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Annual Reports

Subject Source: Local sources

Found in 45 Collections and/or Records:

Churchwell, Charles, 1964 - 1973

 Sub-Group — Multiple Containers
Abstract University Libraries; Churchwell, Charles; Director's Files; 1964-70; Box 1 [10A-F-6A] 1. Faculty Council, September 1969-June 1970 I 2. Faculty Council, September 1969-June 1970 II 3. Council of Deans, September 1969-June 1970 4. Copyright Law/Interface, May 1968 5. Dr. Churchwell – Personal Correspondence 6. Executive Council, August 1970-December 1970 7. Faculty Council, August 1969-February 28, 1970 8. Faculty Rank and Status, March 1970 9. Federal Library Legislation Programs...
Dates: 1964 - 1973

Clinical/Field Experience, 1981 - 1988

 Sub-Group — Box 1; Clinical/Field Experience; 1981-88; 15A-M-3B

Education and Allied Professions; Clinical/Field Experience; 1981-88; Box 1 [15A-M-3B] Contents: 1. Clinical Field Five Year Plan 2. Annual Reports 1985/86-1987/88 3. Budget Information 1981/82-1987/88

Dates: 1981 - 1988

Comptoller (Financial Records)

Abstract Western College; Comptoller (Financial Records); Financial Records, Annual Reports, Equiptment Lists; Box 1 BOX 1 :Contents:Folder 1:* Western College for Women, Oxford , Ohio History with Equipment ListFolder 2: Financial Records, Annual Reports* Balance Sheet as of June 30, 1944 * Schedule Al Inventories * Schedule A2 Common Stock * Common Stocks Continued * Schedule A3 Preferred Stocks * Schedule A4 Bonds * Schedule...
Dates: 1853-1974

Dean / Dean of Men / Dean of Women, 1936 - 2002

 Sub-Group — Multiple Containers
Abstract Student Affairs; Dean/Dean of Men/Dean of Women; Office of the Dean of Women, Student Affairs: Annual Reports; 1936-63; Box 1 [8A-C-4A] Files: 1. 1936-37 a. Dean of Women b. Hepburn Hall c. Oxford College d. The Pines e. West Hall 2. 1937-38 a. East Hall b. Hepburn Hall [Partial] c. Oxford College d. Walker House e. West Hall 3. 1938-39 a. Dean of Women b. East Hall c. Hepburn Hall d. Oxford College e. West Hall 4. 1939-40 a. Dean of Women b. East...
Dates: 1936 - 2002

Demske, Edward. J., 1982 - 1999

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Abstract Finance and Business Affairs; Edward J. Demske; General Files, A-C; 1982-83; Box 1 [12A-G-2B] Files: 1.Chrono August-October 1982 2.Chrono November-December 1982 3.Chrono January-February 1983 4.Chrono March-April 1983 5.Chrono May-June 1983 6.Cheverolet File 7.Academic Adm. Seminary 8.Academic Affairs 9.Accounting 10.Admissions Office 11.Affirmative Action 12.Applicants 13.Applied Science 14.Artist Series 15.Athletic Advisory Board ...
Dates: 1982 - 1999

Department of Housing, Dining, and Guest Services Department Archive, 1809 - 2010

 Sub-Group — Multiple Containers
Finance and Business; Boarding, Housing, Residence; Department of Housing, Dining, and Guest Services Department Archive; History and Regalia; 1945-2010; Box 1 [12A-L-1A] Contents:Folders:1. Newspaper Clippings 2001-2010 2. Newspaper Clippings from 1990s 3. Newspaper Clippings from 1980s 4. Newspaper Clippings from 1970s 5. Miami Publications - Momentos, Miamian, etc. 6. Historical Value Sheets 1948-1998, assorted 7. Deli Line Creation and Implementation 1985-1987 8. History - Booklets and Dining Hall Guides 9. Building Histories: Shriver, Marcum, and Miami Inn 10. Resident and Dining Hall Retirement PhotosRegalia...
Dates: 1809 - 2010

Director/Dean, 1910 - 1989

 Sub-Group — Multiple Containers
Abstract University Libraries; Director/Dean; Samuel J. Brandenburg: Director's Files; 1910-18; Box 1 [SWORD] Not Indexed When searching for this box in Sierra use UL UL3 Barcode 814880706 i26160614 Barcode 35054014305987University Libraries; Director/Dean; E. W. King [1922-56], L. S. Dutton [1956-69]: Financial-Library Re-Organization; 1922-69; Box 1 [10A-F-5A] Not IndexedUniversity Libraries; Director/Dean; E. W. King [1922-56], L. S. Dutton [1956-69]: Reports, Annual and...
Dates: 1910 - 1989

Educational Administration, 1969 - 1972

 Sub-Group — Multiple Containers
Abstract Education and Allied Professions; Educational Administration; Collective Negotiation and the Law: Report of the 1969 School Law and Collective Negotiations Combined Conference; 1969 [1A-E-Shelf 5] LB2842.2 .M53x Reference SectionEducation and Allied Professions; Educational Administration; Graduate Studies in the Department of Educational Administration; 1972 [1A-E-Shelf 5] Call Number LD3241. M5he Reference Section!Education and Allied Professions; Educational Administration;...
Dates: 1969 - 1972

Faculty, 1975 - 1998

 Sub-Group — Multiple Containers
Abstract Interdisciplinary Studies; Faculty; Western College of Miami University: Faculty Meeting Minutes; 1975-76; Box 1 [16A-L-2C] Files 1. 1975-76 2. 1976Interdisciplinary Studies; Faculty; Annual Report of Professional Activities/Salary Discussions; 1980-86; Box 1 [16A-I-4A] Contents: 1. Annual Reports of Professional Activities- Salary Discussions 1980-1981 2. Annual Reports of Professional Activities- Salary Discussions 1981-1982 3. Annual Reports of Professional Activities- Salary...
Dates: 1975 - 1998

Faculty Assembly, 1953 - 1989

 Sub-Group — Box 1; Faculty Assembly Materials, 1953-87, 9A-K-1A

Collection of materials pertaining to the Faculty Assembly.

Dates: 1953 - 1989