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General, 1953 - 2017

 Sub-Group — Multiple Containers


Interdisciplinary Studies; General; SIS Photos and Loose Ephemera; Box 1 [16A-J-1] Contents: Photos: 1. Students in front of Circular Window 2. SIS Dean Bill Gracie 3. Man and Woman in Dorm Room 4. Student Group Holding Candles 5. Geoff Chase and Students in Classroom 6. Students Sitting on Steps of Peabody 7. Student Group in Classroom 8. "Concerning Masculinity: An Exploration of the Male Nude" Exhibition Card [Senior Project 2003] 9. Student Group Outdoors 10. Student on Western Bridge 11. Folder: SIS Pictures (c. 1980s) 12. Folder: WCP Misc. Photos (undated) 13. Folder: Western Faculty Photos (Undated 14. CDs: Pictures taken by Western Community (2003) Other materials: 1. Graduation Cap and Tassle 2. Tree Cut-Out 3. Undated Response Journal

Interdisciplinary Studies; General; SIS Faculty Publications; 1990-2002; Box 1 [16A-J-2B] SIS Faculty Publications 1990-2002 Contents: 1. Curtis W. Ellison. From Hard Times to Heaven. Jackson, Miss.: University Press of Mississippi, 1995. 2. Bill Green. Water, Ice and Stone: Science and Memory on the Antartic Lakes. New York: Harmony Books, 1995. 3. William H. Newell, ed. Interdisciplinarity: Essays From the Literature. New York: College Entrance Examination Board, 1998. 4. Carolyn Haynes, ed, Innovations in Interdisciplinary Teaching, Westport, Ct.: Oryx Press, 2002. 5. Sally Harrison-Pepper. Drawing a Circle in the Square: Street Performing in New York's Washington Square Park. Jackson, Miss.: University Press of Mississippi, 1990. 6. Eugene W. Metcalf and Frank Maresca. Ray Gun. New York: Fortfolio, 1999 7. Putting It All Together Western College Program Portfolio

Interdisciplinary Studies; General; SIS Binders; Box 1 [16A-J-2C]

Binders: 1. Environmental Science and Environmental Studies Majors, School of Interdisciplinary Studies, Western College Program, Miami University. 2.Environmental Education Grants Program 3. North Central Association of Colleges and Schools - Commission on Institutions of Higher Education

Interdisciplinary Studies; General; Western College-Miami Merger; 1972-75; Box 1 [16A-I-6A] Merger Files: 1. Beckett, W. Interview Feb. 28, 1975 2. Brown, David G. Interview and Correspondence Feb. 13, 1975 3. Dolibois, John Interview Feb. 28, 1975 4. Etheridge, R. F. Interview Feb. 5, 1975 5. Fitton, Stuart Interview Feb. 27, 1975 6. Goggin, Lloyd Interview Feb. 13, 1975 7. Hoyt, Phyllis Interview and Correspondence March 21, 1975 8. Keebler, Willard Interview Feb. 29, 1975 9. Lord, Mary Interview Feb. 21, 1975 10. Shriver, Phillip Interview, Correspondence, and Publicity Jan. 27, 1975 11. Spencer, W. C. Interview, Correspondence, and Publicity Nov. 30, 1974 12. Kennedy, Larry K. Misc. 1973-1974 13. Institutional Profile and Report for N. C. A. Dec. 2, 1972 14. N. C. A. Report of a Visit Dec. 2-5, 1974 15. Materials from Western College Planning Team binder 16. Western College Planning Team binder 17. Report of the Planning Team _The Miamian_ 3/9 (Nov. 12, 1973) 18. Wittman, Robert J. (1) The Western College, Miami University ... April 5, 1974 *p. 5 Private Papers, not for circulation or publication 19. Wittman, Robert J. (2) Floor Plans: Buildings of the Western College (n. d.) 20. Wittman, Robert J. (3) Course Comparisons ... Office of the Registrar March 18, 1974 21. Wittman, Robert J. (4) Minutes of "The Planning Team, Western College" and "Progress Reports" August 22, 1973-Nov. 5, 1973 22. Wittman, Robert J. (5) Supplementary Documents 1974 23. Wittman, Robert J. (6) Studies of Faculty, Students, and Learning Unit (Course) Selection under Freedom with Responsibility by D Auble (n. d.) 24. Wittman, Robert J. (7) A Survey of Senior Students at Western College, Spring, 1973 by Wayne D. Anton and Larry J. Kennedy 25. Wittman, Robert J. (8) News Releases August 22, 1972-April 4, 1974

Interdisciplinary Studies; General; Miami and Western College: Merger and Miscellany; 1973-79; Box 1 [16A-I-6B] Files: 1. "Memo of Understanding" July 10, 1973 2. Newsclips Oxford Press June 21, 1973 Miamian Nov. 12, 1973 3. Report of the Planning Team Nov. 8, 1973 4. Luine, M. J. Correspondence Jan. 26, 1975 5. Resolution R74 Dec. 8, 1973 6. Search Committee -- Dean of Western College (1) 7. Search Committe -- Dean of Western College (2) 8. Search Committe -- Dean of Western College (3) 9. misc, 10. Conferences, Symposia, Fairs 11. Faculty, General *includes 2 cassettes -- President Shriver (May 6, 1974) and Provost Brown (May 4, 1974) to new faculty on positions at the Western College 12. The Western Bulletin 13. various publications (1) 14. various publications (2) 15. The Western Focus 16. The Association for Intergrative Studies (April 26, 1979) 17. Search Committee -- Dean of Western College -- Business File 18. Western College Program and Evaluation Reports (1974-1977) 19. A Look at Western The School of Interdisciplinary Studies (Western College Program) Pamphlet 20. Western College Marches to Beat of a New Drum, News Article, December 1978

Interdisciplinary Studies; General; Miscellaneous Materials (Western College); 1973; Box 1 [16A-J-1A] 5/29/19 Files: 1. Materials from Dean Isobel Abbott's files of closing of Western (1973-74) 2. Western Open House Guest Book (1974) 3. Curriculum Arts Fair (1974-79) 4. WomEnergy Program (November 5, 1974) 5. Myron J. Lunine, "Planning New Departures in the Curriculum: On Outward Forms of Inward Values" (1976) 6. Curriculum Arts Fair (April 16-19, 1977) 7. "Women Recharged" Program (June 19-21, 1977) 8. College Day (Spring 1978) 9. "Money and You" Program (June 18-20, 1978) 10. Western Presents "Re-Soundings": The Second Annual Poetry Reading (November 16, 1978) 11. "The Law and You" Program (June 17-19, 1979) 12. "Anthropology, Drama, and the Human Experience (June 4-July 27, 1979) 13. Western College Faculty Areas of Formal and Informal Preparation (1979-80) 14. 5th Annual Carol Sing: see last folder for description of Carol sing (1981) 15. MU Choraliers "A Salute to Western College" (1982) 16. "Speech to the Western College Class of 1982: (May 16, 1982) 17. Divisional Colloquium (1982, 1985) 18. "Today's Conflicts of Conscience" Program (June 12-14, 1983) 19. Welcome to Western Letter from RA (1983) 20. "Liberal Arts Education and the Professions. A Workshop" (April 11-12, 1984) 21. Western Program Alumnae Directory (1984?) 22. Course Descriptions / Syllabi / Class Notes (1984, n.d.) 23. Celebrating Women in the Arts (June 1985) 24. Report to the Council of Academic Deans (October 1, 1985) 25. Western Program Alumnae Directory (March 1986) 26. Western College Divisional Plan (1986, rev. 1988) 27. "Freshman Writing: What Falls Away" (1987?) 28. Handbook of Procedures for Staff (rev. 1988) 29. "The Continuing Saga of the Class of 1989" (May 1989) 30. "Diversity and Community: Exploring Gender Issues" 1+2 (Fall 1989) 31. Interdisciplinary Lecture Series Presents: Heartstrings (September 6, 1989) 32. "Where is Creativity?" Workshop (October 6-8, 1989) 33. Peabody Review (1989- ) 34. Program Excellence (1989-91) 35. Western Campus Government Constitution (1992) 36. Ed Sweeney, "An Educational Heritage: The Close of Western College" Old Northwest v. 16, n.2 (Summer 1992). 37. Alumnae Association Reunion (1994) 38. "A Quest For Community" (May 1994) 39. "Western College Program. A Small College Style." Promotional Brochure (1994?) 40. "Orienting to Western: A Summer Reader" (1995) 41. Western Archives Materials (1996) 42. Western Writing Program (c. 1996) 43. Selected Readings for Freedom Summer Revisited, 1997 44. Autobiographically Expressed Recipes: The CCI Heritage Cookbook (1999) 45. "Walking Through History" Celebrating 25 years Western College Alumnae Association (1999) 46. Dean Bert Kaufman's Letter to Alumni (April 2, 2001) 47. Letters to Alumni From Alumni and Administrators (2001- ) 48. "The Present and Time Past Addendum III - 35 Years" (Summer 2009) 49. Important Dates in the History of the Western College for Women (n.d.) 50. Exploring the History of Western (Fall 2003). 51. Western Student Handbook (n.d.). 52. Western Alumnae Weekend Songbook (n.d.); Alumnae Weekend (June 12-14, 1981) 53. "Be Different" 54. Alumnae Association Endowment 55. Miscellaneous Brochures and Senior Project Conference (2009) 56. Western College Program - Publication - the Western Bulletin (1976-78) 57. Unknown Art and Letter Describing Western Traditions (c. 1970s-1980s) 58. Misc. WCP Brochures 59. "Books and Ballots: The Value of Information in a Democrativ Society" Carolyn Jefferson -Jenkins (3/30/2006) 60. "Putting it all Together": Western College Program Portfolio Project (1989-1990) Loose on shelf 61. Keynote Speech The Western College of Miami 30th Reunion November 13, 2003 62. Handouts, flyers, pamphlets, Western Program, no date

Interdisciplinary Studies; General; Planning Team Materials; 1973; Box 3 [16A-J-7A] Files: 1. Western College Planning Team (1973) 2. Western College Planning Team (1973) 3. Western College Planning Team (1973) 4. Western College Planning Team (1973) 5. Western College Planning Team (1973) 6. Western College Planning Team (1973)

Interdisciplinary Studies; General; Assorted Materials Rec'd From Western Program; 1973-2008; Box 1 [16A-I-7A] Contents: 1. Brainstorming Summary (received 1974) 2. Departmental Liaison Appointees, 1986-1988/Summary –Evaluation Responses February 23, 1987 3. The Purpose of Liberal Education at Miami University: A Discussion Paper (113-116) 4. The Purpose of Liberal Education at Miami University: A Discussion Paper (117,118, 82) 5. The Purpose of Liberal Education at Miami University: A Discussion Paper (83,119,120,124) 6. The Purpose of Liberal Education at Miami University: A Discussion Paper (95,96,91) / General Statement as Support to the Unifying Concepts 7. The Purpose of Liberal Education at Miami University: A Discussion Paper 8. Official Minutes 9. The Purpose of Liberal Education at Miami University: A Discussion Paper / Report of the Liberal Education Procedures 10. Task Force to the provost and University Council/Miami University Liberal Education Review and Reform Process 11. Liberal Education Vol. 76, No.2/ The Miami University Report Vol. 8, No. 22 January 26, 1989/ The Miami Plan for Liberal Education 12. The Purpose of Liberal Education at Miami University: A Discussion Paper (38,45,47,49,521,52) 13. The Purpose of Liberal Education at Miami University: A Discussion Paper (37,39,40,41,42,44,46,48,50) 14. The Purpose of Liberal Education at Miami University: A Discussion Paper (43,54,64,66,68,69,70,90,92) 15. The Purpose of Liberal Education at Miami University: A Discussion Paper (71,72,79,84,85,86,87,88,89,94) 16. The Purpose of Liberal Education at Miami University: A Discussion Paper (73,74,75,76,77,78,80,81) 17. Individuals for Fall Liberal Education Forum Events/Miami Plan for Liberal Education/The Quest for Common Learning/A Report to the Academic Community/Liberal Arts, Public Philosophy, and the Politics of Civic Courage/ University Senate/Booklet (2) The Miami Plan for Liberal Education 18. Papers, letters, notes and reports 19. Forum Documents notes on disc of disc paper summary evaluation of issues 20. Statement of Principles draft 1-7 21. Design Considerations Supplemental Readings, Comments, and Notes 22. Design Considerations Seminar Notes 23. The Purpose of Liberal Education at Miami University: A Discussion Paper (97,98,99,100,101, 122,123,132,134) 24. The Purpose of Liberal Education at Miami University: A Discussion Paper (102-111) 25. Inter-Office Memorandum/Liberal Education Forum

