General, 1893 - 2024
Graduate School; General; Summary of Ph.D. Consultants' Comments That Affect The Graduate School or General University Policy and Practice; 1967 Reference Section [1A-E-Shelf 5] Charles E. Teckman [1A E Shelf 5] Reference Section LD 3241 .M5hc
Graduate School; General; Annual Reports; 1971; Box 1 [SWORD]
*** When searching for thix box in Sierra use GS in the search field.
GS6 Barcode 814850108 i2615304x Barcode 35054014301713
Graduate School and Research Office Reports
1. 1971-72; Extramural Support of Research Supplement
2. 1972-73
3. 1973-74
4. 1974-75
5. 1975-76
6. 1976-77
7. 1977-78
8. 1978-79
9. 1978-79 (Marcie's Copy)
10. 1979-80
11. 1980-81
12. 1980-81 (Marcie's Copy)
13. 1981-82 Highlights
Research Office
14. 1982-83
15. 1983-84
15. 2005
Graduate School; General; Degree Programs; 1893-1969; Box 2 [SWORD]
*** When searching for this box in Sierra use GS in the search field.
GS5 Barcode 814850106 i26153014 Barcode 35054014301655
Not Indexed
Graduate School; General; Degree Proposals by Division: 10 AS Botany-Zoology; 1965-70; Box 3 [SWORD]
*** When searching for this box in Sierra enter GS in the search field.
GS2 Barcode 814841201 i26152897 Barcode 35054014301473
Not Indexed
Graduate School; General; Degree Proposals by Division: Education, Business, Fine Arts, Applied Sciences, Institute of Environmental Science; 1965-70; Box 4 [SWORD]
When searching for this box in Sierra enter GS in the search field.
GS3 Barcode 814850103 i26152915 Barcode 35054014301531
Not Indexed
Graduate School; General; Office Files; 1979-80; Box 2 [16A-M-7B] Files: 1. Graduate Students Achievement Fund 2. Statment on Effective Learning and Teaching Grievance 1979 3. General 1980 4. Supplementary Data Graduate and Research 5. Supplementary Data Graduate and Research 6. International Student and Faculty Directory Fall 1987 7. Guide to Graduate Program Review Revised Edition 1980 8. Report of the Committee to Review the Experience of Transfer Students With Miami University, May 1980 9. Miami University Stores Catalog, July 1, 1980 10. Job Search Reminders for Graduate Students 11. The Graduate School and Research Office Annual Report 1980-81 12. Evaluation Report for Anthropology 13. Evaluation Report for English 14. Evaluation Report for Spanish and Portuguese 15. Evaluation Report for Health and Physical Education 16. Evaluation Report for Institute of Environmental Science 17. Evaluation Report for Psychology 18. Institute of Environmental Sciences Graduate Program Review 19. Department of English Self-Study 20. Miami Off Campus M.Ed. Wilmington 21. Graduate Programs 1980 ACC-MUS 22. Graduate Programs 1980 Guidance Speech Pathology 23. Graduate Programs ATH 1976 SPA - IES 1981, 1980 24. Graduate Programs 1980 Philosophy - Religion, 1980
Graduate School; General; Grad School General; 1944-84; Box 1 [16A-M-6A] Files: 1. Academic Regulations (1957, 1962-63) 2. Graduate Assistantships in Residenced Halls 3. Search Committee for the Graduate School Dean (1949-50, 1984) 4. Deans - HB Wright: Memos (1967); RE Wolverton Memos (1971) 5. Deans Memos: Spiro Peterson and Herbert Waltzer (1974-84) 6. Enrollment (1944-66) 7. Fellowships (1947-53) 8. Fellowships - National Science Foundation (1961-62) 9. History of the Graduate School 10. Organization of the Graduate School 11. Free Press: Graduate Student Newsletter (1967, 1970, 1988) 12. Regulations, National 13. Two-Year College Conference (1973) 14. Graduate School Report (1967-68) 15. Graduate School General - Index 16. Departmental Survey, Volume II (1973) 17. Departmental Surveys, Volume II (1973) 18. Graduate School Handbook (1983-84) 19. The Graduate School and Research Office Annual Report (1974-75) 20. Graduate Faculty Memorandum (1970) 21. Institute of Environmental Sciences Interim Plan for Graduate Education (1973-79) 22. Interim Graduate Plan, Volume I (1973-79) 23. Interim Graduate Plan, Volume I (1973-79) 24. Results of Graduate Stipend Questionaire
Graduate School; General; Graduate Programs and Proposals: Accounting to History; 1967-81; Box 1 [16A-M-7C] Files: 1. School of Business Administration: Master of Accounting; Master of Financial Administration 2. Master of Accountancy (1979-80) 3. Proposal for A Program Leading To The Degree Doctor of Philosophy in Botany 1966 4. Botany 5. Art Department: MFA Program 6. MFA Program 7. Proposal for A Program Leading To The Degree Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry 1967 8. Chemistry 9. Cooperative Doctorate: University of Cincinnati and Miami 10. Co-op Ph.D. Data 11. Coop Ed.D.: Indiana University and Miami University 12. Co-op Ph.D. Students: Miami University; Ohio State University (Revised 1980) 13. Levels and Criteria Statements: Present and Past 14. Doctoral Fellowships: Copies of Award Letters and Letters of Nomination (1969-70) 15. Doctoral Fellowships (1970-71) 16. Quality Improvement in Doctoral Programs: Deadline, Friday January 31, 1975 17. Ecology Research Center 18. Educational Administration 19. Educational Leadership [Dark Blue Folder] 20. Educational Leadership 21. EDL 22. Educational Leadership 23. General Electric Aircraft Engine Group 24. Graduate Education at Miami: Statement to Regents by Spiro Peterson (1976) 25. Educational Psychology, Department of 26. Coop Ph.D.: English 27. English 28. Doctoral Program Review: Department of English 29. Graduate Work in English 30. English for Foreign Students: Reported to Graduate Council March 27, 1975 31. Institute of Environmental Sciences 32. Institute of Environmental Sciences 33. Executive Ph.D. 34. Faculty Research Committee 35. Master of Science in Financial Administration 36. Foreign Students 37. Proposal for A Program Leading To The Degree Doctor of Philosophy in Geology 1966 38. Geology 39. Scripps Foundation: Gerontology Center 40. Gerontology: New Master's Degree--Consultant's Report 41. Scripps Gerontology (1981-82) 42. Broadening the Pool of Qualified Applicants for Graduate Assistantships (1975-76) 43. Organization of the Graduate School: Mimeo Giving Information Effective June 2, 1965 44. Committee on Graduate Awards 45. Graduate Fellowships (1967-69) 46. Graduate Fellowships: Copies of Award Letters and Letters of Nomination (1969-70) 47. The Graduate School and Research Supplementary Data [Yellow Binder] 48. History 49. History: Miami University Graduate School 50. History: Graduate Study
