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Alumni, Individuals, bulk: 1836 - 1975

 Sub-Group — Multiple Containers


Alumni/Alumni Affairs/Development; Alumni, Individuals; Alumni Files: General/ A-Cl; Box 13 [4A-G-4A] Files: General 1. Graduating Classes (1826-1927) [Leather notebook] 2. First Students at Miami (1824) 3. Distinguished Alumni of the Past, p. 1-28, through 1903, Former Students, p. 29 [Black notebook] 4. Percent of Miami Grads Living at Given Ages (1916) 5. Distinguished Alumni - Old Miami [Founders of Colleges as in Centennial Edition of the Alumni Catalog; Governors; Alumni in State Legislatures and Congress {Centennial Edition}; Alumni in Diplomatic posts {Centennial Edition}{See Olds, C.N. (1836), 5 Civil War Governors}] 6. Old Miami - List of Alumni (1826-1842)[Letter-W. M. Corry (1826) to R. H. Bishop, Jr. (September 18, 1842)- List of Alumni by Classes] 7. Graduates of Miami - Old Miami["To be returned to R. H. Bishop before the first of May, April 24, 1867" - Ms list of graduates 1826-65 {incomplete?}; Addresses, vocations {incomplete?}] 8. Old Miami - Graduates, Analysis ["The 1035 graduates of Old Miam"] 9. Old Miami - Letters written (1929-30)[from 4 UP 1929-30]: MSS (Illegible) student (1839); "John" (1860); Leland Jordan, Student (1863-64); Morris Peck (1862); Brownhill Tidball Sheekey (1872); George Scholl, student (1863-64); Samuel M. Ramsey (1864); E. B. Vincent {signed 1870-75, not in Centennial Directory}; John Elbert Sater, student (1871-73); Alfred Mayhew Shuey (1866); John Thomas Harbine (1862); Elmore Tobias Elliott, student (1870-72); William Ferguson Gilchrist, student (1868-69)] 10. Alumni- General [Card: Song "Old Miami is the Mother of Statesmen"{n.d} {Mentioned Harrison and Reid}; Newsclip- Charles Anderson, regarding arrangement with H. Powers for the Bishop bust; B. W. Chidlaw. Newsclip-Oxford Citizen (September 17, 1892); "Miami in Peace" - Charles Anderson and Hiram Powers; Reid; W. S. Grosbeck, etc. Booklet: Geographical List of Students (1908-09){March 12, 1909}][See 50 O Lit/Erodelphian; Miami Journal II no.1 (October 1887), pp. 4-14, cut of bust, by Charles Anderson] 11. Advanced Degrees [Miami University and Oxford College Alumni] 12. Numbers of Advanced Degrees (1826-33, 1888-1949) 13. Directory - Rhodes Scholars 14. Men in Service - MSS [Honor Roll (December 1, 1917){printed}; Miamis Honor Roll: Miami Alumni and Former Students Reported in Service (October 24, 1918); Corr. Ralph Reddick, October 5, 1929, to Secretary of the President; August 1929; July 7, 1929, to AA. H. Upham; Card, February 17, 1930; A Partial Roster of Miami University Students in the Mexican, Civil, and Spanish-American Wars][See WW I, WW II, ANL, August 1919] 15. Women Students (1887/88-1901) 16. Miami Women [See 4 UP 1928-29, Distinguished Miami Graduates] 17. Correspondence - R. M. Hughes (September 25, 1926) Classes 18. 