General, 1925 - 2002
Business Administration; General; New Horizons in Collegiate Education for Business, by C. C. Brown; 1959 Address Delivered at Dedication of Laws Hall, October 9, 1959??? Reference Call #: Archives/HF/1111/.B768/1959
Business Administration; General; Marketing Arithmetic, Bureau of Business Research; 1960 [1A E Shelf 5] Reference
Business Administration; General; MBA Scrapbook; 1992-99; [4A-D-2B] Business Administration; General; MBA Scrapbook; 1998-2002;
Business Administration; General; Introducing the Faculty, School of Business Administration/Faculty and Staff; 1970-; Box 1 [18A-C-6A] Files: 1. 1970-71 2. 1971-72 3. 1972-73 4. 1973-74 5. 1974-75 6. 1975-76 7. 1976-77 8. 1977-78 9. 1978-79 10. 1979-80 11. 1980-81 12. 1981-82 13. 1982-83 14. 1983-84 15. 1984-85 16. 1985-86 17. 1986-87 18. 1987-88 19. 1988-89 20. 1989-90 21. 1990-91 22. 1991-92 23. 1992-93 24. 1993-94 25. 1994-95
Business Administration; General; Business School Miscellaneous Materials; 1925-; Box 1 [SWORD]! *** When searching for this box in Sierra use BUS in the search engine. BUS4 Barcode 814840808 i26159776 Barcode 35054014305268 Files: Accredidation to Pre-Registration Accreditation - AACSB 1. First Annual Report AACSB [Bill Moeckel, President, 1981] 2. Accountancy Self Study Report Report Form (1983-84); Faculty profiles (1982-83); Appendices (1983-84) 3. Resurvey Report (December 18, 1970) 4. Revisition Report (1971-72); Report of Visitation Team (April 3, 1972); Correspondence: Bill R. Moeckel to President Shriver (March 2, 1971, April 6, 1972) 5. Packet March (July 1972); Report of Visitation (April 3, 1972); Bill Moeckel to President Shriver (May 30, 1972); Bill Moeckel to all faculty (July 5, 1972); AACSC to President Shriver (May 30, 1972) Anniversary [See 12 BA - Organization and History] 6. Program Excellence (1984) 7. 25th Anniversary (1927-52) - Booklet and Correspondence 8. 50th Anniversary - Steering Committee, Minutes (July 1975-77) Budgets 9. Budgets (1929-30, 1930-31); Budget Notes (1967-86) [looseleaf binders] Business Advisory Council 10. Business Advisory Council (1974-75); Minutes (November 1974, May 16, 1975) 11. Business Advisory Council - Ball point pen commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the BAC (1968-78)[vi Wm. Slover, Univ. Secretary, October 6, 1978] 12. Business Advisory Council - Charter (October 30, 1971); Minutes (November 10-11, 1972); Personnel (July 1, 1972); Introducing the Business Advisory Council / Personnel, published booklets with photos (1977, 1978, 1981, 1982, 1983-86, 1987); Report - Mid-Summer Note (July 11, 1979) 13. Committees - Miscellaneous [Executive Committee (September 7, 1967-December 9, 1979) 14. Curriculum Committee (1949, October 8, 1968, December 9, 1968, January 7, 1969); Suggestions Given the Curriculum Committee (1947?, 1958-70, 1970-73. 1973-74)[Binder][May not be in box] Conferences, Conventions, Seminars, Institutes [See also 1 CONF] 15. November 13, 1956 - Breakfast 16. Conferences - Alumni [Business as a Profession: an address by John R. Simpson, Feb. 17, 1915. Foreword by A. H. Upham (Inaug. the Conferences); Three Addresses delivered in connection with the Alumni Conferences on Business Administration, Miami University Bulletin, ser.13, n.11 (July 1915)] 17. 5th Annual Seminar in Sales Research (April 29, 1957) 18. Management Conference [Management Development Institute (July 13/19- September 7/13, 1969); Management Conference-Modern Management the Next Five Years (April 17, 1957); Center for Management Services, Marcum Memorial Conference Center (Fall 1982){program}] 19. Miami Marketing Club [Seminar in Sales Analysis (April 20, 1953); Seminar in Sales Analysis (April 26, 1954); Seminar in Sales Research-3rd annual (April 25, 1955)] 20. Private Enterprise and the Profit Motive - Endangered Species? (October 6, 1977); Investing Options - A one day seminar (November 5, 1977) 21. The Role of Private Enterprise in the Formation of Public Policy (October 10, 1978); The Miamian, col. 8, no.6 (October 5, 1978); Brochure - Two tape cassettes, Afternoon Session, and letter of transmittal Curricula 22. Master of Accountancy (Fall 1981) 23. MBA (January 13, 1955); Business Education - NCATE Deficiencies (December 10, 