McFarland, Robert White
Faculty; McFarland, Robert White; Correspondence of Robert and Mary Smart McFarland, 1847-99; Robert McFarland Materials; 1843-1912, and undated; [2A-C-1A]
Correspondence of Robert and Mary Smart McFarland, 1847-99
1.A) Letters from R.W. McFarland to Frances Bonham (1882-88)
[a] Oct. 29, 1882
[b] Nov. 5, 1882
[c] Nov. 19, 1882
[d] Aug. 22, 1883
[e] Oct. 5, 1884?
[f] Oct. 9, 1884
[g] Oct. 12, 1884
[h] Oct. 20, 1884
[i] Aug. 18, 1885
[j] Mar. 7, 1886
[k] Mar. 21, 1886
[l] Feb. 28, 1887
[m] June 3, 1887
[n] June 5, 1887
[o] Oct. 18, 1888?
[p] Oct. 28, 1888
[q] Oct. 29, 1888
[r] Nov. 2, 1888
[s] Nov. 8, 1888
[t] Nov. 16, 1888
[u] Nov. 19, 1888
[v] Dec. 11, 1888
1.B) Letters from R.W. McFarland to Frances Bonham (1889-90
[a] Feb. 12, 1889
[b] Apr. 23, 1889
[c] June 1, 1889
[d] June 27, 1889
[e] Aug. 22, 1889
[f] Sept. 5, 1889
[g] Sept. 28, 1889
[h] Oct. 5, 1889
[i] Oct. 18, 1889
[j] Nov. 1, 1889
[k] Nov. 9, 1889
[l] Dec. 6, 1889
[m] Dec. 11, 1889
[n] Dec. 20, 1889
[o] Jan. 3, 1890
[p] Jan. 17, 1890
[q] Jan. 24, 1890
[r] Jan. 31, 1890
[s] Feb. 6, 1890
[t] Feb. 21, 1890
[u] Feb. 28, 1890
[v] Mar. 5, 1890
[w] Mar. 7, 1890
[x] Mar. 21, 1890
[y] Apr. 3, 1890
[z] Apr. 8, 1890
[aa] Apr. 18, 1890
[bb] Apr. 25, 1890
[cc] May 2, 1890
[dd] May 6, 1890
[ee] May 8, 1890
[ff] May 23, 1890
[gg] May 30, 1890
[hh] June 6, 1890
[ii] June 20, 1890
[jj] July 4, 1890
[kk] July 23, 1890
[ll] Aug. 5, 1890
[mm] Aug. 12, 1890
[nn] Aug. 21, 1890
[oo] Aug. 25, 1890
[pp] Sep. 2, 1890
[qq] Sep. 9, 1890
[rr] Sep. 17, 1890
[ss] Sep. 22, 1890
[tt] Oct. 7, 1890
[uu] Oct. 22, 1890
[vv] Nov. 11, 1890
[ww] Nov. 27, 1890
[xx] Dec. 4, 1890
[yy] Dec. 14, 1890
[zz] Dec. 18, 1890
[aaa] Dec. 21, 1890
[bbb] Dec. 23, 1890
[ccc] Dec. 28, 1890
[ddd] Dec. 30, 1890
1.C) Letters from R.W. McFarland to Frances Bonham (1891)
[a] Jan. 4, 1891
[b] Jan. 7, 1891
[c] Jan. 11, 1891
[d] Jan. 13, 1891
[e] Jan. 18, 1891
[f] Jan. 21, 1891
[g] Jan. 25, 1891
[h] Jan. 28, 1891
[i] Feb. 1, 1891
[j] Feb. 8, 1891
[k] Feb. 11, 1891
[l] Feb. 15, 1891
[m] Feb. 18, 1891
[n] Feb. 22, 1891
[o] Mar. 1, 1891
{p] Mar. 4, 1891
[q] Mar. 8, 1891
[r] Mar. 11, 1891
[s] Mar. 15, 1891
[t] Mar. 18, 1891
[u] Mar. 22, 1891
[v] Mar. 25, 1891
[w] Mar. 29, 1891
[x] Apr. 5, 1891
[y] Apr. 10, 1891
[z] Apr. 12, 1891
[aa] Apr. 19, 1891
[bb] Apr. 26, 1891
[cc] Apr. 29, 1891
[dd] May 17, 1891
[ee] June 3, 1891
[ff] June 11, 1891
[gg] June 14, 1891
[hh] June 25, 1891
[ii] June 28, 1891
[jj] July 15, 1891
[kk] July 22, 1891
[ll] July 28, 1891
[mm] Aug. 3, 1891
[nn] Oct. 7, 1891
[oo] Nov. 5, 1891?
[pp] Nov. 8, 1891
[qq] Nov. 26, 1891
[rr] Dec. 3, 1891
[ss] Dec. 11, 1891
[tt] Dec. 16, 1891
[uu] Dec. 25, 1891
1.D) R.W. McFarland to Frances Bonham (1892)
[a] Jan. 10, 1892
[b] Jan. 15, 1892
[c] Jan. 20, 1892
[d] Jan. 24, 1892
[e] Jan. 31, 1892
[f] Feb. 3, 1892
[g] Feb. 7, 1892
[h] Feb. 19, 1892
[i] Feb. 21, 1892
[j] Feb. 24, 1892
[k] Feb. 28, 1892
[l] Mar. 2, 1892
[m] Mar. 10, 1892
[n] Mar. 13, 1892
[o] Mar. 16, 1892
[p] Mar. 18, 1892
[q] Mar. 27, 1892
[r] Apr. 4, 1892?
[s] May, 10, 1892
[t] June 16, 1892
[u] June 20, 1892
[v] July 6, 1892
[w] July 12, 1892
[x] July 20, 1892
[y] July 24, 1892
[z] July 31, 1892
[aa] Aug. 3, 1892
[bb] Aug. 21, 1892
[cc] Sep. 8, 1892
[dd] Sep. 16, 1892
[ee] Sep. 22, 1892
[ff] Sep. 28, 1892
[gg] Oct. 6, 1892
[hh] Oct. 18, 1892
[ii] Nov. 1, 1892
[jj] Nov. 3, 1892
[kk] Nov. 17, 1892
[ll] Nov. 23, 1892
[mm] Nov. 29, 1892
[nn] Dec. 1, 1892
[oo] Dec. 26, 1892
[pp] Dec. 29, 1892
[qq] 1892?
1.E) R.W. McFarland to Frances Bonham (January-June,1893)
[a] Jan. 9, 1893
[b] Jan. 12, 1893
[c] Jan. 16, 1893
[d] Jan. 19, 1893
[e] Jan. 23, 1893
[f] Feb. 2, 1893
[g] Feb. 6, 1893
[h] Feb. 16, 1893
[i] Feb. 23, 1893
[j] Feb. 28, 1893
[k] Mar. 2, 1893
[l] Mar. 10, 1893
[m] Mar. 13, 1893
[n] Mar. 20, 1893
[o] Mar. 23, 1893
[p] Mar. 27, 1893
[q] Mar. 31, 1893
[r] Apr. 3, 1893
[s] Apr. 6, 1893
[t] Apr. 10, 1893
[u] Apr. 27, 1893
[v] May 16, 1893
[w] May 23, 1893
[x] June 1, 1893
[y] June 2, 1893
[z] June 8, 1893
[aa] June 17, 1893
[bb] June 24, 1893
1.F) R.W. McFarland to Frances Bonham (July-December, 1893)
[a] July 1, 1893
[b] July 2, 1893?
[c] July 2, 1893?
[d] July 14, 1893
[e] July 21, 1893
[f] July 28, 1893
[g] Aug. 3, 1893
[h] Aug. 7, 1893
[i] Aug. 15, 1893?
[j] Aug. 22, 1893
[k] Aug. 31, 1893
[l] Sep. 2, 1893
[m] Sep. 6, 1893
[n] Sep. 9, 1893
[o] Sep. 12, 1893
[p] Sep. 17, 1893
[q] Sep. 21, 1893
[r] Sep. 28, 1893
[s] Oct. 19, 1893
[t] Oct. 24, 1893
[u] Nov. 2, 1893
[v] Nov. 23, 1893
[w] Dec. 2, 1893
[x] Dec. 28, 1893
1.G) R.W. McFarland to Frances Bonham (1894)
[a] Jan. 4, 1894
[b] Jan. 11, 1894
[c] Jan. 18, 1894
[d] Jan. 25, 1894
[e] Feb. 1, 1894
[f] Feb. 2, 1894
[g] Feb. 8, 1894
[h] Feb. 15, 1894
[i] Feb. 22, 1894
[j] Mar. 2, 1894
[k] Mar. 8, 1894
[l] Mar. 15, 1894
[m] Mar. 20, 1894?
[n] Mar. 22, 1894
[o] Mar. 29, 1894
[p] Apr. 8, 1894
[q] Apr. 18, 1894
[r] Apr. 26, 1894
[s] May 2, 1894
[t] May 16, 1894
[u] May 22, 1894
[v] May 30, 1894
[w] June 6, 1894
[x] June 19, 1894
[y] July 16, 1894
[z] Aug. 7, 1894
[aa] Aug. 15, 1894
[bb] Aug. 17, 1894
[cc] Aug. 30, 1894
[dd] Sep. 4, 1894
[ee] Oct. 9, 1894
[ff] Oct. 11, 1894
[gg] Oct. 23, 1894
[hh] Nov. 6, 1894
[ii] Dec. 24, 1894
1.H) R.W. McFarland to Frances Bonham (1895)
[a] Jan. 9, 1895
[b] Jan. 14, 1895
[c] Jan. 27, 1895
[d] Jan. 28, 1895
[e] Feb. 5, 1895
[f] Feb. 11, 1895
[g] Feb. 20, 1895
[h] Feb. 25, 1895
[i] Mar. 5, 1895
[j] Mar. 11, 1895
[k] Mar. 17, 1895
[l] Mar. 24, 1895
[m] Mar. 31, 1895
[n] Apr. 17, 1895
[o] Apr. 25, 1895
[p] Apr. 27, 1895
[q] May 1, 1895
[r] May 8, 1895
[s] May 15, 1895
[t] May 21, 1895
[u] June 2, 1895
[v] June 22, 1895
[w] Aug. 7, 1895
[x] Aug. 16, 1895
[y] Aug. 23, 1895
[z] Sep. 11, 1895
[aa] Oct. 2, 1895
[bb] Oct. 25, 1895
[cc] Oct. 25, 1895
[dd] Nov. 22, 1895
[ee] Nov. 29, 1895
[ff] Dec. 15, 1895
[gg] Dec. 18, 1895
[hh] Dec. 30, 1895
1.I) R.W. McFarland to Frances Bonham (1896)
[a] Jan. 5, 1896
[b] Jan. 16, 1896
[c] Jan. 28, 1896
[d] Feb. 2, 1896
[e] Feb. 11, 1896
[f] Feb. 21, 1896
[g] Feb. 24, 1896
[h] Feb.?, 1896
[i] Mar. 1, 1896
[j] Mar. 9, 1896
[k] Mar. 16, 1896
[l] Mar. 23, 1896
[m] Apr. 7, 1896
[n] Apr. 12, 1896?
[o] Apr. 19, 1896
[p] Apr. 22, 1896
[q] May 13, 1896
[r] May 24, 1896
[s] May 31, 1896?
[t] June 14, 1896
[u] June 21, 1896?
[v] June 30, 1896
[w] July 7, 1896
[x] July 21, 1896
[y] Aug. 16, 1896
[z] Aug. 18, 1896
[aa] Aug. 26, 1896
[bb] Sep. 1, 1896
[cc] Oct. 13, 1896
[dd] Oct. 20, 1896
[ee] Nov. 20, 1896
[ff] Nov. 26, 1896
[gg] Nov. 28, 1896
[hh] Dec. 3, 1896
[ii] Dec. 10, 1896
[jj] Dec. 17, 1896
[kk] Dec. 30, 1896
1.J) R.W. McFarland to Frances Bonham (1897)
[a] Jan. 14, 1897
[b] Jan. 27, 1897
[c] Feb. 4, 1897
[d] Feb. 10. 1897
[e] Feb. 11, 1897
[f] Feb. 18, 1897
[g] Feb. 25, 1897
[h] Mar. 1, 1897
[i] Mar. 4, 1897
[j] Mar. 26, 1897
[k] Apr. 1, 1897
[l] Apr. 4, 1897
[m] Apr. 8, 1897
[n] Apr. 15, 1897
[o] Apr. 22, 1897
[p] Apr. 22, 1897
[q] May 11, 1897
[r] May 27, 1897
[s] June 3, 1897
[t] June 10, 1897
[u] July 9, 1897
[v] July 29, 1897
[w] Aug. 19, 1897
[x] Aug. 26, 1897
[y] Sep. 23, 1897
[z] Oct. 14, 1897
[aa] Oct. 21, 1897
[bb] Nov. 4, 1897
[cc] Nov. 25, 1897
[dd] Dec. 2, 1897
1.K) R.W. McFarland to Frances Bonham (1898-99)
[a] Jan. 7, 1898
[b] Feb. 10, 1898
[c] Feb. 18, 1898
[d] Feb. 20, 1898 (newspaper clip inserted)
[e] Feb. 24, 1898
[f] Mar. 3, 1898
[g] Mar. 6, 1898
[h] Mar. 10, 1898
[i] Mar. 17, 1898
[j] Mar. 23, 1898
[k] Mar. 24, 1898
[l] Mar. 27, 1898
[m] Apr. 1, 1898
[n] Apr. 7, 1898
[o] Apr. 14, 1898
[p] Apr. 19, 1898
[q] Apr. 21, 1898
[r] May 19, 1898
[s] May 26, 1898
[t] June 2, 1898
[u] July 28, 1898
[v] Sep. 2, 1898
[w] Oct. 13, 1898
[x] Oct. 21, 1898
[y] Oct. 24, 1898
[z] Oct. 27, 1898
[aa] Nov. 9, 1898
[bb] Nov. 24, 1898
[cc] Nov. 29, 1898
[dd] Dec. 5, 1898
[ee] Dec. 8, 1898
[ff] Dec. 11, 1898
[gg] Dec. 12, 1898
[hh] Dec. 18, 1898
[ii] Dec. 21, 1898
[jj] Dec. 22, 1898
[kk] Dec. 31, 1898
[ll] Jan. 5, 1899
[mm] Jan. 12, 1899
[nn] Jan. 19, 1899?
