Board of Regents, 1959
University and the State of Ohio; Board of Regents; 1963-85; Box 1 [SWORD]
*** When searching for this box in Sierra use BR in the search line.
Box 1
BR1 Barcode 814870406 i26147312 Barcode 35054014305045
1. Academic Term Enrollment Report (November 1978)
2. Appropriation Needs: State Assisted Colleges and Universities (1965-67)
3. [Appropriation Needs:] Recommended Operating Support: State-Assisted Higher Education (1967-69)
4. Appropriation Recommendations for Current Operations: Higher Education (1969-71)
5. Appropriations for Current Operations: State-Assisted Higher Education (1975-77)
6. Appropriations for Current Operations: State-Assisted Higher Education (1977-79)
7. Appropriations for Current Operations: State Assisted Higher Education (1979-81)
8. Assessing the Needs of Adult Learners: Methods and Models (August 1980)
9. Basic Data Series: Ohio Higher Education (July 1969)
10. Basic Data Series: Ohio Higher Education (June 1971)
11. Basic Data Series: Ohio Higher Education (August 1973)
12. Basic Data Series: Ohio Higher Education (August 1975)
13. Basic Data Series: Ohio Higher Education (August 1977)
14. Basic Data Series: Ohio Higher Education System (1981)
15. Biennial Budget Recommendations: Higher Education (1975-77)
16. Capital Improvement Plan for State Assisted Institutions of Higher Education (1963-71)
17. Capital Plan for Higher Education (1969-75)
18. Capital Improvement Plan for State Assisted Institutions of Higher Education (1967-73)
19. Capital Plan for Higher Education (1975-77)
20. Capital Plan for Higher Education (1977-83)
21. Capital Plan for Higher Education (1979-85)
22. Capital Improvements Plan, Miami University (1975-81)
23. Citizens' Task Force on Higher Education. Final Report and Capsule Summary of Final Report (May 1974)
24. Toward Excellence in Higher Education. A Summary of Discussion Regional Assembly on the Report of the Citizens' Task Force on Higher Education (July 1974)
25. College and University Remedial Course Enrollments in Mathematics and English (February 1985)
26. Community College Planning in Ohio, Guide to (August 1965)_
27. Degree Programs, Doctoral and Other than Doctoral, Procedure for Consideration of New (1966)
28. Department Chairpersons, Ohio Institute for. Handbook (1979)_
29. Directives to State-Assisted Colleges and Universities. Summary (1967)_
30. Enrollment, Home County Analysis of Ohio's Public Higher Education (Fall 1967)
University and the State of Ohio; Board of Regents; 1992-98; Box 1 [18A-C-3A] Files: 1. Articulation and Transfer Institutional Information Guide (1992-94) 2. Challenge Programs (1998) 3. House Finance Committee Questions (1997) 4. Performance Funding (1994-97) 5. Subject Area Competencies (November 1998) 6. Doctoral Review (2) 7. OBR Responses (HST); Doctoral Program Review (Ecology) 8. Commission on Funding Graduate Education (1997)
University and the State of Ohio; Board of Regents; 1999; Box 1 [9A-B-6C] Files: 1. Capital Improvements Request, 2001-06 (October 1999) 2. Capital Improvements Request, 2003-08 (September 2001) 3. Capital Improvements Request, 2005-2010 (September 2003)
University and the State of Ohio; Board of Regents; 1964-78; Box 2 [17A-F-7A] Files: 1. Annual Report, OH Board of Regents (1969, 1971) 2. Electronic Data Processing: An Inventory of Current Practices: Ohio's Public Two-Year Campuses (1972) 3. Ethics of Higher Education. John D. Millett (1967) 4. Expanding Opportunities for Equal Access to Higher Education for Ohioans: A Report on the Ohio Instructional Grants Program (March 1975) 5. Facilities Inventory and Utilization, Ohio Institutions of Higher Education, Summary Report (Fall 1970) 6. Facilities Inventory and Utilization Report, Ohio Institutions of Higher Education (Fall 1972) 7. Facilities Inventory and Space Utilization System Documentation Manual (May 1973) 8. Facilities Inventory and Space Utilization Report (Fall 1974) 9. Facilities Inventory and Space Utilization Report (Fall 1977) 10. Faculty Productivity Report (February 1969) 11. Faculty Advisory