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General, 1914 - 1982

 Sub-Group — Multiple Containers


University and the State of Ohio; General; Auditor's Materials, Committees; 1917-40; Box 1 [17A-K-3B]

Contents: 1. Auditor's Materials (1917-30) [Includes: Auditor's Report (August 1910) 2. Appropriation Statements (1917-18) 3. Auditor's Report of Examination of Miami University (July 1, 1928-June 30-1930)] 4. Auditor of State. Report of Examination of Miami University (July 1, 1938-June 30, 1940) 5. Ohio. Joint Educational Committee. The Ohio Tax Supported Colleges of Arts and Education (February 9, 1923)

University and the State of Ohio; General; General Assembly Bills; 1917-77; Box 1 [SWORD]

*** When searching for this box in Sierra enter BR in the Search engine. Box 1 BR6 Barcode 814900705 i26159922 Barcode 35054014305292

Contents: 1. 82nd General Assembly - "Support Needed for Miami University, 1917/18- 1918/19" [booklet] 2. 88th General Assembly - Regular Session, 1929; S.B. 28 Appropriations 1/1/29- 12/31/30; H.B. 510 Appropriations 3. 89th General Assembly - Regular Session 1931; Sub. S.B. No. 1 Appropriations 1/1/31/-12/31/32 4. 91st General Assembly - Regular Session 1935-36; S.B. No. 1 Appropriations 1/1/35-12/31/36 5. 93rd General Assembly - Regular Session 1939-1940; H.B. No. 674 Appropriations 1/1/39-12/31/40 6. 95th General Assembly - Regular Session 1943-44; H.B. No. 1 Appropriations 1/1/43-6/30/43 7. 96th General Assembly - Regular Session 1945-46; S.B. No. 1 Appropriations 1/1/45-6/30/45 8. 96th General Assembly - 2nd Special Session 1945-46; S.B. No. 349 Appropriations -12/31/46 9. 97th General Assembly - Regular Session 1947-48; H.B. No. 455 Appropriations; S.B. No. 323 An Act to Create . . . The Miami University Housing Commission, June 27, 1947 10. 97th General Assembly - Regular Session 1947-48; S.B. No. 1 Appropriations 1/1/47-6/30/47 11. 98th General Assembly - Regular Session 1949-50; S.B. No. 1 Appropriations 1/1/49-6/30/49 12. 111th General Assembly - Regular Session 1975-76; H.B. No. 155 General Appropriations, July 1, 1975-June 30, 1977 13. Amended Substitute House Bill No. 214 - Board of Regents [Copy-n.d.] 14. House Bill No. 496 - Appropriations for Equipment and Capital Expenditures 7/24/47 15. Amended Substitute House Joint Resolution No. 31. Bond Issues - Long Range Building Program (1955) 16. Amended Substitute House Bill No. 490. Capital Planning and Improvement 1955 17. "New State Laws. A Digest of the Acts of the 101st Ohio General Assembly." January 3-July 13, 1955

University and the State of Ohio; General; Auditor of State: Committees, Councils, Miami, Alphabetical; 1914-80; Box 2 [SWORD] *** When searching for this box in Sierra enter BR into the search engine. Box 2 BR8 Barcode 814900601 i26159946 Barcode 35054014305417

Files: Auditor of State 1. Auditor of State: Examinations, Miami University: 1971-72, 1972-73, 1973-74, 1974-75 2. Auditor of State: Examinations, College Work-Study Program: 1971-72, 1972-73 3. Auditor of State: Examinations, EOP Grants: 1971-72, 1972-73 4. Auditor of State: Examinations, National Defense Student Loan Fund: 1971-72, 1972-73 5. Auditor of State: Examinations. NDS Loan Fund, College Work-Study Program, Suppl. EOP Grants: 1973-74, 1974-75 Committees, Councils 6. Joint Committee of the State Institutions of Higher Learning: Minutes May 16, 1914 [Published December 1914] 7. Inter-University Council: Constitution and By-Laws: 1952, 1962, 1966 8. Inter-University Council: Minutes 1954-55 9. Inter-University Council: Minutes 1966, 1967 10. Inter-University Council: Budget 1945- 11. Inter-University Council: Building Programs [publications]; Post-War Program . . . (1944); Building Program for the State Universities of Ohio and the Ohio Medical Center (1947-48); The Building Program under the 1955 Bond Issue 12. Inter-University Council: Data on Class Size and Teaching Load. Fall 1961 Miami University 13. Inter-University Council: Faculty Load Study, January 1970 14. Inter-University Council: OSU: Student Fees, etc. [See Minutes December 12, 1966] 15. Inter-University Council: Physical Plant Manual, January 1973 16. Inter-University Council: "Report Summary" January 1970 17. Inter-University Council: STRS. State Teachers Retirement System, Wyatt Report, August 12, 1966. Remarks. [See Minutes, October 4, 1966] 18. Inter-University Council: Workman's Compensation 1966, 1967 [See Minutes December 12, 1966] 19. Inter-University Council: "Your State Universities of Ohio," Published by Inter-University Council of Ohio. 20. Inter-University Council Minutes (1958/59-1961/62) 21. Inter-Universtiy Council Minutes (1962/63-1964/65) 22. Inter-University Council Minutes (1965/66-January 1970) 23. Inter-University Council Minutes (March 22, 1939-August 2, 1955) [Note: President Upham's Report to the Executive Committee of the Board, February 10, 1939, on the organization of the Council][Complete IUC Minutes 1939-63-Mr. Goggin's Office] 23. Governor's Council for Cost-Control [College: The Coming Crisis (April 1978); What Price Education (December 1977); Whate Price Education (November 1977)] Miami 24. Miami: Capital Improvements, April 23, 1949-October 23, 1956 25. Miami: Reports, Annual to ODE, June 30, 1946-1956 Alphabetical 26. Buildings: Construction of State Buildings-Policy 1946 27. College Training: "Three and a Half Million for College Training," December 1, 1920 [pamphlet] 28. Educational Directory 1932-33 29. Fee Structure, State Universities, January 1, 1966 30. Freshman Admissions Handbook for 1974-75 31. Funds, Education, Newsclips: 1/6/56, 1/7/56. 1/13/56 32. "Higher Education in Ohio-A Series of Charts" 1961 33. "The Mental Health and Public Education Building Bond Issue" Miscel. 1955, 1956 34. "Ohio Populations: Growth and Distribution" 1960. State of Ohio Department of Industrial and Economic Development and Miami University [See 10 GEO] 35. Ohio State University - Change of Name proposed. Erastus G. Lloyd to R.M. Hughes, 2/26/17; R,M. Hughes to --, 2/28/17 36. "Public Education in Ohio" December 1914 37. "Purchasing Informational Guide," State Universities. September 28, 1966 38. Women, College. Conference of Ohio College Women, Columbus, Ohio, March 6,7, 1914; Association of College Women of Ohio. Constitution [n.d.] 39. Women, Cost of College to 1949-50 40. Progress Report on the Management Effectiveness of Higher Education in Ohio. Warren King Associates, April 23, 1969 41. Ohio Student Loan Commission. 19th Annual Report, 1980


  • 1914 - 1982


Conditions Governing Access

Materials do not circulate and are made available to users in the Miami University Archives.

Conditions Governing Use

Materials do circulate and may only be used in the archives.


4 Boxes

Language of Materials


Physical Location

Miami University Archives, King Library, 3rd Floor, Walter Havighurst Special Collections, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio

Repository Details

Part of the Miami University and Western College Memorial Archives Repository