[oo] Jan. 26, 1899
[pp] Feb. 1, 1899
[qq] Feb. 9, 1899
[rr] Feb. 16, 1899
[ss] Feb. 23, 1899
[tt] Mar. 2, 1899
[uu] Mar. 3, 1899
[vv] Mar. 23, 1899
[ww] Mar. 27, 1899
[xx] Mar. 31, 1899
[yy] Apr. 14, 1899
[zz] Apr. 20, 1899
[aaa] Apr. 28, 1899
[bbb] May 4, 1899
[ccc] May 11, 1899
[ddd] June 8, 1899
[eee] June 30, 1899
[fff] Oct. 18, 1899
[ggg] Nov. 1, 189?
[hhh] 189?
2.A) Lizzie Miller to Mary Smart McFarland (1851-1859)
[a] Feb. 6, 1851
[b] Mar. 17, 1851
[c] 1851?
[d] Feb. 14, 1852
[e] Mar. 15, 1852
[f] July 1, 1853
[g] Nov. 11, 1853
[h] Jan. 7, 1854
[i] Apr. 2, 1854
[j] May 16, 1854
[k] July 27, 1854
[l] Sep. 28, 1854
[m] Nov. 29, 1854
[n] Dec. 18, 1854
[o] Mar. 8, 1855
[p] Dec. 2, 1855
[q] Feb. 26, 1856
[r] May 9, 1856
[s] Aug. 2, 1857
[t] Aug. 29, 1857
[u] Dec. 30, 1857
[v] Mar. 4, 1858
[w] July 8, 1859
2.B) Mary McFarland to Lizzie Miller (1849?-65)
[a] Feb. 12, 1851
[b] Feb. 26, 1851
[c] Mar. 5, 1851
[d] Mar. 23, 1851
[e] Mar. 10, 1851
[f] Nov. 23, 1865
[g] Two undated letters probably from 1849.
[h] Apr. 29, 1850?
[i] 1850?
3. R.B. Smart (Cousin) to Mary Smart McFarland (1847-49)
[a] May 29, 1847
[b] June 30, 1847
[c] July 6, 1848
[d] Aug. 6, 1848
[e] July 21, 1848
[f] Sep. 10, 1849
4. Friends to Mary Smart McFarland (1846-58)
[a] Dec. 31, 1846: Ode in praise to Mary Smart at age 17.
[b] 184?: From M. E. saying her mother will not allow her to return to Greenfield Academy nor will she allow her to marry.
[c] Aug. 28, 1850: From an anonymous person writing a poem thanking Mary for her musical performance.
[d] Mar. 8, 1851: Sallie Trimble to Mary McFarland congratulating her on her marriage to R.W.
[e] Mar. 10, 1851: From Margaret Mason concerning dress and hat made by her for Mary
[f] Sep. 24, 1851: Receipt for purchase of dishes from W.M. Kill?.
[g] Apr. 16, 1853?: From Phebe M. Peck
[h] 1853?: From Phebe M.
[i] Feb. 28, 1853: From Jane McFarland
[j] July 18, 1853: From Joanna
[k] July 19, 1853: From A.A. Powers
[l] Feb. 24, 1855: From R.J. Gore describes wedding of "Em" Wlliams.
[m] June 19, 1855: From R.W.'s niece Fannie
[n] Sep. 9, 1856: From Kate McClaskey compliments them on new position in Oxford.
[o] Sep. 30, 1856: From Bell
[p] Nov. 11, 1856: From Sarah A. Owens
[q] June 19, 1857: From Sarah Owens gossips about John McKee who has fathered children with two different women
[r] Sep. 8, 1857: From Richard and Phoebe McPeek.
[s] Apr. 24, 1858: From Jane McFarland writes about death of infant son.
[t] Sep. 30, 185?: Signature hard to read.
5. Hugh Smart to daughter Mary Smart McFarland (1847?-63)
[a] July 17, 1850 concerning furniture to set up housekeeping.
[b] Sep. 14, 1854 advising McFarland to take position in Athens (O.H.)
[c] Mar. 6, 1856 about opening of railway from Greenfield to Athens.
[d] Mar. 12, 1857 regarding check sent for purchase of a house.
[e] June 22, 1857 sends money, can't accommodate their friend Chalfant, trying to get a banking business going.
[f] Dec. 7, 1863: Receipt for inheritance tax paid by heirs of Hugh Smart.
[g] Mary to her father 1847?.
6. Mrs. Hugh Smart to Mary Smart McFarland (1852-56, 1869)
[a] Apr. 20, 1852: Alice has lung fever; boat carrying their goods has arrived.
[b] Spring 1852?: Alice much better; sending roll of best butter; sold 20 bonnets.
[c] Oct. 23, 1852: Glad R.W. did not take position in Jeffersonville, Ia.
[d] Dec., 1853: Addressed to son who seems to be at the McFarland's.
[e] Sep. 1, 1853: Various family matters.
[f] Dec. 21, 1853: Julia looks as though she can not live long; butchering all finished.
[g] Jan. 18, 1854?: Various family matters.
[h] Feb. 13, 1854?: Excitement about location of R.R. Depot; new music teacher; father erecting new store building, Alice four years old.
[i] Apr. 10, 1854: Lizzie Clayton in deep trouble because of Julia's death.
[j] Oct., 1854: "The wedding is over..."
[k] Oct. 20, 1854: Much sickness in Greenfield resulting in 20 deaths, Vede's new husband boarding, Baby show in Springfield.
[l] Nov. 12, 1854: Does not approve of sabbath letter writting; Liz Clayton suffering from tumors on her neck.
[m] Nov. 15, 1854?: Girls busy tayloring.
[n] Jan. 1, 1855: Advises her daughter not to grow to fond of it because it is mortal.
[o] Mar. 14, 1855: Father will sell farms buy land in the West; Various family matters.
[p] Mar. 21, 1855: Afraid Mary may have "lung complication," has pain in her side; more complaints about colds and lung diseases in Greenfield.
[q] June 4, 1855: Various family matters.
[r] Sep. 8, 1855?: Family matters.
[s] Sep. 30, 1855: Vede departs for Iowa.
[t] Oct., 1855?: Sad that family is now separated but knows all daughters have good husbands.
[u] Oct. 12, 1855: Flowing sleeves seem all the go in fashion.
[v] Nov. 17, 1855: Various matters.
[w] Nov. 24, 1855?: Dr. Dunlap removed tumor 100lbs. from a woman in Washington; Lizzie B. in thriving condition; will visit the McFarland after Christmas.
[x] Dec. 25, 1855?: Various matters; Uncle Charles has sold farm and is going West.
[y] 1855?: Mr. Thompson (teacher) died; asks about sending Juddie to school in Antrim.
[z] Jan. 16, 1856?: Variuos matters.
[aa] Feb. 11, 1856?: Thinks it "more than likely" that R.W. will get the appointment in Oxford; father still has an interest in the store; other family matters.
[bb] Apr. 18, 1856?: Family news, expects to go West in three weeks, message to Juddy visiting at the McFarland's.
[cc] June 5, 1856: Writes from Ft. Dodge, Ia.
[dd] Aug. 16th, 1856: Comments on McFarlands arrival in Oxford.
[ee] Dec. 8, 1856: Writes about Alpheus Harris' death.
[ff] Dec. 11, 1856?: Various matters.
[gg] Apr. 21, 1857?: Mary and Lizzie got sick on trip back from Oxford; boys are kept busy in the store.
[hh] May 6, 1857: Mentions Indian attacks on where Vede lives; Sarah and Jennie to go to Oxford College.
[ii] May 17, 1857?: "Dreadfull account of Indians at Fort Dodge;" Massacre at "Spirit Lake."
[jj] June, 1857?: Various matters.
[kk] June 10, 1857?: Reports fight in grog shop, shots fired.
[ll] July 10, 1857?: Lizzie to go to Dr. Scott's school; cherry crop and canning.
[mm] Sep. 27, 1857?: Various matters.
[nn] Oct. 21, 1857?: Baptist minister died of typhoid fever.
[oo] 1857?: various matters.
[pp] Apr. 20, 1858?: Reports death of "Cousin Hugh;" other matters.
[qq] June 12, 1858: News from Vedie; also sends letters from Vedie.
[rr] June 8, 11, 1858: Two letters from Vede to Mary McFarland's mother.
[ss] Dec. 21, 1859?
[tt] Apr. 7, 1865: Vede came to visit.
[uu] May 18, 1869: Various matters.
7. Sister Vede to Mary Smart McFarland (1852-56)
[a] 1852?: Various matters.
[b] Jan., 1853?: Jesse selling hut in Chillicothe and coming back to Greensfield; McFarland's face trouble.
[c] Aug. 30, 1853?: Gives news of a marriage and a death in Greenfield.
[d] July, 1853?: Coming to visit.
[e] Aug. 19, 1853: Various family matters.
[f] Nov. 30, 1853?
[g] 1853?: Various matters.
[h] Mar. 5, 1854?: Revival meeting at church; other matters.
[i] May, 1854?: Various family matters.
[j] Aug. 15, 1854?: Wedding preparations; other matters.
[k] Aug. 16, 1854: On dress making.
[l] Nov. 2, 1854: Expects Lizzie McFarland must be walking by now; father bought her an expensive gift.
[m] Dec. 20, 1854: Very happy with new husband; only fears she may not do her duty, they'll leave about 4 weeks.
[n] Mar. 5, 1855?: Various family matters.
[o] Apr. 26, 1855: Various matters.
[p] Oct. 6, 1855: Describes the trip West to Iowa; school teachers needed.
[q] Oct. 30, 1855: Just arrived in Iowa; wants R.W. to come take charge of the College in Mt. Pleasant.
[r] Dec. 18, 1855: Heavy Snow Storm in Ft. Dodge, three horses froze to death; husband in grocery business; house not yet finished.
[s] 1855?: Vede is anxious to hear from anybody at home.
[t] 1855?: Part of a letter telling of her arrival in Ft. Dodge.
[u] Feb. 3, 1856: Living in a room 8x10. Very comfortable.
8. Siblings to Mary Smart McFarland (1851-57)
[a] Mar. 4, 1851: C.A. Clark writes that he will come to her wedding; asks to be picked up in Chillicothe.
[b] Nov. 4, 1853: Jennie is reading Latin in school; Found Watts' "On the Mind" to difficult.
[c] Nov. 4, 1853: From Adelia Smart.
[d] June 14, 1855: Jennie on different matters.
[e] Sep. 17, 1855: Fannie Smart reports on school and friends.
[f] Winter 1855?: Saddie on various community matters.
[g] June 18, 1856: Fannie Smart mentions that Mr. and Mrs. Smart are in Iowa.
[h] May 13, 1857: Brother Jud? writes Jesse has gone to Iowa; may start business there; father and mother will visit Vede.
9. Cousin Lizzie Harris to Mary Smart to McFarland (1854-59?)
[a] Sep. 26, 1854: Family in confusion over making dresses for Vede's wedding; passanger cars to run them to Cinn. soon; Baptists would be "aristocracy" if they could get a new new church and a new preacher.
[b] Feb. 13, 1855: Chillicothe most be improving from a literary point of view.; had Horace Greeley and Bayard Taylor as speakers; revival meeting.
[c] June 18, 1855: Writes on domestic affairs and the household.
[d] May 6, 1855: Describes Sabbath day in the family; activities of family members and friends.
[e] Oct. 12, 1855?: Vede's arrival in Ft. Dodge; writes on different aspects of dress making.
[f] 1856?: Infant Harrie keeps her too busy to write; Vede coming for a visit.
[g] 1857?: Mainly news of her recent pregnancy and delivery of a son.
[h] 1859?: Family news and household activities.
10. Libby Wilson to Mary Smart McFarland (1851-57)
[a] Sep. 15, 1851: Much sickness in town; writing with baby in her arm.
[b] Apr. 22, 1852: Alice very sick; wants Mary to come home.
[c] Dec. 13, 1853: Family matters.
[d] Jan. 3, 1853: Sleigh riding "last night" to Salem; mentions parties and holiday activities.
[e] Mar. 31, 1854: Domestic and household matter.
[f] Mar. 6,1854: New Presbyterian Church to be built soon; Taking arsenic for her hands.
[g] Sep. 12, 1854?: Household and family news.
[h] Feb. 25, 1855?: David going East; household and family matters.
[i] Apr. 15, 1855?: Vede preparing to visit Mr. Morrison's sisters; David back from the East with stock of goods.
[j] 1855?: Community and family matters.
[k] 1855?: News of family.
[l] 1855?: Cars leave Cinn. at 9.30 and arrive in Greenfield at 11; Mr. and Mrs. Smart coming to visit in Antrim.
[m] Jan. 4, 1856: Was seek for five weeks after Vede started West; all family had fever; family matters.
[n] Sep. 1, 1857?
[o] Sep. 17, 1857: Presbyterian Church Festival made $100; much sickness in community.
11. Mary Smart McFarland to R.W. McFarland (1862-75)
[a] Aug. 10, 1862: Reports on controversy over Dr. Hall. Letter from Lizzie enclosed.
[b] Aug. 12, 1862: Sister Fannie staying with her. People would be willing that Dr. Hall should leave. Judge Charles' wife has had to leave for Canada to escape arrest. Mrs. Clark managed to escape; "a disgrace to our cause that she has been permitted to carry on her treason so long. Mrs. Taylor"s Unionism didn't didn't last long.
[c] Aug. 15, 1862: Hopes Col. Burns will succeed in getting the regiment disbanded.
[d] Aug. 17, 1862: R.W. must not think of re-enlistment. Letter from Lizzie inserted.
[e] Aug. 19, 1962: Has lost confidence in McClellan. Pope seems to be the only one "up to the times."
[f] Aug. 21, 1862: R.W. will be home by Sep. 10. Took children to a picnic. Letter from Lizzie inserted.
[g] Aug. 24, 1862: Her father is expected to pass away any day.
[h] Aug. 28, 1862: Community matters.
[i] Sep. 2, 1862: "Home guard company ought to be raised at once." Household matters. Fannie heard there were 40 to 50 students on campus.
[j] June 8, 1862: Heard that President Hall wrote to Gov. Todd not to accept McF's company. Asks R.W. to keep track of Bob Bishop. Letter from Lizzie enclosed.
[k] June 13, 1862: Prof. Elliott taking care of business for R.W. Family matters. Oxford boys eager to see R.W. promoted. Always knew her husband was treasure.