1870 [Printed sheet with Ms. notes: Members, Class 70, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio {at bottom: Your Brother, John I Covington, Lock Box 105, Cincinnati . . . 1871} Strip: Ms list of names] 19. 1909 [Typed sheets: Members who graduated in 1909, the Teachers College Diploma Students and the ex-09 students - with addresses, deceased members marked] 20. 1913 [Seven typed pages addressed to "Members of the Golden Anniversary Class of 1913 . . . " Signature in red pencil: Elizabeth Johnson, top right of p. 1] 21. 1915 [Three carbons, typed sheets, "Talk by Joseph W. Fichter . . . class of 1915 . . .June 5, 1965"] 22. 1917 [Nine letters in envelopes, to Din Dhera, postmarked 1962-67] 23. 1924 [Corr. F. Hannaford, President Class 1924, and W. P. Roudebush, regarding class gift of cement bench: May 29, 1929, June 8, June 12, June 18] 24. 1929 [See separate file, 40 AL CR - Golden Anniversary of Class 1929] 25. 1930 - Living former students [booklet] Individuals 25A. Adams, Robert N. 26. Addison, James 27. Alden, David C. 27. Alston, Virgil 28. Alston, Walter 29. Amos, J. Oliver 31. Anderson, C. Vivian 32. Andrews, Robert W. 33. Angle, Paul M. 33a. Ansteatt, Herbert B. 33b. Antoniadas, Spiros 34. Arnold, John 35. Arnsparger, Bill 37. Ashton, Holbrook T. 39. Ayers, Edmund D. 40. Ayers, Stephen C. 41. Bachelor, Joseph M. 42. Backe, John D. 43. Baker, Arthur O. 44. Barbour, James H. 45. Barnett, James 45a. Barnette, Don 46. Battle, Joel A. ? 47. Beak, Flora E. 48. Beckett, Henry 49. Bell, Grady B. 50. Berry, Lucien W. 51. Bevis, Pearl R. 52. Bigelow, Robert L. 53. Billings, John S. 54. Binkley, Max 55. Bishop, George S. 56. Bishop, John W. 57. Bishop, Robert H. Jr. [1] 58. Bishop, Robert H. Jr. [2] 59. Bishop, Robert H. Jr. [3] 60. Bishop, Sylvester L. 60a. Blaine, Wilson 60b. Blair, Banana George 61. Bonham, John C. 62. Bonham, Lazarus N. 63. Bonham, Llewllyn 64. Bonham, Louis 65. Bonham, Ludwig 66. Born, Charles Clarence 67. Bowyer, Howard D. 68. Bradford, Martin 70. Brady, Leslie S. 71. Brashears, Wallace M. 72. Brice, Calvin S. 73. Bridge, Margaret S. 74. Bridgeman, Walter R. 75. Brill, Harvey C. 76. Broadbent, Robert F. 77. Brookes, James H. 78. Brookes, Peter H. 79. Brown, Charles E. 79a. Brown, Clarence J. Jr. 80. Brown, Jacob N. 80a. Brown Lane, Maryette 81. Brown, Matthew N. ? 83. Brown, Waldo F. 85. Bryant, Thomas A. 86. Bunce, Harvey J. 86a. Byrne, Peter 87. Caldwell, James P. 88. Caldwell, John W. 89. Carpenter, Rob_ 90. Carson, Marjorie R. 91. Carson, William 92. Carver, George W. 92a. Cary, Samel Fenton 93. Casper, Jack A. 94. Chalufour, Marguerita 95. Chamberlin, John R. 96. Chamberlain W. H. 97. Chappars, Michael S. 98. Charch, William Hale 98a. Chase, Valentine 99. Cheadle, Gerald E. 100. Cheadle, Vernon I. 101. Chidlow, William M. ? 102. Christie, Robert 103. Christman, Paul C. 104. Christopher, Thomas B. 105. Christy, Robert 106. Chaung, Chai-Hsuan 107. Clark, David 108. Claybaugh, William 109. Cleaveland, Winfield M.

