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Williamson, C.K., 1981 - 1985

 Sub-Group — Multiple Containers


Academic Affairs/Provost; Williamson, C.K.; Office Files; 1981-85; Box 1 [17A-G-6B] Files: 1. ARMCO 1-A. Art Building Information, March 1984- 2. Artist Series Problems 3. Auble, Don - Memos of 1984 4. Biographic Information System 5. Biological Sciences Building 6. Budget and Staffing, 1983-84 7. Budgeting for Forensic and Musical Organizations 8. Building Utilization Plan, May 1984 9. Cable Channel 29 - July 1983 10. Celestes Strategic Plan 11. Central States Universities Incorporated, July 1982 12. Charter Day 13. Cinn Comm Systems 14. Computers - Misc. Information, 1984 15. Consortium - Greater Cincinnati 16. Consortium, Dayton - Miami Valley 17. "Cradle of Coaches Program" (SEAP) Begin May 1984 18. Daniel Da Cruz (Lebanon Debate) 19. DDDs - Memos to Deans, Directors, and Department Chairs 1983-84 20. Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity 21. Day - DeLue - Campbell. Promotion and Tenure (contention) October 1984 22. Edward Demske. Begin July 1, 1984 23. Dingerson Report on the Research Office 24. Dolibois Fund 25. Early Semester Calendar. Sue Frazier Report, March 1973 26. Education Vacation, July, 1983- 27. Emeriti, July 1983- 28. Engel Report on Minorities, March 1977 29. Enrollment Data, 1983-84 30. Ernst and Whitney, July 1984 31. Evaluations, 1984/85 32. Evaluations of Probationary Faculty Members (May 1984) 33. Evaluations and Tenuring Policies 34. E=MC2 (Central State, 1983-84 plus Powell Statement) 35. E=MC2 (Central State, end June 1983 - Mary Evans, 1982) 36. Faculty Advisory Council (Provosts) 1983-84. Friday October 28th 37. Faculty Conference, 1983-84 38. Faculty Development Fund, 1983-84 39. Faculty Leaves, July 1983 40. Faculty Salaries, July 1983 41. Fulbright Scholarships, 1983-84 42. Fulbright Scholarships, 1984-85 43. Gerontology, July 1983 44. Goldman memorial - 1984 45. Governance - Academic, Waltzer Report 46. Greene, Myron 47. Hobart (also see Moeckel (SBA)) 48. Holidays (information) 49. Honorary Degrees, 1983- 50. Honors Program, 1983-84 51. House BIll #798, 1984-85 52. House Bill #798 53. Insurance Programs, July 1983 54. International Business Seminars (Warren Mason).

Academic Affairs/Provost; Williamson, C.K.; Office Files; 1981-85; Box 2 [17A-E-4A] Files: 1. International Education Services (Donald Nelson) 2. IUC (Inter-University Council of Ohio) 3. Martha Holden Jennings Foundation 1983 4. Kapustra/Wilson/Mitchell Patent - Misc. Information 5. Leaves Information (Misc.) 6. Legal Matters - July 1983 7. Legislature (bills etc.) 8. Library, July 1983 9. Library Consultants File, August 1981 10. Lilly Endowment Proposal 11. Luxembourg - Summer 12. Luxembourg Visitors - December 3, 1983 (Warren Mason International Business) 13. McGuffey Scholars Program, July 1983 14. Master Plan for Higher Education, OBR, 1982 15. Medical Technology 16. Mens Glee Club 17. Miami Inn (Confidential) 18. Miami Student Policy Guide 19. Million Dollar Fund, July 1983 20. Middletown Campus, July 1983- 21. Minors 21-A. Model U.N. Program - W. Hazelton 21-B. Modular Genes Information 22. MUEC 1983 Information 23. MUEC 1984 Information 24. NCR Corporation Computer Gifts 24-A. MURAC Miami University Research Advisory Council, 1983-84 25. Named Professorships 1983 26. Nike Base, 1984 27. North Central Accreditation, 1983-84 28. Ohio Board of Regents, July 1983 29. Ohio Board of Regents Misc. Information and Correspondence, January 1984- 30. Ohio College Association, 1983-84 31. Ohio Conference for College and University Planning, July 1983 32. Ohio Junior Academy of Science, 1983-84 33. Ohio River Basin Consortium for Research and Education 34. Ohio School/College Science Initiatives Program 35. The Old Northwest 36. Overseas Workshops (L. Luce) 37. Parana (1983-84) 38. Patents 39. PEACE (Conference on Conflict Resolution) Celeste - Kimball - Duerkson 40. Phi Beta Kappa 41. Phi Sigma - (Biology Honor Society)