1963) 24. Minor in Business (November 26, 1974) 25. Enrollments (May 11, 1922); E.S. Todd to President Hughes, First Semester 1946-47 26. Executive in Residence [Roger L. Howe (February 5-7, 1979); David C. Phillips (February 27-29, 1984)] 27. Faculty Meetings (March 5, April 16, September 19, October 10, 1969; 1983-84) 28. Ford Foundation (1956-59) 29. Management Services, Center for [Management Development in-company Seminars and Courses (1975-76)] 30. Newsletter, Alumni (Class of 1967, March 1968){See also 12 BA #2 Glos} - in index filing cabinet] 31. Objectives (September 13-December 11, 1972) 32. Organization and History [E.S. Todd to Pres. Hughes (November 1924); Pres. Hughes to Board of Trustees (June 1, 1926); President Hughes to Mr. Coles (October 18, 1926); President Hughes to Mr. Coles (December 8, 1926); President Hughes to Mr. Coles (December 29, 1926); Mr. Coles to President Hughes (November 22, 1926), Mr. Coles to President Hughes (December 4, 1926); Mr. Coles to President Hughes (December 21, 1926); Minutes of Committee on Efficiency {3 HU #1} (December 15, 1926); President Upham's report to the Board: Organization of the University into four Schools. Formal opening of the School of Business Administration, Restoration of the M.A. (March 5, 1928); President Upham to Mr. Coles (March 12, 1928); Invitation to Presentation of the School of Business Administration, Inauguration of the President (October 19-20, 1928); Pamphlet - Homecoming. School of Business Administration, Inauguration, Reservation Card, Schedule of Events, Football (October 19-20, 1928); Mr. Roudebush to Mr. Gerlach - Board approved organization of the School of Business Administration, March 9, 1928 (March 24, April 9, 1928) 33. Pre-registration forms (1965-66) 34. Scheduling Students: Priority System (February 27, 1975, March 11, 1975)
Business Administration; General; Business School Miscellaneous Materials; 1925-; Box 2 [SWORD]!
*** When searching for this box in Sierra use BUS in the search engine.
BUS5 Barcode 814840807 i26159788 Barcode 35054014304857
1. Dale, H. C. - Portrait (1962)
2. Glos, R. E. - Correspondence [To Pres. Hahne re J.C. Pillian (July 1, 1946); To Pres. Hahne re NROTC - Navy Supply Offices (July 31, 1946)]
3. Glos, R. E. - Alumni News Bulletin, Annual [To class of 1934 (November 28, 1934); to class of 1963 (Jan. 1964) Complete as issued][See 12 BA #1 - Newsletter]
4. Moeckel, Bill R. - Miscellaneous [Academic Calendar Conversion (April 8, 1968); Conversion to Quarter Calendar (April 16, 1968); Guest Speaker - R. W. Galvin (October 23, 1968); Article by John Due, The Role of Teaching (November 12, 1968); News and Notes (March 3, 1969)
5. Moeckel, Bill R. - Academic Appeals Board, with Report of Committee on Academic Grievance Procedures (April 29, 1974)
6. Moeckel, Bill R. - Budget; Faculty Authorizations (December 4, 1973, December 19, 1973, January 14, 1975)
7. Moeckel, Bill R. - Faculty Doctorates, Sources and Number (July 5, 1974)
8. Moeckel, Bill R. - Report to the Board of Trustees (September 13, 1974)
9. Deans Annual Reports (1929-50) [Further Annual Reports to President, see 5 RA 12 BA]
10. Deans Annual Reports (1950/51- 1961/62)[Further Annual Reports of the Dean, see 5 RA 12 BA]
11. Miscellaneous Reports (1948- 1959/60)[General Information for 1956-57; 1985 Executive Briefing; Statistical Report (First Semester 1959-60); Report to Committee on Efficiency (1948); Salary Costs (First Semester 1949-50); Salary Costs (First Semester 1950-51); Salary Costs (First Semester 1951-52)
12. Statistical Reports (1954/55-1957/58)
Business Administration; General; Business School Miscellaneous Materials; 1925-; Box 3 [SWORD]! *** When searching for this box in Sierra use BUS in the search engine. BUS6 Barcode 814860208 i2615979x Barcode 35054014304915 Files: Accounting [See also Accreditation [Box 1] 1. Accountancy, Department of - Miscellaneous 2. Accountancy Departmental Minutes (November 18, December 12, 1972; January 24, September 19, October 24, November 28, December 13, 1973; April 24, May 22, September 24, 1974; February 19, March 18, April 23, May 14, 1975; January 8, February 11, February 21, August 30, October 29, December 1, 1976; August 19, October 24, 1977; March 2, August 