Mathematics, 1828 - 2024
College of Arts and Science; Mathematics; Department Meetings; Minutes and Miscellaneous Materials; 1971-2019; Box 1 [15A-A-1A]
Contents: BOUND Formal Minutes: 1: Oct 1971 - June 1974 2: Sept 1974 - May 1976 3: May 1976 - Dec 1981 4: Jan 1982 - Dec 1987 5: Jan 1988 - Dec 1990 6: 1990 - 1991 7: Jan 1991 - Dec 1994 8: Jan 1995 - Apr 1999 9: Oct 1999 - Nov 2003 10: FOLDER: Oct 1999 - Nov 2003 11: Jan 2004 - May 2006 12: FOLDER: 2004 - 2006 13: Aug 2006 - Oct 2008 14: FOLDER: Aug 2006 - Apr 2008 15: FOLDER: Sept 2008 - Apr 2010 General Department Files: FOLDERS: 17: Bachelor Hall Floorplans 18: Bachelor Hall: 1975 - 1982: Planning and the Department Move 19: Bachelor Hall: Planning Correspondence 1976 20: Bachelor Hall: Reservations and Space Needs 21: Bachelor Hall: Requests and Office Space 1977-1997 22: Assorted Summer Overload Planning Documents 1977 - 1986 23: Enrollment 1983 - 1998 24: Department Furnishings and Organization 25: Bachelor Hall: Projects 26: Math ED Committee 1998 - 2019
College of Arts and Science; Mathematics; Department Meetings; Agendas, Notes, and Announcements; 1971-1988; Box 2 [15A-A-1B]
Contents: 1: 1971 - 1972 2: 1971 - 1972 3: 1972 - 1973 4: 1973 - 1974 5: 1973 - 1974 6: 1973 - 1974 (Copies) 7: 1974 - 1975 8: 1974 - 1975 9: 1974 - 1975 (Copies) 10: 1975 - 1976 11: 1975 - 1976 12: 1975 - 1976 (Copies) 13: 1976 - 1977 14: 1976 - 1977 15: 1976 - 1977 (Copies) 16: 1977 - 1978 17: 1977 - 1978 18: 1977 - 1978 (Copies) 19: 1978 - 1979 20: 1978 - 1979 21: 1978 - 1979 (Copies) 22: 1979 - 1980 23: 1979 - 1980 (Copies) 24: 1980 - 1981 25: 1980 - 1981 26: 1980 - 1981 (Copies) 27: 1981 - 1982 28: 1982 - 1983 29: 1983 - 1984 30: 1984 - 1985 31: 1984 - 1985 32: 1985 - 1986 33: 1985 - 1986 34: 1986 - 1987 35: 1986 - 1987 36: 1987 - 1988
College of Arts and Science; Mathematics; General Files; Miscellaneous; 1931-2016; Box 3 [15A-A-1C]
Contents: 1: BOOK: Program for the American Mathematical Society Meeting 2007 2: BOOK: The Ohio Section, 1915-1990: a 75 year celebration of the Ohio Section of the Mathmatical Association of America 3: BOOK: D. Kullman, A Centennial History of the Ohio Section of the Mathematical Association of America, 2016 4: Dissertations Awarded 1931 - 1972 5: Proposal for MS in Statistics 1970 6: AMS Annual Survey 1972 - 2009 7: Branch Campuses Committee 1973 - 1977 8: Old Rosters: Faculty 1978 - 1992 9: Guidelines for Statistics Minors 1982, 1987 10: Named Rooms 1980 - 1981: Donations and Committee Proceedings 11: Departmental Honors Calculus 1990 12: BOOK: Kennedy and Thomas, A Tangle of Mathematical Yarns v.5, 1983 13: Post Secondary Enrollment Option 1991 14: Capstones: Proposals and Reviews 1989 - 1995 15: Annual Reports - Department 1994 - 2007 16: Bachelor Hall Computer Network 1993 - 1996 17: Curriculum Changes 1998 - 1999 18: Student Advisory Board and Pi Mu Epsilon Officers 1990 - 2000 19: Collection of Recruitment Materials for New Development 2002 20: Project RADII Approval - Fall 2003 21: BOOK: Conference Program: Banach Spaces and their Applications in Analysis 2006 22: BOOK: Conference Program: Banach Spaces and their Applications in Analysis 2006 23: 5 Year Vitas - 1999-2003 -- Staff CVs 24: Assembled Staff CVs, 2007 25: Memorial Programs for Professors Emeriti: - S. Elwood Bohn - Donald L. Weber - John Shih-Hsiung Tung - Edward M. Bolger - Cynthia Yang - Everett Miltenberger - George Melvin Bloom - Carl C. Crell 26. Compilation of Materials for the Memorial of Don Koehler 1983 27: Sonia Programs and Documents 1994 - 2004 28: BINDER: Sonia 1999 - Planning Documents 29: Placement Exams 1975 - 1977 30: Placement Exams 1978 - 1988 31: Placement Exams on Web 1999 - 2002 32: Materials on Liberal Education: Notes, Senate Remarks, Department Memos, "The Miami Plan" Publications, 1986 - 1997 33: Cover Contest Designs 1978 - 2003
