General, 1958 - 2008
Finance and Business; General; Files; 1958-2008; Box 1 [11A-A-1A] Files: Abscences-Budget 1.Abscences - Excessive (1983) 2.Academic Affairs (2006) 3.Admission (2006) 4.Affirmative Action - Business Affairs (1974-2000) 5.AFSCME Local 1209 (2005-2006) 6.AFSCME Strike (2003) I 7.AFSCME Strike (2003) II 8.AFSCME Strike (2003) III 9.AFSCME Strike (2003) IV 10.Airport Master Plan (2007) 11.Airport (2005-06) 12.Airport (2004-07) 13.Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, Bureau of (1982) 14.Art (Exterior) and Memorials Committee (2006) 15.Art (Exterior) and Memorials Committee (2007) 16.Beer and Wine License Application (1974-1987) 17.Beer and Wine License - Shriver Center (1985-2006) 18.Beer and Wine License - Western College (1969-1974) 19.Bell Tower - Molyneaux (1987) 20.Benefit Plan Study Data Plan Study (2001) 21.Bengals (1996) 22.Bioxy (2000-2003) 23.Bill Goacher Campus Beautifications Fund (2007) 24.Board of Trustees - Academic Year Tuition/Fees Ratification by Board (2005) 25.Board of Trustees Financial Stewardship (2002) 26.Board of Trustees General (1999-2003) 27.Board of Trustees Orientation (2005-2006) 28.Board of Trustees - Report to the Finance Committee Examination Alternative Budge Strategies (2002) 29.Bond Series (2003) 30.Bond Series (2004-05) 31.Budget (2003) 32.Budget (2004) 33.Budget (2005) 34.Budget (2006-2007)
Finance and Business; General; Files; 1958-2008; Box 2 [11A-A-1B] Files: Budget-Crisis Management Team 1.Budget - Biennial Budget (2003-2005) 2.Budget - Biennial Budget (2005-0260) 3.Budget Cuts (2001) 4.Budget Discussion Meetings (2001) 5.Budget Fee History (1980-1997) 6.Budget Funding Formulas (1988) 7.Budget Information and Miscellaneous Fiscal Facts (1984-1996) 8.Budget Observations (2001) 9.Budget Primary and Secondary Education (1998) 10.Budget Reserve Memo to All Faculty and Staff (1987-1989) 11.Budget Salary (1998-2003) 12.Budget Salary Information -Comparison to Other State Schools, etc. (1987-2004) I 13.Budget Salary Information -Comparison to Other State Schools, etc. (1987-2004) II 14.Bursar (2006-2007) 15.Bursar - President's Letter to Parents and Students (1986-1990) 16.Business Fee - (2007-2007) 17.Butler County Fiber Network (2000-2001) 18.Cable TV - Ad Hoc Task Force (1982-1998) 19.Cambridge Programme (2007) 20.Cambridge University (2002) 21.Capital Program (Comprehensive six-year)(2001-2002) 22.CASHNet Agreement (1998) 23.Charitable Contributions, Policies and Procedures (2002-2003) 24.Classification and Pay Programs Policies and Procedures (1987-2004) 25.Coca-Cola Contract (1988-1989) 26.College Source/RedLantern (2003-2008) 27.Compensation Plans (1997-1998) 28.Conflict of Interest (1988-1997) I 29.Conflict of Interest (1988-1997) II 30.Continuous Operations Planning (2003-2006) 31.Controller, Office of (2006-2007) 32.Cost Savings Initiative Presented to Board of Trustees (1988-1995) 33.Crisis Management Team (2003-2007)
Finance and Business; General; Files; 1958-2008; Box 3 [11A-A-1C] Files: Deferred Maintence-Excellence in Higher Education 1.Deferred Maintenance (1987-2008) I 2.Deferred Maintenance (1987-2008) II 3.Degree Audit Reporting Systems (DAR) Strategic Explorers Agreement (2005) 4.Deloitte and Touche - University Audits (2002-2007) I 5.Deloitte and Touche - University Audits (2002-2007) II 6.Diversity (1998-2002) I 7.Diversity (1998-2002) II - Miami University's Plan for Institutional Diversity (Fall 1998) 8.Diversity (1998-2002) III - The Miami University campus climate: findings from four campus-wide surveys (August 2002) 8a.Document Effective Educational Practice (2003) 8b.Dot.Com (1998-2001) 9.Domestic Partners (1998-2005) 10.Dormitory Revenue Bonds - Trust Agreements [Binder] 11.Eminent Scholars (2005-2006) 12.Engineering and Applied Science, School of (SEAS) (2000-2002) 13.EPOS Corporation Contract (1997) 14.Excellence in Higher Education (EHE) Seminar and Ongoing Follow-up (March 9, 2005)
