Pulp and Paper Foundation / Paper Science and Engineering, 1960 - 2010
Engineering and Applied Science; Pulp and Paper Foundation; Systems Analysis; 1960-85; Box 1 [SWORD]
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1. Proposal for Pulp and Paper Research Center [Rev. January 1966)
2. Publications
3. Reports to Advisory Board (1957, 1959, May 20, 1960)
4. Pulp and Paper Foundation: Annual Meeting (May 22, 1968)[Paul C. Baldwin, A Big job to do {speech?}]
5. Pulp and Paper Foundation, Third Annual Meeting, Minutes (June 11, 1963)[Report to Members (June 19, 1962), Second Annual Meeting (June 19, 1962), First Annual Meeting (June 20, 1961)-Ring-bound notebook]
6. Pulp and Paper Foundation: Annual Reports (June 11, 1963; June 2, 1964)[See 5 RA / 14 PTE]
7. Pulp and Paper Foundation: Reports to Member (1961, 1962)
8. PTE Meetings, Minutes (1970/71- 1972/73)
9. Pulp and Paper Faculty, Minutes (1973/74, 1974/75, 1976/77-1980/81, August 20, 1981, August 27, 1981, September 3, 1981, September 8, 1981, September 23, 1981, November 20, 1981, 1982/83)
10. PTE Seminar (May 20, 1969)
11. SAN Meetings, Minutes (1970/71- 1972/73)
12. SAN Minutes (1973/74-1977/78, 1979/80, September 17, 1981, December 15, 1981, February 25, 1982, 1982/83, 1983/84)
13. SAN - A new degree program . . . (n.d.)[Publications]
14. SAN - The Systems analysis concept (October 1963)[Courses, program]
15. SAN - Flash/Fortran Language Self-Help Course Manual . . . [SAN 053]
16. Program Proposal - Master of Systems Analysis (November 1985)
Engineering and Applied Science; Pulp and Paper Foundation; 1965-82; Box 1 [16A-A-5A] Contents: 1. Academic and Applied Research Facility; Pulp, Paper, Printing, and Packaging (August 8, 1969) 2. Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (1981-) 3. Academic Committee 4. All Foundations 5. Anniversary Dinner 6. Annual Meeting Minutes 7. Annual Reports 8. Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes 9. Brochures; Foundation/Program Information (1959- ) I 10. Brochures; Foundation/Program Information (1963- ) II 11. C. E. Brandon - Addresses 12. C. E. Brandon, "Statistical Analysis" (n.d.) 13. Computers 14. Co-op Program (1982- ) 15. Corning Glass Project 16. Curriculum Requirements 17. Directory 18. Enrollment Data (1960-63) 19. Enrollment and Scholarship Committee 20. Equipment Committee 21. Executive Committee (1966- ) 22. Foundation Facts 23. Foundation/Program History 24. Foundation Scholarships 25. Gorlyn H. Brownstad, "Business Forms Printing" (1988) 26. Graduate Employment Data (1985-86) 27. Graduation Requirements 28. High School Workshops (1976- ) 29. Industry Recruiting Publications 30. Industry Student Advisory Program (1977- ) 31. Info 32. Info/Correspondence 33. Kreger
Engineering and Applied Science; Pulp and Paper Foundation; 1965-80; Box 2 [16A-A-5B] Contents: 1. Membership Committee (1978- ) 2. Memorandum/Letters C. E. Brandon 3. Newsletters (1967- ) 4. Nominating Committee 5. Obrig, James (Watermarks) 6. Ohio Paper Industry Publications (1965-80) 7. Preliminary Proposal for an Academic and Applied Research Facility in Pulp, Paper, Printing, and Packaging (July 7, 1969) 8. Proposals 9. Publications 10. Publicity 11. Pulp and Paper Foundation Incorporation / Regulations (1960-96) 12. Pulp and Paper Research Center Proposal (Revised-January 1966) 13. Sizing Study Reichold Chemicals 14. Statistics - 1988 15. Student Personnel Committee (1959-60) 16. Student Placement Committee (1969- ) 17. Student Recognition Dinner 18. Survey Results 1987 19. Survey Results; Paper Tech Alumni 20. Symposium Committee (1985- ) 21. Symposium Presentations (1982) 22. "To Recipients of the Report on Proposed Paper Research Center" (March 11, 1969) 23. Treatment of Speaker Cones (1965)