Graduate School; General; Graduate Programs and Proposals: Masters Degree to Teachers Education; 1967-81; Box 2 [16A-M-6B] Files: 1. Evaluation of Master's Programs 2. The Miamian: Discussions with Deans 3. Procedures for Introducing a New Masters Degree Program: New Degree Programs--Approval Process 4. Microbiology Department (November 15, 1974)[Red Binder] 5. Microbiology 6. Minority Students (1977-78) 7. Minority Enrollment (1974-76) 8. Mission: College of Arts and Science 9. Mission Committee: North Central Association (1973) 10. Steering Committee: North Central Association (1973) 11. North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools: Accrediting Ph.D.'s 12. North Central Evaluation (1967) 13. North Central Association (1967) 14. NCA: Slide Presentation 15. North Central Association: Evaluation for Full Accreditation 16. NCA Visit: Welcome to Miami University [Red Folder] 17. NCA: Institutional Profile, Part Two 18. SP Folder: Paper Tech/Applied Science 19. S. Peterson 20. Political Science 21. Program Review and Evaluation 22. APA Clinical Program Accreditation Visit (1982-83) 23. Psychology 24. Placement Report: Departmental, Psychology 25. State of Ohio: Board of Psychology 26. Zoology 27. Regents: Doctoral Programs at Miami: Late '60's 28. Board of Regents Advisory Committee on Graduate Study 29. OBOR Questionnaire and Results. To: Graduates of Doctoral Programs 30. Research Needs: Ohio Board of Regents: Research Budget 31. Residency Requirement 32. Residency Requirement for Miami-Employed Doctoral Students. Rights and Responsibilities 34. Teacher Education 35. Teacher Education Redesign
Graduate School; General; Graduate Program Reviews and Evaluations; 1979-81; Box 5 [SWORD]
When searching for this box in Sierra use GS in the search field
GS4 Barcode 814850101 i26152927 Barcode 35054014301598
1. Graduate Program Review and Evaluation: Guidelines (1977)
2. Guide to Graduate Program Review (1979); The Assessment of Quality of Master's Programs, March 1-3, 1979 at University of Maryland University College Center of Adult Education, College Park, Maryland
3. Guide to Graduate Program Review [Revised Edition] (1980)
4. Graduate Program Review: Memos (1977)
5. Graduate Program Review: Memos (1978)
6. Graduate Program Review: Memos (1980)
7. Graduate Program Review: Memos (1981)
8. A Client Satisfaction Rating of Graduate Study at Miami University: Survey Report. Student Life Research Service (April 1977)
9. University Liaison Committee on Graduate Program Review Minutes (1978)
10. 10 ATH--Department of Anthropology; Report of the Graduate School Evaluation Team for Anthropology (April 20, 1980); Graduate Program Review: Anthropology Component (February 1980)
11. 10 BOT--Department of Botany: Graduate Program Review, Department of Botany, Self-Study (March 1981); Department of Botany, Graduate Program Review, Evaluation Team Report (1981)
12. 10 ENG--Department of English: Report of the Evaluation Team for Graduate Program Review in English (April 7, 1980); Graduate Program Review, Department of English, Self-Study (March 1980)
13. 10 FRE/ITL--Department of French and Italian: Report of the Evaluation Team for Graduate Program Review in French (June 1981); Graduate Program Review, Department of French and Italian, Self-Study (March 30, 1981)
14. 10 GEO--Department of Geography: Graduate Program Review, Department of Geography, Evaluation Team. Report (April 1981); Department of Geography, Graduate Program Review , Self-Study (February 13, 1981)
15. 10 HST--Department of History: Graduate Program Review, Department of History, Evaluation Team. Report (July 1980); Graduate Program Review, Department of History, [Self-Study] (January 1980)
16. 10 PSY--Department of Psychology: Graduate Program Review, Department of Psychology, Evaluation Team Report (April 29, 1980); Department of Psychology, Graduate Program Review 1979-80, Self-Study Report (1980)
17. 10 SOC--Department of Sociology: An Evaluation of the Master's Degree Program in Sociology (May 12, 1980); Graduate Program Review of the Sociology Graduate Program (February 1980)
18. 10 SPN/POR--Department of Spanish and Portuguese: Graduate Program Review, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Evaluation Team Report (June 1981); Graduate Program Review, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, [Self-Study] (January 1981)
19. 11 HPE--Department of Health and Physical Education: Graduate Program Review Miscellaneous Materials
20. 11 HPE--Department of Health and Physical Education: Report of the Evaluation Team for the Graduate Program of the Department of Health and Physical Education (April 14, 1980); Graduate Program Review, Department of Health and Physical Education 1979-80, [Self-Study]
Graduate School; General; Graduate Program Reviews and Evaluations; 1979-81; Box 6 [SWORD] When searching for this box in Sierra use GS in the search field GS5 Barcode 814850106 i26153014 Barcode 35054014301655 Files: 1. 10 ART--Department of Art: Miscellaneous Materials (1980) 2. 10 ART--Department of Art: Graduate Program Review, Evaluation Team Report, Department of Art (1980); Graduate Program Review 1980, Self-Study, Art Education Area, Department of Art (February 1980); Graduate Program Review 1980, Self-Study, Studio Areas, Department of Art (February 1980) 3. 13 MUS--Department of Music: Report of the Evaluation Team for Graduate Program Review in Music [M.M. and M.A.](September 1981); Graduate Program Review 1980, Self-Study, Department of Music (February 1981) 4. 21 IES--Institute of Environmental Sciences, Miscellaneous Materials (1980)_ 5. 21 IES--Institute of Environmental Sciences: Evaluation of the Master of Environmental Science Program in the Institute of Environmental Science (May 15, 1980); Institute of Environmental Sciences, Graduate Program Review, Self-Study (February 15, 1980)
