxford
Friends of the Mississippi Summer Project Listing of who deposited and how much
U. S. Knights of The Ku Klux Klan Registration Form
The Andrew Goodman Foundation: Hidden Heroes: A Documentary Film Synopsis
Thirty Year Commemoration of the deaths on June 21, 1964 of James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, Michael Schwerner Reception program
Miami University News [article], NAACP/Miami Memorial Gets Go Ahead, February 25, 1999
Criticism Is Beamed At Oxford: Bring Out Point; Miami University Has No Connection, Hamilton , June 28,
Folder 6: Donations from Sandra Adickes
Letter to Jacky Johnson, Archivist from Sandra Adickes, August 4, 2005
Copy of Freedom News, July 23, 1964
Copy of Script of 1953 Class Stunt
Copy of A Freedom Teacher's Report: Phones Are Tapped, Informers Watch Them, Article
Copy of Sandra Adickes Own Story: Why I Went to Mississippi, Article
Copy of Envelope Classes out of doors with: 1 negative
Copy of Envelope Mrs. Addie Mae Jackson my host in Palmer's Crossing with: 1 negative
Copy of Envelope Priest Creek Baptist Church Freedom School with: 2 negatives Copy of Envelope Volunteers with: note and 1 negative
Copy of 1 photograph and 1 negative Copy of 1 photograph and 2 negatives
Copy of 2 photographs
Copy of Envelope FS Student with: 1 negative
Copy of 4 photographs
Copy of 4 photographs
Copy of 5 photographs
Copy of 5 photographs
Letter from Adickes about her book the Legacy of a Freedom School and possible visit by her to lecture
Biography about Sandra Adickes
Folder 7: Donations from Nina Myatt
Copy of SNCC summer project harassed, Record, Antioch College, May 8, 1964
Copy of SNCC workers scared but determined while in Oxford, Record, Antioch College, Monday, July 6, 1964
Copy of ACRE organizes Miss. Co-op, Record, Antioch College, Friday, October 30, 1964
Copy of SNCC workers scared but determined while in Oxford, Record, Antioch College, Friday, July 3, 1964
Copy of A Long, Hot Summer in Mississippi, The Antiochian, November 196?
Copy of Article Page 2
Letter from Nina Myatt, Curator Antioch University, Yellow Springs Ohio to Western Archives outlining items in their collection related to Freedom Summer in Oxford, September 20, 2005
Folder 8: More Freedom Summer
Photo Gallery: Neshoba's Legacy of Racial Violence, Online Print-Out (three copies)
Folder 9: Smithsonian: Voices of the Civil Rights Movement
Copy of Book Voices of the Civil Rights Movement: Black American Freedom Songs 1960-1966 from Smithsonian
Western College Collection;Freedom Summer Collection; Articles;Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Commemoration Materials, 1964-; Box 4
Folder 1: Articles from 1964
Why Mississippi?
Satirical comic strip, New York Times, "Views of the Civil Rights Crisis", June 28, 1964
Article Mississippi: A Profile of the Nation's Most Segregated State, [1964]
Graph of The Civil Rights Bill - Four Key Provisions and the Problems they are Designed to Correct
Folder 2: Articles from 1964
Folder 2.1:
Students Start Rights Training in Oxford, The Cleveland Plain Dealer, June 15, 196 Students Told Dixie Has Perils, by Raymond R. Coffey Chicago News, June 16, 1964
Students Told: Watch Out for Klan, by Nicholas Hoffman Chicago News, June 17, 1964
Two Valley City College Students Among Trainees for Rights Mission, by Raymond R. Coffey, CDN Forum News Service; Carrington, Mandaree Young Men Are Friends, Have Much in Common Morning Forum, Fargo, North Dakota
Students Warned on Southern Law, by Claude Sitton, The New York Times, Friday, June 19, [1964]
Racial Workers Ready to Invade State, Gulfport-Biloxi, Miss. Herald, Undated
Shaken But Staying, Mississippi Rights Corps Vow to Go On Full Steam, Monroe (LA) World, June 20, 1964
Group Wants Mississippi Occupied, by Joseph Alsop, Royal Tribune June 30, 1964;
Students Will Seek to Register 200,000 Mississippi Negroes, The Cleveland Plain Dealer, June 20, 1964 (two copies)
"Dangerous Summer, The Milwaukee Journal, June 19, 1964
U.S. Aide Cautions Rights Workers, The New York Times, June 20, 1964; Dangerous Summer, The Milwaukee Journal, June 19, 1964
200 Students Heading for Mississippi, Lafayette, LA Advertiser, June 21, 1964;
Race Corps Moving on Mississippi, by Hoke Norris, Pittsburgh Pa. Press, June 21, 1964
Mississippi Rights Bus Leaves Ohio, Pine Bluff Ark Commercial, June 21, 1964
Son in Miss. Jail, Father Asks U.S. Aid, New York Post, June 21, 1964
Folder 2.2:
Students Jam Mississippi to Aid Negroes, The Cleveland Plain Dealer, June 22, 1964
Second Session at Oxford, Missing Men Report Stirs Rights Trainees, Cincinnati Enquirer, June 23, 1964;
Civil Rights Workers Arrive in Mississippi, June 22, 1964; 2d Student Unit Begins Training, Cleveland Plain
Dealer, date unknown
The Dangerous Journey, New York Post, June 24, 1964
Oxford Demonstrators Undaunted Dayton News, June 24, 1964 (two copies)
Charred Hulk of Car Spurs Intense Search, New Haven, Conn. Register, June 24, 1964
Group Appeals for Protection, Hackensack, NJ Record, date unknown; UW Rights Worker Approaches Trip Soberly, Milwaukee Journal, June 25, 1964
Cranks on Phones Intimidate Parents, Hartford, Conn. Times, date unknown;
No Volunteers Quit Civil Rights Project, Bay City Mich. Times, June 1964
Travelers Yet to Come, by Jimmy Breslin, New York Herald-Tribune, June 25, 1964
Integration Students To Continue in The Project, Marion, Ind. Leader-Tribune, June 25, 1964
Week of Violence, New York Times, June 28, 2964
Mississippi Invasion Army, Columbia, S.C. Record, June 25, 1964
Wife of Missing Rights Worker Wants Sheriff to Deny Its Stunt Minneapolis Tribune, June 26, 1964
Make Mississippi Safe, Cleveland Press, June 25, 1964
More Rightists To Leave Oxford for Mississippi This Weekend, Cincinnati Enquirer, June 25, 1964;
Parents Backing Mississippi Drive Despite Danger, They Won't Bid Students Come Home by Thomas Buckley; Tribute to Youth In Mississippi Crisis, News American, Baltimore, MD.,(June 25, 1964?)
Tribute to Youth in Mississippi Crisis, Baltimore, MD. News American, June 1964
In Mississippi Students Urged to Work Harder, Greenville, Tex. Herald Banner, date unknown; Johnson's
Warning on Rights, Cleveland Plain Dealer, June 25, 1964
Mississippi's Lawless Invaders, Shreveport Louisiana Journal, June 24, 1964
"Work Harder, Civil Rights, School Students Urged, 6/26/64
Last Oxford Group Off to Mississippi, The Plain Dealer, June 28, 1964
Folder 2.3:
Milwaukeean On the Scene in Mississippi, Milwaukee Sentinel, date unknown
Southern Critics: Oxford Blamed for Rights Meet, Dayton News, June 23, 1964
Collegiates Will Invade Mississippi, Vicksburg Post, 1964
Fight to Avoid Use of Troops in Mississippi, Racine, Wis. Journal-Times, June 30, 1964
Workers Will Move Full Steam, by John Hall,El Paso, Tex. Times, date unknown
"Rights Workers Shaken but Still Pour into Miss, June 30, 1964
Mississippi Now Has Armed Guerrilla Units, Lewiston, Idaho Tribune, June 1964
U.S. Puts Rights Army On Its Own in Dixie, Chicago News, date unknown
More FBI Agents in Mississippi, Gastonia, N.C. Gazette, date unknown
Students Get Taste of Terror at School, Newark, N.J., Star-Ledger, date unknown
Oxford Still Talks of Training Meet, Article; White Moderate Lives in Fear Very Real Danger in Mississippi,
Minneapolis Tribune, 7/12/64
Mississippi Project Friends Seek Donations to Aid Work, Oxford Press, July 2, 1964; Rights Group Knew
Mississippi Dangers, Columbus Dispatch, date unknown
Rights Workers Vow Miss. Push, Elmira, NY, Star Gazette, June 30, 1964
Negroes Plan to Test Bill, Murfreesboro Tenn. News-Journal, date unknown; Rights Invaders Told: Be Wary of Mississippi Cops, Chicago News, date unknown; Trainees for Rights Mission, Fargo, ND Morning Forum, date unknown
No Religious Beliefs, In Mississippi Today, Cool Look at Long Summer Articles; First Page of Thoughts on
Civil Rights Orientation
Editors Mail Two Articles
Fear Clash With Militia, Article; Volunteers Are Lauded, Warned, Article
Senseless Slaughter, Thursday, August 6, 1964
Young Rights Trainees Scared, Dedicated, Austin Texan, date unknown; Tommies Liked His Song, Carbondale, Ill. South Illinoisan, July 2, 1964
Ex-St. Paulite Risks Life in Mississippi, Minneapolis, Minn. Tribune, date unknown
Folder 2.4:
Rights Worker Reports on Mississippi: ‘In some Cases the People Were Polite’ Philadelphia Bulletin, date unknown
Rights Worker to Speak Here, Cincinnati Post and Times Star, 8/27/64
Urges Caution on Rights Test, Cleveland Plain Dealer, date unknown
Editorial Comment Article; Death Fears Slow Dixie Rights Drive Article; Workers Vow Strong Drive in
Mississippi, Toledo Times, date unknown; Rights Workers will continue, Thomasville Times, June 30, 1964
Fight to Avoid Use of Troops in Mississippi, Racine, Wis. Journal-Times, June 30, 1964
U.S. Powers are Limited in Dealing with Civil Rights Strife, Article
No Volunteers Quit Civil Rights Project, Bay City Mich. Times, June 1964
FBI Joins in Search in South for 3 Missing Rights Workers, Yonkers, NY Herald Statesman, date unknown; Freedom To the Delta, Charleston, SC Post, date unknown
Dulles Being Sent to Scene; On LBJ Orders, Bridgeport, Conn. Post, date unknown; Dulles Heads Probe of Missing Rights Trio in Mississippi Article
Says Mississippi Project has responsible leadership, Lancaster, PA. Intelligencer-Journal; More Volunteers
For Mississippi, Columbia, MO. Tribune
Three Greater Boston Students in Mississippi: Bullets Threats Ostracism, Article
SNCC Aids Insurrectionary Group Article, The Agony of Mississippi Daring New Gospel is Heard, New York Journal American, 1964
Rights Workers Trained to Cope With Violence, Jail, Milwaukee Journal, July 5, 1964
In Mississippi Greenville, Tex. Herald Banner, date unknown
For Freedom Schools, To Deputize 50 Farmers Articles on One page (Week of Violence Article on Back)
Rights Training Classes Slated for June 12-27 Cleveland Plain Dealer, undated
Folder 3: Articles from 1964
"Alpha Sigma Alpha Pledges 12 Women for Fall Classes, October 25, 1963
"The First Step:, The Miami Student, December 6, 1963
Academic Freedom, The Miami Student, Friday, February 14, 1964
Posters, Pickets and Tickets, The Miami Student, Tuesday, April 28, 1964
Gregory, Freedom Group Stage Civil Rights Benefit, The Miami Student, Tuesday, April 28, 1964
Spotlight: Civil Rights, The Miami Student, Friday, March 20, 1964
Rumor, The Miami Student, Friday, May 1, 1964
Gregory Concert Yields No Violence, May 1, 1964
Gregory Discusses Student's Action in Press Interview, The Miami Student, May 11, 1964
FBI Joins in Search in South for 3 Missing Rights Workers, Yonkers, NY Herald Statesman, date
Matter of Fact, Murder by Night,by Joseph Alsop, Washington Post, June 17, 1964
Civil Rights Study Begins on Western College Campus, The Oxford Press, June 18, 1964
"Dear Friend of the Mississippi Summer Project, June 28, 1964, 2 pages
"The News of the Week In Review as Demonstrators and Violence Focused the Nation's Attention on the Civil
Rights Struggle"
"Dear Friends of the Mississippi Summer Project, July 4, 1964
Civil Rights Groups at Western Prepare for Voter Registration, August 1964
Birmingham Place for Hope Reports Dr. R. Frank Fulton, The Oxford Press, Thursday, July 30, 1964
Mourning a son, Copy of Photograph, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goodman reacts as the body of their son Andrew is taken from a plane at Newark Airport on August 7.
Trustees Set Policy College to Refuse Rights Prep School, Akron Beacon Journal, March 26, 1965
Event sincere, Selma Marcher Tells NAACP, Hamilton, May 20, 1965
Training for the freedom fight, Activists recall Oxford program, Cincinnati Enquirer, June 20, 1989
Rights Worker Service Slated, The Daily Standard, Celina, O., June 21, 1989
Plaque honors human rights, The Oxford Press, Thursday, October 29, 1992
Oxford marks registration projects 30th anniversary on Tuesday, June 21, Times Bulletin, Van Wert, O., June
18, 1994
Miami civil rights monument gets guarantee, Journal-News, Friday, February 26, 1999
Freedom Summer volunteers among those who were truly great Article, April 11, 1999
"Miami's tribute to civil rights martyrs by Allan Winkler, June 28, 1999
Miami memorial to honor civil rights activists, Wednesday, October 13, 1999
Terrorists Cheated of Victim: Three Lives for Mississippi Article, undated
A Reflection on June, 1964 and Racism, Then and Now, Speech from Rick Momeyer, June 18, 1994; Criticism is Beamed at Oxford, Hamilton, 6/28/64
78 Leave Here on Summer Rights Project Cincinnati Enquirer, June 1964
"Missing" Poster (two copies)
Alvin Silverman Urges Caution on Rights Test, Cleveland Plain Dealer, date unknown
Three Youths Trained Here Disappear, The Oxford Press, June 25, 1964
Civil Rights Workers Arrive in Mississippi, June 22,1964;Editorially Speaking... Why Blame Us? Your Right to Know is the Key to Liberty The Oxford Press, July 2,
Thoughts on Civil Rights Orientation June 26, 1964, Oxford, Ohio, by Phyllis Hoyt (two copies)
The First Step, The Miami Student, Friday, December 6, 1963
Wesley Foundation Discusses New Civil Rights Legislation, The Miami Student, October 25, 1963
Matter of Fact: Murder by Night, Washington Post, June 17, 1964
Rights Worker Service Slated, The Daily Standard, Celina, O., June 21, 1989
Oxford marks registration projects 30th anniversary on Tuesday, June 21, Times Bulletin, Van Wert, O., June 18, 1994
Miami to build memorial to activists, The Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, February 26, 1999
Monument sought for martyrs of movement, The Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, February 8, 1999
Miami's tribute to civil rights martyrs, Cincinnati Post, June 28, 1999
Memorial will honor slain civil rights workers, Cincinnati Post, May 5, 1999
Black History at Miami University had key role in movements, The Miami Student, Friday, February 16, 1996
Missing auto of trio found by FBI Tuesday (1964), The Neshoba Democrat, June 25, 1964
Historical context of 1964 civil rights murders, The Neshoba Democrat, June 25, 1964
Visiting media (July 9, 1964), The Neshoba Democrat, July 9, 1964
$1 million suit filed against NBC, others, The Neshoba Democrat, July 23, 1964
Civil Righter's suit dismissed/August 6, 1964, The Neshoba Democrat, August 6, 1964
Bodies of missing trio found buried in levee, The Neshoba Democrat, August 6, 1964
Justice Department Attorney is Booed at Civil Rights School, Minneapolis, Minn. Tribune, date unknown
Folder 4: Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Commemoration, 1989
Freedom school's grads return to tell life's lessons, The First Cox Newspaper, Thursday, March 30, 1989
Miami to recall role in civil rights tragedy, The Journal-News, Saturday, June 17, 1989
Observance to mark slayings in Mississippi, Middletown (Ohio) Journal, Sunday, June 18, 1989
Remembering slain activists for civil rights, The Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, June 20, 1989
"Twenty Fifth Commemoration of Freedom Summer an Oxford Community Celebration" June 21, 1989
Service at Miami University remembers place in history, The Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, June 22, 1989
Service Honors Trio of Martyrs, The Journal-News, Thursday, June 22, 1989
Civil rights movement veterans honor slain workers, The Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, June 22, 1989
Freedom Summer 1964, High Street Journal, December 2, 1999
Folder 5: Articles from 1964
Western C. To Host Civil Rights School, Oxford Press, May 28, 1964
U.S. Aide Cautions Rights Workers, The New York Times, June 20, 1964
Over 100 Students-Civil Rights Workers Arrive in Mississippi, June 22, 1964; 3 Rights Workers Are Freed
After Paying $20 Fines, Baton Rouge, LA. State Times, date unknown; 2nd Student Unit Begins Training,
Cleveland Plain Dealer, date unknown
"COFO, the Coalition That's Battling by Dom Bonafede, The Herald Tribune, date unknown
With Dignity and Restraint, Clarksdale, Miss. Press Register, date unknown.
Course at WCW In Civil Rights to Enroll 600, 1964
"Article by Hank Hokamp", Champaign, Ill. News-Gazette, August 30, year unknown
The March on Mississippi, Daytona Beach, Journal;
Postdeb Joins Crusade, Milwaukee Wis. Sentinel, date unknown
Freedom Summer Orientation
Western College Collection;Freedom Summer Collection; Articles; Teachers Guideand CD-Rom; Box 5
20th Century Interactive Making Connections to America's Past, Teacher's Guide and CD-Rom
Western College Collection;Freedom Summer Collection; Articles; Correspondence, Freedom Summer Publications (John Bloom File); Posters, Flyers; 1964-; Box 6
Folder 1: Articles and Papers, ca. 1964
Inter-Collegiate Conference on Community Action in Race Relations, Oxford, Ohio, March 25-30, 1961 Informational Brochure
Letter to Mr. Hoxie from Ruth Lester from Life, July 3, 1964
Newsletter from Friends of the Mississippi Summer Project Newsletter No., 2, August 5, 1964; June 18, 1964; July 14, 1964; August 5, 1964; September 22, 1964; November 18, 1964; January 25, 1964
In Keeping with the Prophets: The Mississippi Summer of 1964, The Christian Century, date unknown
Folder 2: Freedom Summer Papers, undated, ca. 1964
Western College Alumnae Annual Giving Fund Envelope filled out by Mrs. Edw. F. Heekin
Letter to Mr. Frank Dodd from Herrick B. Young, President, date unknown
Letter to Berenice from Mabel, October 8, year unknown
Envelope to Alumnae Office with letter from Mrs. [Harriet] E. Martin Schraffran
Western College Inter-Office Communication to Dr. Young from B. Stegall, September 18, year unknown
Letter to Alumnae Secretary from Helen Hahn, date unknown
Letter to Alumnae Office from Dorothy Goldstone Marcus
Thank you note from Martha Hall Wedeman
Letter on Western College Alumnae Development Committee stationary from Mrs. Morris Denny [Helen Pentzer]
Letter to Murl, Berenice, and Mary Louise, from Charlaine Tullis Stone
Letter to Berenice from Charlotte Burrer (three pages)
Folder 3: Freedom Summer Correspondence, 1964
Memorandum [sic] to The Cabinet from President Young, May 25, 1964
Western College Inter-Office Communication to Mr. Keebler from President Young, May 5, 1964
Letter to Reverend Bruce Hanson from Herrick B. Young, President, June 5, 1964
Western College Inter-Office Communication to Miss Hoyt, Mr. Keebler and Mr. Myers from President Young, 5-7-64
Letter to Mr. Keebler from President Young, May 11, 1964
Letter to Mr. Keebler, Mr. Dodd, Miss Hoyt, Mr. Myers, from President Young, May 13, 1964
Thoughts on Civil Rights Orientation, Oxford, Ohio by Phyllis Hoyt, Dean of Students, June 26, 1964 (three pages)
Letter to Mrs. Stegall from Diana Koch Mascali, June 21, 1964
Letter to Madam from Mildred Walker Elberfeld, June 22, 1964
Card from Roberta Scott Ball, June 24, 1964
Letter to Berinice from Katherine M. Wanysler [?], June 25, 1964
Letter to Margaret from Crissy, June 25, [1964?]
Letter to Reverend Bruce Hanson from Herrick B. Young, President, June 26, 1964
Letter to Margaret from Florence Horchow, June 27, 1964
Western College Inter-Office Communication, to Alumnae Office from Phyllis Hoyt, June 29, 1964
Letter to Alumnae Office from Elizabeth Timberlake Binder, June 29, 1964
Letter to Whom It May Concern, from Cynthia Leslie, June 30, 1964
Letter to Berenice from B.J. Nelson, June 30, 1964
Letter to Mrs. [Florence] Joseph Horchow from Herrick B. Young, President, July 1, 1964
P.S. Letter to Crissy LaRoche from Berenice Stegall, July 1, 1964
Letter to President Young from Berenice Davis Stegall, July 1, 1964
Letter to Mrs. Morris Denny from Herrick B. Young, President, July 2, 1964
Letter to Mrs. Conrad Leslie from Herrick B. Young, President, July 2, 1964
Letter to Mrs. David J. Stone from Berenice Stegall, July 2, 1964
Letter to Mrs. David J. Stone from Herrick B. Young, President, July 2, 1964
Letter to Mrs. Katherine M. Wampler from Herrick B. Young, President, July 2, 1964
Letter to Gentlemen, Western College Alumnae Development Fund, from Margaret MacGregor Nichols (Mrs. Samuel H., Jr.), July 4, 1964
Letter to Mrs. [Charlaine] David J. Stone from Mary Louise Charles, July 6, 1964 (two pages)
Letter to Mrs. John F. Nelson from Berenice Stegall, July 6, 1964
Letter to Mrs. John F. Nelson [B.J.] from Berenice Stegall, July 6, 1964
Letter to Mrs. Raymond C. Binder from Berenice Stegall, July 7, 1964
Letter to Mrs. Gerald Hahn from Berenice Stegall, July 8, 1964
Letter to Mrs. Samuel H. Nichols, Jr., Berenice Stegall, July 10, 1964
Letter to Mr. Charles J. Thornton from Henry J. Arnold, July 14, 1964
Letter to Mrs. Stegall from Willa Allen Frink, July 15, 1964
Letter to Mr. Robert W. Spike from Philip F. Myers, July 22, 1964
Letter to Miss Phyllis Hoyt from Phyllis Bailey (Mrs. J. Earl), July 29, 1964
Letter to Mrs. Gerald H. McBride from Philip F. Myers, July 30, 1964
Letter to Mrs. Gordon J. Burrer from Mary Louise Charles, July 31, 1964
Letter to Mrs. Fred A. Dewey from Mrs. Berenice Stegall, September 2, 1964
Letter to Mrs. Berenice Stegall from Crissy, Mrs. James N. LaRoche, September 6, 1964
Letter to Mrs. Gordon J. Burrer from Mrs. Berenice Stegall, August 21, 1964
Letter to Gentlemen, Western College Bulletin, from Mary M. Dewey (Mrs. Fred A. Dewey), August 23, 1964
Letter to [Crissy] Mrs. James N. LaRoche from Berenice Stegall, October 8, 1964
Letter to President Young from Vendela T. Heller, undated [1964?]
Folder 4: Freedom Summer Publications (John Bloom File), ca. 1964
Mississippi Subversion of the Right to Vote Publication by The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
A Chronology of Violence and Intimidation in Mississippi Since 1961, Publication by the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
Mississippi Freedom Summer Brochure from the Council of Federated Organizations (two copies)
Tired of Being Sick and Tired... Jerry DeMuth, The Nation, June 1, 1964
University of Mississippi, April 15, 1964 Faculty Statement
It Will Be a Hot Summer in Mississippi, by Richard Woodley, The Reporter, May 21, 1964
New Racist Organization Terrorizes Several South Mississippi Counties, The Delta Democrat-Times
"White Association Disclaims Violence Charges as Negroes Point to 5 Deaths," Delta Democrat-Times, May 10, 1964
The Student Voice, Vol. 5, No. 14, June 9, 1964
Mr. James Houton candidate for Congress, advertisement from campaign, June 2, 1964
Mississippi Project: Oxford still talks of Training Meeting, Dayton Daily News, Sunday, July 12, 1964
The Student Voice, Vol. 5, No. 16, July 15, 1964
The Oxford Press, Section Two,Editorial Comment, Editors Speak in Mississippi, July 9, 1964
Western Dean Writes Thoughts on Civil Rights Orientation, The Oxford Press, July 9, 1964
Incident Summary (page 9 and 10), undated [July 17-20, 1964?]
Letters from Mississippi: I Lay There Waiting to Be Shot, Dayton Daily News, August 9, 1964
Newsletter from the Friends of the Mississippi (Summer) Project, No. 3, September 22, 1964
Negroes are dragged off federal property as the FBI looks on, Registration in Alabama, The New Republic, October 26, 1963, reprinted [1964?]
Folder 5: Freedom Summer Freedom Registration Form (John Bloom File)
Freedom Registration Form (two copies)
Folder 6: Letters to John Bloom (John Bloom File)
The Klansman Publication by the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan of Mississippi
Copy of Notes from an Anonymous Freedom Fighter
Copy of Letter to Mr. and Mrs. Bloom from Dorie, a Freedom Summer Volunteer
Copy of Letter on Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee letterhead to Mr. and Mrs. Bloom, from Dorie, a Freedom Summer Volunteer, undated
Transcript of pages written by David Wolf of Hartford Connecticut, summer volunteer
Copy of Letter to Mr. and Mrs. Bloom from Dorie, July 13, 1964
Copy of Letter to Mr. and Mrs. Bloom from Dorie, July 19, 196[4?]
Copy of Letter to Mr. and Mrs. Bloom from Dorie, July 22, 1964
Letter to Mr. Robert White, Editor, The Oxford Press, from Rev. Bruce Hanson, National Council of Churches, Commission of Religion and Race, 30 July 1964
Copy of Letter to Mr. and Mrs. Bloom from Dorie, September 27, 1964
Copy of Letter to Mr. and Mrs. Bloom from Dorie, December 8, 1964
Copy of Letter to Mr. and Mrs. Bloom from Dorie, January 18, 1965
Folder 7: Freedom Summer Incident Reports (John Bloom File)
July 10 Report on Summer Community Centers
Incident Summary, August 14
Folder 8: Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party Information
Platform and Principles of the Mississippi State Democratic Party Adopted in Convention in the City of Jackson June 30, 1960
Mississippi: How Negro Democrats Fared Report
The Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party Report
Folder 9: Donation from Amy Peterson (Freedom Pin-button), ca. 1964
Note to Ms. Johnson from Amy Peterson, March 26, 2007
SNCC Pin - button in envelope on card
Political Heritage Business Card
Political Heritage Flyer
Political Heritage Invoice/Packing Slip
Package Envelope
Political Heritage Packing List
Folder 10: Freedom Summer Articles, ca. 1964-2004
Terrorists Cheated of Victim, San Francisco Examiner, May 4, 1965 [1964?]
Course at WCW in Civil Rights to Enroll 600, undated [May 20, 1964?]
Event Sincere, Selma Marcher Tells NAACP, Hamilton, May 20, 1965 [1964?]
Into Jaws of Hate and Fear Ride 200, undated [May 1964?]
Thoughts on Civil Rights Orientation, June 26, 1964, Oxford, Ohio, Summer Bulletin, 1964
Gregory Stresses Courage of Mississippi Project, Oxford Press, April 16, 1989
Service Honors Trio of Martyrs, June 26, 1989
Memorial recalls Freedom Summer, The Oxford Press, April 3, 2000
Miami's new center for American and World Cultures debuts lecture series, The Miami University Report, Vol. 20 No. 5, August 31, 2000
Training for the freedom Fight, Activists recall Oxford program, date unknown [2000?]
Students follow the path of Freedom Summer, 2004
Remember Freedom Summer on anniversary, The Oxford Press, June 28, 2004
Students retrace project marked by workers deaths, Dayton Daily News, June 20, 2004
Folder 11: Student Paper on Imagery and Freedom Summer
History 717 paper, November 1987 - "Oxford, Ohio, and the South: Imagery and the Freedom Summer of 1964," by Stuart R. Thomson
Folder 12: Freedom Summer- 40th Reunion- Photos and miscellanies, 2004
9 Photos from Roland Duerksen, taken during his stay in Mississippi:
o Citizens Councils: States Rights- Racial Integrity sign
o Inscription on Jackson Mississippi School building, reads: 1060 Administrative Offices, Colored School Division, Jackson Municipal Separate School District
o Freedom School in Jackson , Mississippi
o Singer at Freedom School class in Jackson , Mississippi
o Chalk-board next to COFO headquarters building in Jackson, Mississippi
o Building that served as headquarters for the Council of Federated Organizations (COFO)
o Mock Political Convention
o Freedom Democratic Party headquarters house
o Robert Moses, director of the 1964 Mississippi Summer Project during break session
Thank You Note [addressed to Kathy from Ruth and Dan Britt]thanking her for dinner with Congressman John Lewis at the 2004 Freedom Summer Conference at Miami University in Oxford, OH, September 19, 2004
2 Western College Memorial Archives Flyers
Voices of Freedom Summer Reunion and Conference in Oxford, Ohio September 17, 18, 19, 2004, Conference Schedule and Program
Copy of cover of Two Visions of Freedom CDs
Copy of Mississippi Freedom Project Pamphlet [2 copies]
Copy of Mississippi Summer Project Pamphlet [2 copies]
Miscellaneous Photos used on Freedom Summer Advertising Billboards
o 4 Photos of the Freedom Summer Memorial
o 6 Photos from the Hoxie Collection of the Smith Library of Regional History, Enlargements
o 6 Photos from the Roland Duerksen Collection, Enlargements
Folder 13: Letters from Mississippi
MU Lecture series to analyze Freedom Summer, The Miami Student, Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Folder 14: Donations from Jeff Acorn
New Mississippi Newsletter, July 11, 2000
List of Some Aspects of Black-White Problems as Seen by Field Staff
Letter to Summer Project Worker, May 5, 1964 from Mississippi Summer Project Staff
Memo to Summer Project Participants from Summer Project Committee, Re: Orientation
Memo to Accepted Applicants
Council of Federated Organizations Legal Guide
Letter from Jeff Acorn about materials he has donated to the Western College Memorial Archives,
August 3, 2005
Folder 15: Freedom Summer 40th Anniversary Posters, Flyers, etc.