Finance and Business; General; Files; 1958-2008; Box 4 [11A-A-2A] Files: Finance and Business Services - Northwest Butler Transportation Study 1.Finance and Business Services (2000) 2.Financial Affairs (2007) 3.Financial Affairs and Controller (2000-2004) 4.Financial Affairs - New Administrative System (1998) 5.Financial Services - New Financial System Controller (1996-1998) I 6.Financial Affairs - New Financial System Controller (1996-1998) II 7.Financial Affairs - New Financial System Controller (1996-1998) III 8.Financial Affairs - New Financial System Endowment Managment (1998) / Customizations Software Development Areement (SCT) 9.Financial Affairs - New Financial System Provision and Installement (1997-1999) of Student and Business Administration (1997-1999) 10.Financial Affairs - New Financial System Software License Agreement (1997-1998) 11.Financial Affairs - New Financial System Technical Currency Agreement (1997-1998) 12.First in 2009 Update (August 2001) 13.Fleischman and Walsh L.L.P. (2002-2003) 14.Frequent Flier Clubs (1992) 15.General Fee (1992-1994) 16.Housing, Dining, and Guest Services - Chapel Usage and Fees (2004) 17.Human Resources (2006-2007) 18.Huron Consulting Group (2006-2007) 19.Immigration Laws (1987) 20.Intercollegiate Athletics (2006) 21.Intercollegiate Athletics Budget (1991-1998) 22.Intercollegiate Athletics (ICA) Cincinnati Bell Agreement (2006) 23.Intercollegiate Athletics (ICA) Dick Jackson Estate (2000-2001) 24.Intercollegiate Athletics (ICA) Sports Camps (1994-1995) 25.Intercollegiate Athletics (ICA) Student Athlete Housing Scholarship (2001-2002) 26.Intercollegiate Athletics (ICA) Title IX Letters (1998-1999) 27.Inter-University Council (IUC) - Business and Finance (2007) 28.Information Technology Services (ITS) (2006-2007) 29.Internal Auditor / Risk Assessment (2001) 30.Internal Revenue Service (1970-1994) 31.Internal Revenue Service (IRA) Auto Rules (1970-1994) 32.Internet Access Services Agreement - Cincinnati Bell (1997) 33.Internet Service Provider (2002) 34.Issue 2 (1997-1998) 35.Land Purchase Fund (1962-1963) 36.Lewis Place (1996-1998) 37.Liaoning Normal University / Confucius Institute (2006-2007) 38.MCIS TGR Contract Agreement (1995-1996) 39.Memos to Faculty and Staff (1989-1990) 40.Miami University Employer Assisted Housing (2003-2005) 41.Miami University Paul Valentine (1998) 42.Middletown Campus (2007-2008) 43.Northwest Butler Transportation Study (2000-2008) 44.Northwest Butler Transportation Sudy
Finance and Business; General; Files; 1958-2008; Box 5 [11A-A-2B] Files: Ohio Board of Regents -Sorority Suites 1.Ohio Board of Regents (2003-2007) 2.Ohio Board of Regents Capital Improvement Plan (1993-1999) 3.Ohio Board of Regents Operating Subsidy and General Fees (1969-1999) 4.Ohio Tuition Trust Authority (2004) 5.Oxford Chamber of Commerce Mediation Sessions (2002) 6.Oxford Chamber of COmmerce Breakfast Meeting (1988) 7.Oxford, City of (2004-2007) 8. Oxford, City of - Annexation (1979-1993) I 9.Oxford, City of - Annexation (1979-1993) II 10.Oxford, City of - BOD Levels (1986-1998) 11.Oxford, City of - Electronic Village (2001) 12.Oxford, City of - Landfill Closure (1998) 13.Oxford, City of - LEADS (1970-1986) 14.Oxford, City of - Planning Commission (2004) 15.Oxford, City of - Tax (1970-2004) 16.Oxford Gasification of Boiler System (1987) 17.Oxford Natural Gas (1988-1992) 18.Oxford Utility Counsel (1986) 19.Oxley, Mike - US House of Representatives (2002) 20.Parietal Rules (1974) 21.Patent Application - Lawrence Kapusta and Kenneth Wilson 22.Personnel-Classification and Pay Program Policiesand Procedures (2001-2004) 23.Physical Facilities Department (2006-2007) 24.Physical Facilities Department (2007-2008) 25.Physical Facilities Department (2008-2009) 26.Position Control Procedures (2003) 27.Pouring Rights (1997-1998) 28.Privacy Act (1974-1977) 29.Privitization / Dormitory Sale (2002) 30.Purchasing (2001-2003) 31.Radiation Control Committee (1999) 32.Residence Hall - Legal Opinion on Use of Bond Revenue (1981) 33.Retirement Incentive (1992-1993) 34.ROTC Scholarship (1998-2000) 35.Rumpke Consolidated (2003) 36.Selwyn College (2000-2003) 37.Senate Bill 79 - Ohio Tuition Trust (1987-1988) 38.Sexual Assault Hotline Service Contract (1988) 39.Shriver Center Bookstore Letter of Understanding with Zenith (1984-1985) 40.Sick Leave (unclassified)(1982) 41.Smoke Detectors (1983-2000) 42.Smoke Free Campus (2006-2007) 43.Sorority Suites (2002)