Interdisciplinary Studies; General; Assorted Materials Rec'd From Western Program; 1973-2008; Box 1 [16A-J-2A] Contents: Newspaper Articles/Newspapers 1. The Miamian, 10/12/1973 2. Supplement to the Oxford Press, 6/13/1974 3. Western revisited-again, 5/4/1976 4. The Western Front, 5/10/1977 5. The Western Front, 6/7/1976 6. Rorer Gazette 1979 (Vol.1-6) 7. The Cincinnati Enquirer, “Acting Dean Named For Western College”, 7/27/1980 8. The Miami Student, 9/28/1973 9. The Miami Student, “A Last Look At Alumnae Hall”, 4/5/1977 10. The Miami Student, August, 1980 11. The Miami University Report, 3/10/1983 12. The Miami University Report, 11/10/1983 13. The Western Bulletin (July 1985-April 1987) 14. “Torch Club Hears Lunine on Western”, (1970?) 15. The Bulletin- Western College Alumnae Association, Inc.-folder, Spring 1987 16. Western College Program Articles (about the program 1980-?) Faculty 1. Faculty Meeting 9/7/1979 2. Faculty Meeting 11/30/1979 3. Faculty Meeting 1/18/1980 4. Faculty Meeting, 2/29/1980 5. Faculty Meeting, 3/28/1980 6. Faculty Meeting, 5/1/1980 7. Faculty Meeting, 5/14/1980 8. Faculty Meeting 5/24, 1980 9. Faculty Meeting 5/28/1980 10. Leave Policy for School of Interdisciplinary Studies, 3/28/1980 11. Jane’s Leave File, Working File, 1988 12. Application for Faculty Leaves, 1989-1990

Interdisciplinary Studies; General; Assorted Materials Rec'd From Western Program; 1973-2008; Box 2 [16A-J-3A] Contents: Reports and Evaluations 1. Evaluation Folder, 1969-1976, 2 folders 2. Self-Study Distribution, 1977 3. Evaluation- Jahnke Comm. Talk, 9/27/1977 4. Evaluation-Newcomb File Folder, 1977 5. Evaluation Business- financial, 1978 6. Evaluation: Consultants Reports, 1978 7. Politics of Evaluation Folder, 1978 8. Evaluation: Final Phase, 1978 9. Evaluation: Task Force Phase Folder, 1970? 10. Evaluation: Task Force Liaison, 1977 11. Task Force Report For Dean’s Action, 5/7/1980 12. School of Interdisciplinary Studies (Western College Program) Enrollment Data Fall, 1981 13. Report on Architecture Arrangement With Western College Program-folder, 7/6/1982 14. Attachment A-Committee on Campus Historic Preservation, 12/4/1982 15. Williamson, C.K. folder, 1982-1985 16. Report of the Ad Hoc Committee to Review the Administrative Reorganization Proposal: Creation of the “School of Fine Arts and Interdisciplinary Studies”, 3/4/1983 17. The Ad Hoc Committee to Review the Administrative Reorganization Proposal, 3/1983 18. Response of the Provost to the Report of the Ad Hoc Committee to Review the Administrative Reorganization Proposal, 3/11/1983 19. North Central Association Accreditation Review: Report of the School of Interdisciplinary Studies (Western College Program), 4/30/1984, 2 copies 20. Miami University School of Interdisciplinary Studies, 1984-1985 Staff 21. Memo- North Central Accreditation Team 3/1/1985 22. Memo: North Central Evaluation team, 3/1985 23. Interdisciplinary Studies Program Excellence Report, 7/15/1987 Western College Folders 1. Western College History (And Also Peabody) 2. Western College Information Folder 1 3. Western College Information Folder 2 Miscellaneous 1 1. Memo to University Council, 5/9/1974 2. A Discussion of the Nature and Direction of the Western College of Miami, 1/4/1975 3. A Response To, And a Development Of, Lunine’s Paper, Jan.4-5, 1975 4. Full-Time Staff of the Western College of Miami University, 1975-1976 5. Proposal for General Requirements and the Advanced Program at the Western College of Miami University, Winter, 1976 6. WCP General Requirements, 1979 7. Funding Request WCP Computers, 1987 Memos 1. Memo from Mike Lunine, 10/21/1977 2. Lunine, Mark:Senior Farewell Ceremony, 1979 3. Lunine, Mark: Farewell Remarks, 1980 Miscellaneous 2 1. Howard Bowen Visit-Schedule, 1977 2. Evolution of a Dream, 7/1/1978, 2 copies 3. Miami University Memorandum, 10/25/1978 4. 125 Years Ago…1980 Western Colloquay, 1980, 2 copies 5. Western Campus Preservation Society, 1/29/1980 6. Arts and Science-Confidential, 1980 7. Research-The School of Interdisciplinary Studies, 1981-1982 8. Characteristics of Entering Students, 1981-1985 9. Mid-Winter Academic Administration, 1982 10. Interdisciplinary Studies/Architecture Arrangement (1981-82) 11. The Cluster College at Miami University: Profile, Context, Features, History, Dec. 6-8,1983 12. “Saying What’s On Our Minds”-The Third Annual Senior Project Convention , April 20-21, 1982 13. 10th Anniversary Year School of Interdisciplinary Studies-Schedule of Actives, Nov. 16-21, 1983 14. SIS Constitution, 1984 15. Enrollment Charts, Etc., 1984 16. Sixth Annual Senior Project Conference, April 23-24, 1985 17. Five Attributes of Liberal Education in the Western Program: Composite from Public Statements by Faculty, Fall, 1985 Handbooks 1. Handbook of Procedures for Staff: School of Interdisciplinary Studies (Western College Program), 1983-1984 2. Handbook of Procedures for Staff: School of Interdisciplinary Studies (Western College Program), 1985-1986 3. Handbook for Procedures of Staff: School of Interdisciplinary Studies (Western College Program), 1986-1987, 2 copies Miscellaneous 3 1. Letter of Rational Revisions in Western College Constitution, 2/17/1986 2. Miami University School of Interdisciplinary Studies Divisional Plan (Western College Program), 12/1/1986 3. Draft, Proposal for a PH.D. Program in Interdisciplinary Studies, 10/1987 4. Opening of the College, 1984-1985 Writing Program 1. Writing Center Folder, 1984 2. Coordinated Writing Program Proposal, 1986 3. Writing Consultancy (August Workshop), 1987-1988 4. Writing our Future Pamphlet Miscellaneous 4 1. A Description of the Western College Program, 1985-1986

Interdisciplinary Studies; General; Assorted Materials Rec'd From Western Program; 1973-2008; Box 3 [16A-I-7B] Contents: 1. Current Operations 1981-1982 2. Faculty Meetings 1976-77 3. Faculty Meetings 1981-1982 4. Faculty Meetings 1982-1983 5. Faculty Meetings 1983- 1984 6. Faculty Meetings 1985-1986 7. Western College Council 1995-1996 8. Red folder: Western Council 1990 9. Original Copy of the Program Excellence Proposal 10. Final, Final Program Excellence Report Original Copy 11. This is the Original Copy of the Academic Challenge Proposal 12. Executive Committee Papers 1991 13. Western College Program: School of Interdisciplinary Studies –Leave Policy 1980 14. The Executive Committee 1986-1987 15. The Executive Committee 1987-1988 16. The Executive Committee 1988-1989

Interdisciplinary Studies; General; Assorted Materials Rec'd From Western Program; 1973-2013; Box 3 [16A-J-3C]

Annual Reports Files: 1. News From Alumni a. June 1986 b. September 1986 c. October 1990 d. February 1991 e. June 1991 f. October 1991 g. January 1992 h. December 1992 i. Fall 1995 [Alumni Newsletter] j. May 1996 k. Fall 1996 l. July 2002[Alumni Newsletter] 2. Western Guidebook For New Students in Interdisciplinary Studies Architecture and Interior Design a. 1998-99 b. 1999-2000 c. 2000-01 3. Western Alumni Reunions a. 1983 b. 1988 c. 1991 [Alumni Weekend] d. 1992 [Alumni Weekend] e. 1993 f. 1998 g. 2000 h. 2001 i. 2003 j. 2007 k. 2008 l. 2009 m. 2010 4. Assistant Dean (1974) 5. Dean's Search (1981) 6. Arbor Vitae (Winter/Spring 1981) 7. In a Tongue of Our Own Devising: Writing from the Western College Program Miami University (1991-92) 8. Alumni Solicitation Materials (1991-93) 9. Glossolalia (1992-93) 10. "Time Present and Time Past" (1994?) 11. Documents (1995-96) I 12. Personnel 13. Budget, Grants, External Support 14. Planning Documents and Reports 15. Faculty 16. Teaching Resource Allocation Model 17. Policy Documents 18. Documents (1995-96) II a. Peabody Hall Renovation Plan, 1994-96 b. Sample Publications 19. Course Syllabi, 1995-96 20. Mental Blocks (Spring 1995) 21. Miller, Andy: Project and Publication (1996) 22. Words Colored Red. The Western College Program Creative Writing Group (1998-99) 23. Meanie (Spring 1998) 24. SIS Strategic Plan, 2005-2010 (16 January 2006) 25. Brochures: Western College Curriculum (?); the Ethnic Vison of the American Dream (1976); Selected Profiles of Graduates of the Class of 1978; The Western Idea (1979); About The School of Interdisciplinary Studies (1981-82); Interdisciplinary Perspectives (1983-84); Senior Recognition Dinner (2006); Senior Project Conference (2006) 26. Western College Pina 27. 35th Annual Association for Interdisciplinary Studies Conference Integrating Arts and Sciences November 7-10, 2013 28. WCP Program Pamphlets (1978-1989): A Graduatione Fete at the Lunines (1978); Senior Project Convention (1980); Dean's Reception (1983); Congratuations Class (1984); Western College Alumnae Association Senior Luncheon (1984); Senior Recognition Ceremony (1988); Dean's Reception (1989); Senior Recognition Ceremony (1989); Senior Recognition Ceremony (1992); 29. WCP Alumnae Chapel (1979, 1980) 30. Undated WCP Pamphlets: "Circle Game" by Joni Mitchell; the Rocky Horror Picture Show; Western College Car Decals; Theatre Workshop's "Bent"; "Vietnam Campesino"; PJ Dance Party in McKee; WCP Opening Events

News From Alumni 1. June 1986 2. September 1986 3. October 1990 4. February 1991 5. June 1991 6. October 1991 7. January 1992 8. December 1992 9. Fall 1995 [Alumni Newsletter] 10. May 1996 11. Fall 1996 12. July 2002[Alumni Newsletter]