Voices of Freedom Summer September 17-19, 2004 Registration Form
Voices of Freedom Summer Conference in Oxford, Ohio September 17-19, 2004 small poster
Voices of Freedom Summer Conference in Oxford, Ohio September 17-19, 2004 large poster
Table Tent of Voices of Freedom Summer Conference in Oxford, Ohio September 17-19, 2004
Flyer of Voices Freedom Summer Conference highlights mentions Representative John Lewis, Bob Moses, Mississippi Summer Project, in Oxford, Ohio September 17-19, 2004
Flyer of Write. Right? Reviewing Letters from MS, Brown Bag Discussion in preparation for Voices Freedom Summer
Folder 23: Friends of the Mississippi Summer Project Newsletter, donated by Jane Stripple
Freedom Summer Newsletters, June 28, 1964; July 4, 1964; July 14, 1964; August 5, 1964; September 22, 1964; November 18, 1964; January 25, 1965
Western College Collection;Freedom Summer Collection; Articles; Correspondence, Virginia Steele Papers; Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Commemoration Materials; Memorial Dedication Materials; 1964-2007; Box 7
Folder 1: August 14, 2004 Art Facts [1964 materials]
Letter from Carl R. Jantzen to Roland Duerksen, dated July 21, 1964
Letter to Professor Ronald A. Duerksen, dated July 21, 1964 from Department of Government
MSP Newsletter No. 4, Friends of the Mississippi Subsistence Project, Oxford , Ohio , November 18, 1964 [5 pages total]
Folder 2: Virginia Steele Papers, 1965-2007
1,000 Negro demonstrators seized in Ala.; Could you vote in Ala.?; Rights worker says Miss. in web Wilmington Morning News, page 1-2, February 4, 1965
Freedom Libraries of the Mississippi Summer Project, by Virginia Steele, reprinted from Southeastern Librarian, Vol. 15, No. 2, July 1965 [2 copies]
Virginia Says Goodbye to a Long-Time Friend, Santa Rosa, CA, 2001, copy of photograph of Virgina Steele posing with van "The Freedom Bus".[3 copies and an explanation]
Virginia Steele - Obituary, Yellow Springs News, September 14,2006 [2 copies]
Letter to Ms. Mary Morgan from Lisa Anderson Todd, December 26, 2006 (two pages)
Color photograph,Virginia Steele posing with friends in Jackson, Mississippi, July 1994 at Freedom Summer Reunion, left to right Virginia Steele, Lisa Anderson Todd, Nancy (Shanny) Schieffelin, Candy Brown, Pat Vail, and Barbara Mutnick, with envelope
Fannie Chaney; Mother of Slain Civil Rights Worker, The Washington Post/Obituary, May 27, 2007
Remembrances of Virginia Steele, Conversation Notes with Mary M. Steele Morgan, sister of Virginia Steele, September 14, 2006, September 16, 2006
We need to remember 1964, Dayton Daily News, undated
Memo, Virginia Steele to library workers; August 7, 1964 [2 copies]
A Summer in Mississippi, Freedom Worker Reports, The Morgantown Post, September 15, 1964 [2 copies]
Page of Remembrances of Virginia Steele November 4-22,2006
Letter to Ms. Mary Morgan from Lisa Anderson Todd, December 26, 2006 (two pages) with color photograph July 1994, Mississippi, l to r: Virginia Steele, Lisa Anderson Todd, Nancy (Shanny) Schieffelin, Candy Brown, Pat Vail, and Barbara Mutnick, with envelope (four pages)
"Virginia's 'Freedom Bus'" narrative written by Mary M. Steele Morgan, "age 84"
"Long Friendships Tell an Important Story" article and photograph ca. 1998
"Compassion Spur In Rights Work" Dayton Daily News, Sat. July 4, 1964 by Paul Delaney
"Miss. Snared in 'Web,' Ex-Rights Aide Says" Evening Journal, Wilmington, Del. Thurs. Feb 4, 1965 [2 pages]
Photocopy of Photograph, 30th Freedom Summer Reunion, 1994.
Folder 3: Miscellaneous, 1965-2007
Brazilians Visit Campus; Note Political Apathy, The Miami Student, May 14, 1965
Letter to Judy Waldron from Phyllis Hoyt, November 11, 2002
"Freedom Now...a World in Progress" flyer from the April 10, 2003 production
2/19/07 Notes with envelope from Emerson Jordan, February 20, 2007
"Martin Luther King...At Communist Training School" Propaganda Flyer
Miss Fannie Lee Chaney 614 39th Ave. Meridian, Mississippi, address
"Fellowship" June 1989 Civil Rights Magazine
Folder 4: Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Commemoration, 1989
From the 60's to the 90's: Alternative Visions of Racial Justice Program/Flyer, March 21, 1989-April 1, 1989
From the 60's to the 90's: Alternative Visions of Racial Justice Program, March 31- April 1, 1989 (two pages)
Speaker Biographies from the twenty-fifth reunion, (two pages), [March 31-April 1,] 1989
Tentative Schedule of Events, March 31-April 1, 1989
From the 60's to the 90's: Alternative Visions of Racial Justice, Synopsis of Events [March 31-April 1, 1989; Approximate Costs [March 31-April 1, 1989]
From the 60s to the 90s: Alternative Visions of Racial Justice, Program Schedule, April 1, 1989
Program for Twenty-Fifth Commemoration of Freedom Summer, An Oxford Community Celebration, June 21, 1989 The History of Civil Rights in America, Poster for marker, 1992
Song Sheet for Freedom Song "Freedom In the Air"
Folder 5 : Memorial Planning Fall 1999 and Memorial Dedication in April 2000
Photograph of "Freedom Summer Memorial Marker"
Photograph of media, public, Miami University officials at Public meeting in the Fall of 1999 at site of memorial
Photograph of the Fall of 1999 when people gathered to discuss the planned memorial
Photograph of Fall 1999 President Garland and Arthur Miller at the Fall 1999 meeting as they discuss the construction of the Freedom Summer Memorial and shows plans on 2 easels
Photograph of Memorial Dedication President James Garland, Miami University; Karen White, Event Coordinator, Miami University, Brother of Michael Schwerner
Photographs of Ceremony in Leonard Theater, Peabody Hall, President Garland, Dr. Schwerner, Joe Cox, Michael Miller, Rick Momeyer and Will Haygood
Photograph of Ceremony in Leonard Theater, President Garland and Karen White
Photograph of Ceremony in Leonard Theater, President Garland speaking with Will Haygood, Karen White and Dr. Schwerner
Photograph of Memorial Dedication at Memorial, President Garland and Dr. Schwerner addressing the crowd
Photograph of President Garland, Karen White at Freedom Summer Memorial
Photograph of Karen White, Jane Strippel, Prue Dana at Memorial
Photograph of reporter interviewing Rick Momeyer (2 copies)
Photograph of crowd at Dedication of Memorial
Photograph of Reporter and Will Haygood
Photograph of Vanessa Cummings, Assistant Director of Public Safety and President of the Oxford Branch NAACP and Reverend Virgil Cummings
Photograph of Freedom Summer Memorial and Kumler Chapel
Photograph of Panoramic view of the Freedom Summer Memorial
Photograph of Panoramic view of the Freedom Summer Memorial featuring the engraved stones
Photograph of Panoramic view of the entire Freedom Summer Memorial
Photograph of Panoramic view of the Freedom Summer Memorial
Photograph of Panoramic view of the Freedom Summer Memorial with information about the chronology of the engraved stones
Freedom Summer Memorial Brochure, 2000
Purple invitation card about scheduled lectures about Freedom Summer, April 5-6, 2000
Freedom Summer Memorial Note Card that features photography of the Freedom Summer Memorial, 2000
Program for the Freedom Summer Dedication Ceremony, April 7, 2000
Remarks from President Garland for the Freedom Summer Dedication, April 7, 2000
Inscriptions of each stone on the Freedom Summer Memorial
Folder 6: Articles on Mississippi Freedom Summer, 2004-2007
Students commemorate Freedom Summer, The Miami Student, April 27, 2004
The Miami University Report, June 24, 2004 with article, Students retrace Freedom Summer path
Voices of Freedom Summer [Front page photograph], The Miami University Report, September 16, 2004
Racism is alive, shaking hands, by Leonard Pitts Jr. Cincinnati Enquirer, September 27, 2004
Faces tells Freedom Summer story, Oxford Press, October 1, 2004
Let Freedom Summer be your guide, Oxford Press, October 1, 2004
Reward posted in Freedom Summer slayings from 1964, Journal News, December 21, 2004
Man indicted for ‘64 civil rights murders, The Miami Student, January 14, 2005 (two pages)
A Season for Justice by Chris Gray, City Beat, March 16-22, 2005 (4 copies)
Playwright to spotlight Freedom Summer 1964, The Miami Student, January 30, 2007
Miller's passing impacts events of Miami's Black History Month, The Miami Student, January 30, 2007 (two pages)
Folder 7: Article on the Resurfacing of Freedom Summer due to Trial, June 2005
Mississippi trial has roots in Miami’s Freedom Summer, Journal News, Sunday, June 19, 2005
Folder 8: Finding Freedom Summer Project Newsletter, October 2005
Letters from Oxford, OH, news of the Finding Freedom Summer Project at Miami University, Vol. 1, No. 1, October 2005 (four copies)
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; Articles; 1964-2005; Box 8
Folder 1: Articles concerning Freedom Summer and miscellaneous papers, ca. 1964
Conference Facilities Page
If you are arrested in Mississippi, Brochure, Prepared by the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc.
U.S. Powers are Limited in Dealing with Civil Rights Strife, The New York Times, Sunday June 28, 1964; "Mississippi: A Profile of the Nation's Most Segregated State", June 28, 1964
Three Greater Boston Students in Mississippi: Bullets... Threats... Ostracism, The Boston Sunday Herald, July 12, 1964
The News of the Week in Review, The New York Times, June 28, 1964
Folder 2: Articles concerning Freedom Summer
Freedom school's grads return to tell life's lessons, The First Cox Newspaper, Thursday, March 30, 1989
Another case of Murder in Mississippi, Los Angeles Times / Calendar, Sunday February 4, 1990, p. 8+
Oxford to honor 1964 civil-rights martyrs, The Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, June 20, 1994
Oxford linked to Freedom Summer, The Middletown Journal, February 23, 1997
Mississippi town honors slain activists 40 years later, Dayton Daily News, June 20, 2004
Oxford recalls sacrifice of Freedom Summer Volunteers, Oxford Press, October 1, 2004
Crumbs of justice, The Columbus Dispatch, February 6, 2005
Hand Written Note Concerning Hoxie Photographs, 2004
Email from Mary Jane Berman to Rick Momeyer et. al. Subject, Conference/Reunion Minutes, February 27, 2004
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; VHS Tapes; Compact Discs; Posters; 1994-2005; Box 9
Box 9:
Chude Allen, Why Struggle? Why Care? Freedom Summer Lecture Series, September 20, 2005 VHS
"The Turning Point" NBC News, 30th Anniversary Freedom Summer, 1994 VHS
"Edgar Ray Killen", CBS Evening News, June 16, 2005 VHS
"Edgar Ray Killen", CBS Evening News, June 23, 2005 VHS
CD of Lois Nelson August 14, 2004 Interview, 2 copies
CD of Jane Strippel August 20, 2004 Interview, 2 copies
Floppy Disk with Freedom Summer Tape 1- Flinterman/Miller, Tape 2- Griffing/Cantrell Interviews
"Eyes on the Prize" Documentary on Civil Rights, Tape 1 and 2, VHS
Folder 3: Letters from Mississippi Poster
Letters from Mississippi, An Interdisciplinary Series on Freedom Summer 1964, Civil Rights, and Social Justice Poster, Fall 2005
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; Audiocassette Tapes; Story Circle Interviews; 2000-2004; Box 10
Box 10:
Audiocassette Tapes:
Story Circle, 114 MMH, September 18, 2004
Story Circle, Room 115, September 18, 2004
Story Circle, 113 MMH, September 18, 2004 Tape 4
Story Circle, 217 MMH, September 18, 2004 Tape 5
Story Circle, 107 MMH, September 18, 2004 Tape 6
Story Circle (Room with Chuck McDougall)
Freedom Summer 1964, Will Keebler, Western Administration (Mr. Keebler was employed at the Western College for Women in 1964, took part in the training at Western)
Memories of Freedom Summer, Elinor Aurthur, 11-19-00 (Ms. Aurthur was a student at Reed College in 1964, took part in the training at Western)
Core Interviews, October 6th, 2004 and various dates: Audio cassette Tapes
Freedom Summer Conference Story Circle, September 18, 2004
Paul Daniels, August 5, 2004, 2 cassettes
Camilla Flintermann, July 7, 2004
David Griffing and Joe Cantrell, July 24, 2004, 4 cassettes
David and Louise Griffing, August 12, 2004
Chuck McDew, September 18, 2004
William McKinstry, June 23, 2005
Arthur Miller, July 21, 2004, 2 cassettes
Donald Nelson, August 14, 2004, 2 cassettes
Lois Nelson, August 14, 2004, 2 cassettes
Jane Strippel and Roland Duerkson, August 14, 2004, 1 cassette
Jane Strippel, August 14, 2004, 3 cassettes
Jane Strippel, August 20, 2004, 2 copies
Freedom Summer Story Circle, September 18, 2004, 5 cassettes
Cassette Holder: Story Circle, September 18, 2004, 6 cassettes
Chuck McDougall (no date listed)
Will Keebler, employed at the Western College for Women in 1964, when the training occurred
Memories of Freedom Summer Elinor Arthur, was a student at Reed College in 1964, participated in training at Western College November 19, 2000
Floppy Disc: Tape 1 Cantrell/Griffing; Tape 2 Arthur Miller; Tape 3 Paul Daniels; Tape 4 David and Louise Griffing
Mini Disc: Story Circle Oral History, September 18, 2004
Mini Disc: Story Session, (September 18, 2004?)
Mini Disc: Story Circle, September 18, 2004
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; Freedom Summer Unity and Change, Then and Now 45th Reunion and Conference Presentations; DVDs; Transcripts; Story Circles Transcripts; 2009; Box 11
Box 11:
Freedom Summer Unity and Change, Then and Now 45th Reunion and Conference, October 9-11, 2009.DVD 10: Marcum Conference Center Room 154 "Preserving the Past for the Future" Moderator: Judy Waldron, Director, Western College Alumnae Association Presenters: Jan Hillegas, Council of Federated Churches, Jacqueline Johnson, Archivist, Western College Memorial Archives, Katie Johnson, Public Programs Manager, National Underground Railroad Freedom Center
Freedom Summer Unity and Change, Then and Now 45th Reunion and Conference, October 9-11, 2009.DVD 11: Marcum Conference Center Room 232-6, "Oxford, Ohio Friends of the Mississippi Project" Moderator: Jenny Presnell, Miami University Libraries; Presenters:Donald Nelson, Barbara McKinstry, William McKinstry, Jane Strippel
Freedom Summer Unity and Change, Then and Now 45th Reunion and Conference, October 9-11, 2009.DVD 12: Marcum Conference Center Room 158, "Current Issues in Civil Rights" Moderator: Augutus Jones, Department of Political Science, Miami University, Presenters: Curtis Austin, Center for Black Studies, The University of Southern Mississippi; Madelyn Detloff, Women's Studies Program and Department of English, Miami University; Jason Riveiro, President, League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC)
Freedom Summer Unity and Change, Then and Now 45th Reunion and Conference, October 9-11, 2009. DVD 13: Marcum Conference Center Room 154, "Organizing Now and Then" Moderator: Kevin Armitage, Western Program, Miami University Presenters: Margaret Block, Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), Charles McDew, Former Chair of Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), Charles Sherrod, Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
Freedom Summer Unity and Change, Then and Now 45th Reunion and Conference, October 9-11, 2009. DVD 14: Marcum Conference Center Room 232-6, "Why Struggle Why Care: Freedom Activists Tell Their Stories Moderator: Patrick Frank, Miami University Obama for America Field Organizer Presenters: Chude Pam Parker Allen, Member of the Veterans of the Civil Rights Movement; Jim Kates, Publisher and Translator; Flonzie Brown-Wright, President and CEO of FBW and Associates
Freedom Summer Unity and Change, Then and Now 45th Reunion and Conference, October 9-11, 2009. DVD 15: Marcum Conference Center Room "Social Justice in Education and Voter Rights" Moderator: Ray Terrell, Special Assistant to the Dean of Education, Miami University Presenters: Denise Taliaferro Baszile, Department of Educational Leadership, Miami University, Timothy Jenkins, Attorney, Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) Lobbyist; J. Charles Jones, Attorney and Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
Freedom Summer Unity and Change, Then and Now 45th Reunion and Conference, October 9-11, 2009. DVD 16: Marcum Conference Center Room 158 "Women of the Civil Rights Movement" Moderator: Mary Frederickson, Department of History, Miami University; Presenters: Jane Adams, Department of Anthropology, Southern Illinois University; Margaret Prescod Noonan, Writer/Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC);Judy Richardson, Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)/Senior Producer, Northern Light Productions
Freedom Summer Unity and Change, Then and Now 45th Reunion and Conference, October 9-11, 2009. DVD 17: Marcum Conference Center Room 232-6 "Mississippi Before and after Freedom Summer" Moderator: Hasan K. Jeffries, Department of History, The Ohio State University Presenters: Rev. John Frazier, Retired Unitarian Universalist Minister/National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP; Dorie Ladner, Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC); Kay Sloan, Department of English, Miami University
Freedom Summer Unity and Change, Then and Now 45th Reunion and Conference, October 9-11, 2009. DVD 18: Marcum Conference Center Room 154 "Music of the Civil Rights Movement" Moderator: Tammy Kernodle, Department of Music, Miami University Presenters: Susie Erenrich, Founder/Executive Director of Cultural Center for Social Change, TV Reed, American Studies and English, Washington State University, Allan Winkler, Department of History, Miami University
Freedom Summer Unity and Change, Then and Now 45th Reunion and Conference, October 9-11, 2009. DVD 19: Shriver Center Heritage Room, Plenary Session "The Politics of Freedom" Introduction: Michael Dantley, Associate Provost, Miami University; Presenters: Rita Schwerner Bender, Attorney; Rev. John Mendez, Emmanuel Baptist Church, Winston Salem, NC, Representative Bakari Sellers, SC
Freedom Summer Unity and Change, Then and Now 45th Reunion and Conference, October 9-11, 2009 DVD 20: Marcum Conference Center Lower Alexander Dining Hall "Freedom Readings and Songs" Songs by Dan Cobb, Denny Sullivan, and Allan Winkler. Farewell Remarks: Phyllis Hoyt
Freedom Summer Unity and Change, Then and Now 45th Reunion and Conference, October 9-11, 2009. DVD 21: Rick Momeyer, Oral History
Freedom Summer Unity and Change, Then and Now 45th Reunion and Conference, October 9-11, 2009. DVD 22: Charles Sherrod, Oral History
Freedom Summer Unity and Change, Then and Now 45th Reunion and Conference, October 9-11, 2009. DVD 23: John Frazier, Oral History
Freedom Summer Conference, Story Circle 107 MMH, September 18, 2004
Freedom Summer Conference, Story Circle 113 MMH, September 18, 2004
Freedom Summer Conference, Story Circle 114 MMH, September 18, 2004
Freedom Summer Conference, Story Circle 115 MMH, September 18, 2004
Freedom Summer Conference, Story Circle 116 MMH Chuck McDew, September 18, 2004
Freedom Summer Conference, Story Circle 212 MMH, September 18, 2004
Cantrell/Griffing, Oral History, Tape 2, July 24, 2004
Jane Strippel, Oral History, Tape 1, August 14, 2004
Camilla Flinterman, Oral History, Tape 1, July 24, 2004
Jane Strippel/Roland Duerkson, Oral History, August 14, 2004
William and Barbara McKinstry, Oral History, June 23, 2005
Copy #1, Arthur F. Miller Interview, July 21, 2004
Paul Daniels, August 5, 2004, Disc 1 (CD)
Cantrell/Griffing, Tape 2, Oral History, July 24, 2004 (CD)
David and Louise Griffing, August 12, 2004, Disc 1 (CD)
Don Nelson, Oral History, August 14, 2004 (CD)
Freedom Summer Memorial PowerPoint Presentation, May 2001
Miami University Libraries Digital Initiatives, SNCC Posters, April 12, 2007
Bob Keller’s Freedom Summer Memorial Presentation
Smithsonian: Voices of the Civil Rights Movement 60-66 Disc 1
Smithsonian: Voices of the Civil Rights Movement 60-66 Disc 2
Voices of Freedom Summer Reunion and Conference PowerPoint
Freedom Summer 40th Anniversary Freedom Summer Reunion Conference, July 28, 2004, August 14, 2004
The George Hoxie Collection: Photographs of Freedom Summer [2 copies]
Freedom Songs (Music) Disc 1 and Disc 2
Transcripts of Story Circles
Lois Nelson 8/14/2004
Jane Strippel and Roland Duerkson 8/14/2004 - Tape 6
Don Nelson 8/14/2004 - Tape 7
Jane Strippel 8/19/2004 - Tape 5
Tape 6: 9/18/2004
McKinstry Oral History - William and Barbara McKinstry 6/25/2005
Jane Strippel 8/20/2005
Tape 5: 9/18/2005
Interview "Freedom Summer Memorial’s Tenth anniversary Freedom Summer Memorial" Judy Waldron interview with Bob Keller, designer of the Freedom Summer Monument at Western College, Miami University Architect, Associate Vice-President, Facilities and Planning 2012
Interview: Memories of Freedom Summer with Ronald Deurksen, Freedom Summer volunteer, Oxford, OH February 15, 2010
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; Freedom Summer Memorial; 2009; Box 12
Box 12:
Additional Materials:
Freedom Summer ‘64 Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, Dedicated April 7, 2000 Paperweight
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; Freedom Summer Unity and Change, Then and Now 45th Reunion and Conference Presentations; DVDs; Transcripts; Story Circles Transcripts; 1964
Box 13:
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) Posters:
Is He Protecting You?
Support Your Local Police
Come let us build a new world together
For Food... For Freedom
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; Freedom Summer Unity and Change, Then and Now 45th Reunion and Conference Presentations; DVDs; Books; Transcripts; Story Circles Transcripts; 2004; Box 14
Box 14:
Finding Freedom Summer at Miami University, Disk 1. September 17-19, 2004. This includes: Tour of Western College for Women and the Freedom Summer Memorial; Faith and Activism; and "Race:Mississippi"
Finding Freedom Summer at Miami University, Disk 2. September 17-19, 2004. This includes: Non-violent Philosophies and Practice: 1964-2004; The History of SNCC: The Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee; and Dinner for Presenters and Freedom Summer Participants.
Finding Freedom Summer at Miami University, Disk 3. September 17-19, 2004. This includes: Keynote Address: Representative John Lewis, Democrat-Georgia; and Conference Opening Remarks and Keynote Address.
Finding Freedom Summer at Miami University, Disk 4. September 17-19, 2004. This includes: Reconciliation in Mississippi: A Conversation and The Role of the Arts in the Civil Rights Movement.
Finding Freedom Summer at Miami University, Disk 5. September 17-19, 2004. This includes: Freedom Schools and The Algebra Project.
Finding Freedom Summer at Miami University, Disk 6. September 17-19, 2004. This includes: The Continuing Struggle for Civil Rights in Cincinnati and Women in the Movement.
Finding Freedom Summer at Miami University, Disk 7. September 17-19, 2004. This includes: Oxford Participants Share their Stories and Mississippi: Then and Now.
Finding Freedom Summer at Miami University, Disk 8. September 17-19, 2004. This includes: Religion and Social Activism and Story Gathering.
Finding Freedom Summer at Miami University, Disk 9. September 17-19, 2004. This includes: Prelude to Freedom: The Brown Decision and the Summer of 1964.
Finding Freedom Summer at Miami University, Disk 10. September 17-19, 2004. This includes: Civil Rights and Pedagogy and "Faces of Freedom Summer": Photographs by Herbert Randall.
Finding Freedom Summer at Miami University, Disk 11. September 17-19, 2004. This includes: The Struggle for Social Justice.
Finding Freedom Summer at Miami University, Disk 12. September 17-19, 2004. This includes: "Wouldn't take Nothin' for my Journey: A Celebration in Music and Drama"
Finding Freedom Summer at Miami University, Disk 13. September 17-19, 2004. This includes: The History of Race Relations at Miami University and Western College.
Finding Freedom Summer at Miami University, Disk 14. September 17-19, 2004. This includes: Interfaith Gathering at Freedom Summer Memorial on Western Campus; Interviwews with Ben Chaney, John Steele, Joe Keesecker; and Story of Three.
"In Rarefied Air; A Civil Rights Story" "A Must See Inspirational Civil Rights Film" DVD with Jewel Case
Zellner, Bob The Wrong Side of Murder Creek
Typed transcripts from 2004 Conference
Disc 1: "Faith and Activism"
Disc 2: "Non-Violent Philosophies"
Disc 3: "Keynote Address"
Disc 4: "The Role of Arts in the Civil Rights Movement"
Disc 5: "The Algebra Project"
Disc 7: "Oxford Stories"
Disc 8: "Religion and Social Activism"
Disc 9: "Brown vs. Board of Education"
Disc 10: "Civil Rights and Pedagogy"
Disc 11: "Struggle for Social Justice"
Disc 12: "Wouldn't Take Nothing for My Journey"
Disc 13: "History of Race Relations at Miami University and Western College"
Disc 14: Interfaith Gathering at the Freedom Summer Memorial"
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; 2009 Finding Freedom Summer Conference Materials; Theatre; Plays; 2009-2010; Box 15
Folder 1
2009 Finding Freedom Summer Conference Materials Miami University Department of Theater Play Invitation to a Staged Reading of Down In Mississippi, Saturday, February 28, 2009
Tickets from play Down in Mississippi, Saturday, February 28, 2009 (6 tickets in envelope)
Faculty information newsletter to Down In Mississippi Play signed by Carlyle Brown
Printout of Medgar Evers Feature Story from Website
Photocopy of Handwritten List and Envelope
Digital Image of James Cheney (printout)
Playbook, titled "Mississippi Summer Project, Volunteer Manual 1964" (5 copies signed by Carlyle Brown, 2 unsigned)
Poster for "Down in Mississippi Play" signed by Carlyle Brown (2 copies)
Freedom Summer Press Release on Play Down In Mississippi from the Center for American and World Cultures
"Freedom Vote Ballot" audience participation pieces.
"Down In Mississippi" Lobby Display Data packet
Press Release January 20, 2010 "Miami Theater Wins Two Certificates of Merit"
Folder 2
Narrative writings dealing with Mississippi Freedom Summer (4 pages and envelope)
Printout of Medgar Evers Internet article, "Medgar Wiley Evers and the Origin of the Civil Rights Movement in Mississippi" by Dernoral Davis
Flyer, "Veterans of the Mississippi Civil Rights Movement" tri-fold with member application
Flyer, "5th Annual Conference of the Veterans of the Mississippi Civil Rights Movement" at Jackson State University
Folder 3
Flyer for "Freedom Summer Pre-Conference Event: Who's Teaching Whom?"
"Freedom Summer Pre-Conference Event: Who's Teaching Whom?" Presenter abstract
Freedom Summer Conference Flyer (2 copies)
Freedom Summer Conference table tent advertisement (2 copies)
Freedom Summer Conference Program (3 copies)
Freedom Summer Conference Poster
Freedom Summer Conference Poster from the 45th Reunion and Conference at Miami University, October 9-11, 2009
Freedom Summer Conference Visitor Packet with conference information (2 Folders)
Marcum Conference Center and Miami Inn Folder (empty)
Freedom Summer Conference Opening Dinner bi-fold program (3 Copies) Freedom Summer Memorial Tri-fold advertisement
Marcum Conference Center Writing pad stationery
"Finding Freedom Summer in Oxford Ohio, Faculty Workshop" schedule
"Finding Freedom Summer in Oxford Ohio Conference and 45th Reunion Schedule of events (4 pages)
"Sunday Morning Farewell Brunch" for Freedom Summer Conference Schedule
WCMA Photo Release form
"Visions of Freedom" 2004 conference digital media (3 CD-ROMs)
"A National Movement through[sic.] a Local Lens: Oxford, Ohio and Freedom Summer of 1964" digital media (CD-ROM)
Folder 4:
Mississippi Freedom Summer (Application for volunteer work) made for 2010 play Down in Mississippi. Forms filled out by audience members including Carlyle Brown (playwright) (22 in total)
Mississippi Freedom Summer (Application for volunteer work) made for 2010 play Down in Mississippi. Blank Form
Facsimile of Registration form for Freedom Summer
Article, "Miami Theatre wins two certificates of merit" January 20, 2010, with handwritten note
Folder 5:
Script of Down In Mississippi; A Gospel Play With Music by Carlyle Brown; A Commission from the Theater Department in the School of Fine Arts and the Center for American & World Cultures, Miami University of Ohio.
Folder 6:
All access and backstage pass for Down in Mississippi play, 2010
Miami Student Article, Play Celebrates Freedom Summer's 45th anniversary Tues, September 22, 2009 by Mary Kate Linehan
American Theatre article, A Civil Rights Show-and-Tell October 2009
Poster for Down in Mississippi, Would you go?(4 copies)
Photo copies of Play book for Down in Mississippi, 2010
Down in Mississippi promotional mailing (3 copies)
Folder 7:
Replica political pin advertising Civil Rights causes (2)
SNCC Identification Card replica with bio of various civil rights workers. Made for Down in Mississippi play. (16)
SNCC Mississippi Freedom Project Facsimile Flyer
COFO Freedom Registration Facsimile Flyer
Mississippi Freedom Summer Project Volunteer Manual 1964 created for Down in Mississippi play 2010
Text of Phyllis Hoyt Speech from Welcome Dinner of Freedom Summer Conference, Friday October 9th, 2009. Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Oxford, Ohio.
Folder 8:
COFO Facsimile Freedom Registration Form Filled out (4 copies)
Facsimile Sworn Written Application for Registration Filled out (5 copies)
Article: Selections from the Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library, The Duke Magazine, January-
February 2011
SNCC Pamphlet: SNCC Structure and Leadership
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; Phyllis Hoyt Collection; Photographs Ted Polumbaum Collection; Chude Allen; Eyes on The Prize; America's Civil Rights Movement 1964-2010; Box 16
Box 16:
Folder 1: Documents from the Phyllis Hoyt Collection
New York Times Article, College to Train Rights Workers Sunday May 3, 1964
Letter to Friends of the Mississippi Summer Project, June 28, 1964 (3 Pages)
Letter to Phyllis Hoyt from James W. King, First Baptist Church, Dayton, OH. July 6, 1964
Letter to Phyllis Hoyt from The Rt. Rev. William Crittenden, Bishop of Erie (Episcopal) July, 7 1964
Letter to Mr. Sidney t. Swan from Philip F. Myers, Assistant to the President. July 13, 1964
Friends of the Mississippi Freedom Summer Project Bulletin, July 14, 1964 (1 page, front and back)
Letter to Miss. Marian Robinson from Isabel R. Abbott, Dean of the College. July 16, 1964 (mimeograph stapled to a second letter) attached to original letter from Marian Robinson to Miss. Hoyt. (2 sheets)
Letter to Phyllis Hoyt, from Paul of the Westminster Foundation of Oxford, Oh. July 20, 1964
Memo to Dean Hoyt on 7/23/64 attached to document titled, The Freedom News, Vol.1, No. 1 July 16, 64
Letter to Phyl (Mrs. J. Earl Baily) from Phyllis Hoyt, August 5, 1964
Letter to Phyllis (Presumably Phyllis Hoyt) from William Bill Hawley of The Diocese of Southern Ohio, Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Oxford, Oh.