Alumni/Alumni Affairs/Development; Alumni, Individuals; Alumni Files: Cl-Ha; Box 14 [4A-G-4B] Contents: 1. Click, David G. 2. Clifton, David C. 3. Climer, Fred W. 4. Clopper, Edward N. 5. Cloxey, Joseph W. 6. Cochran, Jere M. 7. Cole, Ryrie Belle 8. Coleman, William C. 9. Combs, J. B. 10. Condit, William 11. Cone, Adelia W. 12. Cook, John H. 13. Cookson, Ernestine 14. Copland, George 15. Coppock, Francis M. 16. Corry, William M. 17. Cory, Benjamin 18. Covington, John I. 19. Covington, Samuel F. 20. Cozza, Carmen 21. Cradlebaugh, John 22. Craig, Nellie [1st African-American student, xerox of photo and diploma] 23. Craighead, William 24. Crane, George 25. Crase, Bes-Arlene 26. Crissman, George T. 27. Cromer, Walter E. 28. Cronin, John W. 29. Crowell, Mella L. 30. Cummins, Robert 31. Dakin, Mary Lou 32. Damasceno, Juan 33. Davis, Benjamin F. 34. Davis, Claire 35. Davis, Ferman D. 36. Delo, David M. 37. Demmitt, C. A. 38. Dennison, William, Jr. 39. Densford, Katherine J. 40. Derby, George 41. Dickinson, Clarence 42. Dodds, Ozra J. (#1) 43. Dodds, Ozra J. (#2) 44. Dohrn, Bernadine 45. Donnelly, Ruth 46. Dorsey, Godwin V. 47. Dorsey Family 49. Drake,Dorothy 50. Dubois, John T. 51. Dunn, Edwin 52. Duncan, Dorothy R. 53. Duncan, Richard L. 54. Dunlap, Alexander 55. Eaton, Luella V. 56. Edmiston, Robert W. 57. Elam, John B. 58. Ebenezer, N. Elliot 59. Eidemiller, Herbert 60. Egan, R. Ellen 61. Ellis, Alston 62. Ellis, Anderson N. 63. Ellis, Ray N. 64. Ells, Myron 65. Eltzroth, William F. 66. Elston, Maurice 67. Emerson, Edwin 68. Emrick, Donald D. 69. Ent, Pearl 70. Erwin, Mabelle H. 71. Essig, Herman 72. Evans, Bergan B. 73. Evans, D. Scott 74. Evans, Henry O. 75. Evans, John C. 76. Evans, Margaret 77. Evans, Nelson W. 78. Evans, William E. 79. Everhart, W. Alfred 80. Ewbank, Wilbur 81. Falconer, Jerome B. 82. Faran, James J. 83. Farmer, Walter I. 84. Farquher, Benjamin 85. Fecher, Constantine J. 86. Fels, George L. 87. Fenton, Harry A. 88. Ferguson, Margaret W. 89. Ferguson, James S. 90. Fey, Thomas C. 91. Fey, Ralph N. 92. Fichter, Joseph W. 93. Fish, Charles H. 94. Fisher, Elam 95. Fisher, George Clyde 96. Fisher, Otto O. 97. Fletcher, Albert M. 98. Fletcher, Robert 99. Flower, Otis P. 100. Fogarty, Walter S. 101. Foster, James B. 103. Frichtling, Louis E. 104. Frye, Burton (#1) 105. Frye, Burton (#2) 106. Frye, Burton (#3) 107. Fullerton, Erskine B. 108. Fullerton, Joseph S. 109. Fullerton, Hugh S. 110. Galat, Joe 111. Galbraith, John S. 112. Galloway, Albert G. 113. Gear, Susanna E. 114. Gibson, James K. 115. Gilbert, Josua J. 116. Gillespie, Marie 117. Gillham, Dorothy 117a. Godfrey, Susan 117b. Glick, Paul 118. Goldman, Marcus S. 119. Gordon, John M. 120. Gossard, Thomas M. 121. Gow, Francis William [ex-prelimnary course: 1st identifiable Black male to attend Miami] 122. Graham, Harvey W. 123. Graham, William M. 124. Graham, Robert M. 125. Gravett, Nettie K. 126. Gray, Michael, (Amy) 127. Greer, Carl R. 128. Greer, Wilbert J. 129. Gregory, William E. 130. Grennan, Lawrence E. 131. Gries, John M. 132. Griner, Fred P. 133. Groesbeck, William S. 134. Grubb, Kenneth 135. Hadsel, Fred L. 136. Hale, Robert M. 137. Hale, William J. 138. Hall, Emma 139. Haller, Stephen E. 140. Halter, Sam L. 141. Hammill, Samuel S. 142. Hammal, Warren M. 143. Hammond, John P. 144. Hammond, William A. 145. Hamory, Robert 146. Hancock, J.R. 147. Hancock, Walter D. 148. Hannaford, Francis S. 149. Hansen, Freda V.