Graduate School; General; Miscellaneous Files; 1979-88; Box 1 [16A-N-1A] Files: 1. Connie Wilkins (1982-83) 2. December '84 Correspondence [Continued] 3. Enrollment Planning Committee (1984-85) 4. Faculty Research Committee (1984-85) 5. GA Stipends (1984-85) 6. Graduate Council (1981) 7. Graduate Council (1983-85) 8. Graduate School Research Reports Prior to 1984 9. Graduate Student Achievement Fund (1979-84) 10. MUGS (1982) 11. MURAC (Through 1984) 12. MURAC (October 19-20, 1984) 13. RACGS (1984-85) 14. RACGS: Ph.D., Nursing, Ohio State University 15. Scripps Foundation (1984-85) 16. SRAC (1981-82) 17. University Library Committee: Library Automation (1984-85) 18. H. Waltzer Correspondence (July 1, 1983- ). 19. Graduate Council II 20. Graduate Studies: Articles 21. Graduate Student Association 22. Graduate School 23. Graduate Dean's Advisory Committee 24. GRE/CGS Forum, Chicago (November 1985) 25. Human Subjects 26. IBM Palm Springs 27. Institute of Environmental Sciences 28. ISORG [Information Systems Operations Review Group] 29. Library 30. University Library Committee 31. January Correspondence 32.. February Correspondence 33. March Correspondence
Graduate School; General; Miscellaneous Files; 1979-88; Box 2 [16A-N-1B] Files: 1. April Correspondence 2. May Correspondence 3. June Correspondence 4. MFA Theatre Proposal 5. Miami University Foundation 6. MURAC Meeting (Spring 1986) 7. MURAC 8. MURAC (April 29-30, 1985) 9. MURAC Shoupp Award 10. NCR Project 11. Nebraska Videodisc Conference (October 1985) 12. Orlando Conference (February 16-17, 1986). 13. RACGS: M. of Health Services, Youngstown State University 14. Registrar Reports 15. Research and Sponsored Programs 16. Research Challenge I 17. Scripps Foundation 18. Shoupp Proposals 19. SPEAK Test 20. SUPA 21. TOEFL/GRE 22. University Council 23. University Senate 24. Woods Hole
Graduate School; General; Miscellaneous Files; 1979-88; Box 3 [16A-N-1C] Files: 1. President's Council 2. Program Review 3. Program Review/GREAL 4. Program Review--H P R 5. Program Review--Theatre 6. Promotion and Tenure Committee 7. RACGS 8. RACGS: MS Guidance and Counseling [Celina Off-Campus Site], Wright State University 9. RACGS: Master of Health Services, Youngstown State University 10. RACGS: M.Ed. Programs, Miami University 11. Research and Sponsored Projects 12. Registrar Reports 13. Research Challenge 14. Research Corporation 15. Scripps Foundation 16. Shoupp Awards 17. Teacher Education and Certification 18. SUPA [Empty] 19. TOEFL/GRE
Graduate School; General; Miscellaneous Files; 1979-88; Box 4 [16A-N-2A] Files: 1. Academic Challenge Program 2. A C S 3. Admissions 4. American Studies 5. Annual Report 6. Animal Rights 7. Annenberg Project 8. Biosafety Committee 9. Board of Trustees 10. Budget 11. COAD Presentation (September 24, 1985) 12. COAD I 13. COAD II 14. Collective Bargaining 15. Commencement (August 1985) 16. Commencement (May 11, 1986) 17. Commemcement (December 1985) 18. Computer Planning Group 19. Cooperative Imprint 20. Council of Graduate Schools 21. Course Approvals (1985-86) 22. Enrollment Planning Committee 23. Faculty Research Committee 24. GA Stipends 25. GA Stipends, Appointments 26. Governance Survey 27. Graduate Council I
Graduate School; General; Miscellaneous Files; 1979-88; Box 5 [16A-N-2B] Files: 1. Graduate Council Letters (1987) 2. Mercury Seven Foundation 3. RACGS: Ph.D. Neuroscience, Ohio State University 4. RACGS: Ph.D. Computer Science, Kent State University 5. RACGS: Master of Music Therapy, Ohio University 6. RACGS: Master of Public Affairs to Master of Public Administration, University of Cincinnati 7. RACGS: Doctor of Pharmacy, University of Toledo 8. RACGS: Ph.D. Urban Educational Leadership, Cleveland State 9. RACGS: Joint Master of Library Science, Kent State University and Ohio State University 10. RACGS: M.S. Sports Studies/M.S. Exercise and Health, Miami University 11. RACGS: Ph.D. Photochemical Sciences 12. RACGS: M.A. Arabic/M.A. Hebrew, Ohio State University 13. Research Corporation 14. Registrar Reports 15. Research Challenge 16. Urban University 17. Wilmington College. 18. Council of Graduate Schools 19. CRPGE Workshop (June 1987) 20. Graduate Council 21. Graduate Council: English Assessment Committee, SPEAK 22. Graduate Council (1986-87, 1987-88) 23. Graduate Council Social and Behavior Sciences Area Subcommittee (1986-88) 24. GRE Chicago Trip 25. Harris Fellowships (September 1987 Trip) 26. IBM Phoenix 27. IOAC [Institutional Analysis Operating Committee] 28. ISORG [Information Systems Operations Review]
Graduate School; General; Miscellaneous Files; 1987-88; Box 6 [16A-N-2C] Files: 1. Library Automation 2. Management Steering Committee 3. Mathematics and Statistics Chair Search 4. Miami University Foundation 5. Miami University News Letter 6. Midwest Association of Graduate Schools 7. MURAC 8. MURAC Shoupp Award 9. NASULGC [National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges] 10. NCR Project_11. Network RFP 12. OBOR: Graduate Professional Fellowship Program 13. OBOR: Library Study Group 14. OHECC 15. Online Scientific Literature Workshop 16. Planning 17. President's Council 18. Provost's Meetings 19. Program Review: Architecture 20. Program Review: Educational Leadership 21. Program Review: Political Science 22. Program Proposal: Systems Analysis Masters [Empty] 23. Promotion and Tenure 24. RACGS Meeting (November 6, 1987) 25. RACGS: March Meeting 26. RACGS Meeting, Mohican State Park (January 21-22, 1988) 27. RACGS Meeting (April 21-22, 1988) 28. RACGS Meeting (June 3-4, 1987) 29. RACGS: Doctoral Proposal in Photochemical Sciences, Bowling Green State University--Responses, Concerns (1988)[Binder] 30. RACGS: Appendices for Doctoral Proposal in Photochemical Sciences, Bowling Green State University (1988)[Binder] 31. RACGS: Proposal for a Doctoral Program in Photochemical Sciences, Bowling Green State University (1987-88)[Marked Copy--Binder] 32. RACGS: Dr. of Business Administration I, Cleveland State University