29, September 21, 1978; March 1, April 30, October 2, October 25, November 8, December 6, 1979; March 28, August 22, August 25, November 9, 1980; March 25, April 15, May 7, August 24, October 1, October 13, December 21, 1981; March 12, April 3, October 6, October 26, 1982; March 2, August 14, October 4, October 25, 1983; January 21, February 13, March 13, April 27, October 5, December 13, 1984; February 15, March 13, April 5, April 19, May 10, 1985; March 31, April 14, 1986) Business Analysis 3. Business Analysis Departmental Minutes (October 27, 1972-April 17, 1974; February 15, 1978; August 25, 1978; February 14, 1979; April 4, 1979; November 7, 1979; March 26, 1980)[See 4 BR-UP 1927-38- Executive Committee, School of Business, Minutes (November 4, 1947)] Business Technology - Hamilton and Middletown Campuses 4. Business Technology Departmental Minutes (August 24, 1976); Brochures - Hamilton and Middletown (n.d.) Decision Sciences 5. Decision Sciences Departmental Minutes (September 18, October 16, October 24, October 30, 1984; February 26, March 28, August 23, August 27, September 25, November 6, 1985; March 28, 1986) 6. Department of Decision Sciences Self-Study Report (1983-84) Economics 7. Economics, Miscellaneous 8. Department of Economics Self-Study Report (1983-84) 9. Economics Departmental Minutes (September 20, 1972-October 30, 1974; February 5, 1975-February 28, 1977; October 26, 1977; September 8, 1978; August 28, 1980; August 25, 1981; April 11, August 28, 1984; January 14, April 8, 1985) Finance 10. Finance Departmental Minutes (May 23, 1973-April 23, 1974; September 30, 1974-April 1, 1977; October 4, 1977; August 25, 1978; March 9, 1979; March 25, August 22, November 19, 1980; February 13, 1981; March 24, August 25, 1982; February 22, 1983; August 24, October 23, 1985) 11. Department of Finance Self-Study Report (1983-84) Management 12. Management - Miscellaneous 13. Department of Management Self-Study Report (1983-84) 14. Management Departmental Minutes (December 11, 1972-May 22, 1974; September 19, 1974-May 4, 1977; August 19, September 1, October 27, December 1, December 12, 1977; February 13, February 27, March 13, April 1, April 24, August 28, September 11, September 18, October 9, October 23, November 20, December 4, 1978; February 5, March 19, April 2, August 24, August 31, September 7, September 21, November 12, December 3, 1979; January 22, February 1, February 15, March 7, March 28, April 8, April 18, October 1, 1980; February 23, March 13, March 23, April 3, April 29, August 24, October 5, October 7, October 23, November 4, December 4, 1981; January 27, February 24, March 3, May 5, August 25, October 13, November 27, December 10, 1982; January 13, January 19, March 7, April 27, August 22, September 14, October 12, November 9, November 14, December 9, 1983; January 12, February 15, February 22, February 27, April 4, April 16, April 20, April 26, August 29, September 14, September 24, October 22, November 28, 1984; February 4, March 13, August 21, October 21, December 2, 1985; January 27, 1986) Marketing 15. Laws, Hall Associates - Presentations (1980) 16. Marketing, Miscellaneous 17. Miami Marketing Enterprises (1985) 18. Globally Speaking, Miami Marketing Enterprises Newsletter (1992- ) 19. Marketing Departmental Minutes (November 29, 1972; January 17, February 7, March 7, April 2, May 2, September 25, December 11, 1973; January 20, February 25, March 13, April 22, May 21, September 24, 1974; March 8, August 26, 1977; April 7, 1978; September 7, 1979; January 18, September 9, October 10, November 20, December 9, 1980; March 27, 1981; March 10, August 27, November 5, 1982; February 4, March 4, April 20, 1983; January 27, March 3, 1984; May 1, 1985; April 8, 1986) 20. Department of Marketing Self-Study Report (1983-84) Secretarial Studies 21. Secretarial Studies (Transferred to Applied Science 1967-68)[See 14 OAD Office Administration]