Letter to Phyllis Hoyt from [Illegible] Fuller, August 22, 1964
Note from Berenice Stegall to Phyllis [Hoyt] attached to a letter to Gentlemen at the Western College Bulletin in request of Phyllis Hoyt article, signed, Mary M. Dewey - Mrs. Fred. A. Dewey
Letter to Dean Phyllis [Hoyt], signed Sara Lee attached to an envelope with return address to Burneson
Letter to Miss Hoyt signed Cary attached to an envelope with return address of Mrs. Margaret C. Clumples
Letter to Miss. Phyllis Hoyt from Mary Jane S[illegible] dated August, 31, 1964 (two pages stapled)
Letter to Phyllis [Hoyt] from Gay (Halsley) [?] dated August 31, 1964 (two pages stapled)
Article cut from The Boston Sunday Herald, The Impact of Project Freedom On Mississippi from Sept. 6th, 1964
Letter to Mrs. Jack H. Fuller from Phyllis Hoyt, Sept. 8, 1964
Letter to Miss Hoyt from Cary Kimbark Revere on stationery of Mrs. Paul Revere Jr. with envelope attached. Dated, Labor Day, 1964
Letter to Peggy (Mrs. Margaret C. McHolme) from Phyllis Hoyt, September 18, 1964 attached to letter from Peggy McHolme to Phyllis Hoyt, September 12th, 1964
Letter to Mrs. Hoyt from Phylli dated, September 24, 1964, attached to an envelope with return address of J. Carl Bailey
Letter to Mr. Fletcher Coates from William H. Maness, CC to Phyllis Hoyt. Dated September 30, 1964 attached airmail envelope. All on Kurz, Toole, Maness, and Martin stationary and envelope.
Article from Pacific Churchman newspaper, A Volunteer Looks Hard at Mississippi by Karen Duncan. August-September, 1964
Letter to Mr. Bingham from Phyllis Hoyt, dated October 6, 1964, attached to a letter addressed to Dean of Students and signed Stephen Bingham on Yale University stationery, dated September 21, 1964
Letter to Phyllis Hoyt from William Slater on United Church of Christ, New York, NY. Dated October 8, 1964. (2 Pages)
Inter-Office memo to Miss Hoyt from B. Stegall dated October 9th [1964?]
The Sabbath Recorder, October 12th, 1964, Cover, and Page 3/4 with article called, The Mississippi Venture
Letter to Miss. Hoyt from William H. Maness, dated October 15, 1964 on Kurz, Toole, Maness, and Martin stationary and airmail envelope
Memo to President Young, from Dean Abbott, Re: The Civil Rights Orientation Program dated October 20, 1964 attached to Memo to the Board of Trustees from Herrick B. Young dated September 24, 1964. Attached is a two page letter to Herrick Young, from William Beckett on Beckett Paper Company stationary September 15, 1964.
Letter to the Class of 1947 from Emmy Emily Greenland dated October 29, 1964
Article titled Straws in the wind with Mrs. Butler, 12 Nov 64 written under the title
Letter to Miss Hoyt from Leon M. Maltby on The Sabbath Recorder Stationary dated November 13th, 1964 attached to envelope and response to Mr. Maltby from Phyllis Hoyt dated December 16, 1964
Memo to Sharon Gowdy, Fran Hoffman, Judy Chapman, Reynelda Ware, Nancy Babcock, and Peggy Buddington from Phyllis Hoyt on March 23, 1965 attached to a memo to Miss Hoyt, dated March 22, 1965
Letter to Miss Hoyt from Constance Lane Gingrich dated June 19, 1966
Letter to Phyllis Hoyt from Carolyn Lindquist nee Lloyd, July 8, 2000
Cut of paper This is an appeal to all members of Western College (2 clipped together)
Cut of paper, Last summer, our college took responsibility
Card to Phyllis [Hoyt] from [Illegible] Monaco
UCCF Report from December, 1964 which addresses COFO in Mississippi
Freedom Primer No. 2, The Freedom Vote and The Right to Vote booklet (6 pages)
Letter to Dr. Mary Jane Berman, from Phyllis Hoyt dated September 21, 2009 with envelope attached (2 pages)
Folder 2: Photographs by Ted Polumbaum from the Newseum Collection of Western College Freedom Summer Orientation
34 photographs
Folder 3: Pam Parker (Chude Allen) DVD
Footage from 1965 with Chude Allen's reflections on Freedom Summer. [Due to Copyright restrictions, this cannot be reproduced]
Chude Allen Oral History Interview: Interviewer Rebecca Lancaster, Undergraduate Summer Scholars 2010, Western Program - Telephone Interviews, July 19, 2010
Inkjet matte reproductions of Chude Allen's photographs of Freedom Summer 1964 on copy paper.
Folder 4: DVD, Eyes on The Prize; America's Civil Rights Movement. PBS Program
Volume 1: Awakenings (1954-1956), Fighting Back (1957-1962)
Volume 2: Ain't Scared of Your Jails (1960-1961), No Easy Walk (1961-1963)
Volume 3: Mississippi: Is this America? (1962-1964), Bridge to Freedom (1965)
Volume 4: The Time Has Come (1964-1966), Two Societies (1965-1968)
Volume 5: Power! (1966-1968), The Promised Land (1967-1968)
Volume 6: Ain't Gonna Shuffle No More (1964-1972), A National Of Law (1968-1971)
Volume 7: The Keys to the Kingdom (1974-1980, Back To The Movement (1979-1985)
Donation Note from Judi Hampton of Judi Hampton Public Relations, Inc.
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; The Carole Gross Colca Collection; Correspondence; Newspaper Clippings, Photographs; Books; Box 17
Box 17
The Carole Gross Colca Collection
Folder 1: Letters and Notes
Letter to Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Gross on July 9, 1963 from A friend. From Davenport Iowa.
Letter to Mr. and Mrs. Tobin, Pat, and Jim, and John on June 24, 64 from Carole [Gross?] (5 pages)
Letter to everybody on Mon. June 29 [1964?] from Carol [Gross?] (Single page and envelope)
Letter to Everyone on July 1, 1964 from Carole [Gross?] (4 pages)
Card addressed to Nice People on July 7, 1964 from Mrs. Pheresa Cheney
Envelope addressed to Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Gross, Postdated July 9, 1964 from Davenport Iowa. No return address
Letter to Mr. and Mrs. Gross on July 10, 1964 from Elsa Sylvester (2 pages)
Letter to Mrs. D. E. Tobin on July 24, 1964 from Paul H. Douglas, Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, on Congress of the United States stationary. (2 pages)
Envelope addressed to Mr. and Mrs., Postdated July 26, 1964 from Davenport Iowa. No return address
Letter to Dol on September 18, [1964?] from Carole Gross (2 pages and envelope)
Letter to Mr. and Mrs. Tobin, John, Pal, and Jim! on Sept. 24 [1964?] from Carole [Gross?] (2 pages and envelope)
Letter to Everybody on August 3, 1964 from Carole [Gross?] (2 pages)
Letter to Everyone on August 11 from Carole [Gross?] (2 pages)
Letter to Mr. and Mrs. Tobin, John, Pal, and Jim on August 31 [1964?] from Carole [Gross?] (2 pages)
Letter to Friends on September 21, 1964, unsigned from Davenport, Iowa
Letter to Carol [Gross?] and Louie Postdated May 16 1968 from Your baby sister, Mary (Single page and envelope)
Letter to Mrs. Cecil Murrah from Rev. John E. Breck, St. Johns Lutheran Church in Rock Island, IL. (Undated)
Letter to Carol unsigned and undated in sloppy script and with multiple misspellings (2 pages)
Unsigned note in mocking uneducated dialect, Con-grat-chu-lay-shuns: Yall must be mighty
Typed piece of paper Does poor Carole know about the
Mississippi Freedom Project advertising pamphlet with contribution levels and explanations of activities
Folder 2: Newspaper Clippings
Front Page of Times-Democrat or Davenport - Bettendorf, Iowa from Saturday, July 25, 1964. Article highlighted, Few Mississippi Phones for Carole by Dave Nelson (2 pages)
Newspaper clipping from unknown newspaper, titled The Harris Survey; Public 2-1 Against Student Rights Trip To Mississippi by Louis HarrisNewspaper clipping from unknown newspaper, titled Some Odd [cut off] by Paul Gapp type written on the clipping I would suggest to try to get your daughter back and associate with white boys.
Newspaper Clipping, Over 600 Tickets Sold for CIC Banquet with photos of John Yolton, Carole Gross, William Hewitt, and Dr. King. No byline or date.
Newspaper column clipping from Sunday, July 24, 1994. Jim Crow is dead, but subtle oppression works its own evils by Donn Esmonde (2 copies)
Newspaper column clipping from Friday, June 24, 1994. Looking back at the battle between Harmony, racism [sic.] by Donn Esmonde (2 copies, 1 laminated)
Newspaper photo clipping, Award is handed to Dr. King by Rod Hanna, undated
Newspaper clipping fragment, “governor of Mississippi, Paul Johnson, began..”
Newspaper clipping fragment, continued from page F7 March, Rivalries set aside
Newspaper clipping, The Bloodied idealism of 1964 Freedom Summer
Newspaper clipping, 3 of Area to Receive Racial Justice Awards (2 copies)
Newspaper clipping, Special Awards For Three
Newspaper clipping, from The Catholic Messenger, Davenport, Ia. Aug. 20, 1964, Letter from Mississippi; Rights Worker Says Progress Made
Newspaper Page from Times - Democrat of Davenport, Oct. 19th, 1964, Carole Gross Returns Home, Plans More Rights Work by Barbara Butler (2 copies)
Newspaper clipping, from The Moline Dispatch, Wed. Sept 2, 1964, Harmony, Miss., Has One Store, Not Single Telephone By Harlan Johnson
Facsimile of The Student Voice, Vol. 5 No. 13, June 2, 1964
Newspaper clipping, from The Des Moines Register, Fri. June 22, 1984. Requiem for rights workers slain 20 years ago today by William M. Kunstler
Typed Article from Times -Democrat of Davenport, November 6, 1964, Carole Gross Returns from Mississippi Project: Students Visit Davenport
Photo copy of newspaper page, the magazines The White Bloc
Photo copy of newspaper clipping, The cars turn onto the paved highway outside of harmony, and pick up (3 pages with photos)
Newspaper clipping from Sunday Times-Deomocrat, Davenport, Sunday, January 16, 1966, Davenporter Has Traded Mississippi's Dangers For Big City's Poverty By Shirley Davis
Newspaper clipping, Mississippi's Life of Fear And Poverty by M.W. Newman
Newspaper clipping, Civil Rights Backers Set Mississippi Drive by Austin Scott
Newspaper clipping, Disappearance of 3 Rights Workers Leads to Search, By Ed McCukser
Newspaper clipping, Johnson Calls for Full Action; White House Denies Plan to Send Marines, By Nicholas Von Hoffman
Newspaper clipping, Sailors to Hunt 3 in Dixie from Chicago Daily News, Friday June 26, 1964
Newspaper clipping, Mississippi Historian Glum About State Growing Up by Inez Robb
Newspaper clipping, Additional FBI Men Sent to Mississippi; Hunt for Missing Workers Broadens by AP
Obituary newspaper clipping, Funerals; Mrs. Flores
Fragmentary Newspaper Clipping, How Students’ Mississippi Project Developed
Newspaper clipping, Davenport Girl Heads For Race Strife Scene
Newspaper clipping, Rendezvous with Terror from Chicago Daily News, Friday, June 26, 1964
Newspaper clipping, letter to the editor, Mississippi Vote Drive Condemned
Newspaper clipping, Mississippi Report: Carol: We Don't Drive at Night..! By Fred Fedler, hand dated 7-1-1964
Newspaper clipping, Americans 2-1 Against Miss. Drive By Louis Harris, Detroit Free Press, Monday, July 6, 64
Newspaper fragment, Rights Workers Parents Want a Safer South
Newspaper editorial, Bite Your Lip; An Editorial From The Carthage, Miss. Carthagenian By Carol Gross
Newspaper clipping, Carole's Not Afraid in Mississippi; Carole Reports; Not Afraid in Mississippi by John Dickens
Newspaper clipping, FBI Probes New Bombing, Blasts Rock House Of Rights Workers on July 9th, 1964 with photo
Newspaper clipping, FBI Believes Bodies Those Of Missing Rights Workers (with photos)
Newspaper clipping, New south being created by Ed Spannaus
Newspaper clipping, Mississippi Group Disturbed, Students Doubt FBI by AP
Newspaper clipping, More Violence On Racial Front; White Trio Beaten in Mississippi; Florida Man Wounded at Theater in Green Bay Pr
Newspaper clipping, Davenport Girl Aids Project: Determination Pays Off; Harmony Center Is Built by Dave Nelson on Friday, Aug. 21, 1964
Newspaper clipping, Carole Gross Finds 2nd Home in Harmony, Miss. (2 copies)
Newspaper clipping, Davenport Girl Serves in Mississippi Project in The Catholic Messenger, Davenport, Ia., July 2, 19
Newspaper clipping, Davenport Girl Tells of Civil Rights Workers Harassment in The Moline Dispatch, Wed., July 1, 1964
Newspaper clipping, Davenport Girl Aids Project, Determination Pays Off; Harmony Center Is Built, by Dave Nelson, Friday, Aug. 21, 1964
Newspaper clipping, Carol May Spend Summer in South from Thursday, July 2, 1964
Newspaper clipping, Carole Gross Fund-Raising Social is Set
Newspaper clipping, A Little Town Filled with Hate and Distrust by Nicholas Von Hoffman in Chicago Daily News, Friday, June 26, 1964
Newspaper clipping, Two Tell of Clinic beating and Rabbi Has Sympathy For His Assailants in ESS-GAZETTE, Wis., Saturday, July 11, 1964
Newspaper clipping, by Joseph Alsop
Newspaper clipping, Dismay Seen In Race-Torn Mississippi with Photo
Newspaper ad clipping, The Decision is Yours
Newspaper clipping, Souths Ellender Warns of Trouble
Newspaper clipping, Lowest in Crime fragment
KKK recruitment Flyer
Newspaper clipping, Caroles Fund is Up $105 with photo
Newspaper editorial, by Walter J. Biehl, Davenport
Newspaper clipping, Gross Social Nets $115 For Fund
Newspaper clipping, First Shipment To South with Photo
Newspaper clipping, CORE Collects Supplies For Use in Freedom Schools on Monday, July 13, 1964
Newspaper clipping, Justice in Mississippi?
Newspaper clipping, FBI Combs Mississippi Graves Site (AP)
Newspaper clipping, Not All Of Mississippi Is Hostile, Says Catholic
Newspaper clipping, U.S. Public Would Back up Use of Troops in South
Newspaper clipping, Few Mississippi Phones for Carole by Dave Nelson
Newspaper clipping, Send $75 Check To Iowa Unit for Racial Equality
Newspaper photo clipping, Harmony, where the Negroes are shown on guard
Newspaper clipping, Seeking To Label Civil Rights Extremists Red is Mistake By Milburn P. Akers[?] and photo copy
Newspaper clipping, With A Caring Heart They Study Racial Inequality by Julie Jensen
Newspaper clipping, A Saga of Dedication -- And Danger of Death; Mississippi Notebook II Story by Nicholas von Hoffman, photos by Henry Gill
Newspaper clipping, Davenporter Has Traded Mississippi's Dangers For Big City's Poverty by Shirley Davis, Woman's Editor
Newspaper clipping, In Role Of White Girl Again Carole Returns Home And No Longer Cringes, By Jim Arpy
Newspaper clipping, More Supplies Are Sought for Freedom Workers Newspaper clipping, Mississippi Report: Carol: We Don't Drive at Night! by Fred Fedler
Newspaper Photos with captions (4 different) with newspaper clipping, by Harlan Johnson
Newspaper clipping, Teaching Negroes- Area Girls Explain Why Theyre in Mississippi by Harlan Johnson with Photo
Newspaper clipping, Book of the Week: News Story Into Permanent Record by Edwin C. Berry on December 12, 1964 from Chicago [?]
Folder 3: Photos and Books
Mississippi Notebook by Nicholas Von Hoffman (1964) with damaged dust cover tucked inside.
103 Assorted Photographs
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; The Mark Levey Collection; Freedom School Materials; Correspondence; Mark Levey photocopies of the Queens College; Photographs; 1964-2012; Box 18
The Mark Levey Collection
Folder 1: Freedom School Publications
Freedom School Assignments Manifest (As of June 23 [1964?]) (2 pages)
Manuscript of Freedom Star published by the students of the Meridian Freedom School. Issue from July 23rd, Thursday [1964?]
Manuscript of Freedom Star published by the students of the Meridian Freedom School. Issue from July 30th, Thursday [1964?]
Manuscript of Freedom Star published by the students of the Meridian Freedom School. Issue from [August 7-10 1964?]
Folder 2: Mark Levey photocopies of the Queens College.
Queens College Alumni: Mississippi Freedom Summer 64 and Other 1960s Civil Rights Activities -- North and South. A collection of letters photos, documents, and presentations from the personal files of Mark Levy 9Q.C. 64) along with reports on the involvement of ther Q.C. Students, alumni, and faculty during that summer as well as documents and reports of other 1960's Q.C. Civil Rights activities (2009)
Extras added to a box labeled 18.2:
List of the contents of Queens College, City University of New York Benjamin S. Rosenthal Library Special Collections
Meridian, Mississippi 1964-65 -- COFO Volunteers/CORE Staff (Updated 11/9/12)
Four CDs that contain picture of Meridian, Mississippi 1964-65
Jewish Currents, Mississippi Freedom Summer, 1964, Fifty Years Later- The Old Jim Crow, The New Jim Crow
Unpublished Letter from Mark and Betty Levy to all Our Friends, September 1, 1964
Queens College Alumni: Mississippi Freedom Summer 64 and Other 1960s Civil Rights Activities -- North and South. A collection of letters photos, documents, and presentations from the personal files of Mark Levy 9Q.C. 64) along with reports on the involvement of ther Q.C. Students, alumni, and faculty during that summer as well as documents and reports of other 1960's Q.C. Civil Rights activities (2009)
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; The Margaret Barrier Collection; Newspaper Clippings; Articles; Books;1964-1989; Box 19
Box 19:
The Margaret Barrier Collection
Pamphlet, "What and Why Are Seventh Day Baptists
Faculty Letter, University of Mississippi, April 15, 1964
Newsletter, The Student Voice, July 15,1964
Booklet, "Monday Morning a Magazine for Presbyterian Ministers", November 23, 1964
Journal, "Western College Bulletin", Summer 1964
Newspaper clipping, "Herbert Oliver of Birmingham to Talk on Right Violations,February 25, 1965
Newspaper clipping, "College to Refuse Rights 'Prep School'", March 26, 1965
"Thoughts on Civil Rights Orientation" by Phyllis Hoyt, 7 copies
Journal Article: "A Long Hot Summer in Mississippi" the Antiochian
Form, "Freedom Summer Registration Form", 2 copies
Pamphlet, "Mississippi Freedom Summer" by Council of Federated Organizations"
Newspaper clipping, "Two Oxfords"
Newspaper clipping, "The Stranger is the Enemy"
Newspaper clipping, "Sending Troops into Mississippi Solves Nothing"
Newspaper clipping, "New Racist Organization Terrorizes Several South Mississippi Counties", reprinted from the Delta Democrat-Times; "White Association Disclaims Violence Charges as Negroes Point to 5 Deaths", May 10, 1964
Journal article, "Last Summer in Mississippi" by Alice Lake
Newspaper article, "Into Jaws of Hate and Fear Ride 200" from AP and New York Times
Power of Attorney for Selection of Legal Counsel
Newspaper article, "Gregory Stresses Courage of 'Mississippi Project', the Oxford Press, April 4, 1989
Journal article, "A Constant Struggle" by Donna Boen, Miamian, Spring 2009
Conference Packet Freedom Summer Unity and Change, Then and Now 45th Reunion and Conference - Program -
Location Information - Moderator Job Description - Conference Poster
Books in the Western Archives - Freedom Summer
The Children Bob Moses Led by William Heath
Down the Glory Road by Herb Boyd
Freedom Summer the Savage Season that Made Mississippi Burn and Made America a Democracy by Bruce Watson
Lessons from Freedom Summer Ordinary People Building Extraordinary Moments by Kathy Emery, Linda Reid Gold and Sylvia Braselmann
The Wrong Side of Murder Creek a White Southerner in the Freedom Movement by Bob Zellner, Book
Where the Peonies Bloomed by Phyllis Hoyt, Book
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; The Tom Tolg Collection; Newspaper Articles; Correspondence; Memos; Flyers; Books;1964-1975; Box 20
The Tom Tolg Collection
Newspaper article: Students Fight for Civil Rights in Tough Spots; Rugged, Ragged Snick: What It Is and What It Does." Chicago Daily News, Saturday, July 20, 1963
Newspaper articles: 100,000 Marching on Capital; Segregationist Johnson wins Mississippi Sweep-The Atlanta Constitution. Wednesday, August 28, 1963. Vol. XCVI, No. 62
Newspaper article: Minister Gets Top Penalty In Church Row. The Atlanta Journal. Thursday Evening, August 29, 1963. Vol. LXXXI, No. 159.
Transcript of Colloquy: In the Superior Court, Atlanta Judicial Circuit in and for the County of Fulton, Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia: The State versus Tom Taylor Tolg. Case number: 84184. August 29, 1963.
Newspaper article: Conditional 18-Month Term Given to White Sit-In by Pye. The Atlanta Constitution. Saturday, August 31, 1963. Vol. XCVI, No. 65.
Newspaper: Magnificent Historic March Unites and Stirs Call For Freedom Now: This Was Our Greatest Day. The Atlanta Inquirer. Saturday, August 31, 1963. Vol. 3, No. 55.
Newspaper article: Silent Moderates Get Dixie Blame. Chicago Daily News. Tuesday, September 17, 1963
Magazine article: The Law: The Bench. Time Magazine. April 17, 1964.
Newspaper article: Lombard Man Jailed After Racial Strike. The Lombard Spectator. Wednesday, April 22, 1964. Fortieth Year, No. 33
Newspaper article: Some Must Earn Right to Vote. The Atlanta Journal and Constitution. Sunday, July 5, 1964.
Newspaper article: Writer at Large: Raise no flags high for Martin. Unknown newspaper. April 3, 1975
Journal article: Win Some Battles, Lose Civil Rights War People's Voice of Franklin County-War Stories Summer 2000. Greenfield, Massachusetts. Summer 2000.
Newspaper article: Freedom Summer. The Recorder: Life and Times, Greenfield, Massachusetts. Saturday, August 21, 2010.
Newspaper article: Sloan Enjoins Pyes Officers. Unknown newspaper, undated.
Atlanta: Protests and Progress (A Special Report): Compiled by The Council on Human Relations of Greater Atlanta.
3 White Youths Attack Female COAHR Member: Atlanta 1963.
What they Expect Reflects: A Sense of Superiority by John Steinbeck.
Tom Taylor Tolg Back in Oxford; Case is Appealed
Ralph McGill: The Story of Two Snicks
Ralph McGill: Story of a Man and of SNCC
The Front Seaters by Richard Close. The Miami Student, March 12, 1963.
Protests Renewed At Local Places: Atlanta Daily World, July 14, 1963.
Negro, 15, Stabbed In Sit-In Try Here by Fred Powledge: The Atlanta Journal, June 18, 1963.
Atlanta Holds 14 in Sit-in Attempt: Atlanta Journal, June 17, 1963.
Protesters Carried From Door of Cafe: Atlanta Constitution, July 20, 1963.
March by 250 Negroes Backs Restaurant Strike: Atlanta Constitution, July 2, 1963.
Savannah Slashes Marchers Bonds: Atlanta Journal, July 19, 1963.
Student Fight for Civil Rights in Tough Spots: Rugged, Ragged Snick What It Is and What It Does: Ex-Chicago Schoolteacher Leader in Deepest Dixie by M.W. Newman. Chicago Daily News, July 20, 1963.
Demonstrators Beaten, Tied Up Traffic Here: Atlanta Journal, July 27, 1963.
13 Sitting in Street Are Arrested Here: Traffic at Leb's Corner Is Snarled During Melee by Keeler McCartney and Hal Gulliver. Atlanta Constitution July 27, 1963.
Integrationists Set Big Atlanta Drive (Public Announcement): Atlanta Journal July 30, 1963.
The No-Progress Way (Public Announcement). Atlanta Journal July 29, 1963.
10 Negroes and 3 Whites get 34 Days in Jail in Street Sit-in (Public Announcement). Atlanta Constitution: July 30, 1963.
Pages 11-14 of Muhammad Speaks August 2, 1963
The Awesome Fortitude of 4,000: Cambridge:- A Negro Revolt Where once slaves were sold,
Paralyzing Struggle Cambridge is a city prepared,
A Woman is Target for Death Threats,
Dies like Evers: Shotgun Slugs Fell Negro Worker,
List States that lead in Vote Denials,
$3 Million to Aid Negro Purchase of Home in Chicago.
Students feel Atlanta Violence: King, SCLC Move On Savannah Now. The Atlanta Inquirer, August 3, 1963.(original and copy)
75 Demonstrators Are Indicated Here: Atlanta Daily World. August 3, 1963.
250 Negroes Stage March on City Hall: Atlanta Journal, August 5, 1963.
Somerville Police Deny Brutality: Atlanta Daily World, August 7, 1963.
Abatements Pleas Readied in Racial Trespass Cases, Atlanta Journal, August 26, 1963.
2 Facing Citation Before Judge Pye. Atlanta constitution. August 27, 1963.
Negro Lawyers Face Citation After Challenging Judge Pye by Jack Strong. Atlanta Constitution. August 27, 1963.
Poll Tax in Reverse for SNCC. The Oxford Press; October 31, 1963.
Poll Tax in Reverse for SNCC, Oxford Press. October 21, 1963.
Collect $225.71 For SNCC Work. Oxford Press. November 3, 1963.
Thanks To the Editor: Miami Student. November 8, 1963.
Ogle, McKinstry and Falk Gain School, Council Seats. The Oxford Press; November 7, 1963.
The Letter Box. The Miami Student November 8, 1963
A letter addressed to Mr. Tom Tolg from Ashton B. Jones.
A letter Addressed to Thomas Tolg from Ruby Doris Smith, Summer Projects Coordinator of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee regarding situations arising from Freedom March: May 18, 1963.
Letter addressed to Tom Tolg from Marge Manderson of Southern Regional Council, Inc. Atlanta, Georgia; regarding their mailing list and publications. August 22, 1963.
Letter Addressed to Tom told From Dinky Romilly, Northern coordinator of SNCC, October 16, 1963.
A three page letter addressed to Dinky by Tom Tolg. Regarding the Poll Tax in Reverse, in Oxford. November 7, 1963.
A letter addressed to Tom Tolg from Howard Moore, Jr. at the law offices of Hollowell, Ward, Moore and Alexander. January 6, 1964.
A letter Addressed to Tom Tolg from Dinky Romilly Northern coordinator of SNCC, February 27, 1964.
A letter addressed to Tom from M. Walker, April 21, 1964.
A letter addressed to Dr. Lewis and Gang from Tom at the Fulton County Jail. April 23, 1964.
A letter from Fulton County Jail, April 26, 1964.
A letter addressed to Tom from MK. Walker. April 28, 1964.
A letter to the Editor by Tom Tolg written in Fulton County Jail, May 9, 1964. Never Sent.
A letter and envelope addressed to Mr. Thomas T. Tolg from John E. Dolibois of the Miami University Office of Alumni Relation, thanking him for his contribution to the Miami Loyalty Fund. May 25, 1964.
A letter addressed to Tom Taylor Tolg from Howard Moore, Jr. from the law offices of Hollowell, Ward, Moore and Alexander. May 27, 1964.
A letter addressed to Tom T. Tolg from Howard Moore, Jr. December 31, 1964.
A letter addressed Members of the Miami-Western Human Relations Committee from Leonard G. Howell, manager of the village of Oxford granting them permit to conduct a sympathy demonstration and distribute literature concerning recent events in Selma, Alabama, March 10, 1965.
SNCC Support Efforts in the North. A five page SNCC memo. On the back page Contact: Dr. Montgomery, Dr. Lewis, Landith, Strippel is written in pencil.
The South's War Against Negro Votes, by John Poppy. LOOK, May 21, 1963/The Virginia Pilots, March 30, 1963.
Letter From Birmingham City Jail. By Martin Luther king, Jr. American Friends Service Committee. May, 1963.
The Selma Times Journal. Sunday, June 9, 1963. A full page ad titled Ask yourself this important Question: What have I personally done to maintain segregation? With a full page response from SNCC on the back. (Two copies)
What New Turn In Negro Drive Means In politics Business Union Schools In the North... the South. U.S. News and World Report, June 17, 1963.
Newspaper columns titled Pickrick Says containing short commentaries by different citizen writers about their opinions of what is taking place in Atlanta, Georgia. (June, 1963) (Two copies)
The Birmingham Disgrace, by Austin Black. Sepia, July 1963.
The Mood of the Negro by Lenore Bennett Jr., Ebony, July, 1963.
A Time for Federal Action, July, 1963. Ebony photo Editorial.
A Civil Rights Lawyer Answers Some Questions by Jack Greenberg. The New York Times Magazine, August 18, 1963.Racial Desegregation in Greater Atlanta. Council on Human relations of Greater Atlanta, September 1963.CORE-LATOR. CORE newsletter September, 1963. Addressed to Samuel W. Donley
Americus, Georgia. Special Report from Student Nonviolent Coordination Committee. September 24, 1963.
Selma, Alabama. Special Report from Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. September 26, 1963.
A Small Band of Practical Heroes, by John Fischer. Harper's Magazine, October 1963.
The Student Voice. January 20, 1964.
Ashton Jones At Long Last Released from Georgia County Jail On Bail
The Student Voice. February 25, 1964. Addressed to Tom Tolg.
The Student Voice. March 3, 1964.
The Student Voice, April 28, 1964; Addressed to Tom Tolg.
The Student Voice. May 5, 1964.
Negro Youth's New March on Dixie: A New generation of Negro leaders is pressing home the bitter battle against segregation in the Deep South, by Ben H Bagdikian. Reprinted for the Saturday Evening Post.
A full page SNCC ad titled Stamps for Freedom with another ad on the back titled You Can Help Too.
Newspaper clippings in an envelope titled 1964 Western/SNCC:
Troublemakers in Training
Students Told Dixie Has Perils: Warned Jailings
Death Possible in Rights Invasion by Raymond R. Coffey: Chicago Daily News, June 16, 1964.
Pages 1, 2, 19 and 20 of The Atlanta Inquirer June 22, 1964. Containing partial articles: 15-Year-old High School Boy, Victim of Atlanta Violence, Packed Schools Still no Factor in Transfers, A divided Nations Revolts. Thousand to witness Evers Memorial Sunday, Tech Student Accepted for A.T. and T. Work, Caps and Maps(Gadsen-Chicago), JFK Convinced, but Cautious, Letters to The Editors: Readers Asks if Southern Bell Hires Fairly, A Calf Reflection: I Had Just Returned, Shall Not Have Died in Vain, a Sign of The Times, Status of the Negro in The U.S. Today As the President Described It.