Academic Affairs/Provost; Williamson, C.K.; Office Files; 1981-85; Box 3 [17A-E-4B] Files: 1. Pearson - July 1984-July 1985 2. Powell, Myrtis - Correspondence 3. Presidential Compensation 4. Procter and Gamble Enrichment Funds 5. Publications Office (Hickey) 6. Recruitment Information 1983-84 7. Renovation (Auble) 1983-84 8. Regional Campus Transfers to Oxford (Orientation and Pre-registration Program) 9. Reporting Lines (H) and (M), PGP Statement as of April 1982 10. Revlon Proposal, January 1984 11. Scholarship and Student Aid Problems, December 1983 12. Shawnee State Community College, August 1984 13. Sick Leave Information, 1984 14. Sick Leave and Vacation Records - for Office of the Provost 15. Silvoor (Formerly Hefner) 16. Sigma Chi Foundation, Wm. P. Huffman Scholars-in-Residence Program, July 1983 17. Simutis, Leonard J. Graduate School and Research, begin July 1, 1984 18. SOME (Jack Neil) 1984-85 19. Speeches by CKW 20. State Government 21. State Support of Higher Education, Begin March 20, 1984 - K. Stafford 22. Stewardship (format and letters) associated with Doug Wilson and Jan A. March 1983 23. Summer Sessions 1984 24. Tax Repeal Information 1983-84 25. Thomas Alva Edison Partnership Program. July 1983. 26. TIMKEN - See also: Moeckel (SBA) 27. UAW - Ford Ntional Development and Training Center 28. Unclassified Personnel Advisory Committee, 1983 29. University Publications, July 1983 30. University Relations, July 1983 31. Use of Human Subjects for Research 32. Utilities Conservation Committee - formed by President 11/13/80 33. Visiting Science Seminar Program (Jack Vaughn) funded by Dev. Off. Nov. 1983 34. Volviler Information 35. Washington Internship Program, July 1983 36. Water Resources Research, State Water Research Institution, December 1983 37. Werner, Prime Minister of Luxemboug - Visit September 1983 38. Whitehouse Fellowships Information 39. Williamson, C.K. Vita 40. Williamson, C.K. Personal Correspondence, January 1985 41. Williamson, C.K. Personal Correspondence, 1983-94 42. Williamson, C.K. Personal Correspondence, 1982-83 43. Williamson, C.K. Personal Correspondence, 1982-83 44. Wilson, Douglas, July 1984 45. Wilson, Douglas, 1982, January 1985. 46. Summary of New Employment Process 47. New Hiring Procedures for Unclassified and Administrative and Instructional Staff 48. Checklist for Recruiting Administrative and Instructional Staff 49. A Profile of 1981-82 Recipients of Doctorates 50. Waiver of Affirmative Action Requirement When Outstanding Minority Candidates are Identified 51. School of EAP Guidelines for Recruiting Minority Faculty Members 52. Chair Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation 53. Guidelines for the Use of the Faculty Diversification Recruitment Fund 54. Council on Academic Deans from Curt Ellison 55. HPR Chair Search Candidate Ranking 56. Education

