Government Association
Western College; Western College Government Association; 1910-1974; Box 1
(2 Boxes + Western College Government Association Handbooks)
The Western College Government Association consisted of students as well as faculty members. This included the president of the college as well as the academic dean. Student government was a facet with in the Western College Government Association, in which the students represents the student body of Western College .
Box 1
Folder 1: Installation of Student Government Programs 1961-1969.
* Installation of Government Association Officers, Kumler Memorial Chapel, Friday, May 8, 1959 Program
* Installation of Government Association Officers, Kumler Memorial Chapel, Friday, May 8, 1959 Program
* Installation of Government Association Officers, Kumler Memorial Chapel, Friday, May 13, 1960 Program
* Installation of Government Association Officers, Kumler Memorial Chapel, Friday, May 12, 1961 Program
* Installation of Government Association Officers, Kumler Memorial Chapel, Thursday, May 3, 1962 Program
* Installation of Government Association Officers, Kumler Memorial Chapel, Thursday, May 3, 1962 Program
* Installation of Government Association Officers, Kumler Memorial Chapel, Tuesday, May 7, 1963 Program
* Installation of Government Association Officers, Kumler Memorial Chapel, Tuesday, May 7, 1963 Program
* Installation of Government Association Officers, Kumler Memorial Chapel, Friday, April 24, 1964 Program
* Installation of Government Association Officers, Kumler Memorial Chapel, Friday, April 24, 1964 Program
* Installation of Government Association Officers, Kumler Memorial Chapel, Friday, April 23, 1965 Program
* Installation of Government Association Officers, Kumler Memorial Chapel, Friday, April 29, 1966 Program
* Installation of Government Association Officers, Kumler Memorial Chapel, Friday, April 26, 1968 Program
* Installation of Government Association Officers, Kumler Memorial Chapel, Friday, May 2, 1969 Program
* Installation of Government Association Officers, Kumler Memorial Chapel, Friday, May 2, 1969 Program
Folder 2: Constitution Committee Meeting Minutes Dec. 1961- Feb. 1962.
* Constitution Committee Meeting #1, December 5, 1961
* Constitution Committee Meeting #2, December 12, 1961
* Constitution Committee Meeting #3, January 9, 1962
* Constitution Committee Meeting #4, January 14, 1962
* Constitution Committee Meeting #5, February 6, 1962
* Constitution Committee Report, February 7, 1962
* Recommendations Concerning the Library Council to the Constitution Revision Committee, February 13, 1962
* Constitution Committee Meeting #6, February 13, 1962
* Constitution Committee Meeting #7, February 20, 1962
Folder 3: Government Association Meetings May 1958-April 1965.
* Transcript of Remarks at Special College Government Association Meeting by Dean Phyllis Hoyt, May 7, 1958
* Transcript of Remarks at Special College Government Association Meeting by Dean Phyllis Hoyt, November 6, 1957
* Government Association Special Meeting, February 26, 1963 Remarks by Phyllis Hoyt
* Explanation of the Proposal for Re-Interpretation of the Honor System
* Government Association Meeting, April 28, 1965 Remarks by Phyllis Hoyt
* Compilation of the Honor System Discussions, March 1963
* Western College Honor System Paper
Folder 4: Government Association Information Feb. 1921-Nov. 1957.
* Release Saturday or Sunday, May 4, 1944
* Excerpts from the Student Government Handbooks of Western College 1921-22 through 1946-7
* Excerpts from the Student Government Handbooks of Western College 1921-22 through 1946-7
* Letter to Miss Smith from Alice Hill Byrne, February 22, 1921 with Report of Lucile Smith
* Student Government Rally Day Program, May 4, 1922
* Government Association Presidents Lists, 1940-1953
* Elections for Government Officers (As read in Chapel 3-4-48 )
* Special Meeting called of the Constitution Committee to discuss reconsideration of Article VII, March 8, 1953; Letter from Nancy Blake, January 16, 1952; Second Meeting Held, January 22, 1952 Three Pages Letter from Nancy Blake; Minutes February 21, 1952 Two Pages Letter from Nancy Blake; “Rules and Regulations”; Meeting March 6, 1952 Letter from Nancy Blake [Two Pages]; Letter to Dr. Davies from Nancy Blake, March 9, 1952; Minutes for March 13, 1952; Article V [Three Pages]; Minutes for March 31, 1952; Duties of the Parliament; Special Meeting Minutes April 17, 1952; Special Meeting Minutes May 12, 1952;
* Western College Government Association Constitution
* Meeting Minutes for November 24, 1952
* Letter to Miss Nancy Blake from Jenkin Davies, March 11, 1952 [Two Pages]
* Envelope “Students” with Negative of Elizabeth Brown, President of College Govt. Association 1953-54 and Barbara Forsberge, President College Govt. Association 1952-53
* Envelope “Parliament” with two Photograph Negatives of February 2, 1955 , Wednesday with Barbara Pope Presiding
* Members of the Class of 1953 Graduating with Honors List
* Transcript of Remarks at Special College Government Association Meeting by Dean Phyllis Hoyt, November 6, 1957
* Letter to Members of the Faculty from Margaret Barrier, 1957
Folder 5: Government Association Information 1957-May 1959.