Western Guidebook For New Students in Interdisciplinary Studies Architecture and Interior Design

1. 1998-99 2. 1999-2000 3. 2000-01

Western Alumni Reunions 1. 1983 2. 1988 3. 1991 [Alumni Weekend] 4..1992 [Alumni Weekend] 5. 1993 6. 1998 7. 2000 8. 2001 9. 2003 10. 2007 11. 2008 12. 2009 13. 2010

1. Assistant Dean (1974) 2. Dean's Search (1981) 3. Arbor Vitae (Winter/Spring 1981) 4. In a Tongue of Our Own Devising: Writing from the Western College Program Miami University (1991-92) 5. Alumni Solicitation Materials (1991-93) 6. Glossolalia (1992-93) 7. "Time Present and Time Past" (1994?) 8. Documents (1995-96) I Personnel Budget, Grants, External Support Planning Documents and Reports Faculty Teaching Resource Allocation Model Policy Documents 9. Documents (1995-96) II Peabody Hall Renovation Plan, 1994-96 Sample Publications Course Syllabi, 1995-96 10. Mental Blocks (Spring 1995) 11. Miller, Andy: Project and Publication (1996) 12. Words Colored Red. The Western College Program Creative Writing Group (1998-99) 13. Meanie (Spring 1998) 14. SIS Strategic Plan, 2005-2010 (16 January 2006)

1. Brochures: Western College Curriculum (?); the Ethnic Vison of the American Dream (1976); Selected Profiles of Graduates of the Class of 1978; The Western Idea (1979); About The School of Interdisciplinary Studies (1981-82); Interdisciplinary Perspectives (1983-84); Senior Recognition Dinner (2006); Senior Project Conference (2006) 2. Western College Pina 3. 35th Annual Association for Interdisciplinary Studies Conference Integrating Arts and Sciences November 7-10, 2013 4. WCP Program Pamphlets (1978-1989): A Graduatione Fete at the Lunines (1978); Senior Project Convention (1980); Dean's Reception (1983); Congratuations Class (1984); Western College Alumnae Association Senior Luncheon (1984); Senior Recognition Ceremony (1988); Dean's Reception (1989); Senior Recognition Ceremony (1989); Senior Recognition Ceremony (1992); 5. WCP Alumnae Chapel (1979, 1980) 6. Undated WCP Pamphlets: "Circle Game" by Joni Mitchell; the Rocky Horror Picture Show; Western College Car Decals; Theatre Workshop's "Bent"; "Vietnam Campesino"; PJ Dance Party in McKee; WCP Opening Events

The School of Interdisciplinary Studies Miami University a Description of the Western College Program, 1985-86

Looking at Big Schools? Or Small Schools? Look At Western Miami University, Oxford, OH

Book of Post It Notes

Car Decal, The Western Program Individualized Studies

Greeting Cards, blank, Kumler Chapel, Peabody Hall, Western Bridge to Presser Hall

Interdisciplinary Studies; General; Assorted Materials Rec'd From Western Program; 1973-2008; Box 4 [16A-I-6B]?

Mergers and Miscellany Contents: 1. The Purpose of Liberal Education at Miami University: A Discussion Paper (135-145) 2. The Purpose of Liberal Education at Miami University: A Discussion Paper (124-128, 130,131,133) 3. The Purpose of Liberal Education at Miami University: A Discussion Paper (1-8) 4. The Purpose of Liberal Education at Miami University: A Discussion Paper (26-36) 5. The Purpose of Liberal Education at Miami University: A Discussion Paper (53,55-63) (93) 6. Provost Correspondence 1978 7. Provost Correspondence 1979 8. Provost Correspondence 1980 9. Provost’s Bulletin 10. NICE Letters 11. Bill Hanger 12. G.K. Hall and CO. 13. Dixie Golden 14. Phillip R. Shriver 15. Martin Rush

Interdisciplinary Studies; General; Assorted Materials Rec'd From Western Program; 1973-2015; Box 6 [16A-J-6A] 1998-2005 Contents: 1. Space Utilization Group (1992) 2. Program Grants and Student Achievement (1992-1993) 3. Academic Affairs Allocations, Revenue, and Gifts (1994-95) 4. Strategic Planning (1997) 5. Revised Vitae (3/2006) 6. Strategic Plan (2005) 7. Strategic Plan Contributions by Faculty/Staff (2004-05) 8. Strategic Plan - Drafts, Memos [1] 9. Strategic Plan - Drafts, Memos [2] 10. Strategic Planning - Dr. Gracie's Notes (2005) [1] 11. Strategic Planning - Dr. Gracie's Notes (2005) [2] 12. Strategic Planning - Dr. Gracie's Notes (2005) [3] 13. Senior Project Discussants (2005) 14. Peer Institutions (2001) 15. Governance Materials (1975; 1985-88) 16. Miami Plan (1988-2008) 17. Interdisciplinary Writing Assessment Profile ((2002) 18. Evaluation Norms (2003) 19. President - Correspondence (2006) 20. Provost Correspondence (2006-08) 21. Student Correspondence (2005-08) 1 22. Student Correspondence (2006-08) 2 23. Wallace Awards (2000-01) 24. Wallace Awards (2001-02) 25. Wallace Awards (2002-03) 26. Wallace Awards (2003-04) 27. Wallace Awards (2004-05) 28. Wallace Awards (2005-06) 29. Wallace Awards (2006-07) 30. Western Pamphlets 2015-

Interdisciplinary Studies; General; Assorted Materials Rec'd From Western Program; 1973-2008; Box 7 [16A-I-7C] Contents: 1. WCP Faculty Annual Reports of Professional Activities 1999 2. General Correspondence I 1998-1999 3. General Correspondence 1998-1999 4. School of Interdisciplinary Studies 1983-1984 Record of Proceedings 5. Historic Building Article, Miscellaneous pictures

Interdisciplinary Studies; General; Assorted Materials Rec'd From Western Program; 1973-2008; Box 9 [16A-J-3B] Contents: 1. WCP and Architecture (1995-2006) 2. Plan B (2006) 3. Program Review (2005) 4. WCP Program Review (1998) 5. CAS Implementation (2008) 6. Faculty Assembly (1/23/2007) 7. Senate Ad Hoc Committee (2006) 1 8. Senate Ad Hoc Committee (2006) 2 9. Board of Trustees (2006) 10. President's Decision (2006-07) 11. University Senate Deliberations - Momeyer Resolution (2006-07) 12. Provost Recommendations (2006) 13. Winkler Committee Report (2005-06) 14. Report of the First in 2009 Coordinating Council Sub-Committee on Interdisciplinarity at Miami University (May 2006) 15. Public Records Request (2006) 1 16. Public Records Request (2006) 2 17. Faculty and Students (2005-06) 18. Parent Responses (2006) 19. Former Deans' Responses (2006) 20. Support Letters / Emails from Alumni (2006) 21. Dean's Alumni Advisory Council (2006) 22. Alumni Responses (2006) 23. Media Coverage (2006) 1 24. Media Coverage (2006) 2 25. "Hot" Student Issues (1994) 26. COAD Presentation (Spring 2006) 27. Peter Magolda - Ph.D. Dissertation on Western (1994) 28. Alumni / Western College Alumnae Association (2008) 29. Evaluation of Dean Gracie (2006-06)

Interdisciplinary Studies; General; Assorted Materials Rec'd From Western Program; 1973-2008; Box 10 [16A-J-6B] Contents: 1.Annual Reports (1999-2004) 2. Curriculum Issues (1996) 3. Western College Program Constitution 4. Environmental Studies (1998-2006) 5. Chude Allen Visit (9/20/2005) 6. Summer Reading Program (2005-06) 7. Lecture Series (2005) 8. Lecture Series (2006-07) 9. Summer Reading Program (2006) 10. Alumni Survey (9/1997) 11. Alumni Survey (2004) 12. Dean's Alumni Advisory Council (1999-2005) 13. Dean's Alumni Advisory Council Retreat (4/20/2002) 14. Dean's Alumni Advisory Council Meeting (4/2001) 15. Dean's Alumni Advisory Council Meeting (12/1-2/2000) 16. Dean's Alumni Advisory Council Meeting (10/5-6/2002) 17. Dean's Alumni Advisory Council Meeting (1/30-31/2004) 18. Dean's Alumni Advisory Council (11/21/2004) 19. Dean's Alumni Advisory Council (4/30/2005) 20. Dean's Alumni Advisory Council (9/16-17/2005) 21. Dean's Alumni Advisory Council (1/21/2006) 22. Dean's Alumni Advisory Council (4/29/2006) 23. Dean's Alumni Advisory Council (9/30/2006) 24. Dean's Alumni Advisory Council (1/20/2007) 25. Dean's Alumni Advisory Council (4/28/2007) 26. Dean's Alumni Advisory Council (1/18/2008) 27. Dean's Alumni Advisory Council (5/3/2008) 28. Capital Campaign (2005) 1 29. Capital Campaign (2005) II 30. "Meet the Dean's Alumni Advisory Board: Biographies of Great Alumni of the Western College Program" (April 6-9, 2001)

Interdisciplinary Studies; General; Assorted Materials Rec'd From Western Program; 1973-2008; Box 11 [16A-J-4C] Contents 1. Senior Recognition Ceremony a. 2001 b. 2002 c. 2003 d. 2004 e. 2005 f. 2006 2. Undergraduate Summer Scholars a. Undergraduate Summer Scholars (1990s) b. Undergraduate Summer Scholars (1997) c. Undergraduate Summer Scholars (1998) d. Undergraduate Summer Scholars (1999) e. Undergraduate Summer Scholars (2000) f. Undergraduate Summer Scholars (2001) g. Undergraduate Summer Scholars (2002) h. Undergraduate Summer Scholars (2003) i. Undergraduate Summer Scholars (2004) j. Undergraduate Summer Scholars (2005) k. Undergraduate Summer Scholars (2006) 3. Divisional Honors Proposal (2005-06) 4. Executive Committee a. 1997 b. 1998-99 c. 1999-2000 d. 2000-01 e. 2001-02 [I] f. 2001-02 [2] g. 2001-02 [3] h. 2001-02 [4] i. 2003-04 j. 2004-05 k. 2005-06 l. 2006-07 m. 2007-08

