Student Publications, 1827 - 2018
Student Life; Student Publications; Drawing a Crowd: An editorial Cartoonist's look at Miami University and Beyond, by Charlie Zimkus; 2000 [1A-E-Shelf 4] Reference Section! Compilation of Zimkus cartoons that appeared in The Miami Student from 1996 to 1999 Call Number: LD3241 .M533 Z56 2000 c.1 and c.2
Student Life; Student Publications; Literary Register [Bound]; 1829 [3A-J-2A] Contents: 1. v.2, new ser. n.15 (April 4, 1829) 2. v.2, new ser. n.17 (April 15, 1829) 3. v.2, new ser. n.18 (April 25, 1829) 4. v.2, new ser. n.19 (May 2, 1829) [fragment] 5. v.2, new ser. n.20 (May 9, 1829) 6. v.2, new ser. n.21 (May 16, 1829) 7. v.2, new ser. n.23 (May 30, 1829) 8. v.2, new ser. n.24 (June 6, 1829) 9. v.2, new ser. n.25 (June 20, 1829) 10. v.2, new ser. n.26 (June 27, 1829)
Student Life; Student Publications; Off Campus Voice [Bound]; 1977-78 [3A-J-2C]
Student Life; Student Publications; Literary Focus [Bound] v.1; 1827-28 [3A-J-3A]
Student Life; Student Publications; Miami Monthly, v.01 [Bound]; 1861 [3A-J-3A]
Student Life; Student Publications; Convergence, v.1-3 [Bound]; 1982-83 [3A-J-3A]
Student Life; Student Publications; Inklings: Miami University's Undergraduate Magazine of Arts and Letters; 1993-2013; Box 1 [3A-J-3C] Contents: 1. v. 4 (1992) 2. v. 5 (1993) 3. v. 6 (1994) 4. v. 7 (1995) 5. v. 8 (1996) 6. v. 9 (1996-97) 7. v. 10 (1997-98) 8. v. 11 (1998-99) 9. v. 12 (1999-2000) 10. v. 13 (2000-01) 11. v.14 (2001-02) 12. v. 15, n.1-2 (Fall 2002-Spring 2003) 13. v. 15, n. 3 [The Best of Inklings 2002-03) 14. v. 16 (2004) 15. v. 17 (Winter 2005) 16. v.19 Issue 2 Fall 2006 17. v.18 (Winter 2006) 18. v. 19 (Spring 2006) Issue 2 19. v.20 (Fall 2007) 20. v. 21 (Winter 2007) Issue 1 21. v.20 (Spring 2007) Issue 2 22 . v. 21 (Spring 2008) Issue 2 23. v. 22 (Winter 2008) 24. v. 23 (Fall 2009) 25. v.24 (Fall 2010) 26. v.24, n.2 (Spring 2011) 27. v. 25, n.1 (Fall 2011) 28. v.15[?] (Spring 2012) 29. (Fall 2012) 30. (Spring 2013) 31. (Fall 2013)
Student Life; Student Publications; Inklings: Miami University's Undergraduate Magazine of Arts and Letters; 2014-; Box 2 [3A-J-4A] Contents: 1. Spring 2014 2. Fall 2014 3. Spring 2015 4. Fall 2015 5. Spring 2018 6. Fall 2019 Volume 23
Student Life; Student Publications; MQ: Miami Quarterly; 2005-; Box 1 [3A-J-6B] Files: 1. March 2005 2. October 2005 3. November 2005 4. February 2006 5. March 2006 6. September / October 2006 7. November 2006 8. December 2006 9. January 2007 10. March 2007 11. April 2007 12. October 2007 13. December 2007 14. March 2008 15. April 2008 16. October 2008 17. December 2008 18. February 2009 19. April 2009 20. October 2009 21. March 2010 22. October 2010 23. December 2010 24. February 2011 25. April 2011 26. October 2011 27. December 2011 28. February 2012 29. April 2012 30. October 2012 31. December 2012 32. February 2013 33. April 2013 34. October 2013 35. December 2013 36. March 2014 37. May 2014 38. December 2014 39. May 2015 40. March 2016 41. Fall 2019 42. Spring 2019 43. November 2020 44. November 2021