Graduate School; General; Miscellaneous Files; 1988-89; Box 1 [16A-N-3A] Files: 1. Contents 2. Academic Challenge 3. Academic Computer Service 4. Academic Facilities Task Force 5. Annual Report 6. Board of Trustees 7. Budget 8. Calendar 9. Center for Health Enhancement 10. Cincom 11. COAD III, January, February, and March 12. COAD, April, May, and June 13. COAD, October, November, December 14. COAD I, July, August, September 15. Collective Bargaining 16. August Commencement 17. Computing Management Steering Group 18. Computer Planning Group 19. Computer Policy Committee 20. Cooperative Imprint 21. Correspondence Log (229U) 22. Council of Graduate Schools 23. Eminent Scholars Program Advisory Committee 24. Enrollment Planning Committee 25. Equipment 26. Faculty Assembly
Graduate School; General; Miscellaneous Files; 1988-89; Box 2 [16A-N-3B] Files: 1. Faculty Research Committee 2. Graduate Council 3. GREs 4. GA Stipends/Appointments (1) 5. GA Stipends/ Appointments (2) 6. Graduate Council on Enrollment Management 7. Graduate Council Humanities and Fine Arts Subcommittee 8. Graduate Council: English Assessment Committee 9. Graduate Faculty Approvals Completed 10. Graduate Student Association 11. IBM 12. IBM Anaheim 13. IBM Network 14. IES-- Institute for Environmental Sciences 15. IBM Presentation 16. Kellog Foundation 17. Library 18. Library Automation 19. Major Gifts Campaign 20. Management Steering Committee 21. MBA Review 22. Mercury Seven Foundation 23. Miami University Foundation 24. Microbiology Chair Candidates 25. MURAC 26. MURAC Shoupp Award 27. NASULGC 28. NET 1989, Washington D.C. 29. Network RFP 30. Next, Inc 31. NCR Project 32. Online Search Workshop
Graduate School; General; Miscellaneous Files; 1988-89; Box 3 [16A-N-3C] Files: 1. Ohio Council on Research and Economic Division 2. Old Northwest 3. OLIS Users Task Force 4. OLIS RFP-- Ohio Library Information Systems 5. OLIS Conference, Kent, May 1989 6. Pittsburgh-- Carnegie Mellon University 7. Presidentís Council 8. Project Planning Committee, Irvin Hall Renovation 9. Promotion and Tenure 10. Provostís Staff 11. RACGS, October Meeting 12. RACGS 13. RACGS-- MS Family and Child Studies, MS Child and Family Studies 14. Registrar Reports 15. Research Challenge 16. Research Corporation Technologies 17. RSP-- Research and Sponsored Programs 18. SCRIPPS 19. SCIPPS Foundation 20. SNOWMASS 21. SUPA New Orleans, February 1989 22. Search-- Executive Director Dolibois European Center 23. Search for University Director of International Programs 24. Search for Vice President for Student Affairs 25. University Senate
Graduate School; General; Miscellaneous Files; 1989-90; Box 4 [16A-N-4A] Files: 1. COAD - January, February, March (1989-90) 2. COAD - April, May, June (1989-90) 3. Commencement, May (1989-90) 4. Commencement, August (1989-90) 5. Commencement, December (1989-90) 6. Computer Policy Committee (1989-90) 7. Cooperative Imprint (1989-90) 8. Council of Graduate Schools (1989-90) 9. Commission on the Improvement of the Status of Women Faculty (1989-90) 10. Doctoral Subsidy (1989-90) 11. Eminent Scholars Program Advisory Committee (1989-90) 12. Enrollment Planning Committee (1989-90) 13. Equipment (1989-90) 14. Faculty Assembly (1989-90) 15. Graduate Council (1989-90) 16. Graduate Council - English Assessment Committee - SPEAK (1989-90) 17. Grad Council Appointments and Thanks 18. Graduate Student Association (1989-90) 19. FRC - Faculty Research Committee (1989-90) 20. GA Stipends and Appointments (1989-90) 21. IBM Grant Proposals (1989-90) 22. IBM Phoenix 23. IBM System 6000 (1989-90) 24. IBM - Miami Beach (1989-90) 25. IBM Teacher Preparation and Enhancement (1989-90) 26. IBM 9371 (1989-90) 27. IES - Institute of Environmental Science (1989-90) 28. Informa (1989-90) 29. Institutional Analyses Operating Committee 30. IOLS .90 (1989-90) 31. Kellogg Proposal (1989-90) 32. Library (1989-90) 33. Library Automation (1989-90) 34. MAGS - Midwest Assoc. of Grad Schools (1989-90) 35. MAGS Thesis Committee (1989-90) 36. Management Steering Committee (1989-90) 37. Miami Appointment (1989-90)
Graduate School; General; Miscellaneous Files; 1988-89; Box 7 [16A-N-4B] Files: 1. RACGS: Dr. of Business Administration II, Cleveland State University. 2. RACGS: Master of Public Health, Ohio State University 3. RACGS: Master of Technology, Bowling Green State University 4. RACGS 5. RACGS: June 2-3 Meeting 6. RACGS: September Meeting 7. RACGS: Title Change, Kent State 8. RACGS: M.A. Slavic and East European Studies, Ohio State University 9. RACGS: Off-Campus Program, Ohio University 10. RACGS: MS Computer Science, University of Cincinnati 11. RACGS: MA in Ed/Communicative Disorders, University of Toledo 12. RACGS: Manufacturing Management, University of Toledo 13. RACGS: Responses to Comments from Reviewers Concerning M.S. and Ph.D. Programs in Manufacturing Management, University of Toledo, College of Business Administration [Binder] 14. RACGS: A Proposal for the Establishment of M.S. and Ph.D. Programs in Manufacturing Management, Vol. 1. University of Toledo, College of Business Administration [Binder] 15. RACGS: A Proposal for the Establishment of M.S. and Ph.D. Programs in Manufacturing Management, Vol. 2. University of Toledo, College of Business Administration [Binder] 16. RACGS: M.S. and Ph.D. in Medicinal Chemistry, University of Toledo (1988) 17. RACGS: Master of Taxation, University of Toledo 18. RACGS: M.A. Urban Administration, Wright State University 19. Proposal for a Master of Arts in Urban Administration. Wright State University, College of Liberal Arts, Department of Urban Affairs [Binder] 20. Research Corporation