Interdisciplinary Studies; General; Assorted Materials Rec'd From Western Program; 1973-2008; Box 12 [16A-J-4B] Contents: 1. Summer Term and Intersession - A Model (2003) 2. STRIVE (2003-04) 3. Scheduling and Staffing (1996-2000) 4. Scheduling and Staffing (2000-01) 5. WCP Faculty/Staff List (2001-2002) 6. Salaries (1998-99) 7. Salaries (2000-01) 8. Salaries (2001-02) 9. Salaries (2002-03) 10. Society for Photographic Education 11. Faculty Salary Information (1995-2003) 12. Recruitment Plan (2000-01) 13. Residential Life (2000-01) 14. Retirement Notice to Faculty (2001) 15. Russian Studies Curriculum (2003) 16. Remarks - 25th Reunion (10/11/1999) 17. Retreat (12/17/2003) 18. Retreat (Fall 2005) 19. Scheduling and Staffing (2001-02) 20. Scheduling and Staffing (2002-03) 21. Salaries (1999-2000) 22. Provost Meetings (2003-04) 23. Provost Correspondence (2001-02) 24. Equipment Requests (2003) 25. Provost's Retreat (May 1, 2002) 26. Quantitative Reasoning Proposal 27. Revision of Interdisciplinary Major - Request (1998-2001) 28. Recruitment (1998) 29. Promotion and Tenure (1999-2003) 30. Provost's Academic Achievement Award (2004) 31. Program Review (2001-04) 32. Promotion and Tenure Committee (2004) 33. Program Review (1997-98) 34. Promotion and Tenure - Revised Criteria (2004) 35. Promotion and Tenure Committee (2/11/2004) 36. Promotion and Tenure "Model" Applications 37. Integrated Promotion and Tenure Document - SIS (1998-2003) 38. Parents' Weekend (2003) 39. PEER Centers (1998-2000) 40. Position Authorization - Report to President (2004) 41. Professional Development (Spring 2002) 42. Program Review and Miami Plan Assessment (1997-2003) 43. Diversity (2003) 44. Committee on Curriculum Reform and Campus Transformation (2003-04) 45. Mid-Year Retreat (11/13/2001) 46. Narka Nelson - Endowment (2000) 47. Committee on Curriculum Reform and Campus Transformation (2001-03) 48. Committee on Curriculum Reform and Campus Transformation (2004) 49. Multicultural Council (2003-04) 50. Multicultural Council - Sexual Orientation (2004) 51. Working Groups - Reports (2002) 52. ZINE (2002) 53. Website Redesign (2004-05)

Interdisciplinary Studies; General; Assorted Materials Rec'd From Western Program; 1973-2008; [16A-J-5B] Box 13 Contents: 1. Diversity Initiatives 2. Western College Program Climate Report (2005) 3. Opening of the Year I 4. Opening of the Year II 5. Faculty Retreat (8/16/2005) 6. Faculty Retreat (8/18/2006)

Interdisciplinary Studies; General; Executive Committee/Annual Reports; 1974-99; Box 1 [16A-I-3A] Contents 1. The Executive Committee 1989-1990 2. The Executive Committee 1990-1991 3. The Executive Committee 1991-1992 4. The Executive Committee 1998-1999 5. Annual Reports 1974-1975 6. Annual Reports 1975-1976 7. Annual Reports 1976-1977 8. Annual Reports 1977-1978 9. Annual Reports 1978-1979 10. Annual Reports 1979-1980 11. Annual Reports 1980-1981 12. Folder: Annual Reports 1984-1986 13. The Campaign for Miami: Annual Report 1991

Interdisciplinary Studies; General; Program Reviews/Self-Study, Alumni Outcome Survey, the Winkler Report Correspondence (Western College Program Decision); 1979-2006; Box 1 [16A-K-1C] Contents: 1. Western College Self-Study Appendices (1979?) 2. Alumni Outcome Survey (September 1997) 3. Notice of Program Review and initial drafts of Program Review (September-October 1997) 4. Program Review Self Study and notice of recruitment strategies (October 27, 1997) 5. Team Report and External Review (1998) 6. Faculty Vitae for Program Review (October 2004) 7. Copy of Faculty Vitae 8. 2004-2005 Program Review Self-Study Draft(October 11, 2004) 9. 2004-2005 Program Review Final Copy (October 11, 2004) 10. Alumni Outcomes Survey (September 2004) a. Master Copy; 1-30 b. 31-70 c. 71-110 d. 111-150 e. 151-190 f. 191-230 g. 231-270 h. 271-310 i. 311-347 11. The Winkler Report; Newspaper clippings and Correspondence regarding the Western Decision (March-April 2006)

Interdisciplinary Studies; General; Course Evaluations; 1980-94; Box 2 [16A-K-2B] Contents: 1. G5 2. College Characters Index (1991-92) 3. Course Evaluations (1980-81) 4. Course Evaluations (1981-82) 5. Course Evaluations (1984-85) 6. Course Evaluations (1985-86) 7. Course Evaluations (1986-87) 8. Course Evaluations (1988-89) 9. Course Evaluation Summaries (1987-88) 10. Course Evaluations First Semester (1990-91) 11. Course Evaluations Spring (1990-91) 12. Course Evaluations Fall (1991-92) 13. Course Evaluations Spring (1991-92) 14. Course Evaluations Fall (1992-93) 15. Course Evaluations Spring (1992-93) 16. Course Evaluations Fall (1993-94) 17. Course Evaluations Spring (1993-94)

Interdisciplinary Studies; General; Annual Reports/Administrative Reorganization Committee; 1985-1996; Box 1 [16A-I-3B] Contents: 1. Ad Hoc Committee on Administrative Reorganization 2. Annual Report 1995-1996 3. Annual Report Tally/ Miscellaneous papers/ Annual Report (Students) 4. Annual Report 1995-1996 5. Annual Report 1990-1991. 1991-1992, 1993-1994, 1988-1989 6. Annual Report 1986-1987, 1989-1990 7. Annual Report 1989-1990 8. Report to the Council of Academic Deans 1985

Interdisciplinary Studies; General; Audio-Visual Materials; 1985-2008; Box 15 [16A-J-6C] Contents: 1. Tammy Kernodle Lecture (11/6/2006) [DVD] [12 copies] 2. Tammy Kernodle Lecture (11/6/2006) [Digital Videocassette and 7 CD's] 3. "Cotton Growing and Spinning" [Film Reel] 4. "Audio Visual Leadership" [Film Reel] 5. Chude Allen, "Why Struggle? Why Care? Freedom Summer Lecture Series" (9/20/2005) [VHS] [2 copies]

Interdisciplinary Studies; General; Course Evaluations; 1994-2001; Box 1 [16A-K-2A] Contents: 1. Course Evaluations Fall 1994/95 2. Course Evaluations Spring 1995 3. Course Evaluations Fall 1995/96 4. Course Evaluations Spring 1995/96 5. Course Evaluations Fall 1996/97 6. Course Evaluations Spring 1997 7. Course Evaluation Summaries 8. Course Evaluations Fall 1997 9. Course Evaluations Spring 1998 10. Course Evaluations Fall 1998 11. Course Evaluations Spring 1999 12. Course Evaluations Fall 1999 13. Course Evaluations Spring 200 14. Course Evaluations Fall 2000 15. Course Evaluation Reports Fall 2001 16. WCP 121/123 Joseph Dorsey Course Evaluations Fall 2001 17. WCP 333.B Joseph Dorsey Course Evaluations Fall 2001

Interdisciplinary Studies; General; Course Evaluations; 2002-04; Box 4 [16A-K-3A] Contents: 1. Course Evaluation Reports Spring 2002 2. WCP 222 Joseph Dorsey Course Evaluation Spring 2002 3. Muriel Blaisdell Course Evaluations Fall 2002 4. Hays Cummins Course Evaluations Fall 2002 5. Joseph Dorsey Course Evaluations Fall 2002 6. Sean Duncan Course Evaluations Fall 2002 7. Roz Galtz Course Evaluations Fall 2002 8. Andy Garrison Course Evaluations Fall 2002 9. Bill Green Course Evaluations Fall 2002 10. Sally Harrison-Pepper Course Evaluations Fall 2002 11. Becky Howard Course Evaluations Fall 2002 12. Carl Howard Course Evaluations Fall 2002 13. Yvonne Keller Course Evaluations Fall 2002 14. Xiuwu Liu Course Evaluations Fall 2002 15. Mark McPhail Course Evaluations Fall 2002 16. Gene Metcalf Course Evaluations Fall 2002 17. Vivian Negron-Ortiz Course Evaluations Fall 2002 18. Bill Newell Course Evaluations Fall 2002 19. Nancy Nicholson Course Evaluations Fall 2002 20. Charles Nies Course Evaluations Fall 2002 21. Terry Perlin Course Evaluations Fall 2002 22. Chris Wolfe Course Evaluations Fall 2002 23. Fall 2002 Course Evaluation Forms 24. WCP 132.H/134.H Joseph Dorsey Course Evaluations Spring 2002 25. WCP 231 Joseph Dorsey Course Evaluations Fall 2002 26. WCP 333.C Joseph Dorsey Course Evaluations Fall 2002 27. Course Evaluations Fall 2002 General 28. Fall 2003 Course Evaluations 29. WCP 121/123 Joseph Dorsey Course Evaluations Fall 2003 30. WCP 231 Joseph Dorsey Course Evaluations Fall 2003 31. Spring 2003 Course Evaluation Reports 32. WCP 132/134 + WCP 300 N. Joseph Dorsey Course Evaluations Spring 2003 33. WCP 132/134 Xiuwu Liu Course Evaluations Spring 2004 34. WCP 334.B Xiuwu Liu Course Evaluations Spring 2004 35. WCP 131/133 Xiuwu Liu Course Evaluations Fall 2004 36. WCP 201.H Roz Galtz Course Evaluations Spring 2004 37. WCP 132/134 Roz Galtz Course Evaluations Spring 2004 38. WCP 231 Roz Galtz Course Evaluations Fall 2004 39. WCP 201.H Roz Galtz Course Evaluations Fall 2004 40. Course Evaluations Fall 2004 General 41. Course Evaluations Spring 2004 General 42. WCP 112.H/114.H Sally Harrison-Pepper Course Evaluations Spring 2004 43. WCP 112.H/114.H Yvonne Keller Course Evaluations Spring 2004 44. WCP 112.H/114.H Andy Garrison Course Evaluations Spring 2004 45. WCP 112.H/114.H Gene Metcalf Course Evaluations Spring 2004 46. WCP 122/124 Bill Green Course Evaluations Spring 2004 47. WCP 122/124 Nancy Nicholson Course Evaluations Spring 2004 48. WCP 122/124 Joel Thrash Course Evaluations Spring 2004 49. WCP 132/134 Beth Harrick Course Evaluations Spring 2004 50. WCP 141 Becky Howard Course Evaluations Spring 2004 51. WCP 141 Gail Della-Piana Course Evaluations Spring 2004 52. WCP 180.J Terry Perlin Course Evaluations Spring 2004 53. WCP 231 Roz Galtz Course Evaluations Fall 2004 54. WCP 261 Cummins/Wolfe Course Evaluations Spring 2004 55. WCP Dorsey/Myers Course Evaluations Spring 2004 56. WCP 261 Blaisdell/McPhail Course Evaluations Spring 2004 57. WCP 300.A Nick Hoffman Windgate Writing Center Course Evaluations Spring 2004 58. WCP 300.B Hays Cummins Course Evaluations Peer Science Center Spring 2004 59. WCP 300.G Muriel Blaisdell Course Evaluations Spring 2004 60. WCP 300.H Chris Wolfe Course Evaluations Tappan Community Center Spring 2004 61. WCP 300.L Sean Duncan Course Evaluations Spring 2004 62. WCP 333.A Gene Metcalf Course Evaluations Spring 2004 63. WCP 333.B Sean Duncan Course Evaluations Spring 2004 64. WCP 333.C Beth Harrick Course Evaluations Spring 2004 65. WCP 333.E Yvonne Keller Course Evaluations Spring 2004 66. WCP 401.A Hays Cummins Course Evaluations Spring 2004 67. WCP 445 Bill Newell Course Evaluations Spring 2004 68. WCP 300.B Hays Cummins Course Evaluations Peer Science Center Spring 2004 69. WCP 380.P Carolyn Haynes/Dan Herron Course Evaluations Spring 2004 70. WCP 401.A Hays Cummins Course Evaluations Spring 2004 71. WCP 261 Blaisdell/McPhail Course Evaluations Spring 2004 72. WCP 261 Dorsey/Myers Course Evaluations Spring 2004 73. WCP 261 Cummins/Wolfe Course Evaluations Spring 2004 74. WCP 111/113 Paul Dean Course Evaluations Fall 2004 75. WCP 111/113 Sally Harrison-Pepper Course Evaluations Fall 2004 76. WCP 111/113 Andrew Garrison Course Evaluations Fall 2004 77. WCP 121/123 Chris Myers Course Evaluations Fall 2004 78. WCP 121/123 Tom Sterling Course Evaluations Fall 2004 79. WCP 121/123 Hays Cummins Course Evaluations Fall 2004 80. WCP 121/123 Nancy Nicholson Course Evaluations Fall 2004 81. WCP 131/133 Sean Duncan Course Evaluations Fall 2004 82. WCP 142 Chris Wolfe Course Evaluations Fall 2004 83. WCP Mark McPhail Course Evaluations Fall 2004 84. WCP 211 Gene Metcalf Course Evaluations Fall 2004 85. WCP 211 Mark McPhail Course Evaluations Fall 2004 86. WCP 221 Nancy Nicholson Course Evaluations Fall 2004 87. WCP 221 Bill Green Course Evaluations Fall 2004 88. WCP 231 Muriel Blaisdell Course Evaluations Fall 2004 89. WCP 251 Charles Nies Course Evaluations Fall 2004 90. WCP 251 Kim Ernsting Course Evaluations Fall 2004 91. WCP 300.A Nick Hoffman Windgate Writing Center Course Evaluations Fall 2004 92. WCP 300.B Hays Cummins Peer Science Center Course Evaluations Fall 2004 93. WCP 300.H Chris Wolfe Tappan Computer Center Course Evaluations Fall 2004 94. WCP 330.Q Terry Perlin Course Evaluations Fall 2004 95. WCP 333.A Gene Metcalf Course Evaluations Fall 2004 96. WCP 333.D William Gracie Course Evaluations Fall 2004 97. WCP 334.A Bill Green Course Evaluations Fall 2004 98. WCP 444 Bill Newell Course Evaluations Fall 2004

