History, 1947 - 2000
Arts and Science; History; New American Frontiers: A Series of Reports in History Seminar 500, v.1 [bound]; 1947 [17A-J-5A]
Arts and Science; History; New American Frontiers: A Series of Reports in History Seminar 500, v.2 [bound]; 1947 [17A-J-5A]
Arts and Science; History; New American Frontiers: A Series of Reports in History Seminar; 1949 [17A-J-5A]
Arts and Science; History; Sources of National Power: A Series of Reports in History Seminar 500 [bound]; 1947 [17A-J-5A]
Arts and Science; History; History Department Materials; 1966; Box 1 [17A-J-3C] Files: 1. History Department - General 2. Handbook for History Majors (199-) 3. Handbook for History Majors (Rev. 1991) 4. Handbook for History Majors (Rev. June 1992) 5. A Handbook for History Majors (Rev. June 1996) 6. A Handbook for History Majors (Rev. June 2004) 7. A Handbook for History Majors (Rev. July 2005) 8. History Course Offerings (1983-84) 9. History Course Offerings (1985-86) 10. History Course Offerings (1986-87) 11. History Course Offerings (1988-89) 12. History Course Offerings (1990-91) 13. History Course Offerings (1991-92) 14. History Course Offerings (1992-93) 15. History Course Offerings (1993-94) 16. History Course Offerings (1995-96) 17. History Course Offerings (1996-97) 18. Proposal for a Program Leading to the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Department of History, Miami University (1966) 19. Proposal for a Program Leading to the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Department of History, Miami University(1967) 20. Graduate Program in History (1969-70, 1970-71) a. Handbook of Graduate Studies in History (1967-68, 1977-78) 21. Graduate Study in History (1989) 22. Handbook of Graduate Studies in History (1990-91) 23. Graduate Program Review (1980) 24. History Department Newsletter, v.1, n.1- (Summer 1986-)
Arts and Science; History; History Department Materials; 1967-1994; Box 2 [17A-J-3D] 1) History Department General 2) History Department Miscellaneous 3) History Department Public Information Office News Release 1990-1991 4) History Department Carrying File 5) Former Faculty, Students, A.B. in Profession 6) Department of History Program Review Self-Study Report, October 1994 7) Department of History Miami University Proposal for a Program Leading to the Degree of Philosophy 1967
Arts and Science; History; Miami Valley Cultural Heritage Project: Oral History Interviews: Materials; 1991-2000; Box 1 [20A-E-3B]! Files: 1. Oliver Smith (3/16/91) [Release form only] [Tapes--T 1/1, 1/2] 2. Hershal Borders, Re. folk craft and carving; Robert Thiesing Re. skills and tools of a cabinet maker (2/5/94) [Includes picture] [*Incomplete transcripts] [*Incomplete release forms] 3. Mary Ann Wismeski-Kerman (3/6/94) Re. family life [Transcript] [*Release form with restrictions] [Includes maps] 4. Chuck Weber, Don Britton,Tom Britton (3/6/94) Re. Vietnam [Transcripts] [*Chuck Weber release form restricted] [*Others lacking release forms] [Tapes--2/1, 2/2] 5.Irene Angel (3/13/94) Re. Middletown, Great Depression [Transcript] [Release form] 6. Ruthella Kinney (3/12/94) Re. family life [Transcript] [Release form] [Tapes--3/1] 7. Verna Nicholson (3/24/94) Re. family life [Transcript] [*Restricted release form] 8. Robert Chapin (4/2/94) Re. Great Depression, dairy farming, family life [Transcript] [Release form] [Includes photocopies of pictures and ration stamps] 9. James Elizer (4/6/94) Re. WW II, Great Depression, Middletown [Transcript] [Release form] [Tape--4/1] [Includes The Ships and Aircraft of the U.S. Fleet (photocopy)] 10. Ida Collier-Dunson (4/6/94) [Transcript] [Release form] 11. Edith Norrington O'Dell (4/7/94) Re. Hamilton, family life [Transcript] [*No release form] [Tape--5/1] 12. Bruno Vogelsang (4/7/94) Re. farm life during the Depression, WW II-Navy [Transcript] [Release form] [Tapes--6/1, 6/2] 13. Bob Reimer (4/15/94) Re. Middletown, 1913 flood [Transcript] [Release form] 14.Thomas J. Farr (4/20/94) Re.Great Depression, WW II [Transcript] [*Incomplete release form] 15. Betty Streibick (2/17/95) Re. Hamilton, WW II [Transcript] [*Incomplete release form] 16. Marvin Voiles(3/16/95) Re. WW II [Transcript] [Release form] 17. Dora DeHart (3/10/95) Re. Depression, mining camps, Middletown, family life [Transcript] [*No release form] [Includes "A History and Geneology of Right Hand Fork, Masons Creek, Perry County, Kentucky"] [Tapes--7/1, 7/2] 18. James Sullivan (3/13/95) [Tape--8/1] [No release form] 19. Gregory Ballard, Keith Leak, Marie Bailey, Yolanda Hart (7/13/95) Re. Middletown, New Era Baptist Church [Tapes--9/1, 9/2, 9/3, 9/4, 9/5] [Multiple interviews, some transcripts] [No release forms] 20. Dottie S. Chandler (3/17/95) Re. Missionary, WW II [Transcripts] [Release form] 21. Jacob Chamberlain (3/20/95) Re. Great Depression, WW II, whiskey bootlegging [Transcript] [*Restricted release form] 22. Edward Wobkenburg (4/3/95) Re. WW II-Marines (wounded) [Transcript] [Release form] 23. Anne Norman (4/2/95) Re. Great Depression, WACS, WW II [Transcript] [Release form] 24. Dorothy Moore (4/4/95) Re. Great Depression [Transcript] [Release form] 25. Beatrice Donahue (4/5/95) Re. Great Depression, WW II, 1st Woman Miamisburg city council member [Transcript] [Release form] 26. Bessie Schaub (4/15/95) Re. farm life [Transcript] [Release form] 27. Kris Bellin, Jean Allen, Michael Kay, Ron Robinson, Debbie Turner (3/96) Re. Vietnam, Roe vs. Wade [Transcripts of all interviews] [*Michael Kay release form restricted] [Other release forms unrestricted] 28. Colonel Raymond Fening (3/1/96) Re. WW II, [Transcript] [Release form] [Maps - San Diego, Saipan] 29. Janet Perkins (3/5/96) Re. Middletown, Great Depression, WW II [Transcript] [Release form] 30. Ann Lievestro (3/8/96) Re. family life in the fifties [Transcript] [*Incomplete Release form] [Tapes--10/1, 10/2] 31. Frank J. Smyth (3/8/96) Re. Great Depression, Korean War [Transcript] [Release form] 32. Loraine Bleackburn (3/17/96) Re. Great Depression, WW II, 1st woman city council member in Forest Park [Transcript] [Release form] 33. Thelma Dietz (3/17/96) Re. Great Depression, Hamilton, farm life [Transcript] [Release form] 34. Terry Russel (3/24/96) Re. Vietnam - communications officer, Miami Universtiy student [Transcript] [Release form] [Photocopies of pictures and newspaper articles] 35. Susan A. Kessinger (3/26/96) Re. Present in Cuba during the Cuban Missle crisis, Vietnam [Transcript] [*Incomplete Release form] [Tapes--11/1] 36. Merwin Russel (3/27/96) Re. Vietnam, Middletown [Transcript] [*Incomplete Release form] 37.Anita Bugitzedes (3/29/96) Re. Vietnam [Transcript] [Release form] [Photcopies of pictures from vietnam] 38. James E. Brock (3/31/96) Re. Great Depression, WW II - flew B-24 Bomber, captured, POW camps [Transcript] [Release form with restrictions] [Photocopies of pictures] 39. John R. Lee (4/1/96) Re. Great Depression. WW II [Transcript] [Release form] 40. Leah Brooks (4/1/96) Re. Middletown [Transcript] [Release form] 41. Bill Sergeant (4/1/96) Re. Great Depression, WW II, Korean War [Transcript] [Release form] 42. Pauline Burke (4/6/96) Re. Great Depression, WW II [Transcript] [Release form] [Tapes--12/1] 43.Alfred G. Bramble (4/7/96) Re. Great Depression, WW II, farm life [Transcript] [Release form with restrictions]