Pack Amphitheater for Mississippi Project Benefit Program, Yellow Springs News, July 30, 1964.
A letter From a Disturbed Grandfather, in the behalf of Judge Pye: To my Fellow Citizens and Fellow Registered Voters of Fulton County. The Atlanta Constitution, September 8, 1964.(Original and Copy)
Raise no flags high for Martin, by T.T. Tolg. April 3, 1975.
A manuscript? Of 39 pages June 1964.
Experts from journals written in Atlanta, Georgia. June 14, 1963.
A 4 page journal entry in Fulton County Jail: Monday Morning, 8:00 am April 27, 1964.
39 pages of Folder Report starting from 6-24-63.
A sketched profile of a man on a notebook page (Jimmy) Henry Gaddy Jr. Fulton County Jail, April 23, 1964.
A flyer/statement of protest of a liquor store for unfair employment.
Public Gathering on Equal Employment at the Allen Temple A.M.E. Church; sponsored by the Committee on Appeal for Human rights, Monday, July 8th (To inform the public about current liquor store selective buying campaign and why we are not buying.)
News Flash!: A letter from the committee for segregation August 9, 1963.
A hateful note addressed to Mr. Tolg from Lewis A. Dillon, Mr Tolg's response is attached, May 20, 1964.
Hate mail in the form of a sheet of paper with KILL typed many times along with Seemingly scary graphics attached is T. Tolg's response to the page slipped under his door.
A flyer by the White League calling for white voters to preserve segregation by voting against Morrison in the 1964 Louisiana Governor's election. (2 copies)
A memo to prospective SNCC summer workers from the summer projects coordinator.
Fulton County Jail form for Prisoner commissary Requisition
The Christian Science Monitor, January 26, 1966. Midwest Edition, New Orleans.
1967 SNCC Calendar
Two plastic SNCC buttons are attached to folder
A Fulton County Jail matchbook (empty)
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 2009 calendar.
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; The Roland Deurksen Collection; Freedom School Materials; Photographs; Books;1963-1964; Box 21
BOX 21 Roland Deurksen
Summary of Proposed Civil Rights Act of 1963
August 15, 1964 Convention to found Jackson Chapter of the Mississippi student union: Resolution on housing
Memo to Freedom School Teachers from Mississippi Summer Project Staff titled Materials to bring with you to Mississippi
Notes on teaching in Mississippi introduction to the summer by Jane Stembridge
The general Condition of the Mississippi Negro
Memorandum: On the SNCC Mississippi Summer Project
Prospectus for the Mississippi Freedom Summer
Mississippi Summer Project running Summary of incidents
Freedom Schools in Mississippi, 1964
The Student voice, Vol. 5, No. 20. August 12, 1964
Core-Lator No. 107 July-August 1964
Newsweek reprinted from the issue of July 13, 1964
Mississippi Eyewitness the three civil rights worker, how they were murdered
Letter addressed to Friends from Friends of the Mississippi Summer Project
A letter addressed to Roland Duerksen from senator Birch Bayh, January 12, 1965
The Nation: summer in Mississippi September 14, 1964
Copies of portions of 2 letters that Mary Deurksen wrote to her parents while her husband Roland was in Mississippi in 1964
Dont Delay Any Longer, Register now
A promotional flyer by NAACP to potential voters to register to vote.
A flyer from the misters of Jackson encouraging parents to enroll their 1st grade children in formerly all-white schools
A letter addressed to Roland from Tom Truss September 7, 1964
A clipping titled Back Freedom Party by Kathleen Larsen from West Lafayette
Lafayette Civil rights Workers Find Fear in Mississippi, Lafayette leader august 27, 1964.
Two Purdue Professors Describes Efforts to Help Mississippi Negroes to Strive for their Rights by Dan Fabian journal and courier, Lafayette, IND august 28, 1964.
Responsibility for chaos, August 17, 1964. The Editorial page from Jackson Daily News
A brochure for the Mississippi Summer Project by SNCC
Mississippi Student Union by the council of federated Organization
Editorial in the Jackson daily news, August 21, 1964 desegregation in Jackson
A page containing four poems from the freedom Schools:
1) Untitled
2) A Negro soldier
3) Why did I my donts
4) The house of liberty
Freedom registration Form
Application for Work on the Freedom Vote
A small box containing five small bundles of photographic slides
Three fellow teachers at the Jackson, Mississippi, Freedom School Where Roland Duerksen was volunteering
Intermission during the mock democratic national convention event
Home of Medgar Evers in Jackson, Mississippi, where he was slain in 1963.
Roland Deurksen (center), Don Winkelman (right) and a fellow teacher with their host family in Jackson, Mississippi
Recess time at Freedom School in Jackson, Mississippi
A House with stacked boxes on the porch and a man standing on the front lawn.
Robert Moses
A photograph of a black board filled with writing in chalk
A photograph of people in a church, holding up signs
A photograph of a roadside sign
A photograph of a building sign(administrative offices colored school division Jackson municipal separate school districts
A photograph of a white house with people on steps
A group of African American children sitting on front steps of building facing a woman playing the guitar
A photograph of two women pausing to read a blackboard on the streets
A paper titled Mississippi Summer, 1964. containing detailed description of photographs (See number on back of each picture)
Roadside sign near small town (Inscription: CITIZENS COUNCIL. STATES RIGHTS. RACIAL INTEGRITY. )
Recess time at freedom school, Jackson
Three of the four teachers at the freedom school (Roland Duerksen at right)
Freedom school students with R. Duerksen and one other teacher)
Intermission at week-end imitation political convention (Jackson)
Robert Moses, who directed the imitation political convention
Photograph: R. : Robert Moses, Don Winkleman and Roland Duerksen
Three freedom workers ( Roland Deurksen, center) with host family (Jackson)
****Extra DVD with photo descriptions
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; 2014 Freedom Summer Conference Materials; Elmon Prier Collection; Arthur Miller Collection; Mark Treitel; Photographs, Consent Forms; 1945-2015; Box 22
Box 22:
2014 Freedom Summer Conference Materials
Folder 1
Elmon Prier- Collection of Material
Letter from Elmon Prier, February 13, 1997
Letter from President James Garland to Elmon Prier concerning Freedom Summer, March 4, 1997
Memo from Elmon W. Prier to Carl Esposito about story on Role of Western College in Freedom Summer, January 29, 1997
Article "Man Plays Key Role in Memorial 2004”, October 28, 1999?
Letter from President Garland to Elmon Prier about Memorial, October 11, 1999
Miami Rated Nation's Worst for Mingling, September 4, 1998
Letter from Elmon Prier to Mike Williams, October 26, 1999
Note from Mary Jane Berman to Reverend Prier, September 1, 2004
Email from Ann Elizabeth Armstrong to Elmon Prier, September 5, 2004
Article, "Arthur Miller Was Civil Rights Activist, Ex-NAACP Head Helped Make History", January 27, 2007
Article, "NAACP Chapter to Honor Front-line Civil Rights Fighter", February 7, 1999
Article, "Mississippi Trial Has Roots In Miami's Freedom Summer" June 19, 2005
Letter, From Elmon Prier to Rick Momeyer, March 8, 2004
Article, "Miami Should Consider These Goals", Undated
Article, "Oxford Linked to 'Freedom Summer' 60's Civil Rights Volunteers Trained at Western College",
February 23, 1997 (Includes both pages)
Article, "Freedom Memorial Dedication Recalled", Undated
Article, "The Mission to Mississippi, Undated
Article, "Arthur Miller Was Civil Rights Activist", January 27, 2007
Resume - Elmon W. Prier
Article, "Elmon Prier Author|Educator|Philosopher|Mentor," July 3, 2012
Folder 2
Ohio's Little Known Contribution to Civil Rights Act, July 20, 2014
Olen Burrage Dies at 82: Linked to Killings in 1964
Freedom Fighters, Columbus Dispatch, June 17, 2014 (2 copies)
Folder 3
Letter from Rick Momeyer to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, June 21, 2011
Folder 4
Buttons: The Andrew Goodman Foundation, Postcards
Booklet: A Pretty Bold Thing To Do" Collecting Civil Rights Manuscripts During the 1960's by the Wisconsin Historical Society
Folder 5
Freedom Summer Special Collections Exhibit Materials
Folder 6
2015 Freedom Summer Conference Consent Forms, Oral History Interviews
Folder 7
2015 Conference Shuttle Service, Conference Room Assignments
Folder 8
2015 Conference Programs: 50th Anniversary of Freedom Summer, Friday, June 20, 2015, Kumler Chapel
Official Conference Overview
Folder 9
Freedom Summer Chimes Dedication, June 2015
Folder 10
Freedom Summer Interactive App, 2015
Folder 11
Official Conference Program 2015
Folder 12
Conference Brochures, Pamphlets, Posters
Folder 13
Freedom Summer Memorial Program, October 12, 2014
Folder 14
2014 Conference Oral History Forms
Folder 15
Mississippi Summer Project Freedom Libraries 1964
Folder 16
Freedom Summer Conference Folder
Folder 17
Mark Treitel Photographs - Nine photographs from the Freedom Summer Conference held at Western College for Women in 1964. Please provide photo credit when these images are used. Images by Mark Treitel
Folder 18
Arthur Miller Folder
Letter from John Pont, Miami Head Football Coach to Arthur Miller, November 13, 1961
Letter from Stephen M. Young, United States Senate, Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences to Arthur Miller May 18, 1964
Letter from Lee C. White, Associate Council to the President, The White House to Arthur Miller, October 5, 1964
Envelope from White House to Arthur Miller, October 6, 1964
Letter from Richard K. Parsons, Assistant Attorney General, Civil Rights Division to Arthur Miller, October 5, 1964
Letter from Bob Bogan to Arthurh Miller, May 16, 1969
News Article, Miller to Lead Children's Home, Hamilton Journal, 1969
Letter from Board of Trustees of The Children's Home Association of Butler County to Arthur Miller, February 6, 1975
News Article, "Freedom Summer Events Planned", No date
Program: Testimonial Dinner in Honor of Arthur Miller, May 12, 1969
News Article, "Arthur Miller Named Trustee of Home", No date
"Library Honoring Longtime Supporter", No date
Arthur Miller Tribute (Script)
News Article "Parseghian Honors MU Gridders", June 6, 1990
News Article "Oxford Police, NAACP Stage Low-Key Unity Rally, Journal News, No date
News Article "Miss Silliman, G. Ura Grover, Named 'Citizens of '64 Year Cite Others for Recreation Civil Rights:,
Oxford Township Trustee List, Arthur Mille, No date
Arthur Miller, Untitled news article... Arthur Miller although holding three jobs, No date
News Article. "Arthur Miller A Long-Time Force in Oxford Community Service," No date
Photograph from News article:Caption, George Marakas who arranged the first Karate competition here, is shown at the left with William Hawley, advisor is at the right Terry Kramer, right center, President of the Miami Karate Club, presents a check of $200 to Arthur Miller, left center, trustee for the Butler County Childrens Home Association, No date
News Article, photograph and caption: "Miller Plans Retirement from Food Services", No date
News Article, "Birthday", No date
News Article, "Finding Freedom Summer", The Columbus Dispatch, February 5, 2005
News Article, "Backtracking Through a Rich Family History, The Oxford Press, March 2-8, 2007
News Article, "Memorial Honors Civil Rights", Hamilton Journal News, March 5, 2013
News Article, "Saying Goodbye Andrew Goodman", American Stories, July 27, 2014
News Article, "Local Man Subject of Library Display Arthur Miller's Contributions Reflected in Exhibit, No date
News Article, "History Fund Honors Civil Rights Leader", No date
Biographical Information "As of Arthur Frazier Miller, September 1902
Arthur Miller: Freedom On His Mind, Timeline
Arthur Miller, Obituary, 2007
News Article, "NAACP Remembers Miller, No date
News Article, "Miller Was Activists", No date
News Article, photograph and caption, "School Printing Press in Operation", No date
News Article, "Oxford's History Through the Eyes of Arthur Miller, No date
News Article, Memory of King Remains Local Man Recalls Civil Rights Leader, No date
Agenda District Superintendent Committee, October 6, 1999
Minutes The United Methodist Church Wilmington District-West Ohio Conference, May 19, 1999
Oxford United Methodist Church Board of Trustees Agenda, September 7, 1999
News Article, "NAACP Head Local Civil Rights Leader a Pioneer:, No date
News Article, "Leader Man Prominent in Civil Rights, No date
Addendum to Arthur Miller's Obituary, No date
Copy of ticket: Representative John Lewis, Plenary Address Voices of Freedom Summer Conference, February 14, 2004
A Note from Arthur Miller, List of Leadership Activities
Color picture of Arthur Miller
Publicity Information Down in Mississippi Play, 2009
Service of Death and Resurrection, Arthur F. Miller December 25, 1921-January 22, 2007
Arthur Miller and Alice May Miller, copy of grave headstone designs
Pictures of unidentified family members of Miller Family
News Article: Missisiipi Burning, (one page)
Save the Date: Freedom Summer National Conference, October 12-14, 2014
News Article and photograph caption title: Freedom Summer Remembered, Journal News, October 15, 2014
Copy of signed Picture, Archie Griffin, Cincinnati Bengals, 1980
Copy of signed picture, Gary Coleman to Lazelle and Coleman bio
Obituary Maria Allen Jones, April 11, 1933
Article, :The Artwork of the Cincinnati Art Museum at Eden Park, No date
Article, "Freedom Center Completes Rescue of Slave Pen", No date
News Article: "Crumbs of Justice An Arrest in the 1964 Murders of Three Civil Rights Workers, No date
Proclamation: Arthur Miller from City of Oxford, May 20, 1995
News Article: "NAACP Remembers Miller, No date
Article, "Miller Quietly Persistent Leader in Oxford, No date
Army of the United States, Honorable Discharge, Arthur F. Miller, 1945
Enlished Record and Report of Separation of Honorable Discharge, Arthur Miller
An Introduction to the Alice Miller Albums in the Arthur F. Miller Collection of the Smith Library, Oxford, Ohio by Phillip R. Shriver, President Emeritus, Miami University, No date
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; Correspondence; Freedom Summer Conference Materials; Freedom Summer Walking Tour; Mark Treitel; Photographs, Consent Forms; 1945-2015; Box 23
Box 23
Folder 1: Freedom Summer
Publicity for “Faces of Freedom Summer” Exhibit, January 28, 2003
Pre-proposal for a Wilks Leadership Institute Social Change Think Tank titled “Freedom with Responsibility: Transformative Leadership and Social Change in the 21st Century”
A letter addressed to the Ohio Humanities Council from Wayne K. Durrill, May 24, 2004
A letter addressed to Mary Jane Berman from Judy Waldron, June 1, 2004
Email to Claudia from Mary Jane Berman, July 12, 2004
To-do list, February 27, 2004
To-do list, March 22, 2004
Random notes, April 22, 2004
Notes concerning the invitations to and a tentative schedule for the 2004 Freedom Summer Conference, May 26, 2004
Notes concerning a Freedom Summer class (Two pages), May 11, 2004
Notes: coordination of speakers?
Notes: random
Notes concerning people that need to be contacted, May 13, 2004
To-do list, June 14, 2004
List of potential speakers?, July 8, 2004
To-do list, July 12, 2004
List of Freedom Summer speakers, July 18, 2004
Miami Seal on a blank sheet of paper
Notes concerning the 2004 Freedom Summer coordination details, July 20, 2004
Notes concerning 2004 Freedom Summer publicity, July 21, 2004
List of people and corresponding phone numbers
List of things to tell students about Freedom Summer, Notes on people relevant to Freedom Summer
Project Narrative Questions for a grant offered by the Ohio Humanities Council (Two pages)
Paper titled “Investigating Urban Conditions Relating to Homelessness/Poverty” (Two copies)
List of Freedom Summer Resources
To-do list
Folder 2: Volunteers
Notes about volunteers for 2004 Freedom Summer
Volunteer coordination emails between various volunteers and Dr. Berman (six pages)
Notes about the 2004 Freedom Summer schedule
Volunteer coordination emails between various volunteers and Dr. Berman (fifteen pages)
Folder 3: Freedom Summer Publicity
Contact list
Letters from Ctr. for American and World Cultures that were unable to be delivered
Correspondence between Holly Wissing and Dr. Berman, June 8, 2004
Email addressed to Ms. Falke from Terri Shaw
Notes for the address/mailing file
Address list of other colleges and universities
Notes for the address/mailing file
Email addressed to Dorothy Ann Falke from Tina Carico
Contact list of Miami employees
Letter addressed to Ms. Falke from Deborah Rand
Packet titled “Connecting Schools and Communities Across Diverse Stakeholder Groups Outline of Facilitation Guide for Community/Parent Workshops”
Freedom Summer 40th Anniversary conference flier
Letter addressed to Mrs. Linda L. Peterson-Price from the Ctr. for American and World Cultures
Freedom Summer registration form (CD-RW)
Folder 4: Freedom Summer
Freedom Summer postcard, invitation, and dinner invitation (CD-R)
Contact List for those on a 2004 Freedom Summer Committee (including Friends of Freedom Summer)
List of members of the Voices of Freedom Summer Conference and Reunion Planning Committee and Finding Freedom Summer Advisory Council
Email concerning the Freedom Summer Reunion meeting schedule, August 27, 2004
List of people involved in Freedom Summer
Email concerning the Freedom Summer Reunion committee meeting schedule, May 25, 2004
Papers concerning the scheduling of Freedom Summer meetings (5 pages)
Great Room reservation form
Correspondence between Dorothy Falke and various attendees of the Freedom Summer Meetings (12 pages)
Email concerning the “Finding Freedom Summer” advisory council agenda
Time grids used to schedule meetings
Various Curriculum-Vitaes
Correspondence between Dorothy Falke and various people who were invited to the Freedom Summer conference (especially Freedom Summer participants)
Various emails concerning the setup of Freedom Summer (organizing entertainment, speakers, committees)
Freedom Summer School curriculum
Paper describing the Freedom Summer memorial constructed on Miami's campus
Emails concerning the link for the Freedom Summer website and Freedom Summer meeting, July 1, 2004
Emails expressing interest in and requesting more information about the Freedom Summer Conference (8 pages)
Emails concerning available meeting for Freedom Summer meetings
A photograph of William Holmes McGuffey Museum (postcard)
A photograph of Kumler Memorial Chapel (postcard)
A photograph of Verlin L. Pulley Tower (postcard)
Miami University Lecture Series poster featuring P.J. O’Rourke
Folder 5: Freedom Summer Expenses
List of tasks, associated costs, and sources of funding for Freedom Summer
Time sheets of student workers and payroll registration forms
Authorization of use of faculty ID card form
Time sheets of student workers
Payroll registration form
Payment voucher requests (3 pages), May 21 and July 12, 2007
Travel expense report from Rhonda Smith, May-June, 2006
Limited purchase order to be used on airfare for Carlyle Brown, July 17, 2006
Travel Expense Report for Katie Johnson, December 11, 2006
Payment voucher requests and invoices (5 packets), April 9, 2007, April 6, 2007, March 2, 2007, September 29, 2005, October 21, 2005
Rental form for the great room and kitchen of Oxford Parks and Recreation Department Senior Citizens and Community Center, May 21, 2004
Travel expense report from Tom Dutton, April 6, 2005
Payment request voucher (2 packets), April 29 and July 18, 2005
Limited purchase order to be used on airfare for Adam Kraar, January 28, 2005
Payment request form, February 14, 2005
Limited purchase order to be used on ground transportation for Adam Kraar, February 14, 2005
Travel expense report from Kim Broida, February 15, 2005
Receipt for six tickets to a theatrical production in Louisville, February 23, 2005
Travel expense report from Momeyer, March 1, 2005
Travel expense report from Ann Armstrong, March 21, 2005
Limited purchase order to be used on airfare for Gwen Lewis, August 31, 2004
Limited purchase order to be used on airfare for Gwen Lewis, September 2, 2004
Payment voucher request (3 pages), August 25 and 9, 2004
Limited purchase order to be used on Freedom Summer collection days advertisment, July 29, 2004
Limited purchase order to be used on a display ad for Freedom Summer Reunion Conference in The Chronicle of Higher Education, May 20, 2004
Ad for Freedom Summer Reunion Conference
Limited purchase order to be used on a display ad for Freedom Summer Reunion Conference in Black Issues in Higher Education, May 20, 2004
Invoice for a display ad for Freedom Summer Reunion Conference in Black Issues in Higher Education
Ad for Freedom Summer reunion Conference
Email addressed to Dorothy Falke from Lisa Campbell
Email telling the dates that the Freedom Summer ads will appear
Copies of the Freedom Summer ads
Copies of the limited purchase orders used for the ads
Limited purchase order to be used on a display ad for Freedom Summer Reunion Conference in The Chronicle of Higher Education, July 12, 2004
Travel expense report and receipts, May 7, 2004
Limited purchase order to be used on ten tickets to the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, May 18, 2004
Receipt from the Miami University Bookstore
Miami University purchasing card transactions, February 27, 2004- March 29, 2004
Limited purchase order and receipt for ground transportation to see Carlyle Brown’s play, January 12, 2007
Payment voucher request, February 12, 2007
Travel expenses request denial, March 22, 2005
Limited purchase order to be used on a lunch meeting between the Freedom Summer committee and the NAACP, June 1, 2004
Forms concerning the use of Miami University buildings and catering for Freedom Summer
Print center request form (two copies) and copy of final product (one copy), November 4, 2005
Printing request for posters, November 4, 2005
Print center requests (seven packets; some final products)
Receipt for T-shirt order, September 22, 2009
Limited purchase order to be used on dinner for Carlyle Brown and two faculty members, October 8, 2009
Limited purchase order to be used on dinner for Carlyle Brown and four faculty members, October 13, 2009
Receipts for food and drinks, October 12-14, 2009
Payroll collection form, January 28, 2010
Receipt for the shipment of three cartons, August 9, 2010
Copies of receipts, checks, bank statements, and order pages for various purchases
Folder 6: Freedom Summer Walking Tour
Brochure for the Freedom Summer Memorial on Miami University’s campus
Freedom Summer tour guides contact information
Calendar of times tour guides are not available to do tours
Paper titled “Walk with me: An Interactive Walking Tour that Explores Freedom SUmmer training in Oxford, OH” intended as an application for a grant
Budget form
Folder 7:
Voices of Freedom Summer Reunion and Conference, Minutes-August 5, 2004
Voices of Freedom Summer Conference and Reunion Planning Committee, June 10, 2004
Voices of Freedom Summer Conference and Reunion Planning Committee, May 27, 2004 (two copies)
Freedom Summer Conference Committee, June 24, 2004 (two copies)
Possible Topics for Conference, June 8, 2004
New York Times “Remembering Lives Given, and Taken”, June 1, 2004 (two copies)
Notes concerning presentations and churches in the area
Folder 8: Freedom Summer Participants Letter
Letter from the Ctr. for American and World Cultures that was returned to the sender
Follow-up letter to the “Friends of Freedom Summer”, January 25, 2005
Folder 9:
Order form for the book Going South
Folder 10: Freedom Summer Playwright Arrangements
Financial request form- final payment for play written for “Finding Freedom Summer”, September 16, 2009
Proposal for SFA SCholarship and Teaching Grant
Carlyle Brown Biography
Emails concerning Carlyle Brown’s contact information, November 2, 2006
New vendor set-up form
Job description for Freedom Summer guest artist in residence: Carlyle Brown
Financial request form- payment for draft of play written for “Finding Freedom Summer”, March 27, 2008
Miami University Employment Recommendation for Carlyle Brown (two copies)
Correspondence between Carlyle Brown and Ann Elizabeth Armstrong, October 2006
Payment voucher request to be used to compensate Carlyle Brown for the play he wrote
Proposed legal agreement between Carlyle Brown and Miami University
Expense transfer request for Carlyle Brown’s registration to the PTO conference
Airline receipt
Limited purchase order to be used on airfare for Carlyle Brown
Travel expense report from Carlyle Brown
Freedom Summer playwright update
Papers relating to Thulani Davis’ visit, June 2-3, 2005
Canceled limited purchase order
Papers relating to Thulani Davis’ visit, April 17-19, 2005
Papers relating to Caleen Jennings’ visit, April 3-5, 2005
Papers relating to Carlyle Brown’s visit, March 21-23, 2005
Papers relating to Adam Kraar’s visit, February 27-March 2, 2005
Receipt to DiPaolo’s and Three Trees Pub
Jimmy John’s catering order form
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; Correspondence; 1995-2005; Box 24
Folder 1: Book advertisements and order forms
Flier featuring the book Lucasville
“My Family, The Movement, an Me” flier
Order form for “Looking Back to Move Ahead”
Folder 2: IRB Forms Freedom Summer Project
Slideshow of the education program on the protection of human research participants
Guidelines for research involving human subjects
Sample research cases
Business card for Dorothy Falke
Letter addressed to Dr. Berman from Gordon Allen, July 2, 2004
Request for the donation of materials relating to Freedom Summer in Oxford
Letter looking for people willing to give an interview about Freedom Summer
Interview questions
Application for approval of research involving human subjects
Folder 3: IRB forms Freedom Summer
Finding Freedom: Documenting and Performing Freedom Summer at Miami University
Letters/emails concerning participation on the Freedom Summer advisory committee, March 2003
Letter requesting stories from James City County Training School, February 3, 1999
At the Threshold of Memory, A Bilingual Critical Anthology of New and Selected Poems
Brazil Body and Soul
Folder 4: Invitations to September 17 dinner
Email from Mary Jane Berman seeking greeters for a conference, September 12, 2004
1964 Freedom Summer participant list
Correspondence between Mary Jane Berman and Ann Elizabeth Armstrong concerning invitations
Drafted list of people attending dinner at Holy Trinity (two copies)
Contact information (Two pages)
Black Heritage stamps
Invitations to the “Voices of Freedom Summer” Conference dinner (three copies)
Folder 5:
Finding Freedom: Documenting and Performing Freedom Summer at Miami University
The First Phase of the Behavioral Revolution: Classical S-R Behaviorism
Folder 6: Oxford Friends of the Mississippi Project
NAACP membership campaign letter
Contact information for interviewees
Contact information for sponsors
Folder 7: Black Alumni Miami University
Email concerning inviting Herrick Young’s children to the Freedom Summer Conference, July 28, 2004
Emails concerning the invitation of black alumni to the Freedom Summer Conference, July, 2004
Emails concerning Freedom Summer funding, July, 2004
Various emails involving the alumni center and the Freedom Summer conference leaders, July, 2004
Folder 8: Algebra Project
Packet concerning Robert Moses, his part in Freedom Summer, and his new mission: The Algebra Project
Folder 9: Andy Macho/Kate Nolhman
Notes about Andy and Kate’s roles in the Freedom Summer research, August 26, 2004
Folder 10: Registration Packet
Email addressed to Mary Jane Berman from Mark McPhail concerning a CD he made
Email addressed to Ann Elizabeth Armstrong from Mary Jane Berman concerning the reproduction of an original SNCC brochure and media coverage
Folder 11: Rick Momeyer correspondence
Emails between Rick Momeyer and Mary Jane Berman concerning voter registration
Email concerning the need for van drivers to and from the hotel
Emails concerning the presence of political dignitaries at the freedom Summer Conference
Folder 12: Flonzie Brown-Wright
Flonzie Brown-Wright biography
“Summer of 1964 Rights Activists Recall Mississippi” by Janette Rodrigues, Dayton Daily News
“MLK speaker says dream not realized” by Rick McCrabb, Middletown Journal
“Author chronicled civil rights struggle” by Franki V. Ransom, Dayton Daily News, September 8, 1995
“Woman appears in video, Germantown resident witnessed civil rights activity” by Eric Robinette, Cox News Service (three pages)
Folder 13:
Grant guidelines and application
Email containing contact information of students and faculty who may help with the grant
Evaluation form of the staff development program
Brown Bag Evaluation
Notes about existing internships
Folder 14: OHC Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum vitae of Mary Frederickson
Curriculum vitae of Wayne K. Durrill
Curriculum vitae of Ann Elizabeth Armstrong, Ph.D.
Curriculum vitae of Mary Jane Berman, Ph.D.
Folder 15: Ohio Humanities Council
OHC’s community history grants program
Grant guidelines and application
Folder 16: OHC Grant
Proposal Approval Form (form used to obtain University approval of grant proposals to external organizations)
HC Budget draft
Folder 17: Ohio Humanities Council CAWC Files
Proposal Approval Form (form used to obtain University approval of grant proposals to external
OHC Budget draft
Folder 18
Business card concerning Freedom School Curriculum
Freedom Riders membership list, 10-26-01
List of people associated with the original Freedom Summer and a description of what they did
Contact list of “other individuals”
Contact list of historians, writers, and publishers
Contact list of “Current Organizations, Centers, Archives Outside of Mississippi”
Folder 19: Sunday Volunteers
Notes concerning the volunteers in charge of meals and luggage
Email correspondence between Dr. Berman and Erica Thomas
Folder 20: Volunteers Information Rovers
Email from Dr. Berman to one of her volunteers for “Voices of Freedom Summer”, 9-14-04
Miami Directory Search results, 9-14-04
Emails from Dr. Berman to the “room rover” volunteers
Correspondence between Dr. Berman and various volunteers
“Memory and Judgement” by Jane Adams and D. Gorton, 9-11-04
List of newly recruited volunteers
Notes about student volunteer responsibilities
Collection of emails listing who can volunteer and at what times they are available
Receipt from a restaurant in Oxford
MUGS flier with notes about the possibility of members volunteering for “The Voices of Freedom Summer” on the back, 9-9-04
Emails concerning the ushers for “The Voices of Freedom Summer”
Notes about when and where volunteers are needed
Emails between Dr. Berman and volunteers
Folder 21: Interfaith gathering, September 19, 2004
Email concerning the presentations for “The Voices of Freedom Summer”
“Od Yavo Shalom Aleinu” (“Peace Will Come To Us”, a song)
A summary of a meeting to plan the interfaith gathering and an outline of the gathering
Emails concerning Flonzie Brown-Wright speaking at the interfaith gathering
List of topics to be covered in the interfaith gathering
Emails concerning singers at the interfaith gathering
Notes about the presentations order of the interfaith gatheringr of the interfaith gathering
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; Correspondence; Programs; 2004; Box 25
Folder 1: “Voices of Freedom Summer” Details
Interfaith gathering program draft
Summary of a meeting on September 10 concerning changes to the interfaith gathering program
Dr. Berman’s to-do list
Emails concerning the details of the program
First draft of the program
Floor plans detailing the placement of tables, chairs, mics, and presentations
Third draft of the “Voices of Freedom Summer Reunion and Conference” itinerary
First draft of the “Voices of Freedom Summer Reunion and Conference” itinerary
Email from Dr. Berman to Jael concerning Antonio Curet’s itinerary
Notes about transportation for the conference
Fax number
Notes about transportation for the conference
Conference final details draft #1, August 27, 2004
Folder 2: Voices of Freedom Summer- Friday night program
Notes about miscellaneous details
Notes from the meeting with Charles Nies, September 1, 2004
To-do list, August 31, 2004
Folder 3: Voices of Freedom Summer Plan/Program
Draft #4: Conference Program
Email to Lisa Campbell concerning acknowledgements and donors
To-do list, August 31, 2004
To-do list, July 22, 2004
Emails to various student volunteers
Conference final details Draft #2, August 29, 2004
Email from Cheryl Young to Dr. Berman
Conference agenda, July 21, 2004
Minutes for July 8, 2004
Dr. Berman’s to-do list
“Voices of Freedom Summer” Registration form
Educators’ Preview and Reception invitation
Notes concerning Bob Moses and other miscellaneous things
Contact list for members of Freedom Summer Committees
Conference letter
Notes from a meeting
Notes about transportation for the conference
Email to Dr. Berman concerning the possibility of job enrichment from attending the conference
Notes about transportation for the conference
Email concerning the tables and chairs needed for the conference
Miscellaneous notes
Notes about transportation for the conference (Van 1)
Notes from a meeting about the Ceremony after John Lewis’ talk
Notes concerning the MUGS performance
Notes concerning volunteers
Emails concerning the MUGS singing at the conference
Correspondence between Ronita Farria and Dr. Berman
Conference schedule and program
Dr. Berman’s to-do lists
Email concerning the showing of “Freedom on My Mind” to MOSAIC classes
To-do lists
Notes from a meeting with AEA, August, 26, 2004
Finding Freedom Summer Advisory Committee Meeting, August 31, 2004
To-do list
Discussion with Dr. Berman, August 30, 2004
Email concerning a scholarship endowment for Algebra Project kids
Notes concerning Andy Macho’s visit and presentation
Notes about the various tables at the convention, July 24, 2004
Shriver Center Reservation Confirmation
Notes concerning conference events to take place in the Shriver Center, August 20, 2004
Emails concerning the possible showing of Race: Mississippi, Out of Africa, Into the Mississippi Delta. African missionaries evangelize in the Mississippi Delta, and Allen’s Choice at the conference
Member lists for the Voices of Freedom Summer Conference and Reunion Planning Committee and the Finding Freedom Summer Advisory Council
Emails concerning the conference program
Special Acknowledgements and a paragraph explaining The Friends of the Mississippi Summer Project
Form letter draft to send to conference participants
Freedom Summer Committee contact list
Notes, September 15, 2004
Notes containing contact information and a to-do list
Email to Dr. Berman from Maggie Knudson concerning her ability to volunteer
To-do list, September 12, 2004
Notes concerning the Friday night dinner and program and miscellaneous to-do list items
Email to Dr. Berman from Lydia Elkins concerning her ability to volunteer
To-do list concerning the Friday night registration
Conference Schedule and Program
Emails to Dr. Berman from various volunteers concerning their ability to help with the conference
Contact list for conference volunteers
Voices of Freedom Summer Reunion and Conference booklet
Folder 4: Oral History Project
Oral history project notes
Oral history/archiving volunteer sign up?