Student Life; Student Publications; Miscellaneous Student Publications, A-G; Box 1 [3A-J-7A] Files: 1. Ajar/an independent forum for social change v.1 n.1;v.1 n.2; v.1 n.3 - (March 1998- ) 2. And the Vine Grew. The Poets' Circle (1947) 3. The Arena / The Greek Arena (1989-) 4. As We See It. Association for Women Students v.1- (October 1982-) [missing] 5. ASG Insider (1990- ) 6. Bachelor Bylines (Spring, Fall 1989) 7. Beyond the Brick. Communication from Associated Student Government, v.1 n.5 (198-) 8. Black Opinion v.2 n.1- (February 1971- ) 9. Black Opinion. Black Student Action Association (December 1980) 10. BSAC Forum. Business Student Advisory Council (1994- ) 11. Brickwork (no.1,18 November 2013- ) 12. CAC Incognito. Campus Activities Council (October/November 1995- ) 13. Columns (1968-70) 14. Community Journal / [Unknown Butler County Activist Group) (1974) 15. Commuter Chronicle nos.1- (December 1976- ) 16. Commuter News: Miami University Commuter Association Newsletter (1975 - ) 17. Commuter Newsletter: Miami University Commuter Association (Nov. 1973- ) 18. Commuter Newsletter / Organization of Commuting Students (1984) 19. Crimson Towers: A Collection from the Writings of Miami Students (1924) 20. Crimson Towers: Selected Writings of Students at Miami (1924-25) 21. Crimson Towers (May 1926)
Student Life; Student Publications; Miscellaneous Student Publications, Cr-Gr; 1943-; Box 2 [3A-J-7A] Files: 1. Crucible / Miami University Multicultura; Publication 2. Dispatch / United State Naval Training School, Miami University, v.1, n.10, 11, 13-21 (1943-44) 3. Do It At Miami (1976-77) 4. Early Journalism at Miami [Miami University Bulletin ns. 14, n. 10, Alumni News Letter (June 1916), pp. 6-10] [missing] 5. Effusions / Miami University Art History Association (Spring 1999- ) 6. Environmental Focus / Environmental Geology Dept., v. 1 (1991-92) [missing] 7. Environmental Focus / Environmental Geology Dept. v. 2 (1992) [missing] 8. Equality 41: The Help Yourself Paper (December 1973) 8a. Exodus for Black Women on the Move, Winter 1994 9. FCS Graduate Student Newsletter / Department of Family and Consumer Sciences (January 1992- ) 10. The Femellectual / Miami University Women's Center (Fall 2011- ) 10A. Fragments (Spring 2008) 11. Globally Speaking: A Division of Miami Marketing Enterprises (1994- 12. Glossolalia, Writings from the Western College Program . . . (1992-93) 13. Gorilla Dispatch (Spring 1982; Winter 1982) 14. GPR--April: Poetry Month (n.d.)["The poets collected here are graduate students in Creative Writing at Miami University"] 15. Graduate Student Free Press (1969-70) [v.1 n.1 (October 8, 1969); v.2 n.1 (September 1970)] 16. Graduate Student Newsletter, v.1, n.1 (October 1967) 17. Greek Columns (1980-81) v.2, n.2-3 (November 1, December 12, 1979); v.3, n.4-6 (December 9, 1980; March 3, 1981); v.6, n.3 (October 18, 1983) 18. The Greek Independent (1973-74) [v.1 n.1 (November 29, 1973); v.2 n.1 (November 8, 1974); v.2 n.2 (December 6, 1974)] 19. Greek Reflections: The Miami University Greek Annual Report (1994/95- ) 20. Greek Update (1994- ) 21. Greeks Illustrated / A Publication of the PR Committee, v.3 - (2003- )