[l] June 17, 1862: Mentions reports that Dr. Swing "flirts with the ladies." Swing offers to take care of McF's corn and potatos. Letter from Lizzie inserted.
[m] June 22, 1862: "Terribly lonely desolate feeling...hangs over me." If it were not for the children, "death would be a welcome meenger." Asks R.W. for new on sons of aquaintances.
[n] June 30, 1862: Some of the trustees were displeased with McF. for joining army. Thought he had gone for three years. President does not have good reputation for loyalty to the Union. Has no confidence in Stoddard's support of McF. Prof. Bishop said Swing told him that Dr. Hall would probably be removed by the trustees.
[o] July 6, 1862: R.W. has been home on a brief furlough. Urges R.W. not to be too hard on the men in disciplining them.
[p] July 9, 1862: Concerning the Simrall Case; his enlistment was approved by the board, but not implying censure of R.W.
[q] July 10, 1862: Asks if he has been court martialed. Bad news from Richmond. The Dr. was very patriotic in his Baccaleaureate remarks. Asks if he'll get more pay when he becomes a major.
[r] July 13, 1862: Simrall Case: "Would like to have seen the Dr. and the little Prof. completely foiled in their undertaking." "Let the discipline of Miami students go to the plague." If R.W. were alone in his opinion she could almost wish wish him to resign. But the faculty with one exception think the same way.
[s] July 16, 1862: Brother Jud wants to raise a compoany and join the army.
[t] July 21, 1862: Wonders "how the Doctor takes the cutting down of his salary."
[u] July 24, 1862: Mrs. McF. has "Cholera Morbus."
[v] July 27, 1862: Heard that West Va. is threatened by guerilla bands.The "war seems no nearer to being ended than it was six months ago. Jud has been recommended for appointment as collector of Internal Revenue.
[w] July 31, 1862: Writes about arrests of Rev.'s Hoyt+Brooks. "About time."
[x] Aug. 3, 1862: Household matters. The Trustees ordrered all cows to be turned out of the campus.Rev. Brown was released after 3 or 4 days. Prof. Swing will go to Chicago.
[y] Aug. 5, 1862: Ed Southgate taken prisoner. Rev. Kumler feels bad about Brooks preaching in his church. Swing would feel bad if he knew all that has been said about him. His friends thought it was best for him to leave.
[z] Mar. 16, 1875: Weather and local affairs.
[aa] Apr. 8, 1875: Dr. Keely "cut and probed" Fannie's mouth for tooth problems. Mentions "Beecher testimony."
12. A) Mary Smart McFarland to Frances Bonham (1872-1890)
[a] Aug. 23, 1872: Advice and news on household matters.
[b] Dec. 30, 1881: Oxford Female College is best place for friend's daughter to study music--not Oberlin.
[c] Oct. 12, 1883: Reproves her for not writing. Still going to Dr. Keely for dental works.
[d] Mar. 2, 1886: Dress to be made for Fannie. To be mailed to her.
[e] Feb. 27, 1886: Fannie staying in Columbus with the Mortons. Fears Fannie will fall in love with Columbus and the Mortons.
[f] Mar. 9, 1886: Household matters. Describes "exhibition" in Oxford.
[g] Nov. 16, 1888: Familie news. "Alice died yesterday."
[h] Nov. 19, 1888: Household and Family matters. "Poor Alice."
[i] Nov. 15, 1889: Reports on social activities.
[j] Nov. 25, 1889: Miss Ellen's illness and deaths.
[k] Dec. 5, 1889: Family matters.
[l] Jan. 18, 1890: Family and social matter.
[m] Feb. 20, 1890: Family and social matters.
[n] Feb. 25, 1890: Family matters.
[o] June 17, 1890: To ill to come to Columbus as intended.
Correspondence of Robert and Mary Smart McFarland, 1847-99
Files [cont.]
12. B) Mary Smart McFarland to Frances Bonham (1893)
[a] Feb. 5, 1891
[b] June 12, 1891
[c] July 10, 1891: Dr. Thompson to come to Miami. Household and family matters.
[d] July 15, 1891: Household and social matters.
[e] Jan. 7, 1892: R.W. had been in Greenfield in Connection with Smart estate settlement. Univ. of Chicago salary $7,000.
[f] Jan. 12, 1892: R.W. wrote of attending McKinley inauguration.
[g] Jan. 20, 1892: Town still upset over Homer murder.
[h] Jan. 26, 1892
[i] Jan. 27, 1892: Mentions "horrible murder" of Mrs. Homer. Society matters.
[j] Feb. 2, 1892: Church matters.
[k] Feb. 8, 1892: People still jittery over Homer murder.
[l] Mar. 11, 1892: Charles Adams did not graduate. Operetta to be staged in Oxford.
[m] June 27, 1892
[n] July 6, 1892: Dr. Thompson rented his house at $27.50 per month. Mr. Smith left town to avoid debts. Went to Tampa, Fla.
[o] July 21, 1892
[p] Augf. 1, 1892: Lizzie studying at Cinn. Art. Museum.
[q] Aug. 10, 1892: Local matters.
[r] Aug. 22, 1892: Family matters.
[s] Jan. 11, 1893:Oxford paper reports Raymond Hughes injured while coasting. Other Oxford news.
[t] Jan. 19, 1893: News of family and friends.
[u] Jan. 25, 1893
[v] Jan. 31, 1893: Fannie had done her duty at entertaining. Tempted to go on "excursion" to Fla. $26 round trip. Friend who had been to Scotland described the trip.
[w] Feb. 16, 1893: News from Columbus.
[x] Feb. 20, 1893: Thanks "fortune" that Gerard Fowles was unable to come to Columbus.
[y] Mar. 7, 1893
[z] Mar. 15, 1893: Describes Thanksgiving dinner at their boarding house. Very unsociable group.
[aa] Mar. 15, 1893
[bb] Mar. 21, 1893
[cc] Mar. 28, 1893
[dd] Apr. 4, 1893: News on social scene. Will be returning to Oxford soon.
[ee] Apr. 7, 1993: Mary writes from Columbus concerning their preparations for departure.
[ff] Apr. 11, 1893
[gg] Apr. 19, 1893: News on Society.
[hh] Oct. 3, 1893
12. C) Mary Smart McFarland to Frances Bonham (1894)
[a] Jan. 3, 1894: Society and family news.
[b] Jan. 10, 1894: Immense crowd at the great inaugeral. No chance for the common people to shake hands with the governor.
[c] Jan. 26, 1894
[d] Feb. 1, 1894
[e] Feb. 7, 1894
[f] Feb. 14, 1894: Society news. Newspaperclip inserted.
[g] Feb. 21, 1894
[h] March 3m, 1894
[i] March 6, 1894
[j] Mar. 13, 1894: Talks about her health.
[k] Mar. 21, 1894: Family news.
[l] Mar. 29, 1894: News on Lizzie.
[m] Apr. 13, 1894
[n] Apr. 25, 1894: Household matters.
[o] Dec. 4, 1894: Numerous callers and vistits mentioned.Supper menu.
[p] Dec. 13, 1894: Callers and dinners.
[q] Dec. 27, 1894: Describes her Christmas. R.W.'s brother near death.
12. D) Mary Smart McFarland to Frances Bonham (1895)
[a] Jan. 3, 1895: Family and friends.
[b] Jan. 17, 1895: Society and Church.
[c] Jan. 24, 1895: Enclosed clipping on Lazarus Bonham's defeat after ten years as secretary of agriculture. Family news.
[d] Jan. 31, 1895: Bonham said he could not make a living from the farm. Had counted on re-election. Poor McF. cousin coming up from Fla. Household matters.
[e] Feb. 14, 1895
[f] Feb. 28, 1895: R.W. McF. to receive bonus. Mary hopes they can all go to Europe.
[g] Mar. 7, 1895: Preparing to return to Oxford. Household matters.
[h] Mar. 15, 1895
[i] Mar. 17, 1895: Refered to "testimonials" sent to Lehigh Univ. on behalf of McF.
[j] Mar. 25, 1895: Back in Oxford "dullest place." R.W. has prospect at Lehigh Univ.
[k] Apr. 4, 1895
[l] Apr. 11, 1895
[m] Apr. 18, 1895: Richey's had a fire when gasoline was put in a stove.
[n] Apr. 25, 1895: R.W. has about given up hope of finding new academic position. He has stomach trouble again. Household matters.
[o] May 2, 1895
[p] May 16, 1895: Oxford news.
[q] June 12, 1895
[r] Nov. 8, 1895: Oxford news.
[s] Dec. 11, 1895: Mary McF. ill in bed.
[t] Dec. 20, 1895: Jennie Brook has an article on Miami Campus in Tribune. Based on information supplied by R.W.
12. E) Mary Smart McFarland to Frances Bonham (1896)
[a] Jan. 1, 1896
[b] Jan. 8, 1896: Packing up to leave Oxford.
[c] Jan. 21, 1896
[d] Jan. 30, 1896: Columbus social events.
[e] Jan., 1896
[f] March 17, 1896: Reading a book by Anne Wharton. Sousa's Band playing. Might not go if too expensive.
[g] Mar. 24, 1896: Many old friends have left Oxford.
12. F) Mary Smart McFarland to Frances to Bonham (1897)
[a] Jan. 4, 1897
[b] Jan. 13, 1897: McKinley will soon be in power and "all will be well."
[c] Jan. 18, 1897
[d] Apr. 5, 1897: Dr. Joseph James who died in 1897.
[e] Apr. 13, 1897: Oxford news.
[f] Apr. 20, 1897: Prof. James died. Household matters.
[g] Apr. 1897: Enjoyed vocal program.
[h] May 15, 1897: Household matters.
[i] May 30, 1897
[j] June 7, 1897: Family and houshold matters.
[k] June 13, 1897
[l] June 21, 1897: Hopes for Lynn's sake the war will not reach N.Y.
[m] June 28, 1897: Church matters.
[n] July 5, 1897
[o] Nov. 17, 1897: Mary uneasy on her feet.
[p] Nov. 24, 1897: Health and household matters. Newspaperclip inserted.
[q] Nov. 28, 1897
[r] Dec. 3, 1897: Refered to accident involving Fannie and Lynn.
[s] Dec. 16, 1897: Dr. Guy starved his wife but fed missionaries.
[t] Dec. 22, 1897: Oxford College "fuss." Family and Friends.
[u] Dec. 25, 1897
[v] Dec. 29, 1897
12. G) Mary Smart McFarland to Frances Bonham (1898)
[a] Feb. 15, 1898
[b] Mar. 22, 1898
[c] Mar. 30, 1898: Prof. James to rent the McF. house. Lazarus Bonham called.
[d] Apr. 20, 1898: Mentions Foraker in front ranks. McKinley forced into it. "A big war debt and what is it all for."
[e] May 3, 1898: Family and friends.
[f] June 22, 1898: Soldiers to leave for Cuba. Rutherford Fullerton went with the cavalery.
[g] Dec. 10, 1898
[h] Dec. 16, 1898: Will be back in Columbus by Christmas.
[i] Dec. 26, 1898: Describes live at the boarding house in Columbus.
[j] 1898? wrote about Mrs. James dismissal from O.S.U.
[k] 1898? hoped Mrs James would get position in Home E. at O.S.U.
12. H) Mary Smart McFarland to Frances Bonham (1899)
[a] Jan. 10, 1899: Only two copies of R.W.'s book on the Cumberland Gap campaign sold in Oxford. Society news.
[b] Jan. 17, 1899: Family news.
[c] Jan. 24, 1899
[d] Jan. 31, 1899
[e] Feb. 2, 1899
[f] Feb. 8, 1899
[g] Feb. 9, 1899
[h] Feb. 15, 1899
[i] Feb. 16, 1899?: News of Friends.
[j] Feb. 22, 1899
[k] Mar. 1, 1899
[l] Mar. 15, 1899: News of friends and family.
[m] Mar. 21, 1899: Will return to Oxford soon. Mentions burning of the Windsor in N.Y.News of Friends.
[n] Mar. 22, 1899
[o] Apr. 3, 1899: Return to Oxford.
[p] Apr. 11, 1899
[q] Apr. 26, 1899: Coal Co. rumored to be selling out to Hocking.
[r] 189? Society news.
13. Bills and Receipts of McFarland taken out of a Leather Wallet (1860s).
Faculty; McFarland, Robert White; Academic: Biographical, and Business Materials; Diaries/Daybooks: 1820-1973, and undated (bulk 1845-1910); Robert McFarland Materials; 1843-1912, and undated; [2A-B-6A]
Academic, Biograph1ical, and Business Materials; Diaries/Daybooks: 1820-1973, and undated (bulk 1845-1910)
Early Academic Career, 1845-55
1. Ohio Wesleyan University
[a]. Catalogue of the Officers and Students of the Ohio Wesleyan Wesleyan University for the Academic Year 1843-44. Columbus: S. Meadary, Printer, 1845.
[b]. "Order of Exercises for the Exhibition" (July 2, 1845)
[c]. "Order of Exercises for the Exhibition (March 30-31, 1847)
[d]. "Sixth Annual Commencement of the Ohio Wesleyan University" (July 29, 1851)
2. Greenfield Academy-Resolution of the Philomathean Society to Messrs. Blair and McFarland concerning Society Exhibitions (185-?)
3. James B. Dodd to McFarland, acknowledging receipt of review copy of McFarland's Virgil (Transylvania University, October 3, 1853)
4. Correspondence re. McFarland's candidacy for academic positions
[a]. Joseph Ray recommends McFarland for position at Ohio Institute for the Blind (Cincinnati, May 21, 1852)
[b]. J.S.G. recommends McFarland to Male and Female Seminary in Jeffersonville, Indiana (Chillicothe, October 4, 1852)
[c]. James Chalfant recommends McFarland to Rev. John Weekley of Springfield (Oxford, October 14, 1852)
[d]. James Chalfant to McFarland re. opening for teacher at Georgetown (January 18, 1853)
5. Madison College and Antrim Female Seminary [McFarland was Professor of Mathematics and Natural Science at Madison. His wife taught music at the Female Seminary]
[a]. Circular of the Officers, Course of Studies, Etc., of Madison College and Antrim Female Seminary for the Year 1853-54. Columbus: Printed by Scott and Bascom, 1853.
[b]. Catalogue of the Officers, Course of Studies, Etc. of Madison College, and Antrim Female Seminary for the Year Ending Sept. 27, 1854. Columbus: Printed by the Ohio State Journal Company, 1854.
c. Copy of news clip describing Madison College (1855?)