Graduate School; General; Miscellaneous Files; 1990-91; Box 1 [16A-N-5A] Files: 1. Academic Achievement Assessment 2. Academic Computer Service 3. Academic Challenge 4. Academic Policy Committee 5. APA Accreditation Site Visit-- Clinical Psychology 6. Budget 7. Campus Computing Network 8. Center for Human Development, Learning, and Teaching 9. COAD-- April, May, June 10. COAD-- Jaunary, February, March 11. COAD-- October, November, December 12. COAD-- July, August, September 13. The Computing Center 14. Computer Policy Committee 15. Cooperative Imprint 16. Coalition for Networked Information 17. Committee on the Assessment of the Quality of Service-- Grad Awards 18. CUHSR 19. Continuing Education 20. Electron Microscopy 21. Enrollment Planning Committee 22. Faculty Research Committee 23. GA Stipends 24. GA Stipends/Appointments 25. Graduate Business Students 26. Graduate Council on Natural and Applied Science Committee 27. Graduate School Enrollment 28. Graduate School Information Services 29. Graduate Student Association 30. Grad Student Recruitment 31. Geographic Information Systems Lab 32. Graduate Deanís Advisory Committee 33. International Students 34. IES-- Institution for Environmental Sciences 35. Inquiry 36. Office of Learning Assistance 37. Liberal Education 38. Library Information Systems 39. Scheduling and Registration 40. Scripps Foundation 41. Sexual Harassment Statement 42. Space Utilization 43. SPEAK-- Stipends 44. Student Affairs Council 45. University Senate 46. Vogel Project 47. Wilmington Center 48. Workshops
Graduate School; General; Office Files; 1954-78; Box 1 [16A-M-7A] Files: 1. Graduate Degrees Conferred 1809-1959 2. Alumnus Magazine 3. Miami University-- History of Grad Education, 1945-1970 4. Dept. Chair (Doctoral Depts 1971-72) 5. Black Students Recruitment 6. National Biard on Grad Education 1972 7. Doctoral Enrichment Fund 8. File Copies of Action and Correspondence Conference on Graduate Studies 1973 9. Computer Listings 1973 10. Departmental Surveys, Volume Two 11. Master of Accounting/ Master of Financial Administration 1973-76 12. Black Grad Students 1973-74 13. Continuing Grad Students 14. Facilities Fee 1974 15. Sesquicentennial Year/ History of Grad Degrees and Supplement 1826-1974 16. Curriculum- Ph.D 1974 17. Graduate School Minutes, Oct. 18, 1973- May 30, 1974 18. Proposal for a Master of Science Program in Systems Analysis to the Ohio Board of Regents 19. Archives 1975 20. Committee on Use of Human Subjects-- Information 1975 21. Committee on Use of Human Subjects, Approvals/ Denials for Graduate Students 22. Committee on the Use of Human Subjects 1976 23. Graduate Program Policy Advisory Committee, 1976 24. Co-op Ph.D-- University of Dayton, Miami U., WSU (Education Administration) 25. The Old Northwest Journal 26. Handbook for Masterís in Business Administration 27. MFA Program 28. Graduation Students, Grievance 1978 29. Project Quill 1978 30. Co-op Ph.D-- Revised October 1978 31. Master of Liberal Arts at Miami
Graduate School; General; Office Files; 1979-88; Box 3 [16A-M-6C] Files: 1. School of Business Administration, A Proposal for a Master of Accountancy Program 2. Interim Graduate Plan 1973-79 3. Miami University Interim Graduate Plan: 1973-79 4. Graduate Programs GLG-MTH 1980 5. Graduate Programs BOT-GEO 1980 6. Wilmington College 1980 7. Research Office 1980-81 8. Statistical Consulting Center 1981-83 9. President Pearson Consensus Statement, Top 10 Priorities 10. Radiation Safety Officer: Kenneth Fritz, 1980 11. Psychology/ Grad Association/ Student Counseling Service, 9/1981 12. Scientific Research Advisory Council, October 7-8 1981 13. Miami-MAT in Education 14. Ramkhamhaeng University 1982 15. Meeting with Science Forum, October 1982 16. Registration Arrangement for MBA Students, C. Davis 1982 17. Constance Van Frank, Summer Practicum 1982, Graduate Orientation Programs 18. Grad School and Research Regents/ Advisory Committee on Graduate Study 1982-83 19. Private Sector-- Proposal Development 20. Miami University Research Office Annual Report 1983-84 21. Graduate Awards Packet for 1984-85 22. Graduate Awards Packet 1985-86 23. Graduate School Handbook 24. Miami University Self Study Report and Special Emphasis Committee Reports 25. Miami University Department of Physical Education, Health, and Sports Studies 1987-88
Graduate School; General; Office Files; 1988-90; Box 5 [16A-N-4C] Files: 1. WANG VS 2. Wilmington College 3. Woods Hole 4. Academic Achievement Assistantships 1989-90 5. Academic Computer Service 7. Aspen Conference 8. Bermuda Program 10. Budget 11. Cable Television and Networking Task Force 12. Cambridge Technology Group 13. Candidates for Psychology Dept Chair 14. COAD-- Advising and Retention Committee 15. Chinese Students 16. COAD-- July, August, September 17. COAD-- October, November, December 18. Microtek 19. MURAC 20. Miami University Foundation 21. NASULGC 22. NCR Project 23. NET 24. NEXT 25. OARNET Steering Committee 26. The Old Northwest 27. Ohio Academic Network Planning Committee 28. Ohio River Basin Consortium for Research 29. Ohio River Basin Consortium for Research and Education 30. Online Literature Workshop 31. OLIS Workstation 32. Petersonís Connexion 33. Petersonís Guide 34. Presidentís Council 35. Promotion and Tenure 36. Provost Candidates 37. 9/27/89 RACGS 38. 11/2-3/89 RACGS 39. 2/2/90 RACGS 40. RSP- Research and Sponsored Programs 41. Research Challenge Program 42. University Senate
Graduate School; General; Program Reviews; 1980; Box 1 [16A-N-5B] Files: 1. Department of Art Graduate Program Review 1980 2. Department of Botany Graduate Program Review 1980-81 3. Graduate Review-- Art Education 4. Graduate Review-- Studio 5. Department of English Graduate Program Review 1980 6. Department of Health and Physical Education Graduate Review 1980 7. Department of History Graduate Program Review 1980 8. Institute of Environmental Science Graduate Program Review 1980 9. Department of Music Graduate Program Review 1980-81
Graduate School; General; Program Reviews; 1994-95; Box 1 [16A-N-5C] Contents: 1. History 2. Art 3. Business 4. Chemistry 5. Economic 6. Physics 7. Systems Analysis Department 8. General 9. Art 10. Botany 11. General Business 12. Chemistry 13. Economics 14. History 15. Nursing 16. Sociology 17. Spanish and Portuguese 18. Theatre 19. Records APR Chair 20. Psychology
Graduate School; General; Program Reviews; 1994-95; Box 2 [16A-N-6A] Contents: 1. Dept. of Chemistry 2. Dept of Chemistry Self-Study for Doctoral Review 3. Dept of Chemistry and Biotechnology
Graduate School; General; Program Reviews; 1994-95; Box 3 [16A-N-6B] Contents: 1. History [HST] 2. Educational Leadership [EDL] 3. Psychology [PSY] 4. Microbiology [MBI] 5. Art [ART] 6. English [ENG] 7. Botany [BOT]
