Subject Source: Local sources
Found in 4 Collections and/or Records:
Erodelphian Society, 1823 - 1913
Sub-Group — Multiple Containers
Student Life; Erodelphian Society; Erodelphian Society Addresses [Bound]; 1831-56 [1A-E-4A]
1. A Catalogue of the Honorary and Ordinary Members of the Erodelphian Society of Miami University, with a List of the Books Belonging to the Society's Library (1835)
2. Caldwell, William B. Address Delivered Before the Graduates of the Erodelphian Society, of the Miami University, at Its Fourteenth Anniversary (1839)
3. Coke, Richard Henry. An Address Delivered Before the Graduates of...
1823 - 1913
Finance and Business (also Affairs)
Record Group
Identifier: 010-FAB-2016100601
Goggin, Lloyd, 1933 - 1982
Collection — Multiple Containers
Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Financial Files; 1933-56; Box 1 [SWORD]
Not Indexed
[Includes Education Budgets; also includes Correspondence of W.D. Roudebush and Minutes of the Board of Trustees]
When searching for this box in Sierra:
FB183 Barcode 825170307 i41137000 Barcode 35054027310560Finance and Business; Lloyd Goggin; Financial Files: Flight Operator Tickets - Queen City Flying Service, Inc.; 1941-50; Box 2 [18A-I-5B]Files:
1. First Quarter Statements...
1933 - 1982
Treasurer, 1836 - 1966
Collection — Multiple Containers
Finance and Business; Treasurer; Correspondence and Files; 1944-61; Box 1 [11A-B-2A]
1. State and Rotary and Statutory Funds in Ohio (1961)
2. Annual Report of the Treasurer of the State of Ohio (1959-1960)
3. Planning a Retirement Syste,s
4. Selected Books for the College and University Administrator
5. A+B
6. Legislature Commission
7. A Proposal of Group Major Medical Expense Benefits (1956)
8. Approp
9. Athletic Monthly Reports
10. Home...
1836 - 1966