Miami Faculty, 1852-77, and undated
1. Correspondence re. to McFarland's candidacy for Mathematics Chair at Miami
[a]. James F. Chalfant to McFarland at Chillicothe concerning prospect for job at Miami (Oxford, August 21, 1852)
[b]. James Chalfant to McFarland re. his application for position at Miami (1855?)[confidential]
[c]. James Chalfant to McFarland re. competition for Mathematics Chair at Miami (1855?)
[d]. Solomon Howard to James Chalfant recommending McFarland for Miami Mathematics Chair (Ohio University, June 9, 1855)
[e]. W. H. Henkle, Mathematics Professor at Green Mount College, to James Chalfant recommending McFarland for Miami Mathematics Chair (Green Mount College, June 9, 1855)
[f]. J.G. Blair to James Chalfant recommending McFarland for Miami Mathematics Chair (Athens, June 10, 1855)
[g]. Hugh Smart to McFarland informing him of letters on his behalf sent to Oxford (Greenfield, June 12, 1855)
[h]. E. Thomson, F. Merrick?, and William G. Williams to James Chalfant recommending McFarland for Miami Mathematics Chair (Ohio Wesleyian University, June 20, 1855)
[i]. James Chalfant to McFarland re. his prospects of election to Miami Mathematics Chair (Oxford, June 22, 1855)
[j]. James Chalfant to McFarland urging him to use every means to secure recommendations for Miami Mathematics Professorship (Springfield, July 29, 1855)
[k]. W. H. Chamberlain to McFarland concerning Miami appointment (April 7, 1856?)[letter torn]
[l]. James Chalfant to Mr. Lane in Oxford, letter of introduction for McFarland (July 1, 1856)
[m]. Thoms. ? to McFarland noting support for McFarland's application for Miami Mathematics Chair and inquiring re. McFarland's religious affiliation (Oxford, July 4?, 1856)
[n]. R, H. Bishop, Miami University Secretary, to McFarland notifying him of appointment as Miami Mathematics Professor at salary of $1,000 a year (Miami University, July 4, 7, 1856)[2 letters]
[o]. J. R. Chamberlain to McFarland at Westville, congratulating him on appointment to Miami Mathematics Professorship (Oxford, July 7, 1856)
[p]. McFarland to R. H. Bishop, Miami University Secretary, accepting Chair at Mathematics at Miami (Urbana, July 20, 1856) [2 drafts]
[q]. James Chalfault to B. Cone, Oxford, asking help for McFarland in getting settled (Urbana, July 21, 1856)
2. Calling cards for Professor and Mrs. McFarland
3. McFarland's Annual Reports to the Board of Trustees for the Mathematics Department (1857-58, 1861, 1862?, 1865-69, 1870-Astronomical Expedition and Mathematics Department, 1870-72, 1873-Mathematics Department and Library)
4. Faculty meeting minutes and notes, mainly re. student performance and discipline (1858-60, and undated) [includes cover letters, rec'd from Smith History Library 11/18/86]
5. McFarland's Annual Reports to the Board of Trustees on the Library (1859, 1868, 1869-University Bookstore, 1870-71)
6. Reports to the President and Faculty by F.H. Raemly, Gymnastics Instructor (November, December 1859)
7. Student petitions to the faculty and disciplinary actions against students (1859-71)
8. Student Mathematics, Analytical Geometry, Astronomy, and Mechanics Grades (1860?, 1872-73)
9. Communications from Faculty (March 1860, undated)
10. Memorandum re. McFarland's service as Faculty Secretary (March 16, 1860)
11. McFarland's Absence on Military duty; University company recruited by McFarland (1862-64, and undated)
[a]. Chalfant: Resolution on salary in McFarland's absence (n.d.)
[b]. Statement of Faculty in McFarland's absence; McFarland and students recruited (1862)
[c]. Report on Mathematics (Clarksburg, Va., June 23, 1862)
[d]. To the Board of Trustees-"...account of my present position and how I came into it." (Clarksburg, Va., June 24, 1862)
[e]. Report and Resolution by Committee of Board of Trustees: John W. Herron, John M. Millikin...Chalfant
[f]. "Additional Report...Mathematics (1863)[On salary, student company's return to Oxford; raid on Cincinnati]
[g]. Resolution re. McFarland's leave of absence for military service (1863?)
[h]. Report of Mathematics Department (1864)[contains reference to McFarland's duty at Cumberland Gap]
12.David Louderback to ?, re. McFarland's assault upon his son for defending slavery and McFarland's complicity in his son's subsequent dismissal (Westville, June 24, 1862)
13. J. W. G. Simrall? to the Board of Trustees re. McFarland's alleged mistreament of his son Charles Simrall, David Louderback, and McFarland's own brother (Covington, Ky, June 24, 1862); Report of the Trustees' Committe to whom Simrall's communication was referred (1862)
14. Albert Galloway, Secretary Pro Tem Miami Board of Trustees, to McFarland, notice that all faculty chairs are declared vacant as of October 17 (Xenia, October 19, 1865)
15. J. Y. Scouller to McFarland, concerning Library records and losses (2 letters-Fairhaven, February 10, May 3, 1866)
16. Board of Trustees Committee to McFarland informing him of unanimous election as Professor of Mathematics (Miami University, June 20, 1866)
17. James J. Garver to McFarland, requesting information for Miami (New Carlisle, August 6, 1866)
18. "Statement and Protest of the President"- President Stanton to the Faculty re. exercise of discipline in case of James P. Townsley and Thomas Norris (January 13, 1870)
19. Correspondence re. shipment of books for McFarland from England (2 letters-July 2, 5, 1873)
20. McFarland's letter of recommendation for George O'Byrne (Oxford, July 4, 1873)
21. McFarland's inventory of the Library (1877)
[a]. Authorization from Executive Committee (July 28, 1877)
[b]. McFarland's report (September 7, 1877)
Professional and Business Correspondence, 1900-09, and undated
1. "Easter's Coming. Professor McFarland ably Discusses the Question [undated news clip containing copy of McFarland's letter to William G. Deshier]
2. C. B. Galbreath to McFarland, letter with table of "Ancient Eclipses as connected with certain leading facts of history"(Columbus, April 19, 1900)
3. Hinkley Smith, Attorney at Law, to McFarland, requesting payment of lawyer's fee for defense of McFarland in $10,000 suit. (Hamilton, March 20, 1906)
4. Guy Potter Benton to McFarland, re. honorary degree for E. B. Fullerton (Oxford, June 11, 1906)
5. McFarland to Frazier Wilson, containing McFarland's critiques of historical works and articles (9 letters, October 27, 1901-November 9, 1909, and undated); Letters of transmittal: Leonard U. Hill to Dwight Smith (February 2, 1973); Dwight Smith to Leonard Hill (March 29, 1973); Robert Wilkin to Dr. McNiff and Gordon Wilson (July 12, 1973)
6. Herman Davis to McFarland re. Davis' "Perpetual Calendar" and McFarland's article in Popular Astronomy (Pittsburgh, Pa., September 15, 1908)
7. B. S. Bartlow to McFarland, requesting written communication for Miami's Centennial Celebration (Oxford, March 29, 1909)
McFarland Family and Geneology, 1820-1925, and undated
1. "Family History MacFarlene," written on L.N. Bonham stationary (2 sheets-n.d.)
2. McFarland family in Pennsylvania. Holograph texts of deed to property (n.d)
3. John Wesley, An Extract of the Christian's Pattern; or, A Treatise on the Imitation of Christ Written in Latin by Thomas a'Kempis (New York: N. Bangs and T. Mason for the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1820)[Book belonged to Robert W. McFarland, Sr.]
4. McFarland to Robert Dorsey, inquiring about family history (188-?)
5. Beau McFarland to his brother, Robert McFarland, letter containing family geneological data (9 sheets- Olathe, Kas., December 7, 1894)[includes will of Robert McFarland (Rockbridge, Va., February 6, 1798); and Induture for sale of land from Robert McFarland to William McFarland (Rockbridge County, Va., November 12, 1797]
6. Mrs. Elizabeth B. Bourne to Fannie McFarland Bonham, inquires about Dorsey ancestors (November 29, 1925)
Biographical Material and Obituaries, 1910-69, and undated
1. Fannie McFarland ?, biographical data on Robert McFarland, early Oxford, and Miami University (14 hologr. sheets-n.d.)[probably written for W.E. Smith]
2. Biographical Materials and Obituaries (1910)
[a]."Robert White McFarland," Civil Engineering, p.6
[b]. Copies of newspaper obituaries
3. Memorial to McFarland adopted by the Ohio State University Faculty; Letter of transmittal: William Oxley Thompson to Mr. Bohnam (Columbus, November 29, 1910)
4. Mrs. Fletcher King, letter and postcard requesting biographical information on McFarland (February 21, March 21, 1969); Letter of transmittal: Irene Ross to Phillip Shriver (March 26, 1969)
5. "Professor McFarland Goes to War" [undated xerox of typescript]
Publications, 1880-99, and undated
1. McFarland Publications
[a]. "The Calendar" (n.d.)[Calendar history with McFarland's explanation of his perpetual calendar and its use]
[b]. "Panihelion and Eccentricity" [From The American Journal of Science, v.20 (August 1880)]
[c]. The Surrender of Cumberland Gap, September 9, 1863. Columbus: Nitschke Brothers, 1898.
[d]. "Ancient Eclipses and Chronology" [Reprint from Popular Astronomy, No.70 (1899?)]
McFarland Observatory and Elizabeth McFarland Property, 1927-35 and undated
1. Naming of McFarland Observatory (1927-30)
[a]. Marie Marshall to Mrs. L. N. Bonham, letter with copy of announcement of naming of Observatory (Oxford, June 15, 1927)
[b]. Elizabeth E. McFarland to W. P. Roudebush (June 17, 1927)
[c]. W. P. Roudebush to President Upham, re. plaque for Observatory (June 18, 1929)
[d]. W. P. Roudebush to Mrs. Llewellyn Bonham, re. plaque for Observatory (October 10, 1930)
2. Purchase of Elizabeth McFarland Property
[a]. Map of McFarland and Miami University Lots between Patterson and Maple Avenues (n.d.)
[b]. Darrell Joyce to R. M. Hughes, approving purchase of McFarland property (Hamilton, January 25, 1926)
[c]. Elizabeth McFarland-W. P. Roudebush Correspondence (6 letters-July 2, 1926-June 21, 1927)
[d]. "Inventory and Appraisement of Estate of Elizabeth McFarland Deceased"(April 6, 1935); Letter of transmittal: Charles A. Williams to the Oxford Historical Society (Oxford, April 8, 1935)
Diaries/Daybooks [mainly regarding weather and crops], 1862-1907
1. Diaries/Daybooks 1862 [Apr.-Dec.], 1863 [Jan.-July 9], 1863 [July 10-Dec.]/1864 [Jan.-Feb.], 1864 [May-Dec.]
2. Diaries/Daybooks 1865, 1865?/1866? [not R. McFarland's?], 1867, 1868
3. Diaries/Daybooks 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873
4. Diaries/Daybooks 1874, 1876, 1877, 1879
5. Diaries/Daybooks 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883
6. Diaries/Daybooks 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887
7. Diaries/Daybooks 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898
8. Diaries/Daybooks 1899, 1901, 1902, 1903
9. Diaries/Daybooks 1904, 1905 [Apr.-Dec.], 1906, 1907 [Jan.-Feb.].
Faculty; McFarland, Robert White; McFarland Family Academic, Biographical, and Business Materials; Diaries/Daybooks: 1820-1973, and undated (bulk 1845-1910); Robert McFarland Materials; 1843-1912 and undated [2A-B-7A]
Early Academic Career, 1845-55
1. Ohio Wesleyan University
[a]. Catalogue of the Officers and Students of the Ohio Wesleyan Wesleyan University for the Academic Year 1843-44. Columbus: S. Meadary, Printer, 1845.
[b]. "Order of Exercises for the Exhibition" (July 2, 1845)
[c]. "Order of Exercises for the Exhibition (March 30-31, 1847)
[d]. "Sixth Annual Commencement of the Ohio Wesleyan University" (July 29, 1851)
2. Greenfield Academy-Resolution of the Philomathean Society to Messrs. Blair and McFarland concerning Society Exhibitions (185-?)
3. James B. Dodd to McFarland, acknowledging receipt of review copy of McFarland's Virgil (Transylvania University, October 3, 1853)
4. Correspondence re. McFarland's candidacy for academic positions
[a]. Joseph Ray recommends McFarland for position at Ohio Institute for the Blind (Cincinnati, May 21, 1852)
[b]. J.S.G. recommends McFarland to Male and Female Seminary in Jeffersonville, Indiana (Chillicothe, October 4, 1852)
[c]. James Chalfant recommends McFarland to Rev. John Weekley of Springfield (Oxford, October 14, 1852)
[d]. James Chalfant to McFarland re. opening for teacher at Georgetown (January 18, 1853)
5. Madison College and Antrim Female Seminary [McFarland was Professor of Mathematics and Natural Science at Madison. His wife taught music at the Female Seminary]
[a]. Circular of the Officers, Course of Studies, Etc., of Madison College and Antrim Female Seminary for the Year 1853-54. Columbus: Printed by Scott and Bascom, 1853.
[b]. Catalogue of the Officers, Course of Studies, Etc. of Madison College, and Antrim Female Seminary for the Year Ending Sept. 27, 1854. Columbus: Printed by the Ohio State Journal Company, 1854.
c. Copy of news clip describing Madison College (1855?)
Miami Faculty, 1852-77, and undated
1. Correspondence re. to McFarland's candidacy for Mathematics Chair at Miami
[a]. James F. Chalfant to McFarland at Chillicothe concerning prospect for job at Miami (Oxford, August 21, 1852)
[b]. James Chalfant to McFarland re. his application for position at Miami (1855?)[confidential]
[c]. James Chalfant to McFarland re. competition for Mathematics Chair at Miami (1855?)