Student Life; Student Publications; Miscellaneous Student Publications, Gr-Li; Box 3 [3A-J-7B] Files: 1. Green Quill, v.1 n.1-2 (1937-38) 1A. Green Quill, (1938) 2. Hammer Times \ Habitat for Humanity (March 2000- ) 2A. Happy Captive Magazine (2015-2016) 3. High St. Express, v.1 (Nov 1982); v.2 (Dec 1982) 4. Hogan's Alley, v.1 n.2 (May 1924) [Lover's Number]; v.3 n.2 (April 1925) [Censored Number] 5. Honorably Speaking / Honors Student Board (1988-89) 6. Honorably Speaking / Honors Student Board (1989-90) 7. Honorably Speaking / Honors Student Board (1990-91) 8. Honorably Speaking / Honors Student Board (1991-92) 9. Honorably Speaking / Honors Student Board (1992-93) 10. Honorably Speaking / Honors Student Board (1993-94) 11. Honorably Speaking/Honors Student Board (1994-95) 12. Honorably Speaking/Honors Student Board (1996-97) 13. Honorably Speaking/Honors Student Board (1997-98) 13A. Honors and Scholars Update (Fall 2005 - ) 14. The House of the Lord. The Poets' Circle (1942) 15. Ideosplatus. Miami Conservative Club (November 15, 1969) 16. The Illiterate Indigest. Sigma Delta Chi (v.44, n.20 [March 3, 1922]; [December 19. 1923]) 17. In a Tongue of Our Own Devising: Writings From the Western College Program (1991-92) [2 folders] 18. Inklings [Before 1992, see under Permanent Press] 19. The Inner Source. News of Associated Student Government v.1 Issues 3,4,9; v.2 Issue 8 20. Kaos: Miami University Middletown Campus, v.3, no 4 (October 15, 1968); v. 9, no. 3 (November 11, 1974) 21. King James Virgin (April 16, 1946) 22. Legal and Consumer Information / Student Housing Service, Associated Student Government (1983-84) 23. Let's Communicate. Associated Student Government (1977- ) 24. Light/Oluxuos. Published by the Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Association, v.1, n.1 (November 1957 - ) 25. Literary Register: Examples of Anti-militarism [Miami University Bulletin, ser.37, n.9 (May 1939), pp. 11-12] 26. Literary Register: Examples of Humor [newspaper article]
Student Life; Student Publications; Miscellaneous Student Publications, Mc-Mi; Box 4 [3A-J-7C] Files: 1. Mandala, vol. 1, nos. 1-3 (January 16-March 6, 1970) In Preservation Department 2. The Mandrake Root, v.1, nos. 1-2 (Winter 1971-Spring 1971 3. Mark LXIII: Sophomore Class Newsletter, v.1 n.1 (December 15, 1960) 4. The Mask, v.? (May 1930); v.1 n.3 (Spring 1931) 5. Maximum Miami v.1, n.1- (2003- ) 5A. McGuffey Report Card (Winter 2005) 6. Meditations from the Manse/Comparative Religion Student Association v.1, n.2 - (March 28, 2000-) 7. The Miami, v.1 n.1 (May 1919) 8. The Miami, v.1 n.2 (December 1919) 9. The Miami, v.1 n.3 (March 1920) 10. The Miami, v.1 n.4 (June 1920) 11. The Miami, v.2 n.1 (December 1920) 12. The Miami, v.2 n.2 (February 1921) 13. The Miami, v.2 n.3 (April 1921)[Spring Issue] 14. The Miami Alumnus a. March 1959 b. Feb 1974 c. Jan 1980
Student Life; Student Publications; Miscellaneous Student Publications, Mi-Mi; Box 5 [3A-J-7C] Files: 1. The Miami, v.2 n.4 (June 1921) 2. The Miami, v.3 n.1 (January 1922) 3. The Miami, v.3 n.2 (April 1922) 4. The Miami, v.3 n.3 (May 1922) 5. The Miami, v.3 n.4 (June 1922) 6. The Miami, v.4 n.3 (June 1923) 7. The Miami: Correspondence 8. Miami Forum (1991-93) 9. Miami Forum (1993-96) 10. Miami Forum (1996-97) 11. Miami Forum (1997-98) 12. Miami in Motion / Executive Class Council, v. 1, nos. 1-4 (November 1, 1971-April 3, 1972) 13. Miami Inquisition (1980) 14. Miami Observer / MU Students for Peace and Justice (November 2005- )