Alumni/Alumni Affairs/Development; Alumni, Individuals; Alumni Files: Ha-Mo; Box 15 [4A-G-4C] Contents: 1. Hargrave, John W. 2. Hargrave, William 3. Harper, Ron 4. Harrell, Orville J. 5. Harris, Andrew L. [See also 40 AL May, Martin] 6. Harris, George W. 7. Harris, Horatio J. 8. Harrison, Benjamin (#1) 9. Harrison, Benjamin (#2) 10. Harrison, Caroline Scott [See under Scott, Caroline, in Oxford College Alumnae files] 11. Harrison, Benjamin and May Lord 12. Harrison, Carter 13. Hart, Jerry Lee 14. Hasdin, Chancherm 15. Hasegawa, Koichi 16. Haskell, Thomas N. 17. Hauenstein, John C. 18. Hawkins, Joseph S. 19. Hayes, Stephen K. 20. Haygood, Wil 21. Healey, Viola 22. Heckert, Donald 23. Heckert, Richard E. 24. Heckert, Winifred W. 25. Heimsch, Charles 26. Henderson, John M. 27. Helm, Robert A. 28. Henderson, John M. 29. Herron, John W. 30. Hibbett, T. C. 31. Hidy, Ralph M. 32. Hiestand, Harvey H. 33. Hiestand, William H. 34. Higgins, Lisetta N. 35. Higgins, William R. 36. Hill, Ethel 37. Hittell, John S. 38. Hinckley, Dwight 39. Hironaka, Pete 40. Hodge, Albert E. 41. Hodges, Wilson 42. Hoerner, Miles F. 43. Hoffar, Barron 44. Hoffman, Harold L. 45. Hoffman, Paul 46. Hollyday, Robert H. 47. Horrigan, John W. 48. Hostetter, Cleon W. 49. House, Roy T. 50. Howe, Roger L. 51. Howell, James B 52. Howell, Leonard H. (Guernsey, Margaret) 53. Hughes, Charles M. 54. Hughes, Emily M. 55. Hull, John E. - Awards and Decorations 56. Hull, John E. (#1) 57. Hull, John E. (#2) 58. Hunt, John R. 59. Hunt, Samuel F. 60. Hussey, Leutellus 61. Israel, Harold E. 62 a. Jackson, Debbie 63. James, William H. 64. Jerge, Walter B 65. Jessup, William 66. Johns, John J. 67. Johnston, James C. 68. Johnston, John 69. Jones, James R. 70. Jones, Joel M. 71. Jones, Lesley E. 72. Jordan, Leland 72. Keely, Charles I. 73. Keely, George W. 74. Keely, Nelle 75. Keil, Helen L. 76. Keller, Donald B. 77. Kelley, Earl T. 78. Kessler, Jim 79. Kerr, Florence I. 80. Kincaid, James W. 81. Kirk, Grayson 82. Kirsch, Virginia 83. Knebel, Fletcher 84. Kniseley, Martha C. 85. Knox, John R. 86. Koryta, Rose C. 87. Kraft, Kaye 88. Krampe, Miriam E. 89. Kruse, Clarence E. 89. Kuertz, Willis E. 90. Kumler, Charles A. 91. Kuzma, Michael M. 92. Kyle, Joshua R. 93. Lane, Otho E. 94. Lantis, L.O. 95. Lapham, Levi 96. Lawrence, Brooks 97. Laws, Samuel S. 98. Leathers, B. S. 99. Leech Paul N. 100. Levering, James S. 101. Liming, Melville D. 102. Lindseth, Elmer L. 103. Listerman, Wayne 104. Little, Ruth [Mrs. Ruth L. Lawson] 105. Lockwood, William L. 106. Lohman, Marim L. 107. Loughridge, Robert M. 108. Louise, Tina [possible former student who would have attended under the name of Tina Blacker or Tina Myers in the early 1950s] 109. Lowe, Jacob D. 110. Lowe, John G. 111. Lowes, James A. 112. Lowrie, Samuel T. 113. Ludlow, William S. 114. Lusby, Margaret 115. Lyons, Richard 116. MacBeth, Gilbert 117. McCarty, John T. 118. McCaughan, Charles Thompson 119. McCaw, David 120. McClenahan, John 121. McClung, David W. 122. McClure, William C. 123. McClurq, Alexander C. 124. MacCracken, George W. 125. MacCracken, Henry M. 126. McCrea, Adam 127. McCullough, Daisy 128. McDill, James W. 129. MacDonald, William R. 130. McFarland, Elizabeth E. 131. McFarland, Fannie 132. McFarland, James Millikin 133. McFarland, William H. 134. McGaw, James A.P. 135. McGilliard, Virginia D. 136. McGuire, Henry L. 137. McKee, Joseph C. 138. McKee, Samuel 139. McKemy, Esther 140. McKier, Stanley 141. McKinley, Ruth E. 142. McMillan, Daniel A. 143. McNamara, J. Paul 144. McNeill, Louise 145. Macready, John H. 146. McSurely, Ella G. 147. Magoffin, Thomas C. 148. Mains, Francis H. 149. Malabanon, Emilia 150. Mallory, William 151. Mallory Tom 151. Mann, Helen J. S. 152. Maraschiello, Christopher 153. Markle, Minor M. 154. Marsh, Felix 155. Martin, Smith C. 156. Matson, John Allen 157. Mattern, W. Gwinn 158. Mattox, Norman T. 159. Maxwell, Iris E. 160. May, Martin 161. Mechem, Charles S. 163. Meeks, Robert L. 164. Meserve, Charles 165. Miller, Rev. Benjamin 166. Miller, Franklin E. 167. Miller, Marvin 168. Millikin, Joseph 169. Millikin, Minor 170. Minnich, Conrad H. 171. Minnich, Dwight E. 172. Minnich, Eugenia E. 173. Mohler, Charles S. 174. Monfort, Isaac W. 175. Monfort, Joseph G. 176. Montgomery, (Lillian) Josephine 177. Montgomery, Richard A. 178. Montgomery, Spencer B. 179. Moore, (David) Ross 180. Moore, Hazelett A.