* Note of “Report by Julie Beasley, 1957-58 Pres. Of govt. Association; President’s Report, 1957-1958, Juli Beasley
* Transcript of Remarks at Special College Government Association Meeting by Dean Phyllis Hoyt, May 7, 1958
* Interpretation of the Partial Revocation of the Grant of Powers by the Government Association Officers, May 14, 1958
* Western College Inter-Office Memorandum to Miss Hoyt and Mr. Rees from Mary Ashby Cheek, 9/24/58
* Western College Inter-Office Memorandum to Miss Hoyt from Alice Anderson, Subject: Constitution Committee, 10/2/58
* Comments on the Western College Government Association Constitution
* Western College Inter-Office Memorandum from Phyllis Hoyt; Western College Government Association Constitution Committee Memorandum on College and Student Government;
* Western College Government Association Constitution (Revised 1958-1959)
* Letter to Miss Hoyt from Helen J. and Judy C., February 17, 1959
* Memorandum to President Young, Chairman Administrative Council from Dunning Idle, Subject: Proposed Constitution for the Government Association
* Memorandum to Constitution Committee from President Young, May 26, 1959
* Interpretation of the Partial Revocation of the Grant of Powers by the Government Association Officers, May 14, 1958
Folder 6: Government Association Information May 1961-Nov. 1964
* Government Association Installation, 1961
* Western College Government Association Constitution Revised 1961-62
* Constitution Committee Report, 1962
* Letter to Editor of Round-Up from Phyllis Hoyt, March 27, 1962
* Government Association Special Meeting, February 26, 1963 Remarks by Phyllis Hoyt, Dean of Students
* Memorandum to Miss Ebeling, Alumnae Office from Phyllis Hoyt, Re: Presidents and Vice Presidents of the College Government Association, 1947 to 1965
* Special Meeting Minutes of Cabinet, Thursday, September 10, 1964
* Cabinet Minutes, September 30, 1964
* Cabinet Minutes, October 28, 1964
* Cabinet Notes, November 24, 1964
Folder 7: Government Association Information From the beginning of 1964/65 year-November 1969
* Vote to Maintain Grant of Power, 1964-65
* Government Association Talk, 1965 by Phyllis Hoyt
* Cabinet Minutes, January 6, 1965
* Cabinet Minutes, January 27, 1965
* Cabinet Minutes, May 8, 1965
* Cabinet Minutes, September 27, 1965
* Cabinet Minutes, November 1, 1965 of October Meeting
* Cabinet Meeting Minutes, May 4, 1966 dated May 27, 1966
* Cabinet Meeting Minutes, September 21, 1966
* Cabinet Meeting Minutes, October 26, 1966 submitted November 2, 1966
* Memorandum to Dean Hoyt, Mrs. Sakurai, Cabinet Meeting May 23, 1967
* “G.A.- A Vehicle for Student Protest” Report by Dean Hoyt, Remarks to Western College Faculty at the First Meeting, September 7, 1968 [Two Copies]
* March 14, 1969 Minutes
* Proposal Submitted to Parliament Nov. 5, 1969
* Proposal Submitted to Parliament Nov. 19, 1969
Folder 8: Government Association Information From the beginning of 1969/70 year-1972/73 executive board electives
* Officers for 1969-1970 List
* Election Results 1970
* Community Council Draft I, October 13, 1970
* Community Council Draft I, October 13, 1970
* Charter for the Community Council
* Premise, November 25, 1970
* Charter for the Community Council, Draft III
* Charter for the Community Council, Draft IV
* Officers for 1970-1971 List
* Note “The corrected file copy of the Governance Association Charter” with Governance Association 1971 Paper
* Western College Inter-Office Communication to Cheryl Dickens from Bee Seibert with Note from Cheryl Dickens
* Parliament Minutes, November 18, 1970
* G. A. Executive Board Minutes, Peabody Conference Room, April 24, 1973
* Agenda G. A. Executive Board, April 24, 1973
* List of Members 1971-72 and 1972-73
* Members of the Community Council, 1971-72? List
* 1972-73 Officers and Executive Board Members List [Two Pages]
Folder 9: Miscellaneous Papers with no dates from Government Association.