Student Life: Student Publications; Miscellaneous Student Publications; Mi- 1. The Miami, v.2 n.4 (June 1921) 2. The Miami, v.3 n.1 (January 1922) 3. The Miami, v.3 n.2 (April 1922) 4. The Miami, v.3 n.3 (May 1922) 5. The Miami, v.3 n.4 (June 1922) 6. The Miami, v.4 n.3 (June 1923) 7. The Miami: Correspondence 8. Miami Forum (1991-93) 9. Miami Forum (1993-96) 10. Miami Forum (1996-97) 11. Miami Forum (1997-98) 12. Miami in Motion / Executive Class Council, v. 1, nos. 1-4 (November 1, 1971-April 3, 1972) 13. Miami Inquisition (1980) 14. Miami Observer / MU Students for Peace and Justice (November 2005- )
Student Life; Student Publications; Miscellaneous Student Publications, Mi-Mu; Box 7 [3A-K-1A] Files: 1. Miami Mugwump (n.d.) 2. Miami Nude and Naked (1909) [Includes xerox and Receipt from J. H. Walker, Pinkerton's National Detective Agency, dated June 1909, for $6.00 paid by Dr. Benton "a/c Operation 'Miami Nude and Naked'"] 2A. Miami Monthly, v.1, n.1-5 (January-May 1861) [bound] 3. Miami Review (1993) 4. Miami Review (1994, 1997) 5. "The Miami Student" v.2 n.2 (February 8, 1933) 6. "Miami Studente" (October 25, 1989) 7. Miami Tomahawk: Policies and Procedures 8. Miami University, Oxford, Ohio (1993) [missing] 9. The Miami Voice / College Republicans (April 11, 2005- ) 10. The Miamian (April 1, 1977) 11. Miampus (1928) [v.1 n.1 (February 1928); v.1 n.2 (April 1928); v.1 n.3 (May 1928)] 12. Miampus, v.1 n.1 (Spring 1941?) 13. Miampus: Reaction to 1941 Trial Issue 14. The Mi-Newmanian. Offical Publication of the Newman Club of Miami University. Published . . . by and for the Catholic students of the University (1938-39) 15. Mother Apostle Review, no. 2 (October 21, 1969) [With disclaimer letter from United Campus Ministry] 16. Motherless Miami: The Off-Campus Newspaper 17. M.U.C. Gazette. Miami University Choraliers, v.1 n.1 (November 1970) 18. MUCA Messenger (n.d.) 19. MUSFA Alumni Magazine / Miami University Science Fiction Association v.1, no.2 (1963?)
Student Life; Student Publications; Miscellaneous Student Publications, N-Ri; Box 8 [3A-K-1B] Files: 1. Newsletter/Japanese Culture and Language Club (March 1994- ) [missing] 1A. Newsletter - General Honors Curriculum, nos.1-9 (1981) 1B. Newsletter - General Honors Curriculum, nos.1-8 (1982) 2. OASIS Newsletter / Older and Succeeding, v.1, n.1- (August 1996-) 3. OCS Newsletter / Organization of Commuting Students (1984-) 4. Odyssey (2011- ) 5. Off-Campus Chronicle / Associated Student Government (n.d.) 6. Off-Campus Voice / Associated Student Government (v.1 n.2- [December 8, 1976- ]) 6A. Off-Campus Voice / Associated Student Government (1977-1978) 7. On the Right at Miami: A Student Journal of Opinion (1966-67) 8. Our Life: Hepburn (1943-44) 9. Oxford Leisure Manual, v.5 (December 1980?) 10. The Oxonian, v.1 n.1 (January 1856)[The first and only number published by students of Miami in cooperation with students of Western, the Theological Seminary, and Oxford College] 11. The Oxonian Ox, v.1 n.1 (August 1, 1934) 12. Peck's Edition, v.9, nos.1-12 (1969-75; 1977-1978) 13. Permanent Press / Miami's Undergraduate Literary Magazine, v.2 (1990) 14. Permanent Press / Miami University Undergraduate Literary Selections, v.3 (Spring 1991) Permanent Press [After 1991, see under Inklings] 15. Plague (1960-1965)[December 1960; February 1961; January 1962; March 1963; September 1964; Winter 1964/65; Spring 1965; 1968?) 