Finance and Business; General; Files; 1958-2008; Box 6 [11A-A-2C] Files: Space Utilization Group-Vacancy Credit 1.Space Utilization Group (SUG)(2004-2006) 2.Stables Contract (1985-2006) 3.Standard and Poor's (1998-2007) 4.Student Facilites Revenue Bonds (1967-1981) 5.Student Financial Aid (2006-2007) 6.Student Legal Services (1990-2008) 7.Students for Staff (2006-2007) 8.Taxiway Extension (2003) 9.TEAM Scholarship Report (2007-2008) 10.Telecom (2000-2002) 11.Telephone Financing (1985) 12.Telephones (2007-2008) 13.Time-Warner Cable Agreement--NSE (1998-2000) 14.Title IX (1993-1997) 15.Title IX (1998-1999) 16.Travel and Hosting (1992-2003) 17.Trust Agreement (1958-1986) 18.Tuition Caps (2002-2003) 19.Tuition Plan (2002-2003) 20.Tuition Plan (2003-2004) I 21.Tuition Plan (2003-2004) II 22.Tuition Plan (2004-2005) 23.University Advancement - Aretha Cornell Sheriff (1997-1998) 24.University Advancement - Edna Whitshitt (2007) 25.University Advancement - Fred Joyner Scholar Fund / Vernon B. Fairley, Jr. Trust (1992) 26.University Advancement - Gregg Estate (1994) 27.University Advancement - Lamke Estate (1993-1994) 28.University Advancement - Louis Bert (1997) 29.University Advancement - Major Gifts Kent McGough (1991) 30.University Advancement - McGinnis Estate (1996) 31.University Advancement - Pending Gifts (1992-1994) 32.University Advancement - Rena Myers Estate (1994-1997) 33.University Advancement - Rowena Snyder (1997) 34.Vacancy Credit (1982-2001) 35. Staff Recognition Reception Programs (2010-2024)
Finance and Business; General; Files; 1958-2008; Box 7 [11A-A-3A] Files: Water-Year End 1.Water (1978-1988) 2.Weather Emergency Staff (1986-1999) 3.Western College for Women (1973-2002) 4.Women's Center - Project Safety (1998-1999) 5.Work Order Agreements for the Provisions and Installation of Student and Administrative Systems (1998) 6.Year End (1995-2000)
Finance and Business; General; Fiscal Files; 1995-1996; Box 1 [11A-A-3B] Files: Miami University Endowment Fund-MU Foundation 1.Miami University Endowment Fund (1995-1996) 2.MU Foundation (1995-1996)
Finance and Business; General; Fiscal Files; 1994-; Box 2 [11A-A-3C] Files: Ad Hoc Committee on Health Care/Compensation Committee Report Committee on Fiscal priorities-Vice Presidents Meeting (1995-1996) 1.Ad Hoc Committee on Health Care/Compensation Committee Report Committee on Fiscal priorities 2.Bachelor Wildlife and Natural Areas Committee 3.Bartlett and Company (1995-1996) 4.Executive Session 5.1994-1995 Fiscal Priorities and Budget Planning Committee 6.1995-1996 Fiscal Priorities and Budget Planning Committee 7.1996-1997 Fiscal Priorities and Budget Planning Committee 8.1997-1998 Fiscal Priorities and Budget Planning Committee 9.Fiscal Priorities Budget Hearings (2/1998) 10.1999-2000 Fiscal Priorities and Budget Palnning Committee 11.Fiscal Priorities Budget Hearings (2/26/1999-2/27/1999) 12.Fiscal Priorities Committee (2/2000) 13.Healthcare Advisory Committee on Benefits 14.1997-1998 Health Insurance 15.Miami Metro Summary Reports (1995-1996) 16.Molecular Microspectroscopy Lab Annual Reports (1994-1996) 17.MU John E Dolbois European Center (Luxembourg) 18.Renaissance Investment Managers (1995-1996) 19.Vice President Meeting (1995-1996)
Finance and Business; General; Reports and Correspondence; 1992-93; Box 1 [11A-K-2A] Files: 1. Secretary of the University 2. Shriver Center General 3. Shriver Center Comparative Revenue Reports 4. Silvoor Sanctuary 5. Smoking Regulations 1992-93 6. Space Utilization 1992-93 7. Stables 1992-93 8. Student Affairs - General 1992-93 9. Student Financial Aid 1992-93 10. Student Health Services 1992-93 11. Summer School 1992-93 12. Supervisory and Technical Support Staff (SATSS) Clerical and Nonunion 1992-93 13. Telephones Communication 14. Unclassified Personnel Advisory Communication 15. University Clum 1992-93 16. University Relations 1992-93 17. University Senate General 1992-93 18. Unrelated Business Income 19. Vice President's Meeting 20. Women's Center 1992-93 21. W-X-Y-Z Miscellaneous 22. June 23. May 24. April 25. March 26. February 27. January 28. December 29. November 30. October 31. September 32. August 33. July