Arts and Science; History; Miami Valley Cultural Heritage Project: Oral History Interviews: Materials; 1991-2000; Box 2 [17A-A-2B] Files: 1. Blank Assignment Sheets 2. Assignment Forms 3. Blank Form Letters 4. Letter to Tom Thurston 5. Maps and Letter by Kevin Young 6. Hard-Hat Ad 7. Hst 112 Oral History Projects 8. Middletown Oral Histories 9. Grady Longs Project on Accessioning and Indexing the Miami Valley Oral History Archives 10. Incomplete Release Forms 11. Interviews lacking complete release forms 12. Draft letters to interviewees wishing to review transcripts 13. Miscellany 14. Elizabeth Stonglein and Eliza Back, by Laura E. Hickle and Jessica Perry(3/10-11/ 2000) Re. The Depression [Computer Disk] [Transcript/Paper] [Release forms] 15. Dennis Beery, by Esther Reininger (4/10/1998) Re. Folk art and folk music in the counter culture [Transcript] [Release] 16. Matt Stegman, by Angela M. Forfia Re. Religious Views [Transcript] [Release] 17. Pamela Damon, by Patrick Damon (4/5/2000) Re. Life as a homemaker [Transcript] [Release] 18. Geoff Eacker, by Esther Reininger (4/14/1998) Re. Folk art and folk music in the counter culture [Transcript] [Release] 19. Ryan Graeler, by Angela M. Forfia (7/7/1997) Re. Religious views [Transcript] [Release] 20. Michael Gillian, by Jackie Jones, Rebecca Taylor, Jenni Banks (4/3/2000) Life in Cincinnati suburb during 1960s and 1970s [Transcript] [Release] 21. Jo Roberts, by Jackie Jones (3/12/2000) Re. Race Relations [Transcript] [Release] 22. William and Velma Rush, by Kathleen and Keith Hess (3/18/2000) Re. Depression and World War II [Computer Disk] [Release] 23. Scott Shock, by Heather Tompkins (3/6/1998) Re. Hard-Hat Decorations [Transcript] [Release] 24. John Spellmire, by Anita Jones and Dawn Marchant (3/27/1997) Re. Voter Registration and Campaigning in Mississippi in the 1960s [Transcript] [Release] 25. Gary Spencer, by Christan Spencer (3/13/1998) Re. Hard-Hat Decorations [Transcript] [Release] 26. Robert Schwartzbough, by Kevin Isacson (3/28/2000) Re. The Depression and World War II [Transcript] [Release] 27. Kristen Von Graben, by Jeff Boley (12/16/1997) Re. Western College Program trip to Ghana [Transcript] [Release] 28. Paul Weddle, by Heather Tompkins (2/18/1998) Re. Industrial Dress, Hard-Hats [Transcript] [Release] 29. Allan Winkler, by Esther Reininger (4/8/1998) Re. Folk music and the counter culture [Transcript] [Release] 30. Barbara Alspaugh, by Heather Tompkins (4/30/1998) Re. Hard-Hats [Transcript] [Release] 31. Robert Elmore, by Heather Tompkins (2/18/1998) Re. Hard-Hats [Transcript] [Release] 32. Josh Gannon, by Evan Filipek (10/1997) Re. "Growing up Calvin and Hobbes; Reckless Youth; One Time, One Time; Me and Josh ,,,," [Transcript] [Release] 33. Paul Newport, by Chad Newport (3/22/2000) Re. Vietnam [Transcript] [Release] 34. Brett Williams, by Angela M. (7/8/1997) Re. Religious beliefs [Release] 35. Steven Gadlin, by Angela Forfia (7/6/1997) [Release] 36. Mike Schuh and Mary Hanson, by Jay Hanson (5/4/2000) Re. 1960s and 1970s [Transcript] [Release] 37. Molly Meyers, by Kristen Von Gruben (12/7/1997) Re. Storytelling [Transcript] [Release] 38. Fred Lewis, by Jackie Jones, Rebecca Taylor, Jenni Banks (4/4/2000) Re. "The Racial Lines Were Strong" [Transcript] [Release] 39. John Kelly, by Jeremy Hansman (4/24/2000) [Transcript] 40. Wiley Cable, by Heather Tompkins Re. "World War II" [Transcript] 41. Shirley Phillips by Christian Spencer (3/3/1998) [Transcript] 42. Leo Parness, by Alisa Tanenbaum (12/19/1997) Re. "World War II" [Transcript] 43. Jim Congleton by Kyle Richardson (12/8/1997) Re. Hard Hats [Transcript] 44. Elbert Tanreuther, by Spencer Christian (3/6/1998) Re. Hard Hats [Transcript] [Release] 45. Carl Fry by Jenny Stinson and Heather Tompkins (3/30/1998) [Transcript] [Release] 46. Don Woods and Don South, by Travis Longworth and John Carmichael Re. Vietnam [Transcript] 47. Rena Hopkins by Kristen Von Gruben (12/7/1997) Re. Art [Transcript] 48. David McLelland [Transcript] 49. Pick Mattoks by CHris Lamburti and Jenny Stinson (2/23/1998) [Transcript] 50. "Lets Take a Cruise Through Franklin" by Justin Adams [Transcript] 51. Karla Schneider by Molly Meyers (12/7/1997) [Transcript] 52. Ray Riley by James Riley [Transcript]
Arts and Science; History; Miami Valley Cultural Heritage Project: Oral History Interviews: Materials; Tapes and Disks: 1991-2000; Box 3 [19A-E-1C]
Audio Tapes and Computer Disks: [Received from Majorie McLellan, History Department]
1. Oliver Smith
T. - 1/1, 1/2
2. Vietnam Project
Tom Britton
Don Britton
T. - 2/1, 2/2
3. Ruthella Kinney
T. - 3/1
4. James Elizer
T. - 4/1
5. Edith Norington ODell
T. - 5/1
6. John Vogelsang
T. - 6/1, 6/2
7. Dora Dehart
T. - 7/1, 7/2
8. James Sullivan
T. - 8/1
9. Alicia Bayman Interviews
T. - 9/1, 9/2, 9/3, 9/4, 9/5
10. Ann Lievestro
T. - 10/1, 10/2
11. Susan A. Kesinger
T. - 11/1
12. Pauline Burke
T. - 12/1
13. Colleen Starman
T. - 13/1
14. Ella May Huffman
T. - 14/1
15. Ann Osborne
T. - 15/1
16. La Verne Hopper
T. - 16/1
17. Christian Schott
T.- 17/1
18. Marion Woninger
T. - 18/1, 18/2
19. Corrine Robinson
T. - 19/1
20. Juanita Klefas
T. - 20/1
21. Jessica Carpenter
T. - 21/1
22. John Spellmire
T. - 22/1
23. Louis Cox
T. - 23/1
24. Michael Pendergrass
T. - 24/1, 24/2
25. Helen H. Chenault
T. - 25/1
26. Audrey and Walter Kemper,
Frank Klan
T. - 26/1, 26/2
27. J. P. Wright
T. - 27/1
28. Millard J. Collins
T. - 28/1, 28/2
29. Family history of Jeremy Burdg
T. - 29/1
30. Maxine Raines
T. - 30/1
31. Charles and Viola Gault
T. - 31/1
32. Alvin Winslow and Ben Gunsberg
T. - 32/1
33. Vietnam Project (Nathan Eldridge)
T. - 33/1
34 .Marion Woninger
by Lisa Hollstegge
D. - 1/1
35. LaVern Hopper
by Adam Poole
D. - 2/1
36. Christian Schott
by Chris Schott
D. - 3/1
37. Jessica Carpenter
by Ann Rainey
D. - 4/1
38. Michael Pendergrass
by Sheila Bingham
D. - 5/1
39. Joyce and Millard Collins
by Loleta Collins
D. - 6/1
40. Vietnam Project
by Nathan Eldridge
D. - 7/1
41. Christian Spencer
by Gary Spencer
2 Tapes
42. Geoff Eacker
by Esther Reininger
2 Tapes
43. Allen Winkler
by Esther Reininger
2 Tapes
44. Kristen Van Gruben
by Jeff Boley
2 Tapes
45. Schott Shock
by Heather Tompkins
1 Tape
46. Robert Elmore and Paul Weddle
by Heather Tompkins
1 Tape
47. Josh Gannon
by Evan Filipek
1 Tape
48. William Rush; William and Velma Rush
by Kat and Keith Hess
2 Tapes
49. Matt Stegman
by Angela Forfia
1 Tape
50. Dennis Berry
by Esther Reininger
3 Tapes
51. Aaron Perkins
1 Tape
52. Eliza Back by Jessica Perry
1 Tape
53. Mike Gillian
by J. Jones
n. d.