Academic Affairs/Provost; Williamson, C.K.; Office Files; 1981-85; Box 4 [17A-E-4C] Files: 1. Academic Administrators Seminar - August 17, 1983 2. Committee on Academic Governance 2-A. Annual Reports, 1984 3. School of Applied Science, July 1983 4. Applied Science, January 1984 5. College of Arts and Science, July 1983 6. Don Auble, Memos of 1983 7. Board of Trustees, Misc. 1983 8. Board of Trustees - January to June, 1983 9. Trustee Retreat - "Changing Enrollment and Leadership Patterns and Resource Shifts" June 1984 10. School of Business Administration, July 1983 11. Moeckel - January 1984 (SBA) 12. Moeckel - April 1984 (SBA) 13. Moeckel - July 1, 1984 (SBA) 14. CII Summer Fellowships Lists and Submissions 15. CII Misc. Information, January 1981 16. Computers, Misc. Information, 1983 17. School of Education and Allied Professions, July-October 1983 18. School of Education and Allied Professions, January - May 1984

Academic Affairs/Provost; Williamson, C.K.; Office Files; 1955-84; Box 4 [17A-H-3B] Files: Retired 1989 1. Williamson, C. K. May 1955-November 1969 2. Williamson, C. K. September 1955-May 1989 3. Williamson, C. K. January 1970-Deember 1971 4. Williamson, C. K January 1976-June 1997 5. Williamson, C. K. January 1973-December 1974 6. Williamson, C. K January 1975-December 1975 7. Williamson, C. K. January 1978-December 1980 8. Williamson, C. K. January 1976-December 1977 9. Williamson, C. K. January 1981-December 1982 10. Williamson, C. K. Indian Creek Pioneer Church Community 10a. Williamson, C. K. - Paul Pearson, June 1981-January 1982 10b. Williamson, C. K. - Paul Pearson, February 1981- May 1982 11. Williamson, C. K. January 1983-December 1983 11a. Williamson, C. K. January 1984-October 1991

Academic Affairs/Provost; Williamson, C.K.; Office Files; 1981-85; Box 5 [17A-K-7C] Files: 1. Faculty Rights and Responsibilities (1981-83) 2. Faculty Welfare Committee (1980-83) 3. Finance and Business Affairs (1983-84) 4. School of Fine Arts (1983-84) 5. International Education Committee (including material 1978-83) 6. Hamilton Campus (1983-84) 7. President Pearson (January - June 1984) 8. President Pearson (1982-83) 9. President Pearson (January - June 1984) 10. Radiation (1980-83) 11. Research Office (1983-84) 12. Space Utilization Committee (1982-83) 13. Space Utilization Committee (1982-83 (continued)) 14. Student Affairs (July-December 1983) 15. Student Affiars (January - June 1984) 16. Student Affairs (July - November 1984)

Academic Affairs/Provost; Williamson, C.K.; Office Files; 1981-85; Box 7 [18-F-2B] Files: 1. International Education Services (Donald Nelson) 2. Inter-University Council 6 on, Mitchell Patent 5. Leaves Information (Miscellaneous) 6. Legal Matters July 1983 7. Library, July 1983 (Part One) 8. Library, July 1983 (Part Two) 9. Library Consultant File , August 1981 10. Lilly Endowment Proposal 11. Luxuembourg Summer 12. Luxemgbourg Visitors December 3, 1983 W. Mason International Business 13. McGuffey Scholars Program 14. Master Plan 1982 15. Medical Technology 16. Men's Glee Club 37. Miami Inn 38. Million Dollar Fund 39. Middletown Campus 40. Minors 41. Model U.N. Program 42. Modular Genes Information 43. MUEC Information 1984 Luxembourg 44. MUEC Information 1983 Luxembourg 45. NCR Computer Cooperation 46. MURAC 47. Named Professorship 1983 48. NIKE Base 1984 49. North Central Accredidation 50. Ohio Board of Regents 51. Ohio Board of Regents Correspondence (Part One) 52. Ohio Board of Regents Correspondence (Part Two) 53. Ohio College Association 54. Ohio Conference for College University Planning 55. Ohio Junior Academy of Science 56. Ohio River Basin Consortium for Research and Education 57. Ohio School College Science Initiatives Program 58. The Old Northwest 59. Overseas Workshopw (L.Luce) 60. Parana 61. Patents 62. PEACE Conference Conflict Resolution Celeste Kimball Duerksen 63. Phi Beta Kappa 64. Phi Sigma Biological Honor Society


  • Creation: 1981 - 1985


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