Notes concerning the collection and archiving of oral histories
Paperwork concerning the rental of the Oxford Senior Center
Folder 5: Voices of Freedom Summer Conference
Email addressed to Jane inviting her to speak at the conference due to her devotion to civil rights all over the world and her involvement in Freedom Summer
Email concerning the date of the conference and the exhibit “Faces of Freedom Summer”
Conference itinerary Draft #1
Agenda for the “Finding Freedom Summer Meeting”
Freedom Summer Conference Committee minutes, February 11, 2004 (Three copies)
Freedom Summer Conference Committee minutes, February 27, 2004
Freedom Summer Conference Committee minutes, March 26, 2004 (Two copies)
Addition to previous Freedom Summer Conference Committee minutes, March 28, 2004
Summary of a meeting between Dr. Berman and Holly Wissing of the News Bureau, March 16, 2004
Play committee member list
Email to the play committee requesting playwright suggestions and meeting times
Oral history/ archives committee member list
Email to Dorothy with instructions on what she should do with the sub-committee member list
Emails concerning a Freedom Summer reunion that is being planned outside of the conference
Email to Dr. Berman from Dr. Kernodle
Email to three students requesting that they serve as student representatives
Notes on Lisa Campbell, July 14, 2003
Freedom Summer Meeting minutes, December 14, 2003
Grant Spreadsheet
Possible funding sources
Emails concerning upcoming Freedom Summer meeting
Reunion committee member list
Email concerning the upcoming reunion meeting and the website
Paper about the Freedom Summer reunion in Jackson Mississippi
Flier for the historic north-south freedom caravan
”Voices of Freedom Summer” questions and things to do (Two copies)
Email concerning ad rates
Sample ads
Order for an ad in The Chronicle of Higher Education
To-do list
Email from Dr. Berman with reminders
Miscellaneous notes
Conference itinerary Draft #2
Freedom Summer Conference and Reunion Planning Committee minutes, May 27, 2004
List of possible topics for conference, June 8, 2004
Conference agenda, June 10, 2004 (two copies)
Notes concerning the play, June 14, 2004
Freedom Summer Conference Committee minutes, June 24, 2004
”Voices of Freedom Summer” Reunion and Conference minutes, July 8, 2004
List of confirmed/pending presenters/participants
Freedom Summer Advisory Council: Meeting Agenda, April 22, 2004
Advisory council notes, May 28, 2004
“Freedom Summer 40th Anniversary” flier
“Voices of Freedom Summer” mailings
Freedom Summer 2004 sponsors
Contact list
Folder 6: Misc.
Letter addressed to Dr. Goodman, July 29, 2004
Information on The Andrew Goodman Foundation and grant
LAS/GEO 106A: Migration and Movement Across the Americas- Syllabus, Fall 2004
POR 383: By or About (Afro-) Brazilian Women- Syllabus, Fall 2004
LAS 403: Current Latin American Issues- Syllabus, Fall 2003
Schedule for Freedom Summer Conference, made June 8, 2004
Letter arranging a speech for Councilman Christopher Smitherman
Biography of Christopher Smitherman
Race/gender resource center newsletter, Number 18, Spring 2002
Proposal from the Department of Architecture and Interior Design for a Grant from the President’s Academic Enrichment Awards (Sheriff Fund) The Visiting Critic as Intellectual Catalyst
“Antievolution and Creationism in the United States” by Eugenie C. Scott, Annual Reviews,1997, Vol. 26, pp 263-289
Budget form
Notes about costs
Notes about various people involved in the original Freedom Summer (two pages)
Miscellaneous notes (Two pages)
Notes about oral history
Miscellaneous notes (one page)
Email addressed to Alan from Dr. Berman
Music at Miami proposal: “Music at Miami for the Millennium: Harmonizing Excellence Hearing Diversity”
Folder 7: Grants
President’s Academic Enrichment Award application
Grant Programs, National Endowment for the Humanities: description and requirements of two grants
Letter from William J. Doan endorsing the Freedom Summer Project (Two copies)
OHC Grant Proposal, “Building a Circle of Trust: Freedom Summer Training in Oxford, Ohio”
Letter addressed to Dr. Berman from Ronald A. Crutcher
Folder 8: Faces of Freedom Summer
Email from Dr. Berman confirming the rental of “Faces of Freedom Summer”
Miscellaneous contact information
Article, “Mississippi Oral History Program”
Freedom Summer course (and trip) description
Biography of Herbert Randall, Jr.
“The Freedom Schools: What Were They, What Happened?” by Staughton Lynd (Three copies)
Oral History Project by the Civil Rights Heritage Center and Northern Indiana Center for History
List of books relating to the civil rights movement
Article about the Randall (Herbert) Freedom Summer Photographs
Description of the Smithsonian exhibit “Creativity and Resistance: Maroon Cultures in the Americas”
“Never Before Seen Faces of Freedom Visits Delta State”
Description of the Smithsonian exhibit “We Shall Overcome: Photographs from the American Civil Rights Era”
“Faces of Freedom Summer, The Photographs of Herbert Randall”
Email addressed to Dr. Carpenter from Dr. Berman
Information about the Mississippi Humanities Council Staff
Information about the Mississippi Humanities Council grants and oral history project
Folder 9: Play Writing Committee
Appendix II: Prospective Playwrights and Theater Companies
Appendix I: Prospective Playwrights and Theater Companies
Finding Freedom: Documenting and Performing Freedom Summer at Miami University
Folder 10: Finding Freedom Summer Advisory Council
Email from Dr. Berman setting up the first “Finding Freedom Summer” meeting, December 7, 2003
Emails from Dr. Berman to the potential advisory committee
Pre-proposal for the Presidential Academic Enrichment Award project
Email addressed to Dr. Berman from Tammy Kernodle
Letter addressed to Advisory Council Members, May 29, 2003
Folder 11: K-12 Schools
Letter addressed to Dr. Berman from Ann W. proposing a field trip for local schools to visit Miami and learn about Freedom Summer
Folder 12:
Freedom Summer Conference and Reunion itinerary Draft #1, April 21, 2004
Folder 13:
Empty envelope addressed to Ann-Elizabeth Armstrong
Folder 14:
List of student volunteers and sponsors
Folder 15:
Miami University Library stationery (Blank)
Folder 16: Question/Interview Test
Sample interview questions for “Building a Circle of Trust: Freedom Summer in Oxford, OH”
Folder 17: Deed of Gift
Interviewee Release Form (Blank)
Miami University/Western Archives deed of gift (Blank)
Folder 18:
Story circle/interview tape log (Blank)
Interviewee Release Form (Blank)
Sample interview questions for “Building a Circle of Trust: Freedom Summer in Oxford, OH”
Folder 19:
Legal pad with contact information
Newspaper Article: The Nation A Cresendoing Choir From the Graveyards of History The New York Times, August 21, 2005
Newspaper Article: Freedom Project Focusing Dreams by Leonard Pitts Jr. Commentary, May 15, 2008 and envelope and note from Donald and Judith Nelson.
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; Correspondence; 40th Anniversary Freedom Summer Conference Materials;2004; Box 26
Folder 1: Freedom Summer Conference Address List
Freedom Summer Conference Address List (two copies)
Folder 2: Freedom Summer Reunion Conference
Miscellaneous receipts September 21, 2004, September 16, 2004
Photocopies of checks paid to the order of Miami University
Miscellaneous receipt
Miami University Bursar Office Deposit Transmittal Form
Photocopies of checks
Payment voucher request to be used for the shipment of the “Faces of Freedom Summer” exhibit
Papers concerning honorarias to be given to Stanley Broadnax, Victoria Straughn, and Monica Williams
Email from Jeri Schaner
Freedom Summer Conference Support and Expenses Chart
Email containing the number in attendance at the Freedom Summer events
Payment voucher request to be used to transport presenters to the conference
Receipt for a rented car
Miami University Hosting Documentation Form
Receipts from various hotels
Payment voucher request to be used for refreshments on Freedom Summer collection Saturdays, September 21. 2004
Travel Expense Report, September, 2004
Payment voucher request to be used to pay a musician who played at the interfaith gathering, September 24, 2004
Receipts from the Marcum Conference Center and Inn
Miami University Contract Transmittal Form
Paperwork involved in hiring John O’Neal
Miami copy center bills
Receipts from Judi Hampton’s trip to Miami
Travel expense reports
Payment voucher request to be used for gift CDs
Payment voucher request to be used for transportation during the conference, September 21. 2004
Contact numbers for conference coordinators
Email concerning parking
Box lunch order spreadsheet
Limited purchase order for tickets to the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center
Emails concerning the purchase of educational CDs
List of people who had agreed to be presenters as of July 5
Emails concerning John O’Neal’s payment
Emails concerning donations made to the conference
Shriver Center reservation confirmation
Email concerning the purchase of educational CDs
Facsimile Transmittal Sheet
Advertisement titled “Events in Academe”, The Chronicle of Higher Education
“Mississippi town honors slain activists 40 years later” by Lynda Edwards, Dayton Daily News, June 20, 2004
Letter addressed to Professor Zaretsky, July 6, 2004
Email concerning the placing of an ad in the Oxford Press
Oxford senior citizen center rental form (two copies)
Email concerning the rental of hotel rooms for Freedom Summer participants
Letter addressed to Freedom Summer participants
Letter addressed to “desired interviewee”
Flier for Collection Saturdays
Bookmark prices
Fund transfers from various Miami departments
Travel arrangements for John O’Neal
Limited purchase order and receipts for airfare for various people
Letter from the White House declining President Bush’s invitation to “Voices of Freedom Summer”
Shriver center reservation confirmations
Ticket to see Representative John Lewis speak during the conference
Ticket to see “Wouldn’t Take Nothing For My Journey” during the conference
Sticker with contact information for Philip Morsberger
Miami University Bookstore receipt
CD-R labeled “Dorothy Falke network”
CD-R labeled “Freedom Summer from Lisa C.”
CD-R labeled “Freedom Summer Poster 11x17 process color”
CD-R labeled “Photographs of Freedom Summer The George Hoxie Collection”
Print Center request forms (3)
Transfer of Funds form
Flier for Representative John Lewis and “Wouldn’t Take Nothing For My Journey”
Photocopies of newspaper ads for the conference
Photocopy of two newspaper articles advertising Freedom Summer: “‘Faces of Freedom Summer’ at Miami University Art Museum” and “Freedom Summer reunion and conference Sept. 17-19”, September 2, 2004
“Students retrace ‘Freedom Summer’ path”, The Miami University Report, Vol. 23 No 38, June 24, 2004
“Freedom Summer ‘Collection Saturdays’”, The Miami University Report
The Miami University Report, Vol. 24 No. 7, September 16, 2004
“Freedom Summer reunion honors 1964 events” by Heather Reeves, The Miami Student, September 21, 2004
“Racism is alive and signing autographs in Mississippi”
“On a different pathway to the Creator” by Elmon Prier, Middletown Journal, September 27, 2004
“Students honor ‘64 activists” by Brian Byrne, The Miami Student, October 19, 2004
Folder 3:
The people listed below each received a letter inviting the to participate in “Building a Circle of Trust: Freedom Summer Training in Oxford, Ohio”, an oral history project.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Luce
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jantzen
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Daniel
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miller
Mr. and Mrs. William McKinstry
Mrs. Jane Strippel
Mr. and Mrs. David Griffing
Mrs. Camilla Flinterman
Folder 4: Freedom Summer Plays
The script of “Watermelon Rinds” by Regina Taylor
The script of “Sally’s Rape” by Robbie McCauley
The script of “Combination Skin” by Lisa Jones
Photocopy of a short story titled “Mississippi Freedom: South and North” by Robbie McCauley
“Miami to recall role in civil rights tragedy” by Thomas Shrack, The Journal-News, June 17, 1989
“Oxford to honor 1964 civil-rights martyrs” by Lew Moores, The Cincinnati Enquirer, June 20, 1994
“Rights: Training started in Oxford”, The Cincinnati Enquirer
“Freedom”, by Tom Beyerlein, Dayton Daily News
“Remembering slain activists for civil rights”, The Cincinnati Enquirer, June 20, 1989
“Oxford linked to ‘Freedom Summer’” by Mary Lolli and Elmon Prier, Middletown Journal, February 23, 1997
The wording of a plaque on Miami’s campus commemorating the volunteers that trained there
Tentative schedule of events for “From the 60s to the 80s: The Continuing Search for Racial Justice”, March 31-April 1, 1989
Schedule of events for “From the 60s to the 90s: Alternative Visions of Racial Justice”, March 31-April 1, 1989
Twenty Fifth Commemoration of Freedom Summer celebration program
“Mississippi Summer vets to reunite in Oxford” by Steven Rosen, The Cincinnati Enquirer
“Miami should embrace its ‘Freedom Summer’ heritage” by Elmon W. Prier, November 29, 1998
“Gregory Stresses Courage Of ‘Mississippi Project’” by Kara McMahan, Oxford Press, April 6, 1989
“Gregory to speak at Miami”, Ohio News Bureau Inc., March 30, 1989
“Get up, stand up, stand up for your right”, Press Intelligence Inc., April 1, 1989 (two copies)
Untitled article, Press Intelligence Inc., April 2, 1989
“Gregory asserts need for change”, Pottsville Republican, April 1, 1989
Song sheet for Freedom Summer
List of workshops, speakers, and resource persons for “From the 60s to the 90s: Alternative Visions of Racial Justice”
“Service honors trio of martyrs” by Thomas Shark, Journal-News
“Civil rights movement veterans honor slain workers”, The Cincinnati Enquirer
“Miami remembers its three civil rights leaders murdered in their journey to equality” by Natalie Lucas, December 2, 1999
“Service at Miami University remembers place in history”, The Cincinnati Enquirer, June 22, 1989
“Another Case of Murder in Mississippi” by Irv Letofsky, February 4, 1990
“Observance to mark slayings in Mississippi”, Middletown Journal, June 18, 1989
“‘Freedom school’s’ grads return to tell life’s lessons” by Tom Beyerlein, Dayton Daily News, March 30, 1989
The script of “Everybody’s Ruby” by Thulani Davis (Two copies)
Folder 5:
Photocopy of Freedom School poetry book, owned by Larry Martin (3 copies)
The Miami Student, January 14, 2005 (includes article titled “Man indicted for ‘64 civil rights murders” by Chris Gray
Folder 6: F/S Registration Packet Info.
“Mississippi Summer Project” pamphlet
Flier advertising films on the civil rights movement from California Newsreel
“Mississippi: Allen’s Army”, Newsweek, February 24, 1964 (Two copies)
Paper about a civil rights veterans website
Paper about the Western College Memorial Archives
The Student Voice, Vol. 5 No. 13 pages 1-4, June 2, 1964
Program for “Voices of Freedom Summer”, September 17, 2004
Advertisement for a story gathering lunch for Freedom Summer volunteers/staff and veterans
Schedule of “Voices of Freedom Summer” pre-conference events
Thank you notes for conference attendees
“Voices of Freedom Summer” booklet
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; Freedom Summer 40th anniversary Conference Registration Forms; 2004; Box 27 [CLOSED STACKS]
Folder 1: Presenters
Jane Adams and D. Gorton- Presenter
Tracy Abablo
Sandra Adickes
Jim Aimers
Patrick Alexander- Volunteer
Unique Alexander
Majida Al-Husaam
Chude Allen- Presenter
Tavonne Allen
Todd Allen
Lisa Anderson Todd
Alex Argo
Ann Elizabeth Armstrong- Committee
Elinor Aurthur
Folder 2: B
Lynn Bahret
Matt Baldwin
Kathryn Barlow
Jennifer Barth
Ann Bass
Lauren Bauer
Mary and William Bausamo
Andrew Beal
Tanya and Darrell Beam
Amy Bergseth- volunteer?
Letty Bergstrom
Mary Jane Berman- Committee
Pris Berry
Louise E. Bettman
Jimmy Bickerstaff- Staff
Muriel L. Blaisdell
Phyllis Boanes
Jason Boone
Keith Boring
Roy Bowen Ward
Sylvia Braselmann
Zoe E. Brickley
Stephen Bradsky
Kim Broida
Monique R. Brooks
Debra Brown
Emily Brown
Flonzie Brown Wright
Gerardo Brown-Manrique
Jonathan W. Brown
Leah Brown
Ellen and Bruce Bueschel
Randy Bruns
Joseph Buoni
Carri Burgjohann
Cedric Burrows
Corey Bunton
Michael Bush-Arnold
Sara Butler
Folder 3: C
Susan Callan and Barbara Caruso
Durrell Callier
Lisa Campbel
Chelsea Carson
David C. Carter
Yonzell Carter
Mary Kupiec Cayton
Ben Chaney- Presenter
George Chilcoat
Kimberly Claggett
Daniel M. Cobb
Nelly Bly Cogan
Rick Colby
Carole Colca (Gross)
Cynthia Collins
Samantha Cope
Charnell Covert
Ann Cox
Barbara S. Cox
Lynette Curry
Folder 4: D
Mark Dalhouse
Jennie Dautermann- Staff
Deborah K. Davidson
Jennifer Davis
Martha Davis
Tracy Davis- Presenter
Calesta A. Day
Ellen DeLeon
Elaine DeLott Baker
Nick Delphia
Judith Delzell- Committee
Judith de Luce
David Dennis- Presenter
Jean Denton-Thompson
Brian Deplhet
Jake DeRussy
Barbara Diehl
William Doan
Joseph W. Dorsey
Teri Doughman
Kristy Drobney
Matthew Dripps
Akira Drummands
Ed Dubinsky- Presenter
Chris Dudley
Folder 5: E
Curtis W. Ellison
Kathy Emary- Presenter
Susie Erenrich- Presenter
Kim Ernsting
Stephen Ervin
Cheryl Burgan Evans- Staff
Folder 6: F
Dorothy Falke
Ronita Farria- Volunteer
Emily Fischer
Camilla Flintermann
Amy Foster
Lorne Francis
Mary E. Frederickson- Committee
Aaron Friedberg
Hardy Frye- Presenter
Juliana Fuller
Aviva Futorian
Folder 7: G
Betty Garman Robinson
John Gibson
Mark Giles
Margaret Gillespie
Angela M. Giudice
Miriam (Cohen) Glickman
Jane Goettsch
Robert Graessle
Denise Green
Julia Guichard
Folder 8: H
Suzanne Haag
Matt Hahn
Judi Hampton
Mark H. Hange
Vincent Harding- Presenter
Tahia Harley
Shaula Harris
Sally Harrison-Pepper
Wendy Hartley
Megan Harvey
Meghan Hayes
Carolyn Haynes
Margaret Hazelton
Melissa Healy
LeeAnn Hedges
Matt Heller
Barbara Heuberger
Becca Hickam
Martha Honey
Jerome Hovanec
Mary Hovanec
Taras J. Hovanec
Amelia Huerta
Erin Huffman
Jordan Hughes
Bob Hunter
Carol Hunter
Jeffry Hutchinson
Folder 9: I J
Candace Jackson Gray
Joshua Jackson
Paul Jackson
Rhonda Jackson
Rev. Victoria Jackson Gray Adams- Presenter
Andy Jacob
Cheryl Johnson
Bianca M. Jones
Jalisa Jones
Matt Jones
Folder 10: K
James Kates- Presenter
Susan Kay
Joseph D. Keesecker
Josh Kellerman
Cynthia G. Kelly
Parrish Kelly
LaShawn Keyser
Andrew Klein
Celia Knight
Ruth Koenig
Christina Koslow
John M. Krafft
Katie Krangel
Karin Kunstler
Folder 11: L
Dan Labotz
Enid LaGesse
Lilia LaGesse
Nicholas LaGesse
Susan Laing
Jennifer Lane
Chamir Lawson
Chris Lawson
Christy Ledden
Amy Ledges
Willi Lempart
Jennifer Leininger
Laura Lepezyk
Andrew Lewis
Pamela D. Lewis
Jerry Ligon- Presenter
Caroline Lindsay
Paul Lindsay
Walter J. Lipnski
Sally Lloyd
Kara Love
Lynette Luckers
Emily Lynch
Alice and Staughton Lynd- Presenter
Folder 12: M
Anne Mognan
Michael J. Maloney
Ann Maloney
Linda Marchant
Patricia Martinez
Willie McCray
Chuck McDew- Presenter
Lolita M. McDavid, MD
Raquel Lee and Brian McElwein
Kevin McFillen
Lauren McGookey
David McGrew
Kathryn McGrew
Cassandra McKay
Bill and Barbara McKinstry
Brian McKnight
Susan E. McLauchlan
Kathy McMahon-Klostarman
Mark L. McPhail
James Michael McWeeney II
Andrew Metaler
Sarah and Jim Michael
Sheila Michaels
Elaine Miller
Mike Miller
Patti Miller
Karen Mitchell
Eric Moe
Oliver Mogga
Kyle Mohr
Alison Momeyer
Rick Momeyer
Sue Momeyer
Rashell Monet
Michael Francis Montgomery
Marcia Moore
Leslie K. Morrow- Staff
Philip and Mary Morsberger
Colin Mortor
Janet Moses- Presenter
Robert Moses- Presenter
Bethany Mould
Linda Musmeci Kimball and Jeffrey Kimball
Mark Paul Mussman
Folder 13: N
Donald N. Nelson
Lois Nelson
William H. Newell
Charles Niles and Emily Langdon
Thomas Nikuwinde
Eric Nordmeyer
Folder 14: O
Shawn Oates
Frances O’Brien
Jael Ojwaya
Dan Olson
John O’Neal- Presenter
Anna Osborne
Ted Ownby- Presenter
Folder 15: P-Q
Liz Palm
Darryl Parker
Carce Parrish
Kanta Patel
Susan Paulson
Steven R. Pauna
Annie Perry
Carla Pestana
Selena Peterson-Reesecker
Corey Pfeifer
Carolyn Platt
Tom Poetter
H. Davida Popik
Ellen Price
Joann Quinones
Folder 16: R
Deborah Rand
Herbert E. Randall
Chad Rea
Brian Reardon
Chris Reed
Richard Rees
Andrew Rennels
Matt Rennels
Cynthia Ris
Brandon Roane
Peter M. Robinson
Andrew Rothmeeler
Kate Rousmaniere
Thomas W. Russell
Folder 17: S
Dianne Sadoff
Whitney Sage
Mendy and Nancy Samstein- Presenter
Nancy Schieffelin
Rob Schorman
Charles Schott
Debra Schulty- Presenter
Vanessa K. Schutz
Karen Schwab
Katharine Schweitzer
Elizabeth Scott
Jessica Seeberger
Judith A. Sessions
Peggy Shaffen
Jene Shaw
Terri Shaw
David Sheehan
Charles D. Shepley
Allison Siehnel
Kate Silver
Zoharah Simmons- Presenter
Dan and Rhonda Smith
Stephanie Smoot
Donna Smith
Dr. John A. Smith
Karen M. Smith
Nancy Smith-Huerta and Alfred Huerta
Linn Song
Amy Sprong
John Steel- Presenter
Katie Stevenson
Nick Simion
Craig Stoffreyres
Jane Strippel- Comm
Patricia Sullivan- Presenter
Steve Sunderland
Folder 18: T
Juanita S. Tate
Dana Thacker
Erica Thomas- Volunteer
Rebecca J. Timmins
Roy B. Torkington
Nicole Touma
Brad Trimble
David Trimble
Folder 19: U V
Kim Underwood
Mary Vadakkan
Ben Valenthe
Irad Vanterpool
Lise Vogel
Kate Volkman- Documentary
Megan VonBenllen
Folder 20: W
Janae Walker
Pamela J. Walker
Sam Walker
Jerrell Ward
Roy Ward
Hollis Watkins
Charles H. Watson
Ann Wengler
Karen S. White
Brandy Willoughby
Kerry Winfrey
Allan M. Winkler
Folder 21: X Y Z
Gerald S. Yearwood
Frances Yates
Luise York
Cheryl Young- Committee
Imiola Young
Shannon Young
Terran Young
Yue Ziming
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; Freedom Summer 40th anniversary Conference Registration Forms); 2004; Box 28 [CLOSED STACKS]
F. 1
Freedom Summer National Conference Registration forms for:
ELisa Abes
Elza Abraham
Stephanie Sweet Aerni
Fauzia Ahmed
Robby Alexander
Christine Alfonsi
Helaine Alessio
Chunyang Duan
Austin Dubus
Allegheny College (Taylor Shaw, Sydney Fernandez, Angela Maureni, Maya Jones, Jen Glen,
Haley Riley, Emily Overheim, Brittany Griffith, Julian Henderson, Danielle Flexer, Ande
Diaz, Armenta Hinton, Brian Harward, Frank Forts, John Christie-Searles, Kazi
Joshua, Rachel Weir)
Brenda Allen
Chude Allen
Lisa Anderson Todd
Emily Archer
Ann Elizabeth Armstrong
Gina Asalon
Annie Pearl Avery
Ciana Ayenu
John Abadir
Eliza Abraham
Kathleen Altice
Caroline Arnos
Folder 3: Transaction Summaries/registrations forms: B
Patricia Bailey
Debbie Baker
Michael Ball
Nani Ball
Robyn Bancroft
John Barnhart/ Marilyn Barnhart
Sean Barron
Dani Barto
Pat Baugher
Debra Bazarsky
Makkah Beasley
Erin Belanger
Barbara Bell
Thelia Bennett
Mary Jane Berman
Lee Blackburn
Randy Blackford (Stapled to Makela Hayford, Destinee Henton, Naomi Sigg, and Andrew Torres)
Alex Block
Sherrie Bluester
Nelly Bly Cogan
Cheri Gaddis
Nancy B. Bolen
Mary Ben Bonham
Treva Hursh Boardman
Heather Booth
Linda and Mel Borton
Catherine Bowers
Kate Bercaw Bowers
Karen Carroll Brentley
Corrine Brown
Debra Brown
Robert D. Brown, Jr.
Katherine Bruce
Patricia Bruns
Colleen Haggarty Bunn
Sara Butler
Isabella Bacidore
Charles Baker
Emily Baker
Michaela Marsha Baker
Katie Barnes
Monika Barrett
Nicki Barrett
Jim Bennett
Grace Berger
Carly Bieler
Alexander Block
Anabel Brighton
Gilberto Brito
Ellie Broaddus
Matthew Browne
Amanda Lee Bruno
Hoa Bui
Destiney Burdette
Ashae Burgess
Abigail Burke
Bethany Burks
Folder 4: Transaction Summaries/registrations forms: C
Timothy M. Cameron
Angela Cannavo
Mark Cannon
Andre Canty
Mary Frances Cappiello
Jenny Carson
Barbara Caruso
Darice Chapel
Corinne Chapman
Meng Xi Chen
Wentie Chen
Greg Cherry
Livia Jean Clark
Amanda Clawson
Charles Cobb
Gabriela Coelho
Carole Colca
Louis Colca
Cynthia Collins
Larry Collins
Roland Sintos Coloma
Kathy Conkwright
Jerome Conley
Angie Cook
Jonathan D. Cooper
Mila Cooper
Richard Cooper
Ashley Cornett
Marianne Cotugno
Barbara Stephens Cox
Chris Cox
James C. Cundiff
Gregory Czernik
Marsha Carney
Ariana Carver
Claire CasaSanta
Alex Catanese
Corinne Chapman
Amanda Cheek
Cris Cheek
Wei Chen
Andrea Christman
Brandon Clark
Caitlin E. Coles
Jaime Coaker
Demetrius Coleman
Samantha Coman
Virginia Conrad
Daniel Crawford
Charles Cucco
Elena Cummings
Veronica Coyne
Megan Craft
Matt Cucciarre
Gregory Czernik
Folder 5: Transaction Summaries/registrations forms: D
Jacqueline Dale
Peter Dahoda
Don Daiker
Beatriz S. D’Ambrosio
Prudence Dana
Richard Daniels
Dorothy Darden
David Davidson
Allie Davis
Jennifer Oldfield Davis
Maya De Gennaro
Liliana Delman
Steven M. and Karen Delue
Lily Ann DeMar
Timothy Derickson
Bob DeSchutter
Madelyn Detloff
Dorothy Dewberry Aldridge
Karen DeWitt
Andy Dickson
Jill Dickerson
Sherry Dillon
Hazel Drew
Roland Duerksen
Chuck and Connie Duersch
Sean Duffy
Ann Dunlevy
Janis Dutton
Thomas A. Dutton
Karly Danos
Colin Dewire
Margaret Dotts
Holly Downer
Maureen Duncan
Alex Dunlap
Folder 6: Transaction Summaries/registrations forms: E
Ali Edmonds
Lucas Elfreich
Curtis Ellison
Valerie Elliot
Rev. D. Erik
Virginia Engwall
Geovanny Esquivel
Gwendolyn Etter-Lewis
Anthony Evans
Mary Evans
Michael Evans
George Eidson
Justin Ellman
Cameron Engel
Kelsey Erler
Kaitlynn Espeleta
Danielle Eynon Black
Folder 7: Transaction Summaries/registrations forms: F
Dorothy Falke
Lesha Farias
Leonard Fecko
Alicia Ferguson
Celena Fields
Ruth Fisk
Kathleen Fox
John Frazier
Nishani Frazier
Monique Frost
Jane S. Fryman
Ann Fuehrer
Kyle Fuller
Alexandra Fair
Eliza Farha
Patrick Fayen
Sophia Fedeli
Katherine Ferry
Jacob Fleming
Rudy Forte
Colton Fortner
Andrew Fosina
Jennifer Franer
Ann Marie Freeman
Rebecca Frost
Folder 8: Transaction Summaries/registrations forms: G
Cheri Gaddis
Sue Gambrell
James Gannon
Yvania Garcia
Chantel Gates
Zachary Gaul
Katie Gibson
Mark T. Gilmore
Penny L. Gnivecki
Jane Goettsch
Davaughn Golden
Adam Goodreau
David Gorchov
Carolyn E. Gordon, Ph.D.