1 Tape
54. Fred Lewis
by Jackie Jones
1 Tape
55. Effie Keith
by Emily Robinson and Holly McCombs
1 Tape
56. John Kelly
by Jerry Hansman
2 Tapes
57. Leo Parness
by Alisa Tannenbaum
1 Tape
58. Shirley Phillips
by Christian Spencer
1.5 Tapes
59. Jim Congleton
by Kyle Richardson
2 Tapes
60. Elbert Tanreuther
by Spencer Christian
.5 Tape
61. Carl Fry
by Jenny Stinson and Heather Tompkins
1 Tape
62. Don Woods and Don South
by Travis Longworthy and John Carmichael
1 Tape
63. David McClelland
2 Tapes
Tapes lacking releases, transcripts and other materials
1. "Weber Interview"
1 Tape
2. Rick Combs
2 Tapes
3. Russell Murray
by Joni Harris and Krissy Short
1 Tape
4. Jessica McIntosh
1 Tape
5. Mary George
1 Tape
6. Mildred Brandenburg
by Kristi Taylor
1 Tape
7. Mary Linkel
by Alzsa Tanenbaum
1 Tape
8. Melissa Wells
1 Tape
9. "Prestons Life Interview"
by Rob Singleton
1 Tape
10. "Dick Salhoff - Kimberly Carter"
1 Tape
11. Dave Roever
1 Tape
12. Charles Egleston
by Krissy Short and Joni Harris
1 Tape
13. Karla Schneider
by Molly Meyers
1 Tape
14. "Interview #1; Interview #2"
2 Tapes
15. "Danny ONeil/Maria Combs"
1 Tape
16. "Interview with Mrs. Briggs"
2 Tapes
17. Maria Sotinglar ?
1 Tape
18. Douglas Foster
1 Tape
19. Tad Cope
1 Tape
20. Clarence Collingsworth
2 Tapes
21. Scott Parnthouse - "Your Family and Hard Times"
1 Tape
22. Dawn Flory
1 Tape
23. Bob "Pick" Maddocks
by Jenny Stinson and Chris Lambert
25. "Sarah Combs Uneasy Rider"
1 Tape
26. Sheba Davis
by Scott Smith
1 Tape
27. Lori Guest
2 Micro Tapes
28. John Kruse
by Kristen van Gruben
29. Steve Gadlin
by Angela Forfia
Arts and Science; History; Miami Valley Cultural Heritage Project: Oral History Interviews:; 1991-2000; Box 1 [19A-D-3B]
Files: [Received from Majorie McLellan, History Department]
1. Release Forms [signed]
1. Colleen Starman (3/7/97)
Re. family life, farm life
[Release form]
[Tape - 13/1]
2. Ella May Huffman (3/10/97)
Re. farm life, discusses roles of women, WW II
[Release form]
[Tape - 14/1]
3. Ann Osborne (3/16/97)
Re. family life,
[*Release form with restrictions]
[Tape - 15/1]
[Map of Lebanon OH]
4. Effie Keith (3/19/97)
Re. survivor of breast cancer, farm life
[Release form]
[Tape - 19/1]
5. Marion Woniger (3/18/97)
Re. race relations, New Orleans native
[Release form]
[Tapes - 18/1, 18/2]
[Disk - 1/1]
6. Juanita J. Klefas (3/20/97)
Re. Great Depression, WW II, Vietnam
[Release form]
[Tape - 20/1]
7. Christian Schott (3/23/97)
Re. depression, WW II - Marine
[*NO Transcript]
[release form]
[tape - 17/1]
[disk - 2/1]
8. La Vern Hopper (3/18/97)
Re. farm life, In the US during WW II
[release form]
[tape - 16/1]
[disk - 3/1]
9. Jessica Carpenter (3/24/97)
Re. WW II, Cold War, family life
[Release form]
[Tape - 21/1]
[Disk - 4/1]
10. John Spellmire (3/27/97)
Re. farm life
[Release form]
[Tape 22/1]
11. Louis F. Cox
Re. President of NAACP in Middletown, CORE, Civil Rights in 1960's
[*Incomplete release form]
[Includes "Building a Bridge to the 21st century" N.A.A.C.P.]
12. Michael Pendergrass (4/16/97)
Re. drug culture, Vietnam - racial conflicts
[Release form]
[Tapes - 24/1, 24/2]
[Disk - 5/1]
13. Helen H Chenault (4/17/97)
Re. women's roles, Great Depression, WW II
[Release form]
[Tape - 25/1]
14. Audrey Kemper, Walter Kemper, Frank Klahm (4/21/97)
Re. WW II,
[*2 Complete release forms, Frank Klahn's is incomplete]
[Tapes - 26/1, 26/2]
15. Bea Lyons (5/97)
Re. women in the sixties
[Release form]
16. J .P. Wright (5/22/97)
[Release form]
[Tape - 27/1]
17. Joyce Collins, Millard Collins (7/8/97)
Re. Gender roles and migrating Appalachians
[Transcripts of both interviews]
[Release forms for both]
[Field notes]
[Tapes - 28/1, 28/2, 28/3, 28/4]
[Disk - 6/1]
18. William F. Foote (n.d.)
Re.: Great Depression; W.W. II
[Release form]
19. Burdg Family History
[Incomplete Transcript]
20. Maxine Raines
[Tape - 30/1]
21. Lakie Shiftlett
Re. Growing up in West Virginia; W.W. II
22. Charles and Viola Gault
Re. Reliving W.W. II
[Tape - 31/1]
23.Elena Quinones; Charles Gillespie
[Release forms w/restrictions]
[Tape - 32/1]
24. Bens Gunsberg; Alvin Winslow; Carol Baugh; Reuben Thiesing; Hershal Borders; Mary E. Harvey
25. Vietnam Project
[Tape - 33/1].
