Committees, 1928 - 2001
Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Committees; Committee on Schedule and Space: January 1950-February 1953; Committee on Policy and Planning, I: November 1948-May 1959:1-291 [Bound]; 1948-59 [1A-E-3C]? Reference?
Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Committees; Committee Members by Year [bound]; 1971-97? [1A-G-3B] Reference?
Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Committees; "No Car" Committee [binder]; 1977-79 [1A-G-3B] Reference Binders 2/77 No-Car Committee
Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Committees; "No Car" Committee [binder]; 1979-89 [1A-G-3B] Reference Binder 9/79-11/89 No- Car Committee
Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Committees; Ad Hoc and Non-standing University Committees; 1968-91; Box 1 [9A-F-3A]! Contents: Typescripts 1. Academic Advising Committee, Student Senate (n.d.) 2. Academic Priorities, Advisory Task Force on (1972) 3. Alternatives to Student Salaries, Ad Hoc Committee to Recommend (1976) 4. Allied Health Committee (1974) 5. Art History Program Ad Hoc Committee (n.d.) 6. Art Museum Development Committee (1977-78) 7. Asian and African Studies Committee (1971) 8. Associate Degree Ad Hoc Committee (n.d.) 9. Associate Degree Programs at Regional Campuses in Business Technology, Committee on (1974) 10. AWS Rules Revision Committee (n.d.) 11. Communications Building Planning Committee (1975) 12. Computer Advisory Committee (1970-71) 13. Computer Committee (1972) 14. Conference Center Ad Hoc Advisory Committee (1976-77) 15. Development, Ad Hoc Faculty Advisory (1968) 16. Election of Faculty Members on Sac, Ad Hoc Committee (1976) 17. Emergency Evaluation Committee (1970) 18. Faculty Evaluation, Ad Hoc Committee (1970-72) 19. General University Requirement Task Force (1975) 20. Graduate Awards, Committee on (1973) 21. Graduate Study Advisory Committee (1972) 22. Greenhouse Planning Committee(1975) 23. Half-Time Events, Ad Hoc Committee on (1975) 24. Hamilton Campus Gym Committee (1977) 25. Handicapped, Task Force for the (1976-78) 26. Human Resources Development, Proposal for Establishing a Center For 27. Ice Arena Committee (1976-77) 28. Judges Selection Screening Committee for Cheerleading Try-Outs (1975) 29. Latin American Affairs Committee (1971) 30. Leica Collection (1975) 31. Management Science Committee [computer in education for business] (n.d.) 32. Marching Band Uniform Committee (1977) 33. Martin Luther King Day Committee (1984-85) 34. Metropolitan and Regional Studies Committee (1971) 35. Minimum Standards for Departmental Governance Committee (n.d.) 36. Mission Committee (1974) 37. Music Concentration, Arts and Science Committee (1972) 38. Office of Black Student Affairs (OBSA) Evaluation Committee (1971) 39. Operation Greek, Committee for (1971) 40. Orientation/Educational Needs of Chief Departmental Advisers, Committee on (1972) 41. Personalization of the University, Committee on (1972) 42. Phillips Hall Addition Committee (1977) 43. Slavic and East European Studies Subcommittee of the University Council (1971) 44. Space Utilization Committee (1970) 45. Student Affairs Council, Ad Hoc Committee to Study (1972-74) 46. University Examining Board (n.d.) 47. Urban Studies and Community Services Committee (1969-74) 48. Volunteer Service, Council for (1974) 49. Women's Activities Coordinating Group (1975) 50. Waltzer Committee (1973) Files: 1. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Committee (1986) 2. Day Care Services, Ad Hoc Committee on (1984) 3. Development, Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on (1968) 4. Historic Preservation, Ad Hoc Committee for (1976) 5. (Marcum) Conference Center Planning Committee (1978) 6. Outplacement Assistance Task Force (1982) 7. Promotion, Committee to Review Procedures and Criteria for (1969) 8. Summer Session, Ad Hoc Advisory Group on (1991) 9. University Parking, Ad Hoc Task Force on (1985) 10. Residence and Dining Halls, Report by the Ad Hoc Task Force on (May 1989) Binders: 1. Community Educational Assessment Needs for the Hamilton and Middletown Campuses, Committee on (1981). Vol. 1: Employer 2. Survey; Vol. 2. Resident Survey
Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Committees; University-Wide Committees Functioning Under the President and Vice Presidents; 1969-86; Box 2 [9A-F-3B]! Files: 1. Minority Recruitment, Task Force on (1984-85) 2. Placement Coordinating Committee (1977-81, 1983-85) 3. President's Commission to Investigate the Events of April 15, 1970. Report (1970)[See also 5 G FAC-UNC, Box No. 1; 6 ED News Bureau "Voices of Dissent"; 50 SL Misc. "Voices of Dissent"; Vertical File, "Student Activism" 4. Program Board, University Center Advisory Committee (1972-77) 5. Program Evaluation, Ad Hoc (1977) 6. Radiation Control Committee (1973-1980, 1981-82, 1982-83, 1983-85) 7. Reception Committee, Ad Hoc (1980) 8. Regents Faculty Advisory Committee (1981) 9. Regional Campuses Clarification Task Force Report (1983-84) 10. ROTC Advisory Council (1971-78, 1978-81) [Discontinued 8-9-83] 11. Selected Research Policy, Ad Hoc Committee (1980-82) 12. Sigma Chi Foundation (1975-81, 1980-82, 1982-83, 1983-86) 13. Special Emphasis Committee on Changing Curricular Demands and Student Interests; Special Emphasis Committee on Continuing Education; Special Emphasis Committee on Interrelations Among Miami's Three Campuses; Steering Committee for North Central Association Accreditation Review: Charge Letters to 14. Special Emphasis Subcommittee on Interrelationships Among Miami's Three Campuses: Interim Report (1984) 15. Student Facilities, President's Advisory Committee on (1975-81) [Discontinued] 16. Student Legal Services, Board of Directors of the (1985) 17. Students' Motor Vehicles Appeals Committee (1983-86) 18. Student Residency Appeals Committee (1982-83, 1983-86)[See also under Appeals . . . ] 19. Student Traffic Appeals Committee (1978-81) 20. Student Writing, Committee on (1979-81, 1980-81, 1982-83, 1983-86) 21. Summer Calendar Transition Committee (1977)[[See also 5 G UNS, 5 G FAC-UNC] 22. Summer [Session] Workshop Review Committee / Workshop Review Committee (1969-77)[Discontinued 8-9-83] 23. Systematics Committee (1975-84)[Discontinued 8-9-83] 24. Task Force for the Handicapped (1975-78) 25. Task Force on Intercollegiate Athletics [To University Secretary--March 20, 1988] 26. Transfer Students with Miami University, Report of the Committee to Review the Experiences of (1980,1984) 27. Unclassified Personnel Advisory Committee(1986-89) 28. Unclassified Personnel Advisory Committee (1985-90) 29. University Bookstore (1977-78)[See also 5G.FAC-UNC, Box 3] 30. University Disciplinary Board (1972-78,1979-81, 1982-83, 1983-86); Action of Men's Disciplinary Committee (March 5, 1938) 31. University Honors Program Advisory Committee (1984-85) 32. University Parking Committee and Traffic Appeals Board (1965-78)[See also Faculty and Staff Traffic Appeals Board] 33. University Parking Committee and Traffic Appeals Board (1965-78) II 34. University Records and Archives Committee (1974-84)[Discontinued 8-9-83] 35. University Standards for Student Athletes Coordinating Committee (1984-85) 36. Unusual and Non-Traditional Credits, Committee on (1981-82) 37. Utilities Conservation Committee (1980-82) [Discontinued 10-3-85] 38. Veterans Advisory Board (1975-77)[Discontinued 8-9-83] 39. Voluntary Blood Donor Committee (1979-85) [Discontinued 10-3-85] 40. Women's Intercollegiate Athletics at Miami University, Report of the Committee to Examine the Status of (1979)
Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Committees; University-Wide Committees Functioning Under the President and Vice Presidents; 1928-86; Box 1 [9A-F-3C]! Files 1. Academic Computer Services Advisory Committee (1974-78)[See also Computer Policy and Word Processing Review Committee][Discontinued 8/9/93] 2. Academic Governance, Ad Hoc Committee on - Report (1982) 3. Academic Quality, President's Select Committee on (1982-87) 4. Advisory Committee to the President (1976-78) [Discontinued 8/9/83] 5. Affirmative Action Advisory Committee (1974-83)[See also separate box] 6. All-University Teacher Education Council (1975-77) 7. Animal Care Facilities (1975-85)[Discontinued 9/17/85] 8. Appeals Committee on Student Residency (1974-81) 9. Art Museum Development Committee (1975-77) 10. Athletic Advisory Board Minutes (1928-29) 11. Athletic Advisory Board Minutes (1951-55 ) 12. Athletic Advisory Board, Financial Report to the (1928-31) 13. Athletic Advisory Board (To September 1952) 14. Athletic Advisory Committee (1950-53) 15. Athletic Advisory Committee Correspondence (1952) 16. Athletic Advisory Board (1975-82) 17. Athletic Policy Committee (1982-86)[Formerly Athletic Advisory Board] 18. Attrition/Retention/Enrollment Ad Hoc Committee, Report of the (1979) 19. Aviation Services Advisory Committee/Board (1975-78) [Discontinued 8/9/83] 20. Bachelor Wildlife and Game Preserve Committee [Formerly Bachelor Estate Committee] (1975-85) 21. Benjamin Harrison Medallion Committee (1975-83) 22. Benjamin Harrison Papers (1977-78)[Discontinued 8/9/83] 23. Biosafety Committee, Institutional (1980-85) 24. Bishop Medal Committee (1975-85) 25. Black Scholars, Advisory Committee to Suggest Names of (1975-77)[Discontinued 8/9/93] 26. Blue Ribbon Committee (Up to 1970) 27. Cable Television Committee / Cable Television Channel Advisory Board (1980-85)[Discontinued 10/3/85] 28. Calendar Conversion Steering Committee (1973-75) 29. Calendar Coordinating Committee (1975-85) 30. Calendar Revision, Committee on (1962-63) 31. Campus History/Historical Preservation, Committee on (1976-78)[Discontinued 8/9/83] 32. Campus Planning, Select Committee on (1974-86) 33. Classified Personnel Advisory Committee (1985) 34. Computer Policy Committee / Computer Policy and Word Processing Review Committee (1982-86) 35. Conference Center (Marcum) Planning Committee (1976) 36. Cooperative Publishing Arrangement Between Miami University and the Ohio State University Press, Editorial Board for the (1975-86) 37. Continuing Education, Coordinating Council on (1974-83)[Discontinued 8/9/83] 38. Danforth Fellowship Screening Committee (1975-78) 39. Energy Task Force (1973-78) 40. English Composition, Subcommittee for the Study of (1977) 41. European Center Consultative Committee / European Center Review Committee (1970-83) 42. Exchange Between Miami and Central State, Committee on [E=MCý](1981-82) 43. Experimental Learning, Committee on (Up to 1976) 44. Faculty Advisory Council / Academic Affairs Faculty Advisory Council [Formerly Provost's Faculty Advisory Committee](1975-86) 45. Faculty and Staff Traffic Appeals Board(1978-86)[See also University Parking and Traffic Appeals Board] 46. Faculty Termination Policy, Task Force on (1981) 47. Fulbright Scholarship Advisory Committee (1983-84) 48. Funding Research, Committee for (1981) 49. General Education Committee (1976-77) [Discontinued 8/9/83] 50. Governance Committee, Ad Hoc (April 4, 1986) 51. Hammond Lectures Committee on the American Tradition (1983-86) 52. Hammond Lincoln Collection (1976-77) 53. Health and Human Resources Committee (1974-78)[Discontinued 8/9/83] 54. Institute of Environmental Sciences (IES) Executive Committee (1975-82) 55. Institutional Analysis Operating Committee (1986) 56. Intercollegiate Athletics, Presidential Task Force on (1982) 57. Loan Program, Ad Hoc (1977) 58. Miami Talawanda Committee (1971-72, 1978) 59. "No Car Rule," Report of the Joint Community-Campus Committee on the (1980) 60. Physical Education, Recreation, and Intercollegiate Athletics, Coordinating Committee on (1976-84) 61. Rhodes Scholars, Committee to Select (1974-81) 62. Voluntary Blood Donor Program, Miami University (1976-78) 63. Women and Racial/Ethnic/Minority Members, Committee on the Status of/Minority and Women's Faculty Affairs Advisory Committee (1976-81)
Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Committees; University-Wide Committees Functioning Under the President and Vice Presidents/Unclassified Personnel Advisory Committee; 1983-88; Box 3 [18A-E-6C] Binders: 1. Unclassified Personnel Advisory Committee (1983-84, 1985-86) 2. Unclassified Personnel Advisory Committee (1986-87, 1987-88)
Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Committees; Committee to Consider Merger of Chase Law School with Miami University: Report and Materials; 1970-93; Box 1 [9A-F-4B]! Not Indexed
Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Committees; Materials from the Chair of the University Senate Executive Committee: Faculty Welfare Committee 1980-93: Miscellaneous Files; 1980-93; Box 2 [9A-F-4C]! Files: 1. Faculty Welfare Committee (1980-85) [Black binder] 2. Faculty Welfare Committee--Miscellaneous Memos (1989-91) 3. Faculty Welfare Committee (1991-92) 4. Faculty Welfare Committee (1992-93) 5. Committee on Fiscal Priorities and Budget Planning (1992) 6. Senate Agenda "Blanks" (1992) 7. Space--Joe Cox (1993) 8. Agenda Model (1992) 9. Judith de Luce (1994) I 10. Judith de Luce (1994) II 11. Lisa's Work (1993-94)
Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Committees; University Committees Discontinued as of August 9, 1983 (University Level Prior to July 1, 1981); 1981; Box 1 [9A-F-5A]! All materials dated prior to July 1, 1981 Files: 1. Academic Advising, Special Task Force on 2. Academic Computer Services Advisory Committee 3. Advisory Committee to the President 4. Advocates for Gay Liberation 5. Affirmative Action Advisory Committee 6. Affirmative Action Committee of the Student Affairs Council 7. All-University Teacher Education Council 8. Art-Education Building Committee 9. Art Museum Advisory Committee 10. Attrition-Retention Enrollment Committee 11. Austrian Study Group 12. Aviation Services Advisory Committee 13. Benjamin Harrison Papers 14. Biological Sciences Building, Ad Hoc Committee on 15. Black Scholars, Committee to Suggest Names of 16. Campus Historic Preservation, Committee on 17. Cheerleaders Committee 18. Committee of American School of Luxembourg, Ad Hoc 19. Committee on Classroom Facilities 20. Committee to Recommend Program Facilities for the New Residence Hall 21. Committee to Review the Enabling Act 22. Commuter Association 23. Conference Center Planning Committee 24. Craft Center Advisory Committee 25. Danforth Fellowship Screening Committee 26. General Education Committee 27. Graduate Students Advisory Committee 28. Hamilton, Future of Miami University Hamilton 29. Health and Human Resources Committee 30. Honors Program 31. IES Executive Committee 32. Joint P.E.P. Advisory Committee 33. Middletown Campus Citizens' Advisory Committee 34. Middletown Campus Task Force 35. Minority Affairs, SAC Subcommittee on 36. New Residence Hall, Ad Hoc Committee on 37. Scientific Research Advisory Council 38. Status of Women's Intercollegiate Activities at Miami University 39. Strippel, Robert E., Memorial Fund Committee 40. Summer Scholars' Program, Ad Hoc Committee on 41. Systematics Committee 42. Title IX Ad Hoc Committee 43. Transfer Students 44. University Garden Project 45. University Records and Archives Committee 46. Vandalism, Ad Hoc Committee on 47. Veterans' Advisory Board 48. Wellness Committee 49. Workshop Review Committee
Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Committees; Committees and Councils; 1982-88; Box 1 [9A-F-5B]! Files: 1. Admission Committee (1981-88) 2. Benjamin Harrison Medallion Award Committee (1981-87) 3. Bishop Medal Committee (1981-87) 4. Distinguished Professorship Committee (1983-86) 5. Elections Committee (1981-87) 6. European Center Consultative Committee (1981-88) 7. Honorary Degrees, Faculty Nominating Committee on (1981-84) 8. Honorary Degrees, Faculty Nominating Committee on (1985-86) 9. Honorary Degrees, Faculty Nominating Committee on (1987-88) 10. Membership Committee (1981-84) 11. Membership Committee (1985-88) 12. Scholarship and Student Financial Aid Committee (1981-88) 13. Senate Committee on Rules (1981-86) 14. Summer Session Committee (1985-88) 15. Undergraduate Academic Regulations Committee (1981-88) 16. University Requirement Committee (1981-88) 17. Applied Science Executive Council Minutes (1982-86) I 18. Applied Science Executive Council Minutes (1982-86) II
Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Committees; 1983-87; Box 2 [9A-F-5C]! Files 1. Academic Affairs Faculty Advisory Committee (1986) 2. Alcohol and Other Drug Education Committee (1986-87) 3. Animal Research Committee (1986-87) 4. Appeals Committee on Student Residency (1986) 5. Atheletic Policy of University Senate, Committee on (1986) 6. Bachelor Wildlife and Game Reserve Committee (1985-86) 7. Campus Planning Committee of University Senate (1986-87) 8. Classified Personnel Advisory Committee (1986-87) 9. Computer Policy of University Senate, Committee on (1986) 10. Editorial Board for Cooperative Publishing between Miami University and the Ohio State University Press (1985-86) 11. Faculty Research Committee of University Senate, Committee on (1986-87) 12. Faculty Rights and Responsibilities Committee (1986-87) 13. Faculty Welfare of University Senate, Committee on 14. Fiscal Priorities adn Budget Planning of University Senate, Committee on (1986-87) 15. Governance of University Senate, Committee on (1987) 16. Hammond Lectures on the American Tradition Committee (1986) 17. Honors Program of the University Senate, Committee on the University (1986-87) 18. Human Subjects in Research of the University Senate, Committee on the Use of (1986-87) 19. Improvement of Instruction of University Senate, Committee on the (1986-87) 20. Institutional Biosafety Committee of the University Senate, Committee on (1986) 21. Inter-Divisional Committee of Advisors (1986-87) 22. International Education, Committee on (1986-87) 23. Lecture Series Committee of Student Affairs Council, University (1986-87) 24. Library Committee of the University Senate, University (1986-87) 25. Performing Arts Series of Student Affairs Council (1986-87) 26. Radiation Control, Committee on (1986) 27. Recreational Sports Committee of Student Affairs Council (1986-87) 28. Scholarship Coordination Committee (1986) 29. Scholarship Review Committee (1986-87) 30. Shriver Center Advisory Committee (1986) 31. Sigma Chi/William P. Huffman Scholarship-in-Residence Committee (1986) 32. Student Conduct Rules Review Committee (1986-87) 33. Student Health Committee of Student Affairs Council (1986-87) 34. Student Motor Vehicles Committee of Student Affairs Council (1986-87) 35. Student Publications Committee of Student Affairs Council (1986-87) 36. Traffic Appeals Board, Faculty and Staff (1986-87) 37. Undergraduate Research Committee (1986-87) 38. University Appeals Board of University Senate (1985-87) 39. University Disciplinary Board Panel (1986-87) Miscellaneous 40. Alcohol Abuse, Ad Hoc Task Force on (1987) 41. Audio Visual Service, Committee to Review the (1983) 42. Bicentennial of the Northwest Ordinance, Miami Committee on (1986) 43. Divisional Academic Grievance Committee (1986) 44. Faculty and Staff Relations, President's Advisory Committee on (1986) 45. Fulbright Scholarship Advisory Committee (1986) 46. Heritage Commission, Establishment of the Miami University (1986) 47. Marshall Scholarship (1984) 48. Martin Luther King Birthday Committee (1984) 49. Minority Recruitment, Task Force on (1984) 50. Parking, Task Force on (1985) 51. Patent Royalties Committee (1983) 52. Recruiting Coordinating Committee (1983-85) 53. Research Funding, Coordinating Committee for (1983) 54. Shriver Center Review Committee, Ad Hoc (1984) 55. Silvoor Biological Sancturary Committee (1984-86) 56. Space Utilization Group (1984-86) 57. Strippel Memorial Fund, Robert E. (1986) 58. Student Affairs Executive (1983-86) 59. Student Legal Services, Board of Directors of (1984-87) 60. Unclassified Personnel Advisory Committee (1984-87)
Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Committees; Materials from the Chair of the University Senate Executive Committee: Faculty Welfare Committee; 1984-92; Box 1 [9A-F-6A]! Files: 1. Faculty Welfare Committee (1984-86) I 2. Faculty Welfare Committee (1984-86) II 3. Faculty Welfare Committee (1986-87) 4. Faculty Welfare Committee (1987-88) I 5. Faculty Welfare Committee (1987-88) II 6. Report on Flexible Spending Accounts for Miami University (October 6, 1989) 7. Flexible Spending Accounts (1988-89) 8. Child Care (1989) I 9. Child Care (1989) II 10. Faculty Welfare Committee (1988-89) 11. Faculty Welfare Committee (1989-90) 12. Faculty Welfare Committee--Minutes/Notes (1989-90) I 13. Faculty Welfare Committee--Minutes/Notes (1989-90) II 14. Faculty Welfare Committee--Classified and Unclassified Personnel Advisory Committees-Minutes/ Smoking Policy (1989-90) 15. Faculty Welfare Committee- -Reports/General Information (1984-89) I 16. Faculty Welfare Committee- -Reports/General Information (1984-89) II 17. Faculty Welfare Committee (1990-91) 18. Faculty Welfare Committee- -Information, Allenspach, Ch. (1991-92)
Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Committees; Graduate Council; 1988-90; Box 6 [9A-F-6B]! Files: 1. Academic Policy Committee of the University Senate (1988-89) 2. Alcohol and Other Drug Education Committee of the Student Affairs Council (1988-89) 3. Animal Research of the University Senate, Committee on (1988-89) 4. Athletic Policy of the University Senate, Committee on (1988-89) 5. Awards and Recognition Committeeof the University Senate (1988-89) [Honorary Degrees] 6. Bachelor Wildlife and Game Reserve Committee (1988) 7. Benjamin Harrison Medallion Award (1988) 8. Biosafety of the University Senate, Committee on Institutional (1988-89) 9. Campus Planning Committee of the University Senate (1988-89) 10. Chancellor's Faculty Advisory Committee (1988-89) 11. Classified Personnel Advisory Committee (1988-89) 12. Codification of the University Senate, Committee on (1988-89) 13. Computer Policy of the University Senate, Committee on (1988-89) 14. Faculty Conference (1988-89) 15. Faculty Research Committee of the University Senate (1988-89) 16. Faculty Rights and Responsibilities (1989) 17. Faculty Welfare Committee of the University Senate (1988-89) 18. Fiscal Activities and Budget Planning Committee of the University Senate (1988-89) 19. Governance of the University Senate, Committee on (1988-89) 20. Honors Program Advisory Committee of the University Senate (1988-89) 21. Human Subjects in Research of the University Senate, Committee on Use of (1988-89) 22. Improvement of Instruction of the University Senate, Committee on the (1988-89) 23. Inter-Divisional Committee of Advisors (1988-89) 24. International Education of the University Senate, Committee on (1988-89) 25. Lecture Series, University (1988-89) 26. Library Committee of the University Senate (1988-89) 27. Naming of Campus Facilities, Committee on the (1984-89) 28. Performing Arts Series Committee of the Student Affairs Council (1988-89) 29. Placement Coordinating Committee (1988-89) 30. Radiation Control of the Unversity Senate, Committee on (1988-89) 31. Recreational Sports Committee (1988-89) 32. Scholarship Coordination Committee (1988) 33. Scholarship Review Committee (1988-89) 34. Sigma Chi Foundation / William P. Huffman Scholars-in-Residence Committee (1987-88) 35. Student Conduct Rules Review Committee of the Student Affairs Council (1988-89) 36. Student Health Committee of the Student Affairs Council (1988-89) 37. Student Motor Vehicle Appeals Committee (1988-89) 38. Student Publications Committee of the Student Affairs Council (1988-89) 39. Traffic Appeals Board, Faculty and Staff (1988-89) 40. Undergraduate Courses and Curriculum of the University Senate, Committee on (1988-89) 41. Undergraduate Research Committee of the University Senate (1988-89) 42. University Appeals Board of the University Senate (1988-89) 43. University Disciplinary Board (1988-89) Miscellaneous 44. Academic Challenge Advisory Committee (1988-89) 45. Calendar Committee (1988) 46. Continuing Education Advisory Committee (1988-89) 47. Divisional Academic Appeals Board (1988-89) 48. Eminent Scholars Program Advisory Committee (1989) 49. Fulbright Scholarship Campus Advisory Committee (1988) 50. Institutional Analysis Operating Committee (1989) 51. Instrumentation Laboratory Advisory Committee (1983) 52. Racial and Cultural Understanding Committee (1988) 53. Status of Women Faculty, Staff, and Students, President's Commission on the Improvement of the (1988-89) 54. Status of Women Faculty, Staff, and Students, President's Continuing Commission on the Improvement of the (April 12, 1990) 55. Strippel Memorial Fund Committee, Robert E. (1988) 56. Student Legal Services, Board of Directors of the (1988-89) 57. Unclassified Personnel Advisory Committee (1986-89) 58. Graduate Council Minutes (January 19-December 7, 1989)
Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Committees; Committees: 1987-88, Miscellany: 1989-92; 1987-92; Box 5 [9A-F-6C]! Files: 1. Academic Policy Committee (1988) 2. Alcohol and Other Drug Education Committee of the Student Affairs Council (1987-88) 3. Animal Care and Research Committee (1988) 4. Appeals Committee on Student Residency (1987-88) 5. Athletic Policy of University Senate, Committee on (1987-88) 6. Awards and Recognition Committee (1988) 7. Campus Planning Committee (1987-88) 8. Chancellor's Advisory Committee of the University Senate (1987-88) 9. Classified Personnel Advisory Committee (1987) 10. Codification Committee of the University Senate (1987-88) 11. Computer Policy Committee (1988) 12. Faculty Conference of the University Senate (1987-88) 13. Faculty Research Committee of the University Senate (1987-88) 14. Faculty Rights and Responsibilities (1987-88) 15. Faculty Welfare Committee (1987-88) 16. Governance Committee of the University Senate (1987-88) 17. Honors Program, University (1987-88) 18. Human Subjects in Research of the University Senate, Committee on the Use of (1987-88) 19. Inter-Divisional Committee of Advisors (1987-88) 20. Improvement of Instruction of the University Senate, Committee for the (1987-88) 21. International Education of the University Senate, Committee on (1987-88) 22. Lecture Series Committee of the Student Affairs Council (1987-88) 23. Library Committee of the University Senate (1987-88) 24. Performing Arts Series Committee of the Student Affairs Council (1987-88) 25. Placement Coordinating Committee (1987-88) 26. Radiation Control Committee (1987) 27. Recreational Sports Committee of the Students Affairs Council (1987-88) 28. Scholarship Coordination Committee (1987-88) 29. Scholarship Review Committee (1987-88) 30. Shriver Center Advisory Committee (1987) 31. Student Conduct Rules Committee of the Student Affairs Council (1987-88) 32. Student Health Committee of the Student Affairs Council (1987-88) 33. Student Motor Vehicles Appeals Committee (1987-88) 34. Student Publication Committee of the Student Affairs Council (1987-88) 35. Traffic Appeals Board, Faculty and Staff (1987-88) 36. Undergraduate Research Committee of the Student Affairs Council (1986-88) 37. University Appeals Board (1987-88) 38. Undergraduate Courses and Curriculum of University Senate, Committee on (1988) 39. University Disciplinary Board Panel (1987-88) Miscellaneous 40. Alcohol Abuse, Ad Hoc Task Force on. Report (1987)[Call # Miami/HV/ 5128/.O3/ M535/1987/c.2] 41. Benefit Review Task Force (1988) 42. Contingency Fund Committee (1987-88) 43. Divisional Academic Grievance Committee (1987-88) 44. Faculty and Staff Relations, President's Advisory Committee on (1986-87) 45. Fulbright Scholarship Advisory Committee (1987) 46. Institutional Analysis Operating Committee (1986-87) 47. Little Sibs Weekend Coordinating Committee (1987) 48. Strippel Memorial Fund Committee, Robert E. (1986-87) 49. Student Facilities, President's Advisory Committee on (1987) 50. Student Legal Services Board of Directors (1987-88) 51. Miami Student Legal Services Board of Directors Binder (1985-88) 52. Miami Student Legal Services Binder (1989-1992) 53. Three-Campus Interrelationships Implementation Committee (1987) 54. Unclassified Personnel Advisory Committee (1987-88) 55. This is Miami University (1989-90) 56. This is Miami University (1990-91) 57. This is Miami University (1991-92) 58. This is Miami University Hamilton (1990-91) 59. Miami University Middletown (1988-89) 60. This is Miami University Middletown (1990-91) 61. Miami University Financial Report (1989-90) 62. School of Business Administration Faculty and Staff Profiles (1990-91) 63. School of Business Administration Faculty and Staff Profiles (1991-92) 64. Inquiry: Research and Scholarship at Miami University v.4 (1991).
Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Committees; 1989-92; Box 1 [9A-F-7A]! Files 1. Academic Policy of University Senate, Committee on (1990-91) 2. Alcohol and Other Drug Education Committee of Student Affairs Council (1989-91) 3. Animal Care and Use Committee, Institutional [formerly Animal Research Committee] (1990-91) 4. Appeals Committee on Student Residency (1989-90) 5. Assessment Council (1990-91) 6. Athletic Policy of University Senate, Committee on (1990-91) 7. Awards and Recognition of University Senate, Committee on (1990-91) 8. Bishop Medal, Subcommittee on 9. Distinguished Professor, Subcommittee on 10. Honorary Degrees, Subcommittee on 11. President's Medal, Subcommittee on 12. Bachelor Wildlife and Game Reserve Committee (1990-91) 13. Institutional Biosafety, Committee on (1990-91) 14. Campus Planning Committee of University Senate (1990-91) 15. Chancellor's Advisory Committee of University Senate (1990-91) 16. Codification Committee of University Senate (1990-91) 17. Commencement Advisory Committee (1991) 18. Computer Policy Committee of University Senate (1990-91) 19. Evaluation of Administrators, All-University Committee for (1990-91) 20. Executive Committee of University Senate (1989-90, 1990-91, 1991-92) 21. Faculty Conference of University Senate (1990-91) 22. Faculty Research Committee of University Senate (1990-91) 23. Faculty Rights and Responsibilities Committee (1990-91) 24. Faculty Welfare Committee of University Senate (1990-91) 25. Finance and Contingencies of Student Affairs Council, Committee on (1990-91) 26. Fiscal Priorities and Budget Planning Committee of University Senate (1990-91) 27. Governance of University Senate, Committee on (1990-91) 28. Graduate Council 29. Honors Program of University Senate, Committee on the University (1990-91) 30. Human Relations Commission (1990-91) 31. Human Subjects in Research, Committee on the Use of (1990-91) 32. Improvement of Instruction, University Senate Committee on (1990-91) 33. International Education, University Senate Committee on (1990-91) 34. Inter-Divisional Committee of Advisers (1990-91) 35. Liberal Education Council (1990-91) 36. Lecture Series of Student Affairs Council (1990-91) 37. Library Committee of University Senate (1990-91) 38. Naming of Campus Facilities, Committee on (1990-91) 39. Performing Arts Series Committee of Student Affairs Council (1990-91) 40. Radiation Safety Committee (1990-91) 41. Sigma Chi Foundation/William P. Huffman Scholars-in-Residence (1990-91) 42. Solid Waste, Ad Hoc Committee on (1991-92) 43. Student Conduct Rules Review Committee of Student Affairs Council (1990-91) 44. Student Health Committee of Student Affairs Council (1990-91) 45. Student Motor Vehicle Appeals Committee (1990-91) 46. Student Publications and Broadcast Committee of Student Affairs Council (1990-91) 47. Traffic Appeals Committee, Faculty and Staff (1990-91) 48. Transportation Advisory Council (1990-91) 49. Unclassified Personnel Advisory Committee (1990-91) 50. Undergraduate Courses and Curriculum Committee of University Senate (1990-91) 51. University Appeals Board (1990-91) 52. Undergraduate Research Committee of University Senate (1990-91) 53. University Disciplinary Board Panel (1990-91) 54. Women's Center Policy and Management Council (1990-91) 55. Administrators, Committee to Review (1990-91) 56. Bookstore Advisory Group (1990-91) 57. Course Scheduling, Ad Hoc Committee to Examine (1990-91) 58. Cultural and Racial Understanding, Task Force on (1990-91) 59. Divisional Academic Grievance Committee (1990-91) 60. Fulbright Scholarship Campus Evaluation Committee (1990-91) 61. Higgins Project Committee (1990-91) 62. Recreational Sports Committee (1990-91) 63. Recreational Sports Committee (1990-91) 64. Scholarship Review Committee (1990-91) 65. Space Utilization Group (1990-91) 66. Strippel Memorial Fund, Robert E. (1990-91)_ 67. Student Initiative Fund (1990-91) 68. Student Legal Services, Board of Directors of (1990-91) 69. School of Education and Allied Professions.Report (1992) 70. Spanish and Portuguese Department. Faculty Meeting Minutes (1991-92)(empty) 71. Miami University Middletown Annual Report (1991-92)(empty)
Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Committees; 1991-92; Box 1 [9A-F-7B]! Files: 1. Academic Policy, Committee on (1991-92) 2. Academic Program Review, Committee on (1991-92) 3. Alcohol and Other Drug Education Committee of Student Affairs Council (1991-92) 4. Animal Care and Use Committee, Institutional (1991-92) 5. Athletic Policy of University Senate, Committee on (1991-92) 6. Awards and Recognition of University Senate, Committee on (1991-92) 7. Bishop Medal Committee (1991-92) 8. Bachelor Reserve and Other Natural Areas Subcommittee; Silvoor Biological Sanctuary (1991-92) 9. Biosafety, Committee on Institutional (1991-92) 10. Campus Planning Committee of University Senate (1991-92) 11. Chancellor's Advisory Committee of University Senate (1991-92) 12. Classified Personnel Advisory Committee (1991-92) 13. Codification Committee of University Senate (1991-92) 14. Commencement Planning Committee (1991-92) 15. Computer Policy of University Senate, Committee on (1991-92) 16. Evaluation of Administrators, All-University Committee on (1991-92) 17. Executive Committee of the University Senate (1991-92) 18. Extramural Professional Activities Committee (1991-92) 19. Faculty Conference of University Senate (1991-92) 20. Faculty Research Committee of University Senate (1991-92) 21. Faculty Rights and Responsibilities Committee (1991-92) 22. Faculty Welfare Committee of University Senate, Committee on (1991-92) 23. Finance and Contingencies of Student Affairs Council, Committee on (1991-92) 24. Fiscal Priorities and Budget Planning of University Senate, Committee on (1991-92) 25. Governance of University Senate, Committee on (1991-92) 26. Honors Program of University Senate, Committee on the University (1991-92) 27. Human Relations Commission (1991-92) 28. Human Subjects in Research, Committee on the Use of (1991-92) 29. Improvement of Instruction of University Senate, Committee on (1991-92) 30. Inter-Divisional Committee of Advisers (1991-92) 31. International Education of University Senate, Committee on (1991-92) 32. Lecture Series of Student Affairs Council, University (1991-92) 33. Liberal Education Council (1991-92) 34. Library Committee of University Senate (1991-92) 35. Naming of Campus Facilities, Committee on (1991-92) 36. Performing Arts Series Committee of Student Affairs Council (1991-92) 37. Placement Coordinating Committee (1991-92) 38. Radiation Safety Committee (1991-92) 39. Student Conduct Rules Review Committee of Student Affairs Council (1991-92) 40. Student Health Committee of Student Affairs Council (1991-92) 41. Student Motor Vehicle Appeals Committee (1991-92) 42. Student Publications and Broadcast Media of Student Affairs Council, Committee on (1991-92) 43. Traffic Appeals Board, Faculty and Staff (1991-92) 44. Transportation Advisory Council (1991-92) 45. Unclassified Personnel Advisory Committee (1991-92) 46. Undergraduate Courses and Curriculum Committee of University Senate (1991-92) 47. Undergraduate Research Committee of University Senate (1991-92) 48. University Appeals Board (1991-92) 49. University Disciplinary Board Panel (1991-92) 50. Women's Center Policy and Management Council (1991-92) Miscellaneous Committees 51. Assessment Council (1991-92) 52. Computer Advisory Group (1991-92) 53. Managing for the Future Task Force (1991-92) 54. President's Enrichment Program [PEP](1991-92) 55. Recreational Sports Committee of Student Affairs Council (1991-92) 56. Scholarship Review Committee (1991-92) 57. Space Utilization Group (1991-92) 58. Strippel Memorial Fund, Robert E. (1991-92) 59. Student Legal Services, Board of Directors of (1991-92)
Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Committees; 1991-95; Box 1 [9A-F-7C]! Files 1. Academic Policy Committee (1993-94) 2. Academic Policy Committee (1994-95) 3. Academic Program Review Committee (1993-94) 4. Academic Program Review Committee (1994-95) 5. Alcohol and Other Drug Education Committee (1993-94) 6. Alcohol and Other Drug Education Committe (1994-95) 7. Animal Care and Use Committee (1993-94) 8. Animal Care and Use Committee (1994-95) 9. Appeals Committee on Student Residency (1993-94) 10. Athletic Policy Committee of University Senate (1993-94) 11. Athletic Policy Committee (1994-95) 12. Awards and Recognition Committee (1993-94) 13. Awards and Recognition Committee (1994-95) 14. Bachelor Reserve and Other Natural Areas (1993-94) 15. Bachelor Reserve and Other Natural Areas (1994-95) 16. Benjamin Harrison Medallion Award (1993-95) 17. Bishop Medal Committee (1993-95) 18. Campus Planning Committee (1993-95) 19. Chancellor's Advisory Committee (1993-95) 20. Classified Personnel Advisory Committee (1993-95) 21. Codification Committee (1993-95) 22. Commencement Planning Committee (1994-95) 23. Computer Policy Committee (1994-95) 24. Continuing Education, Committee on (1993-95) 25. Distinguished Professors, Fulbright Scholarships, Honorary Degrees (1992-95) 26. Elections Subcommittee and Governance Committee (1991-93) 27. Evaluation of Administrators, Committee on (1993-95) 28. Evaluation of Administrators, Committee on (1994-95) 29. Extramural Professional Activities Committee (1993-94) 30. Faculty and Staff Traffic Appeals Board (1993-95) 31. Faculty Conference of University Senate (1993-95) 32. Faculty Productivity Subcommittee (1992) 33. Faculty Research Committee (1993-95) 34. Faculty Rights and Responsibilities Committee (1993-95) 35. Faculty Welfare Committee of University Senate (1993-95) 36. Finance and Contingencies, Committee on (1993-95) 37. Fiscal Priorities and Budget Planning, Committee on (1993-95) 38. Governance Committee (1993-94) 39. Governance Committee (1994-95) 40. Human Relations Commission (1993-95) 41. Human Subjects in Research, Committee on Use of (1993-95) 42. Improvement of Institutional Instruction, Committee on (1993-95) 43. Institutional Biosafety Committee (1993-95) 44. Inter-Divisional Committee of Advisors (1993-95) 45. International Education Committee (1993-94) 46. International Education Committee (1994-95) 47. Lecture Series (1993-94) 48. Liberal Education Council (1993-94) 49. Liberal Education Council (1994-95) 50. Library Committee (1993-95) 51. Naming of Campus Facilities, Committee on (1993-95) 52. Performing Arts Series Committee (1993-95) 53. Placement Coordinating Committee (1993-95) 54. Radiation Safety Committee (1993-94) 55. Radiation Safety Committee (1994-95)
Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Committees; 1991-95; Box 2 [9A-G-1A]! Files 1. Recruitment, Admissions, and Retention Subcommittee (1991-92) 2. Scholarship and Financial Aid Subcommittee (1991-92) 3. Silvoor Biological Sanctuary Committee (1992-95) 4. Student Academic Issues Subcommittee (1991-92) 5. Student Conduct Committee (1993-95) 6. Student Conduct Rules Review Committee (April 20, 1994) 7. Student Disciplinary Appeals Board (1993-95) 8. Student Health Committee (1993-95) 9. Student Motor Vehicle Appeals Committee (1993-95) 10. Student Publications and Broadcast Media, Committee on (1993-95) 11. Transportation Advisory Council (1993-95) 12. Unclassified Personnel Advisory Committee (1993-95) 13. Undergraduate Courses and Curriculum Committee (1993-95) 14. Undergraduate Research Committee (1993-95) 15. University Honors Program, Committee on the (1993-95) 16. Women's Center Policy and Management Council (1993-95)
Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Committees; 1992-93; Box 1 [9A-G-1B]! Files: 1. Academic Policy, Committee on (1992-93) 2. Academic Program Review, Committee on (1992-93) 3. Admissions Staff Minutes (1992-93) 4. Alcohol and Other Drug Education Committee (1992-93) 5. Animal Care and Use Committee, Institutional (1992-93) 6. Athletic Policy, Committee on (1992-93) 7. Awards and Recognition Committee (1992-93) 8. Benjamin Harrision Medallion Award Subcommittee (1992-93) 9. Bishop Medal Subcommittee (1992-93) 10. Bachelor Reserve and Other Natural Areas (1992-93) 11. Institutional Biosafety, Committee on (1992-93) 12. Chancellor's Advisory Committee (1992-93) 13. Classfied Personnel Advisory Committee (1992-93) 14. Codification Committee (1992-93) 15. Commencement Planning Committee (1992-93) 16. Campus Planning Committee (1992-93) 17. Computer Policy and Information Services Committee (1992-93) 18. Continuing Education, Committee on (1992-93) 19. Elections Subcommittee (1992-93) 20. European Center, Subcommittee on (1992-93) 21. Evaluation of Administrators, All-University Committee for the (1992-93) 22. Extra-mural Professional Activities Committee (1992-93) 23. Faculty Conference (1992-93) 24. Faculty Research Committee (1992-93) 25. Faculty Rights and Responsibilities Committee (1992-93) 26. Faculty Welfare Committee (1992-93) 27. Faculty and Staff Traffic Appeals Board (1992-93) 28. Finance and Contingencies, Committee on (1992-93) 29. Financial Aid Appeals Committee (1992-93) 30. Fiscal Priorities and Budget Planning, Committee on (1992-93) 31. Fulbright Scholarship Campus Evaluation Committee (1992-93) 32. Governance, Committee on (1992-93) 33. Honors Program, University Committee on (1992-93) 34. Human Subjects in Research, Committee on the Use of (1992-93) 35. Improvement of Instruction, Committee on the (1992-93) 36. Inter-Divisional Committee of Advisers (1992-93) 37. International Education, Committee on (1992-93) 38. Lecture Series Committee (1992-93) 39. Liberal Education Council (1992-93) 40. Library Committee (1992-93) 41. Managing for the Future Task Force (1992-93) 42. Naming of Campus Facilities, Committee (1992-93) 43. Performing Arts Series, Committee on (1992-93) 44. Placement Coordinating Committee (1992-93) 45. Radiation Safety Committee (1992-93) 46. Recreational Sports Committee (1992-93) 47. Scholarship Review Committee (1992-93) 48. Sigma Chi Foundation - M. P. Huffman Scholars-in Residence (1992-93) 49. Solid Waste Committee (1992-93) 50. Strippel, Robert E., Memorial Fund Committee (1992-93) 51. Student Conduct Rules Review Committee (1992-93) 52. Student Health Committee (1992-93) 53. Student Motor Vehicle Appeals Committee (1992-93) 54. Student Publications and Broadcast Media Committee (1992-93) 55. Truman, Harry S., Scholarship Program (1992-93) 56. Unclassified Personnel Advisory Committee (1992-93) 57. Undergraduate Courses and Curriculum Committee (1992-93) 58. Undergraduate Research Committee (1992-93) 59. University Appeals Board (1992-93) 60. University Disciplinary Board Panel (1992-93) 61. University Records Commission (1992-93) 62. Women's Center Policy and Management Council (1992-93)
Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Committees; Materials from the Chair of the University Senate Executive Committee: University Senate Committees; 1992-94; Box 3 [9A-G-1C]! Files: 1. Committee Appointments (1993-94) I 2. Committee Appointments (1993-94) II 3. Board of Trustees (1993-94) 4. Academic Policy, Committee on (1992-93) 5. Academic Policy, Committee on (1993-94) 6. Animal Research, Committee on (1992-94) [Empty] 7. Athletic Policy, Committee on (1992-93) 8. Athletic Policy, Committee on (1993-94) 9. Awards and Recognition, Committee on (1993-94) 10. Campus Planning, Committee on (1992-93) 11. Campus Planning, Committee on (1993-94) 12. Chancellor's Faculty Advisory Committee (1992-93) 13. Chancellor's Faculty Advisory Committee (1993-94) 14. Codification Committee (1992-93) 15. Codification Committee (1993-94) 16. Commencement Planning Committee (1992-94) [Empty] 17. Computer Policy, Committee on (1992-93) 18. Computer Policy, Committee on (1993-94) 19. Disciplinary Committee, Ad-Hoc (1993) 20. Executive Committee (1992-93) 21. Executive Committee (1993-94) 22. Executive Committee--Miscellaneous Memos (1993-94) 23. Extramural Professional Activity, Committee on (1992-93) 24. Extramural Professional Activity, Committee on (1993-94) [Empty] 25. Faculty Conference (1992-93) 26. Faculty Conference (1993-94) [Empty] 27. Faculty Research, Committee on (1992-93) [Empty] 28. Faculty Research, Committee on (1993-94) 29. Faculty Welfare, Committee on (1992-93) 30. Faculty Welfare, Committee on (1993-94) 31. Financial Aid Appeals Committee (1992-94) [Empty] 32. Institutional Biosafety, Committee on (1992-94) [Empty] 33. Fiscal Priorities and Budget Planning Committee (1992-93) 34. Fiscal Priorities and Budget Planning Committee (1993-94) 35. Governance, Committee on (1992-93) 36. Governance, Committee on (1993-94) 37. Graduate Council (1992-93) 38. Graduate Council (1993-94) 39. Health Benefits, Committee on (1992-) I 40. Health Benefits, Committee on (1992-) II 41. Honors Program, Committee on University (1992-94) [Empty] 42. Human Subjects in Research, Committee on the Use of (1992-93) 43. Human Subjects in Research, Committee on the Use of (1993-94) 44. Improvement of Instruction, Committee on the (1992-93) [Empty] 45. Improvement of Instruction, Committee on the (1993-94) 46. International Education, Committee on (1992-93) 47. International Education, Committee on (1993-94) 48. Liberal Education Council (1992-93) 49. Liberal Education Council (1993-94) 50. Library Committee (1992-93) 51. Library Committee (1993-94) 52. Radiation Control (1992-93) [Empty] 53. Radiation Control (1993-94) 54. Sexual Harassment Policy, Ad-Hoc Committee on (1992) 55. Student Affairs Council (1992-93) 56. Student Affairs Council (1993-94) 57. Temporary Committee for Program Review (1992-93) 58. Temporary Committee for Program Review (1993-94) 59. Undergraduate Courses and Curriculum, Committee on (1992-93) 60. Undergraduate Courses and Curriculum, Committee on (1993-94) 61. Undergraduate Research Committee (1992-93) 62. Undergraduate Research Committee (1993-94) [Empty] 63. University Appeals Board (1992-93) 64. University Appeals Board (1993-94) 65. Title IX Athletics (1993) 66. Green Springs (1992-93) 67. "Redskins" Issue I 68. "Redskins" Issue II 69. Work in Committees (1992-94) 70. Functional Mission Drafts (1993) 71. Unclassified Personnel Advisory Committee (1993-94)
Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Committees; 1995-97; Box 1 [9A-G-2A]! Files: 1. Academic Policy Committee (1995) 2. Academic Policy Committee (1996) 3. Academic Program Review Committee (1995) 4. Alcohol and Other Drug Education Committee (1995) 5. Animal Care and Use Committee (1995-96) 6. Appeals on Student Residency Committee (1995) 7. Athletic Policy Committee (1995) 8. Awards and Recognition Committee (1995) 9. Benjamin Harrison Medallion Committee (1996) 10. Campus Planning Committee (1995) 11. Campus Planning Committee (1996) 12. Chancellor's Advisory Committee (1995) 13. Classified Personnel Advisory Committee (1995) 14. Classified Personnel Advisory Committee (1996) 15. Codification Committee (1995-96) 16. Computer Policy Committee (1995-96) 17. Computer Policy Committee (1995) 18. European Center Subcommittee (1996) 19. Evaluation of Administrators, Committee on (1995-96) 20. Evaluation of Administrators, Committee on (1996-97) 21. Faculty Conference Committee (1995-96) 22. Faculty Research Committee (1995) 23. Faculty Welfare Committee (1995) 24. Governance of University Senate, Committee on (1995) 25. Governance of University Senate, Committee on (January - March 1996) 26. Governance of University Senate, Committee on (April-September 1996) 27. Graduate Council (1998) 28. Graduate Council (1999) 29. Honors Program Advisory Committee (1995) 30. Human Subjects in Research, Committee on the Use of (1995) 31. Improvement of Instruction, Committee on the (1995) 32. International Education Committee (1995) 33. Liberal Education Council (1995-96) 34. Miami Plan for Liberal Education Course Tally Sheets Fall 1999 through Fall 2000 35. Library Committee (1995-96) 36. Radiation Safety Committee (1996) 37. Radiation Safety Committee (1997) 38. Undergraduate Courses and Curriculum Committee (1995) 39. Undergraduate Research Committee (1995) 40. University Appeals Board (1995) 41. University Appeals Board (1996) 42. University Disciplinary Council (1995) 43. Women's Center Policy Committee (1995) 44. Interdivisional Committee of Advisors, 1995
Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Committees; Governance, Committees; 1996-; Box 1 [9A-G-2B]! Files: 1. Liberal Education Council (1997) 2. Undergraduate Courses and Curriculum Committee (1996-2001)
Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Committees; Continuing and Discontinued Committees: Lists of Members; Box 1 [17A-I-1D]! Not Indexed
Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Committees; Managing For The Future Taskforce: Reports and Materials; Box 1 [17A-H-1C]! 1. Managing for the Future Task Force Report 2. Managing for the Future Task Force Report Short Version 3. Managing for the Future Task Force Report - Draft Version
Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Committees; Strippel Committee: Strippel Memorial Fund; Box 1 [9A-K-2A]?m Contents 1. Miami University Programs Coordinated by Bob Strippel in coordination with University Departments Student Organizations Community Groups Newspaper article “Robert Strippel, Religious Director, dies at 50 Robert Strippel Dies Set Service Thursday, The Oxford Press, April 11, 1974 Editorial Sounding Board Activity Jungle by Robert Strippel, 1963-64 Invocation by Robert Strippel, June 12, 1971 Letter from R. E. Strippel, about essay, “The Case to Economic Freedom”, December 8, 1964 Invocation Robert E. Strippel, June 10, 1973 Memorial Service Program for Robert E. Strippel, no date Miami University Student Affairs Newsletter, April 1974 Note: Committee of students and colleagues drafting plans for memorial to Robert Strippel, no date Memo from Stuart Strassfield, Chairman of the Miami Chest Board, Dr. Charles Flynn, Sociology Department, to all faculty and administrators, faculty and administration talent show, no date Memorial to Robert E. Strippel, no date Letter from William J. McKinstry to Mr. and Mrs. Lebow, thank your check in support of Robert E. Memorial Fund, May 24, 1974 Letter to William McKinstry from Sharon and Robert Lebow, check in support of Robert Strippel Fund, May 16, 1974 Letter from Stan to Barb and Bill, about Robert Strippel Fund, September 18, 1974 Memo from Dick Mansfield, Some Alternatives for the Robert Strippel Fund, no date Memo William J. Mckinstry – President Phillip R. Shriver, about rough draft written Stan Lusby statement of purpose for Robert Strippel Memorial Fund, June 24, 1974 The Robert E. Strippel Memorial Fund for Continuing Dialogue on Justice and Human Rights, no date Rough Draft the Robert E. Strippel Fund at Miami University, Oxford, OH, no date The Source and Significance of the Robert E. Strippel Memorial, no date Robert E. Strippel Memorial Fund Organization and Procedures, no date Letter to Mrs. Strippel from Barbara Straus Reed also known as Schwartz, sympathy about death of Robert E. Strippel, June 17, 1974 Memo from William McKinstry to President Phillip R. Shriver status of Robert E. Strippel Fund, September 4, 1974 Memo from William J. William McKinstry to John E. Dolibois, A Proposed Robert E. Memorial Fund, September 4, 1974 Memo to Michael Baxter, Linda D. Calloway, David W. Lawrence, Jay A. Leibovitz, Richard H. Mansfield, Arthur F. Miller, Glenn R. Pellino, Mary Stark, David E. Todt, James R. Woodworth, the Robert E. Strippel Memorial Fund , from President Phillip R. Shriver, copy John E. Dolibois, Robert F. Etheridge, William R. McKinstry, Mrs. Jane Strippel, November 30, 1974 Memo from Glenn Pellino Coordinator of Volunteer Programs to Michal Baxter, Linda Calloway, David W. Lawrence, Jay Leibovitz, Philip A. Macklin, Richard H. Mansfield, Arthur F. Miller, Mary Stark, David E. Todt, James R. Woodworth, invitation of serve on the Robert E. Strippel Memorial Fund Committee, December 9, 1974 Memo from President Phillip R. Shriver to Randall J. F. Bruins, Diane O. Day, Robert Diester, Lynn A. Dumond, Cornell Hewson, William J. McKinstry, Leonard Nash, Lorna C. Short, copied: John D. Dolibois, Robert F. Etheridge, Glenn R. Pellino, Mrs. Jane Strippel, February 5, 1974 Letter from Glenn Pellino to Dear Friends, reminder about next meeting of the Robert E. Strippel Memorial Fund, February 28, 1975 Letter from President Phillip R. Shriver to Jane Strippel, about follow-up telephone conversation, action taken at the December meeting of the Miami University Foundation, approving the establishment of the Robert E. Strippel Fund, December 29, 1977 Newspaper clipping, Students to Vote on Stock Question, The Miami Student, February 21, 1978 Newspaper clipping, Strippel Fund to Support Dialogue, The Miamian, April 27, 1978 Memo from President Phillip R. Shriver to Barbara A. Anderson, Rona Harding, Daniel N. Jacobs, Philip A. Macklin, Margo McIntyre, Leroy F. McKay, William J. McKinstry, Paul M. Vail, Lawrence W. Young, Jr., fund honoring the memory of Robert E. Strippel invitation to serve on the committee, April 28, 1978 News clipping Dialogue on Justice Memorial to Strippel, The Oxford Press, May 1978 Letter from Leroy F. McKay, to President Shriver, accepting appointment to Robert E. Strippel Memorial Fund, May 9, 1978 Memo from Rick Momeyer to Dave Brown, about funding symposium on general topic of the University in the World, April 7, 1978 U. S. Corporate Interests in South Africa Report to the Committee on Foreign Relations United States Senate by Senator Dick Clark, Subcommittee on African Affairs on the Committee on Foreign Relations United States Senate, January 1978 Student Research Cooperative a Subcommittee of Associated Student Government Miami University Warfield Hall, introduction of group of student addressing status of women and minority faculty and administrators and minority enrollment, residential options, non-profit bookstore, mandatory course professor evaluations, 24 hour study lounges, women’s health services, day care center centers for working women, divestiture of investment in South Africa, September 12, 1978 Memo from William J. McKinstry to Barbara A. Anderson, Rona Harding, Daniel N. Jacobs, Philip A. Macklin, Margo McIntyre, Leroy F. McKay, Paul M. Vail, Lawrence W. Young, The Robert E. Strippel Memorial Fund Committee, about establishing a date and time meeting for committee, September 13, 1978 Memo from William J. McKinstry to Robert E. Strippel Memorial, announcement of time and date of meeting, September 29, 1978 The Robert E. Strippel Memorial Foundation Committee Members’ Availability, September 26, 1978 Minutes The Robert Strippel Memorial Fund; October 6, 1978; October 20, 1978; November 1, 1978; November 17, 1978; December 1, 1978; December 11, 1978 Memo from Bill Swanson to William McKinstry about Note for Letter for Donald Woods, November 11, 1978 Letter from Maynard Swanson to Stukey Howard, invitation to Donald Woods from Strippel Committee, November 20, 1978 Letter from William J. McKinstry, Chairman Strippel Committee, invitation to possible speaker about South Africa, Justice and Human Rights: Implications for America, November 22, 1978 Draft Letter to the Participation in the Strippel South African Series, November 22, 1978 Letter from William J. McKinstry to Mr. Venter, confirming invitation to speak about South Africa, Justice and Human Rights: Implications for America, December 11, 1978 2. Description The Robert E. Strippel Memorial Fund for Continuing Dialogue on Justice and Human Rights, no date The Strippel Committee 1978-1979 Names and Addresses, no date The Strippel Committee Memorial Committee, no date Correspondence to Mr. McKinstry, Chairman The Strippel Committee from Caster S. C. Venter, South African Consulate General, about visit to Miami to lecture, January 3, 1979 Correspondence to Mr. McKinstry, Chairman The Strippel Committee from Caster S. C. Venter, South African Consulate General, about visit to Miami to lecture, confirming travel arrangements January 16, 1979 Biography Dennis Vincent Brutus, no date Selected Bibliography of Dennis Brutus, no date Biography Dennis Brutus, no date Memo from W. J. McKinstry about Strippel Program Mr. Venter, January 17, 1979 Newspaper clipping, The Miamian “Strippel Human Rights Series to be Launched”, February 8, 1979 Newspaper clipping, The Miamian, “South African Critic First Strippel Speaker”, February 15, 1979 Memo from David G. Brown to Charles Auer, transfer of money to Strippel Lecture Series, February 13, 1979 Memo from The Robert E. Strippel Memorial Committee to All Faculty and Staff of Miami University, February 15, 1979 Flyer Robert E. Strippel Memorial Committee Programs, February- March 1979 One page of journal article, “Dilemmas of Pluralism the Cast of Religion in Modernity, 1978 Newspaper clipping, “Africa Politics Topic Wednesday”, Journal News February 23, 1979 2 Posters Robert E. Strippel Inaugural Series South African Human Rights February 20 and 28, March 6 Budget Robert Strippel Memorial Lecture Series, spring 1978 Transcript of lecture by Dennis Brutus, Strippel Lecture, “South Africa, Justice and Human Rights: Implication for Americans”, February 20, 1979 Transcript address to the University of Miami, “South Africa in a Turbulent World, February 28, 1979 Newspaper clipping, “African Consul Is Speaker, The Miamian, February 22, 1979 Note from Dennis Brutus to William McKinstry, February 22, 1979 Note from Jay Schadler to Bill (William McKinstry) about release forms Note to Bill (William McKinstry) about lecture, February 23, 1979 Note from Stanley Lusby about lecture, March 13, 1979 Letter from William J. McKinstry to Dennis Brutus, thank you for presentation, February 26, 1979 Letter from Dennis Brutus to William McKinstry, thank you for presentation, January 23, 1979 Letter from William McKinstry to Peter Dahoda about mileage for round trip to Cincinnati Airport, March 2, 