[d]. Solomon Howard to James Chalfant recommending McFarland for Miami Mathematics Chair (Ohio University, June 9, 1855)
[e]. W. H. Henkle, Mathematics Professor at Green Mount College, to James Chalfant recommending McFarland for Miami Mathematics Chair (Green Mount College, June 9, 1855)
[f]. J.G. Blair to James Chalfant recommending McFarland for Miami Mathematics Chair (Athens, June 10, 1855)
[g]. Hugh Smart to McFarland informing him of letters on his behalf sent to Oxford (Greenfield, June 12, 1855)
[h]. E. Thomson, F. Merrick?, and William G. Williams to James Chalfant recommending McFarland for Miami Mathematics Chair (Ohio Wesleyian University, June 20, 1855)
[i]. James Chalfant to McFarland re. his prospects of election to Miami Mathematics Chair (Oxford, June 22, 1855)
[j]. James Chalfant to McFarland urging him to use every means to secure recommendations for Miami Mathematics Professorship (Springfield, July 29, 1855)
[k]. W. H. Chamberlain to McFarland concerning Miami appointment (April 7, 1856?)[letter torn]
[l]. James Chalfant to Mr. Lane in Oxford, letter of introduction for McFarland (July 1, 1856)
[m]. Thoms. ? to McFarland noting support for McFarland's application for Miami Mathematics Chair and inquiring re. McFarland's religious affiliation (Oxford, July 4?, 1856)
[n]. R, H. Bishop, Miami University Secretary, to McFarland notifying him of appointment as Miami Mathematics Professor at salary of $1,000 a year (Miami University, July 4, 7, 1856)[2 letters]
[o]. J. R. Chamberlain to McFarland at Westville, congratulating him on appointment to Miami Mathematics Professorship (Oxford, July 7, 1856)
[p]. McFarland to R. H. Bishop, Miami University Secretary, accepting Chair at Mathematics at Miami (Urbana, July 20, 1856) [2 drafts]
[q]. James Chalfault to B. Cone, Oxford, asking help for McFarland in getting settled (Urbana, July 21, 1856)
2. Calling cards for Professor and Mrs. McFarland
3. McFarland's Annual Reports to the Board of Trustees for the Mathematics Department (1857-58, 1861, 1862?, 1865-69, 1870-Astronomical Expedition and Mathematics Department, 1870-72, 1873-Mathematics Department and Library)
4. Faculty meeting minutes and notes, mainly re. student performance and discipline (1858-60, and undated) [includes cover letters, rec'd from Smith History Library 11/18/86]
5. McFarland's Annual Reports to the Board of Trustees on the Library (1859, 1868, 1869-University Bookstore, 1870-71)
6. Reports to the President and Faculty by F.H. Raemly, Gymnastics Instructor (November, December 1859)
7. Student petitions to the faculty and disciplinary actions against students (1859-71)
8. Student Mathematics, Analytical Geometry, Astronomy, and Mechanics Grades (1860?, 1872-73)
9. Communications from Faculty (March 1860, undated)
10. Memorandum re. McFarland's service as Faculty Secretary (March 16, 1860)
11. McFarland's Absence on Military duty; University company recruited by McFarland (1862-64, and undated)
[a]. Chalfant: Resolution on salary in McFarland's absence (n.d.)
[b]. Statement of Faculty in McFarland's absence; McFarland and students recruited (1862)
[c]. Report on Mathematics (Clarksburg, Va., June 23, 1862)
[d]. To the Board of Trustees-"...account of my present position and how I came into it." (Clarksburg, Va., June 24, 1862)
[e]. Report and Resolution by Committee of Board of Trustees: John W. Herron, John M. Millikin...Chalfant
[f]. "Additional Report...Mathematics (1863)[On salary, student company's return to Oxford; raid on Cincinnati]
[g]. Resolution re. McFarland's leave of absence for military service (1863?)
[h]. Report of Mathematics Department (1864)[contains reference to McFarland's duty at Cumberland Gap]
12.David Louderback to ?, re. McFarland's assault upon his son for defending slavery and McFarland's complicity in his son's subsequent dismissal (Westville, June 24, 1862)
13. J. W. G. Simrall? to the Board of Trustees re. McFarland's alleged mistreament of his son Charles Simrall, David Louderback, and McFarland's own brother (Covington, Ky, June 24, 1862); Report of the Trustees' Committe to whom Simrall's communication was referred (1862)
14. Albert Galloway, Secretary Pro Tem Miami Board of Trustees, to McFarland, notice that all faculty chairs are declared vacant as of October 17 (Xenia, October 19, 1865)
15. J. Y. Scouller to McFarland, concerning Library records and losses (2 letters-Fairhaven, February 10, May 3, 1866)
16. Board of Trustees Committee to McFarland informing him of unanimous election as Professor of Mathematics (Miami University, June 20, 1866)
17. James J. Garver to McFarland, requesting information for Miami (New Carlisle, August 6, 1866)
18. "Statement and Protest of the President"- President Stanton to the Faculty re. exercise of discipline in case of James P. Townsley and Thomas Norris (January 13, 1870)
19. Correspondence re. shipment of books for McFarland from England (2 letters-July 2, 5, 1873)
20. McFarland's letter of recommendation for George O'Byrne (Oxford, July 4, 1873)
21. McFarland's inventory of the Library (1877)
[a]. Authorization from Executive Committee (July 28, 1877)
[b]. McFarland's report (September 7, 1877)
Professional and Business Correspondence, 1900-09, and undated
1. "Easter's Coming. Professor McFarland ably Discusses the Question [undated news clip containing copy of McFarland's letter to William G. Deshier]
2. C. B. Galbreath to McFarland, letter with table of "Ancient Eclipses as connected with certain leading facts of history"(Columbus, April 19, 1900)
3. Hinkley Smith, Attorney at Law, to McFarland, requesting payment of lawyer's fee for defense of McFarland in $10,000 suit. (Hamilton, March 20, 1906)
4. Guy Potter Benton to McFarland, re. honorary degree for E. B. Fullerton (Oxford, June 11, 1906)
5. McFarland to Frazier Wilson, containing McFarland's critiques of historical works and articles (9 letters, October 27, 1901-November 9, 1909, and undated); Letters of transmittal: Leonard U. Hill to Dwight Smith (February 2, 1973); Dwight Smith to Leonard Hill (March 29, 1973); Robert Wilkin to Dr. McNiff and Gordon Wilson (July 12, 1973)
6. Herman Davis to McFarland re. Davis' "Perpetual Calendar" and McFarland's article in Popular Astronomy (Pittsburgh, Pa., September 15, 1908)
7. B. S. Bartlow to McFarland, requesting written communication for Miami's Centennial Celebration (Oxford, March 29, 1909)
Faculty; McFarland, Robert White, McFarland Family Correspondence and Memorabilia, 1852-1930, and undated (bulk 1860-1918); Robert McFarland Materials; 1843-1912, and undated; [2A-B-7B]
1. Letters from R.W. McFarland to Wife Mary in Greenfield (1852-61)
a.1852? from Dayton
c.July 5, 1853?
d.July 8, 1853
e.July 14, 1853?
f.July 16, 1853
g.April 2, 1857
h.1859? from Oxford
i.April?, 1859?
j.July 5, 1861?
k.July?, 1861?
l.July?, 1861?
2A. Letters to Lizzie and Fannie McFarland (1860-91, and undated)
a.June 11, no year
c.To Lizzie and Fannie, June 11?, n.y.
To Fannie McFarland:
d.March 30, no year from Corning
e.Nov. 13, no year from Columbus
f.May 26, 1874
g.Feb. 14, 1886
h.1886? same paper as letter of Feb. 14
i.Nov. 16, 1889
k.Dec. 26, 1889
l.May 16, 1890
m.May 26, 1890?
n.June 13, 1890
o.Jan. 4, 1891?
p.Jan. 26, 1891?
q.Feb. 4, 1891
r.Feb. 25, 1891?
s.April 15, 1891
t.May 21, 1891
u.May 31, 1891
v.June 7, 1891
w.June 17, 1891
x.July 2, 1891
y.July 5, 1891
z.July 8, 1891?
aa.Aug. 28, 1891
bb.Sept. 3, 1891
2B. Letters to Fannie or "Folks" [Fannie?](1892-99, and undated)
a.Fragment of a Letter in which Mc Farland write about the death of a colleague. (n.d.)
b.May 13, no year
c.Feb. 14, 1892
d.Aug. 10, 1892
e.Nov. 11, 1892
f.Dec. 15, 1892
g.Dec. 23, 1892?
h.Jan. 19, 1893
i.Jan. 30, 1893
j.March 6, 1893
k.May 30, 1893?
l.March? 9, 1894
m.Dec. 18, 1894
n.Jan. 31, 1894
o.Jan 21, 1895
p.Jan. 7, 1897
q.Jan. 21, 1897
r.March 18, 1897
s.March 29, 1897
t.May 20, 1897
u.June 8, 1897
v.June 18, 1897
w.June 25, 1897
x.Sept. 30, 1897
y.Oct. 30, 1897?
z.Dec. 24, 1897?
aa.Dec. 30, 1898
bb.April 6, 1899
3. Letters from Mary to Robert McFarland (1862-1890, and undated)
a.Poem to R. W. McFarland (n.d.)
b.Fragment, (n.d.)
c.July, 4, no year
d.July, 1862?
e.April 13, 1874
f.Sept. 23, 1874
g.Sept. 30, 1874?
h.Oct. 9, 1874
i.Nov. 4, 1874
j.Nov. 11, 1874
k.Nov. 16, 1874
l.Dec. 2, 1874
m.March 24, 1875
n.May 11, 1875
o.May 19, 1875
p.June 4, 1875
q.Dec. 15, 1890
r.Dec. 19, 1890
4A. Mary to Fannie McFarland (1888-91, and undated)
a.Envelopes from 1872-1896
b.Fragment (n.d.)
c.March 23, no year
d.May 4, no year
e.May 7, no year
f.May 14, no year
g.May 28, no year
h.Oct. 26, no year
i.Nov. 25, no year
k.Dec. 27, no year
l.Aug. 30, 1872
m.April 4, 1876
n.April 24, 1876
o.June 1, 1884
p.Oct. 6, 1884
q.Oct. 23, 1884
r.Oct. 25, 1884
s.Oct. 31, 1884
t.March 3, 1885
u.Oct. 26, 1886
v.Nov. 9, 1888
w.Nov. 7, 1889
x.Jan. 31, 1890
y.March 2, 1890?
z.March 10, 1890
aa.April 16, 1890
bb.April 25, 1890
cc.May 2, 1890
dd.May 14, 1890
ee.May 28, 1890
ff.Dec. 22, 1890
gg.Dec. 30, 1890
hh.Jan. 12, 1891
ii.Jan. 29, 1891
jj.Feb. 10, 1891
kk.Feb. 26, 1891
ll.March 6, 1891
mm.March 19, 1891
nn.March 25, 1891
oo.April 2, 1891
pp.April 9, 1891
qq.April 24, 1891
rr.April 27, 1891
ss.June 17, 1891
tt.June 24, 1891
4B. Mary to Fannie McFarland (1892-1894)
a.Jan. 4, 1892
b.Feb. 9, 1892?
c.Feb. 19, 1892
d.Feb. 25, 1892
e.March 21, 1892
f.Oct. 16, 1892
g.Oct. 28, 1892
h.Nov. 1, 1892
i.Nov. 10, 1892
j.Nov. 17, 1892?
k.Nov. 23, 1892?
l.Nov. 29, 1892?
m.Dec. 2, 1892
n.Dec. 7, 1892
o.Dec. 12, 1892
p.Dec. 16, 1892
q.Dec. 22, 1892?
r.Dec. 26, 1892
s.Dec. 30, 1892
t.Jan. 13, 1893
u.Feb. 3, 1893
v.March 3, 1893?
w.March 10, 1893?
x.March 16, 1893?
y.Dec. 18, 1893?
z.Dec. 23, 1893
aa.Dec. 27, 1893
bb.Feb. 21, 1894
cc.Dec. 13, 1894
dd.Dec. 20, 1894
4C. Mary to Fannie McFarland (1896-1899)
a.Jan. 13, 1896
b.Feb, 4, 1896
c.Feb. 13, 1896
d.Feb. 18, 1896
e.Feb. 27, 1896
f.March 3, 1896
g.March 11, 1896
h.April 1, 1896
i.April 7, 1896?
j.April 30, 1896
k.April 20, 1896?
l.May 9, 1896
m.May 21, 1896
n.June 4, 1896
o.June 19, 1896
p.Feb. 24, 1897
q.May 22, 1897
r.Jan. 2, 1899
s.Feb. 7, 1899
5. Fannie to Robert McFarland (1874-94)
a."The Persian Kitty" (Printed Poem)
b.Sept. 21, 1874
c.Sept. 27, 1874
d.Oct. 11, 1874
e.Dec. 19, 1874
f.June 6, 1875
g.July 29, 1891?
h.Aug. 22, 1891
i.May 19, 1894
6. Lizzie McFarland to R.W. McFarland (1874-95, and undated)
a.Short note (looks like it was written when she was a little child), (n.d.)
b.Oct. 28, 1874
c.Nov. 20, 1874
d.Dec. 4, 1874
e.Feb. 2, 1875
f.April 12, 1875
g.May 23, 1875
i.Dec. 11, 1890
j.Dec. 11, 1890
k.Dec. 12, 1890
l.Dec. 17, 1895
7. Lizzie to Fannie McFarland (1888-99)
a.3 Undated Letters
b.March 10, no year
c.Nov. 19, 1888
d.Jan. 6, 1891
e.Feb. 17, 1891
f.April 15, 1891
g.July 2, 1891
h.Dec. 12, 1891
i.Nov. 6, 1892
j.Dec. 18, 1892
k.Dec. 28, 1892
l.March 4, 1899
m.March 20, 1899
8A. Miscellaneous Family Letters (unknown dates):
a. "Dear Cousins..." (signature unclear)
b. "Dear Aunt..." from Fannie
c. "Dear Sister Mary..." (no signature)
d. "Daughter I friendly..." from R.W.McFarland
e. To Fannie from Laura Udell Elliott
f. "Dear Anna..." from Elizabeth McFarland
g. "It is recorded..." (no signature)
8B. "A Biographical Sketch of Hugh Smart," by S.A. Woodmannsee, 1920
9. Letters to Fannie McFarland Bonham from Friends and relatives (1877-1927)
a. From Bell M.Coit, Cologne Germany (August 26, 1877)
b. From Josephine (Lindner) Gardner Cirenstar, England (September 8, 1885)
c. To "My Dear Children..." from Grandma Gene (March 6, n.y.)