Arts and Science; History; Judith Zinnser Collection; 1971-2003; [19A-A-1A] Box 1 Files: Box 1: Folder 1:HST / WMS 450/550 Spring 2004 Folder 2: HST / BWS / FLMS / WMS 250 Spring 2000 Folder 3: HST 770 Fall 1999 Folder 4: HST 298 Honors Spring 2002 Folder 5: Dora B. Weiner Review, 2009 Folder 6: Lisa Forman Cody Review, 2010 Folder 7: Multiple beginnings: new insights on the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment in France, 2011 Folder 8: Patterns in Women's History and in the Careers of Women Historians, 2011 Folder 9: Untold Stories: The United Nations Decade for Women 1975-85, 2010 Folder 10: Finding an Accessible Target : Rightwing Hoosier Women Confront International Women’s Year, 2011 Folder 11: Mme Du Châtelet: sa morale et se métaphysique, 2008 Folder 12: The Household and the Making of History: A Subverse View of the Western Past, 2006 Folder 13: Encyclopedia of Women’s World History, 1999 Folder 14: End the Violence, 1995 Folder 15: HST 720B Fall 2001 Folder 16: HST 298 Spring 2002 Folder 17: HST / WMS 450/500 Spring 2000 Folder 18: HST / WMS 381 Spring 1999 Folder 19: HST 349 Fall 2001 Folder 20: HST / BWS / FLMS / WMS 250 Spring 1999 Folder 21: HST 298 Topics in World History Since 1500 Spring 1998 Folder 22: Proposal for John W. Altman Distinguished Professorship in the Humanities Fall 2004-Spring 2005 Folder 23: HST 319 Spring, 1993 Folder 24: The Rhetoric of Sustainable Development: The United Nations and Indienous Peoples Folder 25: Decisions Leading to the American Declaration of Independence Folder 26: Disorderly Women and Female Power, 1997 Folder 27: Equity versus Peace: Socialist Women, Feminist Theories, and International Politics during the UN Decade for Women Folder 28: Women's Rights and Human Rights: International Historic Perspectives, 2002 Folder 29: Renaissance Unit 1, 1971 Folder 30: Women Representation at Miami Folder 31: Women / Gender World History Folder 32: Indigenous Peoples and the United Nations Folder 33: Male Allies, 1998 Folder 34: The United Nations Decade for Women: A Quiet Revolution, 1990 Folder 35: Classroom Experiences with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Folder 36: The Case for Curriculum Development Folder 37: Teaching Human Rights Folder 38: Feminism Biography: A Contradiction in Terms?, 2009 Folder 39: A Prologue for La Dame d’Esprit: The Biography of the Marquise Du Châtelet, 2003 Folder 40: Why Believe Me? Narrative Authority in Biography, 2009 Folder 41: Miami University graduate study in History prospectus Folder 42: Mentors, the Marquise Du Châtelet and Historical Memory, 2007 Folder 43: A Remarkable Collaboration: the Marquise Du Châtelet and Alexis Clairaut Folder 44: Madame Du Châtelet: Genius, Gender, and Intellectual Authority, 2000 Folder 45: Entrepreneur of the Republic of Letters: Emilie de Breteuil, Marquise Du Châtelet, and Bernard Mandeville’s Fable of the Bees, 2002 Folder 46: From Mexico to Copenhagen to Nairobi: The United Nations Decade for Women, 1975-1985, 2002 Folder 47: Colloque du tricentenaire de la Marquise Du Châtelet, 2006 Folder 48: Why Are There No 18th Century Women Scientists and Philosophers? The Marquise Du Châtelet and the Categorization of Knowledge, 2002 Folder 49: The Ultimate Commentary: A Consideration of I. Bernard Cohen’s Guide to Newton's Principia, 2003
Arts and Science; History; Judith Zinnser Collection; 1966; [19A-A-1B] Box 2 Files: Folder 1: NEH Workshop 2004 Folder 2: On Bonnie G. Smith’s The Gender of History: Men, Women and Historical Practice, 2001 Folder 3: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, 1991 Folder 4: Back from Beijing: Conferees return to Miami, 1995 Folder 5: Global Encyclopedia of History Writing, 1998 Folder 6: Real History, Real Education, Real Merit, 1995 Folder 7: The World History Association: Teaching as an International Movement, 1998 Folder 8: Which Way Women's History, 2008 Folder 9: Future of Women's History Folder 10: Comradeship in Our Craft, 1996 Folder 11: Globalizing Women's History, 2001 Folder 12: e=mc2 A Biography of the World's Most Famous Equation, 2004 Folder 13: NOVA: Einstein's Big Idea, 2005 Folder 14: Women's Studies International Quarterly, 1981-1983 Folder 15: Encyclopedia of Historiography, 1993-1998 Folder 16: The Historian Book Reviews, 1994 Folder 17: French Historical Studies, 2001 Folder 18: Biographical Dictionary of Enlightenment and Revolution, 1690-1815, 1999 Folder 19: Gender: Changing Definitions over Time and Place, 2001 Folder 20: Journal of World History Book Reviews, 1998 Folder 21: Real History Review, 1996 Folder 22: The Seven Sisters of the International Women's Front, 1985 Folder 23: Berkshire World History Conference, 2002 Folder 24: Marnie Hughes Warrington and Palgrave Article, 2005 Folder 25: Hypatia Manuscript #1055, 2001-2004 Folder 26: Intertext Folder 27: Women's History, World History and the Construction of New Narratives, 2000 Folder 28: World History Reader Review, 1994 Folder 29: Patterns in Women's Lives - Critique, 2001 Folder 30: The Comet Sweeper: Caroline Herschel's Astronomical Ambition, 2007 Folder 31: Encyclopedia of Women in World History, 2004 Folder 32: Biography of an Early Modern Peasant Woman, 2002 Folder 33: Routledge, 1989, 1994, 1997 Folder 34: Royal Society, 2001 Folder 35: Cultures in Motion, 1999 Folder 36: Western Civilization Textbook, 1993 Folder 37: Western Civilization Textbook Contract, 1993 Folder 38: A Diplomacy of the Oppressed, 1991 Folder 39: Recommendations I Folder 40: Recommendations II Folder 41: Selwyn College, Cambridge, 1997 Folder 42: Cambridge University, 1998 Folder 43: Museum / Library Exhibit, 2000 Folder 44: Metaphysics into Science - Pre, 2000 Folder 45: Metaphysics into Science - Post, 2000 Folder 46: Angela John Talk, 2006