* Community Council, House Chairman, Description, Advisor-in-Residence, Administration Chart
* Community Council, House Chairman, Description, Advisor-in-Residence, Administration Chart
* “Student Government” June 1901 with Note
* Student Government Rally Day, May 4, 1922 Program
* Constitution of the Student Government League of The Western College , 1907
* “Lest old Acquaintance be forgot” Convention Women’s Intercollegiate Association for Student Government, Westhampton College, University of Richmond, 1937 Program
* Concerning Student Government Booklet [Two Copies]
* Western College Government Association information from Dorothy Malcolm about Alice Hill Byrne Leaving
* Letter to Dean Phyllis Hoyt from William C. Spencer, October 11, 1968 [comment on A Vehicle for Student Protest presentation]
* Governance Association Organizational Chart
* “Community Council and Community Matters” Report
* Charter for the Community Council
* The Governance Association Paper
* List of Western College Government Association Officers
* Envelope of “Freshman Class Officers” Janet McKee, Sally Riley, Joan Avakian, Norma Inabnit, and Phyllis Yeamens Black and White Negatives with photographs [Three]
* College Governance Association Organizational Chart
* League Presidents List from 1907 to 1944
* List from 1907 to 1938
* Grant of Powers
* Stop Buying to Stop Dying Economic Boycott Flyer with information for signing statement of protest and information on War on Indochina class cancellation proposal
* Note “Page 1?” with Page Two and Page Three of Letter from Susan Homans, G. A. Secretary
* Memorandum No. 1 to Constitution Committee from Fred G. Sturm, Subject: Purpose (a suggested revision of the Jemison-Forshew Statement); Memorandum No. 2 to Constitution Committee from Fred G. Sturm, Subject: Cabinet; Memorandum No. 3 to Constitution Committee from Fred G. Sturm, Subject: Legislation; Memorandum No. 4 to Constitution Committee from Fred G. Sturm, Subject: Election Procedure
* Constitution Committee Report; Western College Government Association Constitution (Revised 1958-1959)
* Memorandum to Administrative Council from Ruth Limmer, Re: Proposed constitution
* Page Five and Page Six of Constitution
* “Reasons why I believe, personally and professionally, that the W.C. Honor System means social as well as academic Areas” List
* Western College Inter-Office Memorandum to Phyllis Hoyt from Ruth Limmer, Subject: Academic Honesty
* “What Part of the Honor System Bothered You Most as a Freshman and How was it Resolved for You?” Paper
Western College; Western College Government Association; 1910-1974; Box 2
Box 2 [This box contains binded material, such as notebooks and binders.]
* Item #1: Dean of Students Government Assoc. Notices 1910-1911
* Item #2: Minutes of the Student Government League (1922-1923)
* Item #3: Government Association Minutes: June, 1942-February 1945
* Item #4: Government Association Minutes: March, 1945-October 1948
* Item #5: Government Association Minutes: 1968-1969
* Item #6: Community Council 1972
Additional Materials: Books (8)
These books contain the administrative regulations in regards to grades, attendance, and conduct as well as containing the Constitution of the college.
* Western College Government Association Handbook: 1908, 1910, 1916-17, 1918-19, 1919-20
* Western College Government Association Handbook: 1920-1930
* Western College Government Association Handbook: 1930-1940
* Western College Government Association Handbook: 1941-1946
* Western College Government Association Handbook: 1946-1956
* Western College Government Association Handbook: 1956-1966
* Western College Government Association Handbook: 1966-1971
* Western College Government Association Handbook 1971-1974
- 1853-1974
- Western College (Organization)
- Western Female Seminary. Western College for Women. Western College (Organization)
Conditions Governing Use
Materials do not circulate and are made available in the Miami University Archives.
Conditions Governing Use
Materials do not circulate and are made available in the Miami University Archives.
2 Boxes ( 2 Boxes and Western College Government Association Handbooks)
Language of Materials
Physical Location
Miami University Archives, King Library, 3rd Floor, Walter Havighurst Special Collections. Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.
Repository Details
Part of the Miami University and Western College Memorial Archives Repository