Graduate School; General; Program Reviews; 1995-96; Box 4 [16A-N-6C] Contents: 1. Engineering Tech 2. Finance 3. Institute for the Environment and Sustainability [IES] 4. Mathematics [MTH] 5. Paper Science and Engineering [PSE] 6. Zoology [ZOO] 7. Psychology [PSY] 8. Marketing 9. French 10. Miscellaneous
Graduate School; General; Program Reviews; 1996-98; Box 5 [16A-N-7A] Contents: 1. Educational Psychology [EDP] 2. Educational Leadership [EDL] 3. Geology [GLG] 4. Interdisciplinary Studies [IDS] 5. Zoology [ZOO] 6. Architecture [ARC] 7. Chemistry [CHM]
Graduate School; General; Program Reviews; 1996-98; Box 6 [16A-N-7B] Contents: 1. International Studies 2. Philosophy 3. Master of Business Administration [MBA] 4. Accounting [ACC] 5. Political Science [POL] 6. Business Tech 7. Women Studies 8. Luxembourg [MUDEC] 9. American Studies
Graduate School; General; Program Reviews; 1998-99; Box 7 [16A-N-7C] Contents: 1. Academic Program Review 2. Teachers' Education EDT 3. Botany [BOT] 4. Music and Theatre [ MUS and THE] 5. Geography [GEO] 6. Psychology PSY 7. Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering [MME] 8. Registrar 9. Chemistry [CHM] 10. Management 11.Communications [COM] 12. Relligion [REL]
Graduate School; General; Program Reviews; 1999-2005; Box 8 [16A-O-1A] Contents: 1. Dept. of Womens' Studies [WMS] 2. Dept. of Black World Studies [BWS] 3. Interdisciplinary Studies [IDS] 4. Theatre [THE] 5. German, Russian, and East Asian Languages [GREAL] 6. MUSIC 7. GEO 8. BOT 9. Decision Sci. and Mgt Info 10. Management 11. Misc
Graduate School; General; Program Reviews; 2000-03; Box 9 [16A-O-1B] Contents: 1. History 2. Microbiology 3. Sociology, Gerontology, and Anthropology 4. Zoology 5. Program Review 6. Engineering Management 7. Art Review 8. Black World Studies 9. Business Administration 10. FSW 11. Mathematics and Statistics 12. Nursing 13. Program Review 14. Annual Report 15. Graduate Enrollment and Degrees 16. Liberal Education
Graduate School; General; Program Reviews; 2001; Box 10 [16A-O-1C] Contents: 1. Department of Economics 2. Physics 3. Miscellaneous 4. SAN 5. English 6. Health and Sport Studies 7. Chemistry 8. Family Studies and Social Work 9. Department of Mathematics 10. Department of Nursing 11. Department of Art
Graduate School; General; Program Reviews; 2002-03; Box 11 [16A-O-2A] Contents: 1. French and Italian 2. Architecture and Interior Design 3. American Studies 4. Self Study 5. Educational Leadership 6. Research Activity 7. Visiting Faculty CV 8. Institute for the Environment and Sustainability [IES] 9. Spanish and Portuguese 10. Women Studies 11. Miami Plan
Graduate School; General; Program Reviews; 2003-04; Box 12 [16A-O-2B] Contents: 1. Geology 2. Philosophy [PHL] CV's 3. Paper Science 4. Finance 5. Political Science [POL] 6. Accountancy 7. Educational Psychology [EDP]
Graduate School; General; Program Reviews; 2003-04; Box 13 [16A-O-2C] Contents: 1. English, Psychology, History 2. Progress Review Psychology 3. Psychology pre-doctoral internship 4. Ohio Board of Regents Doctoral Review Task Force A 5. Regents' Advisory Committee on Graduate Study [RACGS] Task Force E/ Review Procedures 6. Task Force D - New Program Approved 7. Task Force B and C RACGS 8. Wilmington College 1989-90 9 RACGS 1991-92 10. RACGS Task Force B and C Review Internal Procedures 11. MBI 12. English [ENG] 13. EDL 14. Chemistry Review for more GA 15. CHM 16. Doctoral Reviews General 17. PSY 18. History. Reopening PhD Question 19. History Department 20. Miscellaneous Files 21. History Review Response 22. History 23. History 24. Original Review 25. Department of History Program Review Self-Study Report 26. Biological Science Review Panel
Graduate School; General; Program Reviews; 2004; Box 14 [16A-O-3A] Contents: 1. Teacher Education 2. Western Program 3. Farmer School of Business [FSB] 4. Business Technology 5. Architecture [ARC] 6. Communication 7. Psychology 8. Luxembourg [MUDEC] and IR Data 9. Business Tech., Communication, Dolibois Center, Management, Psychology, Speech Pathology and Audiology, Teacher Education
Graduate School; General; Program Reviews; 2005-06; Box 15 [16A-O-3B] Contents: 1. Beth C. Austin 2. Botany Review Program 3. Academic Review Program 4. Classics Program Review 5. Comparative Religion Program Review 6. Geography Review Program 7. German, Russian and East Asian Languages [GREAL] Program Review 8. German, Russian and East Asian Languages 9. Manufacturing Engineering 10. Theatre Program Review 11. Decision Sciences and MIS Program Review
Graduate School; General; Program Reviews; 2006-07; Box 16 [16A-O-3C] Contents: 1. English Program Review 2. Academic Program Review 3. Handbook for graduate students and faculty 4. Faculty Curriculum Vitae 5. Sociology and Gerontology Program Review 6. Department of Sociology and Gerontology 7. Anthropology 8. Dept. of Anthropology 9. Computer and Systems Analysis 10. Computer and Systems Analysis program review self-study report 11. Computer and Systems Analysis program review faulty CVs 12. Economics Program Review 13. Academic Program Review, Dpt. of Economics 14. Chemistry and Biochemistry program review 15. Program Review, Chemistry and Biochemistry program, Graduate School Copy 16. External Review Committee, Chemistry and Biochemistry program 17. Computer Info and technology 18. Dept. of Computer Info and technology 19. Microbiology 20. Physics
Graduate School; General; Program Reviews; 2008-09; Box 17 [16A-O-4A] Contents: 1. Architecture [ARC] 2. Black World Studies [BWS] 3. Institute for the Environment and Sustainability [IES] 4. French [FRE] 5. Miscellaneous