Finance and Business; General; Articles, Reports and Budgets; 1992-93; Box 2 [11A-K-2B] Files: 1. Academic Affairs 2. Accounting 1992-93 3. Admissions 1992-93 4. Affirmative Action 1992-93 5. Airport, 1992-93 6. Anderson, Arthur - Auditor 1992-93 7. Applied Science, School of 1992-93 8. Art Museum, 1992-93 9. Articles, Best Colleges 1992-93 10. Articles, Chronicle of Higher Education 1992-93 11. Articles, College Cost, 1992-93 12. Articles, Tuition 1992-93 13. Articles, Misc 1992-93 14. Artists Series 1992-93 15. Artists Series - Broadcast Musis Inc. (BMI) 1992-93 16. Artists Series -SESAC Licensing 1990-93 17. Asbestos 1992-93 18. Ad-Hoc Committee on Health Care/Compensation Committee Report 19. Bachelor and Wildlife and Natural Areas Committee 1992-93 20. Bartlett and Co. Investment Manager 1992-93 21. Board of Trustees June 10, 1993 22. Board of Trustees - General 23. Funds Evalution Services - Green Binder 24. Board of Trustees December 4-5, 1992 25. Board of Trustees September 4-5, 1992 26. Bond Buyers 1992 27. Bookstore 1992-93 28. Budget - General 29. Budget Officer 1992-93 30. Budget Recovery 31. Budget Vacancy Credit 1992-93 32. Budget, Plannin and Analysis 1992-93 33. Bursar 1992-93 34. Business Administration, School of 1992-93 35. SBA Advisory Team 36. Business Affairs, Director of 37. Campus Planning Committee 38. Campus Trends, 1992 39. Central Association of College and University Business Officers 40. CACUBO Continuing Education Units 1992-93 41. CACUBO 1992 Program Committee
Finance and Business; General; Office Files; 2000-01; Box 3 [11A-K-3C] Files: 1. Airport 2000-01 2. Budget 2000-01 3. Campus First 4. Classified Personnel Advisory Committee 5. MCIS 6. OARS 7. Computing Network Service Enterprise 8. Consulting Group 9. Credit Group 10. Enrollment Management 11. Environmental Health Safety 12. Financial Affairs 13. Housing Dining and Guest Services 14. Institutional Relations 15. Intercolleagiate Athletics 16. ICA-NCAA 17. Internal Auditor 18. Inter-University Council Fiscal Officers 19. Marcum Conference Center 20. Miami Metro - General 21. MU Endowment Fund 22. MU Foundation 23. Millikon and Fitton Law Firm 24. Ohio Operating Fund 25. Parents Council 26. Personnel Office 27. Physical Facilities, Department of 28. Position Control 29. President 30. Public Safety 31. Purchasing 32. Recreational Sports Center Initiatives 33. Student Affairs 34. Student Government (ASG) 35. Student Health Services 36. University and Budget Institutional Research 37. University Advancement Formerly University Relationa 38. WMUB Public Radio 39. Women's Center
Finance and Business; General; Office Files; Budget Development; 2001; Box 4 [11A-K-6B] Files 1. Responsible Area 2. Computing Allocation 3. Budget Calendar, 2001 4. Board of Trustees 5. Auxilary Enterprise 6. Detailed Budget Changes 7. Distinguished Professors 8. Fee Waivers 9. Financial Aid 10. Fringe Benefits 11. General Fee Budget 12. Graduate Assistant 13. Hamilton 14. Increment Pool Unclassified Pay Adjustment 15. Middletown 16. Miscelleneous 17. Miscellaneous Notes from RMN Talking Points 18. Models 19. Program Improvements 20. Revenue 21. Summer Session 22. Support Sheets 23. Support Budgets 24. Support Returned
Finance and Business; General; Office Files; 1992-93; Box 3 [12A-K-2B] Files 1. Marcum Conference Center 2. William M. Mercer, Inc., 1992-93 3. Miami Metro General, 1992-93 4. Miami Metro, Summary Reports 1992-93 5. Miami Tribe, 1992-93 6. Miami University Endowment Fund, 1992-93 7. Miami University Faculty Association (MUFA) 8. MU Foundation 9. MU Foundation 10. Mid American Conference 11. Middletown Campus 12. Millikin and Fitton Law Firm 13. Millikin and Fitton Law Firm C G and E Rate Case 14. Minority Set Aside 15. Molecular Microspectroscopy Lab 1992-93 16. Multicultural Interactive Video 1992-93 17. M Miscellaneous 18. National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) 19. NACUBO Benchmarking Survey, 1992-93 20. National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges 21. NACUBO Cost Incentive 1992-93 22. NUCUBO - Special Action Reports 1992-93 23. NASULGC Council of Business Affairs, 1992-93 24. Natural Areas 1992-93 25. News Bureau, 1992-93 26. Ohio Attorney General 27. Ohio Board of Regents General 1992-93 28. Ohio Board of Regents Administrative Salary Information 29. Ohio Board of Regents Budger 1992-93 30. Ohio Board of Regents Consultation 1992-93 31. Ohio Board of Regents Controlling Board Request, 1992-93 32. Ohio Board of Regents Managing for the Future Task Force