Stephen Gordon
William Gracie
Ellen Granberg
Jessica Greene
Rita Greene
Jan Griesinger
Lisa Guliano
Deb Gulley
Lauren Gjessing
Mayra Garces
Matthew Gauthier
Olivia Gautier
Tori Gegel
Hailey Gilman
Alexis Godshall
Hillel Gray
James Gross
Garrett Gust
Folder 9: Transaction Summaries/registrations forms: H
Michael Haddad
Jon Hale
Sarah Hamilton
Langford (Lanny) Hargraves
James A. Harris
La Ques Hamoon
Robert Hart
Arianne Hartsell-Gundy
Jeffrey Hartsell-Gundy
Nancy Hawthorne and Susan Guidi
John W. Hayden
Deborah C. Heard
Rev. Judy Dudman Henderson
Carol and Richard Hennessey
Susan E. Henninger
David Hodge
Valerie Hodge
Eric Hodgson
Nanja Hofmann
Catherine Hollins
John Holt
Lynette Hudiburgh
Deloris Rome Hudson
Pepsi Hunter
Anne Hutchinson
Margaret Hutchinson
Carly Hamilton
Emily Hanhart
Erik Hansen
Hailey Harmon
Olivia Harrison
Emma Hauer
Mary Haupt
Jessica Heis
Kevin Heisser
Mike Hurtudo
Folder 10: Transaction Summaries/registrations forms: I J
Debbie Jackson
Debora Jackson
Fran Jackson
Johnnie L. Jackson
Rhonda Jackson
W. Sherman Jackson
Jane Jordan Jaeger
Casie Jameson
Erin Jamieson
Susie Jans-Thomas
Gary Janssen
Zachary Jehle
Margaret Jendrek
Timothy Jenkins
Cheryl Johnson
Howard M. Johnson
Jacky Johnson
Karen Johnson
Devante Johnson
Robert Johnson
Sharon Jones
Frank Jordan
Elisabeth Jang
Rebecca Jennison
Ashley Cartell Johnson
Caitlin Johnson
Taylor Johnson
Folder 12: Transaction Summaries/registrations forms: K
Shamika Johnson Karikari
James Kates
Lisa Wernert Keen
Joseph D. Keesecker
Parrish Kelley
Molly Kelly-Elliott
Tammy Kernodle
Jim Killy
Suzanne Restivo Killy
Clifton R. Kilpatrick
Linda Musmeci Kimball
Jack M. Kinney
Jennifer Kinney
Kayla Kirk
Jennifer Kisamore
Miyuki Kita
Kathleen Knight-Abowitz
Darla Knox
Peter Knox
Ruth Koenig
Dana Kuehn
Dani Kautman
Lindsay Kazer
Carrie Kienlen
Cole Kinna
Molly Kirkham
Annie Kister
Mfundisi Kitchen
Alyssa Koler
Emma Kruse
Kaylie Kueppers
Folder 13: Transaction Summaries/registrations forms: L
Dorie Ladner
Linda Lander
Tracy Lautzeuheiser
Jared Leighton
Joe Leonard
Mark Levy
Danielle Linowes
Zachary Lodgaard
Joe Logan
Laurel Lovely
Marilyn Lowen
Diane Sutherland Luezay
Abigail Luther
Alice, Mark, Felicia, and Stauston
Marissa Lane
Josh Cansky
Caitlin Lamb
Madeleine LaPlante-Dube
Maria Latta
Maddie Lazarski
Henry Leaman
Eric Lee
Nick Leforce
Carly Lefton
Randi Levitt
Nan Li
Audrey Lindeman
Camryn Longworth
Laura M. Louden
Abigail Lower
Huaibo Luo
Samantha Lutch
Folder 13: Transaction Summaries/registrations forms: M
Judy Macke
Janet Mallen
Robert Manhardt
James P. Marshall
Debbie Mason
Rosalind Mason
Loren May
Gregory L. McBee
Lee McEwan
Kevin McGruder
Kathy McMahon-Klosterman
Leslie Haxby McNeill
Jo McQueen
Priscilla Mead
Barbara Johnson Mecklenberg
Kim Medley
Joe Melenick
Matt Metzler
Suzanne Meyers
Bessie Suel Miller
Doug Miller
Janet and Jane Miller
Marcy Miller
Ron and Bonnie Miller
Sibyl A. Miller
William R. Miller III
William R. Miller, Jr.
William R. Miller, Sr.
Robert L. Mohl
Rick Momeyer
Sue Momeyer
Amy Miller Moore
Leah Moore
Pek Moore
Terence Moore
Mary M. Morgan
Philip Morsberger
Kyle Mortimer
Susan Mosley-Howard
John F. Moul
Matthew Mowery
Liz Mullenix
Catherine Murphy
Kelly Murphy
Paul Murray
Glenn Muschert
Maiya Madison
Alexa Malasavage
Nathan Mandrell
Robert Marks
Sadie Martinez
Samantha Mason
Erin McClintock
Heather Mccolly
Cortland McCullers
Timothy Padriag Mersch
Thomas Meyer
Joseph Miller
Christopher Mitchell
Joia Mitchell-Holman
Thomas Mojica
Richard Monihan
Meghan Morris
Joshua Morrow
Folder 14: Transaction Summaries/registrations forms: N
Nirmala Naresh
Jennifer Natale
Susan and Jim Naus
Charles D. Neblett
Kamero Neblett
Khary Neblett
Kwesz Neblett
Marvinia Neblett
Lois E. Nelson
Kathryn Neville
Patricia Gallagher Newberry
Ivan Ninenko
Tabitha Nolan
Nirmala Naresh
Amy Natoce
Trevor Ngorosha
Carrie Nietfeld
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; Freedom Summer 40th anniversary Conference Registration Forms); 2004; Box 29 [CLOSED STACKS]
Folder 1: Transaction Summaries/registrations forms: O
H. Richard Obermanns
Karen O’Hara
Barbara D. Oldham
Jordan Olson
Adam W. O’Neal
Eric O’Neil
Larry R. Orcutt
Marsha Orcutt
Maya Owens
Kayla Orta
Danielle Owens
Folder 2: Transaction Summaries/registrations forms: P Q
Cynthia Palmer
Keith D. Parker
Mark A. Peterson
Stacey Peterson
Hannah Pfeifer
Rachel Phillips
Sondra Pierson
Lesley Pinckney and Tiffany Miller
Gavin Pond
Lauren Posey
Rachel Poyfair
Jenny Presnell
Rev. Elmon and Wilhelmina Prier
Richard Quantz
Rebecca B. Quay
Stephen Quaye
Brian Park
Lori Parks
Spencer Pate
Kayla Patterson
Max Paynter
Elizabeth Penman
Edward Pereira
Katherine Pflueger
Alex Prudhomne
Folder 3: Transaction Summaries/registrations forms: R
Herbert Randall
Brian Reed Kroger
Leah and Joseph Beibel
Brian Revalee
Lillian F. Reynolds
Mackenzie Becker Rice
Tana Maddocks Richards
Jacqueline Velorde
Amber Roberts
Amy Roberts
Wallace Roberts
Dashanyua Robinson
Elizabeth Rogers
Helen Rogers
Ann Rooney
Sonseeahray Ross
Kate Rousmaniere
Loretta Ryder
Rachel Radina
Megan Ramey
Rachel Reeves
Max Rennillo
Nick Riccolo
Natalie Roberts
Corey Rogers
Natalie Rothenbuecher
Abigail Russ
Caroline Ruwe
Folder 4: Transaction Summaries/registrations forms: S
Hanan H. Sabea
Lexi Sabo
Dr. Margaret T. Sacco
Joan Sadoff
Robert L. Sadoff MD
Steven Sajkich
Toni Saldivar
Tyraan Sales
Joe Sampson
Ivan and Shawn Samstein
Nancy Samstein
Gabriella Sanchez
Scott Sander
Andrew Saultz
John Schaefer
Zacb Scheid
Susan Scherer
Monica Schneider
Steven Schoenbaechler
Rob Schorman
Joseph Schroer
Tammy Schwanr
Kendall Schwille
Deborah Scott
Ronald Scott
Amanda Seifert
Beth Seither
Jason E. Shaiman
Mahauganee Shaw
John Shetterly
Hellen Shenmaker
Darryl Shirley
Samantha Silber
Brad Simcock
Gwendolyn (Zoharah) Simmons Ph.D.
Leah Simon
Amber Simpson
Billie Wyatt Sirn
Paula S. Smith
Toni Shorter Smith
Kelly Sosa
Edna Carter Southard
Sally Southard
Terri Spahr Nelson
Lynn Stahr
Sylvia Stanfield
Lucas Stapleton
Janet D. Stephens
Priscilla Strand Berry
David Strawsbough
Jane Strippel
Kathlyn Studley
Aramis Sundiata
Brian Swann
Daniel Szuhay
Janice Szuhay
Paula Saine
Mekenna Sandstrom
Modinat Sanni
Angela Sargent
Will Schmidt
Allison Schneider
Jacob Schneider
Abbie Schultheis
Jasmine Scott
Natasha Segarra
Hannah Seitz
Lindsey Sewall
Joey Shapiro
Morgan Shiveley
Megan Shroder
Alexandra Shultz
Devon Shuman
Sirithorn Siriwan
Eric Sjodin
Amanda Smith
Callie Smith
Laura Smith
Maxwell Smith
Brian Sovacool
Sabrina Stanforth
Emily Starr
Lindsey States
Jessica Stent
Marta Stewart
Kelly Stincer
David Streby
Amelia Strickler
Erika Strong
Folder 5: Transaction Summaries/registrations forms: T
Juanita Tate
Courtney J. Taylor
Mathew Teschner
Jennifer Thach
Patrick M. Thomas
Randi Malcolm Thomas
Peter Thorsett
Mary Beth Tinker
Alice Todd
Richard Tolliver
Judith Trent
Ricardo Trevino
Abby L. Troesch
Karen Haberman Trusty
Xintian Tu
Keith Tuma
Caitlyn Turner
Elias Tzoc
Michael Taggart
Nicole Talebi
Katherine Tank
Courtney Taylor
Jade Taylor
Sarah Thompson
Vanessa Thornton
Karen Haberman Trusty
Karl Turnlund
Cole Tyman
Folder 6: Transaction Summaries/registrations forms: U V
Valerie A. Ubbes
Mike Underhill
Patricia Vail
Cortlynn Van Benschoten
Walt Vanderbush
Jenna Varner
Engrid Emerson Vaughn
Ali Vincent
Ben Voth
Michael Udell
Jen Van Ewyk
Emily Vecchioni
Ali Vincent
Folder 7: Transaction Summaries/registrations forms: W
Judy Waldron
David J. Walsh
Elizabeth Walsh
Amanda Watson
Monica Ways
Mark W. Weber
Lisa Weems
Dina Weinstein
Anne Weissenborn
Karen Wells
Penelope W. Wells
Ann K. Wengler
Anne Wheeler
Rachael White
Kathleen Wickham
Bob Wicks
Shanice Wiechman
Jay Wiener
Lagens Wilkins
Linda Williams
Tyra Williams and Shawn Grimes
Vernon Williams
Pheetta Wilkinson and Rodney Jackson
Allan M. Winkler
Roger Wise
Mary Kaye Wolke
Jocelyn Woodson-Reed
Chanel Wright
Mindy Wu
Adam Wakefield
Emma Wallace
Rebecca Wallace
Michael Walsh
Taylor Walsh
Bonnie Walter
Yue Wang
I-Chun Wen
Sara Wenger
Connor Wilkinson
Mary Williams
Megan Willis
Vanessa Winn
Jane Winsett
Olivia Wolber
Skya Wright
Folder 8: Transaction Summaries/registrations forms: X Y Z
Jennifer Pearson Yamashiro
Cheryl Denise Young
Elizabeth Zimmerman
Johnny Yahl
Jennifer Yambor
Ying Yang
Kaitlin Zehler
Christine Zessin
Abdulrahman Zubair
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; Pamphlets, Books; 1964-2004-; Box 30
Folder 1:
Walk With Me Tour Pamphlets (Freedom Libraries, Mississippi Summer Project 1964)
Folder 2:
Walk With Me Tour App Info.
Folder 3: Freedom School Poetry
Photocopies of Freedom School poetry book, owned by Larry Martin (five copies)
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; Pamphlets; Periodicals; Booklets; Fliers; Books; 2014; Box 31
Folder 1: Freedom Summer Tickets
Ticket to lunch with Keith Beauchamp
Ticket to lunch with Chude Allen
Ticket to dinner with Cleveland Sellers
Folder 2: Freedom Summer Performing Arts Series
Programs for the Miami University Performing Arts series 2014-2015: Meditations On Freedom Summer
Folder 3: Freedom Summer Magazine
Magazine given to conference attendees including the itinerary for the weekend
Folder 4: Freedom Summer Libraries
Freedom Libraries: Mississippi Summer Project 1964
Folder 5: Freedom Summer: The Andrew Goodman Foundation
The Andrew Goodman Foundation pamphlet
Folder 6: Freedom Summer interactive app
Flier advertising an interactive app about Freedom Summer
Folder 7: Freedom Summer Booklet
Booklet containing a description and itinerary of the conference
Folder 8: Freedom Summer “Take back Democracy Oxford”
Pamphlet against corporate personhood
Folder 9:
Pamphlet advertising “Interesting things to do and places to go while you are here attending the
Folder 10: Syracuse Cultural Workers Magazine
Fall 2014 issue of Syracuse Cultural Workers Magazine
Folder 11: Freedom Summer Interactive Tour Flier
Flier advertising “Walk with me: Freedom Summer Interactive History Tours”
Folder 12: Civil Rights Movement Order Form
Order form for objects relating to the civil rights movement (calendars, postcards, etc.)
Folder 13: The Miami Student
“Former Professor Shares Civil Rights Story” by Rick Momeyer, The Miami Student, September
12, 2014
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; Freedom Summer 40th Conference: Exhibits; 2004; Box 32
Box 36: Freedom Summer 40th Conference: Exhibits
Folder 1: Freedom Summer Exhibit File 1
Information about the conviction of Edgar Ray Killen (two pages)
Edgar Ray Killen’s 1964 mugshot and photo taken of him at his 2005 trial for manslaughter
Quotes about Edgar Ray Killen’s sentence
Photo of a man reclining (Sheriff Lawrence Rainey?)
Quotes encouraging the Neshoba County jury to deliver justice to Edgar Ray Killen
Quotes stating different opinions of the trial
Results of the trials against the 18 men suspected of murdering Goodman, Chaney, and
Schwerner and quote from one of the accused
Quote from the defence attorney at the 1967 trial
Folder 2: Freedom Summer Exhibit File 2
Photo of three men walking through a field
Newspaper article titled “Experts Identify Mississippi Bodies as Rights Aides” (Body of article missing)
Photo of a man standing in front of a wrecked vehicle
Photo of Cecil Price
Headline stating “3 In Rights Drive Reported Missing”
Headline stating “Tip leads to auto, Wreckage Raises New Fears Over Fate of the Missing Men”
Quote from Rita Schwerner, wife of Mickey Schwerner
Paper briefly describing what happened in Oxford when the three went missing in Mississippi
Brief biography of Andrew Goodman
Paper about the national effects of the three disappearances
Brief biography about James Chaney
Photo of James Chaney
Photo of Andrew Goodman
Brief biography of Mickey Schwerner
Photo of Mickey Schwerner
Photo of the mothers of the three dead civil rights workers
Headline stating “Graves at a Dam, Discovery Is Made in New Earth Mound in Mississippi”
Photo of Andrew Goodman’s parents
Folder 3: Freedom Summer Exhibit File 3
Sign meant to go with a map
LIst of events related to Freedom Summer that Miami has hosted since 2004
Poem titled “Fight on Little Children” by Edith Moore
Poem titled “What Does Freedom Mean?” by Madeline McHugh
Poem titled “The Voice of Freedom” by Robert Lee
Poem titled “I am a Negro” by Rosalyn Waterhouse
Poem titled “Mine” by Alice Jackson
Poem titled “A Leader” by Roosevelt Redmond
Folder 4: Freedom Summer Exhibit File 4
Information about Louis Allen’s murder
Information about Medgar Evers and his murder
Information about Fannie Lou Hamer
Information about the Freedom Summer Project
Information about the Freedom Vote Campaign
Explanation for bringing college students to Mississippi
Photo by Herbert Randall of a woman walking across the street
Quote from the NAACP Brochure
Photo of boys working in a yard
Photo by Herbert Randall of a woman working behind a house
Photo by Herbert Randall of men walking down a sidewalk
Quote describing the state of black voters in Mississippi in 1964
Quote from Bob Moses
Photo of a small boy walking toward his mother
Quote about how Moses planned to fix the inequality in Mississippi
Photo by Herbert Randall of a small boy playing in the dirt while his father watches
Facts about Mississippi in 1964
Sign stating “If SNCC could break the back of Mississippi, they could break the back of the whole country”
Information giving the reason that SNCC picked Mississippi as its main target
Photo by Herbert Randall of two girls standing by a bicycle
Quotes from men in Mississippi that show their dedication to segregation
Photo by Herbert Randall of a mother sweeping the floor while her two boys stand behind her
Photo by Herbert Randall of two boys and a man in a church parking lot
Photo of a person walking down the sidewalk
Sign stating “The names of people who attempted to vote were placed in the newspaper. Often, these individuals lost their jobs.”
Sign for “A Journey for Freedom: Remembering the Mississippi Summer Project”
Not in a folder:
1964 Platform of the Mississippi Freedom School Convention
Photo of two men shaking hands in front of the Freedom Summer Memorial at Miami
Photo of man sitting at a candlelight service held at the Freedom Summer Memorial at Miami
Photo of three men talking at the conference
Photo of a man sitting on a porch swing holding a large book
Photo of three people performing on stage
Photo of a group of people
Photo of a John O’Neal
Photo of a person sitting on a bench
Photo of Martin Luther King Jr. and others
Logo for Citizens’ Councils
Sign titled “Victims of Mississippi”
Photo of a man giving a speech
Sign about the murder of Lamar Smith
Sign about the murder of Rev. George Lee
Sign titled “Faces of Evil”
Sign about the murder of Medgar Evers
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; Freedom Summer 40th Conference: Exhibits; 2004; Box 33
Box 33: Freedom Summer 40th Conference: Exhibits
Sign about the murder of Emmett Louis Till
Sign about the murder of Mack Charles Parker
Sign about the murder of Herbert Lee
Sign about the murder of Paul Guihard
Sign about the murder of Cpl. Roman Ducksworth Jr.
Sign about the murder of Charles Eddie Moore
Sign about the murder of Louis Allen
Sign about the murder of Henry Hezekiah Dee
Photo of a group of Klansmen burning crosses
Photo of a man who had been hanged
Photo of law enforcement officers
Brief biography of Theodore Bilbo
Sign explaining the effects of Brown v. Topeka Board of Education
Sign titled “Senator Theodore Bilbo reelected”
Sign titled “Supreme Court outlaws the white primary”
Sign titled “Herbert Lee is murdered by a member of the Mississippi state legislature”
Sign titled “Emmett Till is abducted, beaten and murdered”
Sign titled “White Citizens’ Council”
Sign titled “James Meredith enrolls at Ole Miss”
Brief biography of James Meredith
Small labels reading “Strange Fruit” and “Ku Klux Klan”
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; Freedom Summer 40th Conference: Exhibits; 2004; Box 34
Box 34: Freedom Summer 40th Conference: Exhibits
The small labels found on the right side of the container are captions to photos and quotes from
Freedom Summer volunteers
Photo of a young woman
“Remembering: Voices of Freedom Summer” sign
Photocopy of the cover of “Mississippi Harmony, Memoirs of a Freedom Fighter” by Winson Hudson and Constance Curry
Photocopy of the cover of “Local People, The Struggle for Civil Rights in Mississippi” by John Dittmer
Photocopy of the cover of “Freedom Song, A Personal Story of the 1960s Civil Rights Movement” by Mary King
Photocopy of the cover of “In Struggle, SNCC and the Black Awakening of the 1960s” by Clayborne Carson
Photocopy of the cover of “Freedom Summer” by Sally Belfrage
Photocopy of the cover of “I’ve Got the Light of Freedom, The Organizing Tradition and the Mississippi Freedom Struggle” by Charles M. Payne
Photocopy of the cover of “Walking with the Wind, A Memoir of the Movement” by John Lewis
Sign labeled “Reflect/React”
Sign inviting personal responses to the exhibit
Sign inviting participants to listen to a conversation between Lyndon B. Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover
Quote about the play “In White America”
Photo caption
Information about Flonzie Brown-Wright
Information about John Steele
Quote about the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; Freedom Summer 40th Conference: Exhibits; 2004; Box 35
Box 35: Freedom Summer 40th Conference: Exhibits
Photo of a person speaking to a group
Photo by Herbert Randall of a girl writing
Photo by Herbert Randall of a group of boys on a porch
Photo by Herbert Randall of a boy painting the ceiling
Photo of a sign advertising the play “In White America”
Photocopy of a book cover “Freedom Is A Constant Struggle, An Anthology of the Mississippi Civil
Rights Movement edited by Susie Erenrich
Sign about the services at the memorial and the interfaith service
Photo caption (students near MFDP signs)
Photocopy of a book cover “The Children Bob Moses Led, A Novel of Freedom Summer” by William Heath
Photocopy of a book cover “”Mississippi Freedom Summer” by John F. McClymer
Photocopy of a book cover “Radical Equations, Civil Rights from Mississippi to the Algebra Project” by Robert P. Moses and Charles E. Cobb, Jr.
Quote about registering people to vote
Quote about a girl who tried to register to vote repeatedly
A digitized letter to “Mom and Dad” from Holly Springs
Photo of a man speaking to a group at the memorial service
Photo of a man sitting with his eyes closed as the rest of the group pays attention to an unseen speaker at the memorial service
Photo of a woman speaking to a group at the memorial service
Photo of a man speaking at the memorial service
Photo of a woman laughing at the memorial service
Photo of a woman speaking to a group at the memorial in front of Kumler Chapel
Photo of a man speaking from a podium
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; Freedom Summer 40th Conference: Exhibits; 2004; Box 36
Box 36: Freedom Summer 40th Conference: Exhibits
Items with black foam board backing:
Information about Freedom Summer Schools, MFDP, and voter registration
Sign encouraging attendees to listen to the words of Freedom Summer participants
Caption to a photo of three men just before beginning a morning of canvassing
Propaganda warning against equality
Information about the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
Interactive question (When do you think the Civil Rights Movement began? Why this date, event?)
Photo by Herbert Randall of a girl at a picnic
Photo by Herbert Randall of a group of girls by a MFDP sign
Photo of three kids in a Freedom School
Photo by Herbert Randall of a teacher and her students on the steps of a building
Photo by Herbert Randall of a boy writing
Poem titled “Strange Fruit” by Abel Meeropol (aka Lewis Allan)
Photo of a group of young men
Quote from a volunteer about educating the students in whatever they want to learn
Sign marking the beginning of the exhibit
Abbreviation translation sign
“Vote Here” sign
Photo of a presentation
Photo by Herbert Randall of a woman filling out paperwork
Photo of a man being dragged through the grass
Quote from Bob Zellner reminding people that nonviolence should be used
Other items:
Interactive question (When do you think the social movement began? How?
Quote from Vincent and Rosemarie Harding regarding Freedom Summer
Sign meant to put attendees in the setting appropriate for Freedom Summer 1964
“In 1964” sign
Interactive question (Are you willing? Are you ready to go?)
Quote from Arthur Miller about the treatment of African Americans in the North and South
Quote from Annie Devine telling her fear of the civil rights movement
Quote from James about the fame of volunteers
Sign giving the opportunity for discussion of the play on an online platform
Copy of a poll tax form
Copy of an application for registration to vote
Picture of a sign encouraging African Americans to register to vote
“Black is not a vice “nor” is segregation a virtue” sign
SNCC “advertisement”
Sign explaining the purpose of the Freedom Summer Project
Quote from a Freedom Summer Volunteer describing Bob Moses’ talk with them after the three volunteers disappeared
“In 1964” sign (Two copies)
Itinerary for the original Freedom Summer volunteers
Picture of two people standing under a Western College sign
Interactive question (Will you go Down in Mississippi?)
Information about the background of the SNCC
“In 1964” sign (Two copies)
Picture of a television with a hole cut out of the screen
“Mississippi Freedom Ballot” flier
“Vote here” sign (Two copies)
Photo of three men
Photo of a man speaking to a crowd
Picture of a television with a hole cut out of the screen (Two copies)
Poster advising people to pay their poll tax sponsored by the NAACP
Poster encouraging African Americans to boycott businesses that deny them equality
Quote from Freedom Summer volunteer Jo
Quote from George Rush reminding people to stay ever vigilant for inequality
Sign telling of the murder of Medgar Evers
A Freedom Summer volunteer, Mike, tells of some of the safety precautions they were told to take
Sign telling of some of the people who ran for public office
Sign stating that it is voting time and the registration will finally show its true impact
Interactive question (contains typo) (Will you help register local residents in Negro Communities, so that participate in the Freedom Vote?)
“In 1964” sign
Freedom Vote advertisement
Photo of two men hold signs that advertise the Freedom Vote
SNCC Freedom Singers poster
The Negro Students’ Code
“Vote Here” sign (Two copies)
Photo of a group of children in seats while a man sits in the front and talks
“I didn’t know colored people could vote.” SNCC fundraising ad
Poem by Freedom School pupil Joyce Brown
Letter addressed to President Lyndon B. Johnson containing a Freedom School student-written newspaper from a freedom school teacher
Reminder to pick up a Down in Mississippi ID card
Final: Expanded Interactive Class Presentation Outline
Small print of a poster encouraging African Americans to boycott businesses that deny them equality
Small print of a poster advising people to pay their poll tax sponsored by the NAACP
Photo of two men (Two copies)
List of three reasons for the development of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (Two copies)
Copy of a poll tax form (Two copies)
Advertisement for Aaron Henry for governor of Mississippi
“Mississippi Freedom Ballot” flier
Interactive question (Are you willing? Are you ready to go?)
Quote about the (lack of) fame of Freedom Summer volunteers
Quote from Annie Devine telling her fear of the civil rights movement
Quote from Arthur Miller about the treatment of African Americans in the North and South
Advertisement for Aaron Henry for senator
Sign that gives attendees a feeling for the setting that they are “entering”
“I didn’t know colored people could vote.” SNCC fundraising ad
Article about the need to break down discrimination in Mississippi in order to eliminate it Nationwide (Two copies)
Interactive question (Why Mississippi?)
Photo of firefighters spraying citizens with firehoses
Photo of three men
Photo of a boy playing a guitar while others sit around and listen
“I want you in the White Knights of Mississippi Ku Klux Klan” advertisement
Letter addressed to Mrs. F. M. Stewart from A.V. Rankins advising that she stage a sit-in
“Don’t be Brainwashed! We Don’t Have To Integrate Our Schools!” pamphlet
The Negro Students’ Code to be used in “sit-in” protests
“As a volunteer, you will learn non-violence techniques” sign
Quote from Ellen, a Miami University Student
Photo of young men laying down with their legs crossed with each other and covering their heads
Photo of a young woman curled on the ground covering her head
Photo of a man sitting on the floor writing
Photo of a man speaking to a crowd
Quote from Jim, a Freedom Summer Volunteer
Quote from Jane, a Freedom Summer Volunteer
Quote from Dave, a Freedom Summer Volunteer
Sign advertising the Freedom Democratic Party
Photo of a large group of people, all with arms over each other’s shoulders
Photo of a man holding the hand of a woman as she leans out the window of a vehicle (Two copies)
“We Shall Overcome” Freedom Singers advertisement (Two copies)
“We Shall Overcome” lyrics compiled by Guy and Candie Carawan (two copies)
Photo of a man playing a guitar while others socialize
Quote from Mary King about Freedom Songs
Freedom Songbook cover
Photo of a man playing a guitar while others clap along
Sign requesting that attendees join in the song
Photo of a man speaking to a group
Poem by a Freedom School pupil, Joyce Brown
Letter addressed to President Lyndon B. Johnson containing a Freedom School student-written newspaper from a freedom school teacher (Two copies)
Letter addressed to Mrs. F. M. Stewart from A.V. Rankins advising that she stage a sit-in
Photo of firefighters spraying water on citizens with fire hoses
List of important civil rights events that happened between the years 1909 and 1963 (Two copies, one in the form of a timeline)
Large sign asking “Will you go down in Mississippi?”
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; Freedom Summer 40th Conference: Exhibits; 2004; Box 37
Box 37: Freedom Summer 40th Conference: Exhibits
Aaron Henry campaign signs
Long road made out of pieces of black paper taped together
Small yellow arrow
Small caption, “James Foreman at training in Oxford”
7 question test answer key (First question begins “The Constitution of the United States places..”)