Arts and Science; History; Judith Zinnser Collection; 1966; [19A-A-1C] Box 3 Files: Folder 1: Miami University Report, 2007 Folder 2: Judith Zinsser Hired at Miami University, 1998 Folder 3: Peer Review Folder 4: Miami Grants Folder 5: National Endowment for the Humanities 2000 Folder 6: National Endowment for the Humanities Folder 7: Camargo Foundation Project, 2000-2001 Folder 8: Tenure, 1995 Folder 9: Promotion, 2002-2003 Folder 10: Miami Employment Records Folder 11: Miami Letters Folder 12: Correspondence with Department Chair Folder 13: MA / PhD Proposal, 2008 Folder 14: Stephanie Munro, 1996 Folder 15: Tamba M’Bayo, 2000 Folder 16: Michele Louro, 2008 Folder 17: Stephanie Kimbro, 2002 Folder 18: Amy Hyatt, 1995, 1998, 2002 Folder 19: Graduate Students, 1994 Folder 20: Lisa Elliot, 2007 Folder 21: Jean Fox O’Barr Endowed Chair, 2007 Folder 22: Kyle Dugan, 2004 Folder 23: Dharitri Bhattacharjee, 2004, 2006, 2008 Folder 24: Rebecca Baldoff Folder 25: Vuslat Devrim Altinoz, 2003 Folder 26: Emily Stimson, 1996, 1999 Folder 27: Corinna Horst, 1994, 1996, 2000 Folder 28: Julie Barbieri, 2008 Folder 29: Meagan McChesney, 2008 Folder 30: Jenny Ernie-Steighner, 2009 Folder 31: Amy Gregg Folder 32: Jennifer Huck, 2005 Folder 33: Mme Du Châtelet: sa morale et sa métaphysique, 2008 Folder 34: Kindall Stivers, 2007-2009 Folder 35: Lisa Toland, 2007 Folder 36: Colleague Recommendations, 2008 Folder 37: The Third Week in July, 1983 Folder 38: Rethinking the Disciplines: History Folder 39: Rochester New York State European Historians Annual Meeting, 1980 Folder 40: Witchcraft Persecutions: Gendering Heresy, 1990 Folder 41: Films Around the World and the Teaching of History, 1999 Folder 42: Teachers College Columbia University, 1989 Folder 43: UNIS Projects and Correspondence Folder 44: Miami Grants - Won Folder 45: Promotion Dossier, 1993 Folder 46: Miami Faculty, 2012 Folder 47: Evaluations
Arts and Science; History; Judith Zinnser Collection; 1966 [19A-A-2A] Box 4 Files: Folder 1: CE Walker Review Folder 2: Review of MU Physics Program, 2006-2007 Folder 3: Renee Baernstein Folder 4: Ethan Kaz Review Folder 5: Scripps The Women's College, 1997 Folder 6: University of Nebraska, 2001 Folder 7: Ohio Academy of History, 1994 Folder 8: Women Historians of Western Ohio, 2003-2004 Folder 9: OAH Book Awards, 1998-1999 Folder 10: Lewis P. Jones Visiting Professor, 2014 Folder 11: Pension Folder 12: Retirement, 2009 Folder 13: Teaching American History, 2009 Folder 14: John Addison Folder 15: AHA Elective Office, 1990-1993 Folder 16: Global Phenomena from Women’s Perspective, 2001 Folder 17: Noralee Frankel, 1990-1994 Folder 18: Peer Review of History Program, 2007 Folder 19: The History Teacher, 1990-1998 Folder 20: World History Association 1999 Folder 21: World History Association 1998 Folder 22: World History Association Folder 23: Sarah Hughes, 1993 Folder 24: Fall Fellowship in Korean Studies, 1999 Folder 25: Northeastern University, 1998 Folder 26: Patrick O’Brien, 1997 Folder 27: World History Association, 2001-2002 Folder 28: Carter Vaughn Findley, John Alexander Murray Rothney, 1997 Folder 29: Ralph C. Croizier, 2002 Folder 30: Jerry H. Bentley, 2001 Folder 31: Josefina Z. Vazquez Folder 32: Peter N. Stearns, 1992-1998 Folder 33: World History Association, 2000 Folder 34: Gender Folder 35: Dag Hammarskjold Library, 1995 Folder 36: International Women’s Tribune Center Folder 37: Women’s Conference Nairobi, 1985 Folder 38: Indigenous Peoples Booklet, 1988-1993 Folder 39: Liisa Jaaskelainen, 1991 Folder 40: Education for Human Rights, 1989 Folder 41: Isabelle S. Schulte-Tenckhoff, 1994 Folder 42: Museum International, 2004 Folder 43: Elsa Stamatopoulou, 1992 Folder 44: History Workshop, 1984 Folder 45: UNESCO Correspondence, 1978-1995 Folder 46: Berks, 2014 Folder 47: Mary Maples Dunn, 1996 Folder 48: Berks Book Prize Committee, 1984-1990 Folder 49: Berks Book Prize Committee, 1994 Folder 50: Berks Book Prize Committee, 1995 Folder 51: Berks Book Prize Committee, 1996 Folder 52: Berks Book Review Committee, 1998 Folder 53: Berks Book Review Committee, 1999 Folder 54: Berkshire Conference Program Committee, 1999 Folder 55: Berks Nominating Committee, 1998 Folder 56: Berks Book Prize Committee, 2000 Folder 57: Berks Fellowship Committee, 2002-2004 Folder 58: Jenkins Prize, 2006 Folder 59: Du Châtelet Prize, 2001-2003 Folder 60: Tenth International Congress on Enlightenment, 1
Arts and Science; History; Judith Zinnser Collection; 1966; [19A-A-2B] Box 5 Files: Folder 1: Ways of the World Second Edition, 2012 Folder 2: Teaching Gender and Third World Film, 1998 Folder 3: The Wonders of World History, 1998 Folder 4: World History’s Best Kept Secret: Third World Feature Films, 1999 Folder 5: Something Old, Something New: Defining Identity Through the United Nations, 1995 Folder 6: Claiming Our Future, 1993 Folder 7: When Worlds Collide: Translating Quincentenary Scholarship into Effective Teaching Folder 8: The Women’s Perspective and Your Discipline,1982 Folder 9: Georgina Ashworth Seminar and Lecture, 1996 Folder 10: The Evolving Discipline: World History, 2002 Folder 11: Transnational History, Diplomatic History and Gender, 2006-2007 Folder 12: Technology and World History: The Women’s Perspective, 1996 Folder 13: The Marquise Du Châtelet: Creating Images of an Unacknowledged Philosophe, 1999 Folder 14: The Daring Life, Tragic Death, and Loss to History of the Marquise Du Châtelet - UNC, 1998 Folder 15: Scott Trust Visiting Scholar, 1990 Folder 16: The Daring Life, Tragic Death, and Loss to History of the Marquise Du Châtelet - Ohio University, 1998 Folder 17: Naming Rights, Taking Action: Women and the United Nations - UNT, 2002 Folder 18: Marilyn Morris, 2000-2005 Folder 19: Programmes of Action and How They Grew: The Official and Unofficial Results of the United Nations Decade for Women 1975-85, 2000 Folder 20: Translating Newton’s Principia: The Marquise Du Châtelet’s Revisions and Additions for a French Audience, 1997 Folder 21: Periodization, 1996 Folder 22: A History of their Own: Women in Medieval and Renaissance History, 1994 Folder 23: The Subordinate Role: Why Have Some Women Accepted It? Why Have Others Rejected It? - Insights From History, 1981 Folder 24: Rethinking the Discipline of History: Measuring Impact, 1997 Folder 25: International Feminisms and the United Nations Folder 26: Women’s History / Feminist History, 2012 Folder 27: Academic Feminism and It’s Discontents: the Case of History, 1991 Folder 28: Women, World History, and the Web Folder 29: Explorations, Discoveries and Revelations: The Future of Women’s History in a Worldwide Context Folder 30: The National Museum of Women in the Arts, 1990 Folder 31: UN Women’s Decade, 2012 Folder 32: Women and Social Movements, International - 1840 to Present, 2012 Folder 33: Revolutions, Women and Historians, 2001 Folder 34: International Women’s Tribune Centre Honorees, 2011 Folder 35: Why Are There No Women Explorers? Folder 36: Gendering Transnational Topics: Benefits and Liabilities, 2008 Folder 37: Technology and History, the Women’s Perspective: A Case Study in Gendered Definitions, 1999 Folder 38: A History of Their Own - Book Talk Folder 39: Gendering European History: The Case of the Witches Folder 40: International Congress of Historical Sciences (CISH), 2008-2010 Folder 41: International Congress of Historical Sciences (CISH) - Notes, Ideas, 2014 Folder 42: Imagining Patterns of Learned Culture: A Cross-Cultural View and Forum: Introduction: Women and Learned Culture, 2010-2014