Finance and Business; General; Office Files; 1992-93; Box 4 [12A-K-2C] Files 1. Oxford, City of 1992-93 2. Oxford Chamber of Commerce 3. Ohio-Office of Budget and Management 1992-93 4. Legislative Oversight Committee 1992-93 5. Ohio Governor's Office 1992-93 6. Ohio Ethics Committee 7. Ohio Department of Administrative Services 8. Ohio Chamber of Commerce 9. Ohio Department of Motor Vehicles 10. Ohio Board of Regents Formula Review 1992-93 11. Ohio Board of Regents Spending Patterns 1992-93 12. Ohio Board of Regents Subsidy Consultation FY 1993-FY 1995 13. Ohio Office of the Inspector General 14. Ohio Secretary of State 1992-93 15. Parents' Council 1992-93 16. Parking 1992-93 17. Patents-Policies 1992-93 18. Payrolls 992-93 19. Peat, Marwhick, Mitchell and Co. 20. Performance Analysis 1992-93 21. Personnel Office 1992-93 22. Physical Facilities Service and Maintenance Staff 1992-93 23. Physical Facilities Miscellaneous 1992-93 24. Physical Facilites Point of Contact 1992-93 25. Political Science 1992-93 26. Presidents Council 1992-93 27. Public Safety Miscellaneous 1992-93 28. Purchasing 1992-93 29. Radiation Control Committee - Hazardous Waste Management 1992-93 30. Recreational Sports 1992-93 31. Recyling 1992-93 32. Registrar 1992-93 33. Renaissance Investment Managers 1992-93 34. Reports Annual 1992-93 35. Reports-Financial 1992-93 36. Residency Status 1992-93 37. Salary Percentiles 1992-93 38. Office for the Advancement of Scholarship and Teaching 39. SCUUL Compensation Committee 1992-93
Finance and Business; General; Office Files and Controller's Office Annual Reports; Box 5 [12A-K-3A] Files: 1. Independent Accountant Report The Intercollegiate Athletics 2006-07 2. WMUB Financial Statements for Yeare Ending June 30, 2006 and 2006 3. Management Letter for the Year Ended June 30, 2007 4. Financial Statements for the Year Ended June 30, 2006 and June 30, 2007 5. Financial Statements for the Year Ended June 30, 2006 and June 30, 2007 6. Data Collection for Reporting on Auditor of State 2007 7. Miami University Annual Report 2007 8. Miami University Financial Report Year Ended June 30, 2007
Finance and Business; General; Office Files; 1992-93; Box 4 [12A-K-3B] Files: 1. Classifed Personnel 2. Collective Bargaining 3. Collective Bargaining AFSCME Ohio Council #8 Local 175 4. Collective Bargaining Security (Fraternal Order of Police) 92-93 5. The Common Fund 6. Computer Center - General 1992-93 7. Computing Center - General 1992-93 8. Computing Needs Roudebush Hall 9. DARS - Jack Southard 10. Computing IBM Matching Grants 1992-93 11. ID Card Task Force 1992-93 12. Debit Card/Access Control System Committee 13. Faculty Staff Computer Loans 14. Computing Cause 1992-93 15. Computerized Ticketing 1992-93 16. Computing Services 17. Computing Miscellaneous 192-93 18. Application Transfer Study 19. Computing Center Policy and Word Processing Committee Planning Group 20. Conference Services Office 1f 1992-93 21. Consulting Outside University 22. Continuing Education and Summer Session 1992-93 23. Credit Union 1992-93 24. Degree Audit Program 25. Diversty 1992-93 26. Education and Allied School of 27. Energy 1992-93 28. Enrollment Planning and Retention 1992-93 29. Environmental Health and Safety 1992-93 30. Faculty Welfare Committee 31. Fee Waivers 1992-93 32. Finance and Business Affairs 1992-93 33. Financial Affairs 1992-93 34. Fine Arts, School of 35. Fiscal Priorities and Budget Planning 36. Graduate School 1992-93 37. G Miscellaneous 1992-93 38. Hanger, William S. 1992-93 39. Ad Hoc Committee on Health Care/Compensation Review 1992-93 40. Housing, Dining and Guest Services, Residence Hall 41. Human Relations Commission 1992-93 42. Ice Arena (Goggin) 1992-93 43. Indirect Cost 1992-93 44. Insurance-Health (Community Mutual) 1992-93 45. Insurance Liability 1992-93 46. Insurance PC/Microcomputers 1992-93 47. Insurance Property 48. Inter-University Council 1992-93 49. IVC Fiscal Officers 50. Internal Auditor 1992-93 51. International Education Services 1992-93 52. Legislation 1992-93 53. Libraries 1992-93 54. William L. Louder Jr. 1992-93
Finance and Business; General; Office Files; 1992-93; Box 4 [11A--] Files: 1. Landing Area Designation 2. The United States of America Federal Agency Air Agency Certificate, September 20, 1963 3. The United States of America Federal Agency Air Agency Certificate, September 30, 1965 3. The United States of America Federal Agency Air Agency Certificate, September 30, 1967
Finance and Business; General; Office Files; Miscellaneous Papers; 2003-2004; Box 1 [12A-K-4A]
1. Vice President for Finance and Business Services Project Files undated
2. Art (Exterior) and Memorials 2003-2004
3. Artists Series-Performing Arts 2003-2004
4. Bidget and Institutional Research 2003-2004
5. Budget FY 2005 2003-2004
6. Bursar 2003-2004
7. Butler County Alliance 2003-2004
8. Capital Budget 2003-2004
9. Classified Personnel Advisory 2003-2004