Business Administration; General; Business School Miscellaneous Materials; 1925-; Box 4 [SWORD]! *** When searching for this box in Sierra use BUS in the search engine. BUS7 Barcode 814850105 i26159806 Barcode 35054014304972 Placement Office 1. Bureau of Business Placement - Report (1947-48, 1950-51, 1955, 1956-58, 1965, 1965/66-Fall 1974) [Previously - Bureau of Business Placement (1971-72); Consolidation of Service for APS, AS, BA, FA][See 30 PL, 5 RA] Publications 2. Advisor's Handbook (1974/75-1983, 1985) 3. B.S. in Business (n.d.) 4. Alumni News Bulletin (December 1940, March 1949, February 1952, April 1965, April 1966, April 1967, March 1968) 5. Announcements (1925, 1935, 1941/42, 1959, 1963, 1966/67, 1967/68) 6. Bulletins 7. Research, Bureau of Publications 8. Research, Division of Reprints 9. Dedication of the Richard T. Farmer School of Business Adminstration 10. Star Bank Distinguished Lecture Series (1992) Students 11. Undergraduate Honors Day [Program (1979); booklet (April 20, 1979)] 12. MBA student Association - MBA Candidates (November 1977, 1978-79, 1980-81) 13. Business is Business [Delta Sigma Pi] I (April 1981)
Business Administration; General; Introducing the Faculty, School of Business Administration/Faculty and Staff; Box 6 [SWORD]! *** When searching for this box in Sierra use DP in the search engine. DP25 Barcode 814880305 i26148225 Barcode 35054014300756 Not Indexed
Business Administration/School of Business Administration; General; Dean: William R. Moeckel; Plaques; 1976-1992; Box 1 [18A-E-2B]
1. Richard T. Farmer October 23, 1992 Miami University School of Buisness Administration
2. In Recognition of Outstanding Service to Beta Gamma Sigma B.R. Moeckel June 12, 1980
3. Benjamin Harrison Miami University Class of 1852 (1980s)
4. Bill R. Moeckel In Recognition of His President of The America Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Buisness, Inc. 1981-1982
5. Beta Gamma Sigma Dean Bill R. Moeckel 1976-78
6. The A.K. Morris Award (1987)
7. Beta Gamma Sigma (1987)
8. Resignation Letter (1987)
Business Administration/School of Business Administration; General; Dean: William R. Moeckel; Plaques; Miscellaneous Papers; 1967-2003; Box 2 [18A-E-2C]
1. Two Gavels (1978)
2. Miami University School of Business Administration (1980s)
3. Presented by School of Business Administration Miami University (1978)
4. School of Business Administration Miami University (1977)
5. Nine Copies of Miami University A Memorial to Bill R. Moeckel (2003)
6. Scrapbook (1967-1986)
- Creation: 1925 - 2002
- School of Business. Farmer School of Business. Business School, Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) (Organization)
Conditions Governing Access
Materials do not circulate and are made available to users in the Miami University Archives.
Conditions Governing Use
Materials do circulate and may only be used in the archives.
10 Boxes
Language of Materials
Physical Location
Miami University Archives, King Library, 3rd Floor, Walter Havighurst Special Collections, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
- Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) (Organization)
- Business School. Business Administration. Farmer School of Business, Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) (Organization)
- Moeckel, William R. (Person)
- Object: New Horizons in Collegiate Education for Business, by C. C. Brown; 1959 (Books)
- Object: Marketing Arithmetic, Bureau of Business Research; 1960; 1A-E-5B (Books)
- Object: MBA Scrapbook; 1992-99;1998-2002 (Books)
- Box: 1; Introducing the Faculty, School of Business Administration/Faculty and Staff; 1970-; 18A-C-6A (Text)
- Box: 1; Business School Miscellaneous Materials; 1925-; SWORD (Text)
- Box: 2; Business School Miscellaneous Materials; 1925-; SWORD (Text)
- Box: 3; Business School Miscellaneous Materials; 1925-; SWORD (Text)
- Box: 4; Business School Miscellaneous Materials; 1925-; SWORD (Text)
- Box: 6; Introducing the Faculty, School of Business Administration/Faculty and Staff [SWORD (Text)
- Box: 1; Business Administration/School of Business Administration; Organization Scrapbooks; 1992-2002; 4A-E-2 (Books)
- Box: 1; Business Administration/School of Business Administration; General; Dean: William R. Moeckel; Plaques; 1976-1992; 18A-E-2B (Mixed Materials)
- Box: 2; Business Administration/School of Business Administration; General; Dean: William R. Moeckel; Plaques; Miscellaneous Papers; 1967-2003; 18A-E-2C (Mixed Materials)
Repository Details
Part of the Miami University and Western College Memorial Archives Repository