Interdisciplinary Studies; General; Course Evaluations; 2005-07; Box 3 [16A-K-2C] Contents: 1. WCP 122.A Bill Green Fall 2007 2. WCP 334.J Bill Green Fall 2007 3. WCP 221 A+B Nancy Nicholson Fall 2007 4. WCP 132 A+B Xiuwu Liu Fall 2007 5. WCP 333.K Xiuwu Liu Fall 2007 6. WCP 444 A,B,C Newell Fall 2007 7. WCP 334 Wolfe Fall 2007 8. WCP 300.A Wolfe-Windate Fall 2007 9. WCP 300.H Wolfe-Tappan Fall 2007 10. WCP 251 A+B Ernstin,G. Fall 2007 11. WCP 211 B+C Sally Harrison-Pepper Fall 2007 12. WCP 231 A+B Gene Metcalf Fall 2007 13. WCP 300.X David Christof Fall 2007 14. Confidential Summary Reports Spring 2005 15. Muriel Blaisdell Spring 2005 16. Hays Cummins Spring 2005 17. Joseph Dorsey Spring 2005 18. Gail Della-Piana Spring 2005 19. Sean Duncan Spring 2005 20. Roz Galtz Spring 2005 21. Andrew Garrison Spring 2005 22. William Gracie Spring 2005 23. William Green Spring 2005 24. Sally Harrison-Pepper Spring 2005 25. Yvonne Keller Spring 2005 26. Xiuwu Liu Spring 2005 27. Mark McPhail Spring 2005 28. Eugene Metcalf Spring 2005 29. Chris Myers Spring 2005 30. William Newell Spring 2005 31. Nancy Nicholson Spring 2005 32. Terry Perlin Spring 2005 33. Tom Sterling Spring 2005 34. Alison Syme Spring 2005 35. Christopher Wolfe Spring 2005 36. Muriel Blaisdell Spring 2005 37. Mark McPhail + Muriel Blaisdell Spring 2005 38. Robert Bell Jr. Course Evaluations Fall 2005 39. Muriel Blaisdell Course Evaluations Fall 2005 40. R. Hays Cummins Course Evaluations Fall 2005 41. Sean Duncan Course Evaluations Fall 2005 42. Kimberly Ernsting Course Evaluations Fall 2005 43. Andrew Garrison Course Evaluations Fall 2005 44. Sally Harrison-Pepper Course Evaluations Fall 2005 45. Yvonne Keller Course Evaluations Fall 2005 46. Xiuwu R. Liu Course Evaluations Fall 2005 47. Donna McCollum Course Evaluations Fall 2005 48. Mark McPhail Course Evaluations Fall 2005 49. Robert Bell Jr. Course Evaluations Fall 2005 50. Muriel Blaisdell Course Evaluations Fall 2005 51. R. Hays Cummins Course Evaluations Fall 2005 52. Sean Duncan Course Evaluations Fall 2005 53. Kimberly Ernsting Course Evaluations Fall 2005 54. Andrew Garrison Course Evaluations Fall 2005 54. Sally Harrison-Pepper Course Evaluations Fall 2005 55. Yvonne Keller Course Evaluations Fall 2005 56. Xiuwu Liu Course Evaluations Fall 2005 57. Donna McCollum Course Evaluations Fall 2005 58. Mark McPhail Course Evaluations Fall 2005 59. Eugene Metcalf Course Evaluations Fall 2005 60. Chris Myers Course Evaluations Fall 2005 61. William Newell Course Evaluations Fall 2005 62. Nancy L. Nicholson Course Evaluations Fall 2005 63. Charles T. Nies Course Evaluations Fall 2005 64. Terry M. Perlin Course Evaluations Fall 2005 65. Patrick Winnubst Course Evaluations Fall 2005 66. Christopher R. Wolfe Course Evaluations Fall 2005 67. Robert Bell Jr. Course Evaluations Spring 2006 68. Muriel Blaisdell Course Evaluations Spring 2006 69. R. Hays Cummins Course Evaluations Spring 2006 70. Gail Della-Piana Course Evaluations Spring 2006 71. Kimberly Ernsting Course Evaluations Spring 2006 72. Alysia Fischer Course Evaluations Spring 2006 73. Andrew Garrison Course Evaluations Spring 2006 74. Sally Harrison-Pepper Course Evaluations Spring 2006 75. Xiuwu Liu Course Evaluations Spring 2006 76. Gary S. Manka Course Evaluations Spring 2006 77. Donna McCollum Course Evaluations Spring 2006 78. Mark L. McPhail Course Evaluations Spring 2006 79. Eugene Metcalf Course Evaluations Spring 2006 80. Chris Myers Course Evaluations Spring 2006 81. William Newell Course Evaluations Spring 2006 82. Nancy L. Nicholson Course Evaluations Spring 2006 83. Charles T. Nies Course Evaluations Spring 2006 84. Terry M. Perlin Course Evaluations Spring 2006 85. Elizabeth Silas Course Evaluations Spring 2006 86. Patrick Winnubst Course Evaluations Spring 2006 87. Christopher R. Wolfe Course Evaluations Spring 2006 88. Yvonne Keller Course Evaluations Spring 2006 89. WCP 122 Patrick Winnubst Course Evaluations Spring 2006 90. Course Evaluations Fall 1996/1997 91. Robert Bell Course Evaluations Fall 2006 92. Muriel Blaisdell Course Evaluations Fall 2006 93. WCP 300.B Hays Cummins Peer Science Center Course Evaluations Fall 2006 94. Kim Ernsting Course Evaluations Fall 2006 95. Andrew Garrison Course Evaluations Fall 2006 96. William J. Gracie Jr. Course Evaluations Fall 2006 97. Sally Harrison-Pepper Course Evaluations Fall 2006 98. Yvonne Keller Course Evaluations Fall 2006 99. Xiuwu Liu Course Evaluations Fall 2006 100. Donna McCollum Course Evaluations Fall 2006 101. Mark L. McPhail Course Evaluations Fall 2006 102. WCP F105 Eugene Metcalf Course Evaluations Fall 2006 103. Eugene Metcalf Course Evaluations Fall 2006 104. Christopher Myers Course Evaluations Fall 2006 105. William Newell Course Evaluations Fall 2006 106. Nancy Nicholson Course Evaluations Fall 2006 107. Terry M. Perlin Course Evaluations Fall 2006 108. Yulonda Sano Course Evaluations Fall 2006 109. Danielle Thompson Course Evaluations Fall 2006 110. Christopher Wolfe Course Evaluations Fall 2006 111. Andrew Garrison Course Evaluations Spring 2007 112. Robert Bell Course Evaluations Spring 2007 113. Alysia Fischer Course Evaluations Spring 2007 114. Yulonda E. Sano Course Evaluations Spring 2007 115. Muriel L. Blaisdell Course Evaluations Spring 2007 116. Gary Manka Course Evaluations Spring 2007 117. Donna R. McCollum Course Evaluations Spring 2007 118. Mark McPhail Course Evaluations Spring 2007 119. Sally Harrison-Pepper Course Evaluations Spring 2007 120. WCP 300.B R. Hays Cummins Course Evaluations Spring 2007 Rothermal Science Center 121. WCP 300.H Thad Kerosky Course Evaluations Spring 2007 Tappan Computer Center 122. Marcie Bimmel/David Kasch Course Evaluations Spring 2007 123. WCP Transitions and Traditions Marcia Bimmel/David Kasch Course Evaluations Spring 2007 124. William Green Course Evaluations Spring 2007 125. Xiuwu R. Liu Course Evaluations Spring 2007 126. Eugene Metcalf Course Evaluations Spring 2007 127. William Newell Course Evaluations Spring 2007 128. Nancy L. Nicholson Course Evaluations Spring 2007

Interdisciplinary Studies; General; Course Evaluations; 2007; Box 5 [16A-K-3B] Contents: 1. WCP 300.H Thad Kerosky Course Evaluations Spring 2007 Tappan Computer Center 2. Marcie Bimmel/David Kasch Course Evaluations Spring 2007 3. WCP Transitions and Traditions Marcia Bimmel/David Kasch Course Evaluations Spring 2007 4. William Green Course Evaluations Spring 2007 5. Xiuwu R. Liu Course Evaluations Spring 2007 6. Eugene Metcalf Course Evaluations Spring 2007 7. William Newell Course Evaluations Spring 2007 8. Nancy L. Nicholson Course Evaluations Spring 2007

Interdisciplinary Studies; General; Artifacts; 1978-2010; Box 1 [16A-L-6A] Contents: 1. Western College, “Equinox Spring Fest,” Black Tee Shirt, 1978. 2. Western College, “The Western College Program: Memories of a Lifetime,” Yellow Tee Shirt, 1985 3. Western College, “Celebrating Fifteen Years of Seeing the Forest for the Trees,” Light Green Tee Shirt, 1988 4. Western College, “Celebrating Fifteen Years of Seeing the Forest for the Trees,” Grey Tee Shirt (2), 1988 5. The School of Interdisciplinary Studies, “Gender, Education, and Politics,” Black Tee Shirt, 1991/1992 6. The School of Interdisciplinary Studies, “Gender, Education, and Politics,” Black Tee Shirt, 1991/1992 7. Western College, “I Have Great Faith in a Seed,” White Tee Shirt, 1994-1995 8. Western College, “Twenty Years of Talking with Trees Full of Good Ideas,” White Tee Shirt, 1993-1994 9. Western College, “WCP ID ARC,” Dark Blue Tee Shirt, 1999-2000 10. Western College, “30 Years Western College Program Reunion,” White Tee Shirt, 2003 11. Western College, “You Can Cut Down a Tree 1856-2006,” Green Tee Shirt, 2006 12. Western College, “I Love Helen,” Grey Tee Shirt, 2007-2008 13. Western College, “Western College Program 35 Years, Will the Circle be Unbroken,” Forest Green Tee Shirt, 2009 14. Western College, “Western College Program 35th Anniversary, Will the circle be Unbroken,” Forest Green Tee Shirt (2), 2009 15. Western College, “And You Thought You Were Extinct Western Senior Class,” Swamp Green Tee Shirt, 2009-2010