1979 Letter from William McKinstry to Rona Harding, reimbursement for round trip, March 2, 1979 Memo from Bill R. Moeckel to all School of Business Faculty, about divestiture of holdings in South Africa, March 5, 1979 Announcement, Robert E. Strippel Memorial Committee Third program in Series of Lecture, March 6, 1979 Memo William J. McKinstry, Jay Schadler about signed performance release for four panelists, March 9, 1979 Letter from William J. McKinstry to Ambassador Robert Keeley, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, thank you for panel discussion, March 30, 1979 Letter for Jay L. Schadler about tapes of Ventor Lecture. April 5, 1979 Memo from Phillip R. Shriver to William G. Slover, about visit, Jane Strippel, April 21, 1981 Memo from Judith de Luce to colleagues, Women’s Studies Students about lecture, April 21, 1981 Memo from President Phillip R. Shriver to Miami employee’s invitation to serve on the Strippel Committee, April 28, 1978 Letter from William J. McKInstry to James Michael, thank you for collaboration with Holy Trinity Church Ventor reception, May 15, 1979 Letter from William J. McKinstry to Cosmo Pietersa about honorarium. May 15, 1979 Draft letter to President Shriver relations with South Africa, March 20, 1979 Robert E. Strippel Memorial Committee 1981-82 Appointees, June 18, 1981 Minutes The Strippel Memorial Committee, June 22, 1981 3. The Robert E. Strippel Memorial Fund Description, 1987 The Source and Significance of the Robert E. Strippel Memorial, no date Robert E. Strippel Memorial Fund Organization and Procedure, no date Robert E. Strippel Memorial Fund Committee Meeting Minutes: February 3, 1987, April 13, 1987 Habits of the Heart Individualism and Commitment in American Life Memo from Newell S. Booth to Members of the Strippel Committee, about direction of committee, May 28, 1987 Suggested program topics, speakers, resources for Robert E. Strippel Memorial Fund, no date List of names of peacemakers, no date Possible Format, no date Letter from Randall Forsberg, Institute for Defense and Disarmament Studies to Linda Musmeci Kimball, thank for your invitation to visit Oxford and honorarium, October 27, 1987 Letter from Linda Musmeci Kimball, Oxford Peace Center to Randall Forsberg, regarding honorarium, November 17, 1987 Memo to all members of the university community from the Robert E. Strippel Memorial Fund, alternative visions for the future, November 1987 Memo from The Robert Strippel Memorial Fund Committee to The Chair Director of the Department Program, about upcoming programs, April 22, 1988 Description of Strippel Committee, no date Letter about Strippel Subcommittee on International Security National Defense, June 13, 1988 Memo from Newell D> Booth to Members of the Strippel Committee about upcoming meeting, September 1, 1988? Letter from Linda Musmeci Kimball to President Paul Pearson, about panelists, September 11, 1988 Draft Letter to panelists, September 12, 1988 Letter to Randy about visit to Miami, September 19, 1988 Letter from Robert Strippel Memorial Fund, Media Advisory/Press Release, September 23, 1988 Robert E. Strippel Memorial Fund Press Release, Mother of the Freeze Movement Speaks Here, September 26, 1988 Flyer the Second Choral Festival for Peace, October 2, 1988 Flyer Special Invitation a Week End Related to Peacemaking, 1988 Memo from Strippel Fund Committee to Interested Faculty, invitation to reception for Randall Forsberg, no date Programs: The Robert E. Strippel Memorial Fund Series of programs Alternative Visions for the Future and Is Peace Possible? October 5, 12, 26, 1988? Pamphlet Institute for Defense and Disarmament Studies, February 1987 Newspaper clipping “Randall Forsberg Opens Strippel Lecture Series, Oxford Press, September 29, 1988 Picture of Randall Forsberg, no date Biography, Randall Forsberg, no date Advertisement Institute for Defense and Disarmament Studies, no date Press Release Randall Forsberg, Oxford Peace Center, no date Press Release Alternative Defense Network by Randall Forsberg and Randall Leavitt, no date Article, An Alternative Defense Agenda for the Peace Movement by Rob Leavitt, no date Poster The Robert E. Strippel Memorial Fund for Continuing Dialogue on Justice and Human Rights Lecture Alternative Visions for the Future, October 5, 12, 19, 26, 1988 Newspaper clipping, “Speech Blasts Nuclear Weapons” Miami Student, October 1988 Newspaper clipping, “MU Speaker Takes Tough Stand on Defense Issue, October 10, 1988 Newspaper clipping, “Cut Weapons MU Speaker Tell Audience”, October 1, 1988 Newspaper clipping, “Second Peace Panel Raises Defense Issues”, October 18, 1988 Letter to Dear Professor from Linda Musmeci Kimball, thank you for participation, November 4, 1988 Remarks by William McKinstry, Remarks Alternative Defense Futures a Proposal Panel Discussion, October 5, 1988 Letter from Robert W. Thurston to Newell Booth and Linda Musmeci Kimball, letter about panel, November 21, 1988 Memo from Roland Duerksen to Linda Kimball, note about Strippel discussion and portions of article, “Fate of the Earth”, November 11, 1988 Note from Dennis to Linda and enclosed remarks, November 16, 1988 Remarks from Cathy Dent, Reflections on Peace, no date Letter to Professor Winkler from Linda Musmeci Kimball and Newell Booth, thank you, November 4, 1988 Brief presentation of Alternative Visions, Richard D. Erlich, remarks, no date Note from Jim Brock Letter from Linda Musmeci Kimball and Newell Booth, thank you and article, “The Economics of the Arms Race Self-Interest and National Security, date The Robert E. Strippel Memorial Fund for Continuing Dialogue on Justice and Human Rights Financial Report, 1988 List of Sponsors, Strippel Memorial Fund Memo to Chair, Director of the Department Program from Subcommittee on International Fund Committee for Continuing Dialogue on Justice and Human Rights, June 13, 1988 Memo to Chair, Director of the Department Program from Subcommittee on International Fund Committee for Continuing Dialogue on Justice and Human Rights, August 24, 1988 List of Co-Sponsorship from churches, Suggested agenda of Planning Committee, August 27, 1988? 4. The Robert E. Strippel Memorial Fund Description The Source and Significance of the Robert E. Strippel Memorial Minutes Strippel Committee, September 1, 1988 Minutes Strippel Committee, September 26, 1988 Minutes Strippel Committee, November 7, 1988 Minutes Strippel Committee, November 14, 1988 Minutes Strippel Committee, November 29, 1988 Minutes, Strippel Committee, December 5, 1985 Minutes, Strippel Committee, January 9, 1989 Minutes, Strippel Committee, March 9, 1989 Minutes, Strippel Committee, April 10, 1989 Minutes, Strippel Committee, April 25, 1989 Minutes, Strippel Committee, December 4, 1989 Strippel Subcommittee on Racial Justice Inter-Office Memo from Subcommittee on Racial Justice to Miami Community and Oxford Community, September 28, 1988 Newspaper clipping, “64 Mississippi Project Remembered at Oxford”, April 3, 1989 Letter from Heanon Wilkins to Faculty, Staff and Students, 25th anniversary of the Mississippi Freedom Summer Project, March 10, 1989 Registration Form, Alternative Visions of Racial Justice Program Mailing List Resource List Center for Democratic Renewal Hand-written note Miami University Programs coordinated by Bob Strippel Newspaper clipping, “Dick Gregory to be Speaker In Racial Justice Sessions, March 23, 1989 Newspaper clipping, “Oxford Spring Project”, no date Dick Gregory Draft Press Release Speaker Biographies Letter from Heanon Wilkins, invite 25th Freedom Summer activities Schedule 25th anniversary of the Mississippi Freedom Summer Project Activities, 1989 Newspaper clipping, “Dick Gregory To Kick-Off Racial Justice Observance” Newspaper clipping, “Freedom School’s Grads Return to Tell Life’s Lessons”, Dayton Daily News, March 30, 1989 Newspaper clipping, “Integration Schools Sets Up Summer Drive”, The Cincinnati Post, June 17, 1964 Flyer: Robert E. Strippel Memorial Fund Mississippi Freedom Summer 25th Anniversary Poster 25th Anniversary of the Mississippi Summer Project, 1989 Newspaper clipping, “Gregory Criticized Blacks, Condemns White Racists”, The Miami Student, April 4, 1989 Newspaper clipping, “Gregory Stresses Courage of Mississippi Project, April 6, 1989 Newspaper clipping, “ Lewis Cites Advancement in Black Citizens Status”, April 6, 1989 Letter from William Stitt, Oxford Internal Medicine, congratulations to 25th anniversary committee, April 6, 1989 5. The Sources and Significance of the Robert E. Strippel Memorial The Robert E. Strippel Memorial Fund for Continuing Dialogue on Justice and Human Rights, no date Memo to Strippel Committee from Linda M. Kimball, the decision to make on the description of the American Dream and other committee matters, no date The American Dream description, no date Blurb Press Release The American Dream, no date Subcommittee on Energy Policy Strippel Memorial Fund, no date Financial Summary, Strippel Memorial Fund, February 8, 1991 Strippel Budget Report, January 31, 1991 Agenda Strippel Memorial Committee Meeting, February 11, 1991 Ideas for Program Strippel Memorial Fund, February 1991 Strippel Committee: Minutes, February 11, 1991; February 25, 1991; March 11, 1991; April 1, 1991; May 13, 1991 Strippel Energy Policy Sub-Committee, May 6, 1991 Strippel Summer Schedule Committee Members. No date Minutes, Energry Subcommittee Minutes, May 14, 1991 Memo from Dave Gorchov to Dr. Commoner’s visit, May 20, 1991 Minutes, Strippel Energy Program Committee, May 30, 1991 Memo from Dave Gorchov, Dave Commoner’s visit, May 24, 1991 Energy Sub Committee Income Report, no date Memo from Bill Renwick to Strippel Energy Program Committee, May 30, 1991 List of Co-Sponsors, July 7, 1991 Note from Bill Renwick to Linda Kimball, June 15, 1991? Letter from William H. Renwick to Mr. Dobbins, Public Affairs Department Cincinnati Gas and Electric, request for financial support, June 17, 1991 Memo from Norman to Bill, Homer, Jan Willem, Orie and Ray, Visit of Barry Commoner, November 13-14, 1991 Letter from Linda M. Kimball to Barry Commoner, solicitation for funding, June 25, 1991 Summer Schedule, Strippel Committee, August 1991 Minutes, Energy Subcommittee, July 8, 1991 List of membership Strippel Subcommittee Energy Policy, no date Memo from Mickey Bement to Carl Pletsch, Memorial Fund, July 17, 191 Schedule for Commoner visit, Strippel Energy Program Committee from Bill Renwick, July 26, 1991 List of Duties, August 1991 Memo from Bill Renwick, tentative schedule, Commoner visit, August 12, 1991 Financial situation to Strippel Energy Sub committee, August 28, 1991 Draft letter to Miami Department, no date Energy Sub Committee Income Report, no date Strippel Memorial Fund Committee Meeting, September 16, 1991 Minutes, September 16, 1991 Strippel Memorial Fund Energy Subcommittee Report, September 16, 1991 Minutes, September 16, 1991, Strippel Memorial Fund Committee Subcommittee on Energy Policy Strippel Memorial Fund, no date Memo from Steven DeLue to Mickey Bement, transfer of funds, September 16, 1991 Memo from David Gorchov to members of committee, minutes, September 17, 1991 Minutes, September 24, 1991 Memo from David Gorchov, update about publicity, October 8, 1991 Minutes, Strippel Memorial Fund Energy Subcommittee, October 8, 1991 Packet: American Dream from Linda, October 20, 1991 Commoner S Itinerary Wish List Memo from David Gorchov to Jane, draft publicity Narrative When the American Dream Was Born Memo from David Gorchov, Toward a Sustainable Energy Future, October 22, 1991 Memo from Dave Gorchov to Strippel Energy Program Committee, ideas for panel presentations, October 22, 1991 Minutes, Strippel Committee, October 22, 1991 Memo from David Gorchov to Betty Hucke, updated information for inclusion into the university calendar, October 28, 1991 Handwritten note, Dinner Mary Jo’s Cuisine, November 13, 1991 Barry Commoner, Resume Black and white Photograph, Barry Commoner Newspaper clipping, Barry Commoner Here Two Days Next Week, no date Color photograph, Bulletin Board Program The Robert Strippel Memorial Fund for Continuing Dialogue, Toward a Sustainable Energy Future, November 13, 1991 6 pamphlets, 2 posters, Barry Commoner Lecture Newspaper clipping, Barry Commoner Says Harvest the Sun Not Oil, Miami University Report, November 21, 1991 Photocopy of article, Spreading His Energy Environmentalist Scientist Commoner Visits Miami, The Journal-News, November 14, 1991 Photocopy of article, Commoner Addresses Conservation, The Miami Student, November 15, 1991 Photocopy of article, Make Fuel Efficiency Our Gulf Strategy, December 3, 1990 Photocopy of article, Toward a Sustainable Energy Future, E-The Environmental Magazine, May/June 1991 Focusing On a Sustainable Future by John F. Robbins, no date Robbins Alternative Energies John F. Robbins, AEE Certified Energy Manager Miami University Libraries Energy Basic Research Guide, November 1991 New Award for a Project on a Sustainable Energy Future Memo from David Gorchov to Linda M. Kimball, Budget for Energy Program, November 18, 1991 Strippel Memorial Fund Energy Program, Budget, November 7, 1991 Budget for Energy Program from David Gorchov to Linda M. Kimball, November 18, 1991 Minutes, Strippel Memorial Fund Energy Program Subcommittee, November 19, 1991 Report and Assessment on Energy Program of the Robert Strippel Memorial Fund Minutes, December 3, 1991 Minutes, December 18, 1991 Strippel Committee Members, no date Next Meeting Announcement, January 27, 1992 Strippel Memorial Fund Energy Program Subcommittee, March 22, 1992 Minutes, January 17, 1992 44th Annual Southwest Ohio District Science Day, April 6, 1991 Criteria for Prize, 1992 New Prize for Project on Sustainable Energy Future Memo from David Gorchov to Maureen Nimis, Cop of Newsletter of Southwest Ohio Disrict Science Day, December 22, 1991 Memo from David Gorchov to Maureen Nimis, Copy of newsletter of the Southwest Ohio District Science Day, January 1992 6. Strippel Committee Minutes, June 26, 1989 Letter from Newell Booth, Jr. to Michael W. Arloski, July 2, 1989 Memo from Gene E. Willeke to Linda Kimball, Institute of Environmental Sciences, August 9, 1990 Subcommittee on Environmental Justice, Minutes, August 24, 1989 Subcommittee on Environmental Justice, Minutes, August 31, 1989 Subcommittee on Environmental Justice, Minutes, September 13, 1989 Subcommittee on Environmental Justice, Minutes, September 26, 1989 Subcommittee on Enviornmental Justice, Minutes, October 9, 1989 Subcommittee on Military Radioactive Waste and Fernald, Subcommittee on Environmental Justice, November 26, 1989 Strippel Committee, Minutes, December 4, 1989 Memo from Strippel Committee to Community Organizations, January 5, 1990 List of Programs, Environmental Justice, no date List of Programs, 1990
Secretary of the University/Governance/Reports; Committees; Strippel Committee: Strippel Memorial Fund; Box 1 [9A-L-1A]!