Committee Report (February 1968) 12. Faculty Staffing Data, Initial Working Papers (January 1969) 13. Federal Government Research and Develop ment Programs, Ohio Higher Education Performance in (August 1965) 14. Federal Programs Involving the Ohio Board of Regents: A Progress Report (1964-68) 15. Financial Data: Publicly Assisted Institutions of Higher Education: Universities; Community Colleges; State, General, and Technical Colleges; Technical Colleges (Fiscal Years 1973 and 1974) 16. Financial Data: Publicly Assisted Institutions of Higher Education: Universities; Community Colleges; State, General and Technical Colleges; Technical Colleges (Fiscal Years 1974 and 1975) 17. The Financing of Higher Education by the State of Ohio, 1955-1969. Working Paper in Economics, No. 16. (April 1971) 18. Forecasts of High School Graduates, Primary and Secondary Enrollments (January 1978) 19. Grants, Ohio Instructional. Second Annual Report (October 1972) 20. Higher Education and Jobs (n.d.) 21. Historical Market Shares: Ohio's State-Assisted Institutions (1971-77) 22. Income and Expenditures Public Institutions of Higher Education, Analysis of (Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1970) 23. Income and Expenditures Public Institutions of Higher Education, Comparison of (Fiscal Years 1970 and 1971) 24. Increasing Enrollment of Part-Time Students and Their Impact on College and University Operations (November 1978) 25. Management Improvement Program: Computer Services/Two-Year Colleges (July 1, 1973) 26. Management Improvement Program: Planning/Two-Year Colleges (July 1, 1973) 27. Management Improvement Program: Planning/Universities (July 1, 1973) 28. Management Improvement Program: Program Budgeting/Two-Year Colleges (July 1, 1973) 29. Management Improvement Program: Program Budgeting/Universities (July 1, 1973) 30. Management Improvement Program: Schedule Building and Student Registration/Universities (July 1, 1973) 31. The Management Improvement Program: Where Has It Been? Where Is It Now? Where Will It Go? (August 1, 1973) 32. Master Plan: Capital Plant Requirements: Miami University (January 1, 1964) 33. Master Plan: Current Operating Expenditures and Income: Miami University (March 1, 1964) 34. Master Plan For Higher Education in Ohio, Provisional (April 1965) 35. Master Plan for Higher Education in Ohio, An Institutional Position for Miami University Relative to the Provisional (1965?) 36. Master Plan for Higher Education in Ohio: Newsclippings (1965) 37. Master Plan for State Policy in Support of Higher Education in Ohio (April 1966) 38. Master Plan for State Policy in Higher Education (June 1966) 39. Master Plan for State Policy, Focus on the Future 1969 40. Master Plan 1970 40a. Correspondence 40b. Issues in Master Plan 40c. Review Committees 41. Master Plan 1976 42. From the Ohio Board of Regents newsletter 1970
University and the State of Ohio; Board of Regents; 1969-82; Box 3 [17A-F-4A] Files: 1. Master Plan for Higher Education: Focus on the Future: Plan for Revision of Master Plan in Higher Education (1969) 2. Master Plan for State Policy in Higher Education, Draft, Chapter I (June 1970) 3. Master Plan Review Committee on Public Service (1970) / Master Plan Sub-Committee on Admissions (April 13, 1970) / Master Plan Sub-Committee on Student Assistance (June 1970) 4. Master Plan, Miami University Responses to (September-October 1970) 5. Master Plan Review Committee on Educational Programs. Report 1970 Vols. I-II 6. Master Plan (Tentative) (January 1971) 7. Master Plan for Public Policy in Higher Education (January 1971; Draft November 1970) 8. Master Plan for Public Policy in Higher Education (March 1971) 9. Master Plan for Public Policy in Higher Education (March 1971) 10. Master Plan, Higher Education in Ohio. Summary (1976)_ 11. Master Plan, Higher Education in Ohio (1976) 12. Master Plan for Higher Education (1982)[Draft 1982] 13. Master Plan for Higher Education: Opportunity in a Time of Change. Summary (September 1982) 14. Master Plan for Higher Education: Opportunity in a Time of Change (September 1982) 15. Newsletter, Ohio Board of Regents. Vol. 1, nos. 1-5 (1970); Vol. 2, nos. 1-5 (1970-71) 16. News Release, Ohio Board of Regents (December 1983-December 1984) 17. Ohio Educational Information Centers Network. State Plan (1979-80) 18. Ohio: With New Board of Regents, Master Plan in Works, State Takes Plunge into State-Wide Planning. John Walsh (Science, July 17, 1964, Vol. 145, No. 3629, pp. 253-55, 305) 19. Ohio's New Look in Higher Education: A Progress Report on Public Higher Education in Ohio (1967?) 