College of Arts and Science; Mathematics; Department Meetings and Alumni Relations; Agendas, Notes, Announcements and Miscellaneous Materials; 1979-2008; Box 4 [15A-A-2A]
Contents: Department Meetings 1988 - 2002: 1: 1988-1989 2: 1988-1989 3: 1989-1990 4: 1989- 1990 5: 1990-1991 6: 1992-1993 7: 1992-1993 8: 1993-1994 9: 1993-1994 10: 1994-1995 11: 1994-1995 12: 1995-1996 13: 1996-1997 14: 1996-1997 15: 1997-1998 16: 1998-1999 17: 1999-2002 18: BINDER: Meeting Agendas, Policies, and Announcements 1995-1999 Alumni Relations 1979-2008: 19: Aftermath Newsletter 1979-1987 20. Newsletters 1979-1992 21: Aftermath Newsletter 2000-2008 22: Terrific Science/Math Newsletter 1992-2003 23: Newsletter Resurrection 2000 24: Request for Mailing labels c. 2000 25: Newsletter "Replies" - Alumni - Fall 2000 26: Faculty and Students in the News 1999-2008 27: BOOK: Insights into Calculus - Robert C. Wrede 2007 28: BOOK: Insights into Algebra - Robert C. Wrede 2008
College of Arts and Science; Mathematics; General Files; Program Reviews and Accreditation Reports; 1974-2016; Box 5 [15A-A-2B]
Contents: 1: North Central Accreditation Self Study Report 1974 2: BOUND: North Central Accreditation Self Study Report 1984 3: BOUND: Self Study Report 1985 4: BOUND: General Department Review 1985 - 1986: Review of 1981 - 1984 Data and Drafts 5: North Central Report 1985 6: External Reviews 1986 7: Remarks by Provost Ronald Henry on the 5 Year Review Cycle 1993 8: Program Review Data 1989 - 1990 9: Student Assessment Development 1992 - 1994 10: North Central Accreditation Report and Self Study Report 1994 11: Program Review 1995 Faculty Data 1990 - 1995 12: BINDER: 1995 Program Review: Preparation and Drafts 13: BINDER: 1995 Program Review: Correspondence and Materials 14: BINDER: 1995 Program Review: Data Bank 15: BINDER: 1995 Program Review Accreditation Submission 16: BOUND: 1995 Accreditation Self Study Report 17: Program Review 2001: Self Study Report and External Review Report 18: Program Review Oct 2007 - Expenses for External Reviewers 19: Program Review fall 2016 - Expenses for External Reviewers
College of Arts and Science; Mathematics; Photos; Awards Banquets and Assorted Department Photos; 1976-2024; Box 6 [15A-A-2C]
Contents: Awards Banquets Photos 1976 - 2022: 1: 1976 2: 1977 3: 1979 4: 1980 5: 1981 6: 1982 7: 1994 8: 1995 9: 1996 10: 1997 11: 1998 12: 1999 13: 2000 14: 2002 15: 2003 16: 2005 17: 2006 18: 2007 19: 2009 20: 2010 21: 2011 22: 2012 23: 2014 24: 2017 25: 2019 26: 2022 27: n.d. 28: n.d. Assorted Department Photos 1974 - 2024: 29: 1974 Department Photos and Negatives 30: 1975 Department Photos and Negatives 31: 1982 Department Negatives 32: 1982 - 1983 Faculty Group Photos 33: 1983 Department Photos 34: 1999 - 2006 Graduate Assistants? 35: 2018 - 2020 Graduate Assistants 36: 2019 - 2020 Graduate Assistants 37: 2021 - 2022 Graduate Assistants 38: 2022 - 2024 Graduate Assistants 39: Faculty Group Photos n.d. 40: Pictures Assorted 1981 - 2000 41: Assorted Photos n.d. 2002? 42: Assorted Photos 2002 - 2013 43: n.d. Assorted Photos
College of Arts and Science; Mathematics; Photos; Conferences, Events and Faculty; 1976-2013; Box 7 [15A-A-3A]