Strippel Memorial Fund
Folder One
Miami University Programs Coordinated by Bob Strippel in coordination with University Departments Student Organizations Community Groups
Newspaper article “Robert Strippel, Religious Director, dies at 50
Robert Strippel Dies Set Service Thursday, The Oxford Press, April 11, 1974
Editorial Sounding Board Activity Jungle by Robert Strippel, 1963-64
Invocation by Robert Strippel, June 12, 1971
Letter from R. E. Strippel, about essay, “The Case to Economic Freedom”, December 8, 1964
Invocation Robert E. Strippel, June 10, 1973
Memorial Service Program for Robert E. Strippel, no date
Miami University Student Affairs Newsletter, April 1974
Note: Committee of students and colleagues drafting plans for memorial to Robert Strippel, no date
Memo from Stuart Strassfield, Chairman of the Miami Chest Board, Dr. Charles Flynn, Sociology Department, to all faculty and administrators, faculty and administration talent show, no date
Memorial to Robert E. Strippel, no date
Letter from William J. McKinstry to Mr. and Mrs. Lebow, thank your check in support of Robert E. Memorial Fund, May 24, 1974
Letter to William McKinstry from Sharon and Robert Lebow, check in support of Robert Strippel Fund, May 16, 1974
Letter from Stan to Barb and Bill, about Robert Strippel Fund, September 18, 1974
Memo from Dick Mansfield, Some Alternatives for the Robert Strippel Fund, no date
Memo William J. Mckinstry – President Phillip R. Shriver, about rough draft written Stan Lusby statement of purpose for Robert Strippel Memorial Fund, June 24, 1974
The Robert E. Strippel Memorial Fund for Continuing Dialogue on Justice and Human Rights, no date
Rough Draft the Robert E. Strippel Fund at Miami University, Oxford, OH, no date
The Source and Significance of the Robert E. Strippel Memorial, no date
Robert E. Strippel Memorial Fund Organization and Procedures, no date
Letter to Mrs. Strippel from Barbara Straus Reed also known as Schwartz, sympathy about death of Robert E. Strippel, June 17, 1974
Memo from William McKinstry to President Phillip R. Shriver status of Robert E. Strippel Fund, September 4, 1974
Memo from William J. William McKinstry to John E. Dolibois, A Proposed Robert E. Memorial Fund, September 4, 1974
Memo to Michael Baxter, Linda D. Calloway, David W. Lawrence, Jay A. Leibovitz, Richard H. Mansfield, Arthur F. Miller, Glenn R. Pellino, Mary Stark, David E. Todt, James R. Woodworth, the Robert E. Strippel Memorial Fund , from President Phillip R. Shriver, copy John E. Dolibois, Robert F. Etheridge, William R. McKinstry, Mrs. Jane Strippel, November 30, 1974
Memo from Glenn Pellino Coordinator of Volunteer Programs to Michal Baxter, Linda Calloway, David W. Lawrence, Jay Leibovitz, Philip A. Macklin, Richard H. Mansfield, Arthur F. Miller, Mary Stark, David E. Todt, James R. Woodworth, invitation of serve on the Robert E. Strippel Memorial Fund Committee, December 9, 1974
Memo from President Phillip R. Shriver to Randall J. F. Bruins, Diane O. Day, Robert Diester, Lynn A. Dumond, Cornell Hewson, William J. McKinstry, Leonard Nash, Lorna C. Short, copied: John D. Dolibois, Robert F. Etheridge, Glenn R. Pellino, Mrs. Jane Strippel, February 5, 1974
Letter from Glenn Pellino to Dear Friends, reminder about next meeting of the Robert E. Strippel Memorial Fund, February 28, 1975
Letter from President Phillip R. Shriver to Jane Strippel, about follow-up telephone conversation, action taken at the December meeting of the Miami University Foundation, approving the establishment of the Robert E. Strippel Fund, December 29, 1977
Newspaper clipping, Students to Vote on Stock Question, The Miami Student, February 21, 1978
Newspaper clipping, Strippel Fund to Support Dialogue, The Miamian, April 27, 1978
Memo from President Phillip R. Shriver to Barbara A. Anderson, Rona Harding, Daniel N. Jacobs, Philip A. Macklin, Margo McIntyre, Leroy F. McKay, William J. McKinstry, Paul M. Vail, Lawrence W. Young, Jr., fund honoring the memory of Robert E. Strippel invitation to serve on the committee, April 28, 1978
News clipping Dialogue on Justice Memorial to Strippel, The Oxford Press, May 1978
Letter from Leroy F. McKay, to President Shriver, accepting appointment to Robert E. Strippel Memorial Fund, May 9, 1978
Memo from Rick Momeyer to Dave Brown, about funding symposium on general topic of the University in the World, April 7, 1978
U. S. Corporate Interests in South Africa Report to the Committee on Foreign Relations United States Senate by Senator Dick Clark, Subcommittee on African Affairs on the Committee on Foreign Relations United States Senate, January 1978
Student Research Cooperative a Subcommittee of Associated Student Government Miami University Warfield Hall, introduction of group of student addressing status of women and minority faculty and administrators and minority enrollment, residential options, non-profit bookstore, mandatory course professor evaluations, 24 hour study lounges, women’s health services, day care center centers for working women, divestiture of investment in South Africa, September 12, 1978
Memo from William J. McKinstry to Barbara A. Anderson, Rona Harding, Daniel N. Jacobs, Philip A. Macklin, Margo McIntyre, Leroy F. McKay, Paul M. Vail, Lawrence W. Young, The Robert E. Strippel Memorial Fund Committee, about establishing a date and time meeting for committee, September 13, 1978
Memo from William J. McKinstry to Robert E. Strippel Memorial, announcement of time and date of meeting, September 29, 1978
The Robert E. Strippel Memorial Foundation Committee Members’ Availability, September 26, 1978
Minutes The Robert Strippel Memorial Fund; October 6, 1978; October 20, 1978; November 1, 1978; November 17, 1978; December 1, 1978; December 11, 1978
Memo from Bill Swanson to William McKinstry about Note for Letter for Donald Woods, November 11, 1978
Letter from Maynard Swanson to Stukey Howard, invitation to Donald Woods from Strippel Committee, November 20, 1978
Letter from William J. McKinstry, Chairman Strippel Committee, invitation to possible speaker about South Africa, Justice and Human Rights: Implications for America, November 22, 1978
Draft Letter to the Participation in the Strippel South African Series, November 22, 1978
Letter from William J. McKinstry to Mr. Venter, confirming invitation to speak about South Africa, Justice and Human Rights: Implications for America, December 11, 1978
Folder Two
Description The Robert E. Strippel Memorial Fund for Continuing Dialogue on Justice and Human Rights, no date
The Strippel Committee 1978-1979 Names and Addresses, no date
The Strippel Committee Memorial Committee, no date
Correspondence to Mr. McKinstry, Chairman The Strippel Committee from Caster S. C. Venter, South African Consulate General, about visit to Miami to lecture, January 3, 1979
Correspondence to Mr. McKinstry, Chairman The Strippel Committee from Caster S. C. Venter, South African Consulate General, about visit to Miami to lecture, confirming travel arrangements January 16, 1979
Biography Dennis Vincent Brutus, no date
Selected Bibliography of Dennis Brutus, no date
Biography Dennis Brutus, no date
Memo from W. J. McKinstry about Strippel Program Mr. Venter, January 17, 1979
Newspaper clipping, The Miamian “Strippel Human Rights Series to be Launched”, February 8, 1979
Newspaper clipping, The Miamian, “South African Critic First Strippel Speaker”, February 15, 1979
Memo from David G. Brown to Charles Auer, transfer of money to Strippel Lecture Series, February 13, 1979
Memo from The Robert E. Strippel Memorial Committee to All Faculty and Staff of Miami University, February 15, 1979
Flyer Robert E. Strippel Memorial Committee Programs, February- March 1979
One page of journal article, “Dilemmas of Pluralism the Cast of Religion in Modernity, 1978
Newspaper clipping, “Africa Politics Topic Wednesday”, Journal News February 23, 1979
2 Posters Robert E. Strippel Inaugural Series South African Human Rights February 20 and 28, March 6
Budget Robert Strippel Memorial Lecture Series, spring 1978
Transcript of lecture by Dennis Brutus, Strippel Lecture, “South Africa, Justice and Human Rights: Implication for Americans”, February 20, 1979
Transcript address to the University of Miami, “South Africa in a Turbulent World, February 28, 1979
Newspaper clipping, “African Consul Is Speaker, The Miamian, February 22, 1979
Note from Dennis Brutus to William McKinstry, February 22, 1979
Note from Jay Schadler to Bill (William McKinstry) about release forms
Note to Bill (William McKinstry) about lecture, February 23, 1979
Note from Stanley Lusby about lecture, March 13, 1979
Letter from William J. McKinstry to Dennis Brutus, thank you for presentation, February 26, 1979
Letter from Dennis Brutus to William McKinstry, thank you for presentation, January 23, 1979
Letter from William McKinstry to Peter Dahoda about mileage for round trip to Cincinnati Airport, March 2, 1979
Letter from William McKinstry to Rona Harding, reimbursement for round trip, March 2, 1979
Memo from Bill R. Moeckel to all School of Business Faculty, about divestiture of holdings in South Africa, March 5, 1979
Announcement, Robert E. Strippel Memorial Committee Third program in Series of Lecture, March 6, 1979
Memo William J. McKinstry, Jay Schadler about signed performance release for four panelists, March 9, 1979
Letter from William J. McKinstry to Ambassador Robert Keeley, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, thank you for panel discussion, March 30, 1979
Letter for Jay L. Schadler about tapes of Ventor Lecture. April 5, 1979
Memo from Phillip R. Shriver to William G. Slover, about visit, Jane Strippel, April 21, 1981
Memo from Judith de Luce to colleagues, Women’s Studies Students about lecture, April 21, 1981
Memo from President Phillip R. Shriver to Miami employee’s invitation to serve on the Strippel Committee, April 28, 1978
Letter from William J. McKInstry to James Michael, thank you for collaboration with Holy Trinity Church Ventor reception, May 15, 1979
Letter from William J. McKinstry to Cosmo Pietersa about honorarium. May 15, 1979
Draft letter to President Shriver relations with South Africa, March 20, 1979
Robert E. Strippel Memorial Committee 1981-82 Appointees, June 18, 1981
Minutes The Strippel Memorial Committee, June 22, 1981
Folder Three
The Robert E. Strippel Memorial Fund Description, 1987
The Source and Significance of the Robert E. Strippel Memorial, no date
Robert E. Strippel Memorial Fund Organization and Procedure, no date
Robert E. Strippel Memorial Fund Committee Meeting Minutes: February 3, 1987, April 13, 1987
Habits of the Heart Individualism and Commitment in American Life
Memo from Newell S. Booth to Members of the Strippel Committee, about direction of committee, May 28, 1987
Suggested program topics, speakers, resources for Robert E. Strippel Memorial Fund, no date
List of names of peacemakers, no date
Possible Format, no date
Letter from Randall Forsberg, Institute for Defense and Disarmament Studies to Linda Musmeci Kimball, thank for your invitation to visit Oxford and honorarium, October 27, 1987
Letter from Linda Musmeci Kimball, Oxford Peace Center to Randall Forsberg, regarding honorarium, November 17, 1987
Memo to all members of the university community from the Robert E. Strippel Memorial Fund, alternative visions for the future, November 1987
Memo from The Robert Strippel Memorial Fund Committee to The Chair Director of the Department Program, about upcoming programs, April 22, 1988
Description of Strippel Committee, no date
Letter about Strippel Subcommittee on International Security National Defense, June 13, 1988
Memo from Newell D> Booth to Members of the Strippel Committee about upcoming meeting, September 1, 1988?
Letter from Linda Musmeci Kimball to President Paul Pearson, about panelists, September 11, 1988
Draft Letter to panelists, September 12, 1988
Letter to Randy about visit to Miami, September 19, 1988
Letter from Robert Strippel Memorial Fund, Media Advisory/Press Release, September 23, 1988
Robert E. Strippel Memorial Fund Press Release, Mother of the Freeze Movement Speaks Here, September 26, 1988
Flyer the Second Choral Festival for Peace, October 2, 1988
Flyer Special Invitation a Week End Related to Peacemaking, 1988
Memo from Strippel Fund Committee to Interested Faculty, invitation to reception for Randall Forsberg, no date
Programs: The Robert E. Strippel Memorial Fund Series of programs Alternative Visions for the Future and Is Peace Possible? October 5, 12, 26, 1988?
Pamphlet Institute for Defense and Disarmament Studies, February 1987
Newspaper clipping “Randall Forsberg Opens Strippel Lecture Series, Oxford Press, September 29, 1988
Picture of Randall Forsberg, no date
Biography, Randall Forsberg, no date
Advertisement Institute for Defense and Disarmament Studies, no date
Press Release Randall Forsberg, Oxford Peace Center, no date
Press Release Alternative Defense Network by Randall Forsberg and Randall Leavitt, no date
Article, An Alternative Defense Agenda for the Peace Movement by Rob Leavitt, no date
Poster The Robert E. Strippel Memorial Fund for Continuing Dialogue on Justice and Human Rights Lecture Alternative Visions for the Future, October 5, 12, 19, 26, 1988
Newspaper clipping, “Speech Blasts Nuclear Weapons” Miami Student, October 1988
Newspaper clipping, “MU Speaker Takes Tough Stand on Defense Issue, October 10, 1988
Newspaper clipping, “Cut Weapons MU Speaker Tell Audience”, October 1, 1988
Newspaper clipping, “Second Peace Panel Raises Defense Issues”, October 18, 1988
Letter to Dear Professor from Linda Musmeci Kimball, thank you for participation, November 4, 1988
Remarks by William McKinstry, Remarks Alternative Defense Futures a Proposal Panel Discussion, October 5, 1988
Letter from Robert W. Thurston to Newell Booth and Linda Musmeci Kimball, letter about panel, November 21, 1988
Memo from Roland Duerksen to Linda Kimball, note about Strippel discussion and portions of article, “Fate of the Earth”, November 11, 1988
Note from Dennis to Linda and enclosed remarks, November 16, 1988
Remarks from Cathy Dent, Reflections on Peace, no date
Letter to Professor Winkler from Linda Musmeci Kimball and Newell Booth, thank you, November 4, 1988
Brief presentation of Alternative Visions, Richard D. Erlich, remarks, no date
Note from Jim Brock
Letter from Linda Musmeci Kimball and Newell Booth, thank you and article, “The Economics of the Arms Race Self-Interest and National Security, date
The Robert E. Strippel Memorial Fund for Continuing Dialogue on Justice and Human Rights Financial Report, 1988
List of Sponsors, Strippel Memorial Fund
Memo to Chair, Director of the Department Program from Subcommittee on International Fund Committee for Continuing Dialogue on Justice and Human Rights, June 13, 1988
Memo to Chair, Director of the Department Program from Subcommittee on International Fund Committee for Continuing Dialogue on Justice and Human Rights, August 24, 1988
List of Co-Sponsorship from churches,
Suggested agenda of Planning Committee, August 27, 1988?