d. "Our Clique in Oxford..." (July 30 , 1879)
e. From E.P. Osborn and Dr. C. Thompson (June 30, 1887)
f. April 19, 1891: (signature unclear)
g. Order of Worship from the Central Union Church, Honolulu (July 21, 1901)
h. From Los Angeles, California (signature unclear)(January 25, 1925)
i. From Mrs Filson, Cleveland, Ohio (November 3, 1926)
k.Christmas Card from Mrs. S.K. Norton (December 7, 1927)
l. Christmas Card from Mrs. Lillian Aldrich Thayer (December 19, 1927)
10. Smart Family
a. Holograph birth list
b. Holograph marriage list
c. Obituary for Robert Beresfort Smart. (Cousin of Mary McFarland)
d. Telegram to R.W. McFarland from A.J. Smart
e. Obituary for Elizabeth Smart (Mary McFarland's mother)
f. Memoir for Elizabeth Smart
11A. Newspaper clippings concerning R.W. McFarland and relatives (1886-1925, and undated)
a. "Fatal Accident: Sad Death of Couvier Colvin..." (n.d.)
b. "T.S. McFarland, [R.W.'sbrother]of Cable, Champaign county, writing..." (n.d.)
c. Fannie McFarland in a play at O.S.U. (n.d.)
d. Obituary for Mrs. Cynthia Ann McFarland Gibbs (Sister of R.W. McFarland)
e. Pearl Wedding of Betsy McFarland Nichols (Sister of R.W. McFarland), 1886
f. "Wedding Bells: Miss Fannie S. McFarland Becomes Mrs. Llewellyn Bonham (1889?)
g. Marriage of Fannie McFarland Oxford Citizen, (Sept. 12, 1889)
h. "Reunion of the Gibbs and M'Farland Families..." (September 6, 1894)
i. Obituary for Mary McFarland (February 23, 1907)
j. "Career of J.R. McFarland..." (April 1912)
k. Newspaper Picture of the Bonham House after the tornado in 1925
11B. Letters from persons unable to attend Fannie McFarland's wedding (1889)
a. Ethelbert D. Warfield (1889)
b. Warren Ethel? (September 8, 1889)
c. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Elliot (September 9, 1889)
d.William E. Guy? (September 10, 1889)
e. Mr. and Mrs. Jewett E. Rickris?(September 12, 1889)
f. Samuel F. Hunt? (September 20, 1889)
12. Mary Smart memory book inscribed by classmates in Greenfield, OH (1842-1846)
13A. Account book begun by Fannie McFarland Bonham
13B. Fannie McFarland Memorabilia (1880, 1896, and undated)
a. Birthday Book of American Poets. Edited by Almira L. Hayward. Boston: James R. Osgood, 1880.
b. Address book and calendar
c. Weeks' French-English and English-French Vest-Pocket Dictionary. Chicago: E.A. Weeks, 1896
13C. Fannie McFarland Memorabilia
a. Autograph book
b. Note book
13D. Fannie McFarland Memorabilia
a. Notes on European History
b. Oxford Musical Club Notes
13E. Faniie McFarland Memorabilia
a. Card from the Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Company
b. Card from the Amusement Club, Feb. 12, 1887
c. Newspaper picture of J. R. McFarland (R.W.'s brother)
d. Picture of Fannie Woodword? (Sister of R.W. McFarland)
e. Picture of Mr. and Mrs. Bonham, Miss Sara Norris? and other not identified people
f.Picture of Prof. Hollenshade
g. Postcard of a "new" Hall of Residence for Western College, Oxford, Ohio
i. Woodcut: Oxford Retreat
j. Newspaper clipping with picture on J.R. McFarland
14. Fannie McFarland Bonham Diaries/Daybooks (1883-1930)
14A. 1883-1886
14B. 1887-1890
14C. 1891-1894
14D. 1895-1899
14E. 1901-1903
14F. 1904, 1905, 1907
14G. 1907-1910
14H. 1911-1913
14I. 1914, 1915, 1918, 1930
14J. Lynn Bonham Diaries/Daybooks 1913, 1914
15. Miscellany
a. Notes by Lizzie McFarland re. the history of Oxford Female Institute and Oxford Female Collge written for Olive Flower (Spring 1930)
b. Notes re. members of McFarland and Dorsey families who served in the armed forces (n.d.)
c.. Notebook "A New Year for 1916"
[B] 3 Photographs
a. Picture taken on Mackinac Island
b. Picture taken at the Lovers Ridge, Oxford
c. Picture of the Miami President's House.
Faculty; McFarland, Robert White; Files; Robert McFarland Materials; 1843-1912, and undated; [2A-B-6B]
Robert McFarland Materials
Muster List
1. Simon Kenton
2. McFarland Autobiography
3. Some Account of Literary Work/Autobiography
4. Chronology
5. Forts Laramie and Pickawillany
6. General Order to troops, Aug. 26, 186[?]
7. Roster Co. A 86th OUI Aug. 13, 1862
8a. Muster- Bound Roster Co.A 86th OUI, 1862; Roster of soldiers frfom Oxford Township
8b-t. Civil War Manuscripts
8u-v.. Civil War- Report on spies in Oxford
8w-x. Civil War- National Union Association
8aa-ff. Civil War- June 1862- Sept. 1862
8gg-jj. Civil War, Apr. 1865- May 1897
9. Muster- Civil War- Record of Clothing issued Co. A 86th OUI, Jun. 1862
10. Muster- Civil War- Text of Orders from Col. Burns, Commander 86th OUI, Jun. 1862
11. "The Surrender of Cumberland Gap" Publication and Manuscript
12. Misc. Plan of a Railroad from Sharon to Richmond
13. Misc. 1865-80
13b. Civil War roster, Capt. R.W. McFarland listed
14a. Mathematical, astronomical, and meteorological calculations, tables, notes, etc.
14b. Perpetual Calendar notes by McF.
14c. Greenfield O. ("Something from Greenwich") Antrim, OH
14d. Eclipse Aug. 7, 1869; Cumberland Gap; Oxford, Oh; Mt. Vernon, Ky
14e. Eclipses July 29, 1878, Cinn. Oh
14f. Total Eclipse, May 28, 1900
14g. Declination; arcs at various latitudes
14h. Sunday Creek Coal Co. Report and Worksheets by McF.
14j. Notes on astronomy and math 1878; also student papers
14k. Demonstration of Geometrical Proposition by Clark Braden A.B.
14i. Notes on Astronomy and Math 1878; also student papers
15. Paper roll- Survey for projected railway
Faculty; McFarland, Robert White;Miscellaneous Correspondence and Papers; Robert McFarland Materials; 1840-1912, and undated; [2A-B-6C]
Miscellaneous Correspondence and Papers
1.A) Academic and Professional Correspondence and Papers, (1847-1888, bulk 1847-54)
Letters to McFarland
[a] From Joseph Ray, Oct. 22, 1847
[b] H.M. Johnson, March 8, 1849
[c] Wm. G. Williams, April 7, 1849
[d] H.M. Johnson, June 14, 1849
[e] H.M. Johnson, March 22, 1850
[f] H.M. Johnson, Sept? 1, 1850
[g] [Wm.G.?] Williams, July 22, 1850
[h] Joseph Ray, May 2nd, 1852
[i] F. Merrick, L.D. McCabe, Wm.G. Williams, Thos.D. Crow to Trustees of Blind Asylum Columbus: Recommend McF as teacher of Math, May 25, 1852
[j] I.E. Buck: Recommends McF as a teacher of Math, May 26, 1852
[k] Joseph Ray: Discourses on math tests and teaching
[l] F. Merrick, May 19, 1854
[m] Phi Sigma Magazine, Jan., 1857
[n] [Wm?] G. Williams, Dec. 24 1870
[o] Joseph Millikin, June 26, 1876
[p] Feb. 1, 1888
1.B) Academic and Professional Correspondence and Papers, (1901-08, and undated)
[a] Webster Thomas, July 11, 1901
[b] Webster Thomas, Aug. 10, 1901
[c] Webster Thomas, Aug. 14, 1901
[d] Signature unidentified, Aug. 18, 1907
[e] Alston Ellis: Miami Alumni reporting to McF on progress of Ohio U. in Athens, Oct. 9, 1907
[f] W. Brooks, Nov. 21, 1907
[g] W. Brooks, Dec. 14, 1907
[h] M.T. Thompson, April 17, 1908
[i] Invitation for Cenntenial Celebration of Institution of Miami University in 1809, July 7, 1908
[j] Jay McClenahan, July 13, 1908
[k] J.D. Stone, July 16, 1908
[l] H.U. Peairs, Oct. 6, 1908
[m] Ready Reference Calendar (torn out page)
[n] C.E. Sherman, Nov. 13, 1908
[o] W.W. Payne, Dec. 30, 1908
[p] John W. Russ: "Ladies and Gentlemen...," (n.d.)
[q] Table of received books and their price, part of a letter from unidentified person, (n.d.)
[r] Musical Table for recorder, by T.D. Crow
[s] Scrap of paper with calcualtions
[t] Solution to a physics problem
[u] 3 answering sheets to a physics tests
2. Records on Surveying (1866-78, and undated)
[a] J.S. Humphrey: Div. Engineer surveyors record for the Columbus+North Western Railway, West of Urbana, (n.d.)
[b] R.W. McFarland's Book of Surveys, 1866-1874
[c] The Aneroid Barometer its Construction and Use. Compiled from Several Sources. New York: D. Van Nostrand, 1878.
3.A) Newspaper Clips (1912, and undated)
[a] "Astronomical Notes" from the Cincinnati Commercial
[b] The Eastern Dealer in Implements and Vehicles, Philadephia, April 11, 1912: "A Veteran Passes Away: Col. J.R. McFarland Dies at His Harrisburg Home."
3.B) Newspaper Clips (1849-1909)
[a] The Delta, Nov. 27, 1849: "The Lost Louisiana" (Poem)
[b] Obituary Notice, Oct. 2, 1851: William Creighton
[c] Commercial Gazette, July 27, 1878: "Eclipse of the Sun, July 29" by R.W. McFarland
[d] Ohio State Journal, Jan. 28, 1879: "Agricultural Lectures"
[e] Aug., 1880: "Perihelion+Eccentricity of Earth's Orbit"
[f] July 6, 1883: "The Sun-Storm"
[g] 1883?: Review of R.W. McFarland's Surrender of Cumberland Gap
[h] 1883?: Note about McFarland's Lecture on "Section Lines and County Boundries"
[i] Commercial Gazette, April 15, 1883: King James vs. Revised ed.
[j] Commercial Gazette, June 30, 1883: Phi Beta Kappa Address to the Harvard Chapter by Charles Francis Adams
[k] The Dispatch?, Dec.? 1883: "A Question Raised to the Date of Their Landing." McFarland criticized by 'Yankee.'
[l] The Dispatch, Jan. 1, 1884 (Date the letter was written): "A Replay to 'Yankee'" by McFarland.
[m] The Dispatch, Jan. 4, 1884 (Date the letter was written): "Landing of the Pilgrims" by "Yankee."
[n] The Dispatch, Jan. 14, 1884 (Date the letter was written): "Landing of the Pilgrims" by McFarland.
[o] Suburban News, Oxford, 188?: Mcfarland not given chair for astronomy and mathematics after retiring from Presidency.
[p] Oct. 11, 1892?: "A Question of Dates" by R.W. McFarland.
[q] Oct. 14, 1892: "Some Points on Chronology" by R.W. McFarland.
[r] Feb. 12, 1909: "A Tribute to Col. N.B. Morrison.
[s] Feb. 26, 1920: "Death of W.B. Adams."
[t] "Be Gentle with thy Wife" (Poem n.d.)
[u] "The Prayer of the Betrothed" (poem n.d.)
[v] "Keeshan's Dr. Bonner's Blood and Liver Pills" (n.d.)
[w] McFarland on his method to find any day of the week for a given day of any month in any year.
[x] "Does the Equator Move?" (n.d.)
[y] "Our McFarland Number" (n.d.)
[z] Picture of Simon Kenton
3. Student Records, Map, Astronomical Publications (1848-1906, and undated)
[a] Map of the Great Lakes with Light Houses along the Coasts marked, 1848.
[b] Student Records, 1879-1880.
[c] Summary of Meteorological Observations Taken at Urbana, Ohio, for the Year 1879.
[d] The Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle, March 13, 1879.
[e] Vennor's Weather Bulletin, March, 1883.
[f] Stockwell, John N. On the Inequalities in the Moon's Motion Arising from the Oblateness of the Earth. Lynn, Mass.: Thos. P. Nichols, (n.d.).
[g] Stockwell, John N. Eclipse-Cycles. Reprinted from the Astronomical Journal, n. 504. Lynn, Mass.: Thos. P. Nichols Press, 1901.
[h] "The Story of the General," 1906.
[i] Should Students be Included in Future Sessions? (n.d.).
5. R.W. McFarland's Account Books (1873-85, and undated
[a] Account Book, 1873
[b] 1883
[c] 1885
[d] undated
6. Business Records (1851-1906)
[a] Receipt for Payment of $5.50 from A.W. Perly+Co., May 5, 1851.
[b] Financial Statement from Ohio Trust Co., Aug. 26, 1854.
[c] Letter from D.S. Smart concerning order for 10,000 ft. of lumber (planks) at 50 cents per 100ft, May 5, 1857.
[d] R.W. McFarland asks Justice Crawford to collect $8 owed by Isaac Sloat, July 21, 1862.
[e] D.J. Smart sends receipt for payment received and given to Mrs. Smart.
[f] Insurance Policy for house on the outlot #71, Jan. 3, 1874.
[g] Insurance Policy for house and furniture, Jan. 3, 1875.
[h] Insurance Policy for house on outlot #8, Jan. 4, 1875.
[i] Receipt for $4.25 paid to Deshler Literary Society, June 4, 1875.
[j] Receipt for $5.00 subbscription, June 26, 1876.
[k] Signed agreement to pay for survey of route for railroad from Point Marblehead to Wanbury Station, Ohio, June 5, 1878.
[l] Payments to men who worked on survey, 1878.
[m] Announcement of re-opening of Miami University, Sept. 17, 1885.
[n] Bill for two pairs of shoes and bottle of blacking, May 26, 1888.
[o] Wilbure Woodward paying for "trouble he has given." On the Backside: Quote from Howe's New History of Ohio.
[p] Receipt for rental payment for P.O. box.
[q] Statement for $100 paid to Hinckley Smith, attorney and counselor at law, Jan. 18, 1906.
7.A) Addresses to the Literary Society, Ohio (1845-61, and undated)
[a] McF. refutes belief in predestination, (n.d.)
[b] Fourth of July Oration
[c] "Tribute to Washington-W.H. Harrison," June 14, 1845.