Contents: Mathematics Conferences 1976 - 2013: 1: 1976 Recreational Mathematics Conference Photos and Negatives 2: 1977 Math and Statistics Conference 3: 1978 Math and Statistics Conference 4: 1979 Math and Statistics Conference 5: 1980 Math and Statistics Conference 6: 1981 Math and Statistics Conference 7: 1982 Math and Statistics Conference 8: 1999 Math and Statistics Conference 9: 2000 Math and Statistics Conference 10: Mathfest 2001 Photos 11: 2002 Mathematical Association of America, Xavier University 12: Ray Joshua Conference Pictures 2003 13: 2003 Mathfest Photos Jan 15-18 14: 2003 Pi Mu Epsilon Student Conference 15: 2004 Math and Statistics Conference 16: 2004 Mathematics Conference, Wisconsin 17: 2005 Math and Statistics Conference 18: 2006 Math and Statistics Conference 19: 2007 Math and Statistics Conference 20: 2010 Math and Statistics Conference 21: 2013 Math and Statistics Conference Other Events and Faculty Photos 1995 - 2006: 22: 1995 Sonia Day 23: Sonia K Day 2003 24: 2004 High School Mathematics Competition 25: 2006 High School Mathematics Competition 26: n.d. Sonia Day 27: Faculty Assorted Photos n.d. 28: BOOK: "Introducing the Faculty of the College of Arts and Science," 1986 - Headshots and Bios of all faculty of CAS
College of Arts and Science; Mathematics; General Files; Miscellaneous; 1971-2008; Box 8 [15A-A-3B]
1. Faculty Publications:
Individual Articles:
2015 - D.S. Keeler - Noncommunative ampleness from finite endomorphisms
2015 - Vahagn Manukian - On travelling waves of the Gray-Scott Model
2016 - Narcisse Randrianantoanina and Lian Wu - Noncommunicative fractional integrals
2015 - Narcisse Randrianantoanina and Lian Wu - Marginale inequalities in Noncommunicative Symmetric Spaces
2017 - Tao Jiang and Zevimiller - On the Bandwidth of the Kneser Graph
2013 - Bruce A. Magurn - Negative k-Theory of generalized Quaternion Groups and Binary Polyhedral Groups
2014 - Zevi Miller and Dan Pritikin - Embedding multidimentional grids into optimal hypercubes
2012 - Narcisse Randrianantoanina - Grothendieck's Theorem and Operator integral mappings
2013 - Narcisse Randrianantoanina - A remark on maximal functions for noncommunicative marginales
2. Faculty Articles: Non-academic - Notable Newspaper Mentions
3. Orientation Booklets and Other School Newsletters
4. 1985-1986 Proposal for Dept. of Statistics
Notable Staff, Alumni, Gifts, and Endowments:
5. Harry S. Pollard
6. Votaw Gift (Anderson Scholarship)
7. Sonia Kovalevsky Dan Endowment
8. The Herda Fund - (Spring 2005)
9. Erickson Memorial Fund
10. Barney Gift for Faculty Development
Department Planning and Goals:
11. 1980 and Earlier
12. 1981-1984 Self Study Report and Department Goals
13. 1984-1989 Department Goals
14. 1990-1995 Department Planning
Colloquium Planning Materials:
15. 1992-1993
16. 1993-1994
17. 1994-1995
18. 1995-1996
19. 1996-1997
20. 1997-1998
21. 1998-1999
22. 1999-2000
23. Colloquium Talks 2000-2008: Fliers
Memorial Copies of Faculty Publications:
24. 2005 - Zoltan Tiber Balogh - Memorial Copy of "Topology and its Applications"
25. 1997 - Edward Bolgar - Memorial Copy of "Game Theory and Related Topics"
Department Catalogues:
26. 1970-1981
27. 1983-1993
28. 1994-2004
29. 1996-2005 Department Catalogue Drafts
30. BINDER: Department Catalogues and Course Listings between 1971-2000
College of Arts and Science; Mathematics; General Files; Miscellaneous; 1963-2004; Box 9 [15A-A-3C]
MU Math and Stats Conferences: planning documents, programs, and handouts
1. 1980
2. 1981
3. 1989 - Conference Proceedings Booklet
4. 1995
5. 1996
6. 1997
7. 1998
8. 1999
9. 2000
10. 2001
11. 2002
12. 2003
13. 2004
Distinguished Visiting Professorship Position Files:
14. Distinguished Visiting Professorship - Creation
15. 1988-1989, 1989-1990, 1990-1991
16. 1991-1992 - Alster
17. 1993-1994 - Studniarsky
18. 1994-1995 - Stoyanov
19. 1995-1996 - Juhasz
20. 1996-1997 - Roman Pol
21. 1997-1998 - Kutzarova
22. 1998-1999 - Sudborough
23. 1999-2000 - Sudborough?