Folder Four
The Robert E. Strippel Memorial Fund Description
The Source and Significance of the Robert E. Strippel Memorial
Minutes Strippel Committee, September 1, 1988
Minutes Strippel Committee, September 26, 1988
Minutes Strippel Committee, November 7, 1988
Minutes Strippel Committee, November 14, 1988
Minutes Strippel Committee, November 29, 1988
Minutes, Strippel Committee, December 5, 1985
Minutes, Strippel Committee, January 9, 1989
Minutes, Strippel Committee, March 9, 1989
Minutes, Strippel Committee, April 10, 1989
Minutes, Strippel Committee, April 25, 1989
Minutes, Strippel Committee, December 4, 1989
Strippel Subcommittee on Racial Justice
Inter-Office Memo from Subcommittee on Racial Justice to Miami Community and Oxford Community, September 28, 1988
Newspaper clipping, “64 Mississippi Project Remembered at Oxford”, April 3, 1989
Letter from Heanon Wilkins to Faculty, Staff and Students, 25th anniversary of the Mississippi Freedom Summer Project, March 10, 1989
Registration Form, Alternative Visions of Racial Justice Program
Mailing List
Resource List Center for Democratic Renewal
Hand-written note Miami University Programs coordinated by Bob Strippel
Newspaper clipping, “Dick Gregory to be Speaker In Racial Justice Sessions, March 23, 1989
Newspaper clipping, “Oxford Spring Project”, no date
Dick Gregory Draft Press Release
Speaker Biographies
Letter from Heanon Wilkins, invite 25th Freedom Summer activities
Schedul 25th anniversary of the Mississippi Freedom Summer Project Activities, 1989
Newspaper clipping, “Dick Gregory To Kick-Off Racial Justice Observance”
Newspaper clipping, “Freedom School’s Grads Return to Tell Life’s Lessons”, Dayton Daily News, March 30, 1989
Newspaper clipping, “Integration Schools Sets Up Summer Drive”, The Cincinnati Post, June 17, 1964
Flyer: Robert E. Strippel Memorial Fund Mississippi Freedom Summer 25th Anniversary
Poster 25th Anniversary of the Mississippi Summer Project, 1989
Newspaper clipping, “Gregory Criticized Blacks, Condemns White Racists”, The Miami Student, April 4, 1989
Newspaper clipping, “Gregory Stresses Courage of Mississippi Project, April 6, 1989
Newspaper clipping, “ Lewis Cites Advancement in Black Citizens Status”, April 6, 1989
Letter from William Stitt, Oxford Internal Medicine, congratulations to 25th anniversary committee, April 6, 1989
Folder Five
The Sources and Significance of the Robert E. Strippel Memorial
The Robert E. Strippel Memorial Fund for Continuing Dialogue on Justice and Human Rights, no date
Memo to Strippel Committee from Linda M. Kimball, the decision to make on the description of the American Dream and other committee matters, no date
The American Dream description, no date
Blurb Press Release The American Dream, no date
Subcommittee on Energy Policy Strippel Memorial Fund, no date
Financial Summary, Strippel Memorial Fund, February 8, 1991
Strippel Budget Report, January 31, 1991
Agenda Strippel Memorial Committee Meeting, February 11, 1991
Ideas for Program Strippel Memorial Fund, February 1991
Strippel Committee: Minutes, February 11, 1991; February 25, 1991; March 11, 1991; April 1, 1991; May 13, 1991
Strippel Energy Policy Sub-Committee, May 6, 1991
Strippel Summer Schedule Committee Members. No date
Minutes, Energy Subcommittee Minutes, May 14, 1991
Memo from Dave Gorchov to Dr. Commoner’s visit, May 20, 1991
Minutes, Strippel Energy Program Committee, May 30, 1991
Memo from Dave Gorchov, Dave Commoner’s visit, May 24, 1991
Energy Sub Committee Income Report, no date
Memo from Bill Renwick to Strippel Energy Program Committee, May 30, 1991
List of Co-Sponsors, July 7, 1991
Note from Bill Renwick to Linda Kimball, June 15, 1991?
Letter from William H. Renwick to Mr. Dobbins, Public Affairs Department Cincinnati Gas and Electric, request for financial support, June 17, 1991
Memo from Norman to Bill, Homer, Jan Willem, Orie and Ray, Visit of Barry Commoner, November 13-14, 1991
Letter from Linda M. Kimball to Barry Commoner, solicitation for funding, June 25, 1991
Summer Schedule, Strippel Committee, August 1991
Minutes, Energy Subcommittee, July 8, 1991
List of membership Strippel Subcommittee Energy Policy, no date
Memo from Mickey Bement to Carl Pletsch, Memorial Fund, July 17, 191
Schedule for Commoner visit, Strippel Energy Program Committee from Bill Renwick, July 26, 1991
List of Duties, August 1991
Memo from Bill Renwick, tentative schedule, Commoner visit, August 12, 1991
Financial situation to Strippel Energy Subcommittee, August 28, 1991
Draft letter to Miami Department, no date
Energy Sub Committee Income Report, no date
Strippel Memorial Fund Committee Meeting, September 16, 1991
Minutes, September 16, 1991
Strippel Memorial Fund Energy Subcommittee Report, September 16, 1991
Minutes, September 16, 1991, Strippel Memorial Fund Committee
Subcommittee on Energy Policy Strippel Memorial Fund, no date
Memo from Steven DeLue to Mickey Bement, transfer of funds, September 16, 1991
Memo from David Gorchov to members of committee, minutes, September 17, 1991
Minutes, September 24, 1991
Memo from David Gorchov, update about publicity, October 8, 1991
Minutes, Strippel Memorial Fund Energy Subcommittee, October 8, 1991
Packet: American Dream from Linda, October 20, 1991
Itinerary Wish List
Memo from David Gorchov to Jane, draft publicity
Narrative When the American Dream Was Born
Memo from David Gorchov, Toward a Sustainable Energy Future, October 22, 1991
Memo from Dave Gorchov to Strippel Energy Program Committee, ideas for panel presentations, October 22, 1991
Minutes, Strippel Committee, October 22, 1991
Memo from David Gorchov to Betty Hucke, updated information for inclusion into the university calendar, October 28, 1991
Handwritten note, Dinner Mary Jo’s Cuisine, November 13, 1991
Barry Commoner, Resume
Black and white Photograph, Barry Commoner
Newspaper clipping, Barry Commoner Here Two Days Next Week, no date
Color photograph, Bulletin Board
Program The Robert Strippel Memorial Fund for Continuing Dialogue, Toward a Sustainable Energy Future, November 13, 1991
6 pamphlets, 2 posters, Barry Commoner Lecture
Newspaper clipping, Barry Commoner Says Harvest the Sun Not Oil, Miami University Report, November 21, 1991
Photocopy of article, Spreading His Energy Environmentalist Scientist Commoner Visits Miami, The Journal-News, November 14, 1991
Photocopy of article, Commoner Addresses Conservation, The Miami Student, November 15, 1991
Photocopy of article, Make Fuel Efficiency Our Gulf Strategy, December 3, 1990
Photocopy of article, Toward a Sustainable Energy Future, E-The Environmental Magazine, May/June 1991
Focusing On a Sustainable Future by John F. Robbins, no date
Robbins Alternative Energies John F. Robbins, AEE Certified Energy Manager
Miami University Libraries Energy Basic Research Guide, November 1991
New Award for a Project on a Sustainable Energy Future
Memo from David Gorchov to Linda M. Kimball, Budget for Energy Program, November 18, 1991
Strippel Memorial Fund Energy Program, Budget, November 7, 1991
Budget for Energy Program from David Gorchov to Linda M. Kimball, November 18, 1991
Minutes, Strippel Memorial Fund Energy Program Subcommittee, November 19, 1991
Report and Assessment on Energy Program of the Robert Strippel Memorial Fund
Folder Six
Meeting Announcement
Letter from Newell S. Booth to Michael Arloski, July 2, 1989
Memo from Gene E. Willeke to Linda Kimball, alternative visions, August 9, 1989
Minutes Strippel Memorial Fund Committee: August 24, 1989, August 31, 1989, September 13, 1989, September 26, 1989,
Strippel Subcommittee on Environmental Justice, October 9, 1989
Sub-Sub Committee on Radioactive Waste and Fernald of the Strippel Sub-Committee on Environmental Justice, November 26, 1989
Minutes Strippel Memorial Fund Committee: December 4, 1989
Memo from Strippel Committee to Community Organizations, January 5, 1990
A Program of the Strippel Committee Environmental Justice, Program Outline, no date
Program Outline Environmental Justice, February 5-9, 1990
Packet: Environmental Justice
Packet: Use and Abuse of the Tropical Rain Forest, 1990
Minutes: March 5, 1990
Memo, Strippel Memorial Fund, invitation to join committee, March 8, 1990
Report on the Environmental Justice Symposium, April 4, 1990
Minutes, Robert Strippel Memorial Fund Committee, April 9, 1990, April 23, 1990
Membership List, Strippel Committee, July 13, 1990
Packet, Programs, 1990
Folder Seven
Strippel Memorial Fund Committee Minutes: January 17, 1992,
Finance Commission, Strippel Foundation, December 10, 1991
Strippel Memorial Fund Subcommittee, September 1999
Notes from Strippel Memorial Fund Committee, May 1, 1992
Notes from Strippel Memorial Fund Committee, May 15, 1992
Newsletter, Their Voice, May 1992
Notes, Strippel Education Subcommittee Meeting, June 5, 1992
Memo from Marcia Waller to Bill McKinstry, Strippel Fund Education Program, June 25, 1992
Memo from William G. Slover to Marcia B. Waller, Strippel Memorial Fund Committee, July 1, 1992
Letter from Carl Pletsch to Strippel Committee, August 19, 1992
List of Sub-Committee, Strippel Committee, no date
The Nation Magazine, September 21, 1992
Article, Education Reform Don’t Count On Business, September 1992
Some Thoughts on the Strippel Education Program, October 21, 1992
Minutes, Robert E. Strippel Fund Committee, October 22, 1992
Minutes, Robert E. Strippel Fund Committee, November 5, 1992
Strippel Outline Of Possible Education Program Series, November 18, 1992
Minutes, Strippel Committee, November 18, 1992
Next Meeting Outline and Questions, December 2, 1992
Strippel Committee Minutes, December 2, 1992
Memo from Carl Pletsch to Bill McKinstry and the Strippel Memorial Committee, December 8, 1992
Strippel Memorial Fund Forum, 1992-93
Letter from Bill McKinstry to community, January 8, 1993
Handwritten letter and questions about education in America, January 22, 1993
Strippel Minutes, January 29, 1993
Questions, Strippel Education Committee, January 1993
Education Subcommittee Minutes, February 16, 1993
Education and Subcommittee Interest
Random Thoughts on a Program on the Media, no date
Strippel Committee Minutes, March 2, 1993
Strippel Committee Minutes, March 30, 1993
Flyer: The Politics of Official Knowledge Does a National Curriculum Make Sense?, March 25, 1993?