Alumni/Alumni Affairs/Development; Alumni, Individuals; Alumni Files: Mo-Ste; Box 16 [4A-H-1A] Files 1. Moore, Philip N. 2. Moore, Robert 3. Moore, Stanley J. 4. Moore, William H. (#1) 5. Moore, William H. (#2) 6. Morehead, Samuel J. 7. Morgan, Owen 8. Morishita, Hiroshi 9. Morningstar, Mildred 10. Morris, Benjamin F. and Isaac N. 11. Morris, Maye 12. Morrison, Marion 13. Morrison, Robert 14. Morton, Oliver 15. Muddell, John S. 16. Munger, Judge E. H. 17. Naylor, Arthur R. 18. Margaret Bonefrake Nelson 19. Newton, Frances 20. Nichols, Hugh C. 21. Noble, John W. 22. Norris, Sara 23. OByrne, George F. 24. ORourke, P.J 25. Ogden, George C. 26. Olds, Chauncey N. 27. Orwick, Dana 28. Osborne, Marcia 29. Patterson, James R. 30. Peck, John W. 31. Peck, Morris 32. Pence, Abram M. 33. Pendory, Thomas L. 34. Perkins, Susan 35. Perrone, Gilbert 36. Petry, LeLand 37. Peyton, Robert L. Y. 38. Phanchet, Vashari 39. Picard, Frederick J. 40. Pickrel, William G. 41. Pierce, Marvin 42. Platter, Cornelius 43. Platter, David E. 44. Platter, James E. 45. Pope, Hedi (Politzer) [See also: 4A-G-3C, Folder 18] 46. Porter, Joseph 47. Poth, James E. 48. Potter, Brian 49. Pugliese, Rudolph 50. Putley, Verlin 51. Ramsey, Elizabeth 52. Ramsey, Samuel M. 53. Rehberg, Barbara Marie -graduate 1926 (wife of A.B. Channing of Texas) 54. Reid, Hugh T. [student 1833-36] 55. Reid, Thomas P. 56. Reid, Whitelaw 57. Reily, James 58. Reinhard, George L. 59. Richards, Clarissa A. 60. Richey, Sutton 61. Rife, John J. 62. Roberts, Charles E. 63. Roberts, Marion 64. Robertson, William W. 65. Robinson, Arthur H. 66. Robinson, Dorothy 67. Robinson, Hester A. 68. Robinson, Jesse M. 69. Robinson, John M. 70. Robinson, Pauline [Mrs. Marvin Pierce] 71. Robinson, Walter A. 72. Rodgers, Ardivan Walker 73. Roethlisberger, Ben 74. Rogers, Thomas H. 75. Rogers, Walter W. 76. Rogers, William S. 77. Ronfer, Philip A. 78. Root, Oliver W. 79. Ross, Rosalyn 80. Roudebush, Wallace P. 81. Rowan, Stephen C. 82. Rowe, E. L. 83. Ruggles, Pat 84. Rumbaugh, Lynn H. 85. Runyan, Dorothy 86. Rush, Martin 87. Rusk, William J. 88. Ryan, Paul 89. Sackett, Milton A. 90. Sater, John E. 91. Saunders, Richardson C. 92. Sayler, John R. 93. Saylor, Milton 94. Schell, George 95. Schenck, Robert C. 95a. Scheerer, Florence Truitt 96. Schwartztrauber, Ernest E. 97. Scott, Edward S. 98. Scott, Harry M. 99. Scott, Helen Jo [Mrs. Robert S. Mann] 100. Scott, Samuel P. 101. Sexton, Hardigg 102. Shafer, Boyd C. 103. Shafer, Jennie M. 104. Sheard, John E. 105. Sheehan, Murray 106. Shellabarger, Samuel 107. Shem, Caleb 108. Shera, Philip C. 109. Sherman, Albert D. 110. Shields, M. R. 111. Shockley, Henry M. 112. Shoffner, Larry G. 113. Shouse, James 113a, Shook, Eugene 114. Shuey, William H. 115. Simpson, John R. 116. Smale, John G. 117. Smith, Caleb B. 118. Smith, Hinckley 119. Smith, John A. 120. Smith, John McLain 121. Smith, John R. 122. Smith, Kirby 123. Smith, Gillespie P. (Mrs.) 124. Smith, Roger C. 125. Smith, Sherman 126. Snyder, Henry 127. Snyder, Isaac N. 128. Snyder, Mildred 129. Sproul, Grace M. 130. Stanton, Robert B. 131. Steele, David 132. Steele, Robert W. 133. Sterritt, Major D. 134. Stevens, S. C. 135. Stevenson, Henry P. 136. Stevenson, Jean M. 137. Stevenson, Joseph H.