Graduate School; General; 1973-2014 ; Box 18 [16A-O-5A] Contents: 1. Wallace P. Roudebush Spirit of the Institution by Charles A. Maraschiello 2. The Miami Bulletin A Handbook for Graduate Students and Faculty 2003-2004 3. The Miami Bulletin A Handbook for Graduate Students and Faculty 2004-2005 4. The Miami Bulletin A Handbook for Graduate Students and Faculty 2005-2006 5. The Miami Bulletin A Handbook for Graduate Students and Faculty 2006-2007 8. The Miami Bulletin A Handbook for Graduate Students and Faculty 2007-2008 9. The Miami Bulletin A Handbook for Graduate Students and Faculty 2008-2009 10. The Miami Bulletin A Handbook for Graduate Students and Faculty 2010-2011 11. The Miami Bulletin The Student Handbook 2000-2001 Edition 12. The Miami Bulletin Graduate Edition, 1983-85 13. The Miami Bulletin Graduate Edition, 1985-87 14. The Miami Bulletin Graduate Edition, 1987-89 15. The Miami Bulletin Graduate Edition, 1989-91 16. The Miami Bulletin Graduate Edition, 1991-93 17. The Miami Bulletin Graduate Edition, 1993-95 18. The Miami Bulletin Graduate Edition, 1995-1997 19. The Miami Bulletin Graduate Bulletin of Program Requirements and Course Descriptions, 1997-1999 20. The Miami Bulletin Graduate Bulletin of Program Requirements and Course Descriptions, 1999-2001 21. The Miami Bulletin Graduate Bulletin of Program Requirements and Course Descriptions, 2001-2003 22. The Miami Bulletin Graduate Bulletin of Program Requirements and Course Descriptions, 2003-2005 23. The Miami Bulletin Graduate Bulletin of Program Requirements and Course Descriptions, 2005-2007 24. The Miami Bulletin Graduate Bulletin of Program Requirements and Course Descriptions, 2007-2009 25. A Handbook for Graduate Students and Faculty 1990-91 26. A Handbook for Graduate Students and Faculty 1991-92 27. A Handbook for Graduate Students and Faculty 1992-93 28. A Handbook for Graduate Students and Faculty 1993-94 29. A Handbook for Graduate Students and Faculty 1994-95 30. A Handbook for Graduate Students and Faculty 1995-96 31. A Handbook for Graduate Students and Faculty 1996-97 32. A Handbook for Graduate Students and Faculty 1997-98 33. A Handbook for Graduate Students and Faculty 1998-99 34. A Handbook for Graduate Students and Faculty 1999-2000 35. A Handbook for Graduate Students and Faculty 2000-2001 36. A Handbook for Graduate Students and Faculty 2001-2002 37. A Handbook for Graduate Students and Faculty 2002-2003 38. A Documentary History of the Miami University Liberal Education Review and Reform Project 1985 - 1990 Volume 1 Selected Documents 39. Miami University Interim Graduate Plan: 1973-1979 Volume Two Departmental Surveys 40. Miami University Interim Graduate Plan: 1973-1979 Volume Three Departmental Surveys 41. Graduate School Research Paper 42. The Miami Bulletin General Bulletin of Program Requirements and Course Descriptions 2013-2014 43. Cooperative Arrangement with H. Cinncinati
Graduate School; General; 1967-2008; Box 19 [16A-O-5B] Contents: 1. History Program Review 2007-2008 2. Kinesiology and Health program Review 2007-2008 3. Nursing Program Review 2007-2008 4. Art Program Review 2007-2008 5. Draft Academic Plan Miami University 1987-1992 6. Miami University Interim Graduate Plan: 1973-1979 Volume One 7. Health, Physical Education and Recreation 8. Zoology Program Review 2007-2008 9. Engineering Management 10. Black World Studies 11. Spanish and Portuguese 12. Academic Program Review 2006-2007 13. Educational Leadership 14. APRC 15. Honors and Scholars Program Review 2007-2008 16. International Studies 17. ED.S. In School Psychology 18. French and Italian 19. 1969 20. 1969 Joint Committee on Ph.D. Cooperation 21. 2002-2003 APRC 22. Department of Zoology Miami University Program Review Self Study October 2007 23. Engineering Technology Program Review 2007-2008 24. Engineering Tech. 2002-2003 25. Miami University School of Engineering and Applied Science Department of Engineering Technology Hamilton and Middletown Campuses Program Review 2017 26. Miami University John E. Dolibois European Center (MUDEC) Self-Study Report Part I: MUDEC Subcommittee of CIE report 27. School of Interdisciplinary Studies/Western College Program Strategic Plan, 2005-2010 Presented to the Office of the Provost By the Faculty and Staff of the School of Interdisiplinary Studies/Western College Program 16 January 2006 28. Miami University Department of Music 2007-08 Academic Program Review Self-Study Members of Departmental Program Review Committee; Judith Delezell, Richard Green, Robert Lee, Brenda Mitchell, Mari Opatz-Muni, Ethan Sperry, Chris Tanner Endorsed by the Department of Music Faculty on 10/9/07 29. Dept. Agreements-coop. Ph.D. (OSU) 30. I.E.S. - History, approval of prog. May 25, 1971 31. Miami University Scipps Gerontology Center Long-Term Care Research Project October 9, 1995 32. 2001-02 Annual Report of the Graduate School 33. 1990-1991 Annual Office of Research and Sponsered Programs The Graduate School and Research Miami University June 15, 1991 34. Master of Accountancy Approved: May, 1980 35. Geography 36. Gerontology 37. Master of Technical and Scientific Communication 38. Ohio State Admission Forms for coop 39. Co-operative doctorate-ed.D., Ind.U. 40. Teacher Education 41. Master's Degree Program (NEW) Gerontology 42. Annual Reports (1993-2002) 43. Memorandums (1998-2000)
Graduate School; General; 1973-2024; Box 20 [16A-O-5C] Contents: 1. Appendix Departmental Surveys Volume Two The Graduate School Miami University Oxford, Ohio 1973 2. Scrapbook for Robert C. Jorhnson's retirement party November 14, 2002 3. Thermal Diffusivity Evaluation for Carbon-Carbon Composites using Infrared Thermography by Ying Zhang A disserttion Submitted in Partial Fulfillmental of the Requirements for the doctor of Philosophy Degree Department of Mechanical Engineering and Energy Processes in the Graduate School Southern Illonis University December, 2007 4. Office for the Advancement of Research and Scholarship, Annual Report, July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2012 5. 25th Annual Undergraduate Research Forum, April 23-24, 2019 6. First in 2009 The Spirit of a Remarkable University-The Teacher/Scholar at Miami University, The Office of Research and Scholarship Annual Report, 2005 7. 13th Annual Undergraduate Research Forum, Fusion of Learning, April 17, 2018
- Creation: 1893 - 2024
- From the Record Group: Graduate School. Office for the Advancement of Research and Scholarship. The Graduate School at Miami University, Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) (Organization)
Conditions Governing Access
Materials do not circulate and are made available to users in the Miami University Archives.