Strippel Minutes, April 13, 1993
Definition Page
Blurb, The American Dream
List of Quotes
Page about Consciousness
Minutes, Strippel Committee, August 26, 1993
Strippel Memorial Fund Forum, 1993-94
Memo to Miami University Department Chair about Strippel Committee, November 1991
Sally Ann Reed Bio
R. Craig Sautter Bio
Press Release, Public Dialogue, October 8, 1993
Media Advisory, Strippel Memorial Fund
Tentative Schedule, Strippel Program, Fall 1993
Rethinking American Dream, Schedule, 1993
Schedule, Education Committee, August 26, 1993
Schedule, Strippel Memorial Fund, Fall 1993
Program, Memorial Fund Rethinking Our Schools, November 1, 1993
Program, Memorial Fund Rethinking Our Schools What’s Working, November 1, 1993
Poster Rethinking Our Schools, November 1, 1993
News article, Speakers Stress Urgency of Education Reforms, Journal-News, November 9, 1993
Folder Eight
Ticket, NAACP Freedom Fund Banquet, April 12, 2015
Letter of resignation, September 29, 1994
Strippel, Organization and Procedures, no date
Minutes, Strippel Memorial Fund, November 10, 1998
Strippel Memorial Fund Committee, November 1998
Strippel Memorial Fund Committee, November 1998
List of committee availability
Letter from Stephen Snyder to Woedl, nomination to Strippel Committee, October 22, 1998
Decline of appointment, Ruth H. Sander, December 7, 1998
Memo from Liz Woedl to Strippel Committee about scheduling meetings, January 13, 1999
Proposal to Amendment, January 21, 1999
Minutes of Strippel Memorial Fund Committee, January 26, 1999
Memo from Liz Woedl to Steve Ransom, Freedom Summer Fund, February 5, 1999
Memo from Liz Woedl to Strippel Committee Fund, agenda, February 20, 1999
Minutes of Strippel Memorial Fund Committee Meeting, February 23, 1999
Robert E. Strippel Memorial Fund Organization and Procedures, no date
Memo from Liz Woedl to James Garland, invitation to join Strippel Committee, March 5, 1999
Letter from Stephen D. Snyder to Steven and Karen DeLue, invitation to join the Strippel Advisory Committee, March 11, 1999
Memo from Liz Woedl to Strippel Memorial Fund Committee Members, March 11, 1999
List of Strippel Memorial Fund Committee, November 1999
Memo from Strippel Memorial Fund Committee to Media as Mythmaker Sub-Committee, March 15, 2000
Minutes Strippel Committee Fund Meeting, March 23, 1999
Memo from Liz Woedl to Strippel Memorial Fund Committee Members, meeting announcement, April 15, 1999
Minutes, Strippel Committee Fund Committee Meeting, April 21, 1999
Memo from Strippel Memorial Fund Committee to Hugh Morgan, Department of English, May 15, 1999
Robert E. Strippel Memorial Fund Activity Report, May 24, 1999
Handwritten note, Summer plans, no date
Hand written note to Woedl from C. Lee Harrington, June 5, 1999
Memo from Strippel Memorial Fund to Linda Musmeci Kimball, June 23, 1999
Memo from Katie Dowell, Strippel Update, Email, June 23, 1999
Minutes of Strippel Memorial Fund Committee, June 23, 1999
Memo from Liz Woedl to Strippel Memorial Fund Committee, July 25, 1999
Memo from Linda to Liz, Invitation by mail, Strippel Subcommittee, September 13, 1999
Letter from Dean Conti to Liz, resignation letter, October 1, 1999
Biography of speakers, no date
Memo from Liz Woedl to Strippel Memorial Fund Committee, February 22, 2000
Minutes of Strippel Memorial Fund Committee, February 29, 2000
Memo from Strippel Memorial Fund Committee, Initial planning meeting, March 15, 2000
Memo from Strippel Memorial Fund Committee to Media Mythmaker Subcommittee, List of meeting dates, April 21, 2000
Update of Strippel Memorial Fund Committee, no date
Memo from Rich Erlich to Mike, invitation to present, April 25, 2000
Email from Liz Woedl to Strippel Memorial Fund Committee Members, resignation letter from Liz Woedl, July 24, 2000
Folder Nine
Membership List Committee Advisory Committee, 2001
Notes on the Strippel Memorial Advisory Committee Meeting, October 4, 2001
Strippel Committee of Past Chairs, October 4, 2001
Handwritten notes communications understanding, no date
Handwritten notes to Ron Crutcher from Strippel Committee, no date
Handwritten notes, Linda’s notes, no date
Letter from Jane Strippel to Ron Crutcher, Center for American and World Cultures, November 15, 2001
Strippel Memorial Fund Organization and Procedures, no date
Description of Strippel Memorial Fund, no date
Our Concerns, no date
Handwritten notes from Jane Strippel, no date
Memo from Heather R. Kaufman to Mary Jane Berman, Robert Strippel Fund, June 30, 2009
Folder Ten
Post Card, Homeless in the World: a Human Rights Perspective, November 12, 2004
Booklet Homelessness in the World, 2004
Program, Homelessness in the World, 2004
Poster, Homelessness in the World, 2004
Pamphlet, Linking Resources for Children and Youth Experience Homelessness, no date
Press Releases Strippel Dialogue
Membership List Stippel Committee,
Schedule, Strippel Memorial Lecture, October 26, 2004
Publicity List Strippel Committee, October 28, 2004
Schedule Homeless in the World, October 24, 2004
Homeless In the World Information Fair, Exhibitors List November 12, 2003
Email from Mary Jane Berman and Abstract Forced Migration and Human Rights in the Middle East, November 12, 2004
Email to Mary Jane Berman and others, update, Strippel Forum, September 27,2004
Draft Program, Strippel Memorial Lecture Series, Homeless in the World, October 7, 2004
List, Materials Received, no date
Articles, What Would It Take to End Homelessness, January 2003
Illegal to be Homeless the Criminalization of Homelessness in the United States, November 2004
National Coalition for the Homeless, Publications List, no date
Pamphlet: Faces of Homelessness, no date
Common Ground Resource List
Bringing America Home Resource List
Article, A Developer Goes Home to Tackle a New Project, no date
Press Release: Jolom Mayaetik Informatioin about Our Cooperative and Our Products, no date
Copy of Powerpoint Presentation, Who Is A Refugee?, no date\
Folder Eleven
Ticket, Defending Democracy, Forum on Hate Speech, no date
Save the Date Postcard, Defending Democracy the Limits of Free Speech, April 8, 2006
Holy Trinity Bulletin: Forum on Hate Speech, April 2006
Schedule, Hate Speech Program, no date
Flyer: Forum on Hate Speech, April 8, 2006
Poster: Forum on Hate Speech, April 8, 2006
Article, Miami Student, Even Ignorant Speech Must be Protected, 2006
Email from Alysia Fischer to Mary Jane Berman, speaker Shahid, February 9, 2008
Article, Hate Speech Online, February 1, 2006
Article, Why Can’t the Government Ban Use of the Internet, February 1, 2006
Email to Mary Jane and Dorothy Falke, Invitation to Meet Freedom Summer at Miami University Playwright in Residence, August 18, 2006
Email from Dorothy Falke to Strippel Committee, Scheduling a Meeting, November 13, 2006
Email from Dorothy Falke to Strippel Committee, List of meetings, Spring Semester, 2006
Strippel Committee Menu
Letter form Hueston Woods to Mary Jane Berman, letter about recent event, May 13, 2006
Letter from Hueston Woods to Jane Stippel, letter about deposit and upcoming visit, May 10, 2006
Handwritten note from Jane Strippel, thank you, 2006
Folder Twelve
News article: Program Focus on Dialogue Workshop to Look at Hard Issues Like Religion
Program, Strippel Program, March 21, 2009
Ticket, Strippel Memorial, no date
Invitation, Robert Strippel Program, March 21, 2009
Poster, Strippel Committee, March 21, 2009
Strippel Program April 10, 2008
Email, From Dorothy Falke about minutes, April 22, 2008
Strippel Program Meeting Minutes, May 1, 2008
Strippel Program Meeting Agenda, May 22, 2008
Strippel Program Meeting Minutes, May 22, 2008
Strippel Program Meeting Agenda, June 12, 2008
Email from Mary Jane Berman, Strippel Committee Update, October 31, 2008
Email from Mary Jane Berman, Update, Robert Nash, October 31, 2008
Email from Mary Jane Berman, Monday Meeting Strippel Program, March 15, 2009
Article, Religious Differences and the Moral Conversation, March 21, 2008
Invitation Strippel Dialogue, Religious Differences and the Moral Conversation, March 21, 2009
Information Page, The Sources and Significance of the Robert E. Strippel Memorial by Jane Strippel
Robert J. Nash Bio
Itinerary, Patricia Nyugen, Marc 21, 2009
Strippel How to Talk about Topics, Do You Think This Guy Should Speak on Our Campus, no date
Afternoon Scenarios, no date
Strippel Case Studies for Moral Conversion, no date
Conflict Scenarios, no date
Agenda, Strippel Committee, February 23, 2009
Source Book: Interfaith Dialogue Source Book: What the World Needs to Know about Interfaith Dialogue
Spirituality in Higher Education Newsletter, July 2007
Article: Facing One Another in This Place: Using Moral Conversation to Talk about Controversial Topics in College Settings, by Robert Nash, April 2008
Article, How to Talk About Hot Topics on Campus From Polarization to Moral Conversation,
Article, Teaching About Religious and Spiritual Pluralism In A Professional Education Course, by Robert J Nash and Sue M. Baskette,
Folder Thirteen
Poster: Environmental Justice in Not New: Historical and Contemporary Dimensions of the Movement, Strippel Program, April 8, 2010
Program, Economic Practice As Environmental Action, New Directions in Activism, January 21, 2011
Flyer, Environmental Justice and the Green Economy, January 21, 2011
Poster, Van Jones, 2011
Poster, Media and Democracy and the Coming Upheaval, February 16, 2012
Flyer: Strippel A Call to Action,
Folder Fourteen
Strippel Memorial Publicity Card, 2013
Strippel Program Series, January-February, 2013
Flyer: David Cobb, We the People Not We the Corporation, February 7, 2013
Email The Unfinished Business of Freedom Summer, Pam McMicheal, February 17, 2014
Email Our Government is Broken Because the System is Fixed Creating a Real Democracy Movement, 2018
Packet: Dismantling the School To Prison Pipeline, 2016
Strippel 2017 Spring Events
Folder Fifteen
Robert E. Strippel Memorial Fund Committee, mailing form
Strippel Save the Date, Retreat Western College Lodge, Memo
Guidelines for the Use of the Western Lodge
Habits of the Heart Preface from Book
Habits of the Heart, Selected Quotations
Handwritten noted Robert E. Strippel Memorial Committee Retreat
Handwritten note, Dr. Myrtis Powell
Expand Health Coverage of Working People
Program Topics That Emerged From Brainstorming Sessions at the Strippel Memorial Fund Retreat, January 26, 1991
Random Thoughts On A Program On The Media
Handwritten Program Proposal. 1991-1993
Cassette Tapes
Tape 1
Part One of the Mississippi Summer Project Revisited and address by Dick Gregory, Miami University March 31, 1989
Part Two of the Mississippi Summer Project Revisited and address by Dick Gregory, Miami University March 31, 1989
Part One Activism a Historical Perspective Panel Discussion, April 1, 1989
Part Two Activism a Historical Perspective Panel Discussion, April 1, 1989
The National Civil Rights Agenda After Reagan, April 1, 1989
VHS Tapes
Strippel Memorial Programs
Alternative Defense Futures A Proposal, Randall Forsberg, September 30, 1988
Alternative Defense Futures A proposal, Frances Moore Lappe’ September 30, 1988
Alternative Visions of Racial Justice, Dick Gregory, March 31, 1989,
Alternative Visions of Racial Justice, John Lewis, April 1, 1989
Activism a Historical Perspective, February 9, 1990
Killing Our Own Health Effects of Radiation, April 1, 1989
The Impact of Weapons Production on Public Health, February 9, 1990
The Environmental Impact of the Fernald and Mound Facilities, February 12, 1990
Economic Democracy Liberty and Justice For All, September 13, 1990
Toward a Sustainable Energy Future, Barry Commoner, November 13, 1991
Strippel Collection; Robert Strippel tapes and miscellaneous materials; 1959-174 Box 1 [9A-L-2A]!
- 1928 - 2001
- From the Record Group: Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) (Organization)
- From the Record Group: Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) Secretary of the University. Secretary of the University (Organization)
- From the Record Group: Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) Liberal Education . Office of Liberal Education (Organization)
Conditions Governing Access
Materials do not circulate and are made available to users in the Miami University Archives.
Conditions Governing Use
Materials do circulate and may only be used in the archives.
26 Boxes
Language of Materials
Physical Location
Miami University Archives, King Library, 3rd Floor, Walter Havighurst Special Collections, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
- Task Force for the Handicapped,
- Task Force for the Handicapped,
- AWS Rules Committee
- Academic Advising
- Academic Advising Committee Student Senate
- Academic Priorities Advisory Task Force
- Allied Health Committee
- Alternatives to Student Salaries Ad Hoc Committee
- Art History Program Ad Hoc Committee
- Art Museum Development Committee
- Asian and African Students Committee
- Associate Degree Ad Hoc Committee
- Associate Degree Programs -- Regional Campus -- Business Technology
- Buildings;Marcum Conference Center
- Committee on Graduate Awards
- Committee on Graduate Awards
- Communications Building Plan Committee
- Computer Advisory Committe
- Computer Committee
- Conference Center Ad Hoc Committee
- Counseling in higher education -- United States
- Development Ad Hoc Faculty Advisory
- Disabilites Task Force -- Miami University (Oxford, Ohio)
- Disabilities
- Election of Faculty Members Committee
- Emergency Evaluation Committee
- Faculty Evaluation Ad Hoc Committee
- Faculty Evaluation Ad Hoc Committee
- General University Requirement Task Force
- General University Requirement Task Force
- Governance
- Greenhouse Planning Committee
- Half-Time Events, Ad Hoc Committee
- Hamilton Campus Gym Committee
- Human Resource Development Proposal for Establishing a Center for
- Ice Arena Committee
- Judges Selection Screening Committee for Cheerleading Try-Outs
- Latin American Affairs Committee
- Management Science Committee [computer in education for business
- Marching Band Uniform Committee
- Martin Luther King Day Committee
- Metropolitan and Regional Studies Committee
- Minimum Standards for Departmental Governance Committee
- Mission Committee
- Music Concentration, Arts and Science Committee
- No Car Committee
- Operation Greek, Committee for
- Orientation/Educational Needs of Chief Departmental Advisers, Committee on
- People with Disabilities
- Personalization of the University, Committee on
- Phillips Hall Addition Committee
- Secretary of the University
- Slavic and East European Studies Subcommittee of the University Council
- Space Utilization Committee
- Strippel Commitee
- Strippel Fund Committee
- Strippel Memorial Fund
- Student Affairs Council, Ad Hoc Committee to Study
- University Examining Board
- Urban Studies and Community Services Committee
- Volunteer Service, Council for
- Waltzer Committee
- Women's Activities Coordinating Group
- Object: Committee on Schedule and Space: January 1950-February 1953; Committee on Policy and Planning, I: November 1948-May 1959:1-291 [Bound]; 1948-59 ; 1A-E-3C (Books)
- Object: Committee Members by Year [bound]; 1971-97 (Books)
- Object: "No Car" Committee [binder]; 1977-79 (Books)
- Object: "No Car" Committee [binder]; 1979-89 (Books)
- Box: 1; Ad Hoc and Non-standing University Committees; 1968-91; 9A-F-3A (Text)
- Box: 2; University-Wide Committees Functioning Under the President and Vice Presidents; 1969-86; 9A-F-3B (Text)
- Box: 1; University-Wide Committees Functioning Under the President and Vice Presidents; 1928-86; 9A-F-3C (Text)
- Box: 3; University-Wide Committees Functioning Under the President and Vice Presidents/Unclassified Personnel Advisory Committee; 1983-88; 18A-E-6C (Text)
- Box: 1; Committee to Consider Merger of Chase Law School with Miami University: Report and Materials; 1970-93; 9A-F-4B (Text)
- Box: 2; Materials from the Chair of the University Senate Executive Committee: Faculty Welfare Committee 1980-93: Miscellaneous Files; 1980-93; 9A-F-4C (Text)
- Box: 1; University Committees Discontinued as of August 9. 1983; 1981; 9A-F-5A (Text)
- Box: 1; Committees and Councils; 1982-88; 9A-F-5B (Text)
- Box: 2; Committees; 1983-87; 9A-F-5C (Text)
- Box: 1; Materials from the Chair of the University Senate Executive Committee: Faculty Welfare Committee; 1984-92; 9A-F-6A (Text)
- Box: 6; Graduate Council; 1988-90; 9A-F-6B (Text)
- Box: 5; Committees: 1987-88, Miscellany: 1989-92; 1987-92; 9A-F-6C (Text)
- Box: 1; Committees; 1989-92; 9A-F-7A (Text)
- Box: 1; Committees; 1991-92; 9A-F-7B (Text)
- Box: 1; Committees; 1991-95; 9A-F-7C (Text)
- Box: 2; Committees; 1991-95; 9A-G-1A (Text)
- Box: 1; Committees; 1992-93; 9A-G-1B (Text)
- Box: 3; Materials from the Chair of the University Senate Executive Committee: University Senate Committees; 1992-94; 9A-G-1C (Text)
- Box: 1; Committees; 1995-97; 9A-G-2A (Text)
- Box: 1; Governance, Committees; 1996-; 9A-G-2B (Text)
- Box: 1; Continuing and Discontinued Committees: Lists of Members; 17A-I-1D (Text)
- Box: 1; Managing For The Future Taskforce: Reports and Materials; 17A-H-1C (Text)
- Box: 1; Strippel Committee; 1970-; 9A-K-2A (Text)
- Box: 1; Strippel Committee; 1970-; 9A-L-1A (Text)
- Box: 1; Robert Strippel tapes and miscellaneous materials; [9A-L-2A] (Mixed Materials)
Repository Details
Part of the Miami University and Western College Memorial Archives Repository