[d] In Praise of Washington, 1845.
[e] Memory its Value and Aspects, 1845.
[f] Defense of the study of English language and politics rather than Greek and Latin, Nov. 1, 1845.
[g] "Variety is the Spice of Life," May 1, 1846.
[h] "Exhortation toward living up to ideals of the society," June 12, 1846.
[i] "In Praise of Noble Goals and Ideals," Sept., 1846.
[j] McF. Urges Audience to Vote for Bebb, Oct. 8, 1846.
[k] "Happiness," Dec. 11, 1846.
[l] Presidential Valedictory Address, Oct. 20, 1846.
[m] On the Approaching War with Mexico, 1847.
[n] "On the Dignity and Utility of the Philosophy of the Mind," Feb. 18, 1847.
[o] Scholarships as a means of enrichment in old age, March 5, 1847.
[p] "The Benefits of Science," 1847?
[q] "The Spirit of Reform," July 18, 1847.
[r] "Remarks to the Students of Berkshire Academy:" Exhortation to graduates on 'learning,' March 24, 1848.
[s] "For the Missionary Lyceum, Greenfield, Ohio:" On the benevolence giving and the sacrefices of the missionary, July 10, 1848.
[t] "True Learning:" Urges pursuit of intellectual fame, Aug. 8, 1848.
[u] On Byron's life and peotry, Nov. 4, 1848.
[v] Columbus as a role model, Nov. 10, 1849.
[w] The Teacher in Society, July 23, 1850.
[x] Welcome to a group of educators. Meeting is "commemorative of the useful and polite studies," 185?.
[y] Adress before the Alumni of the Ohio Wesleyan University celebrating the Anniversity of the University, July 24, 1861.
7.B) Poems written by McFarland (1845-51, and undated)
[a] "Fame," July 31, 1845.
[b] [The Warrior], Feb. 1845.
[c] "Spring," May 4, 1845.
[d] "Impromptu, On seeing 'The Summer Evenning,'" July 25, 1845.
[e] "For the Olentangy [?] Gazette," Sept., 1845.
[f] "The Battle of Trenton," Oct. 7, 1845.
[g] "Acrostic," Dec., 1845.
[h] "July 4, 1846."
[i] "To Miss E.P.," Sept., 1846.
[j] "January," Jan. 6, 1847.
[k] "The Sailor's Return," Jan. 10, 1847.
[l] "May," April 25, 1847.
[m] "Dirge," July 27, 1847.
[n] "Truth-Falsehood," Oct. 26, 1847.
[o] "Washington," 1847.
[p] "Youth's Dream," Feb. 26, 1848.
[q] "For Miss E.A. V's Album," Apr. 23, 1849.
[r] Verses written for memory books of female friends, 1846-1849.
[s] "The Old Maid's Declaration," Aug. 1850.
[t] "On the Death of Sarah Watson," "Dedication for Mag. Loofbourrow's Album," and "For Martha Buck's Album," Oct.-Dec., 1850.
[u] "For Miss Susan Barger's Album," Dec. 26, 1850.
[v] "Great Calamity," Dec., 1850.
[w] "The Mother's Grave," and "Machine Poetry," Jan., 1851.
[x] "Dedication written for Miss Clark's Album," Nov. 8, 1851.
[y] "Febuary 22." (n.y.)
[z] A poem on New Years Day. (n.d.)
[aa] "Carrier's Address to the Patrons of the Citizen and Gazette," (n.d.).
[bb] "Sonnet on Hearing an Aiolian," (n.d.).
[cc] Poem on Greek Gods, (n.d.).
[dd] Epitaph written by Collins, (n.d.).
[ee] Untitled Poem, (n.d.).
7.C) Essays and Literary Exercises (1844-51, and undated)
[a] "Lupus videns opiliones...," Dec. 9, 1843.
[b] Translation from Sallust, Dec. 16, 1843.
[c] Latin text, Jan. 20, 1844.
[d] Europa ominis habitabilis...," Jan. 13, 1844.
[e] Comments of Charles XII of Sweden, Feb. 1, 1844.
[f] "Per Baeticam...," Feb., 1844.
[g] Quote from Cicero, Feb. 4, 1844.
[h] "Jurditania contiqua...," Feb., 1844.
[i] "Pages from journal of a South African traveler," and "The Ohio River," a poem, April, 1844.
[j] The Race of Cyrus, May 24, 1844.
[k] Translation Euterpe, June 15, 1844.
[l] Extract from Ossiaris Fingae, June 29, 1844.
[m] Latin text, probably commposed at Augusta College, 1844.
[n] Latin passages on the United States with translation into English, May 10, 1845.
[o] Extract from the scrap book of Mr. [Ore?]: Essay on the term "Indian Summer," May 13, 1845.
[p] Soliloqui on parting from friends and at Augusta College, Ky, June 30, 1845.
[q] English grammar and linguistics, Sept. 11, 1845.
[r] Passage from Hesiod, Oct., 1845.
[s] Essay on the geological theories of "drift," Oct. 25, 1845.
[t] Theory of Ideas: Reason, Imagination, Classification, Abstraction, Nov. 3, 1845.
[u] Thoughts on human frailty and the passing of the seasons, Dec. 31, 1845.
[v] "Scene at one of the Friendly Isles," 1845?.
[w] "A Tale of Olden Time," June 21, 1846.
[x] On Rhetoric, July 28, 1846.
[y] "Synopsis of Upham's Mental Science," July, 29, 1846.
[z] "Speculative Thoughts on America," Aug., 1846.
[aa] On Daniel Boone's rescue of his daughter from Indian captors, Oct. 31, 1846.
[bb] On public opinion and public service, Nov. 4, 1846.
[cc] "The Bible," as aguide to the good life, Nov. 11, 1846.
[dd] Essay, Nov. 17, 1846.
[ee] Passages in Latin for "sophomore and freshman class," 1846?.
[ff] Ossian as an inspiration to achievment, 1846?.
[gg] Essay in defense of classical studies, 1846?.
[hh] Abstract of Jewish History from 1921 B.C.-1451 B.C., Jan. 25, 1847.
[ii] "Permanence of Literary Fame," May 15, 1847.
[jj] "Decision of Character," May 19, 1847.
[kk] Introduction to a textbook on the Bible, 1847?.
[ll] Satire on Greenfield-Salem Political Oratory, and "The Philomathean," Jan., 1851.
[mm] Notes on Virgil's Aeneid, 1850? (McF. published a textbook edition of virgil in the 1850s.
[nn] "Map of Canaan," (n.d.).
[oo] Comment on Homer, (n.d.).
[pp] Translation of Metamorphoses Book II, (n.d.).
[qq] Comment on "inellectual" versus "physical" achievement, (n.d.).
[rr] "Iberia major pars...," (n.d.).
7.D) Essays and Outlines (1845-47)
[a] "An Incident in the History of Ky.," Oct., 1846.
[b] Compostition on the novice writer, Nov. 18, 1846.
[c] "Know then this truth, Mesmerism," Dec. 19, 1846.
[d] "Was the American Revolution Right?..." 1846?.
[e] "Ruins of Greece," 1846?.
[f] Essay on qualities which are essential to manhood in terms of behavior, Feb. 26, 1847.
[g] "The World is still deceived with ornament," May 8, 1847.
[h] Comment on a passage from Shakespeare, June 6, 1847.
[i] Outline of Jewish History, 1847?.
[j] Latin and Greek passages copied, (n.d.).
8. Comments on articles in publications and drafts for McF.'s articles (1895-96, and undated)
[a] Calculations of Eclipses for Mar. 25, 1876, May 28, 1900.
[b] Critiques an article on Symmes Hole in the Popular Science Monthly, Aug., 1895.
[c] Chronological Notes, Nov. 1896.
[d] Corrects errors in an article by Moorehead in Ohio Archeological and Historical Society Quarterly on Indian Wars in Ohio.
[e] Chronology I, 189?.
[f] Chronological Notes II, 189?.
[g] Refutes statements made in an article on Eclipses and Chronology made in the Astronomical Journal, (n.d.).
[h] On courtly boundaries in Ohio, (n.d.).
[i] "Cumberland Gap: An Incident in the East Tennessee Campaign, 1863," (n.d.).
[j] Draft of article on Calendar for Astronomical Journal.
9. Letters from Eliza V. Deman (1848-62)
[a] Oct. 27, 1848
[b] Feb. 16, 1849
[c] March 8, 1849
[d] June 4, 1849
[e] Nov. 6, 1849
[f] Feb. 15, 1850
[g] Oct. 8, 1850
[h] Dec., 1850
[i] Apr. 24, 1851
[j] Aug. 5, 1851
[k] Aug. 20, 1851?
[l] Sept. 11, 1851
[m] 2 undated letters probably 1851?
[n] Mar. 29, 1852
{o] 1852?
[p] June 13, 1853
[q] Nov. 17, 1853?
[r] July 15, 1854
[s] April 15, 1855
[t] Sept., 1855?
[u] June 20, 1855?
[v] Aug. 6, 185?
[W] 2 letters undated probably 185?.
[x] July 21, 1862
10.A) Letters from R.W. McFarland to Mary Smart McFarland (1849-53)
[a] Apr. 1, 1849
[b] Apr. 13, 1849
[c] July 19, 1849?
[d] Sept. 10, 1849
[e] Dec. 26, 1849?
[f] 3 letters probably 1849?
[g] Feb. 21, 1850
[h] Mar. 30, 1850
[i] Apr. 11, 1850
[j] Apr. 21, 1850
[k] July 1, 1850
[l] July 17, 1850
{m} Aug. 11, 1850
[n] Sept. 3, 1850
[o] 2 letters undated probably 1850?.
[p] Jan. 10, 1851
[q] June 20, 1851
[r] June 25, 1851
[s] July 1, 1851
[t] Aug. 1, 1851?
[u] Aug. 5, 1851?
[v] 3 letters undated probably 1851?.
[w] Jan. 3, 1852
[x] Aug. 24, 1852?
[y] Nov. 21, 1852?
[z] Dec. 9, 1851
[aa] Dec. 16, 1852
[bb] Dec. 19, 1852
[cc] 2 letters undated probably 1852?.
[dd] Jan. 9, 1853
[ee] Jan. 16, 1853
[ff] Mar. 15, 1853?
[gg] Mar. 22, 1853?
[hh] Mar. 29, 1853?
[ii] July 29, 1853
[jj] 4 letters undated probably 1853?.
[kk] Pack of envelopes
10.B) R.W. McFarland to Mary McFarland (1859-63)
[a] July 19, 1859
[b] July 25, 1859
[c] 1859?
[d] July 13, 1860
[e] July 23, 1860
[f] July 18, 1860
[g] July, 1860?
[h] Aug., 1860?
[i] 1860?
[j] June 5, 1862?
[k] June 8, 1862
[l] June 10, 1862?
[m] June 15, 1862
[n] June 25, 1862
[o] July 4, 1862?
[p] July 8, 1862?
[q] July 11, 1862
[r] July 13, 1862
[s] July 16, 1862
[t] July 18, 1862
[u] July 20, 1862
[v] July 22, 1862
[w] July 24, 1862
[x] July 27, 1862
[y] July 29, 1862
[z] July 21, 1862
[aa] Aug. 2, 1862
[bb] Aug. 13, 1862
[cc] Aug. 4, 1862
[dd] Aug. 8, 1862
[ee] Aug. 10, 1862
[ff] Aug. 11, 1862
[gg] Aug. 17, 1862
[hh] Aug. 18, 1862
[ii] Aug. 20, 1862
[jj] Aug. 21, 1862
[kk] Aug. 22, 1862
[ll] Aug. 23, 1862
[mm] Aug. 24, 1862
[nn] Aug. 25, 1862
[oo] Aug. 27, 1862
[pp] Aug. 29, 1862
[qq] Aug. 30, 1862
[rr] Sept. 2, 1862
[ss] Sept. 4, 1862
[tt] Sept. 6, 1862
[uu] Sept. 7, 1862
[vv] Nov. 22, 1863
10.C) R.W. McFarland to Mary McFarland (April-June 1874)
[a] Apr. 12, 1874?
[b] Apr. 15, 1874?
[c] Apr. 19, 1874
[d] Apr. 26, 1874
[e] May 9, 1874
[f] May 17, 1874
[g] May 25, 1874
[h] May 31, 1874
[i] June 2, 1874
[j] June 8, 1874
[k] June 14, 1874
[l] June 21, 1874
10.D) McFarland to Mary McFarland (September-December 1874)
[a] Sept. 20, 1874
[b] Sept. 22, 1874
[c] Sept. 26, 1874
[d] Oct. 1, 1874
[e] Oct. 6, 1874
[f] Oct. 10, 1874
[g] Oct. 15, 1874
[h] Oct. 20, 1874
[i] Oct. 25, 1874
[j] Nov. 1, 1874
[k] Nov. 10, 1874
[l] Nov. 15, 1874
[m] Nov. 18, 1874
[n] Dec. 3, 1874
[o] Dec. 6, 1874
[p] Dec. 14, 1874?
[q] Dec. 20, 1874
10.E) McFarland to Mary McFarland (1875)
[a] Jan. 6, 1875
[b] Jan. 10, 1875
[c] Jan. 18, 1875
[d] Jan. 25, 1875
[e] Feb. 8, 1875
[f] Feb. 23, 1875
[g] Mar. 1, 1875
[h] Mar. 3, 1875
[i] Mar. 8, 1875
[j] Mar. 15, 1875
[k] Mar. 22, 1875
[l] Mar. 25, 1875
[m] Apr. 7, 1875
[n] Apr. 10, 1875
[o] Apr. 11, 1875
[p] Apr. 12, 1875
[q] Apr. 14, 1875
[r] Apr. 22, 1875
[s] Apr. 25, 1875
[t] May 3, 1875
[u] May 9, 1875
[v] May 12, 1875
[w] May 17, 1875
[x] May 20, 1875
[y] May 23, 1875?
[z] June 1, 1875?
[aa] June 3, 1875
[bb] June 5, 1875
[cc] June 6, 1875?
[dd] June 6, 1875
[ee] June 7, 1875 (letter not directly addressed to Mary)
[ff] June 8, 1875
[gg] June 9, 1875
[hh] June 15, 1875
[ii] June 16, 1875
[jj] Nov. 22, 1875
[kk] March 9, 1890
[ll] Mar. 23, 1890
[mm] Apr. 6, 1890
11. R.W. McFarland to Lizzie Miller (1850-67?)
[a] May 17, 1850
[b] June 4, 1850
[c] July 6, 1850
[d] Autumn, 1850
[e] Dec. 11, 1850
[f] 1851?