Arts and Science; History; Judith Zinnser Collection; 1966; [19A-A-2C] Box 6 Files: Folder 1: Anthony J. Badger, 1994-1995 Folder 2: Alan Cook, 1997-2000 Folder 3: Julian Burger, 1989, 1993 Folder 4: Jeffery Auerbach, 2001-2002 Folder 5: Correspondence, 1992-1994 Folder 6: Columbia Seminar on Women and Society Folder 7: AHA Panels, 1997 Folder 8: Elections Women’s History Association, 1992-1993 Folder 9: Berkshire Proposal, 1987 Folder 10: Berkshire Proposal,1987 Folder 11: JWH Review, 2010 Folder 12: Miami University Folder 13: Berkshire Conference, 1983, 1992 Folder 14: German Collection, 2009 Folder 15: Hilda Collection Notes - Correspondence, 2012 Folder 16: Women and Learned Culture, 2014 Folder 17: Elizabeth Badinter, 2011-2014 Folder 18: Nov. 20, 2009 Women at Miami University Folder 19: Women Historians Cambridge University May 1995 Folder 20: Museums Folder 21: Grant Ideas, 2008 Folder 22: Civil War - Miami Hamilton, 2010 Folder 23: Women 1776-1860 - Miami Hamilton, 2010 Folder 24: Watergate Class, 1978 Folder 25: Ann H Forfreedom, 1994 Folder 26: Revolutions, Women and Historians - Judith P. Zinsser, 2001 Folder 27: Madame Du Châtelet et les historiens - Judith P. Zinsser Folder 28: Women’s History, World History, and the Construction of New Narratives - Judith P. Zinsser, 2000 Folder 29: Patterns in Women’s History and in the Careers of Women Historians - Judith P. Zinsser, 2011 Folder 30: Women’s History / Feminist History - Judith P. Zinsser Folder 31: Women in Early and Modern Europe: A Transnational Approach - Judith P. Zinsser and Bonnie S. Anderson Folder 32: Emilie Du Châtelet: rewriting Enlightenment philosophy and science - edited by Judith P. Zinsser and Julie Candler Hayes, 2006 Folder 33: Femmes de sciences de l'Antiquité au XIXͤ siècle Réalités et représentations (Préface) - Judith Zinsser, 2014 Folder 34: Syllabus: World History Since 1500 - Judith P. Zinsser, 1998 Folder 35: Mme Du Châtelet: sa morale et sa métaphysique - Judith P. Zinsser, 2008 Folder 36: Emilie Du Châtelet’s Views on the Pillars of French Society: Kings, Church, and Family - Judith P. Zinsser Folder 37: Pearson Q&A with Judith P. Zinsser Folder 38: Men, Women, and the Birthing of Modern Science - edited by Judith P. Zinsser Folder 39: “Much more is at stake here…”: A Response to “The Construction of History” - Judith P. Zinsser, 1997 Folder 40: Du Châtelet and the Rhetoric of Science - Judith P. Zinsser, 2011 Folder 41: Review: Bonnie G. Smith, The Gender of History: Men, Women, and Historical Practice - Judith P. Zinsser, 2001 Folder 42: General, Comparatie, Historiographical - Judith P. Zinsser, 1995 Folder 43: Review: Joy Wiltenburg. Disorderly Women and Female Power in the Street Literature of Early Modern England and Germany - Judith P. Zinsser, 1997 Folder 44: Review: Maurice Crosland, Scientific Institutions and Practice in France and Britain, c. 1700-c.1870 - Judith P. Zinsser, 2008 Folder 45: Review: Mary S. Hartman, The Household and the Making ofHistory: A Subversive View of the Western Past - Judith P. Zinsser, 2006 Folder 46: Multiple beginnings: new insights on the Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment in France - Judith P. Zinsser, 2011 Folder 47: Forum: Women and Learned Culture: Introduction - Judith P. Zinsser, 2014 Folder 48: Imagining Patterns of Learned Culture: A Cross-Cultural View - Judith P. Zinsser, 2014 Folder 49: Why Believe Me? Narrative Authority in Biography - Judith P. Zinsser, 2009 Folder 50: Betrayals - Judith P. Zinsser, 2016 Folder 51: The Rhetoric of Sustainable Development - Judith P. Zinsser Folder 52: Back from Beijing: Conferees return to Miami - Kathy Y. Wilson (Journal-News), 1995 Folder 53: Nancy Mitford: Lessons for Historians from a Best-Selling Author - Judith P. Zinsser, 2018 Folder 54: Emilie Du Châtelet and the Enlightenment's Querelles des femmes - Judith P. Zinsser, 2014 Folder 55: Technology and History: The Women’s Perspective - Judith P. Zinsser Folder 56: Feminist Biography: A Contradiction in Terms? - Judith P. Zinsser, 2009 Folder 57: Emilie du Châtelet: genius, gender, and intellectual authority - Judith P. Zinsser Folder 58: Review: Judith P. Zinsser. La Dame d'Esprit: A Biography of the Marquise Du Châtelet - Lisa Forman Cody, 2010 Folder 59: Review: Claire Brock. The Comet Sweeper: Caroline Herschel’s Astronomical Ambition - Judith P. Zinsser, 2007 Folder 60: Review: Felicia Gordon and P.N. Firbank, Marie Madeleine Jodin 1741-1790: Actress, philosophe, and feminist - Judith P. Zinsser, 2004 Folder 61: Why are there no 28th Century (Private) Women Scientists and Philosophers? - Judith P. Zinsser, 2002 Folder 62: Emilie du Châtelet: genius, gender, and intellectual authority - Judith P. Zinsser Folder 63: A Prologue for La Dame D’esprit - Judith P. Zinsser, 2003 Folder 64: The Third Week in July - Judith Zinsser Lippmann, 1983 Folder 65: A remarkable collaboration: the marquise Du Châtelet and Alexis Clairaut - Judith P. Zinsser and Olivier Courcelle Folder 66: Colloque du tricentenaire de la marquise du Châtelet (1706-2006), 2006 Folder 67: Essay Review: The Ultimate Commentary: A Consideration of I. Bernard Cohen’s Guide to Newton’s Principia - Judith P. Zinsser, 2003 Folder 68: The United Nations Decade for Women: A Quiet Revolution - Judith P. Zinsser, 1990 Folder 69: Mentors, the Marquise Du Châtelet and Historical Memory - Judith P. Zinsser, 2007 Folder 70: From Mexico to Copenhagen to Nairobi: The United Nations Decade for Women, 1975-1985 - Judith P. Zinsser, 2002 Folder 71: Entrepreneur of the “Republic of Letters”: Emilie de Breteuil, Marquise Du Châtelet, and Bernard Mandeville’s Fable of the Bees - Judith P. Zinsser, 2002 Folder 72: United Nations International School - Teaching human rights Folder 73: Translating Newton’s Principia: The Marquise Du Châtelet’s Revisions and Additions for a French Audience - Judith P. Zinsser, 2001 Folder 74: Women’s and Men’s World History? Not Yet - Judith P. Zinsser, 2013 Folder 75: Gender - Judith P. Zinsser Folder 76: Men, Women, and the Birthing of Modern Science - Judith P. Zinsser, editor