24. 2000-2001 - Lennard
Awards and Prizes - Recipients, Values, Dinner Programs, Ceremony Information
25. Collected Materials between 1963-1984
- 1965
- 1970
- 1971
- 1972
- 1973
- 1974
- 1975
- 1976
- 1977
- 1978
- 1979
- 1980
- 1981
- 1982
- 1983
- 1984
26. 1985-1993
27. 1994
28. 1995
29. 1996
30. 1997
31. 1998
32. 1999
Assorted Files:
33. Governance Documents - Old Versions
- 1971 - College of Arts and Science Requirements for Governance Documents
- 1974
- 1977
- 1980
- 1987
- 1990
- 1991
- 1992
- 1996
34. Department Governace and Tenure Documents 1997-2006
35. Direct Correspondence with Students and Alumni 1988-2002
36. N.G. de Bruijn, The Netherlands - Correspondence
37. Project Discovery Math Participants 1993
38. Project Discovery Math Participants 1994
39. TOPO 2000 - July Topology Conference at MU
40. Sigma Chi Huffman Scholar 2000 - John Fauvel
41. MAA Summer Short Course 1999
42. Dennison Algebra Conference 1995
43. MAA Section Meeting 1994
44. Optimization Miniconference 1994
45. Graph Theory Conference 1993
46. Analysis Conference
47. TIME National Meeting 1992
48. Annual Department Activity Reports 1986-1993
49. 2002 - 5 Year Review of MTH Foundation Courses
50. 1997-1998 Department FTE (enrollment) report and summary of summer and fall 1997
51. Graduate Survey Results - 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001
52. OBOR Program Review Self-Study Report 1985
53. Outside Reviews: 1970s
54. BINDER: 1995 Program Review - Committee Requests, Stats, and Results
College of Arts and Science; Mathematics; General Files; Yearly Folders; 1978-1995; Box 10 [15A-A-4A]
Contents: Yearly Folders; - Faculty Course teaching Assignments - GA Schedules - Faculty selections - Department Correspondence - Faculty/Student Directories - Student Advisory Board Elections - Help Session information - Funding requests - Overload requests - Student Employee files 1. 1978-1979 Fall 2. 1979-1980 Fall 3. 1979-1980 Spring 4. 1979-1980 Summer 5. 1980-1981 Fall 6. 1980-1981 Spring 7. 1980-1981 Summer 8. 1981-1982 Fall 9. 1981-1982 Spring 10. 1981-1982 Summer 11. 1982-1983 Fall 12. 1982-1983 Spring 13. 1983-1984 Fall 14. 1983-1984 Spring 15. 1983-1984 Summer 16. 1984-1985 Fall 17. 1984-1985 Spring 18. 1984-1985 Summer 19. 1985-1986 Fall 20. 1985-1986 Spring 21. 1985-1986 Summer 22. 1986-1987 Fall 23. 1986-1987 Spring 24. 1987 Summer 25. 1987-1988 Fall 26. 1987-1988 Spring 27. 1988 Summer 28. 1988-1989 Fall 29. 1988-1989 Spring 30. 1989 Summer 31. 1989 Fall 32. 1990 Spring 33. 1990 Fall 34. 1991 Spring 35. 1991 Summer 36. 1991 Fall 37. 1992 Spring 38. 1992 Summer 29. 1992 Fall 30. 1993 Spring 31. 1993 Summer 32. 1993 Fall 33. 1994 Spring 34. 1994 Sumer 35. 1994 Fall 36. 1995 Spring 37. 1995 Summer 38. 1995 Fal
College of Arts and Science; Mathematics; General Files; Tenure and Academic Planning Materials; 1987-2008; Box 11 [15A-A-4B]
Contents: Binders
Tenure Committee Binders: Containing correspondence with candidates, committee minutes, recommendations, and candidate reviews.
1. 1979-1997
2. 1997-2000
3. 2000-2004
4. 2005-2007
Full Professor Committee Binder: Minutes for meetings considering tenure track faculty and measurement of department goals
5. 1993-2008
Academic Planning binder: outlines the academic and department goals for the mathematics department
6. 1987-1991
For further materials concerning the requirements for tenure positions and the considerations of candidates, see "Department Planning and Goals" and Governance Documents Folders 33 and 34 in Box 8.
College of Arts and Science; Mathematics; General Files; Photos and Department History; 1828-2015; Box 12 [15A-A-4C]
Department History Folders - Curated by Department Chairs: generally include biographic material of past faculty, copied historic materials, and important departmental events.