Alumni/Alumni Affairs/Development; Alumni, Individuals; Alumni Files: Ste-Y; Box 17 [4A-H-1B] Files: 1. Stewart, David M. 2. Stiles, Frederick E. 3. Stivers, Orion Lincoln 4. Stratton, Robert 5. Stuckey, Lorin 6. Sullivan, Algernon S. 7. Susby, Margaret [ex 1902?-not in Catalog or Directory] 8. Swan, Benjamin C. 9. Swan, Lawrence W. 10. Swan, Radia 11. Swan, William Kramer 12. Swartz, Delbert 13. Sweeney, Andrew J. 14. Swick, Ray 15. Swing, David (#1) 16. Swing, David (#2) 17. Swing, David (#3) 18. Swing, David (#4) 19. Swing, David (#5) 20. Szczerbiak, Wally 21. Tallmadge, Frank 22. Tammen, Ronald 23. Tangemann, Horace 24. Tanner, Sidney, N. 25. Tappan, David S. 26. Thayer, Marion [Mrs. Wade MacMillan] 27. Thomas, Alfred A. 28. Thomas, Thomas E. 29. Thompson, Bertha 30. Thomson, William M. 31. Thornton, Anthony 32. Thornton, Joseph L. 33. Thruston, Gates P. 34. Tiffany, John J. 35. Tillman, Samuel E. 36. Tobey, Walter L. 37. Torrence, Ridgely 38. Trautlein, Donald H. 39. Truitt, Florence 40. Tucker, Edward A. 41. Tyler, Scott I 42. Tyler, Scott II 43. Tyler, Scott III 44. Upham, Alfred H. 45. Ure, David M. 46. Vail, Jonathan B. 47. Van Ausdal, Isaac 48. Vanderzell, John H. 49. Vinnedge, Hewett B. 50. Vinnedge, Llewellyn H. 51. Vivian, Olive 52. Vogt, Peter J. 53. Voigt, Harry H. 54. Volwiler, Alfred T. 55. Volwiler, Ernest Henry 56. Wade, Nehemiah 57. Waggener, Roy (Bob) 58. Wallace, John 59. Walter, John L. 60. Walter, L. Rohe 61. Ward, Edgar M. 62. Warden, Wayne 63. Warnock, James 64. Warren, Edward 65. Warwick, Nathan E. 66. Waterman, Luther D. 67. Webster, Daniel 68. Weidner, Harry 69. Weidner, Paul R. 70. Welsh, Allen P. 71. Wenger, Milton B. 72. Wheeler, Clarence 73. White, John Hoxland, Jr. 74. White, Roberta 75. Whittaker, James T. 76. Whittet, Richard H. 77. Widney, Joseph P. 78. Williams, Carol T. 79. Williams, David A. 80. Williams, Edward P. 81. Williams, Henry M. 82. Williams, John S. 83. Williams, Laura C. 84. Williams, Mark 85. Williams, Mary C. 86. Williams, Meade C. 87. Wilson, Charles R. 88. Wilson, Clyde H. 89. Wilson, Gordon D. 90. Wimmer, John D. 91. Witherby, O. S. 92. Woodhull, Maxwell V. 93. Woodruff, Edward 94. Woods, John 95. Worthington, William D.A. 96. Wright, Cyras M. 97. Wright, Thomas L. 98. Wurnelle, Renny 99. Wykes, David 100. Yates, Richard 101. Young, Robert