Interdisciplinary Studies; General; Artifacts; No Date; Box 2 [16A-L-6B] Contents: 1. School of Interdisciplinary Studies, “Western; Putting It All together Western college Program Portfolio,” White Tee Shirt, No Date 2. Western College, “Western-People,” White Tee Shirt, No Date 3. Interdisciplinary Studies, “Western; When In Date to Be Powerful. . .,” Yellow Tee Shirt, No Date 4. Western College, “Western Fall Fest,” White Tee Shirt, No Date 5. Western College, “Western,” Sea Blue Tee Shirt, No Date 6. Western College, “Miami University of Western College,” White Tee Shirt, No Date 7. Western College, “Inchanga-Oxford Community Partnership,” White Tee Shirt, No Date 8. Western College, “Picture of Helen Peabody,” Blue Tee Shirt, No Date 9. Western College Alumnae Association, “Western Around the World,” Blue Tee Shirt (2), No Date 10. Western College, “Western,” Blue Tee Shirt, No Date

Interdisciplinary Studies; General; Artifacts; 1972-2010; Box 1 [16A-L-3A] Contents: 1. Outline 2. The New Yorker, August 4, 2003 3. Kat and Cayla's Grad Speech for Time Capsule 4. Orientation Materials Western Program 2013 (compact disc) 5. Red Miami Box 6. In A Tongue of Our Own Devising Writing from the Western College Program Miami University, 1991-92 7. 1978-1979 The School of Interdisciplinary Studies Official Student-Faculty-Staff Photographic Register and Identification Handbook Or As It Is and Ever Shall Be Western College MUGZ 8. The Western Idea The School of Interdisciplinary Studies Western Program, Series 78 Number 8, January 1980 9. Western College Alma Mater Words by Narka Nelson Music by Richard Manaco 10. Western College Programs: Summer 2009 Senior Project Presentations August 6, 2009, April 27-29, 2010, May 8, 2010, August 7, 2008 11. Senior Recognition Dinner Welcome Senior Day Remembered Dinner Toasts Senior Class Remembered Closing Class of 2009 12. Miami University School of Interdisciplinary Studies Commencement Kumler Chapel 13. School of Interdisciplinary Studies Program Booklet 14. Be Different Be Individual Western College Program Booklet 15. SCOPE December 1949, May 1947, March 1948, May 1948, June 1949, December 1947 16. Freedom Summer Pamphlet 17. School fo Interdisciplinary Studies Western College Program 18. Schedule Senior College Presentations, May 24, 2010 19. Western College Program 20. Key to Buildings 21. Ninth Annual Senior Project Conference, April 19-20, 1988 22. Newspaper clipping: Miami Gets 4.5 Million Estate Gift 23. Miami Report: Western College Dean's Scholarship Announced, October 15, 1998 24. Cassette Tapes Senior Projects a. Session 1 4/29/2008 4 p. m. b. Session 2 4/29/2008 6:30 p. m. c. Session 7 4/29/ 2008 8 p. m d. Session 5 4/29 2009 3 p. m. e. Session 2 4/29 2008 9 a. m. f. Senior Project Conference Session 8 5/1/2008 7 pm g. Senior Project Conference Session 3 4/30/2008 10 am h. Senior Project Conference Session 4 4/30/2008 1 pm i. Senior Project Conference Session 5 4/30 2008 2:30 pm j. Senior Project Conference Session 8 4/30/2009 3:30 pm k. Senior Presentations Session 9 #2 2009 l. Senior Project Presentation 8/13/2010 m. Senior Project Conference 4/25/2007 Session 8 4:10 pm n. Senior Project Conference 4/26/2007 Session 15 o. Senior Project Conference 4/25/2007 Session 7 Tape 1 of 1 p. Senior Project Conference 4/25/2007 Session 10 Tape 1 r. Senior Project Conference Tuesday 4/24/ (no year) Tape 1 s. Senior Project Conference 4/30/2008 Session 5 Tape 2 (3 minutes) t. 2010 Shame to SLine Shore Regetta u. Senior Project Conference 4/30/2008 Session 6 v. Good Western Commencement 2009 Part 2 w. Senior Project Conference Wednesday 4/25/2007 Session 9 7 pm Tape 1 of 1 y. Senior Project Conference 5/1/2008 Session 7 5:15 pm z. Senior Project Conference aa. 2010 Western Graduation and bb. Summer Senior Presentations Allison Kernohan (no date) cc. Senior Project Conference Thursday 4/26/2007 Session 13, 1:45 pm dd. Senior Project Conference Thursday 4/26/2007 Session 13, 3:15 pm ee. Summer Senior Presentations Karen Gotter ff. Senior Project Conference 2010 Final Session Part 2 5/24/2010 gg. Senior Project Conference Thursday 4/26/2007 Session 12 12 noon Tape 2 hh. Senior Project Conference Tuesday 4/24/no year Session 1 5 pm Tape 2 ii. Senior Project Conference Session 5 Tape 2 Session 6 1:00 pm Tape 1 jj. Senior Project Conference 4/29/2009 Session 2 10:30 am Michelle Flood, Marisa Rendina, Anita Yelton kk. Senior Project Conference Wednesday 4/25/2007 10:25 am Tape 1 ll. Summer Senior Presentations 3 - Andrew Stiebler, Ann Cashell mm. Senior Project Conference 4/25/2007 Wednesday Session 5 9 am Tape 1 nn. Senior Project Conference Thursday 4/26/2007 Session 2 9 am oo. Senior Project Conference Thursday 4/26/2007 Session 12, 12 noon Tape 1 pp. Senior Project Conference Thursday 4/24 (no year) Session 1 5 pm Tape 1 qq. Senior Project Presentation Matt Salter 12/16/2008 rr. Senior Project Conference Tuesday 4/24/2007 Session 2 6:25 pm Tape 2 ss. Senior Project Conference Tuesday 4/24/2007 Session 3 8:10 pm Tape 1 tt. Senior Project Conference Wednesday 4/25/2007 Session 6 1:00 pm Tape 2 uu. 2009 Senior Project Conference Session 9 6:30 pm 4/30/2009 vv. 2009 Senior Project Conference Session 4 1:30 pm 4/29/2009 ww. 2009 Senior Project Conference Session 6 6pm 4/29/2009 - Priyanka Chandrasekaran, Chrisopher Feran, Maxwell Rockman Nils Tracy xx. No Title: Speaker 1 Bad Audio Toward End yy. Senior Project Conference Session 3 Tuesday 4/24/2007 Tape 2 8:10 pm zz. 2010 Senior Project Conference 5/24/2010 Final Session aaa. Summer Senior Presentation 2 - Lauren Bangert, Davida Popik bbb. Senior Project Conference Wednesday 4/25 Session 4 9 am Tape 2 ccc. 2009 Senior Project Conference Session 3 noon 4/29/2009 ddd. Western Commencement 2009 Part 1 eee. 2009 Senior Project Conference Session 6 #2 6 pm 4/29/2009 fff. Boxed Set 2010 Senior Project Sessions 1 6 pm 4/27/2010 - Cayla Adams, Susan Dirr, Laura Flamm 2010 Senior Project Session 2 7:30 pm 4/27/2010 - Abigail Hills, Renee Hemmelgarn, Megan Sabal 2010 Senior Project Session Session 3 Tape 1 2010 Senior Project Session 4 April 29, 2020 - Janine Sparks, Teresa Caffiro, Chelsea Hodges 2010 Senior Project Session 5 6 pm 4/29/2010 - Katherine Hays, Megan Miller, James Muruthi, William Gertz Runyan ggg. Boxed Set: August 7, 2008 Tape 1-5 hhh. Unidentified Tape iii. Emily Braun (2 compact discs) jjj. Western College Class of 2008 (compact disc) lll. Western Program Advertisement Card mmm. 2 unidentified pictures

Interdisciplinary Studies; General; Artifacts; 1972-2010; Box 2 [16A-L-3B] Contents: 1. Western Reunion Banquet 9/20/2008 compact disc 2. Western Commencement 2007 compact disc 3. Western Commencement 2008 4. Unidentified compact disc 5. After Dark The Newest Miami Tradition 2/02/2002 VHS Tape 6. A Time to Remember Western College Alumni Association 1986 VHS Tape 7. The Quest for the Morning Star Brian Buek 4/10/1991 8. Card Box Western College Senior 2007 9. Framed Sign Specil Co-Curricula Programs 10. Book of unidentified photographs 11. Senior Project Programs and Advertisements 1980-2005 13. SCOPE December 1948 14. Freedom Summer Marker and Memorial Program 16. Western College Program The Cast MUG Book 1984-85 17. Western College Trick or Trail Run 2013 18. Black Scrapbook 1979-2010 19. Newspaper clipping The Miami Student Interim Directo of New Western College Program Paves Way for Changes, August 26, 2008 20 Western Reunion Schedule June 17-19, 2011 21. H. S. Thobe Material 22. Western Focus Newsletter: September 17, 2003; November 7, 2006; January 23, 2007; April 17, 2007, February 27, 2007, March 20, 2007, March 27, 2007, April 10, 2007, May 1, 2007 23. Out of the Box 24. Western Collge for Women Traditions 25. The Open Forum April 2005 26. Emails from Sheila Sparks Western Focus #3, #4, #5, 37 27. The Open Forum Spring 2006 28. We Western Mugbook Cool People 2005-06 29. Brochures 30. Alumni 31. Alumni 32. Alumni 33. Alumni 34. List of Senior Project 1978-2010 35. Prelimnary Work Oxford Oral Hisory Project 36. Student Free Writes (S-O 1995)

Interdisciplinary Studies; General; Artifacts; 1975-2006; Box 3 [16A-L-3C] Contents: 1. Western Focus 1975-1978 2. Western Focus 1980-1983 3. Western Focus 1991-1992 4. Western Focus 1993-1996 5. Western Focus 1997-2001 6. Western Focus 2002 7. Western Focus 2003 8. Western Focus 2004 9. Western Focus 2005-2006