1. Math at Old Miami: histories, lists of faculty
2. History Miami Math/Stat: Assorted Materials
3. John E. Annan: Photocopied correspondence c.1828-c.1836
4. Robert W. Mcfarland: Biographic Materials, Collected materials and press references
5. John W. Armstrong: Letter from Miami Students to Professor John W. Armstrong of Ohio University
6. J. Paul Albert: Miami Faculty 1925-1962, Emeritus 1962-1973
7. William E. Anderson: Short history
8. Eric Erickson: Copied biographies, Miami official memorial
9. Pages from Old Miami Catalogs
10. Math Faculty 1950-2000: Memorials and Departmental Momentos
11. MU History of Statistics: History by John Skillings, program planning and program proposal
12. Miami and Cincinnati Telescopes: Mcfarland telescope history, Culler Hall Observatory, materials and news clippings
13. 2004: 1 disc
14. 2005: 3 discs and 3 copies
15. 2007: 1 disc
16. 2008: 3 discs
17. 2011: 3 discs
18. 2012: 2 discs and call for participants flyer
SUMSRI Materials
19. 2013 Participant Handbook
20. 2015 Participant Handbook
College of Arts and Science; Mathematics; Photos; Faculty; 1981-1986; Box 13 [1P-C-4A]
Contents: Large Faculty Photos with captions, previously displayed.
Annual Faculty Photos
1. Academic Year 1981-1982
2. Academic Year 1983-1984
3. Academic Year 1984-1985
4. Academic Year 1985-1986
- Creation: 1828 - 2024
- Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) (Organization)
- Department of Mathematics. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) (Organization)
Conditions Governing Access
Materials do not circulate and are made available to users in the Miami University Archives.
Conditions Governing Use
Materials do not circulate. Items may only be used in Special Collections Reading Room.
7 Boxes
Language of Materials
Physical Location
Miami University Archives, King Library, 3rd Floor, Walter Havighurst Special Collections, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
- Department of Mathematics. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) (Organization)
Genre / Form
- Accreditation
- Alumni and Former Student Directories
- Bachelor Hall
- Buildings and Construction
- Conferences, Conventions, Symposia
- Department of Mathematics -- Miami University (Oxford, Ohio)
- Events -- Miami University (Oxford, Ohio)
- Mathematics
- Minutes and Materials
- Miscellaneous
- Office Files
- Photographs
- Program Reviews
- Scholarship Recognition, Awards, Programs, Academic Records
- Box: 1; College of Arts and Science; Mathematics; Department Meetings; Minutes and Miscellaneous Materials; 1971-2019; [15A-A-1A] (Text)
- Box: 2; College of Arts and Science; Mathematics; Department Meetings; Agendas, Notes, and Announcements; 1971-1988; [15A-A-1B] (Text)
- Box: 3; College of Arts and Science; Mathematics; General Files; Miscellaneous; 1931-2016; [15A-A-1C] (Text)
- Box: 4; College of Arts and Science; Mathematics; Department Meetings and Alumni Relations; Agendas, Notes, Announcements and Miscellaneous Materials; 1979-2008; [15A-A-2A] (Text)
- Box: 5; College of Arts and Science; Mathematics; General Files; Program Reviews and Accreditation Reports; 1974-2016; [15A-A-2B] (Text)
- Box: 6; College of Arts and Science; Mathematics; Photos; Awards Banquets and Assorted Department Photos; 1976-2024; [15A-A-2C] (Text)
- Box: 7; College of Arts and Science; Mathematics; Photos; Conferences, Events and Faculty; 1976-2013; [15A-A-3A] (Text)
- Box: 8; College of Arts and Science; Mathematics; General Files; Miscellaneous; 1971-2008; [15A-A-3B] (Text)
- Box: 9; College of Arts and Science; Mathematics; General Files; Miscellaneous; 1963-2004; [15A-A-3C] (Text)
- Box: 10; College of Arts and Science; Mathematics; General Files; Yearly Folders; 1973-1995; [15A-A-4A] (Text)
- Box: 11; College of Arts and Science; Mathematics; General Files; Tenure and Academic Planning Materials; 1987-2008; [15A-A-4B] (Text)
- Box: 12; College of Arts and Science; Mathematics; General Files; Photos and Department History; 1828-2015; [15A-A-4C] (Graphic Materials)
- Box: 13; College of Arts and Science; Mathematics; Photos; Faculty; 1981-1986; [1P-C-4A] (Graphic Materials)
Repository Details
Part of the Miami University and Western College Memorial Archives Repository