Arts and Science; History; Judith Zinnser Collection; 1966; [19A-A-3A] Box 7 Files: Folder 1: On Writing, 2012 Folder 2: Pails to Feminism Folder 3: Introduction: Women and Learned Culture, 2013-2014 Folder 4: Albert Rabil - Du Châtelet, 1999-2010 Folder 5: Paul Veatch Moriarty - Du Châtelet, 2003 Folder 6: Arts et Métiers - Du Châtelet, 2003 Folder 7: J B Shank - Du Châtelet, 2003 Folder 8: Susannah Ottaway - Du Châtelet, 2011 Folder 9: Lynn Hunt - Du Châtelet, 1989, 1995 Folder 10: Craig B Waff - Du Châtelet, 2004 Folder 11: Brigitte Van Tiggelen - Du Châtelet, 2009 Folder 12: Bertram E Schwarzbach - Du Châtelet, 2003 Folder 13: St. Petersburg - Du Châtelet, 1998-2004 Folder 14: Remy G Saisselin - Du Châtelet, 2003-2005 Folder 15: Desmond Clarke - Du Châtelet, 1997-1998 Folder 16: Alan Cook - Du Châtelet, 2000 Folder 17: Franco Arato - Du Châtelet, 1999 Folder 18: Helmut Braun - Du Châtelet, 2004 Folder 19: Jolynn Edwards - Du Châtelet, 1995 Folder 20: Jean-Francois Gauvin - Du Châtelet, 2003 Folder 21: Roger Hahn - Du Châtelet, 1999 Folder 22: Jeffery W Merrick - Du Châtelet, 1999 Folder 23: Mary Terrall - Du Châtelet, 1995-2001 Folder 24: Jean-Daniel Candaux / Paris - Du Châtelet, 2006 Folder 25: Gerard G Emch - Du Châtelet, 1998, 2007 Folder 26: Flacha - Du Châtelet, 2002 Folder 27: History: Measuring Impact, 1997 Folder 28: 18th Century People - Du Châtelet, 1995-2014 Folder 29: Glamour Magazine - Du Châtelet, 2009 Folder 30: Michael Belgrave, 1993 Folder 31: Rudolph Bell, 1996 Folder 32: Judith Bennett, 1992 Folder 33: Ida Blom, 2010 Folder 34: Gisela Bock, 1997 Folder 35: Catherine Bosshart-Pfluger, 2005 Folder 36: Cambridge, 1997 Folder 37: Charlotte Bunch, 1991 Folder 38: Nupur Chaudhuri, 1999 Folder 39: David Christian, 2002 Folder 40: Julia A Clancy-Smith, 1998 Folder 41: Mary Pugh Clark, 2000 Folder 42: Configurations, 2000 Folder 43: Blanche Wiesen Cook, 1986 Folder 44: Sandi Cooper, 2002 Folder 45: Natalie Zemon Davis, 1996-1998 Folder 46: Clorinda Donato, 1998-1999 Folder 47: Laura Englestein, 1994 Folder 48: Amy Louise Erickson, 2010 Folder 49: Cissie Fairchilds, 1979 Folder 50: Garrison, 1993 Folder 51: John Gillis, 1996 Folder 52: Nina Gelbart, 1997 Folder 53: Halpert, 2010 Folder 54: Erica Harth, 1996 Folder 55: Henneke, 2006 Folder 56: Nancy Hewitt, 2001 Folder 57: Martha Howell, 1993
Arts and Science; History; Judith Zinnser Collection; 1966; [19A-A-3B] Box 8 Files: Folder 1: Angela John, 2006-2010 Folder 2: Thomas E Kaiser, 2000 Folder 3: Ruth Mazo Karras, 2007 Folder 4: Mary Kelley, 1995 Folder 5: Linda K Kerber, 1993 Folder 6: Alice Kessler-Harris Folder 7: Cynthia J Koepp, 1996-2004 Folder 8: Suzanne Lebsock, 1992-1993 Folder 9: Carole Levin, 1996 Folder 10: Peggy McIntosh Folder 11: Jo Ann McNamara, 1995 Folder 12: Jennifer Morris, 2004-2010 Folder 13: Steve Ow, 1994 Folder 14: Marilyn Ospina, 1993 Folder 15: Margaret J Osler, 2001-2002 Folder 16: Patricia Ann Palmieri Folder 17: Daphni Patai, 1996 Folder 18: J G A Pocock, 1995 Folder 19: Tammy M Proctor Folder 20: Denis Reynaud, 2003 Folder 21: Tracey Rizzo, 1994-2002 Folder 22: Mary Ruthsdotter, 1994 Folder 23: Nikki Shepardson, 1996-2001 Folder 24: Antonette Sol, 2000 Folder 25: Peg Strobel, 2000 Folder 26: Gabrielle Spiegel, 1978-1985 Folder 27: Susan Mosher Stuard, 1980-1992 Folder 28: Annette Tomarken, 2009-2011 Folder 29: Judith E Tucker, 1995 Folder 30: Deborah Valenze, 1996 Folder 31: Tony Voss, 1994 Folder 32: Charity Cannon Willard, 1986 Folder 33: Tony Winkels Folder 34: Aurora Wolfgang, 1999 Folder 35: Tuula Yrjola Folder 36: Yves Ollivier - Emilie Du Châtelet, 2004 Folder 37: Emilie Du Châtelet Pictures Folder 38: Northern Illinois University Press Correspondence Folder 39: Twayne - Royalties Folder 40: Flyers / Reviews Folder 41: H+R History of Their Own Folder 42: History of Their Own: Chinese Edition, 1995 Folder 43: Penguin, 1988-1991 Folder 44: History of Their Own Reprint, 1998 Folder 45: Rejections Dame d’Esprit Folder 46: Reader Letters Folder 47: Correspondence - A History of Their Own, 1981-1991 Folder 48: Comments - A History of Their Own, 1986 Folder 49: Hugh Van Dusen, 1988 Folder 50: History of Their Own - 2nd Edition Folder 51: A History of Their Own Oxford Edition Promotion material, 1999 Folder 52: Intro SVEC 2006 Folder 53: Selected Writings University of Chicago Folder 54: Viking Penguin Folder 55: A History of Their Own - Illustration Photos Folder 56: A History of Their Own; Reviews Folder 57: A History of Their Own; Reviews - German Folder 58: History and Feminism: A Glass Half Full - Reviews Folder 59: Men, Women and the Birthing of Modern Science - Reviews Folder 60: La Dame d’Esprit - Reviews Folder 61: New York Times Book Review - Emilie Du Châtelet: Daring Genius of the Enlightenment, 1988
Arts and Science; History; Judith Zinnser Collection; 1966; [19A-A-3C] Box 9 Files: Folder 1: Bryn Mawr Conference 24 March, 1994 Folder 2: Furman College March 1995 Folder 3: Witches Folder 4: Popular Witches Folder 5: Center for Renaissance & Baroque Studies, 1993-1994 Folder 6: Women of World History Journal of Women’s History 2012 Folder 7: UN Decade for Women Debbie / Skylar Folder 8: JPZ Tenure and Promotion 1995 Folder 9: Emilie Du Châtelet / Penguin Blog, 2007 Folder 10: AHA 1996 Gendering the Survey, 1996 Folder 11: ACLS Proj. Review, 2007 Folder 12: Reviews Folder 13: Scientific Institutions and Practices in France and Britain, c. 1700-c. 1870, 2008 Folder 14: Much more is at stake here. Response to The Construction of History, 1997 Folder 15: Bedford Books, 1995, 1998 Folder 16: And Now For Something Completely Different: Gendering The World History Survey, 1996 Folder 17: A History of Women in the West: Emerging Feminism from Revolution to World War, 1995 Folder 18: Women & Politics in the Age of the Democratic Revolution Folder 19: European Women and the Second British Empire, 1993 Folder 20: Twentieth Century World, 1987 Folder 21: Historical Literacy: The Case for History in American Education, 1990 Folder 22: Emilie Du Châtelet and the Enlightenment’s Querelles des femmes, 2014 Folder 23: The Americas: An Integrated Approach to the Study of World History, 1977 Folder 24: United Nations International School Curriculum, 1977 Folder 25: Notable Women in World History: A Guide to Recommended Biographies and Autobiographies, 2000 Folder 26: Worlds of Women: The Making of the International Women’s Movement, 1999 Folder 27: The Prospect Before Her: A History of Women in Western Europe: 1500-1800, Vol. I, 1998 Folder 28: A Prologue for La Dame d'Esprit: The Biography of the Marquise Du Châtelet, 2003 Folder 29: Encounters with Biographers, 2003 Folder 30: La Dame d'Esprit: a Biography of the Marquise Du Châtelet Folder 31: The Other Voice of Early Modern Europe Folder 32: Men, Women and the Birthing of Modern Science Folder 33: The Popular Initiative: The Feminist Impact on History, 1995 Folder 34: Breaking Boundaries - Finding New Limits Folder 35: Marie