20. Ohio's Newest Look in Public Higher Education (1971?) 21. Personnel--Research, Practices (1967) 22. Physician Demography in Ohio (1971) 23. Planning, Programming, and Budgeting for Ohio's Public Institutions of Higher Education. John D. Millett (May 1970) 24. A Proposed Standardized Information System. Cresap, McCormick, and Paget (May 1966) 25. Program Expenditure Models for Higher Education Budgeting (1975-77) 26. Public Higher Education in Ohio During the Decade of the Sixties (January 1970) 27. Public Policy Toward Independent Colleges in Ohio (November 1975) 28. Public Relations Policies, Personnel, and Procedures at the Seven Mid-American Conference Universities. James Richard Gordon (M.A. Thesis: Ohio State 1966)_ 29. Public Service FY 72: Developmental Instruction, Business Technical Services, Labor Education Service, Development of Independent Study, Planning Medical Education (1972) 30. Report (Annual), Ohio Board of Regents (For the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1964) 31. Report (Annual), Ohio Board of Regents (For the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1965) 32. Report (Annual), Ohio Board of Regents (For the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1966) 33. Report (Annual), Ohio Board of Regents: Developments in Higher Education, State of Ohio (1967-68) 34. Report (Annual), Ohio Board of Regents (FY 1970) 35. Report (Annual), Ohio Board of Regents (Year Ending June 30, 1971) 36. Report (Annual), Ohio Board of Regents (For the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1972) 37. Report (Annual), Ohio Board of Regents (Fiscal Year 1974) 38. Ohio's Newly Developed System of Two-Year Colleges (1969-70) 39. State of Ohio, Budget in Brief 1969-1971
University and the State of Ohio; Board of Regents; 1969-83; Box 4 [SWORD] *** When searching for this box in Sierra us BR in the search. Box 4 BR4 Barcode 814900507 i26159909 Barcode 35054014305227 Files 1. Recommended Operating Support, State Assisted Higher Education (1967-69) 2. Resource Analysis Proceedings, Uniform Information System (1974?)_ 3. Responses to General Budget Questions, State-Assisted Higher Education (February 1975) 4. State Requirements for Professional Education (August 1980) 5. State University Geographical Enrollment Service Patterns 1969 and 1981: Showing also the impact of likely demographic changes between 1980 and 1990 (January 1983) 6. Statutory Provisions: Higher Education in Ohio (November 1967) 7. Stewardship Report: State-Assisted Higher Education 1973-75. Vols. I-II(Appendix) 8. Student Inventory Data (1967) 9. Student Inventory Data (1968) 10. Student Inventory Data (1970) 11. Student Inventory Data (1971) 12. Student Inventory Data (1972) 13. Student Inventory Data (1973) 14. Student Inventory Data (1975) 15. Student Inventory Data (1978) 16. Student Loan Commission, State of Ohio. Annual Report (1971) 17. Study of Citizen Attitudes Toward Public Higher Education in Ohio. Market Opinion Research. Vols. 1-2 [Vol. 1 binder; Vol. 2 loose on top of box] (December 1969) 18. Study on Expanded Medical Education, A Report to the Ohio Board of Regents (December 1972) 19. Subsidy Formula Revision, An Outline for Consultation (March 1974) 20. Subsidy Formula Revision, Preliminary Conclusions (May 1980) 21. Technical and Business Services: Five Year Plan: Fiscal 1967 Program: State Technical Services Act of 1965 (June 27, 1966)