16. Principles: The Newsletter of Miami University's Greek Values Society v.1, n.1- (Spring 1998- ) 17. Prism Magazine (Fall 2009- ) 18. The Probe, v.1 n.1 (April 16, 1932) 19. Progressive News (1979) [v.1 n.3 (March 1979); v.1 n.4 (April 1979) 20. Publications Board Alert to Student Publications (n.d.) 21. The Ragamuffin (1992-93) 22. Recensio: Correspondence 23. Recensio (1893) [Pictures only] 24. Redskin Report / Miami University College Republicans v.1, n.1- (December 1996- ) 25. Resume: Miami/Western (1964-65) [v.1 n.2, 4-9 (March 9-May 17, 1964)] 26. Resume: Miami/Western (1964-65) [v.2 n.1-22 (October 12, 1964-May 10, 1965) 27. Resume: Miami/Western (1965-66) [v.3, n.3, 5-11, 13-20 (October 18, 1965-April 3, 1966)] 28. Resume: Miami/Western (1966) [v.4, n.1-4 (October 10-November 6, 1966)] 29. Rhymes and Tales by the Fifth Grade of McGuffey Laboratory School (1916-17) 30. Rightly So. Miami Conservative Club (1970-71) [v.1 n.1 (November 1970); v.1 n.2 (December 1970); v.1 n.3 (April 1971)
Student Life; Student Publications; Miscellaneous Student Publications, Ro-U; Box 9 [3A-K-1C] Files: 1. The Rotunda: The Newsletter of Miami University's Chapter of the American Institute of Architecture Students (1992-) 2. Royal Flush. Associated Women Students [scattered undated issues] 3. The Scuttlebutt (March 2, 1992) 4. Show Your Opposition to Black Oppression in South Africa. Committee Against Apartheid (February 23, 1978) 5. Student Senator, v.1, n.1 (February 14, 1973) 6. The Subclavian Artery (1969?) 7. The Termite (April 22, 1941) 8. That Damn Newsletter / McGuffey ? (May 1991) 8A. Think Miami: The Black Student's Perspective (1986-1987) 9. The Thread ["a monthly Christian magazine"] (February 2002- ) 10. Truth Nasty Truth, v.1 n.1 (1922?) 11. 12 at Miami University (1969) 12. Understory, v.1 (1992-93) 13. Understory, v.2 (1993-94) 14. Understory, v.3 (1994-95) 15. Understory, v.4 (1995-96) 16. Understory, v.5 (1996-97) 16A. United States Naval Training School (n.d.) 17. University Clarion, v.1 n.1 (December 1859) 18. Up Magazine (2009 -) [2 folders]
Student Life; Student Publications; Miscellaneous Student Publications, V-Z; Box 10 [3A-K-1C] Files: 1. Vet Village News (1946) [v.1 n.1-13 (September 25-December 18, 1946)] In Preservation Dept. 2. Vet Village News (1947) [v.1 n. 14-18 (January 8-February 5, 1947)] In Preserervation Dept. 3. Villagenda. Veterans' Village (n.d.) 4. The Voice. Associated Student Government (1991- ) 5. Voices: Listening to Ourselves, Listening to Each Other / Women's Studies Capstone Class (1997) 6. Watchtower [a parody program](2002- ) 7. WMSR Poster (1989)/ WMSR Revolution / WMSR Miami Student Radio, v.96, no.1 8. WomanSpace / Association for Women Students (February/March 1991- ) 9. Womonspace. Associated Women Students, v.1 (1989-90) 10. Ye Olde Hepburn Log (1942-43) 11. The Yellow Fever. Phi Beta Phi (May 30, 1929; March 26, 1931) 12. The Yellow Peril. Phi Beta Phi (April 19, 1927; March 24, 1932; April 24, 1935)
Student Life; Student Publications; Hogan's Alley: 1924 (April, May, November, December)[Bound]; 1924 [3A-K-2B]
Student Life; Student Publications; Hogan's Alley: 1925 (February-May)[Bound]; 1925 [3A-K-2B]
Student Life; Student Publications; Praxis; 1974-76 [3A-K-2B]
Student Life; Student Publications; Miami Journal Bibliography, 1886-1888 By Olive L. Woodworth. Call #: Archives/ LH/1/.M5/A42x [1A-E-Shelf 6] Reference Section
- Creation: 1827 - 2018
Conditions Governing Access
Materials do not circulate and are made available to users in the Miami University Archives.