Conditions Governing Use
Materials do circulate and may only be used in the archives.
47 Boxes
Language of Materials
Physical Location
Miami University Archives, King Library, 3rd Floor, Walter Havighurst Special Collections, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
- Object: Summary of Ph.D. Consultants' Comments That Affect The Graduate School or General University Policy and Practice; 1967; 1A-E-Shelf 5 Reference Section (Books)
- Box: 1; Annual Reports; 1971; SWORD (Text)
- Box: 2; Degree Programs; 1893-1969; SWORD (Text)
- Box: 3; Degree Proposals by Division: 10 AS Botany-Zoology; 1965-70; SWORD (Text)
- Box: 4; Degree Proposals by Division: Education, Business, Fine Arts, Applied Sciences, Institute of Environmental Science; 1965-70; SWORD (Text)
- Box: 2; Graduate School;General Evaluations, Office Files; 1977-87;16A-M-7B (Text)
- Box: 1; Grad School General; 1946-84; 16A-M-6A (Text)
- Box: 1; Graduate Programs and Proposals: Accounting to History; 1967-81; 16A-M-7C (Text)
- Box: 2; Graduate Programs and Proposals: Masters Degree to Teachers Education; 1967-81; 16A-M-6B (Text)
- Box: 5; Graduate Program Reviews and Evaluations; 1979-81; SWORD (Text)
- Box: 6; Graduate Program Reviews and Evaluations; 1979-81; SWORD (Text)
- Box: 1; Miscellaneous Files; 1979-88; 16A-N-1A (Text)
- Box: 2; Miscellaneous Files; 1979-88; 16A-N-1B (Text)
- Box: 3; Miscellaneous Files; 1979-88; 16A-N-1C (Text)
- Box: 4; Miscellaneous Files; 1979-88; 16A-N-2A (Text)
- Box: 5; Miscellaneous Files; 1979-88; 16A-N-2B (Text)
- Box: 6; Miscellaneous Files; 1987-88; 16A-N-2C (Text)
- Box: 1; Miscellaneous Files; 1988-89; 16A-N-3A (Text)
- Box: 2; Miscellaneous Files; 1988-89; 16A-N-3B (Text)
- Box: 3; Miscellaneous Files; 1988-89; 16A-N-3C (Text)
- Box: 4; Miscellaneous Files; 1988-89; 16A-N-4A (Text)
- Box: 7; Miscellaneous Files; 1988-89; 16A-N-4B (Text)
- Box: 1; Miscellaneous Files; 1990-91; 16A-N-5A (Text)
- Box: 1; Office Files; 1954-78; 16A-M-7A (Text)
- Box: 3; Office Files; 1979-80; 16A-M-6C (Text)
- Box: 5; Office Files; 1988-90; 16A-N-4C (Text)
- Box: 1; Program Reviews; 1980; 16A-N-5B (Text)
- Box: 1; Program Reviews; 1994-95; 16A-N-5C (Text)
- Box: 2; Program Reviews; 1994-95; 16A-N-6A (Text)
- Box: 3; Program Reviews; 1994-95; 16A-N-6B (Text)
- Box: 4; Program Reviews; 1995-96; 16A-N-6C (Text)
- Box: 5; Program Reviews; 1996-98; 16A-N-7A (Text)
- Box: 6; Program Reviews; 1996-98; 16A-N-7B (Text)
- Box: 7; Program Reviews; 1998-99; 16A-N-7C (Text)
- Box: 8; Program Reviews; 1999-05; 16A-O-1A (Text)
- Box: 9; Program Reviews; 2000-03; 16A-O-1B (Text)
- Box: 10; Program Reviews; 2001; 16A-O-1C (Text)
- Box: 11; Program Reviews; 2002-03; 16A-O-2A (Text)
- Box: 12; Program Reviews; 2003-04; 16A-O-2B (Text)
- Box: 13; Program Reviews; 2003-04; 16A-O-2C (Text)
- Box: 14; Program Reviews; 2004; 16A-O-3A (Text)
- Box: 15; Program Reviews; 2005-06; 16A-O-3B (Text)
- Box: 16; Program Reviews; 2006-07; 16A-O-3C (Text)
- Box: 17; Program Reviews; 2008-09; 16A-O-4A (Text)
- Container: Graduate School; General; 1973-2014 ; Box 18 [16A-O-5A] (Text)
- Container: Graduate School; General; 1967-2008; Box 19 [16A-O-5B] (Text)
- Container: Graduate School; General; 1973-2007; Box 20 [16A-O-5C] (Text)
Repository Details
Part of the Miami University and Western College Memorial Archives Repository