Interdisciplinary Studies; General; Artifacts; 1975-2010; Box 4 [16A-L-6C] Contents: 1. Western Mugbook 1995-1996 2. Summer Reader, 1992 Western College Program, Miami University 3. Senior Project List 1997-2008 4. 19th Annuul Opening of the Western College Program Schedule of Activities, August 20-29, 1992 5. Men's Reader WCP 300 Schlling 6. Roundup Mugbook 2000-01 7. 1996/97 WCP Mugbook 8. Western Senion Mugbook 1997 9. Mugbook, No Date 10. 1998 Western Mugbook 11. 1999-2000 Mugbook First Year Edition 12. The School of Interdisciplinary Studies Annual Report, 1980-81 13. Western Program Alumni Director Tenth Anniversary Year 14. Summer Readde Western College Program, Miami University 15. Western Guidebook for New Students in Interdisciplinary Studies, Architecture and Interior Design, 2000-01 16. Western Mugbook Cool People 2005-06 17. Western Mugbook 2006-07 18. Mugbook 2003-04 19. Western College Presents the 2001-02 Star Wars Mugbook 20. WCP The Digital Storytelling Reader WCP 142 21. WCP 111/113 Leaving Home: Home as Material and Metaphor in U.S. Cultures 22. The Western College Program School of Interdisciplinar Studies, 1981-82, The Mugbook 23. School of Interdisciplinary Studies/Western College Progream Strategic Plan, 2005-2010 24. Reflecting on Western Summer Reader, 1996-97 25. Western Mugbook 1982-83 26. Mugbook 1983 27. Mugbook 1985-86 28. Western Program Alumni Director March 1986 29. 1986-87 The Mugbook 30. Making Connections Mugbook 1987-88 31. Western College Mugbook 1989 32. Western Mugbook 1992-93 33. Western College Program 1993-94 Mugbook 20th Anniversary Year 23. Western Mugbook 1994-95 26 2005 Talent Show 27. Orientering to Western A Summer Reader 1995 28. WCP 141 Spring 2005 29. WCP 141 v.2 Joanne Cubbs, Mark McPhail, Gene Metcalf, Spring 2005 30. The Bulletin Magazine Spring 2009 31. WCP 141 Thornton Dial in the 21st Century 32. WCP 142 The Cyberspace Companion Christopher Wolfe, Mark McPhail 33. HST/PHL/WCP The History, Rhetoric, and Philosophy of the Modern Civil Rights Movement Spring 2006 34. Geology 499/599 Tropical Marine Ecology Hays Cummings June 1995 35. School of Interdisciplinary Western College Program Miami University 2004-05 Program Review Self-Study, October 11, 2004 36. Glossolilia Writing from the Western College Program Miami University Oxford, OH 1992-93

Interdisciplinary Studies; General; Artifacts; Senior Projects; 1980-2000; Box 5 [16A-I-5B] Contents: VHS Tapes: Western Senior Projects Tuesday, April 19, 1994, 9:15-10:15 a. m. Tuesday, April 19, 1994, 12:30-1;30 Tuesday, April 19, 1994, 1:30-3:00 p.m August 1992 Baseball Colloquim Western College Progream Tracy Smith Starts #2 Senior Project Presentations 4/28/1998 Shannor Plummer, Rodney Hancock, Stephanie Zinger, Emma Reech 2:00 p.m. Senior Project Presentations 4/22/1998 12 p m. Catherine Fleischer, Devondra Williams, Debbie Stewart, Kara Hageman Senior Projects 1989 Kurt Kishler, Terry Eisele, Kristine L. Curry #1 August 1992 Baseball Colloquim Western College Program Tape #1 Senior Projets 1989 Barbara Graham, Michael John Menner, Eric Ward, H. Andrew Kress, Roger Len Smith, Michelle A. Luzny Senior Projects 1989 Will Standley, Susan N. Elliott, Marlene M. Guth, Julie Meeker, Pete Cramer, Dana Lundell, Carolyn E. Brucken Senior Project Presentations 4/22/1998 10 a.m. Jon Richard Little, Shawn Schuyler, Jennifer Devine April 20, 1994 April 21, 1998 Chris Jones, United Nations: Evolving Peacekeeping Policy in the Former Yugoslavia Project Advisor: Terry Perlin; Simi Pedival Provide or Compromise Effects of International Policy on Refugee Health Care Project Advisor: Chris Myers, Scotty Nicodemus Politics of Hemp; THC The Politicis of Hemp Advisor: Andrew Garrison Host Curt Ellison Discussant Karen Miksch Senior Project Presentations 4/22/98 Kjirstin Frank, Melinda Hill, Clint Newman, Doug Wells Thursday, April 29, 1999 10 am Brian Funk and Kimberly Carter Thursday, April 29, 1999 4 pm AList Tanenbaum, Andrew Duebber Thursday, April 27, 1999 10 am Shannon Martin, Molly Meyers, Khara Pease MasterL Kaylynns Performance Tape 13 Wednesday, 3:15-4:30 pm April 21, 1998 Tuesday, 7:00 pm Sarah MacInnes Kaleidoscopic Dancing: Creating a Cross-Cultural Dance Studio Project Advisor: Bill Newell, Sam Ackerman Direction Resources in the New Paradigm of Business to Create Social Change Project AdvisorL Bill Newell; Neil McElroy Harley Davidson: Use of Tariffs as a Temporary Shelter to Reorganize a Business Project Advisor: Xiuwu Liu, Host Bill Newell, Discussant: Judy Barille April 21, 1998 Chad Carpenter Economics of Scale Project Advisor: Bill Green; Alex Herrlein Work as the Reward, Not for the Reward: Building Workplace Strategies From Intrinsic Motivation Advisor: Bill Green, Marty Coggin Toward an Ecological Consciousness: A Critique of the Marxist Criticism of Capitalism's Role in Environmental Degradation Project Advisor Hays Cummins Nate Lenox Songs to Fan the Flames of Discontent: Songs as an Effective, Imporant Form of Propoganda for The Industrial Workers of the World (Wobblies) Project Advisor: Xiuwi Liu, Host Hays Cummins, Discussant: Kevin McNeilly Wednesday, April 20, 2-3 pm no year listed Wednesday, April 20, 2-3 pm no year listed Wednesday, April 20, 12:30-1:45 pm no year listed Tuesday, April 19, no year listed 5:00-6:15 pm no year listed Tuesday, April 19, no year listed 7:45-8:45 pm no year listed Niki's Senior Project 1st Year 1992 NSI Student Generated Labs Tuesday, April 19 no year listed 6:30-7:30 pm Wednesday, April 28, 1999 2 pm. Leah Wilson, LIndsay Sullivan and Erica Meyer Thursday, April 27, 1999 4 pm Brad Franklin, Natalie Owens and Megan Otil Thursday, April 28, 1999 12 pm Marie otoczny, Angie Hiemann and Jeanne Albanese Thursday, April 29, 1999 Kyra Haglund, Anne Wooster and Araceli Masterson Wednesday, April 28, 1999 Abigail Anker, Michaela Meyer and Rebecca Penix, 10 am Wednesday, April 28, 1999 Sarah Berno, Liz Zimmerman, 4:00 pm Thursday, April 29, 1999 Robin Solfisburg, Kira Henderson and Alice Nelson, 2 pm Tuesday, April 27, 1999 12 p m. Wednesday, April 27, Karla Schneider and Dave Iannotti 12 pm Tuesday, April 27, 1999 Glen White, Jassen Tawil, and Jeff Boley 2 pm Wednesday, April 28, 1999 Patti Mosey, Emily Hollenbeck and Hadley Schreiber

Interdisciplinary Studies; General; Artifacts; Posters; 1981-1986; Box 1 []! Contents: 1."Mayday for the Workers of the World" Leonard Theater 4 P.M., Wednesday, 1 May 1981 Roxane Dunbar Ortiz 2. Interdisciplinary Perspectives A Series of Speakers and Events Relating to the Role of Integrative Approaches in Higher Education (Fall 1981) 3. Two Copies of School of Interdisciplinary Studies Miami University Presents In Search of Moby-Dick Divisional Colloquium, January 18-30, 1982 4. Little Miami Theater Works Raise the Roof an Original Play by Jeffery Hooper 7:30 pm Friday, February 19, 1982 Leonard Theatre, Peabody Hall 5. Two Copies of "Saying what's on our minds" School of Interdiscilinary Studies (Western College Program) Third Annual Senior Project Conference April 20 and 21, 1982 Peabody Hall 6. Mckee Monday (Spring 1982) 7. Two Copies of Join Us at Western for McKee Mondays (Fall 1982) 8. Two Copies of School of Interdisciplinary Studies Miami University Presents: A Sense of the Earth Divisional Colliquium, August 25-September 3, 1982 9. Interdisciplinary Perspectives A Series of Speakers Representing Integrative Approaches in Higher Education (Fall 1982) 10. Saying What's on Our Minds: School of Interdisciplinary Studies Third Annual Senior Project Conference April 20 and 21, 1982 11. The American Studies Lecture John R. Stilgoe Harvard University “Tropical Paradise in the American Imagination: 1910-1941” 8:00 p.m., November 3, 1982 Leonard Theatre, Peabody Hall 12. Richard L Millett Department of Histocial Studies Southern Illinois University of Edwardsville Public Address "The U.S. and Nicaragua: An Endless Dilemma" Wednesday, April 9 8:00 p.m. Leonard Theatre, Peabody Hall (1983) 13. Martin Bernal, Ph.D Department of Government Cornell University "The Politics of Scholarship: Debates in Greek Historiography'' Wednesday, September 28 8:00 P.M. Leonard Theatre, Peabody Hall (1983) 14. of Interdisciplinary Perspectives: A Series of Speakers Represents Integrative Approaches in Higher Education (November 1983) 15. Western College Program Fourth Annual Senior Project Conference April 19-20, 1983 Peabody Hall 16. The Sigma Chi Foundation -- William P. Huffman Scholars-In-Residence Program and Miami University Present Martin Bernal, Ph.D, Department of Government Cornell University and Steven Cohen, Ph.D The Cambridge School, Weston, Mass. Author: Vietnam: Anthology and Guide "Truth, Justice and the American Way: Vietnam and the Credibility Gap" Monday, October 24, 1983 8:00 P.M. Leonard Theatre, Peabody Hall 17. Western College Presents World Fest 1983 May 1st 12PM-6PM Western Amphitheatre 18. School of Interdisciplinary Studies Presents How to Read a Book Charles Van Doren, Ph.D. Leonard Theatre Peabody Hall Monday, September 17, 1984 8:00 P.M. 19. Two Copies of Interdisciplinary Perspectives: A Series of Speakers Representing Approaches in Higher Education 10th Anniversity Year (1983-1984) 20. McKee Monday! (Fall 1984) 21. McKee Monday Spring Semester 1984-84 All Programs (except as noted) at 9:00 pm McKee Lounge 22. Liberal Arts Education and The Professions April 11-12, 1984 A Workshop Spondered by The Western College Alumnae Association 23. Western College Program Annual Senior Project Presentations April 24-25 1984 24. Interdisciplinary Perspective (1984) 25. McKee Monday Series Spring Semester 1984-85 All Programs at 6:00 p.m. McKee Lounge 26. The School of Interdisciplinary Studies Miami University presents A Divisional Colloquium, January 14-25, 1985 on Barry Lopez's of Wolves and Men 27. The Future of Interdisciplinary Studies Marin Trow Director, Center for the Study of Higher Education/Berkeley, California Saturday, February 4 8:30 PM Leonard Theatre/Peabody Hall (1985) 28. I Am Old and Need to Remember You Are Young and Need to Learn If I Forgot the Words Will You Remember the Music "From 'Swaniland'" 10/23 Made in 1985 29. Tuesday April 23 Western College Program Sixith Annual Senior Project Conference April 23-24, 1985 30. Who is Meridel Le Suerur? Western College Alumnae Association 1985 Artist-In-Residence at Miami University Meridel Le Sueur April 13th-26th "Vision of A People's Culture" 31. Interdisciplinary Perspectives Exploring Topics of Concern for Higher Education in the 1980s (Fall 1985) 32. Niacargua (1985) 33. Jane Howard Class/Open Discussion Visit Hosted By: Women's Studies Program Western College Program (Program Excellence Writing Grant) Student Activities -- Women's Programs Association for Women Studies (December 1986) 34. The History and Philosophy of Contemporary Evolutionary Thought Miami University Oxford, Ohio December 2-3, 1986 35. Two Copies Roadside Theatre: A traveling ensemble theatre performing original plays drawn from Appalachian culture (August 25-September 3, 1986) 36. Honors Program Symposium Committee Presents: Stephan Morse, J.D., Ph.D. on The Insanity Defense: Professor of Law and Psychiatry, University of Southern California Tuesday, November 11, 1986 * 8:00 p.m. 144 Benton Hall 37. McKee Monday -- A Current Event Series (Fall 1986) 38. "...And He Had Six Sisters" A Performence Work By Kaylynn Sullivan Two Trees with Monica Beauford, Sally Harrison-Pepper, Nicole Hickman, Shana Kelly, Erin Schilling Johanna Smith, Nicole Stanley, and Amy Voris Tuesday, October 30 7:30 and 9:00 om Miami University Art Museum (October 30, 1986)