Engineering and Applied Science; Pulp and Paper Foundation; General Pictures and Articles; 1961-2010; Box 1 [16A-A-4A] Contents: 1. Photographs of the Class of 1961, Paper Science and Engineering Department, 1961. 2. Photographs for the Graduating Class of 1967, Paper Science and Engineering Department, 1967. 3. Newspaper Articles, Letters, and Pictures for the Applied Science Advisory Council, November 28 1972-May 30 2000 (Refer to Black Binder in Box). 4. Pamphlet for the Symposium on Instrumentation for Continuous Monitoring of Air and Water Quality, June 18-21 1973. 5. Pamphlet for the Third On-Line Pulp and Paper Testing Instrumentation Symposium, June 17-20 1974. 6. Pamphlet for the Ohio Tappi 1975-1976 Directory of Members, August 1976. 7. Pamphlets for the 8th Annual Symposium at Miami University, Innovations in the Manufacture and Use of Paperboard, June 5-8 1977. 8. Pamphlets for the 11th Annual Symposium at Miami University, The Status of the On-Line Pulp and Paper Process Instrumentation, May 19-22 1980. 9. Pamphlet for the 12th Annual Symposium at Miami University, Instrumentation and Process Control, May 26-29 1981. 10. Pamphlets for the 13th Annual Symposium at Miami University, Maximizing Paper MAchine Efficiency and Product Quality, June 7-10 1982. 11. Pamphlets for the 14th Annual Symposium at Miami University, Sensors and Mill-Wide Control in the 80’s, May 23-26 1983. 12. Pamphlet on th eOhio Tappi Directory of Members 1983-1984, March 1984. 13. Pamphlet for the Paper Quality-Key to Success, May 21-24 1984. 14. Pamphlet for the Measurement and Systems Control in Pulp and Paper Manufacture, May 28-31 1985. 15. Photos from a Faculty and Student Get Together, Mapps Bash, Paper Science and Engineering Department, April 26 1986. 16. Pamphlet for the Chemical/Mechanical Relationships of the Wet End, May 19-22 1986. 17. Pamphlet for the Advances in Pulp and Paper Sensor Technology, June 1-4 1987. 18. Booklet of the Faculty for the School of Applied Science, August 1988. 19. Photos of Machinery, Paper Science and Engineering Department, December 6 1988. 20. Picture of the Freshman Class for PPS (Paper Science and Engineering) 101, 1989. 21. Pamphlet for the 20th International Symposium at Miami University, On-Line Measurements and SPC, May 22-25 1989. 22. Photos for the 1989 Graduation, August 25 1989. 23. Booklet Containing the Resumes for Graduating Miami University Students in the Paper Science and Engineering Program, December 1989-August 1990. 24. Booklet Containing the Resumes for Graduating Miami University Students in the Paper Science and Engineering Program, December 1990-August 1991. 25. Booklet Containing the Resumes for Graduating Miami University Students in the Paper Science and Engineering Program, December 1991-August 1992. 26. Booklet Containing the Resumes for Graduating Miami University Students in the Paper Science and Engineering Program, December 1992-August 1993. 27. Photos from Various Faculty and Student Events, Paper Science and Engineering Department, January 19 1994-December 1994. 28. Photo Album Containing Senior Design Presentations for the School of Engineering and Computing, December 3 1994. 29. Photos and a Letter of Students and Faculty, Paper Science and Engineering Department, February 14 1995-April 1995. 30. Photos of Students and Faculty, Paper Science and Engineering Department, 1996. 31. Photographs of Unknown Faculty Member, September 4 1998. 32. Photograph and Color Negatives of Douglas Hart, Paper Science and Engineering Department, September 4 1998. 33. Photograph and Color Negatives of Al Herbert, Paper Science and Engineering Department, September 4 1998. 34. Photograph and Color Negatives of Allan Springer, Paper Science and Engineering Department, September 4 1998. 35. Photograph and Color Negatives of Chris Peterson, Paper Science and Engineering Department, September 4 1998. 36. Photograph and Color Negatives of James Beecher, Paper Science and Engineering Department, September 4 1998. 37. Photograph and Color Negatives of Merwin Miller, Paper Science and Engineering Department, September 4 1998. 38. Photograph and Color Negatives of Mike Waller, Paper Science and Engineering Department, September 4 1998. 39. Photograph and Color Negatives of Roscoe Ward, Paper Science and Engineering Department, September 4 1998. 40. Photograph and Color Negatives of Vincent Hand, Paper Science and Engineering Department, September 4 1998. 41. Photograph and Color Negatives of William Scott, Paper Science and Engineering Department, September 4 1998. 42. Pictures and CDRs for Commencement and Women of Color, School of Engineering and Computing, 2001-2002. 43. Photos of Faculty Working on Machinery, Paper Science and Engineering Department, January 4 2001-January 30 2001. 44. Pictures and CDRs for the School of Engineering and Computing, 2002. 45. CDR for the SEAS (School of Engineering and Applied Science) Picnic, September 10 2002. 