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Baseball, 1911 - 2010

 Sub-Group — Multiple Containers


Intercollegiate Athletics; Baseball; Media Guides; 1970-2007; Box 2 [7A-C-7E]! Contents: 1. 1970 2. 1973 [MAC championship/NCAA tournament guide] a. 1973 N.C.A.A. District Four Baseball Championship Series, 1973 3. 1975, 1977 4. 1979, 1980 5. 1983 6. 1988 7. 1989 8. 1990 9. 1992 10. 1993 11. 1995 12. 1996 13. 1997 14. 1998 15. 1998 [MAC Media Guide] 16. 1999 Season Wrap- Up 17. 2000 18. 2000 [NCAA Tournament Guide] 19. 2001 20. 2002 21. 2004 22. 2005 23. 2005 [NCAA Tournament Guide] 24. 2006 [MAC Tournament Guide] 25. 2002 26. 2006

Intercollegiate Athletics; Baseball; Media Guides; 2008-; Box 3 [7A-D-1A]! Contents: 1. 2008 2. 2009 3. 2010

Intercollegiate Athletics; Baseball; Score Books; 1941-87; Box 4 [7A-D-1B]! Files: 1. 1941-45 2. 1967 3. 1968 4. 1969 5. 1971 6. 1973 7. 1976 8. 1977 9. 1978 10. 1980 11. 1981 (Oxford Food?) 12. 1983 13. 1985 14. 1986 15. 1987 16. Softball Scorebook (1981-82)

Intercollegiate Athletics; Baseball/Basketball; Historical and Publicity Files; 1911-; Box 1 [7A-D-1C]! Files: Baseball 1. Baseball Discontinuation (1911) 2. Spring Training 1945 3. 1947-48 4 1949-50 5. 1951-52 6. 1953-54 7. 1955 8. 1956-57 9. 1958 10. 1959 11. 1960 12. 1970- 13. NCAA Baseball Materials 1973 14. Baseball Recordbook Materials 1980 15. Miami Invitational Materials 1973-80 16. Gameday Program (2007) 17. Baseball Lettermen and Alumni 18. Newsclipping, "Miami Signs St. X's Slone", June 7/01 19. "Arizona vs. E. Michigan for Collegiate Crown",June 19, 1976 20. Baseball and Basketball Historical and Publicity Files 21. Baseball Manual and Miamians in Professional Baseball 22. Baseball 322 Sam Sneed, May 24, 1951 23. Baseball 222 Good Form Is Economy of Effort Sam Sneed 24. Bow Twice Sagging Reds Drop Double; Blackie Loser In Opener 25. Tips on How to Play Diamond Offered by Byron Hollinger, Hamilton, High Coach 26. "Sure Hands" Requisite of Good First Baseman 27. The First Night Game Ever Courtesy of Eric Rowe 28. Junior Baseball Series Plenty Reasons for Calling Third Base the Hot Corner 29. Speed and Sure Fielding Mark Second Sacker by Byron Bollinger 30. Must Hit Ball To Win Games; Batting Suggestions Offered 31. Baseball Catcher Likened To Football Quarterback by Byron Bollinger Basketball 1. -1947 2. 1946-47 3. 1947-48 4. 1948-49 5. 1949-50 6. 1950-51 7. 1951-52 8. 1952-53 9. 1953-54 10. 1954-55 11. 1955-56 12. 1956-57 13. 1957-58 14. 1958-59 15. 1959-60 16. 1960- 17. Basketball Lettermen. 18. Two Families dominate Miami Basketball - Miami 19. 2015 Miami Baseball Game Day Materials and Legends of Baseball Postcard 20. Chester Pittser, coach 1924-1931 21. Basketball Clippings and news articles: "Local Recruiting Roundup", "Three- Point Shooting Carries Miami to Win", "Northern Exposure at Miami 2 Florida Freshmen Happy at Oxford, Undated articles" Miami Student 1. Miami Chosen All-Sun Bowl, December 23, 1974 2. Redskins Upset UD Despite 24 by May Miami Keeps Its Cool Wins See-Saw Duel, 12/6/67

Joseph P. Hayden, Jr. Intercollegiate Baseball Park Dedication Bookmarks, March 19, 2992 Miami University vs. Kent State University

Letters of Recommendation for Tracy Smith for the position of Miami Baseball Coach, 1995-1996

Baseball 322 Sam Sneed, May 24, 1951

Baseball 222 Good Form Is Economy of Effort Sam Sneed

Bow Twice Sagging Reds Drop Double; Blackie Loser In Opener

Tips on How to Play Diamond Offered by Byron Hollinger, Hamilton, High Coach

"Sure Hands" Requisite of Good First Baseman

The First Night Game Ever


Intercollegiate Athletics; Baseball; Miami vs. Indiana, 1st-3rd inning; 2005; DVD [10F-3] Filing cabinet next to Photographs Collection

Intercollegiate Athletics; Baseball; Miami vs. Indiana, 4th-5th inning; 2005; DVD [10F-3] Filing cabinet next to Photographs Colletion

Intercollegiate Athletics; Baseball; Miami vs. Indiana, 7th and 8th inning; 2005; DVD [10F-3] Filing cabinet next to Photographs Collection

Intercollegiate Athletics; Baseball; Miami vs. Indiana, 9th inning; 2005; DVD [10F-3] Filing cabinet next to Photographs Collection

Intercollegiate Athletics; Baseball; Mugshots/Team Photos; 2004; CD [10F-3] Filing cabinet next to Photographs Collection

Intercollegiate Athletics; Baseball; Action Photos; 2004; CD [10F-3] Filing cabinet next to Photographs Collection

Intercollegiate Athletics; Baseball; Action Photos/Mugshots/Team Photos; 2005; CD [10F-3] Filing cabinet next to Photographs Collection

Intercollegiate Athletics; Baseball; Media Guide; 2004; CD [10F-3] Filing cabinet next to Photographs Collection

Intercollegiate Athletics; Baseball; Media Guide; 2005; CD [10F-3] Filing cabinet next to Photographs Collection


  • Creation: 1911 - 2010


Conditions Governing Access

Materials do not circulate and are made available to users in the Miami University Archives.

Conditions Governing Use

Materials do circulate and may only be used in the archives.


4 Boxes

9 Items

Language of Materials


Physical Location

Miami University Archives, King Library, 3rd Floor, Walter Havighurst Special Collections, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio

Repository Details

Part of the Miami University and Western College Memorial Archives Repository