Interdisciplinary Studies; General; Artifacts; Posters; 1987-2006; Box 2 []! Contents: 1. McKee Monday! 9:00 p.m. McKee Lounge (Fall 1987) 2. Looking Back on Four Years in the Western College Program (1987) 3. "McKee Monday's at Western" Let's Hear What's On Your Minds 9:00 p.m., Monday Nights McKee Lounge 4. Two Copies of Reclaiming Our Miami Years: A Celebration of Women at Miami 1888-1988 (1988) 5. The Western College April 19/20 1988 9th Annual Senior Project Presentations 6. McKee Monday (Fall 1988) 7. Two Copies Interdisciplinary Perspectives Lecture Series (Fall 1988) 8. Celebrating Fifteen Years of Seeing the Forest for the Trees The Interdisciplinary Studies Reunion Weekend November 18, 19 and 20, 1988 Western College Program, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 9. Fred Small Music @ Western Leonard Theatre Sunday Evening March 6, -- 8 pm $2.00 at the door, children free (1989) 10. The School of Interdisciplinary Studies Interdisciplinary Perspectives Lecture Series Mad River Theater Works Presents Heartstrings Kulmer Chapel September 6, 1989 Wednesday at 11:00AM 11. The School of Interdisciplinary Studies Interdisciplinary Perspective Series September 6-13 Kulmer Chapel Wednesday at 11:00AM (1989) 12. The School of Interdisciplinary Studies Interdisciplinary Perspectives Lecture Series Western College Faculty Lecture Women in Production: The Chorus Line 1932-1980 Rhonda Hammer Department of Communication Studies University of Windsor Leonard Theater Peabody Hall Wednesday at 11AM September 27 (1989) 13. The School of Interdisciplinary Studies Interdisciplinary Perspectives Lecture Series (October 4-11, 1989) 14. The School of Interdisciplinary Studies Interdisciplinary Perspectives Lecture Series Sandi Fox Curator of Quilts, Los Angles County Art Museum "Quilts and Gender" Kumler Chapel -- 11 am Wednesday November 1, 1989 and Ricky Clark Head of Ohio Quilt Project "Social History, Women and Quilts" Kumler Chapel -- 11 am Wednesday November 8, 1989 15. The School of Interdisciplinary Studies Interdisciplinary Perspectives Lecture Studies P. Anna Johnson Rodieck Founder-Publisher, Open Hand Publishing, Inc. "We All Are One" Wednesday, November 15 Kumler Chapel 11am (1989) 16. 10th Annual Senior Project Presentation The Western College Program April 18th and 19th, 1989 17.Peabody Wednesdays Thursdays at 7PM in Western Lodge (Spring 1990) 18. Women's "Ourstory" Film Festival March 1990 19. Western College Program Eleventh Annual Senior Project Conference April 23, 24, and 25, 1990 20. Wokiksuye "Live and Remember" Dingo-Dingo "The Dance of Life" (1991) 21. Western College Program April 22-24, 1991 Leonard Theatre Peabody Hall Miami University School of Interdisciplinary Studies Western College Program Twelfth Annual Senior Project Conference April 22-24, 1991 22. Western College Program 13th Annual Senior Project Presentations April 20-22, 1992 Leonard Theatre, Peabody Hall Miami University 23. The Mother The Western College Sophomore Present: Bertolt Brecht's The Mother April 27 and 28 at 8:00 pm Leonard Theatre in Peabody Hall (1991) 24. Western College Faculty Lecture Susan Allen Toth Presents "Eccentric Adventures: A Traveler's Memoirs" A Reading and Discussion Wednesday, December 2, 1992 7:30 p.m. Leonard Theater, Peabody Hall 25. School of Interdisciplinary Studies Western College Faculty Lectures Voices A New Way of Seeing: Tribal Perceptions in America (1992) 26. Western College Program 14th Annual Senior Project Presentations April 19-21, 1993 27. ...Still Growing After All These Years Celebrating Twenty Years of the School of Interdisciplinary Studies Western College Program Miami University, Oxford, Ohio Reunion Weekend, November 19-21, 1993 28. 16th Annual Western College Program Senior Project Presentations April 18, 19, and 20 1995 29. Western College Program 17th Annual Senior Project Presentations April and 25, 1996 30. Western Performance Group Presents Satori An Original Play by Brendon Kelley or The Hedi Chronicles Puliter Prize Winning Play by Wendy Wasserstein at Leonard Theatre in Peabody Hall (1996) 31. Western College Program If the World is Night...Shine my liefe Like a Light (1997) 32. December 4th and 5th Western Performance Group Presents The Killing Game Eugene Fonesco Leonard Theater (Peabody Hall) 8:00 PM 33. Senior Project Conference School of Interdisciplinary Studies Western College Program Peabody Hall 21-22 April 1998 34. Friday April 24 1998 Finding the Sun An Interview Edward Albee and David Mamet 8:00 Post Meridiem Time Leonard Theater Peabody Hall As Performed by the Western Performance Group 35. An Evening With Three Women of History Monday, February 28, 2000 7:30 p.m. Miami University on the Western Campus Peabody Hall Leonard Theatre Reception Following The Oxford Museum Association Robert T. Howard Lecture Series 36. Western College Program Senior Project Conference 2000 21st Annual Sneior Projet Presentations April 25, 26, 27 Leonard Theatre 37. School of Interdisciplinary Studies, Western College Program Miami University Senior Project Conference April 17-19, 2001 Peabody Hall Leonard Theater 38. Miami University 2001 The American and World Cultures Speakers Series Mwelwa Musambachime Zambia's Role in Peacemaking in Africa: The Cases of Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congs Thursday October 18 4:00 P.M. Hall Auditorium 39. Western College School of Interdisciplinary Studies Senior Project Conference April 24 and 25, 2002 Leonard Theatre, Peabody Hall 40. Senior Project Conference 2003 Western College Program 24th Annual SPCO3 School of Interdisciplinary Studies, Leonard Theater, Peabody Hall 41. School of Interdisciplinary Studies Western College Program and Senior Conference Presentations (2004) 42. Letters from Mississippi An Interdisciplinary Series on Freedom Summer 1964, Civil Rights, and Social Justice 15 November 2005 5:00 PM, Kumler Chapel 43. Twenty-Sixth Annual Senior Project Conference School of Interdisciplinary Studies Western College Program April 26-28, 2005 Leonard Theatre-Peabody Hall 44. Miami University School of Interdisciplinary Studies Twenty-Seventh Annual Senior Project Conference (April 25-27, 2006)

Interdisciplinary Studies; General; Artifacts; Posters and Pictures; 1904-2011; Box 3 []! Contents: Group One: Posters 1. Senior Project Conference 2007 School of Interdisciplinary Studies: Western College Program April 24-26 Leonard Theater Peabody Hall 2. Twenty-Ninth Annual Senior Project Conference School of Interdisciplinary Studies, Western College Program Miami University April 29-May 1, 2008 Peabody Hall Leonard Theater 3. Class of 2009 Thirteenth Annual Senior Project Conference Western College Program Miami University April 29 and 30, 2009 Peabody Hall Leonard Theater 4. Western College Program Class of 2010 Thirty-First Annual Senior Project Conference Miami University April 27-29, 2010 Peabody Hall Leonard Theater 5. Miami University Steel Band Students Making History (undated) 6. Western College Program Presents Ernst Fall Fest October 26 5-Midnight (undated) 7. Dedicated to all the students who gave graced the halls of Peabody since the fall of 1974-75 when the School of Interdisciplinary Studies became a division of Miami University from Jame Goldflies who worked here June 17, 1974 -- February 28, 1990 (undated) 8. Painting (undated) 9. Oxford Covered Bridge (undated) 10. The Western College Program Presents John Mitchell Author of Ceremonial Time and Field Guide to Your Own Backyard Public Presentation Thursday, November 5 8:00 pm Leonard Theatre (167 Peabody Hall)(undated) 11. Western College Program Senior Project Conference (undated) 12. Performances in Leonard Theatre (undated) 13. Guests Speakers in the Western College Program (undated) 14. Group Photographs of The Western College for Women (undated) 15. Interdisciplinary Perspectives Lecture Series (undated) 16. Integrative Curricular Programs (undated) 17. Interdisciplinary Perspectives Lecture Series in Kumler Chapel, 1989 (undated) 18. Colored-Pencil Portrait (undated) 19. Sharon Doubiago reading from Hard Country Monday, April 9th 8:00 pm Leonard Theatre Peabody Hall (undated) 20. Studies of the Junior Class Early Western Curriculum, Circa 1856 (undated) 21. Studies of the Middle Class Early Western Curriculum, Circa 1856 (undated) 22. Honoring the Legacy Discovering and Restoring the Rivers of Lewis and Clark Peter L. Kelley, national spokesmand for American Rivers Thursday, April 17 7:30 p.m. Leonard Theater Peabody Hall (undated) 23. Life of Galileo Tonight An Adaptation by WST 322 Students Performing at 6:30 In Leonard Theatre Miami University Come See the Moons of Jupitoer Free Food and Admission 24. Letters from Mississippi: An Interdisciplinary Series on Freedom Summer 1964, Civil Rights, and Social Justice (undated) 25. Fred Small Music @ Music Western Leonard Theatre Sundat Evening March 6, -- 8pm $2.00 at the door, children free 26. Sharon Doubiago Reading from Hard Country (undated) Group 2: Photographs 1. Class in Home Economics Western Campus 1904 (on of the first in the country) 2. Western College Dining Room 1855-1948 Peabody Hall, Lower Level North End 3. In Front of Alumnae Hall 1953 Western College for Women 4. Biking by the Pond 1955 Western College for Women 5. Dance in Clawson Hall 1956 Western College for Women 6. Ready for Graduation 1962 Western College for Women 7. The Library in Alumnae Hall 1967 Western College for Women 8. Choir Ensemble in TV Studio Western College for Women 1968 9. Miami U. - Western College Candlelighting May 7, 1988 10. Plaque, Fifteenth Anniversity, 19988-89 Western College Program 11. Class Photograph (1989) 12. Class Photograph (1990) 13. Class Photograph (1991) 14. Western College Program Class of 1994 15. Western College Program 1995 16. Western College Program 1996 17. Western College Program 1997 18. Western College Class of 1998 19. Western College Program Class of 1999 20. Western College Program Class of 2000 21. Western College Program Class of 2001 22. Western College Class of 2002 23. Western College Program May 3, 2003 24. Western College Program May 8, 2004 25. Western College May 7, 2005 26. Western College Program Graduation May 6, 2006 27. Western College Program Graduation May 5, 2007 28. Western College Program Graduation May 10, 2008 29. Western College Program School of Interdisciplinary Studies 1974-2010 30. Class Photograph (2011) 31. Clown Photograph (undated) 32. Class Photograph (undated) 33. Plauque, Peabody Hall (undated) 34. Plauque, Alumnae Hall (undated)


  • Creation: 1953 - 2017


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30 Boxes

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Physical Location

Miami University Archives, King Library, 3rd Floor, Walter Havighurst Special Collections, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio

Repository Details

Part of the Miami University and Western College Memorial Archives Repository