Sign titled “Resistance to Freedom Summer” that talks about the White Citizens Council
Small sign explaining how the literacy test allowed for discrimination
Sign titled “Tips for stopping potential black voters”
Sign titled “The Freedom School Convention”
Sign titled “Welcome to the Registration Office…”
Photo of a young man walking down the street in June of 1964
Photo of a young man putting an object into the trunk of a car
Photo of a group of people standing by a sign that is nailed to a tree
Photo of a group of people listening to a presentation
Photo of a young man
Quote from SNCC staff member James Foreman
“I want you in the White Knights of Mississippi Ku Klux Klan” sign
Photo of a group of young men
Quote from Freedom Summer volunteer Jo
Quote from Freedom Summer Volunteer Mike
Notice sign from a registrar stating some of its policies that were meant to deter African Americans
“For Food… For Freedom” sign sponsored by the SNCC
“Come Let Us Build a New World Together” sign sponsored by the SNCC
Photo of a young woman curled on the ground covering her head, probably to demonstrate a protective stance
Photo of a line of people lying together with heads covered, probably another protection practice
Photo of a large group of people
“One Man One Vote” sign sponsored by the SNCC
“Is he protecting you?” sign with a photo of a Mississippi highway patrol, sponsored by the SNCC
“Now” sign sponsored by the SNCC
Photo of a man playing the guitar while those around him sing along
Photo of President Lyndon B. Johnson on the phone
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; Freedom Summer 40th Conference: Exhibits; 2004; Box 38
Box 38: Freedom Summer 40th Conference: Exhibits
Small caption “Fannie Lou Hamer at the 1964 Democratic National Convention”
Short biography of Bob Moses
Photo of a young man
Photo of a woman
Photo of a man speaking to a large crowd
Photo of a man
Photo of a woman speaking to someone who cannot be seen in the photo
Quote from Freedom Summer volunteer Jane Adams
Photo of a young man
Photo of a group of young men standing together
Quote from Miami University Student Ellen Barnes
Quote from Freedom Summer volunteer Jim
7 question test (First question begins “The Constitution of the United States places..”)
Quote from Freedom Summer volunteer Bill
Thank you from the Freedom Summer Conference staff
Photo of the Freedom Summer memorial and Kumler Chapel during autumn
Photo of a group of people in a circle holding hands
Quote from Freedom Summer volunteer Jane Adams
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; Freedom Summer 40th Conference: Exhibits; 2004; Box 39
Box 39:
Bob Moses Quote
Bob Moses Poster
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; Freedom Summer 40th Conference: Exhibits; 2004; Box 40
Box 40:
Freedom Summer student art project
Freedom Summer Timeline
Bus Stop sign
Photo of a dirt road
“The Journey to Mississippi” sign
“Why Mississippi?” sign
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; Map; 1964-2004; Box 41
Box 41:
Map showing the location of Freedom Summer Schools
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; Map; 1972-; Box 42
Box 42:
Map of Mississippi, Compiled in 1971, Edition of 1972
1961 Freedom Riders Poster
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; Map; 1972-; Box 43
Box 43:
Poster board 1:
Quote from Miami University student Ellen Barnes (Includes a verse of an unnamed song)
Poster board 2: Welcomes attendees of the conference and brings back to Oxford 1964
“Will you go down in Mississippi?” sign
“Will you join with SNCC?” sign
Sign announcing the start of a “program” that will become Freedom Summer
Prospectus for the Mississippi Freedom Summer
Sign announcing that SNCC will maintain a non-violence campaign
Sign stating that volunteers will learn non-violence techniques
“Thank you for being a Volunteer for Mississippi Freedom Summer” Sign
Photo of two people standing beneath a sign for Wester College
Sign giving the Volunteer training schedule
Quote from Freedom Summer volunteer Dave
Photo of a young man sitting on the floor writing
Quote from Freedom Summer volunteer Jane
Poster board 3: Shows what volunteers were up against and gives information about MFDP
Campaign sign for Aaron Henry
Photo of Aaron Henry and Rev. Edward King with a caption
Sign talking about the political goals of the Mississippi Freedom Summer Project
“Aaron Henry is now running for a seat in the House of Representatives”
“Will you help register local residents?”
List of three reasons that underlie the development of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party
“I didn’t know colored people could vote” donation advertisement
“Why Mississippi?” sign with an explanation underneath
“Missing” sign for Andrew Goodman, James Chaney, and Michael Schwerner
Photo of a man
Sign about the death of Medgar Evers and the accident with Ed King
Photo of firemen using a firehose on civilians
Photo of a man treating a head injury
Photo of a police man grabbing a boy
Poster board 4:
Letter addressed to Mrs. F. M. Stewart from A.V. Rankins advising that she stage a sit-in
“Don’t be Brainwashed! We Don’t Have To Integrate Our Schools!” pamphlet
Quote from Freedom Summer volunteer Jo
Quote from George Rush reminding people to stay ever vigilant for inequality
Photo of three men about to go canvassing with an explanation
Quote from Freedom Summer volunteer Mike
Poster board 5: Celebrating Music
Two different photos of a man playing the guitar while others around him sing
“We Shall Overcome” Freedom Singers advertisement
“We Shall Overcome” lyrics compiled by Guy and Candie Carawan
Quote from Mary King, author of “Freedom Song”
Freedom Songbook “We Shall Overcome” cover
Poster board 6: Focuses on volunteers before they have left Oxford
Photo of a man speaking to a large group of people
Quote from Freedom Summer volunteer Jim on the state of things in Oxford
Photo of a man
Quote from Freedom Summer volunteer Jane
Quote from Miami University student Ellen
Photo of a man holding the hand of a woman who is leaning out the window of a vehicle
Poster board 7:
Large photo of a man
Poster board 8:
Quote from George Rush reminding people to stay ever vigilant for inequality
Photo of two people standing outside of an old house
Poster board 9:
Quote from Mary King, author on “Freedom Song”
Photo of a boy with his bicycle
Poster board 10:
Quote from Annie Devine telling her fear of the civil rights movement
Photo of children on a porch
Poster board 11:
Quote from Arthur Miller about the treatment of African Americans in the North and South
Photo of a Mississippi Law Stop sign
Poster board 12:
Quote from Bob Moses about the attitudes between white and black volunteers
Poster board 13:
Quote from Freedom Summer volunteer Jane about the college volunteers in Oxford
Quote from Miami University student Ellen Barnes about the typical day of a volunteer in Oxford
Poster board 14:
Quote from SNCC staff member Jimmy Travis
Poster board 15:
Quote from SNCC staff member Hollis Watkins
Poster board 16:
Photo of a man playing a guitar while the others around him clap along
Photo of a woman speaking to a crowd at the Freedom Summer Memorial
Poster board 17:
“The War Within: Mississippi Freedom Summer 1964” sign
Poster board 18:
Quote from Miami University student Ellen Barnes
Poster board 19:
Quote from SNCC staff member Cleveland Sellers about the innocence of white volunteers
Box 44: Freedom Summer 45th Anniversary Conference
Folder 1: Invitations
Letter to Oxford community members inviting them to take part in the 50th Anniversary Freedom Summer conference, July 31, 2014
Letter to Freedom Summer participants explaining why they should take part in the 50th Anniversary Freedom Summer conference
Folder 2: NEH Revised Budget
Papers and ideas to be discussed at an upcoming meeting, March, 2010
Email from Deborah L. Mack concerning a 50th anniversary conference hosted by SNCC at Shaw University, March, 2010
Summary of a meeting with exhibit consultant, March 1, 2010 (2 copies)
NEH “Interpreting America’s Historic Places” Planning Grant audience research (transcript of an interview), January 29, 2010
Email from Dr. Berman concerning things that need to be discussed at the next meeting, February 11, 2010
Plans for Implementing Senate Resolutions on Course Approval and Assessment, February, 2010
Copy of the article “On the Use of the Concept of Area Co-Tradition” from American Antiquity Vol. XIX, No. 3, January, 1954
Copy of a page on Miami’s Freedom Summer Memorial from the book Civil Rights Memorials and the Geography of Memory by Owen J. Dwyer and Derek H. Alderman
List of of the contact information of people affiliated with the Freedom Summer Conference
Finding Freedom Summer Exhibit Planning Group: Revised Content Outline
NEH Cost Share Expenses
Floor plan that maps the flow of an exhibit (Two versions)
Photo of a man
Photos of uptown Oxford (11)
Outline of an exhibit, May 3, 2010
Outline for the NEH Co-Directors’ Meeting, April 29, 2010
Suggested agenda for the April 29th meeting, 2010
NEH Cost Share Expenses chart
Chart of the costs to bring different honoraria to Oxford
Suggested agenda for the April 23 NEH planning grant meeting, 2010 (two copies)
Requirements for the Final Performance Report
Annotated survey
NEH Cost Sharing Expenses
Email from Dr. Armstrong about meetings
Section A-Year #1 budget
NEH Cost Share Expenses
Chart of the costs to bring different honoraria to Oxford
NEH Grant Expenses- October 2009
May Meeting Cost Projections
NEH Planning Grant, Revised Budget Notes
Freedom Summer Conference Support and Expenses Chart
Folder 3:
Freedom School Assignments (as of June 23)
Queens College Alumni: Mississippi Freedom Summer ‘64 and other 1960s Civil Rights Activities--North and South
“Finding Freedom Summer in Oxford, Ohio” NEH grant request
Handwritten notes, February 10, 2010
Folder 4: NEH Audience Research Student Affairs
Audience Research: Future Programming and Goals for Institutionalizing Freedom Summer (2 copies)
Notes: NEH Planning Focus Group Discussion with Student Affairs Staff, January 6, 2010
Folder 4.2:
Sketches of the proposed exhibit (7)
Agenda for April 19, 2010
Packet about an online interactive game about Freedom Summer (“Freedomquest”)
International Coalition of Sites of Conscience, a brief description (12 copies)
Folder 5:
Handwritten to-do list, January 23, 2009
Advertisement for the Miami University Department of Theater’s presentation of Down in Mississippi by Carlyle Brown
Email from Dr. Berman to Judith Buttery about the NEH Grant, March 9, 2009
To-do list?
Freedom Summer Conference Committee Meeting, October 30, 2009
Freedom Summer Outreach Subcommittee Friday 4.2.09 update (email)
Folder 6: Audience Research
List of who and what will be researched
“So, you want to do an evaluation?” Evaluation Planning 101 presented by Randi Korn
List of content that will be relevant to the walking tour
Timeline of events for NEH research
Attitudinal Goals and Learning Outcomes for “Finding Freedom Summer in Oxford, Ohio”
Itinerary for a meeting with Exhibit Consultants, March 1, 2010 (Two copies)
Freedom Summer Exhibit Design Timeline
Exhibit Development/Design/Production/Overview
Notes: NEH Planning Focus Group Discussion with Student Affairs Staff, January 6, 2010
Audience Research Synthesis for NEH Freedom Summer Project, April 16, 2010
Folder 7: NEH consultants October 12,13 transcripts, 2009
Email from Nancy Arthur to Dr. Berman about the expiration of a grant
Freedom Summer Exhibit Design Timeline
To-do list for the NEH Project, January 29, 2010
NEH Finding Freedom Summer Project meeting, October 11, 2009 (transcript of the opening discussion and notes)
NEH Finding Freedom Summer Project meeting, October 12, 2009 (outline of themes, exhibit committee report, script for the walking tour, recommendations) (Two copies)
Notes: NEH Exhibit Team Meeting, October 13, 2009 (Summary notes including flip chart transcriptions and tape transcription) (Two copies)
Transcription Tape 5 Side A, 10/13/09 NEH Exhibit Team, Discussion with Glenn Platt, Director, Armstrong Interactive Media Center #1
Transcription Tape 5 Side A, 10/13/09 NEH Exhibit Team, Discussion with Glenn Platt, Director, Armstrong Interactive Media Center #2
Transcription Tape 6 Side A, 10/13/09 NEH Exhibit Team, Discussion with Glenn Platt, Director, Armstrong Interactive Media Center
Folder 8: NEH Walking Tour
Notes about potential problems and solutions for the walking tours July 15, 2009
Folder 9:
“A Constant Struggle” by Donna Boen, The Miamian, Spring 2009
List of people who contributed to Freedom Summer along with the committee(s) they were on
List of questions relating to Freedom Summer
Letter to the FBI from Richard Momeyer requesting a full list of Freedom Summer Volunteers, June 24, 2010
Freedom Summer Exhibit Design Timeline
Short history of Freedom Summer
“Unpacking the Power Structure through Performance: Fragile Coalitions and Rehearsing the Role of the Ally” by Ann Elizabeth Armstrong
June 14, 2010 Conference Call with Wesley Hogan
Exhibit planning group, exhibit outline, April 19, 2010 (2 copies)
Revised Work Plan, Submitted, March 16, 2009, NEH BP-50118
NEH Planning Grant, Progress Report on the work for Walking Tour, May 2010, by Ann Elizabeth Armstrong
Timeline of Events, Civil Rights Movement, Mississippi Project Training Session and Oxford, Ohio
“Singing Civil Rights, The Freedom Song Tradition”
Folder 10: NEH ?? #3 MJB (exhibit and walking tour)
Email from Chude Allen with his opinions on the meeting about the conference
Notes from June 7, 2010, Finding Freedom Summer Project Videoconference
Audience Synthesis for NEH Freedom Summer Project, April 16, 2010
Timeline of Events: Civil Rights Movement, Mississippi Summer Project Training Session and Oxford, Ohio
Agenda: June 7, 2010, Finding Freedom Summer Project Videoconference (3 copies)
Twinet Kimbroigh’s phone number
Letter to faculty members inviting them to incorporate the Freedom Summer activities into their classes, July 2009
NEH “Interpreting America’s Historic Places” Planning Grant, Space Research and Progress Report on the development of the self-guided Walking Tour, May 2010, by Ann Elizabeth Armstrong (2 copies)
Education Committee: change of walking tour plan (3 copies)
Digital floor plans of the different parts of the exhibit (3 copies)
Meeting with Exhibit Consultants, March 1, 2010
Timeline for the creation of the 50th anniversary conference events
Original file folder (is covered in miscellaneous notes)
Miami University Project and Space Utilization Request Form
List of recommended changes to the exhibit
Large, color floor plans of the exhibit
Exhibit planning group revised content outline, June 20, 2010
Folder 11: Carlyle Brown NEH Project
Email from Dr. Berman to Dr. Armstrong
Letter to Carlyle Brown from Mary Jane about the compensation he will receive for his work on a “creative assignment”
Letter to Carlyle Brown from Mary Jane about moving his visit from February to April, January 22, 2010
Letter to Carlyle Brown from Mary Jane about moving his visit from April to June, April 7, 2010
Folder 12: King Library Center Archives (Copying)
First Amendment to Independent Contractor Agreement
Email from Nancy Arthur to Dr. Berman about copying and the budget
Letter to Nancy Arthur from Deborah L. Mack about Freedom Summer volunteer applications stored in the King Center archives in Atlanta GA and the cost to copy them
Folder 13:
To-do list, January 25, 2010
Letter from the Museum of Jewish Heritage requesting donations of Civil Rights artifacts
Descriptions of Civil Rights-related classes
Schedule of the conference, October, 2009
Copy of a Freedom Summer pamphlet
Description of “Finding Freedom Summer in Oxford, Ohio”
Flier advertising the 5th annual conference of the Veterans of the Mississippi Civil Rights Movement, 2010
Veterans of the Mississippi Civil Rights Movement pamphlet
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; Freedom Summer 45th Anniversary Conference; Correspondence; Miscellaneous Materials; 2010; Box 44
Box 44: Freedom Summer 45th Anniversary Conference
Folder 1: Invitations
Letter to Oxford community members inviting them to take part in the 50th Anniversary Freedom Summer conference, July 31, 2014
Letter to Freedom Summer participants explaining why they should take part in the 50th Anniversary Freedom Summer conference
Folder 2: NEH Revised Budget
Papers and ideas to be discussed at an upcoming meeting, March, 2010
Email from Deborah L. Mack concerning a 50th anniversary conference hosted by SNCC at Shaw University, March, 2010
Summary of a meeting with exhibit consultant, March 1, 2010 (2 copies)
NEH “Interpreting America’s Historic Places” Planning Grant audience research (transcript of an interview), January 29, 2010
Email from Dr. Berman concerning things that need to be discussed at the next meeting, February 11, 2010
Plans for Implementing Senate Resolutions on Course Approval and Assessment, February, 2010
Copy of the article “On the Use of the Concept of Area Co-Tradition” from American Antiquity Vol. XIX, No. 3, January, 1954
Copy of a page on Miami’s Freedom Summer Memorial from the book Civil Rights Memorials and the Geography of Memory by Owen J. Dwyer and Derek H. Alderman
List of of the contact information of people affiliated with the Freedom Summer Conference
Finding Freedom Summer Exhibit Planning Group: Revised Content Outline
NEH Cost Share Expenses
Floor plan that maps the flow of an exhibit (Two versions)
Photo of a man
Photos of uptown Oxford (11)
Outline of an exhibit, May 3, 2010
Outline for the NEH Co-Directors’ Meeting, April 29, 2010
Suggested agenda for the April 29th meeting, 2010
NEH Cost Share Expenses chart
Chart of the costs to bring different honoraria to Oxford
Suggested agenda for the April 23 NEH planning grant meeting, 2010 (two copies)
Requirements for the Final Performance Report
Annotated survey
NEH Cost Sharing Expenses
Email from Dr. Armstrong about meetings
Section A-Year #1 budget
NEH Cost Share Expenses
Chart of the costs to bring different honoraria to Oxford
NEH Grant Expenses- October 2009
May Meeting Cost Projections
NEH Planning Grant, Revised Budget Notes
Freedom Summer Conference Support and Expenses Chart
Folder 3:
Freedom School Assignments (as of June 23)
Queens College Alumni: Mississippi Freedom Summer ‘64 and other 1960s Civil Rights Activities--North and South
“Finding Freedom Summer in Oxford, Ohio” NEH grant request
Handwritten notes, February 10, 2010
Folder 4: NEH Audience Research Student Affairs
Audience Research: Future Programming and Goals for Institutionalizing Freedom Summer (2 copies)
Notes: NEH Planning Focus Group Discussion with Student Affairs Staff, January 6, 2010
Folder 4.2:
Sketches of the proposed exhibit (7)
Agenda for April 19, 2010
Packet about an online interactive game about Freedom Summer (“Freedomquest”)
International Coalition of Sites of Conscience, a brief description (12 copies)
Folder 5:
Handwritten to-do list, January 23, 2009
Advertisement for the Miami University Department of Theater’s presentation of Down in Mississippi by Carlyle Brown
Email from Dr. Berman to Judith Buttery about the NEH Grant, March 9, 2009
To-do list?
Freedom Summer Conference Committee Meeting, October 30, 2009
Freedom Summer Outreach Subcommittee Friday 4.2.09 update (email)
Folder 6: Audience Research
List of who and what will be researched
“So, you want to do an evaluation?” Evaluation Planning 101 presented by Randi Korn
List of content that will be relevant to the walking tour
Timeline of events for NEH research
Attitudinal Goals and Learning Outcomes for “Finding Freedom Summer in Oxford, Ohio”
Itinerary for a meeting with Exhibit Consultants, March 1, 2010 (Two copies)
Freedom Summer Exhibit Design Timeline
Exhibit Development/Design/Production/Overview
Notes: NEH Planning Focus Group Discussion with Student Affairs Staff, January 6, 2010
Audience Research Synthesis for NEH Freedom Summer Project, April 16, 2010
Folder 7: NEH consultants October 12,13 transcripts, 2009
Email from Nancy Arthur to Dr. Berman about the expiration of a grant
Freedom Summer Exhibit Design Timeline
To-do list for the NEH Project, January 29, 2010
NEH Finding Freedom Summer Project meeting, October 11, 2009 (transcript of the opening discussion and notes)
NEH Finding Freedom Summer Project meeting, October 12, 2009 (outline of themes, exhibit committee report, script for the walking tour, recommendations) (Two copies)
Notes: NEH Exhibit Team Meeting, October 13, 2009 (Summary notes including flip chart transcriptions and tape transcription) (Two copies)
Transcription Tape 5 Side A, 10/13/09 NEH Exhibit Team, Discussion with Glenn Platt, Director, Armstrong Interactive Media Center #1
Transcription Tape 5 Side A, 10/13/09 NEH Exhibit Team, Discussion with Glenn Platt, Director, Armstrong Interactive Media Center #2
Transcription Tape 6 Side A, 10/13/09 NEH Exhibit Team, Discussion with Glenn Platt, Director, Armstrong Interactive Media Center
Folder 8: NEH Walking Tour
Notes about potential problems and solutions for the walking tours July 15, 2009
Folder 9:
“A Constant Struggle” by Donna Boen, The Miamian, Spring 2009
List of people who contributed to Freedom Summer along with the committee(s) they were on
List of questions relating to Freedom Summer
Letter to the FBI from Richard Momeyer requesting a full list of Freedom Summer Volunteers, June 24, 2010
Freedom Summer Exhibit Design Timeline
Short history of Freedom Summer
“Unpacking the Power Structure through Performance: Fragile Coalitions and Rehearsing the Role of the Ally” by Ann Elizabeth Armstrong
June 14, 2010 Conference Call with Wesley Hogan
Exhibit planning group, exhibit outline, April 19, 2010 (2 copies)
Revised Work Plan, Submitted, March 16, 2009, NEH BP-50118
NEH Planning Grant, Progress Report on the work for Walking Tour, May 2010, by Ann Elizabeth Armstrong
Timeline of Events, Civil Rights Movement, Mississippi Project Training Session and Oxford, Ohio
“Singing Civil Rights, The Freedom Song Tradition”
Folder 10: NEH ?? #3 MJB (exhibit and walking tour)
Email from Chude Allen with his opinions on the meeting about the conference
Notes from June 7, 2010, Finding Freedom Summer Project Videoconference
Audience Synthesis for NEH Freedom Summer Project, April 16, 2010
Timeline of Events: Civil Rights Movement, Mississippi Summer Project Training Session and Oxford, Ohio
Agenda: June 7, 2010, Finding Freedom Summer Project Videoconference (3 copies)
Twinet Kimbroigh’s phone number
Letter to faculty members inviting them to incorporate the Freedom Summer activities into their classes, July 2009
NEH “Interpreting America’s Historic Places” Planning Grant, Space Research and Progress Report on the development of the self-guided Walking Tour, May 2010, by Ann Elizabeth Armstrong (2 copies)
Education Committee: change of walking tour plan (3 copies)
Digital floor plans of the different parts of the exhibit (3 copies)
Meeting with Exhibit Consultants, March 1, 2010
Timeline for the creation of the 50th anniversary conference events
Original file folder (is covered in miscellaneous notes)
Miami University Project and Space Utilization Request Form
List of recommended changes to the exhibit
Large, color floor plans of the exhibit
Exhibit planning group revised content outline, June 20, 2010
Folder 11: Carlyle Brown NEH Project
Email from Dr. Berman to Dr. Armstrong
Letter to Carlyle Brown from Mary Jane about the compensation he will receive for his work on a “creative assignment”
Letter to Carlyle Brown from Mary Jane about moving his visit from February to April, January 22, 2010
Letter to Carlyle Brown from Mary Jane about moving his visit from April to June, April 7, 2010
Folder 12: King Library Center Archives (Copying)
First Amendment to Independent Contractor Agreement
Email from Nancy Arthur to Dr. Berman about copying and the budget
Letter to Nancy Arthur from Deborah L. Mack about Freedom Summer volunteer applications stored in the King Center archives in Atlanta GA and the cost to copy them
Folder 13:
To-do list, January 25, 2010
Letter from the Museum of Jewish Heritage requesting donations of Civil Rights artifacts
Descriptions of Civil Rights-related classes
Schedule of the conference, October, 2009
Copy of a Freedom Summer pamphlet
Description of “Finding Freedom Summer in Oxford, Ohio”
Flier advertising the 5th annual conference of the Veterans of the Mississippi Civil Rights Movement, 2010
Veterans of the Mississippi Civil Rights Movement pamphlet
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; Freedom Summer 45th Anniversary Conference Materials; 2010; Box 45
Box 45: Freedom Summer 45th Anniversary Conference
Folder 1: Freedom Summer Conference
Speech to be given for Provost Herbert
Freedom Summer Reunion Conference Bus Schedule (Two copies)
Freedom Summer Program Cover
HST 367 and 112 Volunteer Sign-in Sheet
Teacher Workshop Registration List, October 9, 2009
“Finding Freedom Summer in Oxford, Ohio, Faculty Workshop” sign-up list
List of Materials on CD-ROM
Freedom Summer Reunion Committee Cell Contact Numbers
Professional Biography? Of Dr. Wesley Hogan
Email concerning the rain plan for the candlelight program scheduled for the Freedom Summer Memorial
Wesley Hogan’s Itinerary for October 8-12, 2009, Draft #5
Charles Cobb Itinerary for October 7-9, 2009
Folder 2: Conference Recruiting
Finding Freedom: Documenting and Performing Freedom Summer at Miami University, Project Summary (for a grant)
To-do list, March 19, 2009
Letter from Dr. Berman to Charles E. Cobb inviting him to present at the conference, April 15, 2009
Letter from Dr. Berman to Chude Allen inviting her to be a conference panelist at the conference, April 14, 2009
Letter from Dr. Berman to Deborah Mack inviting her be a conference panelist at the conference, April 14, 2009
The Center for American and World Cultures Facsimile Transmittal Sheet
Letter from Dr. Berman to T.V. Reed inviting him to be a conference panelist at the conference, April 14, 2009
Packet giving information on Freedom Summer, the conference, and materials related to Freedom Summer
List of people to invite to staged reading of Down in Mississippi
Information on the Center for Civil RIghts
The Center for American and World Cultures Facsimile Transmittal Sheet
Letter from Dr. Berman to Mark Lawrence McPhail inviting him to be a conference panelist at the conference, April 16, 2009
Folder 3: Committee Minutes and Agendas
Meeting Minutes, February 20, 2009
Finding Freedom Summer Conference Subcommittee Minutes, May 15, 2009 (Two copies)
Agenda for a meeting on May 29th, 2009
Finding Freedom Summer Conference Committee Agenda for January 30, 2009
Finding Freedom Summer Conference Subcommittee Minutes of January 16, 2009
Notebook labeled “Mary Jane Berman, NEH Minutes”
Folder 4: NEH Grant
Nancy Arthur Job Description Draft #1, May 1, 2009
NEH Planning Grant, October 2009 Meeting
NEH Planning Grant Time and Effort Report for Nancy Arthur
Letter of Understanding for the exhibit, Letter to Mary Jane from Scott Donaldson
Revised Work Plan, Submitted, March 16, 2009, NEH P-50118
Letter to Ms. Anne Schauer from Carole M. Watson from the National Endowment for the Humanities
(NEH) informing her that her project has received a grant, MArch 18, 2009
Envelope addressed to Dr. Mary Berman from NEH
Agenda, NEH Planning Team, May 14, 2009
Meeting minutes
Financial spreadsheet, March 16, 09
Meeting minutes
Emails between Deborah Mack, Dr. Berman, and Scott Donaldson about the exhibit, March, 2009
Emails between Deborah Mack and Dr. Berman about budget, March, 2009
Meeting minutes
Emails between Dr. Berman and Timothy Reisert about teleconferencing, March 16, 2009
Email containing a revised budget, March 15, 2009
Letter to Anne Schauer from Carole M. Watson of NEH, February 23, 2009
Budget spreadsheet (original)
Budget spreadsheet (revised)
Budget Notes, NEH Planning Grant
Letter to Dr. Berman from Karen S. Mittelman containing the NEH panelists’ reviews of the Freedom Summer Conference proposal, March 16, 2009
Partial list of financial contributions to the conference
List of people involved in the conference and their respective committees
Agenda, NEH planning team, May 14, 2009
Meeting minutes?
Outline of Proposed Course of Independent Study and Project (about the Maya)
Department of Anthropology Application and Approval Form for Independent Study for Brian Casady, 2009
Attachment 11 Budget Justification (Original)
“Finding Freedom Summer in Oxford, Ohio” paper (to be submitted for the NEH grant?)
Email about Nancy Arthur’s salary, March 4, 2009
NEH three-year budget form
Emails between Dr. Berman, Deborah Mack, and Scott Donaldson about budget and the exhibit
Information about consultants Deborah Mack, Scott Donaldson, and Carlyle Brown and their work plan
Email from Dr. Berman to Darlene Mahaney about Darlene’s duties, July 23, 2008
Correspondence between Dr. Berman and T.V. Reed regarding his participation in the NEH Planning Grant, July, 2008
Correspondence between Dr. Berman and Wesley Hogan regarding her participation in the NEH Planning Grant, July, 2008
Emails between Scott Donaldson and Dr. Berman requesting and providing contact information, July 23, 2008
Emails between Dr. Berman and Chude Allen requesting information for the NEH grant, July 23, 2008
Letter from Charles E. Cobb Jr. to Dr. Berman and Dr. Armstrong, July 11, 2008
Freedom Summer: Connecting Communities in the 21st Century, Revised Concept/Vision Paper, September 14, 2007
“Partners in Freedom”, National Underground Railroad Freedom Center
Picture of an Underground Railroad Bicycle Route
“Teaching With Documents: Observing Constitution Day”, list of the signers of the constitution
“Teaching With Documents: The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission”, U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
“America’s Historical and Cultural Organizations: Planning Grants”, National Endowment for the Humanities
Original file folder with miscellaneous notes
Folder 5: Miscellaneous Freedom Summer Conference
The McClellan Fund: Invitation for Proposals for AY 2009-2010
Form requesting money from the Oxford Community Foundation, October 2009
Letter from Bill Gracie to Jeff Herbst containing information on the Western Interdisciplinary Lecture Series, August 1, 2005
Information on the Civil Rights in Mississippi Digital Archive
“Step back into Freedom Summer”, by Richard O Jones, Journal News, March 23, 2006
Photo from an interactive walking tour
Copies of pages 3-27 (Basic Training) and 28-29 (Seat of Leflore) from the book Freedom Summer by Sally Belfrage
Photos from the Faces of Freedom Summer collection of three people standing under a sign for Western College and of a workshop being taught
Finding Freedom Summer Conference Subcommittee Minutes of December 19, 2008
Spreadsheet listing committee members and their meeting attendance
“Memory and Judgement” by Jane Adams and D. Gorton, 2003 (2 copies)
Freedom Summer Minutes: July 16, 2008
Minutes of the Freedom Summer Meeting November 15, 2008
Emails recording Garret Kowhler’s addition to the conference subcommittee membership
Schedule of Events, October 9-11, 2009
Original file folder with miscellaneous notes
Tentative Schedule Of Events October 9-11, 2009
Folder 6: Correspondence D. Mack and S. Donaldson
Emails from or about D. Mack and S. Donaldson and their contract with the Freedom Summer Committee, November 2009
Independent Contractor Agreement
Freedom Summer Exhibit Design Timeline
Exhibit Development/Design/Production/Overview, November 2009
List of sources of funding for the Freedom Summer Conference
Revised Work Plan, Submitted, March 16, 2009
Emails from or about D. Mack and S. Donaldson and the exhibit in regards to budget
Folder 7: NEH Planning Committee
Notes from a discussion with C. Wilson, October 7, 2009
Independent Contractor Agreement form (2 Copies)
Printout of a page on grant programs, Collections to Collections
List of sources of funding for the Freedom Summer Conference
“Civil Rights Show-and-Tell”, American Theater, October 2009
Intellectual Property policy
Original Budget, Submitted August 28, 2009
October 2009 Meeting materials, including NEH Cost Share Expenses, agenda, and committee member/consultant list
October 2009 Meeting agenda
Freedom Summer Flier
List of Honoraria and their fees
Notes from a meeting with Mary Jean Corbett, September 2, 2009
Agenda and notes from a conference call with Deborah Mack, September 14, 2009
NEH Planning team, September 2, 2009
Email containing a suggested agenda for a meeting on September 11
Miscellaneous notes, September 2009
Email containing minutes from a meeting on September 2, 2009
NEH Planning team August 28, 2009
Packet about America’s Historical and Cultural Organizations: Implementation Grants sponsored by the National Endowment Fund for the Humanities (Two copies)
Email containing a partial agenda for a meeting on August 28, 2009 (3 copies)
Revised Work Plan, Submitted March 16, 2009
List of financial contributions to the conference
“Finding Freedom Summer in Oxford, Ohio” request submitted to NEH?