10. Controller, Office of 2003-2004
11. Environmental Health and Safety, Office of 2003-2004
12. Fee Waivers 2003-2004
13. Financial Affairs 2003-2004
14. Fiscal Priorities 2003-2004
15. Fraternal Order Police (FOP) Negotiations 2003-2004
16. Finance and Buisness Services 2003-2004
17. Governor's Commission on Higher Education 2003-2004
18. Grants and Contracts 2003-2004
19. Housing Dining and Guest Services 2003-2004
20. Information Technology and Services 2003-2004
21. Information Technology Services (ITS)-IT Strategic Plan 2003-2004
22. Institutional Relations 2003-2004
23. Insurance 2003-2004
24. Intercollegiate Athletics (ICA) 2003-2004
25. Intercollegiate Athletics (ICA) GMAC Bowl 2003-2004
26. Inter-University Council (IUC) -Buisness Continuity Planning (BCP) Committee 2003-2004
27. Miami University Foundation 2003-2004
28. Mid-American Conference (MAC) 2003-2004
29. Middletown Campus 2003-2004
30. Miami University 2003-2004
31. Ohio Board of Regents Higher education Funding 2003-2004
32. Parking Review Committee 2003-2004
33. Personnel-Advisory Committee on Classified Staff Pay Zone Minimums 2003-2004
34. Classified Salary Increases 2003-2004
35. Personnel Office 2003-2004
36. Physical Facilities Department 2003-2004
37. Police Services (Formerly Public Safety) 2003-2004
38. Recreational Sports Center 2003-2004
39. Society of Miami University Retirees (SOMR) 2003-2004
40. Stables 2003-2004
41. Student Affairs 2003-2004
42. Student Health Services 2003-2004
43. Telephones 2003-2004
44. Tution Reciprocity 2003-2004
45. Unclassified Personnel Advisory Committee (2003-2004)
46. University Advancement (formerly University Relations) 2003-2004
47. University Advancement Campaign Commitments 2003-2004
48. University Communications 2003-2004
49. Voice of America (VOA) 2003-2004
Finance and Business; General; Office Files; Miscellaneous Papers; 2002-2003; Box 2 [12A-K-4B]
1. Academic Affairs 2002-2003
2. Airport 2002-2003
3. Annual Report 2002-2003
4. Art (Exterior) and Memorials Committee 2002-2003
5. Articles-Best Colleges 2002-2003
6. Article-Cost of Colleges 2002-2003
7. Artists Series-Performing Arts 2002-2003
8. Bursar 2002-2003
9. Business Services 2002-2003
10. Charitable Solicitation Policy Fall 2002
11. Commencement 2002-2003
12. Controller's Office 2002-2003
13. Core Integration 2002-2003
14. classified Personnel Advisory Committee 2002-2003
15. Credit Union 2002-2003
16. Enrollemnt Management 2002-2003
17. Environmental Health/Safety 2002-2003
18. Fee Waivers 2002-2003
19. Financial Affairs 2002-2003
20. Fiscal Priorities 2002-2003
21. Finance and Business Services 2002-2003
22. Finance and Business Services FY 2002-2003 Accomplishments
23. General Council 2002-2003
24. Graduate School 2003-2003
25. Hamilton Campus 2002-2003
26. Housing Dining and Guest Services (HDGS) 2002-2003
27. Health Care 2002-2003
28. Intercollegiate Athletics 2002-2003
29. ICA-NCAA 2002-2003
30. Institutional Relations 2002-2003
31. Insurance 2002-2003
32. Inter-University Council Fiscal Officers 2002-2003
33. Inter-University Council (IUC)-General 2002-2003
34. Licensing 2002-2003
35. Mid-American COnference 2002-2003
36. MCIS 2002-2003
37. Middletown Campus 2002-2003
38. MU-Marketing Miami (MBNA) 2002-2003
39. Norman, Richard 2002-2003
40. OBOR Biennial Budget 2002-2003
41. Ohio Controlling Board 2002-2003
42. Oxford Chamber of Commerce 2002-2003
43. Parking 2002-2003
44. Payroll 2002-2003
45. Personnel Office 2002-2003
46. PFD-Department of PFD 2002-2003
47. Police Services (Formerly Public Safety) 2002-2003
48. President's Executive Committee 2002-2003
49. Recreational Sports Center 2002-2003
50. Stable 2002-2003
51. Student Affairs 2002-2003
52. Student Financial Aid 2002-2003
53. Talawanda City School District 2002-2003
54. University Advancement (formerly Univ. Relations) 2002-2003
55. University Budget and Institutional Research 2002-2003
56. University Communications 2002-2003
57. University Senate 2002-2003
Finance and Business; General; Office Files; Miscellaneous Papers; 1988-2006; Box 3 [12A-K-4C]
1. Yager Stadium 2002-2003
2. Yager Stadium Synthetic Grass 2001-2003
3. Art Building Photo Lab 2000-2001
4. Center for the Arts 2000-2001
5. Project File Apartment Style Housing 2000-2006
6. Project File-Central Foods/Kroger 1999/2000
7. Child Care Building Project 2000-2001
8. Child Care Building Project 1999-2000