[g] Jan. 15, 1851
[h] Feb. 14, 1851
[i] Feb. 23, 1851
[j] Mar. 5, 1851
[k] April 24, 1851
[l] July 9, 1867
[m] 1867?
12.A) Letters adressed to "Mac" (presumably from Eliza Van Deman) and newspaper clippings (1848-49)
[a] June 15, 1849
[b] June 23, 1849
{c] Clipping: Order of Exercises for the Exhibition of the Sabbath School Scholars of the Methodist Episcopal Church, June 19, 1849. Little notecard
[d] July 28, 1849
[e] Aug. 16, 1849
[f] Oct., 1849
[g] First page seems to be missing, (n.d.).
[h] Undated Letter
[i] Note from Van Demans looking forward to see McF. (Two Cards from Van Deman and J.E. Buck
[j] Newspaper Clippings: Announcements
[k] Newspaper Clippings: Poetry
12.B) Letters to "Mac" [probably from Eliza Van Deman] (1850)
[a] January 10, 1850
[b] April 1850
[c] June 12, 1850?
[d] August 16, 1850
[e] Oct. 18, 1850
[f] Nov. 1850
[h] Undated Letters
12.C) Letters to "Mac" (Eliza Van Deman), 1851-1854
[a] January, 1851
[b] Feb., 1851? (Two Newspaper Clippings attached)
[c] June, 18, 1851 (Newspaper Clipping with poem attached)
[d] 1851
[e] Feb., 1852
[f] Exhibition of the Under Graduates of the Ohio Wesleyan University, April 7, 1852
[g] May 4, 1852?
[h] May, 1852
[i] Oct., 1853
[j] Feb. 27, 1854 (attached Exhibition of the Junior Class of the Ohio Wesleyan University)
[k] Dec. 25, 1854
[l] 5 undated letters
[m] Newspaper Clippings: Poetry.
Faculty; McFarland, Robert White; McFarland and Lllewellyn Bonham Correspondence and Materials Received from the Estate of C. William Kerr, 1855-1944, and undated, mainly 1863-1906; Robert McFarland Materials; 1843-1912, and undated; [2A-B-7C]
I. McFarland Civil War Correspondence, 1863-64
1. Letters to McFarland from family members (1863-64, and undated) [Letters from his wife Mary McFarland except where noted]:
a. From Mary, Lizzie McFarland, and Fannie McFarland (September 20, 1863)
b. September 22, 1863
c. From Lizzie Mcfarland (October 25, 1863)
d. October 25, 1863
e. October 30, 1863
f. November 3, 1863
g. November 8, 1863
h. November 11, 1863
i. November 18, 1863
j. December 2, 1863
k. December 9, 1863
l. From Mary, Lizzie McFarland, and Fannie McFarland (December 13, 1863)
m. From Mary and Fannie McFarland (December 20, 1863)
n. December 27, 1863
o. January 22, 1864
p. January 25, 1864
q. From Mary and Lizzie McFarland (January 26, 1864?)
r. From "Mother Smart"[Mary McFarland's mother] (n.d.)
2. Civil War and Court Martial Correspondence (1863)
a. Court Martial Correspondence (November 1863) [3 letters]
b. From J. R. Smith (December 21, 1863)
II. Assorted McFarland Correspondance and Materials, 1874-1944, and undated
3. Letters to R.W.McFarland in Columbus, OH from Mary, Lizzie, and Fannie McFarland (1874) [Letters from Mary McFarland, except where noted]:
a. April 9, 1874(?)
b. April 14, 1874
c. May 5, 1874(?)
d. May 8, 1874
e. May 17, 1874
f. May 27, 1874(?)
g. From Fannie McFarland (June 1, 1874)
h. June 2, 1874
i. June 10, 1874
j. From Lizzie McFarland(June 11, 1874)
k. From Fannie McFarland (June 19, 1874)
4. Letters to R.W. McFarland (1880-99)
a. From Mary McFarland (December 14 (?))
b. From Mary McFarland (August 5, 1880)
c. From Mary McFarland(August 8, 1882)
d. From Llewellyn Bonham (April 16, 1899)
e. From Fannie McFarland (June 26, 1899)
5. Letters to Mary McFarland from R.W. McFarland while in Coning, OH (1892-94)
a. April 17, 1892
b. April 24, 1892(?)
c. May 8, 1892(?)
d. May 23, 1892
e. May 29, 1892
f. June 5, 1892
g. April 12, 1894
h. April 15, 1894 (?)
i. April 22, 1894
j. May 13, 1894
k. May 20, 1894
l. May 27, 1894
m. June 10, 1894
n. June 17, 1894
o. July 8, 1894
p. July 15, 1894
q. July 29, 1894
r. August 5, 1894
s. May 8, (?)
6. Letters to Mary McFarland from R.W. McFarland while in Coning, OH (1895-96)
a. May 17, 1895
b. May 19, 1895
c. May 21, 1895
d. May 26, 1895
e. May 28, 1895
f. April 19, 1896
g. April 25, 1896
h. May 1, 1896
i. May 12, 1896
j. May 17, 1896
k. May 22, 1896
7. Letters and clippings relating to Ohio State University (1881-1903)
a. To R.W. McFarland from James Clark (professor at OSU?) (January 31, 1868)
b. From R.W. McFarland while at OSU to the President of Ohio Wesleyan University (October 1, 1881)
c. To Board of Trustees of OSU from H. Sabine (November 19, 1888)
d. Copy of letter of recommendation to OSU from the Trustees of Miami University (January 30, 1892)
e. To R.W. McFarland from E.O. Randall from the Ohio State Archaelogical and Historical Society (Auguest 11, 1902)
f. To R.W. McFarland from Alexis Cope, Secretary of the Board of Truestees of OSU (April 3, 1903)
g. Letters to the Editor of the Ohio State Journal (1874-75)
8. Letters to R.W. McFarland from John Witherspoon Scott (1892)
a. March 14, 1892
b. March 24, 1892
c. April 2, 1892
9. Croll Letters and Materials (1875-95, and undated)
a. From Robert Croll (August 8, 1876)
b. From Robert Croll (November 8, 1876)
c. From Robert Croll (June 21, 1879)
d. From Robert Croll (April 14, 1880)
e. From Robert Croll (September 8, 1880)
f. From Robert Croll (April 3, 1882)
g. From Robert Croll (April 24, 1883)
h. From Robert Croll (April 6, 1884)
i. From (?)Irons (January 30, 1895)
j. From (?) Irons (April 12, 1895)
k. "Mr. Croll's Climate and Time...Opinions of the Press." (n.d.)
l. "Letters to the Editor" by James Croll in Nature (August 26, 1875)
10. Letters to R.W. McFarland from friends and collegues (1877-99)
a. From C.M. Clay (November 28, 1877)
b. From S.W.(?) Robinson (May 2, 1879)
c. From N.B.(?) Morrison (April 11, 1881)
d. From J.R. Collier (June 15, 1886)
e. From W.H. Chamberlin (June 26, 1886)
f. From Quincy Corwin(?) (June 28, 1886)
g. From R.A.T. Bishop (November 29, 1888)
h. From Rev. Sand Findley (December 14, 1888)
i. From Ben McFarland(?) (August 1, 1894)
j. From Joseph F. James (April 9, 1896)
k. From Samual W. Baleh (June 4, 1898)
l. From James W. Owens (June 19, 1898)
m. From W.A. Hunter (May 1, 1899)
n. From H.S.(?) Dickey (May 10, 1899)
o. From Oliver Holben (June 25, 1899)
p. From Gilbert H. Grosueuor (?) (November ?, 1899)
q. From Oliver Holben (December 29, 1899)
11. Letters to R.W. McFarland from friends and collegues (1900-03)
a. From Oliver Holben (January 6, 1900)
b. From (?) Rhodis; including article about Fort Recovery (January 14, 1900)
c. From J.H. Herdman; including article in the Central Christain Advocate (Febuary 15, 1900)
d. From John N. Stockwell (April 2, 1900)
e. From Oliver Holben (April 13, 1900)
f. From Frederick Grant (May 11, 1900)
g. From Erskin B. Fullerton (August 20, 1900)
h. From N.B. Morrison (August 20, 1900)
I. From Oliver Holben (October 30, 1900)
j. From Oliver Holben (December 23, 1900)
k. From John N. Stockwell (March 30, 1901)
l. From John N. Stockwell (April 17, 1901)
m. From John N. Stockwell (May 21, 1901)
n. From Jacob Hartz (March 8, 1902)
o. From Elizabeth H. Parker (September 1, 1902)
p. From J.K. Anderson (February 8, 1903)
q. From David Smart (May 13, 1903)
12. Letters to R.W. McFarland (1904-09, and undated)
a. From S.H. Hageman; including article writtin by Hageman (February 2, 1904)
b. From G.C. Fisher (September 19, 1905)
c. From National Geographic Society (February 1906)
d. From Oliver Holben (September 4, 1906)
e. From Gerard Fowke (October 7, 1906)
f. From Oliver Holben (December 24, 1906)
g. From Paul Carus (January 15, 1907)
h. From Oliver Holben (January 16, 1907)
i. From J.H. Herdman (February 8, 1907)
j. From Myron Shepard (February 24, 1907)
k. From Guy Potter Benton (February 25, 1907)
l. From W.J. McSurely (March 2, 1907)
m. From Whitlock (March 12, 1907)
n. From Laila S. M. Welsh (March 3, 1907)
o. From Gerard Fowke (April 25, 1907)
p. From A.N. Marquis and Company (May 3, 1909)
q. From A. Clark (n.d.)
r. Postcards (1902-1909)
13. Clippings and Academic Papers (1887, 1890, and undated)
a. Clippings labeled "Reuben H. MacDonald"
b. "Ancient Eclipses and Chronology"
c. "Ancient Works Near Oxford, Ohio." by R.W. McFarland (November 15, 1887)
d. Chart showing "Ancient Solar Eclipses" by J.N. Stockwell. (1890)
e. "The Indian Tribes of Ohio" R.W. McFarland
f. Announcement of naming of bronze tablet after R.W. McFarland
g. Envelopes
14. "The Surrender of Cumberland Gap." R.W. McFarland (March, 1898)[7 copies]
15. Newspaper Clippings and Obituaries (1855-1944, and undated)
a. Urbana Citizen and Gazette (March 30, 1855)
b. "The Eclipse," O.N. Stoddard (August 11, 1869)
c. Political Cartoon; Washington Post (May 31, 1891)
d. "Memoirs of Old Greenfield"; Greenfield Republican (Devember 13, 1906)
e. "Memoirs of Old Greenfield"; Greenfield Republican (December 20, 1906)
f. "Memoirs of Old Greenfield"; Greenfield Republican (December 27, 1906)
g. "Memoirs of Old Greenfield"; Greenfield Republican (January 27, 1907)
h. "Memoirs of Old Greenfield"; Greenfield Republican (January 31, 1907)
i. "Memoirs of Old Greenfield" (February 7, 1907)
j. Obituary, Mary McFarland (1907) (n.p.)
k. Obituary, Frances McFarland Bonham, Oxford Press (December 30, 1943)
l. Obituary, Llewelyn Bonham, Oxford Press (January 6, 1944)
m. Obituary, Mrs. Ploomy R. Clark (n.d.)
n. "Reason, For the Late Spring Explained." (n.d.)
o. Letter to the Editor from R.W. McFarland, Thomas C. Hearne, and R.S Lockwood (n.d.)
16. Assorted Genealogical Materials (n.d.)
III. Llewellyn Bonham Correspondence and Materials, 1857-1941
13. Llewellyn Bonham correspondence (1898-99)
a. To Morins, Beal, and Daniels (October 25, 1898)
b. From Lazarus Bonham (October 30, 1898)
c. From Lazarus Bonham (February 23, 1899)
14. Cancelled Checks of Llewellyn Bonham (1898-99)
15. R.W. McFarland/Llewellyn Bonham Financial Papers and Business Postcards(1857-1909)
19. Patents of Llewellyn Bonham (1914-41)
a. Patent and Description for "Traffic-Recorders" (November 17, 1914)
b. Patent and Description of "Lubricating Devices" (January 27, 1931)
c. Patent and Description of "Switches for Signal Means Indication Contemplated Turns" (August 17, 1937)
d. Description of "Stoker Shear Pin Alarm" (October 28, 1941)
- 1809
Conditions Governing Access
Materials do not circulate and are made available to users in the Miami University Archives.
Conditions Governing Use
Materials do circulate and may only be used in the archives.
From the Record Group: 229 Boxes
Language of Materials
Physical Location
Miami University Archives, King Library, 3rd Floor, Walter Havighurst Special Collections, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
- Container: Faculty; McFarland, Robert White; Correspondence of Robert and Mary Smart McFarland, 1847-99; Robert McFarland Materials; 1843-1912, and undated; [2A-C-1A] (Text)
- Container: Faculty; McFarland, Robert White; Academic: Biographical, and Business Materials; Diaries/Daybooks: 1820-1973, and undated (bulk 1845-1910); Robert McFarland Materials; 1843-1912, and undated; [2A-B-6A] (Text)
- Container: Faculty; McFarland, Robert White; Files; Robert McFarland Materials; 1843-1912, and undated; [2A-B-6B] (Text)
- Container: Faculty; McFarland, Robert White;Miscellaneous Correspondence and Papers; Robert McFarland Materials; 1840-1912, and undated; [2A-B-6C] (Text)
- Container: Faculty; McFarland, Robert White; McFarland Family Academic, Biographical, and Business Materials; Diaries/Daybooks: 1820-1973, and undated (bulk 1845-1910); Robert McFarland Materials; 1843-1912 and undated [2A-B-7A] (Text)
- Container: Faculty; McFarland, Robert White, McFarland Family Correspondence and Memorabilia, 1852-1930, and undated (bulk 1860-1918); Robert McFarland Materials; 1843-1912, and undated; [2A-B-7B] (Text)
- Container: Faculty; McFarland, Robert White; McFarland and Lllewellyn Bonham Correspondence and Materials Received from the Estate of C. William Kerr, 1855-1944, and undated, mainly 1863-1906; Robert McFarland Materials; 1843-1912, and undated; [2A-B-7C] (Text)
Repository Details
Part of the Miami University and Western College Memorial Archives Repository