“Justice Department to Recharge Civil Rights Enforcement” by Charlie Savage, The New york Times, August 31, 2009
Folder 8: Freedom Libraries pamphlets
Freedom Libraries Mississippi Summer Project 1964 booklet (23 copies)
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; Freedom Summer 45th Anniversary Conference Miscellaneous Materials; 2008-2010; Box 46
Box 46: Freedom Summer 45th and 50th anniversary and NAACP Conferences
Folder 1: NAACP 99th Annual Convention
NAACP 99th Annual Convention program, July 12-17, 2008
NAACP 99th Annual Convention program 2, July 12-17, 2008
NAACP Resolutions: Considered by the NAACP resolutions committee pending review by delegates to the 99th annual NAACP convention, 2008
NAACP Member-At-Large rules and nomination form
Folder 2:
The Center for American and World Cultures Facsimile Transmittal Sheet
Miami University Project and Space Utilization Request Form
Folder 3:
Binder of Photocopy Request Forms and photocopies of Freedom Summer photos and other materials
Folder 4: NEH Grant - Freedom Summer
Email from NEH confirming Dr. Berman’s submittal, August 29, 2008
Email from Karen Schilling to Anne Schauer explaining the 15% cost share that the history department offered, August 28, 2008
Federal Express Domestic Shipping
Invoice for Dorothy Falke
Material Sales invoice, August 19, 2009
Letter from NEH informing the Freedom Summer committee that they received a grant, March 18, 2009 (3 copies)
Miami University Cost Sharing and Release Time forms
New Jersey Historical Society, New Jersey Turnpike Project Narrative (NEH submission?)
Curriculum Vitaes (Resumes) for the following people:
Ann Elizabeth Armstrong, Ph.D., Nancy Arthur, Mary Jane Berman, Nishani Frazier, Mark S. Giles, Ph.D., Jacqueline Johnson, Richard W. Momeyer, Donald N. Nelson, Glenn Platt, Kelly Quinn, Helen Sheumaker, Jane Strippel, Judy K. Waldron
Folder 5: Freedom Summer 2014
Student sign-in sheets
“The Questions We Share” by David Bornstein, August 7, 2014
Division of Academic Affairs, Miami University, Professional Services Agreement
Independent Contractor/Worker Acknowledgment (blank)
IRS contractor information form
Division of Academic Affairs, Miami University, Professional Services Agreement
Letter to Dr. Berman from Erika Dockery about a visit from Bhairavi
45th Reunion and Conference Program
Voices of Freedom Summer Reunion and Conference flier (2 copies)
“Wouldn’t Take Nothin’ for My Journey” program (2 copies)
Email containing a presenters book spreadsheet
Spreadsheet of the books published by presenters
Email containing the contact information of Syracuse Cultural Workers and Dorothy Falke?
Emails from the planning of the 50th anniversary conference (2014) that reference the 45th anniversary conference (2009)
Letter to Civil Rights movement participants from the conference committee inviting them to the 50th anniversary conference, August 6, 2014
Email containing a list of people who were listed on the Freedom Summer website as special guests, 2014
Sign for an Anthropology Department Faculty Welcome Reception, August 27, 2014
Anthropology Faculty office hours, 2014-2015
Letter from Dr. Berman to Studio 18 USA Inc. about the licensing fee for showing two movies
Communication Result Reports, August-September, 2014
Facsimile Transmittal Sheets
Miami Summer Orientation 2014 Calendar with Freedom Summer Tour schedule
Folder 6: Black Histories, Prominent Figures, from Mrs. Thomas J. Bowling (Gloria Bowling)
“Dunbar, A Poet Of His People” by Raymond W. Lowry
“St. Georges, French Aristocrat” by Raymond W. Lowry, the Indianapolis Star
“Banneker Saved Washington” by Raymond W. Lowry, May 14, 1970
“Musician Noted At Early Age” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Gustavus Vassa, World Traveler” by Raymond W. Lowry, May 21, 1970
“Meta Fuller Famous Sculptress” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Mrs. Bethune Advised Presidents” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Aesop Beloved For His Fables” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Singleton Was ‘Moses’ Of 1860s” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Mary Bethune Founded College” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Armistead Spied In Revolution” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Tenkamenin Ruled Old Ghana” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Crafts Fled Slavery ‘In Style’” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Mali Emperors Expanded Nation” by Raymond W. Lowry
“R.S. Abbott, Newspaper Publisher” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Asiki Built Fabulous Songhai” by Raymond W. Lowry
“James Derham Was Physician” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Elizabeth Greenfield, Volcalist” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Jean-Louis Great Swordsman” by Raymond W. Lowry
“World Acclaimed Ohio Artist” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Maggie-Dynamic Executive” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Nat Love Wrote Of Old West” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Locke Top Critic, Philosopher” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Still Good ‘Conductor” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Dunbar, A Poet Of His People” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Temple Perfected The Harpoon” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Scarborough, A Top U.S. Scholar” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Banneker A Versatile Scholar” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Diagne Served French Cabinet” by Raymond W. Lowry
“St. Georges, French Aristocrat” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Banneker Saved Washington” by Raymond W. Lowry
“‘Mammy’ Pleasant Made Millions” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Musician Noted At Early Age” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Gustavus Vassa, World Traveler” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Mary Seacole Pioneer Nurse” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Forten Set Abolitionist Course” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Martin de Porres, Saintly Healer” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Meta Fuller Famous Sculptress” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Hugh Mulzac, A Master Seaman” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Langston Gave Long Service” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Sunni Ali Ber Founded Songhai” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Pompey Lamb Gained Victory” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Woman Defied ‘Judge Lynch’” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Handy Revered By Musicians” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Mary Terrell, Rights Leader” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Cinque Proved Slaves ‘Minded’” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Edward Bannister Pioneer Artist” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Henry Baker Listed Inventors” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Miss Hansbury’s Play Unusual” by Raymond W. Lowry
“John Hope Unified School Setup” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Carver Was Top U.S. Scientist” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Bose Ikard Helped To Win West” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Charles Gilpin Was Noted Actor” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Frederick Douglass Had 2 Causes” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Aldridge Reaped Many Awards” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Pushkin-Russian Literary Genius” by Raymond W. Lowry
“France Honored 2 U.S. Soldiers” by Raymond W. Lowry
“George Bush Was Frontiersman” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Dr. Just Was Pioneer Biologist” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Hinton Advanced Public Health” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Mme. Walker Made Fortune” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Attucks Died For U.S. Freedom” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Cuffe Found Success At Sea” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Williams Pioneered Heart Surgery” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Harriet Tubman, The Liberator” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Harriet Tubman Helped Yankees” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Richard Allen Battled A Plague” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Dumas Is A Literary Immortal” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Tanner Was Leading Painter” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Julian Cut Arthritic Pain” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Protege Earns His Own Fame” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Leidesdorff A California Pioneer” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Du Sable Founder Of Chicago” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Woods Was Major Inventor” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Hanson Actually First At Pole” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Rillieux Improved Sugar Industry” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Smalls Captured Rebel Gunship” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Laborer Changed Shoe Industry” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Slave Girl Became Noted Poetess” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Estevan Discovered Arizona” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Pareja Gifted Spanish Artist” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Latimer On Bell, Edison Teams” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Hannibal Top Russian Engineer” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Piankhi-Conqueror Of Egypt” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Aldridge Was Immortal Actor” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Abbie Mitchell Had Great Voice” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Woods Was Major Inventor” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Woodson Pioneering Historian” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Dorie Miller: Navy War Hero” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Thomas Bethune, Piano Genius” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Latimer On Bell, Edison Teams” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Dr. Drew Saved Soldiers’ Lives” by Raymond W. Lowry
“St. Benedict The Moor Revered” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Morgan Inventor Of Gas Mask” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Senator Bruce Backed Minorities” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Bridgetower Famed Violinist” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Sojourner Truth: Great Orator” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Drew Began Blood Bank” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Beckwourth Explored The West” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Edmonia Lewis’ Sculpture Excels” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Jones Was Chicago Civic Leader” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Gen. Dumas Acclaimed In France” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Haynes Was American Patriot” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Hubert Harrison Found Learning” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Delaney Famed As Philosopher” by Raymond W. Lowry
“Elijah McCoy Oiled Up Industry” by Raymond W. Lowry
Envelope that contained the above articles
Celebrating Freedom Committee
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee 50th Anniversary DVDs; 2014; Box 47
Box 47: Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee 50th Anniversary DVDs
These DVDs present formal addresses, panel discussions and programs that took place at a conference and reunion unfolding over four days at Shaw University in Raleigh, North Carolina on the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee.
Volume: 1 Opening Plenary
Volume: 2 Early Student Movement Philosophy and Activism
Volume: 3 From Student Activists To Field Organizers
Volume: 4 SNCC Builds An Organization
Volume: 5 The Raleigh Civil Rights Movement
Volume: 6 Luncheon Keynote: Rev. James Lawson “We Have Not Yet Arrived”
Volume: 7 The Societal Response To SNCC
Volume: 8 Up South: “We Raised Money, We Raised Hell”
Volume: 9 More Than A Hamburger
Volume: 10 Moving On Mississippi: “We Had To Be Strong”
Volume: 11 Alabama: “Turning To Ourselves”
Volume: 12 Southwest Georgia: “Do You Want To Be Free”
Volume: 13 Arkansas, Cambridge, MD Danville, VA: “Everybody Say Freedom”
Volume: 14 The Impact And Influence Of SNCC On American Society 1960-1968
Volume: 15 What Was SNCC? How Did It Evolve Over The Years? Why Did It Cease To Exist?
Volume: 16 Political Impact Of SNCC 1964-1984
Volume: 17 Luncheon Keynote: Harry Belafonte “Why Can’t Our Children Find Us”
Volume: 18 Ella Baker’s Roots: “Give People Light And They Will Find A Way”
Volume: 19 Depictions Of The Movement In Popular Culture
Volume: 20 Black Power, Black Education, and Pan Africanism
Volume: 21 The Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party: “A Real Democratic Process”
Volume: 22 Women And Organizers: “You Can Do This”
Volume: 23 The Black Church And Black Struggle
Volume: 24 Highlander, SSOC And Organizing In The White Community: “We Knew That We Were Not Free”
Volume: 25 SNCC And The Black Arts Movement: “We Had To Change The Conversation”
Volume: 26 Plenary: Joyce Ladner
Volume: 27 SNCC Children Speak
Volume: 28 Luncheon Keynote: Congressman John Lewis “Stand Up And Make Some Noise”
Volume: 29 Luncheon Keynote: U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder “The Nation Is In Your Debt”
Volume: 30 The Young People's’ Project: “Come Let Us Build A New World”
Volume: 31 The Cradle To Prison Pipeline
Volume: 32 Actions For A New World
Volume: 33 Special Program: Dick Gregory “They’re Asking Different Questions Today”
Volume: 34 Plenary: In Remembrance Of Ella BAker, Howard Zinn, And James Forman
Volume: 35 Dinner Keynote: Danny Glover “The Real Costs Lie Ahead”
Volume: 36 Freedom Concert
Volume: 37 Plenary: Bob Moses “We The People”
Volume: 38 Closing Program: Bernice Johnson Reagon “Solidarity Of Past, Present And Future”
Photo and explanation of the Freedom Summer Memorial at Miami University (Many copies)
Voices of Freedom Summer cards and envelopes (Blank)
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee 50th Anniversary DVDs; 2014; Box 48
Box 48: Artifacts
Telephone used in a Freedom Summer Office
Royal Typewriter used in a Freedom Summer Office (Includes original instructions)
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee 50th Anniversary DVDs; Scrapbooks; Miscellaneous Materials; 1962-2014; Box 49
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee 50th Anniversary DVDs
Box 49: Scrapbook donated by Carolyn E. Gordon:
Inside cover:
Letter to “Fifty Years After Freedom Summer” Conference Participants and Sybil Harris Miller from Carolyn E. Gordon, Ph. D, October 2014
Page 1:
“Gregory, Freedom Group Stage Civil Rights Benefit, Comedian, Singers Raise SNCC Funds”, The Miami Student, April 28, 1964
“Gregory Stars in Rights Show”
“We Too Shall Overcome” by Dave Hamilton
“Southern Justice?”, The Miami Student Editorial Page, April 24, 1964
Note saying “Protest (Civil Rights)- Sponsored by Human Relations Committee (of Miami) in the Fall of 1964 in front [of] the Oxford Municipal Bldg.” signed by S. Miller
Page 2:
Eight photos of Dick Gregory and the Freedom Singers
Page 3:
Four photos of the Voter Registration Drive in Greensboro, North Carolina, 1964 (Including photos of Sybil Miller, Ginger Koone, Mr. Mitchell, Pat, Tony, Mittie Gamble, Miss Brantley)
Copy of “The Daily Red Neck” (April Fool Edition), Carrboro, North Carolina, April 1, 1964
Copy of “The Daily Tar Heel” including the article “Ex-Hillsboro Cop Charged With Assault”, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, April 2, 1964
Letter to Carolyn from Anthony Rivers during the Voter Registration drive in Greensboro, NC (Envelope included)
Letter to the Editor of the Daily News from A Southern White Protestant Democrat in Greensboro, NC
Page 4:
Letter to the Voter Registration and Political Education Project from Bernard J. Battle, Charles I. Brown, Joseph Mitchell, and George C. Simkins
“Federal Judge Hears Appeal Of Tolg Against State Verdict”, Miami Student, April 28, 1964
“Northern Liberalism -- A Hoax” by Stanley Greenberg, April 24, 1964
Page 5:
Two photos of John Howard Griffin, author of “Black Like Me” (Photos labeled “as a negro” and “as himself”)
“Lecturer Emphasizes Dehumanization of Negro” by Renee Sherer
Page 6:
Photo of J. B., John Howard Griffin, Gaye Klein, Dick Tolliver, and Mr. Strippel
Photo of Paul Stampleman and Marcia Fisher
Photo of Mr. Strippel and Sybil Harris
Three unlabeled photos from the same event, November, 1964
Page 7:
“Human Relations Committee Hears Civil Rights Panel”, October 5, 1964
HRC’s Cafe Inferno: four photos including Willis, Hillie, Sibyl Harris Miller, and Bill Miller, December, 1964
Page 8:
Three photos of a line of protesters, including Carolyn Gordon and Sibyl Harris Miller
Voices of Dissent pamphlet, December 7-11, 1964
Photo of Bill and Sybil
Photo of Karen Dewitt and John Swann
Photo of Richard Tolliver
Page 9:
“What Miamians Say About Apartment Controversy”, The Miami Student, January 12, 1965
Page 10:
“The Real Miami Negro” by James Stokes, May 7, 1965
“Voice of the Campus”, letter to the editor from William F. Taylor providing defense for African Americans who, in a previous letter, had been spoken down upon, May 7, 1965
Two letters to the editor from Alan Steinberg and Eric K.M. Schaumloffel, one being the letter titled “Negroes” that is disputed in the letter mentioned above, May 4, 1965
Back inside cover:
Photo of Paula Smith, Bill Miller, Carolyn Gordon, Myldred Howell, James and Jackie Hamilton Avery, and Vera Douglas Sloan at Alumni Weekend 2009
Guy Carawan songs of Struggle and Celebration, 1982
The Freedom Singers Sing of Freedom Now!
“We Shall Overcome” Freedom Singers
The Nashville Sit-In Story
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee 50th Anniversary DVDs; Scrapbooks; Miscellaneous Materials; 1962-2014; Box 49
Box 49:
SNCC Tee Shirts
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; Freedom Summer 40th Anniversary Conference Materials; News Clippings; Oral Histories; 1962-2014; Box 51
Box 51:
Folder 1: FS 1999
Article titled “Memorial to honor civil-rights history” by Bill Bush, Columbus Dispatch, February 27, 1999
Folder 2: FS Memorial Articles
Article titled “Speaker cancels, ceremony will go on”, The Cincinnati Enquirer, April 7, 2000 (Four copies)
Article titled “Miami stones honor activists of rights struggle” by Benjamin Kline, Dayton Daily News, April 7, 2000
Photo of Dr. Steve Schwerner, brother of Michael Schwerner, after the memorial dedication, The Cincinnati Enquirer, April 8, 2000
Article titled “Missing, murdered, and now remembered”, Star Tribune (Minneapolis, MN), April 8, 2000
Article titled “Memorial honors activists, Dedication ceremony celebrates movement” by David Brown, Journal-News, April 8, 2000
Statement from the NAACP president, Oxford Branch, about their lack of recognition at the Freedom Summer Memorial, Oxford Press, May 4, 2000
Folder 3: FS Article
Photo titled “A Summer to Remember” featuring the Freedom Summer Memorial (Two copies)
Folder 4: FS Conf. Com. 2004
Email from Dorothy Falke containing the schedule for the Freedom Summer Reunion committee meetings over the summer
Email from Dorothy Falke containing the schedule for the Freedom Summer Reunion committee meetings in September
Voices of Freedom Summer Reunion and Conference, Minutes- July 22, 2004
Agenda for Freedom Summer Conference Committee Meeting, August 5, 2004
Draft of a letter to Freedom Summer Participants from Ann Elizabeth Armstrong and Mary Jane Berman, August 3, 2004
Freedom Summer Advisory Council Meeting minutes by Irad Vanterpool, January 19, 2005
Folder 5:
CD containing Photographs of Freedom Summer: Visions of Freedom, Finding Freedom Summer Conference/Reunion September 17-19, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 2004
Folder 6: FS Oral History
Story Circle with Chuck McDougall transcription
Folder 7: FS Oral History
Story Circle with Chuck McDougall transcription (Same as above)
Folder 8: FS Oral History
Story Circle transcription, September 18, 2004
Folder 9: FS Oral History
Story Circle transcription (Tape 3), September 18, 2004
Folder 10: FS Oral Histories
Center For American and World Cultures Story Circle transcriptions, September 18, 2004
Folder 11: Freedom Summer Curriculum, October 27-30, 2004
Booklet titled “The Legacy and Import of the Freedom Summer Curriculum on the Curriculum field: Drama in Action” Including:
Chilcoat and Ligon. Theater as an Emancipatory Tool: Classroom Drama in the Mississippi Freedom Schools
McComb, U.S.A. The McComb Freedom School Play
Council of Federated Organizations. The Mississippi Summer Project
Kidd. Popular Theater, Conscientization, and Popular Organization
Berkeley Radical Arts Troupe. Build Rat and Serve the People
Chilcoat. Radical Theater in the Classroom: A Guerrilla Street Theater Manual
Folder 12: Arthur Miller
Photo of Arthur Miller?
Partial autobiography of Arthur Miller?
Article titled “NAACP remembers Miller” by Bob Ratterman
Death and funeral announcement of Arthur Miller
Obituary for Arthur Miller
Flier titled “Black Alumni Reunion News”, May 2005
Paper titled “Arthur Miller: Freedom On His Mind Timeline” (Timeline of events in Arthur Miller’s life)
Funeral service program for Arthur Miller
Article titled “Arthur Miller leads a life that brought equality to Oxford”
Obituary for Arthur Miller
Article titled “NAACP head: Local Civil Rights leader a pioneer” by Carmen M. Hubbard (two copies)
Folder 13: Rev. Elmon W. Prier
Photo of Elmon Prier by the Freedom Summer historical marker
Contact information for Elmon Prier
Elmon Prier’s registration form for The Freedom Summer 50th Anniversary Conference
Letter from Elmon Prier to the Center for American and World Cultures about his contribution to the Freedom Summer memorial
List of questions to ask Rick Momeyer
List of contact people, reference books, and other information relating to an article about Freedom Summer
Letter from Elmon Prier to Michael Williams containing an article titled “Many Voices Head At Freedom Summer Reunion and Conference Interfaith Gathering”, September 21, 2004
Folder 14: FS Conference 2014
Photocopy of a card featuring the Freedom Summer memorial
Invitation to a special dinner from Ann Elizabeth Armstrong and Mary Jane Berman, September 6, 2004
Request for people to fill out a registration form form Dorothy Falke, August 27, 2004
Folder 15: FS 2014
Webpage titled “Celebrating Freedom” including programs planned for the 2014 Freedom Summer Conference
Folder 16: FS 2014
Booklet from the 50th anniversary of Freedom Summer
Folder 17: FS 2016
Article titled “Marcus D. Gordon, 84, Judge in Mississippi Case” by Sam Roberts, The New York Times, May 29, 2016
Folder 18: FS Dialogue Series
Flier for the Freedom Summer Dialogue Series: Understanding the Past, Building the Future, October 21, 2016
Folder 19: Tom Tolg
Letter from Tom to Jacky about the materials he plans to send, October 26, 2011
Letter from Tom to Jacky about the “Biographical Background” that was written for Cincinnati’s Mayor’s Friendly Relations Committee, April 18, 2012
Paper titled “Some Biographical Background” by Tom Tolg
Letter to the Miami Student from Tom Tolg, April 24, 1964
Article titled “Miami Graduate Student Gets 18-Month Jail Term”, Dayton Daily News?, April 21, no year
Article titled “Sit-In Conviction Review Ordered” by Paul Valentine, The Atlanta Journal, April 22, 1964?
Article titled “Federal Judge Hears Appeal Of Tolg Against State Verdict”, The Miami Student, April 28, 1964
Article titled “Expect Tolg Action Friday”, Oxford Press, April 30, 1964
Article titled “A Visit With Tom Tolg In Fulton County Jail” by Eliza Paschall, The Atlanta Inquirer, May 2, 1964
Letter from Fulton County Jail, Oxford Press, May 7, 1964
Letter from A Committee of Miami-Western faculty to the faculty and staff of Miami University and Western College, May 14, 1964
Letter to the editor from Ed Greenberg, Miami Student, May 15, 1964
Article titled “Miami Discusses Atlanta Adventures” by Dave Sink, Miami Student, May 15, 1964
Statement of Thesis, a community study of Lincoln Heights, a community made up of almost exclusively African Americans
Article titled “An Outside Agitator” by Tom Tolg, The Miami Student, October 22, 1963
Article titled “Field Secretary Talks to SNCC”, The Miami Student, April 10, 1964
Letter from Tom Tolg to Dr. Lewis and friends, April 28, 1963
Letter from Tom Tolg to Dr. Lewis and gang, April 23, 1964
Article titled “Sit-In Sentence Imposed by Pye” by ™ Greene, The Atlanta Journal, April 20, 1964?
Article titled “Federal Judge Hears Appeal Of Tolg Against State Verdict”, The Miami Student, Spring, 1964; Article titled “Miamian Sentenced to Prison, FIned for SNCC Demonstration”, April 1964
Article titled “Judge Pye Imposes Top Sit-In Sentence, Ohio Student Ordered Arrested to Begin Term” by Jack Strong, Atlanta Constitution, April 21, no year
Article titled Tolg to Get Hearing On Rights Case, Miami U Student Seeking Transfer To Another Court”, Dayton Daily News, April 23, 1964
Article titled “Committee Seeks Aid For Tolg”, Miami Student, April 24, 1964; Article titled “Tom Tolg Now Free On Bond”, Miami Student, Spring 1964
Article titled “Southern Justice?”, The Miami Student, April 24, 1964
Folder 20: Donations from Nina Myatt
Envelope addressed to Jacky Johnson from Antioch University
Letter from Nina Myatt, Curator at the Olive Kettering Library at Antioch University, to Jacky Johnson, September 20, 2005
Letter from Nina Myatt to Jacky Johnson, September 29, 2005
Envelope addressed to Jacky Johnson from Antioch University
Web search results for “terri shaw” journalist
Folder 21: FS- Mississippi Articles
Article citing polls about President Johnson and the use of Federal troops in Mississippi
Original letter from Carole to Mr. and Mrs. Tobis, Pat, and Jim (her sponsors while away at Freedom Summer?), July 7, 1964?
Article titled “10th Church Burned In Mississippi”
Article about the state of Mississippi during the civil rights years
Folder 22: FS- Mississippi Articles
Article on the first grade integration in Mississippi
Folder 23: FS at Western College
Letter from unknown to Western College for Women, June 22, 1964
Letter from unknown to Bernice Stegall, June 25, 1964
Letter to Margaret from unknown, June 27, 1964; Letter from Herrick B. Young to unknown, July 1, 1964
Letter from unknown to unknown, June 29, 1964?
Letter from unknown to Bernice Stegall, June 30, 1964
Article titled “Repeat of Reconstruction”; Article titled “As a Minimum, Prudence” (Three copies)
Letter from Herrick B. Young to unknown, July 2, 1964
Letter from Herrick B. Young to unknown, July 2, 1964
Note congratulating Western College for housing the Freedom Summer workers, n.d.
Letter from unknown to Dr. Young, September 18, 1964?
Letter from unknown to Bernice Stegall, October 8 1964?
Letter to “Western Alumnae Secretary” from unknown, n.d.
Letter from unknown to Herrick B. Young, n.d.
A personal account of the first Freedom Summer training session in Oxford, Ohio by Ellen L. Bernes (Two copies)
Folder 24: FS at Western College
Letter to the Western College Alumnae office, June 29, 1964 (three copies)
Transcription of the above letter (nine copies)
Folder 25: FS Newspaper Articles
List of Freedom Summer Newspaper Articles
Folder 26: WCAA
Information paper for the Western College Archives
Information flier for the Western College Archives
Western College Archives box labels
Western College Memorial Archives form to use materials
Folder 27: WCAA Deed of Gift
Western College Collection; Freedom Summer Collection; DVDs; Scrapbooks; Interviews; 1971-2014; Box 52
Box 52:
PL-18 Polyester 1 mil 1800’ tape, Voices of Dissent: “Technology: Hope or Peril”, Dr. George Wald “Therefore Choose Life”, April 7, 1971, Bob Stripple
Tape 1, Soundcraft plus 50 magnetic recording tape, Side 1: “Significance of Sit Ins and Freedom Rides” by James Lawson, March 17, 1962, Side 2: “Faith and Values” by Hans Hofmann, April 17, 1962, Bob Strippel
Tape 2, Soundcraft magnetic tape (1800 feet 1 mil Mylar base), “The Negro Image” by P. J. Sidney, February 14
Tape 3, Ampex Professional 1 mil polyester ¼ “ x 1800 feet seven inch reel, “Racism and Education” by Al Smith, Bob Strippel
Tape 4, Scotch recording tape, standard length ¼ in. x 1200 ft. (6.35mm x 360m) 7” reel, silicone lubricated 1.5 mil acetate backing, “Black Power” by George Weir, January 30, 1967, Bob Strippel
Tape 5, Scotch recording tape, standard length ¼ in. x 1200 ft. (6.35mm x 360m) 7” reel, silicone lubricated 1.5 mil acetate backing, “Black Power: A Challenge”, by Wm Rusher, January 30, 1967, Bob Strippel
Tape 6, Scotch recording tape, standard length ¼ in. x 1200 ft. (6.35mm x 360m) 7” reel, silicone lubricated 1.5 mil acetate backing, “Black Power”- critical, by Bayard Rustin, January 31, 1967, Bob Strippel
Tape 7, Scotch recording tape, standard length ¼ in. x 1200 ft. (6.35mm x 360m) 7” reel, silicone lubricated 1.5 mil acetate backing, “Black Power” by William Stringfellow, January 31, 1967, Bob Strippel
Tape 8, Scotch recording tape, standard length ¼ in. x 1200 ft. (6.35mm x 360m) 7” reel, silicone lubricated 1.5 mil acetate backing, “Black Power” by David Danzig, February 1, 1967, Bob Strippel
Life Magazine, December 18, 1964, Includes photo titled “Day of Accusation in Mississippi” and article titled “Panty Raids? No! Tough Campus Revolt”
Life Magazine, March 5, 1965, titled “Death of Malcolm X and the Resulting Vengeful Gang War, A Monument to Negro Upheaval” and featuring a cover photo of the “Largest muslim mosque bombed out after Malcolm X’s killing”
Life Magazine, March 19, 1965, titled “Civil Rights face-off at Selma, The Savage Season Begins” and featuring a cover photo of “Alabama troopers await marching Negroes in Selma”
Life Magazine, March 26, 1965, titled “Russia’s Fabulous Art Museum The Hermitage; Historic Turning Point for the Negro’ Cause” featuring a cover photo captioned “With Archbishop Iakovos, Walter Reuther and other supporters in Selma, Ala,. Martin Luther King holds a wreath to the martyred Reverend James Reeb”
Compact Disc: Freedom Singers, 1964 and Strippel Programs, 1962-1982
Button: "Silence Is Acceptable HATE Speak Loudly!
Standing On My Sisters Shoulder A Civil Rights Documentary
All DVDs are located in range 22A and are free on the shelf next to the Freedom Summer materials.
The Mississippi Freedom Summer 50th Anniversary DVDs were created for a conference hosted by Tougaloo College June 25-29, 2014.
DVD 1: “The Freedom Struggle In Mississippi- 1946-1964” and “The Continuing Struggle 1964-2014”
DVD 2: “Freedom Summer 1964: Its Historic Importance” and Freedom Summer Roll Call
DVD 3: “In The Mississippi River” and “Heroes and Sheroes” (A Tribute to those murdered and Martyred in Mississippi)
DVD 4: Our Southern Strategy: “Where Do We Go From Here?”
DVD 5: Legacy Banquet
- Creation: 1853-1974
- Western College (Organization)
- Western Female Seminary. Western College for Women. Western College (Organization)
52 Boxes
Language of Materials
- Chaney, James Earl, 1943-1964 (Person)
- Schwerner, Michael Henry, 1939-1964 (Person)
- Goodman, Andrew, 1943-1964 (Person)
- Miller, Arthur F. (Person)
- Duerksen, Roland (Person)
- Levy, Mark (Person)
- Colca, Carole (Person)
- Hoyt, Phyllis (Person)
- Strippel, Jane (Person)
- National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (Organization)
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (Organization)
- Southern Christian Leadership Conference. SCLC (Organization)
- Prior, Elmon (Person)
- Treitel, Mark (Person)
- Allen, Chude (Person)
Cultural context
Genre / Form
- Mississippi -- Race relations -- History -- 20th century
- Ohio -- Race relations -- History -- 20th century
- African Americans -- Civil rights -- Mississippi -- History -- 20th century
- Arthur Miller Collection
- Buildings;Freedom Summer Memorial
- Carole Colca Collection
- Civil rights
- Civil rights demonstrations
- Civil rights workers
- Civil rights workers -- Interviews
- Correspondence
- Elmon Prior Collection
- Freedom Singers
- Freedom Summer Volunteers
- Freedom Summer Volunteers
- Freedom Summer Volunteers
- Letters
- Margaret Barrier Colllection
- Mark Levy Collection
- Mississippi Freedom Project
- Mississippi Freedom Project, Oxford, Ohio
- Phyllis Hoyt Collection
- Ted Polumbaum Collection
- Tom Tolg Collection
- Voter registration
- Voting
Repository Details
Part of the Miami University and Western College Memorial Archives Repository