9. Child Care Project 1998-1999
10. Co-Generation Facility 2003
11. McGuffey Museum Renovation Project File 2000-2001
12. Primary Electric Distribution System
13. Engineering and Applied Science Facility Project-File 2002-2005
14. Equestrian Center 2001-2004
15. Field Hockey Turf 2004-2005
16. Goggin Ice Arena 2002
17. Hamilton-1550 Peck Blvd. 2001-2007
18. Hamilton Campus-Administrative Offices Renovation 2005
19. Hamilton Campus-Greenhouse
20. Hamilton Campus-Knightsbridge Drive 2004-2005
21. Hefner Zoology Museum 2001-2002
22. Hughes Hall Rehabiliation 1998-2005
23. King Library Rehab 2004-2005
24. kumler Chapel Organ 2005
25. Mayer House Renovation (936 Chestnut Lane) (Near Murstein) 1988-1989
26. Lewis Place 2006-2007
27. McGuffey Hall Rehab 1999-2000
28. McKie Field Project Files 1999-2003
29. Millett Hall Roof and Windows 2000-2001
30. Middletown Campus-Student and Community Center/Gardner-Harvey Library Rehab
31. Phillips Hall Rehabilitation Project Files 1999-2000
32. Psychology Building 2004
33. Pulley Bell Tower 2000-2003
34. Shriver Center-Heritage Room Rehab 2003
35. Sprinkler Systems Residence Halls 2000-2005
Finance and Business; General; Office Files; Miscellaneous Papers; Booklets; 1983-2000; Box 4 [12A-K-5A]
1. Miami Inn Proposal December 15, 1993
2. Miami University Profile of the Entering Class Fall 1993
3. Miami Inn-thru Lease 11/84
4. Miami Inn-Purchase 1991
5. Miam Inn Presentation December 15, 1983
6. Miami Inn-thru Proposals 12/83
7. Lease-Jobs Development Center 1983
8. Modular Genes (Wilsom and Kapustka) Patent 1983-1985
9. Patent 1998
10. Oxford, City of/Cable Issues 1998-1999
11. Patents 1985-1986
12. Patents Committee AD HOC Patent Committee 1985-1986
13. HEPAR Patent App. 1986-1987
14. IBM Argeement Use Certain IBM Licensed Programs for Instructional Purposes 1984-1991
15. Patent Information 1982-1983
16. Domestic Partners 1999-2000
17. Booklet, Miami Unn, Ltd. Oxford, Ohio 1985
18. Booklet, Proposed Ground Lease State of Ohio to Miami Inn A Limited Partnership 1983
Finance and Business; General; Office Files; Miscellaneous Papers; 2005-2006; Box 5 [12A-K-5B]
1. Admission 2005-2006
2. Art (Exterior) and Memorials Committee 2005-2006
3. Budget (University Budget) 2005-2006
4. Bursar 2005-2006
5. Business Administration, School of (SBA) 2005-2006
6. Classified Personnel Advisory 2005-2006
7. Classified Staff Pay Zone Minimums Advisory Committee 2005-2006
8. Consulting Group 2005-2006
9. Controller, Office of 2005-2006
10. Credit Union 2005-2006
11. Defibrillator Committee 2005-2006
12. Education and Allied Professions, School of (SEAP) 2005-2006
13. Ethics Point 2005-2006
14. Fee Waiver Teacher Education Access at Miami (TEAM) Materials 2005-2006
15. Fee Waivers 2005-2006
16. Finance and Business Services 2005-2006
17. Finance and Business Services Staff Meetings 2005-2006
18. Fine Arts 2005-2006
19. Fiscal Priorities and Budget Planning Committee 2005-2006
20. General Counsel 2005-2006
21. Grants and Contracts 2005-2006
22. Hamilton Campus Student Housing 2005-2006
23. Health Services Center 2005-2006
24. Housing Dining and Guest Services (HDGS) 2005-2006
25. Human Resources (formerly Personnel Offices) 2005-2006
26. Information Technology Services (ITS) 2005-2006
27. Institutional Relations 2005-2006
28. Institutional Research 2005-2006
29. Insurance 2005-2006
30. Intercollegiate Athletics (ICA) 2005-2006
31. Interdisciplinary Studies, School of 2005-2006
32. Inter-University Council (IUC)-Insurance Consortium (IC) 2005-2006
33. Ohio Board of Regents State Share of Instructions (SSI) 2005-2006
34. Ohio Legislature 2005-2006
35. Ohio Public Employees Retirement System (OPERS) 2005-2006
36. Recycling 2005-2006
37. Shriver Center 2004-2005
38. Southwestern Ohio Instructional Technology Association, Inc. (SOITA) 2005-2006
39. Student Affairs 2005-2006
40. Student Health Services 2005-2006
41. University Advancement 2005-2006
42. University Advancement Howe Gift 2005-2006
43. Vending Accounts, Funding for 2005-2006
Finance and Business; General; Office Files; Miscellaneous Papers; 1982-2001; Box 6 [12A-K-5C]
1. License Plate Program 2001
2. Miami 1982-1996
3. Ohio State 1984-1993
4. Licensing (General) 1991-1994
5. Licensing-Misc. Corr. 1994
6. RFP-Licensing 4/15/94
7. Tribe 1993
8. Royalty Reports-Summary 1993
9. Licensing-Exemptions 1994-95
10. LRG Royalty Income 1994-1996
11. Service Mark Registrations 1986-2003