University and the State of Ohio; Board of Regents; 1960-89; Box 6 [17A-F-5A] Files: 1. Agenda of Regent Board Meetings, 1970 2. Ohio Basic Data Series: Higher Education (1969-1977) 3. Case Studies 3a. Automated Statewide Coordination and Planning (1968) 3b. A Report on Four Branch Campuses 4. Correspondence 4a. Current Views on non-commercial educational tv stations on campus (1969) 5. Development in Higher Education (1967-68) 6. Development of Post Secondary Education, Regents Statewide Plan. Education Beyond High School, 1972 7. Faculty Staffing Data (1967) 8. Guidelines: 8a. Closure of University due to unrest 8b. Student Fee Waivers 9. Management Study And Analysis: Ohio Public Higher Education (1969) 10. Master Plan for Higher Education (1982) 11. Miami University Master Plan 11a. Academic Degree Programs Enrollment Research and Public Service Student Life (December 1, 1963) 11b. Capital Plant Requirement (Jan 1, 1964) 11c. Current Operating Expenditures and Income (March 1, 1964) 12. Minutes of Meetings (1970) 13. Projected Enrollments Institutions of Higher Education State of Ohio (1973-1989) 14. Public Higher Edu. in OH During the Decade of the 60's 15. Appropriation Recommendations for Current Opperations (1969-71) 16. Recommended Operating Support (1967-69) 17. Report of Progess, Technical Education (1968, 1969) 18. Report by the Governor's Task Force on Vocational and Technical Education (1969) 19. Student Inventory Data (1968) 20. Student Inventory Data (1970) 21. Subsidy Formula Revision-Preliminary Conclusions (1980) 22. Uniform Information System (1968) 23. from the Board of regents publication (vol. 1 no. 1; vol. 1 no. 2)
University and the State of Ohio; Board of Regents; 1959-82; Box 5 [17A-F-5B] Files: 1. Technical Education: 1980-82 Inventory of Technical Training Programs Offered by Ohio's Two-Year Campuses (n.d.) 2. Technical Education Placement Report (FY 1982) 3. Tickton Study--Drafts, Materials, Reports (1959-64) 4. Two-Year College System in Ohio: A Planning Report (1975) 5. Uniform Information System: Interim Procedural Manual (October 1966) 6. Uniform Information System (August 1968) 7. Uniform Information System (April 1972, August 1973) 8. The University: A Systems Analysis. John D. Millett (n.d.) 9. Western College of Miami University, A Proposal to the Ohio Board of Regents for a Nonrepeatable Seed Grant for a Special Program for the (August 9, 1974) 10. Working Plan for Two-Year Campuses (Draft September 20, 1974) 11. Wright State University: Application to the Veterans Administration for Assistance in the Establishment of a New State Medical School (February 27, 1974)[Black Binder] Binders: 1. A Proposal to the Ohio Board of Regents for Approval to Plan a Program in Biomedical Sciences Leading to the Doctor of Philosophy Degree (December 1976). Part 1/The Proposal. 2. A Planning Study for Medical Education, Wright State University. A Report to the Honorable John J. Gilligan, Governor; and the General Assembly, State of Ohio; and the Board of Regents, State of Ohio (December 1972). Part 1/Summary, Part 2/Planning Study, Part 3/Documentation
- 1959
- University and the State of Ohio. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) (Organization)
- Ohio Board of Regents (Organization)
Conditions Governing Access
Materials do not circulate and are made available to users in the Miami University Archives.
Conditions Governing Use
Materials do circulate and may only be used in the archives.
8 Boxes
Language of Materials
Physical Location
Miami University Archives, King Library, 3rd Floor, Walter Havighurst Special Collections, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
- Box: 1; Board of Regents; 1963-85; SWORD (Text)
- Box: 1; Board of Regents; 1992-98; 18A-C-3A (Text)
- Box: 1; Board of Regents; 1999; 9A-B-6C (Text)
- Box: 2; Board of Regents; 1964-78; 17A-F-7A (Text)
- Box: 3; Board of Regents; 1969-82; 17A-F-4A (Text)
- Box: 4; Board of Regents; 1969-83; SWORD (Text)
- Box: 5; Board of Regents; 1959-82; 17A-F-5B (Text)
- Box: 6; Board of Regents; 1960-89; 17A-F-5A (Text)
Repository Details
Part of the Miami University and Western College Memorial Archives Repository