46. Photos and Newspaper Articles Detailing Miami Students Participating in the Energy Challenge 2004 All-Paper Snowboard Competition, May 4 2002-April 6 2004. 47. Photos from Events in 2003, Paper Science and Engineering Department, March 31 2003-December 2003. 48. Sony DVDR for the Miami University Energy Challenge Snowboard Team, 2004. 49. Photos and Newspaper Articles from the Energy Challenge 2004, Paper Science and Engineering Department, March 31 2004-April 23 2004. 50. CDR for the Engineering Classes of 2004, Marketing Communications Photos, Sam Cooper Photographer, Winter 2004. 51. CD for the SEAS (School of Engineering and Applied Science) Awards’ JPGs, Linda Kramer, April 7 2005. 52. CD for the SEAS (School of Engineering and Applied Science) Awards, Raw NEF Files, April 7 2005. 53. Newspaper Article for Samantha Papa Receiving Numerous Scholarship Offers, News Leader, June 1 2005. 54. CD for GradImages 2009 Ceremony Gallery for the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Public Relations Photos, 2009. 55. CD for GradImages 2010 Ceremony Gallery, Public Relations Photos, 2010. 56. Pictures and CDRs of Students and Faculty from the School of Engineering and Computing, No Date. 57. Pictures and CDRs for the Outstanding Teacher Awards, School of Engineering and Computing, No Date.
Engineering and Applied Science; Pulp and Paper Foundation; General Pictures and Articles; No Date; Box 2 [16A-A-4B] Contents: 1. Booklet of the Faculty for the School of Applied Science, No Date. 2. CD for GradImages Ceremony Gallery, Public Relations Photos, No Date. 3. Floppy Disk of Sibora Picture, No Date. 4. Picture Negatives Depicting Students Working on Assignments, Giving Presentations, Sitting in Lectures, ETC., No Date. 5. Picture Negatives from Room 7 Showing Students Giving Presentations, Working on Assignments, Etc., No Date. 6. Picture of Students and Faculty at Graduation, Paper Science and Engineering Department, No Date. 7. Pictures of Faculty and Students in a Formal Setting, Paper Science and Engineering Department, No Date. 8. Picture of Groups of Faculty and Students, Paper Science and Engineering Department, No Date. 9. Pictures of Students and Faculty in an Academic Setting, Paper Science and Engineering Department, No Date. 10. Pictures of Students and Faculty in an Informal Setting, Paper Science and Engineering Department, No Date. 11. Pictures of Students Working on Assignments, Paper Science and Engineering Department, No Date. 12. Pictures Showing Class Visits to Paper Factory #1, Paper Science and Engineering Department, No Date. 13. Pictures Showing Class Visits to Paper Factory #2, Paper Science and Engineering Department, No Date. 14. Photos and Letters of Students and Faculty from Events #1, Paper Science and Engineering Department, No Date. 15. Photos and Letters of Students and Faculty from Events #2, Paper Science and Engineering Department, No Date. 16. Photographic Negatives for Unknown Machinery, No Date.
- 1960 - 2010
- From the Record Group: Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) College of Engineering and Computing (Organization)
Conditions Governing Access
Materials do not circulate and are made available to users in the Miami University Archives.
Conditions Governing Use
Materials do circulate and may only be used in the archives.
3 Boxes
Language of Materials
Physical Location
Miami University Archives, King Library, 3rd Floor, Walter Havighurst Special Collections, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
- Paper Science and Engineering Foundation -- Miami University (Oxford, Ohio)
- Corporate Minutes
- Fine Arts; Applied Science
- Minutes and Materials
- Pulp and Paper Foundation / Paper Science and Engineering
- School of Engineering and Applied Science -- Miami University (Oxford, Ohio)
- Systems Analysis
- minutes (administrative records)
- Box: 1; Systems Analysis; 1960-85; SWORD (Text)
- Box: 1; Pulp and Paper Foundation; 1965-82; 16A-A-5A (Text)
- Box: 2; Pulp and Paper Foundation; 1965-80; 17A-A-5B (Text)
- Box: 1; Pulp and Paper Foundation; General Pictures and Articles; 1961-2010; 16A-A-4A (Mixed Materials)
- Box: 2; Pulp and Paper Foundation; General Pictures and Articles; No Date; 16A-A-4B (Mixed Materials)
Repository Details
Part of the Miami University and Western College Memorial Archives Repository