Conditions Governing Use
Materials do circulate and may only be used in the archives.
13 Boxes
10 Volumes
Language of Materials
Physical Location
Miami University Archives, King Library, 3rd Floor, Walter Havighurst Special Collections, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
- Black Opinion; Student Publications
- Femellectual; Student Publications
- Inklings
- Literary Focus
- Literary Register
- Student Publications; Convergence
- Student Publications; Hogan's Alley
- Student Publications; MQ: Miami Quarterly
- Student Publications; Miami Monthly
- Student Publications; Off Campus Voice
- Student Publications; Off Campus Voice
- Student Publications; Praxis
- Student Publications; Praxis
- Vet Village News; Student Publications
- Volume: Student Publications; Drawing a Crowd: An editorial Cartoonist's look at Miami University and Beyond, by Charlie Zimkus; 2000; 1A-E-Shelf 4 (Books)
- Volume: Student Publications; Literary Register [Bound]; 1829; 3A-J-2A (Books)
- Volume: Student Publications; Off Campus Voice [Bound]; 1977-78; 3A-J-2C (Books)
- Volume: Student Publications; Literary Focus [Bound] v.1; 1827-28; 3A-J-3A (Books)
- Volume: Student Publications; Miami Monthly, v.01 [Bound]; 1861; 3A-J-3A (Books)
- Volume: Student Publications; Convergence, v.1-3 [Bound]; 1982-83; 3A-J-3A (Books)
- Box: 1; Student Publications; Inklings: Miami University's Undergraduate Magazine of Arts and Letters; 1993-2013; 3A-J-3C (Text)
- Box: 2; Student Publications; Inklings: Miami University's Undergraduate Magazine of Arts and Letters; 2014-; 3A-J-4A (Text)
- Box: 1; Student Publications; MQ: Miami Quarterly; 2005-16; 3A-J-6B (Text)
- Box: 1; Student Publications; Miscellaneous Student Publications, A-G; 3A-J-7A (Text)
- Box: 2; Student Publications; Miscellaneous Student Publications, Cr-Gr; 1943-; 3A-J-7A (Text)
- Box: 3; Student Publications; Miscellaneous Student Publications, Gr-Li; 3A-J-7B (Text)
- Box: 4; Student Publications; Miscellaneous Student Publications, Mc-Mi; 3A-J-7C (Text)
- Box: 5; Student Publications; Miscellaneous Student Publications, Mi-Mi; 3A-J-7C (Text)
- Box: 6; Student Publications; Miscellaneous Student Publications, Mi-Mi; 3A-K-1A (Text)
- Box: 7; Student Publications; Miscellaneous Student Publications, Mi-Mu; 3A-K-1A (Text)
- Box: 8; Student Publications; Miscellaneous Student Publications, N-Ri; 3A-K-1B (Text)
- Box: 9; Student Publications; Miscellaneous Student Publications, Ro-U; 3A-K-1C (Text)
- Box: 10; Student Publications; Miscellaneous Student Publications, V-Z; 3A-K-1C (Text)
- Volume: Student Publications; Hogan's Alley: 1924 (April, May, November, December)[Bound]; 1924; 3A-K-2B (Books)
- Volume: Student Publications; Hogan's Alley: 1925 (February-May)[Bound]; 1925; 3A-K-2B (Books)
- Volume: Student Publications; Praxis; 1974-76; 3A-K-2B (Books)
- Volume: Student Publications; Miami Journal Bibliography, 1886-1888 (Books)
Repository Details
Part of the Miami University and Western College Memorial Archives Repository