Madeleine Jodin 1741-1790: Actress, philosophe and feminist, 2004 Folder 36: World History at the United Nations International School, 1977 Folder 37: Nationalism and History Education: A New Framework for World History, 1978 Folder 38: First National Conference of the World History Association, 1992 Folder 39: Following the Curriculum - A Comfort or a Constraint, 1988 Folder 40: Approaches to the Comparative History of the Americas, 1990 Folder 41: Understanding the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Folder 42: Encyclopedia - Du Châtelet Folder 43: UN Conference 1985 Folder 44: Jean Bethke Elstain, Women and War, 1988 Folder 45: Equality Up for Grabs in Maternity Benefits Battle, 1988 Folder 46: Nairobi Confab Ends on High Note, 1985 Folder 47: Tall in the Saddle, 1992 Folder 48: On Teaching Human Rights, 1977 Folder 49: IMPACT II Developer Grant, 1984 Folder 50: Early Modern and Modern European Women’s History, 2001 Folder 51: World History Association Bulletin - Spring 2003 Portfolio 1: Du Châtelet - Portfolio Portfolio 2: Full Professor Submission Portfolio
Arts and Science; History; Judith Zinnser Collection; Awards, Frames and Certificates; 1966; [19A-A-4A] Box 10 Files: Frame 1: Curatores et Senatus Arademirus Collegii Bryn Maurensis Frame 2: Master of Arts Columbia University Frame 3: The United Nations International School Distinguished Service Award Frame 4: Miami University Fifteen Year Dedicated Service Award Frame 5: Women’s Leadership Celebration Women’s Leadership Award Frame 6: Professor Promotion Letter Frame 7: Rutgers State University Doctor of Philosophy Degree Plaque: Miami University Distinguished Scholar Award
Arts and Science; History; Judith Zinnser Collection; Books, 1966-; [19A-A-4B] Box 11 Files: Book 1: “A History of Their Own” Volume 1 - Bonnie S. Anderson and Judith P. Zinsser Book 2: “A History of Their Own” Volume 2 - Bonnie S. Anderson and Judith P. Zinsser Book 3: “La Dame d'Esprit” - Judith P. Zinsser Book 4: “Eine Eigene Geschichte” - Bonnie S. Anderson, Judith P. Zinsser, Schweizer Verlagshaus Book 5: “Eine Eigene Geschichte” Volume 2 - Bonnie S. Anderson, Judith P. Zinsser, Schweizer Verlagshaus Book 6: “Emilie Du Châtelet: Daring Genius of the Enlightenment" - Judith P. Zinsser Book 7: “Emilie Du Châtelet: Selected Philosophical and Scientific Writings” - Edited by Judith P. Zinsser Book 8: “Historia de las Mujeres: Una Historia Propia” Volumen 1 - Bonnie S. Anderson and Judith P. Zinsser Book 9: “Historia de las Mujeres: Una Historia Propia” Volumen 2 - Bonnie S. Anderson and Judith P. Zinsser Book 10: “Historia de las Mujeres” - Bonnie S. Anderson and Judith P. Zinsser Book 11: “Le donne in Europa 1. Nei campi e nelle Chiese” - Bonnie S. Anderson and Judith P. Zinsser Book 12: “Le donne in Europa 3. Nelle corti e nei salotti” - Bonnie S. Anderson and Judith P. Zinsser Book 13: “Le donne in Europa 4. Nella città moderna” - Bonnie S. Anderson and Judith P. Zinsser Book 14: “Men, Women, and the Birthing of Modern Science” - Edited by Judith P. Zinsser Book 15: “Emilie Du Châtelet: rewriting Enlightenment philosophy and science” - Edited by Judith P. Zinsser and Julie Candler Hayes Book 16: “A new partnership: indigenous peoples and the United Nations system” - Judith P. Zinsser Book 17: Madame De Chatelet La femme des Lumieres Sous la direction d'Elisabeth Badinter et Danielld Muzerelle Book 18: Emilie Du Chatelet eclairges and documents nouveax etudes reunies par Ulla Kolving et Olivier Courcelle, 2008
Arts and Science; History; Judith Zinnser Collection;General; 1966; [19A-A-4C] Box 12 Files: 1. History Department - General 2. Handbook for History Majors (199-) 3. Handbook for History Majors (Rev. 1991) 4. Handbook for History Majors (Rev. June 1992) 5. A Handbook for History Majors (Rev. June 1996) 6. A Handbook for History Majors (Rev. June 2004) 7. A Handbook for History Majors (Rev. July 2005) 8. History Course Offerings (1983-84) 9. History Course Offerings (1985-86) 10. History Course Offerings (1986-87) 11. History Course Offerings (1988-89) 12. History Course Offerings (1990-91) 13. History Course Offerings (1991-92) 14. History Course Offerings (1992-93) 15. History Course Offerings (1993-94) 16. History Course Offerings (1995-96) 17. History Course Offerings (1996-97) 18. Proposal for a Program Leading to the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Department of History, Miami University (1966) 19. Proposal for a Program Leading to the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Department of History, Miami University(1967) 20. Graduate Program in History (1969-70, 1970-71) a. Handbook of Graduate Studies in History (1967-68, 1977-78) 21. Graduate Study in History (1989) 22. Handbook of Graduate Studies in History (1990-91) 23. Graduate Program Review (1980) 24. History Department Newsletter, v.1, n.1- (Summer 1986-)
- Creation: 1947 - 2000
- College of Arts and Science. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) (Organization)
- Department of History. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) (Organization)
- History Department (Organization)
Conditions Governing Access
Materials do not circulate and are made available to users in the Miami University Archives.
Conditions Governing Use
Materials do circulate and may only be used in the archives.
10 Boxes
Language of Materials
Physical Location
Miami University Archives, King Library, 3rd Floor, Walter Havighurst Special Collections, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
- Object: New American Frontiers: A Series of Reports in History Seminar 500, v.1 [bound]; 1947 (Books)
- Object: New American Frontiers: A Series of Reports in History Seminar 500, v.2 [bound]; 1947 (Books)
- Object: New American Frontiers: A Series of Reports in History Seminar; 1949 (Books)
- Object: Sources of National Power: A Series of Reports in History Seminar 500 [bound]; 1947 (Books)
- Box: 1; History Department Materials; 1966 (Text)
- Box: 2; History Department Materials; 1967-1994; 17A-J-3D (Text)
- Box: 1; Miami Valley Cultural Heritage Project: Oral History Interviews: Materials; 1991-2000 (Mixed Materials)
- Box: 2; Miami Valley Cultural Heritage Project: Oral History Interviews: Materials; 1991-2000; 17A-A-2B (Mixed Materials)
- Box: 3; Miami Valley Cultural Heritage Project: Oral History Interviews: Materials; 1991-2000 (Mixed Materials)
- Box: 4; Miami Valley Cultural Heritage Project: Oral History Interviews: Tapes and Disks; 1991-2000 (Mixed Materials)
Repository Details
Part of the Miami University and Western College Memorial Archives Repository