Alumni/Alumni Affairs/Development; Alumni, Individuals; Alumni: Autograph Books; 1857-1880; Box 18 [4A-G-3B] Files: 1. Sutton G. Richey (1857) with autographs: Charles Elliott, J.W. Hall, S.W. Richey, Sarah Richey, David Richey, L.W. Richey, Narcissa Richey, M Richey, Mark Richey, A. Ann Richey, Webster Scott Richey, Chas H Richey, Chas J Whitnidy, N J Smith, CW Mirchell, Rufus Fleming, ? H Irwin, Theophilus McGaw, Jasper McSurely 2. Foster, James Bonner (Class of 1858) [Cover: "Miami University 1858" - front cover detached. Fly leaf: "Presented by Frank B. Foster, Son of James Bonner Foster, 58". With Photos {pasted in}: Old Main and the two dormitories from the NW; President and faculty with autographs: Hall, Bishop, Elliott, McFarland, Stoddard, Swing, Christin, Killen; and 41{?} students, the last in the book J. B. Foster] 3. Lockwood, William Lewis (Class of 1858)[Cover stamped in gold: "My Class 1858, W. L. Lockwood" [For contents, see 40 AL Foster, James Bonner, on this sheet] 4. Grissman, George, T. [fly leaf: "Geo. T. Grissman, Miami University, Oxford Ohio, March 1860] With dedication: J.C. Loyrse(?) With autographs and quotes: Hall, Stodders, Elliott, Bishop, Farland, Swing, Banett, Coleman, Lowez, Abernathey, Webb; plus 40 others last in the book (?) J Thomas Jr of Fray Ohio] 5. Class of 1858 [loose leaf, same as Foster and Lockwood, no identification of owner] 6. Moore, Philip North (Class of 1870)[fly leaf: "Phil N. Moore, St. Louis MO, June 20, 1868] 7. OByrne, George Francis (Class of 1873)[first autograph: "G. F. OByrne, Springfield, Indiana, June 7, 1873"] 8. Goldman, Charlie (1880) With autographs and quotes: Carson, Bertha, Ells, Marsh, Foster, "Aunt" Kittie, Newfork, Goldman, Hampton, Brown, Villa, Halderman, Brice, DeGraff, Ramsey, Montgomery, Gillbert, McGregor, Justis McCoy, Thompson