12. Licensing Resource Group 1993-1994
13. Collegiate Licensing Company 1988-1994
14. Collegiate Product Liscening Assn. 1993-1994
15. Assn. of Collegiate Licensing Admin. (ACLA) 1993-1994
16. Art Approval Request 1998
17. Art Approval Request 1999
` 18. Art Approval Request 2000
19. Art Approval Request 2001
Finance and Business; General; Office Files; Miscellaneous Papers; 1999-2002; Box 7 [12A-K-6A]
1. Airport 2001-2002
2. Art (Exterior) and 01-02 Memorials Comittee
3. Art Museum 2000-01
4. Articles-Cost of Colleges 1999-2000
5. A Miscellaneous 2001-2002
6. Student (Associatted) Government (ASG) 2001-02
7. Banner-General 2000-2002
8. Budget 2001-2002 Budget Carry-Forward
9. Budget (MU) 2001-02
10. Budget Information 2000-2001
11. Computing-NSE (Network Services Enterprise) 2001-02
12. Controller's Office 2001-02
13. Credit Union 2001-02
14. Fee Waivers 2001-02
15. Bursar 2001-02
16. 2000-01 Finance and Business Services
17. Financial Affairs 2001-02
18. Fiscal Priorities 2001-02
19. Hamilton Campus 2001-02
20. Insurance 01/02
21. Intercollegiate Athletics 2001-02
22. IUC-Fiscal Officers 2001-02
23. IUC Predicate Study 01/02
24. KPMG 2001-02
25. Licensing 2001-2002
26. MCIS 2000-2002
27. MCIS-REsource Allocation Comittee 01/02
28. Middletown Campus 2001-02
29. MU-Marketing Miami 2001-02 (MBNA)
30. National Consortium for Continuous Improvement (NCCI) 01-02
31. Nike Base 01-02
32. Parking 2001-02
33. PFD-Department of PFD 2001-02
34. Position Control 2001-02
35. President 2001-02
36. President's Executive Committee 2001-02
37. Quality Council 2001-02
38. Student Affairs 2001-02
39. Student Financial Aid 2001-02
40. Talawanda City School District 2001-02
41. Telephones 2001-02
42. University Relations 2001-02
43. University Budget and Institutional Research 2001-02
- Creation: 1958 - 2008
- Department of Finance. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) (Organization)
- Finance and Business Affairs. Finance and Business Services. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) (Organization)
Conditions Governing Access
Materials do not circulate and are made available to users in the Miami University Archives.
Conditions Governing Use
Materials do circulate and may only be used in the archives.
9 Boxes
Language of Materials
Physical Location
Miami University Archives, King Library, 3rd Floor, Walter Havighurst Special Collections, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
- Box: 1; General; Files; 1958-2008; 11A-A-1A (Text)
- Box: 2; General; Files; 1958-2008; 11A-A-1B (Text)
- Box: 3; General; Files; 1958-2008; 11A-A-1C (Text)
- Box: 4; General; Files; 1958-2008; 11A-A-2A (Text)
- Box: 5; General; Files; 1958-2008; 11A-A-2B (Text)
- Box: 6; General; Files; 1958-2008; 11A-A-2C (Text)
- Box: 7; General; Files; 1958-2008; 11A-A-3A (Text)
- Box: 1; General; Fiscal Files; 1995-1996; 11A-A-3B (Text)
- Box: 2; General; Fiscal Files; 1994-; 11A-A-3C (Text)
- Box: 1;Finance and Business; General Reports and Correspondence; 1992-93; Box 1 [11A-K-2A] (Text)
- Box: 2: Finance and Business; General Articles; Reports and Budgets; 1992-93; Box 2 [11A-K-2B] (Text)
- Box: 3; Finance and Business; General Reports; Office Files; 2000-01; Box 3; [11A-K-3C] (Text)
- Box: 4: Finance and Business; General Reports, Office Files, Budge Development; 2001; Box 4; [11A-K-6B] (Text)
- Box: 3;Finance and Business; General; Office Files;1992-93; [12A-K-2B] (Text)
- Box: 4; Finance and Business; General; Office Files;1992-93;12A-K-2C (Text)
- Box: 4; Finance and Business; General; Office Files;1992-93; 12A-K-3B (Text)
- Box: 1; Finance and Business; General; Office Files; Miscellaneous Papers; 2003-2004; 12A-K-4A (Text)
- Box: 2; Finance and Business; General; Office Files; Miscellaneous Papers; 2002-2003; 12A-K-4B (Text)
- Box: 3; Finance and Business; General; Office Files; Miscellaneous Papers; 1988-2006; 12A-K-4C (Text)
- Box: 4; Finance and Business; General; Office Files; Miscellaneous Papers; Booklets; 1983-2000; 12A-K-5A (Text)
- Box: 5; Finance and Business; General; Office Files; Miscellaneous Papers; 2005-2006; 12A-K-5B (Text)
- Box: 6; Finance and Business; General; Office Files; Miscellaneous Papers; 1982-2001; 12A-K-5C (Text)
- Box: 7; Finance and Business; General; Office Files; Miscellaneous Papers; 1999-2002; 12A-K-6A (Text)
Repository Details
Part of the Miami University and Western College Memorial Archives Repository