Alumni/Alumni Affairs/Development; Alumni, Individuals; Alumni: Books; 1836-88; Box 19 [SWORD] *** When searching for this box in Sierra AL15 Barcode 814891002 i26160511 Barcode 35054014305797

Alumni/Alumni Affairs/Development; Alumni, Individuals; Alumni: Miscellany; 1870-1945; Box 20 [SWORD]

*** When searaching for this box in Sierra AL12 Barcode 814840103 i26160481 Barcode 35054014306084 Contents: Bound Volumes 1. Corwin, Edward S. The Presidents Removal Power. Municipal League Monograph Series. N.Y.: National Municipal League, 1927. [Donated and inscribed by C. Vivian Anderson, B.A. 1913] 2. Elliott, Edward C. and Chambers, M. M. The Colleges and the Courts: Judicial Decisions Regarding Institutions of Higher Education in the United States. N.Y.: Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 1936. [Donated and inscribed by C. VIvian Anderson, B.A. 1913] 3. The Algol (Carleton College 1925)[Donated by R. L. Duncan, Class of 1927] 4. Williams, Harry Martin. David Swing: A Rhetorical Survey. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Michigan, 1945 Scrapbook 1. David Swings Sermons (1870s-1880s) 2. Williams, Laura C., B.A. 1938, M.Ed. 1939: Metallic Plate Reproductions of Pictures and Music Scores

Alumni/Alumni Affairs/Development; Alumni, Individuals; Assorted Materials from Individual Alumni; 1836-88; Box 21 [4A-G-3C] Contents 1. Abner F. Jones (MU 1858), 1848-60 2. Classroom manuscripts (1848-56, and undated) 3. Journal (1851-53)[Short manuscript diary kept by Abner Jones of Shandon, O. while a student at Farmers College in 1851-52. Contains an account of Louis Kossuths visit to Cincinnati. Kossuth told the students present that "they should have no sweethearts except science."--Edgar W. King letter February 6, 1958] 4. Journal (1854-60)[Holograph] 5. Journal (1854-60)[Bound typescript] 6. Journal (1854-60)[Typescript] 7. Journal (1854-60)[Typescript copy] 8. Abner Francis Jones Classbook (1851-57)[Includes autobiographical sketch, and notes from Professor Stoddard and other Miami Classes] 9. Abner Francis Jones, Lane Seminary, Class Notes, "Theology," v.1 (1859) 10. Abner Francis Jones, Lane Seminary, Class Notes, ["Theology," v.2 ?] (1859) 11. Ministerial and Lecture Notes (September 1860) 12. A.F. Jones and Rachael Jones Miscellaneous Correspondence and Writings (1833-64, and undated) 13. W. G. Hollyday, MU 1837, and R. H. Hollyday, MU 1838, Manuscripts (1833-37) 14. John Milton Campbell, MU 1840, Letters and Manuscripts (1836-42) 15. Fanny McFarland, Book of Piano Music (1888) 16. Joseph Canan Smith, ex. 1855 Diary, transcript and photos (1854-55). 17. Washington L. Schenck, "Memoir of John Treon Dubois Prepared for the society of Alumni of Miami University" (circa. 1849) 18. "LIFE" Magazine, July 17, 1939 (Includes article with photograph of Hedi Politzer Pope)

Alumni/Alumni Affairs/Development; Alumni, Individuals; School of Business Administration: Alumni Folders: Wiant-Yarger; 1928-75; Box 22 [SWORD]

*** When searching for this box in Sierra AL19 Barcode 814891006 i26160559 Barcode 35054014306035 Sorted Alphabetically

Alumni/Alumni Affairs/Development; Alumni, Individuals; School of Business Administration: Alumni Folders: Yates-Z; 1928-75; Box 23 [SWORD]

***When searching for this box in Sierra AL20 Barcode 814900105 i26160560 Barcode 35054014306092 Sorted Alphabetically

Alumni/Alumni Affairs/Development; Assorted Alumni Materials: Miscellaneous Items; 1969-1973; Box 2 [4A-K-4A]?

Files: Tee Shirt Strike Tee Shirt Liberate Oxford

Folder One Zeta Beta Tau Alpha Phi Chapter Newsletter, Miami University, April 1969

Folder Two At Miami University edited by James Reiss, 1969

Folder Three The University Requirement at Miami University 1971-72

Folder Four Plague Magazine, Vol. 2 Issue 2

Folder Five The Student Mobilizer Newspaper, Published by the Student Mobilization Committee, March 20, 1971

Folder Six High Street, Volume Number One, Number Two, October 8, 1971


  • Creation: Majority of material found within 1836 - 1975


Conditions Governing Access

Materials do not circulate and are made available to users in the Miami University Archives.

Conditions Governing Use

Materials do circulate and may only be used in the archives.


11 Boxes

Language of Materials
